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Freedom By Choice - Automate - Work Less - Earn More - Live Anywhere - Live More

Freedom By Choice - Automate - Work Less - Earn More - Live Anywhere - Live More

By Martin EbonguΓ©

I am Martin EbonguΓ© & I believe in freedom. πŸ•ŠοΈ I went from working as a support person to building 40+ passive income streams online, traveling around the world, and living in Bali for the last 9 years. My entrepreneurship journey has taught me: - Problem-solving skills 🧩 - Growth hacking skills πŸ“ˆ - Simplification skills ⚑ I have decided to share: - My journey - My findings - My failures - My successes - My vision With all of you guys, so that you get to create a kick@$$ lifestyle that is tailor-made for YOU. All I am asking you in exchange is to THINK That's it... Just THINK... πŸ€”
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Episode 544 - Forbidden posting secret revealed...

Freedom By Choice - Automate - Work Less - Earn More - Live Anywhere - Live MoreMay 08, 2024

Episode 557 - The Surprising $500/Month "Peace of Mind" Secret for Entrepreneurs

Episode 557 - The Surprising $500/Month "Peace of Mind" Secret for Entrepreneurs

πŸŽ™οΈ Show Notes: Discover Your True Motivation for Making Money

In this podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© dives deep into the topic of money and explores the various motivations people have for wanting to increase their income.

Get ready to uncover your own driving force and learn how to design a life that aligns with your unique desires.

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- The surprising truth about people's motivations for making money (it's not always about fancy cars and big houses) [01:18]

- How one of Martin's friends found peace of mind by building a financial safety net, without needing to quit his job or change his lifestyle [02:34]

- Why you don't need to make $10,000 a month to feel adequate and successful [03:59]

- The importance of appreciating what you have in the present moment while still having ambition for the future [06:33]

- How building a system that generates even a small amount of passive income each month can provide a sense of security and relief from financial stress [08:09]

- The power of identifying your specific financial needs and designing a business that helps you fulfill them [09:41]

- And much more... [11:02]

Word Of Wisdom:

You do not need to make $10,000 a month. Okay?

So building a system that is every single month while you're doing whatever it is that you're doing right now, your job that you love, it's your passion, you don't want to change that.

And you want something that works for you in the background and then deposits $500, $300 or something, even $100.
Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:

1. Identify your true motivation for wanting to make more money. Is it for peace of mind, financial security, or something else entirely? [02:34]

2. Determine the realistic amount of money you need to achieve your goals, rather than chasing arbitrary numbers. [09:41]

3. Start building a system that can generate passive income each month, even if it's a small amount, to create a financial safety net. [08:09]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:

May 29, 202414:53
Episode 556 - How I Built a Real Estate Empire Paying Cash (Without Banks or Loans)

Episode 556 - How I Built a Real Estate Empire Paying Cash (Without Banks or Loans)

πŸ”₯Show notes: Unlock the Secrets to Building a Real Estate Empire Without Borrowing a Dime! πŸ”₯

In this eye-opening podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© shares his unconventional approach to building a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio without relying on bank loans or mortgages.

Discover how you can achieve financial freedom and peace of mind by following Martin's proven strategies.

Some Topics We Discuss Include:
- Why borrowing money for real estate can lead to unnecessary stress and financial burden [01:21]

- The hidden truth about who really owns your home when you have a mortgage [05:55]

- How to build a real estate empire without risking your financial stability [07:59]

- The secret to generating passive income that can help you buy properties in cash [09:01]

- How to achieve true financial freedom and peace of mind without owing money to anyone [13:42]

- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom:

I do not buy stuff I cannot afford. I just don't. It's just bad karma. It's just for me, it's pointless. I don't need to impress anybody. [07:59]

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:
βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:

May 28, 202414:44
Episode 555 - The Social Media Automation Secret That Generates Sales On Autopilot

Episode 555 - The Social Media Automation Secret That Generates Sales On Autopilot

Show Notes: Unleash the Power of Social Media Automation for Your Business

In this podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© shares his secret weapon for dominating social media without the soul-sucking time investment.

Discover how you can leverage the power of automation ading (0%)to skyrocket your online presence and attract more customers, all while focusing on what truly matters in your business.

