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Clarity Podcast

Clarity Podcast

By Ruben and Rich

Rich and Ruben explore the relationship between ideas, culture and religion, and how they connect to Christian life.
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C26 God is a Family

Clarity PodcastMay 13, 2020

C41 I’m free, so what is my relationship with sin?

C41 I’m free, so what is my relationship with sin?

I’m this episode, Rich and Ruben conclude their series on freedom in Christ and tie their whole freedom discussion together as they show what freedom has to do with the sins we may still commit once we are free. Tune in as they share a refreshing picture of how Jesus sees us.
Mar 30, 202232:53
C 40 Confession

C 40 Confession

For too many of us, shame and doubt have been the starting point of our spiritual experience. In this episode Rich and Ruben discuss the role of confession in the lives of those who claim freedom in Christ.
Mar 17, 202233:02
C39 What Experiencing Faith ACTUALLY Looks Like

C39 What Experiencing Faith ACTUALLY Looks Like

Rich and Ruben have spent several episodes discussing concepts, but in this episode they invite you to join them as they focus on what receiving God’s reality ( actual reality) looks like in our thought life.
Jan 05, 202237:17
C38 Faith is an Experience

C38 Faith is an Experience

Is Faith a muscle? A creed? In this episode Rich and Ruben will discuss Faith as an acceptance of reality.
Dec 29, 202150:58
C37 - New Wine: Answering Old Questions With A New Perspective

C37 - New Wine: Answering Old Questions With A New Perspective

I’m this episode, Rich and Ruben build off our last episode, sharing examples of issues that they see differently now that they see salvation, God, and ourselves differently. Feel free to join us for the journey.
Dec 01, 202155:04
C36 - A New Heart: More Than “Better”

C36 - A New Heart: More Than “Better”

“ People don’t change.” Responding to that statement with “but Jesus can” is helpful, but not the whole story. In this episode we discuss the motivation and process that scripture shows us will lead to a new heart, and not just “better” performance.
Nov 17, 202131:58
C35 " Sin and Forgiveness: What's the Point?"

C35 " Sin and Forgiveness: What's the Point?"

The word “sin” has a lot of baggage. Join Rich and Ruben as they seek a biblically informed and relationally appropriate understanding of sin and forgiveness.
Nov 03, 202138:16
C34 Why should I be a Christian? (Love and Oneness)

C34 Why should I be a Christian? (Love and Oneness)

What is the goal of Christianity? Is it going to heaven, and not hell? Is it to stop sinning and start winning? In this episode we discuss how things changed for us when we gave God’s love and reunion with him a more central role in our faith motivations.
Sep 22, 202146:34
C33 Experiencing Abundance & Freedom

C33 Experiencing Abundance & Freedom

A lot has changed since the last episode of Clarity. Tune in as Rich and Ruben update you on what has been going on in their lives and an idea that has transformed them in the last year: freedom.
Sep 10, 202133:28
C32 Anxiety and Emotional Health

C32 Anxiety and Emotional Health

This week, Rich and Ruben define “anxiety”, discuss their emotional health journeys, and bust a myth or two about “being anxious” that they previously thought the Bible taught.
Feb 25, 202150:56
C31 Rich and Ruben get Prophetic: Talking About The End Times

C31 Rich and Ruben get Prophetic: Talking About The End Times

Bible prophecy can often come across as a point of interest for easily enthused tin-foil hat wearers. This week, Ruben and Rich discuss how that association has come to be, while sharing an interpretation of Jesus’ words in Matthew 24 that has given them hope in these end times.
Jan 28, 202134:06
C30 Adulting

C30 Adulting

In this episode we discuss the mental transitions that have helped us better embrace the exciting and boring aspects of being a “grown up”.
Jan 20, 202139:24
C29 Why Christianity is Awful

C29 Why Christianity is Awful

Much of Christianity today fails to represent the character, way, and teaching of it’s namesake. This betrayal by a majority of the “faith” was predicted in Scripture. If you don’t like the result of this falling away, it’s not just you, Jesus agrees. Join us this week as we talk about how this idea has shaped how we think and live.
Dec 09, 202046:44
C28 New Normal: How to Grow in Toxic Times

C28 New Normal: How to Grow in Toxic Times

We’re back! After a long hiatus Rich and Ruben discuss nostalgia, change aversion, and more. This week, we realize that while we face changes that we have no choice in, we have the opportunity out to choose the change we have needed all along.
Nov 25, 202034:26
C27 What Kind of Judge Do You Believe In?

C27 What Kind of Judge Do You Believe In?

