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The Connection Church | Sunday Messages

The Connection Church | Sunday Messages

By The Connection Church

We are a Bible-believing, Spirit-Filled church who gathers together to worship God, grow in our faith in Jesus, love one another and serve others in the community. Come make a new friend today and get connected!
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Living Courageous: From Fear to Courage

The Connection Church | Sunday MessagesJul 16, 2023

Christ is the Firm Foundation

Christ is the Firm Foundation

Join us this Sunday as Pastor Kathleen teaches on Christ as the Firm Foundation in our lives.

Jul 30, 202319:34
Living Courageous: From Fear to Courage

Living Courageous: From Fear to Courage

God wants to work in your life in ways that are unimaginable to you, but to Him are right on the horizon. He calls us to follow Him and allow Him to direct our paths, and part of this road is the road of freedom. However, we often allow fear to dissuade our focus on Him. When we do, He calls us to return to Him so He can remind us to live transformed. Join us as we are reminded how Jesus restored Peter after he allowed fear to cloud his eyesight, and how in the end God used Peter as a mighty man to change the world.

Jul 16, 202325:18
Sharpened for Power

Sharpened for Power

In your life do you see obstacles standing before you? While we would rather they be removed, God often works through them rather than eliminating them. In preparation, God makes us into powerful instruments, like a threshing sledge, which is a powerful instrument sharpened that can separate away the good from the unnecessary. Join us for a look at how God is with you, as seen in Isaiah 41.

Jul 09, 202322:32
The Battle Belongs to God

The Battle Belongs to God

God has a plan for your life. Join us as we take a look at how God makes us successful and guides us into places of victory when we are willing to follow His instructions for our lives. The battle belongs to God: A look at the story of Jericho.

Jul 02, 202326:03
Return, Rejoice or Forgive: The Prodigal Son

Return, Rejoice or Forgive: The Prodigal Son

God invites us to walk in relationships. In your life, you can choose to forgive, rejoice, and return to all that God has for you. Join us as we look at how different people respond in the story of the prodigal son.

Jun 25, 202326:56
A Father's Role

A Father's Role

Join us this week as Pastor Clayton teaches on the Father's role.

Jun 18, 202341:54
Trusting God | Psalm 40

Trusting God | Psalm 40

Join us this week as Pastor Kathleen gives a message on Trusting God.

Jun 11, 202327:16
Growing in Faith and Overcoming Fear

Growing in Faith and Overcoming Fear

Our world needs to see a church that operates in love and power, not fear. Together we look at how to put our trust in God, keep our eyes on Him, and make choices to eliminate fear from our situations. May the Holy Spirit speak to you and encourage you as you are filled with faith and confidence that God is at work in your circumstances.

Jun 04, 202328:21
A Renewed Spirit of Power

A Renewed Spirit of Power

On this celebration of Pentecost, we look at how the Holy Spirit comes to empower us to effectively share God’s message of love with others. As humans, we may feel inadequate for this task, but in Ezekiel 36 God declares that He will remove the old places of our hearts, and replace them with new hearts, hearts made of flesh. Upon this firm foundation, God sends His Holy Spirit to empower us to walk victoriously as ministers who proclaim the Gospel.

May 28, 202330:54
Rebuild the Old

Rebuild the Old

In life, we face many afflictions; Psalms 46 reminds us that this is normal even for the righteous. Listen in as we discuss how to recognize where the attacks of the enemy have come in an attempt to destroy and commit to surrendering all areas of our lives to God so that He can build (rebuild) our lives the way He wants. 

May 21, 202320:12
Walking in Newness

Walking in Newness

God is actively at work in our lives. In this season of newness, He calls each of us to trust, embrace, and intentionalize our relationship with Him. Join us as we look at Psalm 126 and see a picture of how to trust God as we plant new things into our lives, trusting Him fully as we do.

May 07, 202321:10
Dependent On God

Dependent On God

God calls us to trust Him fully; to be completely dependent on Him. This requires we surrender our control, believe He desires what is best for us, and choose to trust God in every situation. God is doing a new thing, it is time to grow in our dependency on Him.