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- Why social media is crucial for your business, even if you don't personally enjoy it [01:31]

- The three categories of tasks you should identify in your business to optimize your time and energy [03:52]

- How Martin's social media robots handle research, planning, content creation, and posting across hundreds of accounts [06:01]

- The incredible results Martin achieved within 24 hours of activating his new social media bot [12:32]

- How you can access Martin's "dirty little secrets" and revolutionize your social media strategy [14:19]

- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom:
Social media is here and is here to stay whether you like it or not.- Martin EbonguΓ© [01:55]

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:

1. Identify the tasks in your business that you hate doing, can do an okay job at, or have no idea how to do [04:40]

2. Consider creating templates or outsourcing tasks to streamline your processes and free up your time [05:48]

3. Explore the possibility of automating your social media presence to maintain consistency and reach without the daily grind [07:05]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:
βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:

May 25, 202414:60
Episode 554 - The Secret 5-Minute Method To Convert Strangers Into Clients Without Selling

Episode 554 - The Secret 5-Minute Method To Convert Strangers Into Clients Without Selling

πŸŽ™οΈShow notes: Discover the Secret to Closing Clients in Just 5 Minutes (Without Saying a Word!) πŸš€
Are you tired of lengthy sales processes that drain your time and energy?

Do you dread the endless calls and follow-ups required to close a single client?

What if I told you there's a way to go from complete stranger to a paying client in just 5 minutes, without even pitching them?

In this podcast episode, I reveal my secret weapon that has allowed me to build my empire faster than my competitors.

While they spend months trying to close a single client, I can do it in mere minutes.

And the best part? I don't even have to say a word!

Imagine attending an event, exchanging business cards, and having the person become your client before you even finish your conversation.

It may sound like magic, but it's the power of automation and a tool I've created to solve my own problems.

If you're ready to revolutionize your sales process and close high-ticket clients with ease, then this episode is a must-listen!

Word Of Wisdom:

The foundation of all the automations and all the tools that I create is how do I go from a stranger to a client? Fast and easy and without me. - Martin EbonguΓ©

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- The problem with lengthy sales processes and how they waste your time [01:14]

- How I can close someone in just 5 minutes without even saying a word [02:21]

- The magic that happens when you use my secret tool at events [05:00]

- How to demonstrate your skills and processes without pitching [08:25]

- The value of a single contract and how this tool can generate massive sales [09:52]

- And much more...

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:
1. Evaluate your current sales process and identify areas where you can streamline and automate [01:14]

2. Consider how you can demonstrate your skills and value without directly pitching to potential clients [08:25]

3. Calculate the value of a single contract for your business and how this tool could impact your bottom line [09:52]

References & Resources Mentioned:
- The secret tool that allows you to close clients in 5 minutes (link to work with Martin one-on-one) [11:02]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:
βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:

May 24, 202414:27
Episode 553 - The Weird 3-Rule Trick That Helps You Solve Any Business Problem FAST

Episode 553 - The Weird 3-Rule Trick That Helps You Solve Any Business Problem FAST

πŸŽ™οΈ Show Notes: The Power of Simple Rules for Faster Execution and Better Decision Making

In this podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© shares a powerful strategy that can simplify your life, help you execute faster, and make better decisions consistently.

By creating a set of simple rules or principles, you can save time, energy, and beat your competitors in the market.

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- How creating three simple rules helped a 9-year-old girl solve complex math problems easily [01:25]

- Why focusing on the 95% rule instead of the 5% exceptions can make your life easier and more consistent [05:30]

- How having just two key variables for decision-making can help you find unlimited leads and grow your business [06:53]

- The importance of having principles that apply consistently, regardless of the situation or person involved [08:14]

- How reducing your decision-making checklist from 67 points to just 2-3 can save you hundreds of steps and help you execute faster [11:06]

- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom:

Success loves speed.

Now, it doesn't mean that you need to just run and just do things like an idiot and not consider it, but you have to find a way to execute faster.

And simple rules are the best tool. - Martin EbonguΓ©

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:

1. Identify areas in your business or life where you can create simple rules or principles to streamline decision-making [09:40]

2. Reduce your decision-making checklist to 2-3 key variables that matter most, instead of going through a lengthy list [11:06]

3. Apply your principles consistently, regardless of the situation or person involved, to maintain integrity and save time [08:14]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: ⁠⁠ πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? ⁠⁠ πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: ⁠⁠ πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required): ⁠⁠

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: ⁠⁠

- Instagram:

⁠⁠ - Telegram: ⁠⁠ - Twitter X: ⁠⁠

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: ⁠⁠ - Spotify: ⁠⁠ - Youtube Podcast: ⁠⁠

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:


May 21, 202413:42
Episode 552 - Forbidden secret you're not supposed to know...

