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Unlocking Your Natural Confident Mindset

Unlocking Your Natural Confident Mindset

By Cynthia Lee, MCLC

In this podcast, I want to help you clarify exactly what you want, determine what’s in your way and put you on the right path to success. Let me help clear the chaos so that you can find healing in your relationships, confidence in your stride, identify roadblocks and dismantle any toxic beliefs.

Cynthia Lee, Master Certified Life Coach, shares her proven steps on how to create the indestructible, natural confidence of the 1% who achieve their goals, create success on-demand, and live life on their terms.

Email me if you have questions.
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Episode 1: My Beautiful Women, Get Back On Your Throne And Watch The Misogynist Fall

Unlocking Your Natural Confident MindsetJun 04, 2021

10 Reasons Why You Should Have an Alter Ego
Feb 14, 202304:23
Learn How To Escape Your Comfort Zone
Feb 14, 202305:49
Are You Destroying Your Self-Confidence
Jan 30, 202311:00
In 90 days, go from having social anxiety to being a social butterfly.

In 90 days, go from having social anxiety to being a social butterfly.

Social anxiety is the fear or apprehension that you'll be judged negatively by others in a social situation. Social anxiety might seem harmless, but it can profoundly affect many parts of your life. You learned to be fearful in social cases. Therefore, you can also teach yourself to be more comfortable in social settings. 

This podcast will cover an effective plan to help you erase years of social anxiety in just 90 days. If you're currently experiencing social anxiety and lack the social life you desire, know that you have everything necessary within you to enhance your social life and sense of well-being.

Let me tell you how... 

Jan 12, 202344:28
How Finding Your Purpose Can Make You Happy 

How Finding Your Purpose Can Make You Happy 

But what does all that have to do with making you happy? Taking the time to figure out how you can help others and then doing just that is a powerful thing. We are social creatures and hardwired to help our community when we make it a daily goal to do just that; it’s an enriching experience.

Yes, part of it is because we’ll be thanked or recognized for what we’re doing, but that’s only a tiny part. Doing good will make you happy even when no one else knows about it. There’s an internal reward built in. We feel good about ourselves. Our self-worth grows, and with it, our self-esteem.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jan 06, 202304:18
How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Feelings
Jan 06, 202305:49
15 Ways To Become Unstoppable

15 Ways To Become Unstoppable

What makes someone unstoppable? It’s doing the right things each day. Those “right” things ensure you’re relaxed, focused, and spending time on your goals. It’s about maintaining your health, too. Are you “unstoppable” or “easily stopped?”

Make yourself unstoppable. You can do plenty of little things each day to make yourself more successful in every part of life. Avoid the belief that success is hard. It’s just about consistently doing the right things. You can do that.

Jan 06, 202315:21
Constant Motivation Is Key To Success
Jul 12, 202211:52
Why Is It So Hard To Accept Yourself
Apr 30, 202206:49
Strengthen Your Sense Of Self
Apr 30, 202205:50
Top 10 Secrets You Didn’t Learn In School
Mar 10, 202205:25
Learn How To Rebuild Your Children's Confidence When It Is Low

Learn How To Rebuild Your Children's Confidence When It Is Low

Learn How To Rebuild Your Children's Confidence When It Is Low. Our children are our future and it is important as parents for us to ensure that we are able to get them to a point where they are hold their head up high and walk confidently into adulthood. My son was suffering from a major lost in his confidence and it was taking a toll on his social life. My implementing four changes in our daily routine, I saw his confidence drastically improve. 

What do you do when your children are suffering from a blow to their confidence? 

Feb 09, 202256:22
Part 2: Become The Leader You've Always Wanted To Be

Part 2: Become The Leader You've Always Wanted To Be

The debate over whether leadership skills are innate or learned has likely been debated since the days of the cave man. Is it possible that some people are born with the gift of effective leadership skills while the rest of us are relegated to be full-time followers? Or is it possible that anyone can be a great leader? 