“Judgement.” Yikes! Not the kind of thing you likely look forward to, or talk about over supper. Yet David begged God for Him to judge him?! Join Rich and Ruben and encounter a picture of God as judge that is worth believing in every way.
May 27, 202033:56
C26 God is a Family

C26 God is a Family

“God”. What did you picture or think of when you read that three letter word? A building where people worship Him? A single, old, white bearded man on an ornate throne all alone? Join Rich and Ruben as they share about the kind of God who made male and female in His image.
May 13, 202036:29
C25 Everyone is a Theologian

C25 Everyone is a Theologian

Our “Clear Truths” series kicks off as Ruben and Rich discuss the realization that everyone has a picture of God that’s shapes how they see things and a way of seeing things that shapes their picture of God.
Apr 29, 202046:23
C24 The Calling Talk

C24 The Calling Talk

In this follow up to their purpose episode, Rich and Ruben process what it means to have an individual meaning and life purpose. Here are the six questions they talk through in order to develop a personal calling statement, for your own personal reflection:

 Take these question and use 30 minutes to discover what Jesus is calling you to do

1. What would you take a 50% salary cut and still do? OR What would you do for free? 

2. What did you love to do as a child?[it can look more grown up now] 

3. Think back in your life to the last time your day flew by and you lost track of time?

4. What breaks your heart the most? 5. What barriers are currently stopping you from living out your calling? [or getting in the way] 

6. What changes do you have to make to use the gifts God has given you to their maximum impact?

Apr 15, 202038:45
C23 - Listening to the Listener with Kaleb Eisele
Apr 01, 202041:20
C22 COVID-19 is exposing our true selves

C22 COVID-19 is exposing our true selves

Rich and Ruben have their FIRST remote episode recording and talk about the social-spiritual implications of a pandemic and how that shows our true colors. 

Mar 19, 202040:59
C21 Ryan Hodgins: Effective Leadership with Youth/Young Adults

C21 Ryan Hodgins: Effective Leadership with Youth/Young Adults

FINALLY we have our friend and colleague Ryan Hodgins on to talk leadership, spirituality, and more. Moments of Clarity abound.
Mar 12, 202036:30
C20 Living IN purpose

C20 Living IN purpose

20th episode, 2020, second month, Rich’s Birthday was on the 20th . . . Rich and Ruben are back talk and talking about why we do what we do: purpose. Does your life work towards what you were born to do? Let’s talk!
Feb 27, 202034:13
C19 "2020 Vision" - Reflection Talk

C19 "2020 Vision" - Reflection Talk

Rich and Ruben talk about the last decade and how various events affected and shaped their lives, beliefs, and very being. 

Dec 25, 201942:49
C18 How to be Bias Free

C18 How to be Bias Free

Spoiler Alert: You Can’t! Enjoy! 

Nov 27, 201934:31
C17 Avoiding the Appearance of Evil? (w/ Joe Pieretti)

C17 Avoiding the Appearance of Evil? (w/ Joe Pieretti)

While still at Pastor’s meetings Rich and Ruben finally got to sit down with friend and colleague Joe Pieretti. After defining the “Billy Graham Rule” they discuss it’s implications in their busy ministry lives. Gender, boundaries, professionalism, and equality all play in.

Nov 13, 201931:12
C16 Balancing Work Ethic and Self Care

C16 Balancing Work Ethic and Self Care

In light of pastors appreciation month, Rich, Ruben, and Josias Flores discuss what it’s like to live and work as Pastors in today’s world. Where is the balance between going the extra mile and not burning out? 

Oct 30, 201920:06
C15 Why do you do what you do? (Purpose & Motivation)

C15 Why do you do what you do? (Purpose & Motivation)

Rich and Ruben start a conversation on Purpose and Motivation in life. 

Are we thriving or surviving? Do our intentions behind what we do matter? Why we are talking about Apple in this episode (lol)?  Are we in this world "for ourselves" (narcissism) or "for others" (altruism)?...  This and more in this episode!

Oct 16, 201930:13
C14 When It happens to You

C14 When It happens to You

Pastors and philosophers can go on about the concept of suffering and it’s purpose within a worldview. As They discuss an incident that left Rich completely helpless, things get practical. Links to pictures of Rich’s wounds :

1. face bandages: 

2. Very Graphic Images of Skin Grafts: 

3. Slightly less graphic images of his new skin 

Oct 02, 201944:38
C13 Self Validation: An Honest Talk

C13 Self Validation: An Honest Talk

Rich and Ruben embark into a deep conversation about Self Validation. (A topic that needs no introduction)

CHECK out our identical shorts PICTURE (lol):

Aug 28, 201901:06:00
C12 Agree to Disagree: Victory Over Tribalism- Ross Knight

C12 Agree to Disagree: Victory Over Tribalism- Ross Knight

if you’ve ever been frustrated by “Us v.s. Them” rhetoric at work, home, church, family gatherings, or Social Media, this episode is for you. Ruben and Rich talk with colleague and friend Ross Knight about how to “ substantively “agree to disagree.” Ross gives solid tips about about building deep relational ties with those on the opposite side of your favorite hot button issue. 