Episode 552 - Forbidden secret you're not supposed to know...

πŸŽ™οΈ Show Notes: Discover the Secret to Boosting Your Sales Without Relying on More Traffic

In this podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© shares a powerful strategy that can help you make more money in your business without solely relying on increasing traffic.

If you've been struggling to generate sales and believe that the solution lies in driving more traffic to your offers, this episode is a must-listen!

Some Topics We Discuss Include:
- The common misconception that lack of traffic is the root cause of poor sales and how this belief can lead to financial strain [01:08]

- The importance of optimizing your sales page for conversions before investing in expensive ad campaigns [02:23]

- How Martin developed a game-changing tool that automates the process of finding high-converting offers, saving time and effort [04:51]

- The transformative impact of implementing this automated system on Martin's own business and income [07:27]

- How you can leverage Martin's expertise and have his team handle your traffic generation and offer optimization, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business [08:39]

- The significance of making data-driven decisions rather than relying on emotions when selecting offers to promote [09:52]

- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom:

You need to work with data instead of working with emotions. - Martin EbonguΓ© [11:00]

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:
1. Evaluate your current sales performance and identify if the issue lies in traffic or conversions [01:08]

2. Optimize your sales page for conversions before investing heavily in ad campaigns [02:23]

3. Consider automating the process of finding high-converting offers to save time and effort [04:51]

4. Join Martin's mastermind community to access his advanced systems and have his team work on your business [12:10]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin:

- Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:


May 20, 202413:56
Episode 551 - Forbidden hack changes everything...

Episode 551 - Forbidden hack changes everything...

πŸ”₯Show notes: Discover The Secret To Generating Unlimited Leads Without Relying On Facebook Ads!

Are you tired of struggling to generate leads for your business?

Do you feel like Facebook ads are your only option, but they're not delivering the results you need?

What if I told you there's a better way to attract a steady stream of targeted leads without spending a fortune on ads or creating complicated funnels?

In this podcast episode, I reveal the powerful strategies I use to generate thousands of laser-targeted leads in just a few clicks.

You'll discover how to tap into the power of social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and even TikTok to find your ideal customers who are eager to hear from you.

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- Why relying solely on Facebook ads is a risky strategy that could leave your business vulnerable [01:24]

- The three essential components every business needs to succeed (and why traffic is the most challenging) [03:56]

- How to attract a flood of targeted leads without spending countless hours building complicated funnels [06:31]

- The secret tool that allows you to laser-target your ideal customers based on their passions, location, and more [08:06]

- How to save time, energy, and money by automating your lead generation process [10:54]

- The unfair advantage my mastermind members have over the rest of the market (and how you can tap into it too) [12:13]

- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom:

I figured, you know what?

For me, what's the best to do is I press a button and then I get these people, and then I automatically put them in a sequence that I know because these people, they want to be contacted.

I'm not spamming anybody. I'm not talking about spamming.

These people said, Contact me. I do what they say and I put them in the right box. [10:54]

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:

1. Identify the three essential components your business needs to succeed: a page, a product, and traffic [03:56]

2. Evaluate your current lead generation strategy and consider if you're relying too heavily on Facebook ads [01:24]

3. Explore alternative methods to attract targeted leads, such as leveraging social media platforms and tapping into people's passions and interests [08:06]

4. Consider automating your lead generation process to save time, energy, and money [10:54]

5. If you're struggling to generate leads and want to learn more about the unfair advantage my mastermind members have, click the link to work with me one-on-one [14:39]

References & Resources Mentioned:

- The link to work with me one-on-one and discover how to generate unlimited leads without relying on Facebook ads [14:39]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:
βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:

May 17, 202414:52
Episode 550 - Forbidden advice you need to hear...

Episode 550 - Forbidden advice you need to hear...

πŸŽ™οΈ Show Notes: Unlock the Secret to Doubling Your Revenue with Half the Effort! πŸš€

In this podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© reveals a game-changing tool that can help you skyrocket your revenue while drastically reducing your workload.

Discover how to identify and prioritize high-value clients, ensuring that your best salespeople are always working with the most promising leads.

