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The Belonging Factor | Stories and Lessons in Post-2020, High-Performing, People-First Leadership

The Belonging Factor | Stories and Lessons in Post-2020, High-Performing, People-First Leadership

By Devin Halliday

If you already know the only shortcut to success is how quickly a person learns there are no 'shortcuts' to success, you've come to the right place.

We're in a post-2020 workforce transformation. More than anytime before, a monumental shift is occurring that will forever change the way we define effective leadership. If that matters to you, give a listen, and add us as a favorite.

Each episode is packed with stories, insights, failures, successes, and most importantly, solutions to the most frequently encountered challenges facing the post-2020 workplace.
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20 Carolyn Swora - Workplace Culture Architect and Author of Rules of Engagement

The Belonging Factor | Stories and Lessons in Post-2020, High-Performing, People-First LeadershipAug 14, 2019

38 MEN AS ALLIES FOR WOMEN: An Introduction

38 MEN AS ALLIES FOR WOMEN: An Introduction

Episode 38 of The Belonging Factor Podcast is an introduction to the world of men as allies for women, and the first episode to be featured on YouTube


To learn more about gender equity, and the role of men as allies for women, check out this resource.


The touchstone for successful gender ally development is this: a man is an ally when a woman says he is. Allies listen, co-create opportunity, and build a personal brand for accountability and trust. For us men, we aren’t allies to women because we aspire to be, or because we say we are. We’re allies only when specific women are willing to say to us and others: “Here’s an example of how you are collaborating with me, supporting me, making and keeping promises,... If that sounds more advanced than where you're at today, this episode is for you!




Answer via web/text HERE.

Mar 03, 202116:37
37 CHALLENGE QUESTION: Belonging and Family, A Question to Consider

37 CHALLENGE QUESTION: Belonging and Family, A Question to Consider

Episode 37 of The Belonging Factor Podcast is the first episode to be featured on YouTube, and the first episode to feature The Belonging Factor Podcast "Challenge Question(s)." This marks an exciting turn in the direction of the podcast, as you are now at the center of everything we do here. Your answers... your questions... your comments... your sense of belonging... that's why we're here.

As promised, you are able to interact with the show in two main ways. Please check the links below to engage in whatever manner is most comfortable for you (voice message or web/text).



Answer via web/text HERE.

Feb 22, 202105:09
36 BELONGING FACTOR PODCAST RE-LAUNCH: Navigating Belonging in a Post-2020 Workplace

36 BELONGING FACTOR PODCAST RE-LAUNCH: Navigating Belonging in a Post-2020 Workplace

subscribe. share. connect. 

Feb 22, 202106:10
35 J.E. Rome - Surviving Trauma, Mental Health, and Poetic Word Slaughter

35 J.E. Rome - Surviving Trauma, Mental Health, and Poetic Word Slaughter

Can toxic family secrets ever be forgiven or forgotten? J.E. Rome’s raw, visceral poetry is a personal and chronological journey through the hell of growing up in a dysfunctional family where when bad things happen, there’s no one to blame but yourself. Rome faces the skeletons in the closet head-on: from childhood trauma, abuse, and parental neglect to the soul-ravaging effects of poverty and addiction.  Graphic and hard-hitting, this unforgettable memoir, structured as a collection of poems, takes you through the darkest places of the human heart to the light of hope and truth.

J.E. ROME shares the power of acknowledging and destroying the demons of trauma through writing, sharing, forgiving, and self-care. Learn more at

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places, and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.


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May 25, 202020:02
34 Dr. Victoria Mattingly - Allyship Expert & All Around Terrific Human

34 Dr. Victoria Mattingly - Allyship Expert & All Around Terrific Human

Founder and CEO of Mattingly Solutions, Dr. Victoria Mattingly, earned her PhD in organizational psychology. Her academic training and industry experience focused on the research and implementation of workplace interventions that result in happier employees, better leaders, healthier company cultures, and a more inclusive and equitable workforce.  Dr. Mattingly has developed inclusive workplace behaviors (e.g., emotional intelligence & empathy) among tech leaders and software developers at companies such as Amazon, Intel, and American Eagle Outfitters.

