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Your Better Balance Lab

Your Better Balance Lab

By alanahamelin

This podcast is about setting you up for success! It’s about providing YOU with so many nourishing and supportive self-care tools for you to experience in this moment and on your lifelong journey. Please listen to any or all of the episodes that resonate with you. Remember, it’s not about being perfect but taking one step closer to feeling better and living the best version of YOU 🙏🏼
Currently playing episode

Bruegger’s Postural Relief Exercise

Your Better Balance LabAug 22, 2023

Take a moment to breathe…

Take a moment to breathe…

In this episode, we’ll be diving into the incredible benefits of diaphragmatic breathing and how it can positively impact your NERVOUS SYSTEM & your wellbeing. We will explore the physiological aspects of full breathing, as well as take a few moments to breathe fully - at the beginning and end of this episode :) Relax and enjoy this episode on such an incredible muscle: your diaphragm!
Aug 24, 202306:55
Bruegger’s Postural Relief Exercise

Bruegger’s Postural Relief Exercise

Happy Monday or whatever day it is for you! This is a fantastic postural exercise that can be performed anywhere and for any length of time! The most important take aways - is to lift up through your chest without arching your lower back and gentle tuck in your chin if needed (so that your neck isn’t craning forward). If you are seated, ensure you’re sitting on you SITS bones, so that your spine can stack nicely on top of your sacrum… Enjoy and don’t forget to breathe 🫶
Aug 22, 202309:24
Yoga Nidra: Grounding Yourself

Yoga Nidra: Grounding Yourself

Yoga Nidra, often referred to as "yogic sleep," is a state of conscious relaxation that brings profound benefits to both the body and mind. In this episode, we'll briefly discuss the benefits of Yoga Nidra, and explain how it can be a valuable self-care tool in grounding ourselves, helping us managing stress and promoting well-being as we move into our weekend and upcoming week!

In this episode, it’s my intention to guide yo a deeply relaxing Yoga Nidra session 🙏🏼🧘🌳☀️🌱 😴
Aug 18, 202312:39
Guided Meditation 🧘

Guided Meditation 🧘

A guided mediation for all levels!
Aug 10, 202313:30
Your breath is a self care tool!

Your breath is a self care tool!

Please join us in our very first episode! Here I will uncover how one of the most powerful self care tools is your breath. We will practice full (diaphragm) breathing. These nourishing breaths and supportive words will hopefully add to your very own self care bucket. I hope you love how much better you will feel after taking a few minutes for yourself. And I hope you’ll feel encouraged to take this with you throughout your day and lifelong journey. Remember it’s not about being perfect, but taking one step closer to feeling better NOW 🙏🏼💕
Aug 10, 202306:08