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The Better Mindset Show - Improve Your Mind to Improve Your Life

The Better Mindset Show - Improve Your Mind to Improve Your Life

By M Salek

Improve your mind in just a few minutes a week. Want to learn how to make your mind work better for you? And play an active role in your life, rather than being a passive bystander?  How about personal growth & self improvement, are you passionate about improving yourself?  If you said yes to even one of these questions, then this podcast is for you. The way we think has an impact on each and everything in our lives. Our thoughts matter, a LOT, which is why it makes sense to work on and improve our thoughts. And that's the goal of The Better Mindset Show. Subscribe now to get started.
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The 15 Benefits of Recording Your Mistakes

The Better Mindset Show - Improve Your Mind to Improve Your LifeMay 13, 2024

What You Need to Know about Negative Momentum
May 27, 202416:46
How Positive Momentum Makes Your Life Better
May 20, 202413:30
The 15 Benefits of Recording Your Mistakes

The 15 Benefits of Recording Your Mistakes

In the last two talks we looked into the smart and effective ways of dealing with mistakes, including tips on dealing with mistakes and the 5 whys framework. If you haven't listened to those talks yet, make sure to check them out.

In today's episode of the Better Mindset Show we will dig into the topic of mistakes even more and you'll learn about a tool that can help you get the most out of your mistakes both now, and in the future. 

In this talk you’ll learn:

  • Why it’s important to record your mistakes,

  • 15 big benefits of having a mistake log, and

  • How you can easily start one today.

If you're interested in self-improvement and learning from your mistakes, then this one's for you. 

Listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week. And if you enjoyed this talk, share it with others via social media and email.

Always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

May 13, 202414:23
Deal With Your Mistakes Better With This (6 Steps)
May 06, 202414:09
The Good and Smart Way to Deal with Mistakes
Apr 29, 202410:56
Want to Be More Happy? Do This
Apr 22, 202424:05
Does Your Focus Dictate Your Reality?
Apr 15, 202407:21
Why Going With the Flow Isn’t Always Good for You
Apr 08, 202418:42
Stupidity's Kryptonite, and How to Make It Easy for Yourself to Do Smart Things
Apr 01, 202413:34
How Not to Do Stupid Things

How Not to Do Stupid Things

Mar 25, 202409:27
Ten Ways to Be Safer Online

Ten Ways to Be Safer Online

Technological advancements like the internet and AI have all sorts of upsides, but there are downsides to them as well. A big one being how common it is now to come across scammers, spammers and spoofers in your own email inbox.

Now more than ever it's important to stay vigilant and aware and informed about them and that's what we'll explore in this talk. As well as how I dealt with a recent email scam. 

What you'll learn:

  • 10+ ways to keep yourself safer online (how not to fall into scam traps)

  • The rule of thumb to outsmart email scammers

  • The origin of phishing and spamming

  • The core of spoofing

  • Three things I do to deal with scam emails

  • And more...

If you want to stay safer online, this one will help.

Listen to this talk to learn more.

Feb 26, 202414:06
How Empowering Are Your Thoughts?

How Empowering Are Your Thoughts?

The quality of your thoughts have an immense impact on the quality of your life. This might sound like too obvious a thing to say but it is important to take note of because it can be easy to not pay attention to that fact as you go through life.

The quality of your thoughts matter, and in this episode of the Better Mindset Show we will dig deeper into that, into empowering vs disempowering thoughts and how you can elevate your mind, and life more. 

If you want to make your life smoother and easier and better, this one is a must listen for you. Listen to this talk to learn more. 


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Feb 19, 202413:25
Why Tough Love Is Good for You

Why Tough Love Is Good for You

Tough love can be extremely good for you. Why that is, how it works, and how it can help you in your life and even help you help the people you care about is what we will explore in this episode of the Better Mindset Show. 

If you want to get stronger and better and be there better for the people that matter, this is a must-listen for you.   

Listen to this talk to learn more. 


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Feb 12, 202413:27
Get Good at Feeling Good

Get Good at Feeling Good

The common concept when it comes to the way we feel is that we don't have any control over it. That our feelings and emotions have a mind of their own and they just happen.

But the reality is very different from that perception, because the reality is that we can play an active role when it comes to the way we feel.

How that works and why that is important is what we will explore in today's talk.   

If you want to have more control over your feelings and emotions and get better and feeling better, this one is a must-listen for you.

Listen to this talk to learn more. 