In this episode, we tackle COVID-19, Allyship, bringing your intention and authenticity to work, and being better humans.

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places, and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.


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May 25, 202053:07
33 Bernadette Smith - Founder & President at Equality Institute

33 Bernadette Smith - Founder & President at Equality Institute

In this episode, Bernadette Smith shares how a proactive approach to inclusion and equality at the front line can bring measurable financial benefits. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

Bernadette's Story (learn more at and

Bernadette Smith is the founder and president of Equality Institute and award-winning author of three books.

In 2004, Bernadette started 14 Stories, an award-winning wedding planning firm with an LGBTQ specialty. Her vision was to disrupt the heteronormative wedding industry with a vision of inclusion of all couples. Several years later, she took this passion and started to share her expertise with her peers in the global wedding and travel industry. Her business naturally evolved as she received questions on LGBTQ concerns for the front desk, concierge and other front line staff. Bernadette has since expanded her training offerings and now consults with finance, airlines, insurance, health care, and many other industries. Bernadette and her colleagues have consulted with and trained thousands of people from more than 24 countries on LGBTQ issues.

Clients have included Alaska Airlines, Grant Thornton, Hard Rock, MGM Resorts, Melia Hotels, Marriott Hotels, and Ritz-Carlton brands. She has spoken at conferences such as the World Education Congress, Catersource, the LGBTQ Marketing & Advertising Symposium, and many other events.

Bernadette's expertise has been sought after by the Today Show, National Public Radio and the New York Times, among many others. In 2018 and 2019, she was named one of Crain Chicago Business’s Notable LGBTQ Executives.

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places, and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.


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Apr 17, 202051:02
32 Leading to Learn with Devin Halliday

32 Leading to Learn with Devin Halliday

In this monologue episode, learn how to lead with the type of curiosity that disarms, informs, inspires and builds trust. 

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places, and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.


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Feb 26, 202022:46
31 Devin Halliday: Slacktivism, Keyboard Activism & Overcoming Divisiveness

31 Devin Halliday: Slacktivism, Keyboard Activism & Overcoming Divisiveness

In this monologue episode, Devin explores the phenomena of keyboard activism, the role it plays in divisiveness, and what you can do to help overcome it. He shares a personal story of his own recent experiences, and offers suggestions you can use today to make a difference.

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places, and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.


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Feb 12, 202029:30
30 Julie Kratz: On Allyship, Belonging, Biases, and Creating Your Path

30 Julie Kratz: On Allyship, Belonging, Biases, and Creating Your Path

Julie Kratz is a highly-acclaimed leadership trainer who led teams and produced results in corporate America. After experiencing her own career “pivot point,” she developed a process for women leaders to build winning plans. Promoting gender equality in the workplace, Julie is a frequent keynote speaker and executive coach. She holds an MBA from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, is a Certified Master Coach, and is a certified unconscious bias trainer. Her books include Pivot Point: How to Build a Winning Career Game Plan and ONE: How Male Allies Support Women for Gender Equality. Meet Julie and watch her speaker reel here!


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About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places, and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Feb 05, 202053:26
29 Trisha Lewis: Overcome Your Fears & Bring Out Your True Self

29 Trisha Lewis: Overcome Your Fears & Bring Out Your True Self

Wherever you are on your life journey - there is always more to learn. Trisha works with growth-mindset clients. You might be in the 'C-Suite' or just starting up your own business.  Trisha works with you as an individual.

You might feel confident in most areas and then fall into a self-doubt pit when it comes to one thing - public speaking, networking, talking to strangers, doing videos...  Trisha works with very capable people.

Her journey has taught her that being real is not just a good feeling - it is a core ingredient of you having a real impact.

