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Skeptic Disciple

Skeptic Disciple

By B&H

Two nerds who love the Bible, yet struggle to reconcile it with real life. This isn’t the typical Christian podcast. We are believers who welcome theological challenges because we believe they strengthen our faith. We like to think of the Bible and the Good News of Jesus in a way that brings out its validity in our daily lives. You don’t have to be a believer to listen. We welcome different perspectives, and we seek to be respectful of different points of view. Welcome!
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Skeptic DiscipleMay 31, 2020

Belief & Repentance

Belief & Repentance

In this episode we explore the relationship between repentance and belief. We will dive into what transformation of the mind might entail. And, even discuss the kingdom of heaven here and now!
Oct 06, 202215:04
What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?

This week we will explore a very important question, so important in fact… that it happens to be some of the first words Jesus speaks in the gospel of John.

Music by Prigida, Track Title: "Stumbling"
Sep 30, 202210:38
The Disciple's Favorite Verse
Sep 17, 202219:22
How To Listen 🎧

How To Listen 🎧

Thanks for Listening to the Skeptic Disciple Podcast 

We are first of all human and secondly we are learners. Listening is an essential skill in reading scripture and listening to teaching. In this episode we will discover how NOT to listen.

The 3 Defects of Listening:

1. Listening in a way that is like an upside down container. This means that physically we may be attending to but mentally we are busy somewhere else. So when someone is teaching, we are not in fact listening at all.

2. Listening in a way that is like a container with holes. This means that even though we are listening, we don't retain the content. In this case we lack mindfulness and memory. In order to benefit from teachings we must retain them with mindfulness. When our interest is half hearted, we only remember half the points, and we retain them only for a short time. We should reflect and think about whatever we have heard, over and over again. In this way, the knowledge will stay in our mind for a long time.

3. Listening like a vessel containing poison. When we listen to the teachings, we must avoid deluded motives. All activities, particularly Dharma practices such as listening and reading scriptural texts, must be done with a wholesome motivation. We should aim to control the undisciplined mind. I urge you not to treat Dharma knowledge like any other kind of science just to earn a living.

It's our hope that you can apply these principles even when we listen to each other. 


Book Source:

Stages of Meditation by The Dalai Lama
Kamalaśīla.; Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV. Stages of Meditation. London : Rider, 2001.


Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

License code: PKRGXCGD3EEPEJO9

Jun 17, 202210:10
The Gold Calf Incident
Jan 31, 202201:21:22
From Children's Story to Way of Life?

From Children's Story to Way of Life?

Many of us learned the children's version of Bible stories, but have we ever looked back and read them as adults? What do we do with the problematic parts. Do we still prefer to see those stories as we did when we were children, and if so how does this affect the way we live out our beliefs? This is a short episode simply doing a little bit of "house-keeping" before moving on with the rest of our episodes. 

Thanks for listening!

Oct 28, 202115:50
The Last of the Commandments

The Last of the Commandments

You Shall Not Bear False Witness & You Shall Not Covet are the Last of the Commandments!

As with all else, there is always more than meets the eye. We hope you've enjoyed this journey through the 10 Commandments. We will be moving forward to the rest of the story of the Exodus and the story of the Bible itself in the VERY near future. 

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

License code: DH0N65X8THNGYLIE

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Jul 23, 202101:00:32
You Shall Not Steal
Jun 28, 202122:57


Sex and sexuality have always been topics of great debate throughout history. In this episode we discuss how the commandment regarding adultery was later expanded upon by Jesus in the New Testament. We find that Jesus constantly challenges his followers to rethink and dig deeper into the issues of the human condition. 

Due to the nature of this topic, it MAY not be suitable for all audiences. We ask that you practice discretion. 

The word adultery originates not from “adult”, as is commonly thought, but from the Late Latin word for “to alter, corrupt”: adulterare. Adulterare in turn is formed by the combination of ad (“towards”), and alter (“other”), together with the infinitive form are (making it a verb).

To learn more about the way adultery was understood in Old Testament times visit the following link

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Jun 20, 202101:01:16
The What & Why
Jun 04, 202153:16
The Cross & The Centurion

The Cross & The Centurion

Each of the four gospel accounts include the centurion in the account of the crucifixion of Jesus. In each account, this centurion has a moment when he realizes that Jesus is no ordinary man. But, what causes this change? Let's explore.