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Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Feb 05, 202411:59
The What, Why and How of Pura Vida

The What, Why and How of Pura Vida

Over the course of the next few minutes you'll learn about the concept of Pura Vida, what it means, and how it can help you in your own life.

If you are interested in making your life better, this one's a must-listen for you.

Listen to this talk to learn more. 


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jan 29, 202418:20
Are Your Actions Dictated by Your Assumptions? (EP 202)

Are Your Actions Dictated by Your Assumptions? (EP 202)

When you assume you make an ass out of you and me - that proverb might sound a bit silly but it highlights a very important point. The point about how problematic it is to act based on assumptions.

In this talk we will dig into that, explore some big dangers of that problematic tendency, as well as ways in which you can avoid the tendency of acting negatively as a result of your assumptions.

If you want to experience life better and experience less problems in life, this will be a very useful talk for you to listen to.

Listen to this talk to learn more.


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Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jan 22, 202420:20
Do This to Make Your Work More Fun

Do This to Make Your Work More Fun

Enjoying what you do is important, because not enjoying the work you do puts a big negative dent in your life. How that works and what you can do to make your work more fun, interesting and exciting, as well as what you can do if your work is making you miserable, is what we'll explore in this talk.

Listen to this talk to learn more. ....

References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

#makeworkfun #worklifebalance #fulfillingwork

Jan 16, 202414:30
The Black Mold of Your Mind

The Black Mold of Your Mind

What do you know about the black mold that might be festering in your mind, or about how dangerous it can be for your mind (and life)?

Find out in this talk about mental complacency and its dangers, as well as what you can do to NOT fall into this trap.

Listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jan 16, 202412:25
How to Revamp Your Mind (Cognitive Restructuring)

How to Revamp Your Mind (Cognitive Restructuring)

Jan 16, 202411:15
How to Deal With Difficult Situations Better

How to Deal With Difficult Situations Better

Reacting to things and handling things - what's the difference between them, why does it matter, and how can this insight help you deal with difficult situations better? That's what you'll find out in this episode of the better mindset show.

If you want to get better at dealing with challenging situations, this talk will be useful for you. 

Listen to this talk to learn more. 


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jan 16, 202414:58
How to Use Peer Pressure for Good

How to Use Peer Pressure for Good

Have you ever done something because your friends were doing it, but then regretted it later? How about when you were younger, maybe when you were a teenager? I know I have and it's not that hard to give into that tendency, even as an adult.

It's a normal part of our social programming, which is why resisting peer pressure takes work. The thing is, you can be smart about it and use peer pressure to your advantage.

How you can do that, and more, is what you'll learn about in this episode of the better mindset show. Listen to this talk to learn more.


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Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jan 16, 202410:37
Worry Less, Live More

Worry Less, Live More

How can you worry less and enjoy your life more?

What does worrying have in common with a flashlight?

What are ten big ways in which worrying negatively impacts your life?

Find out about all these (and more) in this episode of the Better Mindset Show.

Listen to this talk about tackling worries to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jan 16, 202415:56
Beware of Fakefluencers

Beware of Fakefluencers

These days you can't go on any of the social media platforms for more than a few minutes  without coming across a few influencers, and that's not always a good thing. In this talk you will learn more about that and why that's the case, about the rise of fake information and its dangers, as well as about what you can do to protect yourself and keep yourself safe from the traps of fake information. 

If you want to be smarter about dealing with inaccurate, misleading and harmful information, this episode is a must-listen for you.

Listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jan 16, 202412:29
The Myth of 100% Success Rate

The Myth of 100% Success Rate

There are lots of myths and misconceptions around about success - myths and misconceptions that don't tell the real or the whole story, and myths and misconceptions that make things confusing, and even makes the whole journey to achieve the success you want a whole lot more complicated, confusing and hard.

In today's talk we will explore one such big success myth, in order to get clarity about it and dispel it and stop it from getting in your way.

If you want to achieve more in life, this episode will be useful for you. Listen to this talk to learn more. 


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life

P.S. Happy Holidays!

Jan 16, 202416:11
Don’t Dwell On Your Past

Don’t Dwell On Your Past

One of the biggest reasons why people get stuck in life is because of the tendency to dwell on what could have been.

Dwelling on how things could've been different or what could've been different is very tempting, and that sort of past regret is very common.

The thing is... it's a pointless, useless and harmful tendency.

In this episode we will explore Why that is the case, how that tendency negatively impacts your life and what you can do better.

If you want to experience less regrets and negativity in your life, this episode is for you.

Listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life

PS. Happy New Year!

Jan 16, 202413:36
What’s the Price of What You Want in Life?

What’s the Price of What You Want in Life?

Price tag...

It's normal for us to associate the concept of price with physical objects, but not when it comes to things of the less tangible variety. 

In today's talk we will look into the concept of opportunity cost when it comes to the things you want in life, how your dreams and hopes and ambitions come with price tags, and why getting clear about them can help you get more of what you want in life, less of what you don't want in life, and even make your life simpler, easier, and better. 

If you want to simplify your life more and achieve more of what you really want, then this talk will be useful to pay attention to. Listen to this episode to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life

PS. Thank you for being with me on this journey for 200 episodes. Here's to many more lessons and shifts and insights this year, and every year thereafter!

Jan 16, 202413:20
Why the Present Is a Present!
Jan 15, 202414:16
How Powerful is Your Will?

How Powerful is Your Will?

Just how important is willpower in your own life? How can you actively use it, and even hack it? And what can you combine with it to make it a whole lot more potent and achieve more and even get better results in your life?

All that and more is what you'll learn in this episode of the Better Mindset Show. Listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Nov 30, 202316:17
THIS Can Make or Break Your Life

THIS Can Make or Break Your Life

There is one primary catalyst in your life that plays a pivotal role in how you feel about things. This catalyst can turn a bad day you are having into a good one, or a good day into a bad one.

This one thing is quite literally where the sun of your life rises, and sets. This really is the most important catalyst in your life.

Find out more about that and how you can use these insights to make your life better in this talk. Listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Oct 30, 202315:54
You Find More of What You Look For

You Find More of What You Look For

In today's talk we will look at a very interesting psychological phenomenon that affects your life in more ways than you realise. And knowing about this concept can help you in all sorts of ways, including making smarter, wiser and better decisions.

Listen to this talk to learn more about the red car phenomenon, and how it impacts your life.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Oct 16, 202317:09
This Is the Key to a Good Life

This Is the Key to a Good Life

There's one big thing most "religious" people get wrong about religions. It's a big thing, and it also happens to be something that affects not just people who follow religions, but something that affects each and every person. It affects each and every one of us.

It's something that affects the wellbeing of every human being at a core level, so ignoring this is just not an option. In today's talk we will look more into that, and you'll learn about the massive misconception that plagues religions, and more importantly, about what needs to be at the epicenter of your psyche and why.

If you want to feel more happy more of the time, this talk will be a good one to listen to.  Listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Oct 09, 202314:48
Do This Instead of Trying

Do This Instead of Trying

I'm about to say something that might be a bit controversial, but this is my paradigm so I'll say it - As far as I am concerned, the Star Wars series of movies, especially the original ones, are some of the best movies ever made, period. It's ok if you don't agree with me or even if you aren't a fan of science fiction movies, but that series is a fantastic piece of cinematic masterpiece. But that movie or movie preference is not what this talk is about.

As great as those movies are, What's more important though is something that's part of one the movies. There is a famous line in one of the Star Wars movies that's really worth taking note of. What that is, why it is something worth taking note of (even if you don't feel strongly about the movie), as well as how that piece of wisdom has a big impact on your life and what you get out of life, is what you will learn about in this talk. 

If you want to get more out of your life, this is one you will want to pay attention to.

Listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Oct 02, 202320:44
Weighted Cost Benefit Analysis - How to Make Decisions Easier, Simpler and Better

Weighted Cost Benefit Analysis - How to Make Decisions Easier, Simpler and Better

Over the last two weeks I've been talking about decisions and how you can make better ones. Making decisions is an important, integral and unavoidable part of life and being good at making good decisions helps you in all sorts of ways - both big and small.

In today's talk we'll look into it even more, and look into a way to make it even easier for you to make good decisions. If you want to learn how to make good decisions, this is a talk you'll want to listen to. Listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Sep 25, 202317:03
Use This Tool to Make Better Decisions

Use This Tool to Make Better Decisions

Let's look into something that's a big part of life, something that is not just important but absolutely crucial. What I am referring to here is about making decisions.

Making decisions, or rather, making good decisions, is a vitally important life skill. I know making decisions can sometimes feel tricky and even daunting, but guess what? They're incredibly important, and you can't really avoid them.

Making decisions can be a challenging skill to practice, but in this talk you will learn about a strategy or tool that will make it easier for you to make better, finer and smarter decisions.