Connect with Trisha at


To comment or connect, visit or email

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places, and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Feb 05, 202054:34
28 Judith Germain: The Professional Maverick

28 Judith Germain: The Professional Maverick

Judith Germain is the Founder of The Maverick Paradox and has been defining Mavericks as wilfully independent people since 2005. She enjoys working with mavericks and helping organizations develop their leadership cadre. Judith believes that life is a wonderful game and maverick behavior when harnessed has the power to change the world into a better place. She is the author of The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders and the podcast host of The Maverick Paradox Podcast. To find out more about mavericks head over to To learn more about mavericks at work head over to


To comment or connect, visit or email

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places, and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Feb 05, 202058:21
27 Frank Zummo: Drummer of SUM 41 and Entrepreneur

27 Frank Zummo: Drummer of SUM 41 and Entrepreneur

Frank Zummo is the drummer of SUM 41. He's played with Motley Crüe and a slew of other projects over his career in music. His mission is to create an environment of belonging within bands, in the studio, and with fans. For all of his success, he is as humble as it gets. Frank founded and helms the incredibly popular Street Drum Corps. He shares his experiences and insights on what it means to be a good human, great leader, and champion for belonging.


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About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places, and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Dec 10, 201936:19
26 Kristin Swarcheck: Executive Coach & Strategic Consultant

26 Kristin Swarcheck: Executive Coach & Strategic Consultant

Kristin Swarcheck helps leaders BLAZE their most powerful trail by unleashing their "whole" selves and igniting their authentic self and spirit. Our spirit governs all areas of life - including your business - and the leaders who are ready to thrive are willing to activate this sixth sense. With over 15 years' experience assisting senior executives in the execution of their strategic plans and organizational development initiatives, she has had an exciting career of high impact performance consulting. 

Through her Executive Coaching endeavors, Kristin has helped leaders to tap into their all-knowing source (their spirit) and take flight in their lives and careers. She has walked hundreds of leaders through a powerful, inside-out transformation process that unveils their most powerful expression of themselves. Her own personal journey to become mindful included 2 years of extensive research on the topic of what it takes to lead authentically and from one's "whole" self. This is powerful stuff and it's no coincidence that you are here. Lean into the magic.


To comment or connect, visit or email

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places, and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Dec 10, 201949:51
25 Stefanie Krievins: Pro Troublemaker & Fixer of Hot Messes for GenX Leaders

25 Stefanie Krievins: Pro Troublemaker & Fixer of Hot Messes for GenX Leaders

Stefanie Krievins focuses her work on cultures that love their people, want them to stay, and want them to keep being awesome. If she can help you retain your best people (and that might even be you!) or solve a sticky business problem, that’s a win for everyone. We’re much more likely to make a big impact on this world when we work with heart.

After years of grinding in the workforce, she found her calling. Now, Stefanie gets to live her mission every day: Supporting individuals and organizations so they can get past their own “stuck and stalled” places and start innovating and growing again.



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About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places, and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Nov 25, 201931:03
24 Julie Ann Sullivan - The Queen of Culture

24 Julie Ann Sullivan - The Queen of Culture

Julie Ann Sullivan, The Queen of Culture, works with companies to catapult their success through improved communication, creativity and compassion. The result is accelerated business growth.

Julie Ann is an international best-selling author. In the 2018 release of her book, Blueprint for Employee Engagement, 37 Essential Elements to Influence, Innovate and Inspire, she created a roadmap for the complex journey to create the best place to work. Her newest book, Catalysts of Culture – How Visionary Leaders Activate the Employee Experience, is based on her extensive research, experience and interviews on her podcast, Businesses that Care.



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About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places, and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Nov 19, 201946:05
How to Make a Meaningful Difference in Post 9/11 Society & Culture

How to Make a Meaningful Difference in Post 9/11 Society & Culture

No fancy intros. No advertisers. No interviews. Only a deep talk about the impacts evident on our society and culture, post 9/11/01–and the meaningful difference you can make to shape a more trusting, connected, and accepting society.

Also, no plugs here for my book, website, or speaking. If interested, please view the show notes for a different episode to obtain those details.

Thank you for listening.