Jul 18, 201935:47
C11 Social Justice and Christianity- Dex Richardson

C11 Social Justice and Christianity- Dex Richardson

In this Awesome conversation with Pastor Dexter Richardson we discuss various perspectives on the connection between Social Justice and the Gospel. We explore the concept behind the term “Social Justice,” and question whether advocating for it is too political for church work. 

Jul 03, 201942:08
C09 Growing Communities of Worship - Matt Stockdale

C09 Growing Communities of Worship - Matt Stockdale

Matt was a successful defense attorney, serving as an elder in a large church. As he chats with Rich and Ruben he shares how God called him to give up his conventional career and church paths in order to serve an under-reached demographic in his community. Insights abound for those of all backgrounds and theological persuasions. Check out Matt’s church:

Jun 19, 201933:42
C10 Calling, Disappointment, and Meaning- Marcos Bernal

C10 Calling, Disappointment, and Meaning- Marcos Bernal

Our interview with Marcos Bernal has been a longtime coming. After answering for a grave injustice he perpetrated on Rich, Marcos shares how he found meaning in the lengthy gap between the completion of his degree, and getting hired in the field he studied for. As he reflects on the disappoint of paying loans for a degree he wasn’t using, a moment of clarity arises!

Jun 19, 201943:03
C08 The "Movies" talk - Josias Flores

C08 The "Movies" talk - Josias Flores

Rich and Ruben grill their friend and colleague, Josias Flores, on the compatibility of popular movies with Christian living, and how he justifies discussing them on his weekly podcast.

————————-Show Notes————————— —- 

Link to Josias’ Podcast: 

Our Twitter: @clarity_podcast. 

Our Facebook:

Jun 05, 201938:54
C07 Confessions of a Spiritual Policeman

C07 Confessions of a Spiritual Policeman

Rich will share his experience as an ex "Spiritual Policeman". 

Show Notes—————————

The Different Levels of “truth”:

 1. Universal moral issues,

 2. Christian issues,

 3. Fundamental Doctrines(Aka 28 Fundamental beliefs, 

4. Teachings(Lifestyle positions the church has adopted that are not a test of faith 1. like Vegtarianism 2. avoiding caffine use 3. allowing the use of the wedding ring 

5. Majority or Minority View 1. Nature of Christ 2. Necessity of Vegan Lifestyle 

6. Regional Views 1. No swimming on sabbath, hiking misunderstood on sabbath in Pohnpei 2. Hair length for ministers in South America 3. Wedding Ring in MI (lols) 

7. Local or Individual Position, Remember, we’re not trying to lower standards, just uphold the true standard, and set aside the difference between truth and opinion! 3-7.  Taken from p29-30 MERLIN Burt's Issues in EGW Studies notes.

May 22, 201939:60
C06 Has an appetite for Controversy broken us?

C06 Has an appetite for Controversy broken us?

Rich and Ruben question whether a preoccupation with controversy has affected our priorities and sense of morality.

May 08, 201938:03
C05 Looking in the Mirror: Why should we question our beliefs?

C05 Looking in the Mirror: Why should we question our beliefs?

Rich and Ruben discuss the reality of "Post-Christianity",  how "Traditional Christianity" is currently unable to relate with most of our current postmodern society, and how we can better align ourselves to the Christ of Christianity. 

Apr 24, 201942:56
C04 Reflections on the Holy Land

C04 Reflections on the Holy Land

Rich asks Ruben about his recent trip to Israel and Jordan, uncovering how the experience has impacted how he lives and thinks. 

Apr 12, 201923:52
C03 Let's talk about Islam

C03 Let's talk about Islam

“Is Islam an inherently violent religion? Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? Rich and Ruben discuss a Christian approach to interacting with the world’s fastest growing religion and its adherents.”

Mar 27, 201936:49
C02 Why Do Young People Stay in Church?

C02 Why Do Young People Stay in Church?

What makes "young people" stay in Church? Rich and Ruben will talk about the experiences, challenges and opportunities that Christian churches are currently facing. 

Mar 20, 201939:14
C01 Clarity Podcast Intro

C01 Clarity Podcast Intro

Rich and Ruben introduce themselves and the concepts behind Clarity Podcast. Are you ready?

Feb 10, 201910:20