Mar 18, 202111:09
Faith & The Supernatural

Faith & The Supernatural

This is perhaps the most personal of all the episodes of the Skeptic Disciple Podcast for both of us. We discuss what our personal views are on the miraculous and more supernatural aspects of faith. As you know, we delve deep into scripture and as burning questions that may sometimes make us uncomfortable. But, in this episode we ask how thinking critically about the Bible affects our faith. We want to share with you were we currently stand in our faith in Jesus Christ.
Mar 17, 202150:10
The Kingdom & The Treadmill

The Kingdom & The Treadmill

Have you ever wondered why permanent happiness seems unattainable? And, what about good works and their relation to the life of faith? This is both a reflection and a call to action. 

Mar 17, 202111:53
Faith & Perseverance on Mars
Mar 08, 202154:46
You Shall Not Kill: The Commandments Pt. 4

You Shall Not Kill: The Commandments Pt. 4

The Bible contains both the commandment not to kill AND consequences for the breaking of certain commandments that end in the death penalty. So how do we navigate this apparent contradiction? What is justifiable?
Jan 23, 202152:29
A Meditation on Psalm 14: How Do We Manage this?

A Meditation on Psalm 14: How Do We Manage this?

Bonus Episode: A meditation on Psalm 14 amidst the chaotic background of the first few weeks of 2021. Ancient psalms reflect modern feelings that you and I may be currently experiencing.
Jan 14, 202109:25
Honor Your Father & Mother: The Commandments Pt. 3

Honor Your Father & Mother: The Commandments Pt. 3

Many of us are familiar with this commandment, but it seems we don't all interpret it the same way. How does the parent-child relationship affect the way we perceive God?
Jan 09, 202101:01:19
A New Year Meditation

A New Year Meditation

2020 has been a challenging year for most (if not all) of us. And, as we look forward to the new year it can be difficult to feel positive. But, I hope this meditation can give us some insight into the things that truly matter.
Dec 31, 202008:25
The Name & Day: The Commandments Pt. 2
Dec 24, 202001:12:03
No Other Gods: The Commandments Pt.1

No Other Gods: The Commandments Pt.1

In this episode we discuss the giving of the 10 Commandments as described in Exodus 20, with emphasis on the first two commands. Artwork: Moses and Aaron with the Tablets of the Law

unknown artist

Jewish Museum London
Dec 21, 202001:05:37
The Witness to the Living Word

The Witness to the Living Word

We discuss the importance of the Bible, it's human nature via divine inspiration, the importance of moving onward to follow Jesus. What is it to say something is inspired? What is inspired language? Can we allow the word to lead us to follow the Living Word: Jesus Christ. Join us a we take a deep dive into all things faith and believe. As we prepare to celebrate the Advent AKA Christmas AKA the arrival of God on Earth and the beginning of the Kingdom of God/Heaven. Please listen to "Crossing the Sea of Interpretation" before listening to this episode of the Skeptic Disciple Podcase. 

Music by Scott Holmes Music, "We Were Dreamers."

Royalty free music at

Dec 12, 202001:06:01
Crossing the Sea of Interpretation

Crossing the Sea of Interpretation

Was the Red Sea really split in two in Exodus, or was it a different body of water? What can we learn from inconsistencies in interpretation? Why do we struggle to maintain the belief in the infallibility of the Bible, and where did this belief come from? In this episode we take on protestant history and Biblical interpretation as we currently understand it. We flesh out what it means to be a progressive believer in today's context. Join us in our continued journey of faith as we continue to dig into the Bible together.
Nov 23, 202001:07:26
Pharaoh Did What?
Oct 26, 202053:40
Hidden in Plain Sight

Hidden in Plain Sight

Exodus 1 // How did we get here, what happened to cause a drastic change in attitude toward foreigners in Egypt that would cause Pharaoh to enslave the Hebrews. Political changes, attitude changes, and the question: Where is God when injustice strikes? All this and more in this episode of the Skeptic Disciple Podcast.
Sep 27, 202041:06
The One Where We Try Something New

The One Where We Try Something New

Today, we read through scripture in a short episode that is more "devotional" than "critical reading" of the Bible. Thanks for joining and feel free to leave feedback! 

