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BENTO Podcast

BENTO Podcast

By Ben

Hi this is Bento Podcast! A podcast series focusing on daily problems and hot topics surrounding young people of our generation. With exciting guests and intriguing topics, this podcast aims to not only inspire, but also be a place for Millennials to give their voice! Email:; Instagram:
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Rant 1: Money = Happiness?

BENTO PodcastJun 19, 2022

Rant 7: What's Next?

Rant 7: What's Next?

A lot has happened in the past 2 months. Well this episode is me trying to tell you the story of what happened in those 2 months "What's Next."

Mar 08, 202320:02
Rant 6: Weathering The Storm

Rant 6: Weathering The Storm

It's 2023 and it's time for another episode of Bento Podcast! 2022 has not been an easy year, and for many 2023 doesn't seem to promising either. We'll discuss today on how I personally would weather this storm and looking back at what's been going on in the past year.

Jan 01, 202316:53
Rant 5: Taking The Next Step in Life

Rant 5: Taking The Next Step in Life

Taking the next step in life is never easy. Regardless, what it is. For some, it's also not difficult. But what is exactly taking the next step in life? What inspired me to record this episode? Tune in to find out. 

Oct 17, 202217:41
Rant 4: Moving On 101

Rant 4: Moving On 101

Moving on is always hard. No matter who, no matter how. I'm just sharing bits and pieces on how I moved on and my personal experiences with it. Tune in to find out!

Sep 27, 202219:23
Rant 3: Being Average

Rant 3: Being Average

Being average. Is that something wrong? We're always raised and geared towards being successful and making sure that we can reach the top of the world. Maybe, being average has its other meaning? Tune in to find out

Sep 04, 202221:24
Rant 2: Small Town Life

Rant 2: Small Town Life

Remote-work, a concept made popular and possible by COVID. In the past 2 years, moving to a smaller town and away from the big cities while still being able to work in the latest and greatest companies have made it a possibility. So today, we're gonna discuss exactly that, would you want to move to a smaller town?

Aug 07, 202223:07
Rant 1: Money = Happiness?

Rant 1: Money = Happiness?

This is the start of a new series called Rants where I share my honest and spontaneous thoughts as an average joe on some of life's matters and problem. Today I'm sharing about one of life's most popular equation, Money = Happiness, and whether this equation really hits home or if there's something more behind this?

Jun 19, 202223:05
Turning Two (S4)

Turning Two (S4)

Can't believe that Bento Podcast is now 2 years old. This episode is just a heart-to heart talk from me to you guys who have been listening to Bento Podcast for 2 years!. Here's hoping for another year of podcasting!

May 02, 202230:35
The Sandwich Generation (S4)

The Sandwich Generation (S4)

Today we talk about The Sandwich Generation, a word used to term individuals having to provide for 2 different generations of their families. Why is this a thing? Well, tune in to find out!

Apr 02, 202219:32
When I'm Thirty (S4)

When I'm Thirty (S4)

Ever wondered what you would ask yourself from the future? Imagine what they have gone through and well...we'll have to go through those things soon ourselves. Well this is a letter to future me and also I've included some messages from YOU the listeners for future you as well. 

Feb 20, 202222:53
Resolution 101 (S4)

Resolution 101 (S4)

Resolutions are always part of a new years tradition and yet less and less people care about it. Question is not why people are less interested, but how can we make resolutions be more effective and actually means something. Tune in to listen and wishing you all a happy new year!

Jan 01, 202218:23
NO! (S4)

NO! (S4)

One of the most random episodes in Bento Podcast history. One day it got to me that the word NO! is quite powerful. It can either save your ass or doom you for good. So let's talk about it.

Nov 27, 202116:17
Life's Finish Line (S4)

Life's Finish Line (S4)

Life's finish line..for most we'll think that death is life's finish line, but what about a finish line before death? Is there ever an end to what we do? Are we seeing our lives as a race to the point it needs a finish line? What exactly is life's finish line? Tune in to hear our discussion!

Nov 06, 202117:02
A Letter to 5-Year Old Me (S4)

A Letter to 5-Year Old Me (S4)

Ever wonder if you could write a letter to 5-year old you? All the experiences you had to go through, bad or good, don't you ever wish you could tell all about this to a younger version of you so they could deal with it better than we did? We all went through rough ups and downs in our lives that makes us who we are today. By writing a letter to a younger us it helps us realize how far we've gone in life. The question now is.. what would you write?