Sep 11, 201920:10
23 Lauren Aguilar, Ph.D. Belonging and Connecting the Head and the Heart

23 Lauren Aguilar, Ph.D. Belonging and Connecting the Head and the Heart

Lauren Aguilar, PhD is a leading expert on diversity and inclusion. Lauren specializes in translating the science of diversity into actionable strategies that organizations and teams can use to foster more diverse and inclusive workplaces. She partners with innovative companies like Airbnb, Clif Bar, and eBay.
Lauren’s superpower is using a data-driven—yet human centered—approach to diversity and inclusion. Her research on diversity, team dynamics, belonging, and communication has been published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Physics Today, Gender News, Symmetry Magazine, the Encyclopedia of Human Relationships, and the Journal of Personality. 
As a thought leader, she has been featured in Fast Company, Yahoo, HRCI, Top Employer, ZDnet, Popsugar, the Women in Science Forum. She was named a “40 Under 40” by San Francisco Business Times, “Top Diversity Influencer” by Culture Amp and a “Distinguished Emerging Global Leader” by Womensphere.
Lauren has presented her research at many conferences around the world, and has taught courses on diversity at Stanford University and Columbia University. Prior to Forshay, she was a partner at a boutique diversity consulting firm, a research scientist and co-director of a diversity fellowship/mentorship program at Stanford University. Lauren earned her PhD in social psychology at Columbia University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Clayman Institute for Gender Research and the Department of Psychology at Stanford University.



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About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Sep 04, 201901:17:39
22 Rhodes Perry - Workplace Culture Consultant and Author of Belonging at Work

22 Rhodes Perry - Workplace Culture Consultant and Author of Belonging at Work

Rhodes Perry is an award winning social entrepreneur, sought after speaker, and a nationally recognized LGBTQ thought leader. Media outlets like The Wall Street Journal, The Associated Press, and The Huffington Post have featured his powerful work as a diversity, equity, and inclusion expert. He is the founder and CEO of Rhodes Perry Consulting (RPC), a firm established to support leaders, change agents, and visionaries in corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies cultivate workplace cultures of belonging. Rhodes is also the host and creator of the popular podcast, The Out Entrepreneur, a weekly podcast that amplifies the power of LGBTQ business owners from around the globe. Through his entrepreneurial pursuits, he leverages his belief in the power of bringing authenticity into the workplace.

His book, Belonging at Work, empowers business leaders, change agents, visionaries, and those on their way to joining them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to build inclusive organizations.



To comment or connect, visit or email

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Aug 28, 201901:09:07
21 Jennifer Brown - CEO, Author, Speaker, Diversity & Inclusion Consultant

21 Jennifer Brown - CEO, Author, Speaker, Diversity & Inclusion Consultant

Jennifer Brown is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, diversity and inclusion consultant, and author. As the successful founder, president, and CEO of Jennifer Brown Consulting, headquartered in New York City, Jennifer is responsible for designing workplace strategies that have been implemented by some of the biggest companies and nonprofits in the world. She has harnessed more than 14 years of experience as a world-renowned diversity and inclusion expert through consulting work, keynoting and thought leadership.

Her latest book, How to Be an Inclusive Leader: Your Role in Creating Cultures of Belonging Where Everyone Can Thrive, is a simple, accessible and intuitive guide to becoming a more inclusive leader and provides a step-by-step guide for anyone ready to do their part at work.

It guides readers through the Inclusive Leader Continuum – a four step journey that codifies developmental stages (unaware, aware, active, and advocate) for all leaders who want to take on the task of creating an inclusive space.

visit: and to learn more. FREE BOOK PREVIEW HERE!



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About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Aug 20, 201901:01:01
20 Carolyn Swora - Workplace Culture Architect and Author of Rules of Engagement

20 Carolyn Swora - Workplace Culture Architect and Author of Rules of Engagement

Carolyn Swora, principal and founder of Pinnacle Culture, spent 20 years in the trenches as a senior leader in the highly competitive environment of a global pharmaceuticals company. 

Rotating through roles in sales, marketing, supply chain, and customer service, she took underperforming teams and transformed them into high performers. Along the way, she gained an in-depth understanding of what it takes for people to flourish in their role, and how leaders can tap into that to inspire their people to do their best work.

Find out more at or

Click here to explore Carolyn's book, Rules of Engagement


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About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Aug 14, 201901:10:02
19 - Karen Catlin, Author: Better Allies

19 - Karen Catlin, Author: Better Allies

Karen Catlin is a leadership coach, keynote speaker, author, and passionate advocate for inclusion in the workplace. After spending twenty-five years building software products and serving as a vice president of engineering at Macromedia and Adobe, she witnessed a sharp decline in the number of women working in tech. Frustrated but galvanized, she knew it was time to switch gears.