Listen to this talk to learn more about how to make better decisions.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Sep 18, 202330:32
35,000 Decisions Every Single Day?

35,000 Decisions Every Single Day?

It's an understatement of cosmic proportions to say that making decisions, especially good decisions, is an important part of life. That's an immense understatement because the fact is that making decisions isn't just important or even merely essential, but critical. Making decisions is a critical part of living a good life.

Because your decisions affect the shape, the size and even the overall quality of your life.

Making decisions might not be easy, but it's not as if you can avoid them - not every time or even forever anyway. Life is all about decisions, both big and small, which makes making decisions an unavoidable, critical and crucial part of life. And That is what today's talk is all about.  

You'll learn about the actual number of decisions we make on any given day, the scope of decisions, how they impact every single part of your life and even how your decisions can make or break your life.

If you want to get better at life - both the personal and the professional facets - then this talk is for you. 

Listen to the talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Sep 11, 202323:21
Trailer for EP 183, due 11th Sept 2023
Sep 08, 202301:41
What Is Systems Thinking and How Can It Help?

What Is Systems Thinking and How Can It Help?

Do you know what systems thinking is? Don't worry if you don't - it's not exactly common knowledge. But the thing is, it is a very useful mental model or tool, and knowing about it can help you make your life better, both personally and professionally. And that's what we will explore in this talk.

We'll explore what systems thinking is, why it is important to know about and practice, as well as real-life practical examples and ideas for ways in which you can apply systems thinking into your own life, and work.

If you want to think smarter and better, then this talk will be useful for you.

Listen to the talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Sep 04, 202311:58
How to Tackle Your Garbage Thoughts

How to Tackle Your Garbage Thoughts

Last time we looked into the concept of garbage thoughts and how they negatively impact your life, often in big ways. Garbage thoughts are absolutely garbage and harm you both professionally and personally, in all sorts of ways. We explored that a fair bit last time, and if you need a refresher, make sure to listen to that talk. Because in this talk we will look at ways in which you can tackle and banish your garbage thoughts, and do so effectively.

So keep listening to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Topics: negative thinking, how to think better, self-sabotage, self-awareness, mindset improvement

Aug 28, 202308:47
What Are Garbage Thoughts and Why You Need to Discard Them

What Are Garbage Thoughts and Why You Need to Discard Them

Do you remember the last time you were bitten by a pesky little mosquito? Maybe you heard the annoying buzzing noise around your face or ears before the bite happened. Or maybe you didn't get much of a heads up, and felt the prick and the pain and the itch out of the blue. It doesn't feel good at all, ever.

The thing is, a very similar thing happens inside you when you let negative thoughts fester in your psyche. They can be pesky, they can harm you without you knowing and can even hurt you in big ways. Just like the annoying mosquitoes, negative thoughts degrade the quality of your life.

Both are annoying as hell.  And both will harm you if you don't take care of them. This is why tackling your negative garbage thoughts is essential, and that's what you will learn about in this talk.

Stay tuned to learn more about garbage thoughts and how you can deal with them.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Aug 21, 202312:22
5 Ways to Improve Your Focus

5 Ways to Improve Your Focus

Everyone wants to be more productive. It's pretty much universal now. Everyone wants it, but the challenge with it is that being productive is often a struggle. Because different variables affect your capacity to be productive in different ways.

And one of the most important variables when it comes to being productive is...


How well you focus can make or break your productivity. Being able to focus well can make it easier for you to get things done, but that's not always easy to do. Why that is and what you can do to make it easier for you to focus better is what you'll learn about in this talk.

If you want to improve your focus, you'll want to pay attention to the 5 focus-boosting insights you’ll learn about here.

Listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Topics: Productivity, Effectiveness, Focus, Deep Work, Procrastination, Smart Work, Career Tips, Work Tips, Remote Work, Flow State

Aug 14, 202311:47
Here’s Why the Pomodoro Method Doesn’t Work for You

Here’s Why the Pomodoro Method Doesn’t Work for You

If you have even an iota of interest in being more productive, it is highly likely that you have come across the Pomodoro Method. It's a time management technique that has been around for a long time, and for good reason. The reason being that it's a good time management technique. The thing though is that even though it is a good technique, it doesn't work for everyone.

Why that is, and what you can do to make it work better for you, is what you will learn about in this talk. If you want to be more productive, the insights you are about to learn will help.

Listen to this talk to learn more. ...