Feb 08, 202224:29
February 8, 2022

February 8, 2022

Feb 08, 202200:57
The Art of Persuasion, The Science of Influencing People

The Art of Persuasion, The Science of Influencing People

Why can some people masterfully move people to make certain choices, while others can never seem to get anyone to agree with them? Why are some people able to command a room while others struggle just to get their attention? Why are some people able to make things happen while others struggle to get people moving on anything?

It’s all about the art of persuasion.

Yes, persuasion is an art, and the good news is that you can learn it. And if you know the art of persuasion, you can use it to accomplish so many good things. If all things are equal, being a clear, masterful, persuasive communicator allows you to stand out from the crowd. 

In this podcast episode, I will share with you 16 proven ways you can master the art of persuasion. 

Feb 04, 202233:28
Dear Miss Side Chick, Stop Being Okay With Second Place

Dear Miss Side Chick, Stop Being Okay With Second Place

The side chick vs main chick debate often never ends well. As a side-chick, you are seen as a homewrecker, a careless and vile person who does not want to see love thrive. Men keep side mistresses for various reasons. He may keep you as the side dish because he wants to officially end things with his main girl before making you his only one. The wait may take forever and leave you stuck on the same level for months or even years. 

So how do you evolve from being a mere side chick to the main chick? In this episode we are going to discuss three points:

1. We are going to define what a side chick is?

2. Traits of a side chick.

3. 7 ways to not become a side chick.


Jan 25, 202235:16
Episode #049: Fake It Till You Make It
Jan 20, 202227:36
Episode #048: Are Great Leaders Born Or Made

Episode #048: Are Great Leaders Born Or Made

Listen to this live podcast episode from the Wisdom app with Cynthia Lee and guests as they discuss their views on whether or not a great leader is born or made.
Special guest include:
Laura Burgess, Executive and Career Coach;
David Williams, Author, Podcaster, Stock Investor
Brian Colletto, Motivational Speaker
Alejandro J Tornato, Engineer, Motivational Speaker
Kronos TimeMaster, PhD in Business Administration
Charmaine holland, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Author
Dec 26, 202102:22:56
Episode# 047: Top 10 Things Confident People Avoid Doing
Nov 11, 202105:09
Episode #046: Forgiveness: A step-by-step plan for forgiveness
Nov 11, 202145:13
Episode #045: My life is a work in progress
Nov 11, 202109:31
Episode #44: Master the Art of Small Talk
Oct 27, 202106:09
Episode #043: Reclaiming Your Confidence

Episode #043: Reclaiming Your Confidence

Once upon a time, you were confident. Children start out that way. It’s what enables them to reach for a hand or flat surface to pull themselves up to standing when they’re just beginning to walk. It’s how they play and learn and grow. Visit any playground, and you’ll see this kind of confidence in action in a thousand different ways.

Sadly, confidence isn’t a constant thing. We’re never entirely, fully confident. So, while we might find the courage to ask out that special someone, we might find this same confidence faltering when we think about asking them to marry us after months of dating. Or we’re confident enough to do well on the job interview but lack the confidence to ask for a raise even though we’ve been at the job a while now and know we deserve it. A lot of times this is because something along the way has shaken our confidence, if not broken it outright.

This podcast episode is about fixing all that.

Oct 16, 202101:04:03
Episode #042: You Need To Build A Stronger Ego

Episode #042: You Need To Build A Stronger Ego

Episode #042: You Need To Build A Stronger Ego

In self-help literature, we often read about the benefits of diminishing or eliminating the ego. Many write as though the ideal existence involves giving away all their stuff and doing away with attachment to anything. If that’s truly your calling, then go for it!

But what if you want to just be a regular person and feel good about yourself? What if you want to have a rich and exciting life, whether or not you have material abundance? Is there a way?

Instead of associating ego with detrimental personal traits, you could associate a strong ego with strong character. With a developed ego, you learn to have a healthy sense of self. And a healthy sense of self helps you be a person of character.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Sep 28, 202104:59
Episode #041: Why Not Get Your Bucket List Together

Episode #041: Why Not Get Your Bucket List Together

Episode #041: Why Not Get Your Bucket List Together

You probably first heard of a "bucket list" (a list of things you want to do before you die) after watching the movie, "The Bucket List" with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. Wouldn't it be nice to have your own bucket list?