Oct 02, 202119:06
Mind Over Matter (S4)

Mind Over Matter (S4)

A very special episode this week as i get to sit and talk with Dr. Emanuele Gatti. Many of our listeners are passionate about mental health and what better way to make an episode about it with perspectives from Dr Gatti himself. We discuss about the state of mental health today specially among young people, how young people should try and seek professional help and overall how we can play our part in the community to normalize mental health care. If you are interested in contacting Dr Gatti feel free to email him at:

Sep 12, 202101:06:11
Journey Back Home (S4)

Journey Back Home (S4)

This time we got a special guest on the show! Nathan Faber used to work as an International Affairs Coordinator in my graduate school and now that he's back in his home in America, I got to sit down with Nathan to talk about his journey from coming to China and back to America. 

Aug 20, 202155:25
Me Vs The World (S4)

Me Vs The World (S4)

Ever felt that you want to stand out, be different, but in the end that just never happened since you're afraid of what society thinks of you. Today we discuss about being different, standing out in society and why we should try to stand out.

Aug 13, 202116:58
Why I Create (S4)

Why I Create (S4)

Being a content creator entails a lot of things. Some might say the fame and fortune, while some other might say the judgement and the social pressure of being "perfect". Today our guest, Felicia Huang an up-and coming content creator shares with us her journey and hurdles that she had to go through to become a content creator. You can check out her content through her Instagram @feliciahuang98

Jul 30, 202153:37
Dealing With Hate (S4)

Dealing With Hate (S4)

Hate. The one thing that has been on the rise lately. Especially in social media where virtually everyone is granted anonymity which emboldened them to spout out hatefulness without receiving the consequences that they should have. The question now is, how do we deal with it?

Jul 16, 202117:38
Facing Uncertainty Forever? (S4)

Facing Uncertainty Forever? (S4)

Recent upsurge of Covid had made me think, nothing in this world is ever certain. Pre-covid we're used to having a routine, a consistency in our lives, all that is mostly gone now due to the situation we're facing in. Now it's hard to predict what new routine or consistency can we expect out of live today. Listen in to the discussion!

Jul 02, 202116:58
Was It Worth It? (S4)

Was It Worth It? (S4)

This episode I simply wanted to share my experience pursuing my Masters degree online. As many young people these days are thinking of whether or not taking an online degree is worth it these days. Well I help in simply breaking it down for you.

Jun 18, 202131:00
Age of Political Correctness (S4)

Age of Political Correctness (S4)

Being honest and being correct. Which one is more important? These days, most would argue that the latter would be the best option. This episode we discuss about how being politically correct actually takes freedom away from us.

Jun 04, 202118:32
Dealing With Cancel Culture (S4)

Dealing With Cancel Culture (S4)

Cancelling people has seem to become the new phenomenon in society as of late. The term "People Power" would often come into mind when we talk about cancel culture. Although, the question is do you agree with cancel culture? Tune in for our discussion!

May 21, 202115:28
Toxic Positivity (S4)

Toxic Positivity (S4)

"I've been through worse, cheer up!" Sounds familiar? Looks like you just got a taste of toxic positivity. We sometimes tend to think that staying positive is always the right way to go, yet we forget that acknowledging negative emotions in our lives do have its benefit as well. Tune in to listen to our discussion on toxic positivity

May 07, 202115:31
A Year On The A1R (S3)

A Year On The A1R (S3)

BENTO Podcast is officially 1-year old today! This episode Toto is back with us this episode as a guest host and I'm the guest for once. This episode is basically describing the journey of BENTO Podcast for a whole year.  The ups and downs, but most importantly what its like to be a podcaster. Thank you very much to all of our listeners, this episode is for all of you and here's to another year for BENTO Podcast!

May 01, 202153:16
Normalizing Failure (S3)

Normalizing Failure (S3)

Failure deserves more credit? We've been trained to think that failure is something to avoid at all cost. So when we face failure, we feel that failure is a shame or a low point to which we should fight against. But what if we actually normalize it and embrace it as a normal part of life? Tune in to find out

Apr 17, 202130:13
A Generation Of Home Renters? (S3)

A Generation Of Home Renters? (S3)

Buying a home. A need for many and a dream for many more. This week we discuss the topic of home-buying among Millennials and why is it so difficult for our generation to own a house.