References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Aug 07, 202310:54
Fear, the Thief of Joy

Fear, the Thief of Joy

Fear is a very common feeling, and at times it's an emotion that feels almost impossible to avoid. That said, the common way of dealing with it isn't usually the best approach. Learn about the usual approach, how that impacts you negatively, and about the dangers of letting fear run rampant in your life, as well as what the better alternative is, in this talk.

If you don't want your fears controlling your life, then this is important to pay attention to.

Listen to this talk to learn more. ....

References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jul 31, 202316:18
One Key Catalyst for a Great Life

One Key Catalyst for a Great Life

One thing that's common amongst people who are incredibly successful is that they have strong views about things. And that means that they often don't agree on a lot of things. But when digging through their values and insights, there is one thing that I found pretty much universal agreement on.

This is something that all five of these people - Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Oprah Winfrey, and Bill Gates - agreed on.

What that is, why it is important and what you can do to incorporate this insight in your own life is what we'll explore in this talk.

Listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jul 24, 202312:23
Why Saying “No” Is a Key Skill to Acquire in Life

Why Saying “No” Is a Key Skill to Acquire in Life

Saying "yes' can be good for a lot of reasons. But do you know when it becomes not-so-good? When yes becomes your default response. Saying yes all the time, in fact, can create problems for you and even make your life harder and more challenging.

Why that is and how you can choose the best option is what you will learn about in this talk.

What's inside:

  • A very important lesson from Jim Carrey's Yes Man
  • The harmful misconception about saying no
  • How yes and no are like a hammer
  • When saying no is better than saying yes, and when it can be your best course of action
  • How to determine when yes (rather than no) is your best option
  • A smart way to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and overwhelm
  • 5 ways saying no can improve your life
  • 5 ways to say no effectively, without creating problems or burning bridges
  • And more...

Listen to to this talk to learn more. ...

References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jul 17, 202313:46
Think Twice About Being Too Nice

Think Twice About Being Too Nice

We all like people who are nice. And it is nice to be nice. But there is a big exception to that concept, because even though being nice is good for you, being too nice is not. Why that is and how being too nice can negatively affect you, and even the people close to you, is what you will learn about in this talk. 

If taking care of yourself and the people you care about is important to you, then this talk is one to pay attention to.  

Listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jul 10, 202311:21
What Doesn’t Work When It Comes to Dealing With Overwhelm

What Doesn’t Work When It Comes to Dealing With Overwhelm

Learn about anti-overwhelm tactics that DON'T work.

The feeling of overwhelm can be a very uncomfortable and stressful experience, which makes dealing with it a very important thing to do. However, lot of the things that are commonly done in order to tackle overwhelm don't actually work. And that then ends up making things worse.

This is why it's important to know about not just what helps you deal with overwhelm, but also about what doesn't work, and that's what you'll learn about in this talk.

Listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jul 03, 202307:36
3 Great Innovators, One Great Trait (Part 2 of 2)

3 Great Innovators, One Great Trait (Part 2 of 2)

Last time we started looking into how 3 of the greatest innovators of all time had Cognitive agility in common, and how that great trait helped these 3 great innovators  have the great impact that they did. If you haven't listened to that talk yet, make sure that you listen to that first. Now, in this talk, we'll explore that topic more and look even more into how cognitive agility can help you in your own life.

So listen to this talk to learn more.


References and Resources:

Want more insights like this? Follow this podcast on Apple, Google or Spotify to get more talks every week.

And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jun 26, 202310:51
Three Greats, One Common Trait (Part 1)

Three Greats, One Common Trait (Part 1)

Last time we explored the concept of cognitive agility, and why that matters. In today's talk we will dig into it more by using real life examples, to show you, without a shadow of a doubt, just how important cognitive agility really is, and how people who changed the world - people like Edison, Picasso and Leonardo Da Vinci, had this one factor in common, and how that helped them have the immense impact that they did.

If you want to think smarter, better, and wiser, this talk is a must listen for you. Listen to this talk to learn more.


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And always remember...

Better mind = Better life.

Jun 19, 202312:40
Want to Think Smarter? Do This
Jun 12, 202314:03
Trailer - Cognitive Agility [EP 170 - 12th June 2023]

Trailer - Cognitive Agility [EP 170 - 12th June 2023]

Get a sneak peak into what's coming up in the next episode.

Hint... it has to do with one crucial trait that's essential for being able to think smarter.

Listen to the talk to learn more.

Want to listen now? Check out the past episodes to learn about different ways in which you can improve your life, from the inside.

Jun 09, 202300:58