If you've been putting it off, maybe now is the time to put pen to paper (or use your computer) and start your list. Doing the things you've always wanted to do, but never got around to, can be incredibly fulfilling!

Let your mind go. Give yourself the freedom to think about all the things you've always dreamed of doing. Then write them down.

In this podcast, I will share with you some sample bucket list items to find inspiration for your own list of things to fulfill before you "kick the bucket."

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Sep 28, 202105:14
Episode #040: The Breakdown

Episode #040: The Breakdown

Episode #040: The Breakdown

The breakdown. How do you move a mountain? One shovelful at a time. It’s a cute saying, but how many of us grab the shovel and start frantically banging away at the mountain, trying to whittle it down through sheer brute force?

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the size of the mountain. It’s easy to get frustrated and angry because the challenge seems insurmountable. That’s why so many ideas to help change your life fail—the frustration gives us an out, a way to rid ourselves of something so vast. It’s an open invitation for defeatism and defeatist thinking.

So how do you move a mountain? You make it into a series of tasks. You have the end goal; now you have to make your timeline. The catch is – you need to make it backward. You need to start with the year-long goal first and then slice it into 12 parts (one for each month). Then slice each of those into four sections (one for each week) and then each of those into seven (one for each day). See the pattern?

In this transcript from my blog I will share with you some methods to break it all down with ease.

Cynthia Lee

Master Certified Life Coach


Sign up for my Masterclasses at Confidence 101 and transform at your own pace

Course list:

Becoming Your Beautiful Authentic Self

Overcoming Obstacles

Healing From Emotional Trauma

Daily Success Rituals

The Success Brain

Freedom Journaling

Mindset Reset Masterclass

From Dream To Done

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Sep 28, 202110:14
Episode 39: 14 Habits Guaranteed to Make You Love Yourself More
Sep 08, 202105:43
Episode #38: What’s On Your Life Wish List?
Sep 08, 202105:40
Episode #037: A Startling Fact About Performance Anxiety

Episode #037: A Startling Fact About Performance Anxiety

Episode #037: A Startling Fact About Performance Anxiety

Choking under pressure is a common response whether you’re playing the lead in the third grade Christmas play or giving an important business presentation. Unfortunately, about 90% of people handle stressful situations poorly.

A recent experiment shows that getting excited works better than trying to calm down. During a public singing contest, students were given various instructions. Those who said, “I am excited,” scored an average of 81% compared to 69% for those who said, “I am anxious,” and 53% for those who said, “I am calm.”

Learn how to use anxiety to your advantage when you’re in high-stress situations. These tips will help you to perform better even when your palms are sweating.


Cynthia Lee

Follow on IG:


Sign up for my courses at Confidence 101:

Course list:

Becoming Your Beautiful Authentic Self

Overcoming Obstacles

Healing From Emotional Trauma

Daily Success Rituals

The Success Brain

Freedom Journaling

Mindset Reset Masterclass

From Dream To Done

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Aug 25, 202106:26
Episode #36: What Does Your Self-Talk Say About You
Aug 23, 202123:34
Episode #035: Diffusing Conflict Effectively

Episode #035: Diffusing Conflict Effectively

Episode #035: Diffusing Conflict Effectively

Conflict – even the word can make your stomach tighten into knots. If there’s conflict around you, whether it directly involves you or not, you may not be able to do your best work. If the conflict is on a personal level, it can affect your home life as well as what happens on the job.

Effective conflict resolution is a skill that everyone can benefit from learning.

Most conflict occurs because someone doesn’t respond to another’s actions in an expected manner. There may be differences of opinion, or a need is not being met. Despite attempts to avoid a conflict, it may not always be possible.

When conflict occurs, in this podcast I will some with you some proven techniques you can use. 

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jul 27, 202106:03
Episode #34: Who is Cynthia Lee

Episode #34: Who is Cynthia Lee

Who is Cynthia Lee? 

Hi, there, friends! I wanted to do this video to explain a bit of myself and why I started my Coaching Business, Capricious Lee, LLC. However, to fully explain the story and why I started my business, I would need to take you back 30 years where it all started. 