Apr 30, 202320:46
Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly with God

Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly with God

God calls us to live in a way that values the things He values. Justice, mercy, and humility are the things that God desires. God calls us to value the things He values, which is to do what is morally right and act with steadfast and lovingkindness so we can point others to His mercy.

Apr 26, 202328:14
All Things New

All Things New

Join us as Pastor Kathleen teaches about All Things New!

Apr 16, 202321:32
God is Your Healer

God is Your Healer

How desperate are you for the presence and power of God to break through in your life? God meets us at the point of our faith. Put your faith in God rather than circumstances!  Any moment can be a healing, saving, or restoring moment when Jesus intersects it. So choose to ask, seek, and knock and invite Jesus to be the healer of your life.

Mar 19, 202325:08
Jesus is Your Savior

Jesus is Your Savior

Jesus came to bring healing to your pain and provide a way for you to experience a restored relationship with God. He calls us to abandon our ways of doing things and aligned our lives to God. Join us as we look at the next step that immediately follows repentance: baptism. Embrace this call to repent and be baptized.

Mar 12, 202320:03
God is Aware of Your Circumstances

God is Aware of Your Circumstances

God is aware of the circumstances of your life, and He is at work in them. Our God drew the boundary of where the oceans could advance, and where they are to ebb. He called Israel to be His people God while also executing His plan to guide the life of every individual. The amazing nature of God is unchanging and He is aware of your circumstances; God is at work in your life right now. Jesus is the author and perfecter of your faith. When you experience difficult situations, He call you to trust Him, walking in the assurance that He will provide. Join us as we look at the life of Elijah and how God called him to walk in faith.

Mar 05, 202323:56
God's Word Revealed

God's Word Revealed

Do you ever often wonder what God wants you to do? Or maybe, why He has not yet answered your prayer? Let me assure you, God has already revealed Himself to you! The Bible is the written Word of God, which is "breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work" (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Join us as we look at how to embrace the entirety of His Word and expectantly experience a closer relationship with Him.

Feb 26, 202325:39
The Omnipotent God

The Omnipotent God

No matter what you are facing right now, realize that God has power and authority over it. Join us as we learn to depend on God, rely on His strength, and allow Him to take care of our needs. Allow God to work in your circumstances and define the boundaries of the impossible in your life.

Feb 19, 202317:17
How Big is Your God

How Big is Your God

Join us this week as Pastor Clayton teaches on how big God is.

Feb 12, 202337:09
This is Our God

This is Our God

God is the Great I AM of your life. Do you allow your Creator, your Savior, and the Spirit of God to dwell in you as He desires? The Alpha and Omega is calling to you to trust Him in new ways as you continue to walk with Him.

Feb 05, 202324:45
Keep Going!

Keep Going!

This year has been filled with God's presence, joy, love, and Healing. In Psalm 100 we see a pattern emerge that directs us to keep going in our faith as we press on. Explore what joy-filled praise looks like and be inspired to bring thanks and praise to your God no matter what season you are in.

Jan 29, 202323:54
Reignite the Spirit

Reignite the Spirit

Knowing someone and being filled with their authority are not the same thing; God calls us to both know Him and be filled with His authority and power. Join us as we take a look at how the Holy Spirit is available in our lives so we can live alive in His Spirit, allowing Him to use us as His ambassadors. It's time to stir up the fire within us and reignite the flame that makes our love for God burn strong!

Jan 22, 202328:32
The Great Surrender

The Great Surrender

God is calling us to trust Him with every detail of our lives. He yearns for us to be boiling up with faith that is zealous for Him. Let's dig in deeper and learn how to turn directly towards God and walk in complete surrender.

Jan 15, 202323:55
Deeper Connection Found in God

Deeper Connection Found in God

God calls to us and declares promises over us, yet the fulfillment often is in a different season; we are to press into Him in this time of waiting. In a culture that is used to immediately having our desires met we don’t like to deny ourselves. But Jesus to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him. Let's learn together how to feast on God and respond to the call to practice the discipline of fasting.