Aug 29, 202016:46
The Struggle is Real

The Struggle is Real

Jacob wrestles God, asks a question, doesn't get an answer, begs for blessing and receives it, limps away with a dislocated hip. We've mentioned this story often in our wrestling with scripture, faith, and yes--even God.
Aug 28, 202001:12:18
IG Live Interview with Dondeez

IG Live Interview with Dondeez

Bonus Episode! IG LIve Interview with Dondeez - Co-Host of the Urban Prophets Podcast. Recorded August 13, 2020. Listen in on a conversation around what the background and intent is behind the Skeptic Disciple Podcast. 

Aug 21, 202001:10:04
Abraham & Isaac: We'll Be Back

Abraham & Isaac: We'll Be Back

Why does God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son? Is God really the kind of God that would ask us to sacrifice human life? This story has been a source of debate and made many uncomfortable. But, what if there's more to it that we're missing? Join us in this episode as we discuss more on this controversial story. 

Aug 20, 202058:48
Abram: Gets Called Out

Abram: Gets Called Out

Have you ever taken a leap-of-faith? Moving to another city, or country to pursue your calling? Abram’s response to God’s call carries an element of faith that few of us have even in people we know. We often speak of the promises of God as a motivation for Abram’s actions, but the story seems to say that there is much more to the Abram-God relationship. Perhaps, there’s something there for us to learn from.

Aug 04, 202030:48
Quit Babbling

Quit Babbling

Genesis 10 & 11 // The Tower of Babel

After the flood, a huge city construction takes place and God interrupts it by confusing their language. Sounds strange enough? Well, what if we told you that Babel is present throughout the Biblical narrative and that its something you and I continue to deal with today? Intriguing enough? Well, join us on this week's episode of the Skeptic Disciple Podcast. 

Background music by Ketsa, titled: Dusty Hills, found on

Jul 28, 202052:27
Noah Fence Part 2: A Climate Catastrophe

Noah Fence Part 2: A Climate Catastrophe

Noah & The Flood: A Global Catastrophe. What can an atheist director tell us about the story, and what does it have to do with our faith? Is the Global Climate Crisis something we should be mobilizing to avoid? Can we become more like the humans that God intended in creation by caring for and protecting our environment? Do these things distract the church from its mission to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ? This episode is a spin-off of our last one, and we hope to engage you in conversation. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter at: Skeptic Disciple. 

Jul 17, 202036:55
Noah Fence

Noah Fence

Genesis 6&7 // The story of Noah and The Flood is fascinating, but also a bit fantastical. Imagine building an ark to fit your family and countless pets in order to survive a catastrophic flood. In this episode we discuss the story of Noah with attention on a similar Ancient Mesopotamian story "The Epic of Gilgamesh." Could it be that the Biblical account was influenced by this ancient Mesopotamian epic, and if so how does that affect our faith? This and more in this episode of the Skeptic Disciple Podcast. 
Jul 15, 202048:14
Jesus, Scripture, and You

Jesus, Scripture, and You

We know: we're weird. How can we believe in the gospel and still question scripture? Well, we hope this short episode helps answer that question. Although challenging, we hope not to be a stumbling block to your faith. In fact, this is a call to a faithful following of the teachings and belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will be recording our next episode soon. We have the story of Noah and the flood coming up soon. You can bet it'll be interesting. 

Jul 08, 202018:45
Talking Snakes

Talking Snakes

Genesis 3 // Talking Snakes A talking snake tempts the first humans to take fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil. But, have we perhaps simplified this story more than we should? Here we discuss the continual struggle within each of us that this story alludes to. We discuss current events, and we tackle questions of how followers of Jesus are called to live out God's will on earth--just as it is in heaven. Listen to learn more!
Jun 22, 202048:19
Splitting an Adam - Genesis 2

Splitting an Adam - Genesis 2

Genesis 2 // Creation version 2: 

Contradictions, Humans, Sex, Gender and Orientation. Do we even recognize the humanity in each other? 

Jun 09, 202001:02:26
Start Here!

Start Here!

The reason for this podcast: to come to a better understanding of who God is, and not to attack your long held beliefs. Is certainty the opposite of faith?
Jun 02, 202026:49
Creation and the Modern World
Jun 01, 202027:53
Skeptic Disciple Trailer

Skeptic Disciple Trailer

Can a skeptic be a disciple?
May 31, 202000:53