Today, Karen coaches women to be stronger leaders and men to be better allies. Her client roster includes Airbnb, DoorDash, eBay, and Intuit, as well as entrepreneurs and individuals. Karen’s coaching offerings include tactics for increasing visibility, being more strategic, managing stakeholders, negotiation, and cultivating ally skills. Her writing on these and related topics has appeared in Inc., theDaily BeastFast Company, and the Muse, and she’s consulted on articles for the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and the New York Times. To help more people cultivate ally skills, she wrote Better Allies: Everyday Actions to Create Inclusive, Engaging Workplaces.

A self-professed public speaking geek, Karen is a highly sought-after and engaging presenter who has delivered talks at more than a hundred conferences and corporate events. She speaks on a variety of topics, including inclusive workplaces and women in leadership. Her TEDx talk, Women in Tech: The Missing Force, explores the decline in gender diversity in tech, why it’s a problem, and what can be done about it. 



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About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Aug 07, 201901:07:11
18 - Tattooed, Bald and Overweight: An Exercise in Authenticity!

18 - Tattooed, Bald and Overweight: An Exercise in Authenticity!


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If you'd like to support the show, we sure would appreciate it. You can do so here.

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Jul 31, 201930:49
17 - Joanne Lockwood: Transgender Awareness & Inclusion Specialist

17 - Joanne Lockwood: Transgender Awareness & Inclusion Specialist

Joanne is a Diversity & Inclusion Consultant who specializes in Transgender Awareness and support to businesses and organizations throughout the UK, Europe and elsewhere. 

She is an International Keynote Conference speaker that delivers workshops and seminars, and works with organizations to develop policy & best practices to be more inclusive for all people. 

She is a member of The Institute of Equality & Diversity Professionals, The Rotary Club, Toastmasters International, The Professional Speakers Association and as a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, she believes passionately that “people are people” and, no matter who they are, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. 

Joanne lives by the mantra of “Smile, Engage and Educate” in order to promote awareness and understanding to overcome people’s fear of getting it wrong!



To comment or connect, visit or email

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Jul 24, 201901:03:25
16 - An Interview with Bobby Herrera, CEO of Populus Group, Author: The Gift of Struggle

16 - An Interview with Bobby Herrera, CEO of Populus Group, Author: The Gift of Struggle

Bobby believes that everyone deserves an opportunity to succeed and is an unwavering champion for the underdog. He’s cofounder and CEO of Populus Group—one of the fastest-growing HR services companies in the United States with annual revenue of $500 million and many Fortune 100 customers. As one of thirteen children in a migrant family he learned the value of hard work, rising early and putting in long hours in the fields. After high school, boot camp became his ticket of opportunity.  He serves on national community organization boards and is a regular speaker at corporations and service groups. He is a proud Army veteran.  Bobby is most proud of his family—his wife Roslyn and their three children Santino, Griffith, and Sofia live in Portland, Oregon.







To comment or connect, visit or email

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Jul 17, 201901:07:17
15 - An Interview with Andrea Flack-Wetherald: Owner &Beyond

15 - An Interview with Andrea Flack-Wetherald: Owner &Beyond

Sometimes life throws you some pretty crazy curveballs. How do you prepare to deal with them, so when they come, they don't take you out of the game? If you're like most, you're always looking for new ways to turn curveballs into home runs. LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE!

Andrea Flack-Wetherald, owner of &Beyond ( shares innovative approaches to connecting, communicating and producing results in the current work landscape. Her background in both social work and improvisational comedy add a unique flair to the interview. GIVE IT A LISTEN!

FREE RESOURCE: Andrea has been gracious enough to share this great resource with the Belonging Factor podcast audience. Download The Improv Guide to Self Advocacy at Work now! 

To comment or connect, visit or email

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Jul 10, 201901:12:28
14 - An Interview with Crystyl Swanson: CE0 & Founder RENGA

14 - An Interview with Crystyl Swanson: CE0 & Founder RENGA

The combination of behavioral analytics and good ol' fashioned human decency allow people to better understand and interact with one another, particularly around aligning values and actions. It's about building revolutionary engagement. This belief is the fundamental starting point of the conversation with this week's guest, Crystyl Swanson.