My mother always told me that my skin was too dark, my nose was too big, I was not girlie enough, and I didn’t speak as a proper girl should. She enrolled me in etiquette classes, cooking classes, sewing classes and made me push up to make my back strong so I wouldn’t slouch, and I got in trouble if I didn’t cross my legs and always presented myself as a proper lady. My mom put bleaching cream on my face, and after school, she would put a clothespin on my nose to try to make it smaller. Throughout my early childhood, I felt ugly. I felt like I was not good enough. I felt so small.  My self-esteem and confidence were at their lowest point as I made my way into my teenage years. 

Listen to the podcast to hear more. 

Book Your $50 Mini-Confidence Check session with me by clicking here.

Jul 27, 202115:03
Episode #033:Side-Stepping a Midlife Crisis

Episode #033:Side-Stepping a Midlife Crisis

Episode #033:Side-Stepping a Midlife Crisis

How’s this for irony? The term “midlife crisis” was coined by a 48-year-old man. A midlife crisis refers to the tendency of people in early middle age to undergo an emotional exploration of self-identity. Whether this actually occurs or if it was just an idea perpetuated by TV sitcoms is immaterial.

One of the most frustrating consequences of this concept is that if you dare to take on a new habit in your 40s, people will assume you’re having an identity crisis. But in your 20s, you could have taken on a new habit every year, and people would just think you’re quirky.

There is some merit to this midlife crisis hubbub. People begin to reflect on their accomplishments. They begin to think about where they’ve been and where they’re going.

For those who have been building their careers for the last 20 to 30 years, there may be the sudden realization that retirement is nearing, and that if they’re ever going to pursue their true passion, they’d better get cracking.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jul 12, 202106:02
Episode #032: Daddy Issues and Daddy's Girl

Episode #032: Daddy Issues and Daddy's Girl

Episode #032: Daddy Issues

What do you think about when you hear Daddy Issues? Having “daddy issues” isn’t a recognized psychological condition when it comes to mental disorders. It is a common expression people use in everyday conversation to talk about an attachment issue someone has to a father-type figure. Irma and I break down some stereotypes concerning "Daddy Issues" and how it relates to your overall sense of self.

Jul 12, 202155:13
Episode #31: A Foolproof Formula For Doubling Your Confidence

Episode #31: A Foolproof Formula For Doubling Your Confidence

Episode #31: A Foolproof Formula For Doubling Your Confidence

Confidence is a state of mind, and it’s something that you can build up if you feel like your supply is running low. When you believe in yourself, you feel more secure, and you enjoy greater success.

Most of us have times in our life when fears and doubts undermine our faith in ourselves. You may experience setbacks that leave you feeling helpless. It’™s also natural for confidence to fluctuate from day to day or vary from one area of your life to another.

There are concrete actions you can take to empower yourself. Study these tips to put together a foolproof formula for doubling your confidence.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jun 22, 202106:02
Episode #30: 15 Ways To Protect Your Wellbeing

Episode #30: 15 Ways To Protect Your Wellbeing

Episode #30: 15 Ways To Protect Your Wellbeing

How do you react when you are faced with circumstances beyond your control or you fall short of your own expectations?

You might be tempted to become harsh with yourself. You try to whip yourself into shape, thinking that will help you to overcome the obstacles in your way.

In reality, treating yourself with kindness and compassion is more likely to build your resilience and clarify your thinking.

Make a list of things you can do to show yourself a little love today, starting with these ideas.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jun 22, 202106:03
Episode 029: Where Are You Getting Your Relationship Advice From?
Jun 21, 202153:24
Episode #028: 9 Ways to Enhance Self-Love

Episode #028: 9 Ways to Enhance Self-Love

Episode #028: 9 Ways to Enhance Self-Love

Loving yourself might sound a little odd, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t critical. The more you love yourself, the better you’ll take care of yourself. That impacts your health, longevity, self-esteem, self-confidence, and success.

When you love yourself, you make yourself a priority. You deserve nothing less.