Jan 08, 202327:33
Joy, Adoration, and Worship

Joy, Adoration, and Worship

Join us this week as Pastor Kathleen shares a message with us about Joy, Adoration, and Worship.

Dec 18, 202223:00
Hope in the Promise

Hope in the Promise

The greatest gift at Christmas is found in the identity of the little baby. Receive the gift of Jesus and find strength in your life as you experience Him as your Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Surrender fully to God and anticipate the arrival of your Savior as He reveals Himself and His promises to you.

Dec 11, 202220:30
Christmas Beginnings: Preparing for the Gift to be Revealed

Christmas Beginnings: Preparing for the Gift to be Revealed

As we prepare for the Christmas season the preparation must also begin in our hearts. Embrace the full love of God as expressed in Christmas and experience hope that brings greater joy beyond what you see today.

Dec 04, 202230:43
Thankfulness and Contentment

Thankfulness and Contentment

Join us as Pastor Clayton teaches on thankfulness and contentment.

Nov 27, 202215:09


God calls us to consecrate ourselves, to bring our hearts before Him, as a preparation to receive His blessings in our lives. Upon receiving from God we are called to reflect upon His unwavering steadfastness and create remembrances of His goodness. (A look at Israel crossing the Jordan River.)

Nov 20, 202223:35


God's love is available to transform your life to reflect the selflessness of Jesus to the world. The choice is yours, will you lay down your rights, your desires, and your needs as secondary to the charge to proclaim the good news to the world around you? God is looking to use you as an integral part of the great story He is writing.

Nov 13, 202216:02
Believe in Faith, God is Faithful

Believe in Faith, God is Faithful

Consistently press into the faithful God and mirror His consistency in your life. Believe in faith that He will do what He has said He will do, and experience the breaking of strongholds that God has declared over you.

Nov 06, 202224:54


Join us as we continue our series on The Core of Character! Unity begins with each one of us; but it began with God. A look at God's triune nature and a practical application of how to live in unity in our lives.

Oct 30, 202229:15
Dedicated to Generosity

Dedicated to Generosity

Join us as we continue our Core of Character Series!

Oct 23, 202237:04
Faith, Gentleness & Self Control

Faith, Gentleness & Self Control

As we continue in our Core of Character series let the fruit of the Spirit flow out of your life.

Oct 16, 202232:17
Patience, Kindness, and Goodness

Patience, Kindness, and Goodness

As you allow the Holy Spirit to dwell within you allow patience, kindness and goodness to abound in you.

Oct 09, 202229:52
When Love Abounds

When Love Abounds

As you allow the Holy Spirit to dwell within you in love, then joy and peace will increase!

Oct 02, 202235:36
The Core of Character

The Core of Character

Join us as we begin a new series on character.

Sep 25, 202223:21
Peace that Overcomes

Peace that Overcomes

Join us as we conclude our series on rhythms. This week we talk about peace.

Sep 18, 202223:09
Rhythm of Surrender

Rhythm of Surrender

Join us as we continue our series on rhythms. This week we talk about surrender.

Sep 11, 202224:42
Walking with God

Walking with God

Join us as we continue our series on rhythms. This week we talk about walking with God.

Sep 04, 202230:17
Rhythm of Surrender

Rhythm of Surrender

Join us as we continue our series on rhythms. This week we talk about surrender.

Aug 28, 202221:39
Praying & Pressing In

Praying & Pressing In

Join us as we continue our series about Rhythms. This week we talk about praying & pressing in.

Aug 21, 202225:35
New Rhythms

New Rhythms

Join us as we hear about how much God cares about you

Aug 14, 202228:09
Loving Others

Loving Others

Join us as we learn about loving others

Aug 07, 202228:21
God Cares About You

God Cares About You

Join us as we hear about how much God cares about us

Jul 31, 202215:53
Jesus Restores Our Lives

Jesus Restores Our Lives

Join us as we are restored by Jesus

Jul 24, 202218:59
Honoring God

Honoring God

Join us as we learn how to honor God

Jul 17, 202222:06
The Shaping Impact of Jesus
Jul 10, 202230:18