A former corporate executive, turned business owner, Crystal Swanson is a champion for the power of people to deliver results. As CEO and Founder of RENGA (, she is on a mission to revolutionize the way teams, brands and organizations engage.

FREE TOOLS: As Crystal mentioned in the show, check out this resource for some amazing free tools to help you on your quest to inspire loyalty, build community and grow profits.

To comment or connect, visit or email

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs ( if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Jul 02, 201952:43
13 - An Interview with Natalie Oliverio: Founder & CEO Military Talent Partners

13 - An Interview with Natalie Oliverio: Founder & CEO Military Talent Partners

Are you a hiring manager, talent acquisition partner or leader? Do you want to better understand how to build a sense of belonging and inclusion for veterans? Are you a veteran or transitioning service member looking for your next move? This episode is for you! 

The Belonging Factor podcast caught up with Natalie Oliverio, veteran and Founder & CEO - Military Talent Partners ( 

To comment or connect, visit or email

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Check out Serendipity Labs at if you want to experience the most amazing office and co-working space I've ever seen!

Jun 26, 201950:30
12 - Your 12 Year-old Self Would Think This is Pretty Rad!

12 - Your 12 Year-old Self Would Think This is Pretty Rad!

Sometimes going deeper is just what the situation calls for. In this episode, we revisit a concept shared by Mike Ciprari (Co-Founder SJC Drums), who we interviewed in Episode 7 of the Belonging Factor Podcast. Mike mentioned gut checking his decisions against the 12 year-old version of himself. It's a pretty innovative way to evaluate decisions that affect others. Listen in and explore it with us!
To comment or connect, visit or email
If you'd like to support the show, we sure would appreciate it. You can do so here.
About the host: (,
Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.
After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.
As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.
Jun 19, 201922:17
SPECIAL 03 - An Interview with Karen Walker: Change and Transformation Expert

SPECIAL 03 - An Interview with Karen Walker: Change and Transformation Expert

Karen Walker, of Karen Walker Consulting is a LinkedIn Top Voice of 2018 and an expert in building cultures that connect people to processes and results. She shares insights from her experiences in organizations of all sizes and capabilities. Born and raised in Australia, Karen developed her passion for culture and people while living in New Zealand. 

To comment or connect, visit or email

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Jun 14, 201901:00:17
11 - Why Open Floor-plans and Productivity Apps Might Be Screwing Your Bottom Line!

11 - Why Open Floor-plans and Productivity Apps Might Be Screwing Your Bottom Line!

While open floor plans and productivity apps may have reduced the number of emails sent, they haven't helped build effective communication, collaboration and a sense of belonging. In fact, in many cases they've hurt your bottom line, lowered productivity and pissed-off employees. Ready to take an honest look at this topic? Take a listen!

SOURCES DISCUSSED IN PODCAST: Vox Article on productivity app problems. Inc. Article on open floor-plans crushing productivity.

To comment or connect, visit or email

If you'd like to support the show, we sure would appreciate it. You can do so here.

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Jun 12, 201937:27
SPECIAL 02 - LinkedIn Local with Amy Lohr & Stephen Harroun

SPECIAL 02 - LinkedIn Local with Amy Lohr & Stephen Harroun

Talk about a packed episode with a ton of useful content! This wide-ranging interview with Amy & Stephen from LinkedInLocal Pittsburgh gets deep, fast. Just a short list of topics:

  • Connections are people - take online content offline to have a greater impact
  • Behind every like, comment and share is a person
  • Advice for networking
  • Advice for community building
  • Advice for Business Leaders
  • Advice for Job seekers

If you're interested in connecting with Amy and Stephen, check out their details below.

AMY LOHR, LCSW Coffee Shop Therapist Wellness Consultant

STEVE HARROUN Regional Manager, APCO Signs LinkedInLocal Pittsburgh co-host Twitter & Insta: @APCOSteve  LinkedIn: Stephen Harroun

To comment or connect, visit or email

If you'd like to support the show, we sure would appreciate it. You can do so here.