I want to give you 9  tips and discover greater self-love in this podcast.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jun 15, 202105:52
Episode #027: How to Disallow Fear from Taking Over Your Life

Episode #027: How to Disallow Fear from Taking Over Your Life

Episode #027: How to Disallow Fear from Taking Over Your Life

Fear can be a debilitating thing. It can completely ruin your day or even, in some cases, your life! Fear is an emotion, and while sometimes it’s very valid and can help preserve your life, there are other times it simply must be faced and dealt with in order to be free.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jun 08, 202105:10
Episode #026: 8 Mental Habits That Will Make You Miserable

Episode #026: 8 Mental Habits That Will Make You Miserable

Episode #026: 8 Mental Habits That Will Make You Miserable

The world doesn’t make you miserable. You make yourself miserable. Your physique, bank account, and happiness are all the direct result of your daily habits. It’s not easy to be miserable unless you consistently do things to create misery. I want to share the eight mental habits that you could be doing right now to make you miserable.

Fortunately, you can identify and change the habits that are making you unhappy. A great way to keep track of these habits is by journaling them. Below you will find 8 mental habits that will make you miserable and hopefully when they are brought to light then you will be able to work through them.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jun 08, 202106:09
Episode #025: Introspection Achievement – Unlocked

Episode #025: Introspection Achievement – Unlocked

Episode #025: Introspection Achievement – Unlocked

Life is a journey that is scary and difficult.  But it’s easier when you have the companionship of another walking in your direction.  And while we travel in life, we’ll collect trinkets, memories, and stories.  Over time, this accumulation will begin to weigh us down.  It is certainly easier to leave things behind to help our journey.  However, those “things” are a part of us – kept for their evanescent sense of value.  Dropping a part of ourselves at the first sign of trouble is a faux high, that once faded will reveal that we never really unloaded anything at all – we can only bury the truth within ourselves.  To be at peace is to become strong enough to carry the load, to follow the path of those who have successfully walked where we’re going.  We are mightier than we realize if we allow ourselves to be mighty.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jun 08, 202108:13
Episode #024: 5 Steps to an Authentic and Effective Self-Image

Episode #024: 5 Steps to an Authentic and Effective Self-Image

Episode #024: 5 Steps to an Authentic and Effective Self-Image

Your self-image is the way you view yourself. You might view yourself as a parent, construction worker, friend, blonde, sports fan, intelligent, impatient, and middle-aged. But you’re more than your career, gender, and age. You’re more than your parents’ opinion.

You’re a unique person with nuances that are unique to you!

When you are aligned with what you do, you’re living authentically. But most of us view ourselves in one way and live another. Authentic people act honestly and congruently.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jun 08, 202105:48
Episode #023: 12 Tips Shy People Can Use To Make More Friends

Episode #023: 12 Tips Shy People Can Use To Make More Friends

What if I told you that there was nothing wrong with you and you don’t need fixing? Do you know that you already have everything that you need to be confident and to live exactly the life you want? You only need to UNLEARN all the bad programming and incorrect thinking you’ve been giving to unleash the incredible power within you. Cynthia Lee, Certified Confidence Coach, shares her proven steps on how to create the indestructible, natural confidence of the 1% who achieve their goals, create success on-demand, and live life on their terms.

Episode #023: 12 Tips Shy People Can Use To Make More Friends

Most people struggle to make new friends, but it can be more challenging for those that are shy. However, where there’€™s a will, there’s away. Even the shyest of people can have a healthy social circle.

Shyness can be a challenge in all social situations, but challenges can be overcome. If you€’re shy, you can make friends without giving yourself a coronary in the process.


WANT ME TO BE YOUR COACH? Book in for a complimentary consultation right now!

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jun 08, 202105:45
Episode 022: A Commuter’s Guide to Self-Care

Episode 022: A Commuter’s Guide to Self-Care

What if I told you that there was nothing wrong with you and you don’t need fixing? Do you know that you already have everything that you need to be confident and to live exactly the life you want? You only need to UNLEARN all the bad programming and incorrect thinking you’ve been giving to unleash the incredible power within you. Cynthia Lee, Certified Confidence Coach, shares her proven steps on how to create the indestructible, natural confidence of the 1% who achieve their goals, create success on-demand, and live life on their terms.