Apr 09, 202138:24
A Career In The Far East (S3) Feat. Jean-Yves Laguillez

A Career In The Far East (S3) Feat. Jean-Yves Laguillez

Starting a career in the far-east like China, is a dream for many and yet very little have succeeded or dared to try. Challenges in language, culture and work practices often becomes the main reason some people hesitate. This week I get to sit with Jean-Yves Laguillez, a veteran expat who have 10 years of working in China. We get to sit and simply talk of Jean-Yves' experience in China working as an expat, discussing the common misconceptions and challenges he faced.

Apr 03, 202135:33
When Life = Work (S3)

When Life = Work (S3)

Work-life balance, a word often thrown around and yet very little gets to enjoy. Today I discuss what could possibly be the cause of people having bad work-life balance and how should we tackle it as a generation.

Mar 26, 202146:10
Starting A Career During A Pandemic (S3) Feat. Dominic Soh
Mar 21, 202146:39
Career in Charity (S3) Feat. Lusman Yunarto

Career in Charity (S3) Feat. Lusman Yunarto

Great pleasure to have my former elementary school teacher, Mr Lusman to come on to the show and share his experience working in an NGO. An exciting, unique career path that is too often overlook, Mr Lusman and I sits down to talk about the nits and grits about working in charity and how it too could possibly be one of the most fulfilling career path you could ever imagine.

Mar 12, 202155:41
The Real Issue (S3) Feat. Align By Line

The Real Issue (S3) Feat. Align By Line

Bento Podcast is honored to be able to collab with Align By Line for this episode! They're a podcast series based in San Fransisco and today we discuss about racial issues. As both of us are people of color and minorities, we reflect and discuss on the racial issues that are surrounding our generation. We discuss on our experiences with it and how we think we should deal with it.

Mar 05, 202147:33
Beginners Mistake In Stock Trading (S3) Feat. Christopher William

Beginners Mistake In Stock Trading (S3) Feat. Christopher William

This episode Chris returns to Bento Podcast! After coming on the show all the way in season 1, Chris is back on the show to share with us his knowledge on the stock market and the common beginners mistake with Stock Trading. Tune in now to avoid the "Beginners" mistake!

Feb 27, 202143:05
Why Apprenticeship Is The Best Way In The Door (S3) Feat. Vernon Foster II

Why Apprenticeship Is The Best Way In The Door (S3) Feat. Vernon Foster II

Apprenticeship, a close cousin of internship that is way better. Today I get to talk with Vernon Foster II and we get to share and talk about why apprenticeship is a millennial's best way in getting their dream career. We also talked about what's the best way to get an apprenticeship and how to approach people to network. If you're interested to talk with Vernon, visit his website at:

Feb 20, 202144:36
Nothing Is Wrong With You (S3) Feat. Johnny Crowder

Nothing Is Wrong With You (S3) Feat. Johnny Crowder

This week I get to sit with Johnny Crowder, the CEO and Founder of Cope Notes who is also a TEDx Speaker. We talk of Johnny's previous struggles with mental health and his opinions and take on the common misconceptions that people would have on mental health. An honest, down-to-earth episode is waiting ahead so go tune in!. Check out Cope Notes on and check out Johnny's band, Prison on Spotify and Apple Music!

Feb 12, 202135:48
Dealing With Quarter-Life Crisis (S3)

Dealing With Quarter-Life Crisis (S3)

Quarter-life crisis. The ever-present dilemma. Have you ever felt lost, especially now in your 20s? Trust me when I say, I know too much of it. But why exactly do we have a quarter-life crisis? How do we deal with this? These are what we're gonna talk about this week.

Feb 05, 202147:40
Why Five People You Spend The Most Time With Matters (S3) Feat. Ryan Bennett

Why Five People You Spend The Most Time With Matters (S3) Feat. Ryan Bennett

Today we have Ryan Bennett on the show! Ryan is a high-performance coach, author and speaker who is also an entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. In this episode. Ryan shares with us as to why the 5 people we spend the most time with matters, importance of having a mentor and how to actually find a mentor. If you want to know more about Ryan feel free to check his website at: 

Jan 29, 202145:25
What's Up WhatsApp? (S3)

What's Up WhatsApp? (S3)

What's up WhatsApp? With the new T&C that WhatsApp has dished out, is it something to be worried about? Apart from the WhatsApp issue, this episode we discuss about big tech and data collection, data security, and whether it's ethical. 