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Jun 09, 201901:26:33
10 - An Interview with Amy Perkins: Chief Dreaming Officer, Founder - Keys to Courage

10 - An Interview with Amy Perkins: Chief Dreaming Officer, Founder - Keys to Courage

Amy Perkins ( Founder of Keys to Courage, Chief Dreaming Officer, podcast host and all around inspiring human being shares her story of triumph over lack of confidence and feeling like she was stuck somewhere she didn't belong. No topic is off the table in this vulnerable and authentic dive into Amy's world. The result is an inspiring and action oriented set of takeaways. LISTEN. LIKE. SHARE.

You're in for a real treat with this episode. If any one of the following applies, this episode is for you:

  • Feel stuck in a work environment or relationship that just isn't right
  • Don't know what the first step is to make a change you know you need
  • Lack the courage or confidence to take the steps you already identified
  • Have taken control and found your sense of belonging, but want to help others do it as well

To comment or connect, visit or email

If you'd like to support the show, we sure would appreciate it. You can do so here.

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Jun 05, 201949:25
09 - Your Best Employees Quit Your Culture, Not Their Job!

09 - Your Best Employees Quit Your Culture, Not Their Job!

It's no secret that employees quit their boss more often than they quit their job. While sometimes, it is truly the result of having a bad boss, it's more often a result of bad culture too. We dive deeper into the topic of identifying and fixing broken culture, in this episode of the Belonging Factor podcast. 

Connect with us at: or 

About the host: (, Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired. After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.    As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world. 

The Belonging Factor Podcast is proud to partner with Serendipity Labs in Pittsburgh, PA for all live studio interviews. Visit Serendipity Labs today to find flexible Pittsburgh co-working space options to fit your lifestyle including private offices, dedicated desks, team rooms and upscale co-working memberships, along with various spaces for your next meeting or event.

May 29, 201923:27
08 - An Interview with Alan Schaefer: Founder & CEO Banding People Together

08 - An Interview with Alan Schaefer: Founder & CEO Banding People Together

Alan Schaefer, Founder and CEO of Banding People Together ( joins the Belonging Factor podcast, and takes the conversation to an entirely different level. As a professional musician, reformed poor-collaborator and expert in human behavior and team dynamics, Alan pulls back the curtain and gets real. Topics range from cooperation vs. collaboration, to finding your voice and giving others a voice.

Alan has made available the Collaborative Harmony Index at no cost for listeners of the Belonging Factor Podcast. Click the link or type it into your browser.  (

To comment or connect, visit or email

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.   

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

May 22, 201901:00:47
07 - An Interview with Mike Ciprari: Co-Founder SJC Drums (that my 12 year old self would think is pretty rad!)

07 - An Interview with Mike Ciprari: Co-Founder SJC Drums (that my 12 year old self would think is pretty rad!)

If you've ever wondered what it takes to have people falling over themselves to be a customer of yours - not just today, but for life - then you need to give this episode a listen. Mike Ciprari (@mikesjc), the Co-Founder at SJC Drums (@sjcdrums, shares the secrets that have helped him and the team at SJC Drums do just that. As a drummer, and a member of the SJC Family, I've felt first-first hand, the exact emotions and connections that Mike talks about wanting to create in his business - a decision he made when he was 12 years old. That decision was one he had no idea would shape the rest of his life. Take a listen to hear the whole story. 

Connect with us at or email 

About the host: (, 

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired. After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more.    As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

May 14, 201944:34
06 - Yes You Can Drive Results and Be Liked!

06 - Yes You Can Drive Results and Be Liked!

TODAY, WE ANSWER YOUR MOST ASKED QUESTION: Can you drive results and build belonging? The answer is yes!

Listen in for the details... and keep sending your questions. or

If you'd like to support the show, we sure would appreciate it. You can do so here.

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more. 

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

May 08, 201927:51
05 - Busted Clichés & How to Build a Lasting Impression?

05 - Busted Clichés & How to Build a Lasting Impression?

Throw out the old cliche's and start to take your personal value to the next level. Learn how to get where YOU belong! In this episode of TBF podcast, we discuss the "scrapbook" approach to creating lasting impressions with people that will help you level up your career, your community and your personal mission.  