Episode 022: A Commuter’s Guide to Self-Care

Making Modest Changes to Your Commute

What could you be doing on your way to work instead of fuming about traffic or staring out the windows of the train? Spend that time on activities that enhance your mental and physical wellbeing.

More activities can be accomplished while riding on your commute, such as in a carpool or on a bus or train. As long as you avoid distracted driving, however, there are still activities that can make your commuting time feel shorter and more beneficial.

This episode is also available as a blog post:


WANT ME TO BE YOUR COACH? Book in for a complimentary consultation right now!

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Jun 07, 202106:41
Episode 21: Are You Living in Denial? Break Free With These Strategies

Episode 21: Are You Living in Denial? Break Free With These Strategies

What if I told you that there was nothing wrong with you and you don’t need fixing? Do you know that you already have everything that you need to be confident and to live exactly the life you want? You only need to UNLEARN all the bad programming and incorrect thinking you’ve been giving to unleash the incredible power within you. Cynthia Lee, Certified Confidence Coach, shares her proven steps on how to create the indestructible, natural confidence of the 1% who achieve their goals, create success on-demand, and live life on their terms.

Episode 21: Are You Living in Denial? Break Free With These Strategies

Ostriches don’t really bury their heads in the sand. However, that is an apt image for what happens when we try to deny our troubles instead of dealing with them.

Denial is a common defense mechanism for avoiding facts that make us uncomfortable. In the short term, it can be constructive if it helps us to gradually come to terms with upsetting news.

Troubles arise when our refusal to face reality becomes chronic. Then, the activities and excuses we use to try to cover up our situation start to backfire. We often wind up making our difficulties even worse.

To make progress, it’s important to move past denial. If you’re feeling stuck, try these practical suggestions.

This episode is also available as a blog post:


WANT ME TO BE YOUR COACH? Book in for a complimentary consultation right now!

Jun 07, 202106:43
Episode 1: My Beautiful Women, Get Back On Your Throne And Watch The Misogynist Fall
Jun 04, 202101:04:28
Free Yourself

Free Yourself

What if I told you that there was nothing wrong with you and you don’t need fixing? Do you know that you already have everything that you need to be confident and to live exactly the life you want? You only need to UNLEARN all the bad programming and incorrect thinking you’ve been giving to unleash the incredible power within you. Cynthia Lee, Certified Confidence Coach, shares her proven steps on how to create the indestructible, natural confidence of the 1% who achieve their goals, create success on-demand, and live life on their terms. Podcast Episode 20: Free Yourself from Social Competition and Learn to Love Your Life

Do you sometimes find yourself comparing your life to that of others? Do you crave more fulfilling relationships and greater satisfaction? To create the happiness you deserve, you can liberate yourself from the social competition.

Even if you see yourself as a totally peaceful person, you may find yourself participating in social rivalry. And if you’re naturally competitive, you likely enjoy challenging your friends. However, by avoiding certain kinds of contests, you can create more joy in your life.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

May 26, 202105:27
8 Strategies for Successfully Dealing With Rejection
Apr 27, 202106:04
The Power of Personal Boundaries

The Power of Personal Boundaries

What if I told you that there was nothing wrong with you and you don’t need fixing? Do you know that you already have everything that you need to be confident and to live exactly the life you want? You only need to UNLEARN all the bad programming and incorrect thinking you’ve been giving to unleash the incredible power within you. Cynthia Lee, Certified Confidence Coach, shares her proven steps on how to create the indestructible, natural confidence of the 1% who achieve their goals, create success on-demand, and live life on their terms.

Podcast Episode 018: The Power of Personal Boundaries

Personal boundaries are important for several reasons. They serve as barriers to protect your self-esteem. They are also tools for establishing limits with others and communicating that you won’t tolerate certain behaviors. Those without personal boundaries commonly end up in less than ideal situations and relationships.

Without limits, you’re a victim to the whims of those around you. Personal boundaries are about respecting yourself and demanding respect from others.

This episode is also available as a blog post:



WANT ME TO BE YOUR COACH? Book in for a complimentary consultation right here:


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Apr 08, 202106:01
Fighting Your Fears
Mar 30, 202136:42