Jan 22, 202142:08
F&B Industry During COVID-19 (S3) Feat. Girish Shamdasani

F&B Industry During COVID-19 (S3) Feat. Girish Shamdasani

The F&B Industry has been heavily hit by COVID-19. How has the industry acclimated? What does a restaurant need to do to survive? Today we have prominent restaurateur Girish Shamdasani to come and share how he has helped his restaurant to not just survive but also grow during the pandemic!

Jan 15, 202148:51
Roaring Twenties 2.0 (S3)

Roaring Twenties 2.0 (S3)

Are we on the verge of an economic revival or even an economic renaissance? Will history repeat itself just like it did in the 1920s? Will we see a second Roaring Twenties in the 21st century? This episode we'll discuss how and why there is a possibility that Roaring Twenties 2.0 will take place again this decade.
Jan 09, 202134:38
Stop & Shift (S3) Feat. Karen Allen

Stop & Shift (S3) Feat. Karen Allen

A positive mindset. Something we all can do with especially during these hard times. Yet sometimes we just couldn't force ourselves to think on the bright side of things. Karen is a mindset expert and she's here to share with us her story of how she became passionate about mental health and her signature "Stop & Shift" mental exercise that helps you to attain a positive and strong mindset. Visit Karen's website to know more:

Jan 01, 202140:43
Light At The End of The Tunnel (S3)

Light At The End of The Tunnel (S3)

We've been through a lot this year. Like. Really. I'm pretty sure by now 2020 will be a year that will live in infamy. Yet I believe there is optimism and positivity that this year has brought for us. This episode I'm going to share what positive things actually happened in 2020 and why we should be optimistic!

Dec 25, 202036:57
Being A Man (S3)

Being A Man (S3)

Men shouldn't cry, Men shouldn't be soft, Men must always be aggressive. Sounds familiar? Well you've just met Mr. Toxic Masculinity. This episode we're diving deep into toxic masculinity. About what it is and its effects on men and their surroundings. P.S: you'd want to stay for the QnA segment.

Dec 18, 202049:47
A World. Divided. (S3)

A World. Divided. (S3)

Ever feel the world is increasingly divided? The fact that the world seems like its at odds with each other. As much as it worries me, it baffles me to see where the world is today and how I feel we're taking a step back. This episode discusses on Why I've decided to take on this topic, what are the possible causes of divide and finally what does it mean for our future.
Dec 12, 202038:46
Trailing The American Dream (S3)

Trailing The American Dream (S3)

Welcome back to season 3 of Bento Podcast! To kick-off we were glad to be able to have a special guest over! This episode will focus on Joshua's journey in becoming an American citizen and also his journey in "trailing" his American dream.
Dec 04, 202055:27
Episode Bento 11 (S2) (English): Life On The Air

Episode Bento 11 (S2) (English): Life On The Air

A bonus episode to end season 2. Here I'm sharing the ins and outs of podcasting and answering your questions on podcasting!

Sep 30, 202047:50
Episode Bento 10 (S2) (English): Working and Caring

Episode Bento 10 (S2) (English): Working and Caring

This week a nurse is on the show! Listen to Tabita's story as she goes about her journey to becoming a nurse, and working in the mental health ward. The story of effort, passion and care behind the profession of a nurse all from the experience of a young nurse in Australia.

Sep 25, 202046:60
Episode Bento 9 (S2) (English): Businesses During COVID-19: A Millennial's Perspective

Episode Bento 9 (S2) (English): Businesses During COVID-19: A Millennial's Perspective

We have a guest this week! My friend Kavesh! Today, as two millennials we discuss the fate of business during COVID-19 and what we as the next generation could do to revive our economy to its former glory or even better!

Sep 12, 202045:04
Episode Bento 8 (S2) (English): Escaping The Rat Race

Episode Bento 8 (S2) (English): Escaping The Rat Race

Ever feel that you're in a race that you've never signed up for? A race in life that you don't know if there is ever a finish line? A race where you always felt that you're behind regardless of what you've done in life? Well so have I. It' s the rat race of life where we always constantly compare ourselves to others. This episode is me telling my personal journey of how I discover that I was in the rat race and my attempt in escaping it.

Sep 04, 202045:57
Episode Bento 7 (S2) (English): Stepping Out Of Comfort Zone

Episode Bento 7 (S2) (English): Stepping Out Of Comfort Zone

Stepping out of our comfort zone is always that one daunting challenge we all have to face in our lives. This episode, i will discuss how should we define comfort zone, personal experiences that I've gone through in stepping out of my comfort zones and whether we should actually step out of our comfort zone. Tune in now to find out!

Aug 28, 202043:18