To comment or connect, visit or email 

About the host: (, Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired. After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more. 

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

May 02, 201926:59
04 - Loyal or Long Term: Which is Better?

04 - Loyal or Long Term: Which is Better?

CAUTION: Major Paradigm Shift Ahead!

Do you want to create LOYALTY or LONG-TERM employees? In this episode, we explore that idea, in a truly unique and controversial way.

To comment or connect, visit or email

If you'd like to support the show, we sure would appreciate it. You can do so here.

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more. 

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Apr 24, 201927:49
SPECIAL 01 - My "Why" & How I Came to Believe in Belonging

SPECIAL 01 - My "Why" & How I Came to Believe in Belonging

In this special episode of the Belonging Factor podcast, I answer the most frequently asked question from you. I love reading your emails, especially those that challenge my ideas and beliefs. Thank you all for connecting with TBF. Rather than just reply to those that emailed me this question, I decided to share it with everyone. That question is:

"Devin, what in your background has created such a deep believe in belonging?"

Listen in for the answer.

To comment or connect, visit or email

If you'd like to support the show, we sure would appreciate it. You can do so here.

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more. 

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Apr 22, 201927:01
03 - Should You Fire Your Top Producing Employee?!?!

03 - Should You Fire Your Top Producing Employee?!?!

In this episode of the Belonging Factor podcast, we discuss the importance of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE on CULTURE, and the reasons you may need to fire your top producing employee.

If you'd like to learn more or connect with the Belonging Factor, there are a few ways to do that: or email

If you'd like to support the show, we sure would appreciate it. You can do so here.

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more. 

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Apr 16, 201930:49
02 - An Interview With Darren Webster: Inspirational Leader, Former World-class Athlete

02 - An Interview With Darren Webster: Inspirational Leader, Former World-class Athlete

In this episode, I sit down with one of the most forthright, compassionate, competitive and deliberate leaders I know, Darren Webster. From his humble beginnings as a "kid from Australia", to an award-winning sales and operations leader at one of the world's premier companies, Darren shares the details of one of the most remarkable events in his life.

As a world-class athlete, on his way to representing his country in the olympics, Darren was dealt a crushing blow that changed everything. In this defeat, he learned his truth about winning. Darren discusses the ripple effect this moment had in his life and how it has shaped a purpose driven life of success and belonging.

Check out Darren's article about the experience here.

If you don't already follow Darren on LinkedIn, waste no more time... click here to connect.

And, as always, visit the Belonging Factor website to connect with many more resources!

If you'd like to support the show, we sure would appreciate it. You can do so here.

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more. 

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Apr 09, 201901:04:52
01 - Why Belonging Is What Matters Most

01 - Why Belonging Is What Matters Most


We're living in an age of deficit; a deficit in belonging. It's no secret that we all have a deep desire to belong to something; to be a part of a movement, a group of people or a system of beliefs. This deep need to belong isn't new, and hasn't changed much since the dawn of time. What has changed, at a warp-speed pace, is how we connect with others. 

In this episode, we discuss the idea of building brand belonging, organizational belonging and the importance of finding where you belong. There are four key areas explored:


This podcast is based on the blog of the same name, which you can read here.

As always, we love to hear your feedback, thoughts and show ideas. Feel free to comment, visit us here or email us at!

If you'd like to support the show, we sure would appreciate it. You can do so here.

About the host: (,

Devin Halliday is a Northern California native, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He's explored the people, places and cultures across this beautiful planet. He's been amazed. He's been humbled. He's been outraged. But mostly, he's been inspired.

After nearly twenty years leading people and delivering award-winning results in a Fortune 15 technology company, he started a new and fulfilling chapter. As Founder and Chief Belonging Architect of Rudiment Solutions - A People Empowerment Company, he is able to bring a lifetime's worth of inspiration and influence to those looking to achieve more. 

As the author of the upcoming book "BE/LONG/ING FACTOR" and host of the Belonging Factor Podcast, Devin gets to share his personal mission with the world.

Apr 08, 201934:51
April 7, 2019

April 7, 2019

Apr 07, 201900:51