By implementing this strategy, you can potentially double your income while working 50 times less! πŸ’°

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- The crucial difference between productivity and efficiency, and why focusing on efficiency can give you more time and less stress [01:31]

- How not knowing which leads are most valuable can cost you millions in lost revenue [03:06]

- The revolutionary tool that predicts a lead's potential spend, allowing you to allocate resources efficiently [04:40]

- Strategies for routing high-value clients to your top salespeople, ensuring the best possible outcomes [07:32]

- How to handle leads that don't fit your ideal customer profile, either by referring them to partners or redirecting them to alternative products [08:49]

- The incredible potential of working 10 times less while doubling your revenue, all by implementing this powerful tool [10:15]

- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom:

Today is costing you time, it is costing you money, and it's costing you sanity you sanity. When you have this in your business, everything changes. Everything."* [10:15]

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:

1. Evaluate your current lead management process and identify areas where you may be losing high-value clients due to inefficiency [03:06]

2. Consider implementing a tool that can predict a lead's potential spend, allowing you to prioritize and allocate resources effectively [04:40]

3. Develop a workflow that ensures your top salespeople are always working with the most promising leads [07:32]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:
βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram:

- Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:

May 16, 202414:22
Episode 549 - Forbidden smartphone hack turns phones into money machines

Episode 549 - Forbidden smartphone hack turns phones into money machines

πŸ”₯Show notes: Unlock the Power of Automation and Skyrocket Your Productivity! πŸš€

Imagine being able to accomplish 100 times more work than the average person, all while enjoying the freedom to go anywhere, anytime.

In this podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© reveals his secret weapon: a smartphone that's connected to thousands of APIs and automation tools, allowing him to tackle complex tasks with just a few taps on the screen.

Discover how you can transform your life and business by embracing the power of automation and AI.

Say goodbye to endless to-do lists and hello to a world of possibilities!

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- The two choices you have when it comes to handling repetitive tasks: suffer now and automate, or suffer for the rest of your life (01:26)

- How Martin's smartphone is connected to thousands of APIs and software, enabling him to automate tasks from anywhere (04:00)

- The incredible power of AI: how Martin uses it to write entire emails, social media posts, and more with just a brief summary and a link (06:47)

- Doubling your email open rates by resending to non-openers at optimal times, all automated from your phone (09:14)

- Creating custom programs to extract specific data from millions of websites, right from your smartphone (11:37)

- Automating the entire podcast creation process, from recording to publishing and promotion, with just a few taps (12:55)

- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom:

You have to choose your pain when you want to suffer, I will say, because for me, it's not suffering.

There are two options. You can either have the pleasure now and then suffer for the rest of your life.

Meaning, for example, there is this task that you have to do. It will take you an hour a day.

You're like, No, it's just an hour. Let me do it.

But you will do it for the rest of your life. You will just postpone that suffering stuff.

You're basically going for the immediate gratification of not taking the time because it does take time to plan and fix this, not taking that time to fix it, well, basically will force you to suffer for the rest of your life.

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:

1. Identify repetitive tasks in your business that can be automated (01:26)

2. Explore how you can connect your smartphone to APIs and automation tools to streamline your workflow (04:00)

3. Leverage AI to create content, such as emails and social media posts, quickly and efficiently (06:47)

4. Implement an automated email follow-up sequence to increase your open rates and engagement (09:14)

5. Join Martin's mastermind to learn how to structure and implement these automation systems in your own business (14:01)

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:
βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:

May 15, 202414:56
Episode 548 - Forbidden AI tool that could 10X your team's performance

Episode 548 - Forbidden AI tool that could 10X your team's performance

πŸ”₯Show notes: Unlock the Secrets to Cloning Yourself and Skyrocketing Your Business Success!

In this podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© reveals a game-changing tool that can help you clone yourself and empower your team to achieve extraordinary results.

Imagine having a team that can execute tasks with the same level of expertise and finesse as you, allowing you to focus on growing your business exponentially.

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- The common problem entrepreneurs face when hiring a team that lacks their level of expertise [01:21]

- How Martin's tool, Koopy Ninja, allows him to extract his brain and knowledge for specific projects [02:32]

- The magic of creating billions of variations of well-structured answers with just one click [04:10]

- The importance of making your team's job easier and less stressful, leading to increased loyalty and productivity [05:30]

- Real-life examples of how Martin's team uses the tool for various tasks, such as handling suspended ad accounts and social media management [06:49]

- The power of automation in managing multiple social media networks while focusing on one [09:29]

- The end goal of creating a business that can run without you because your unique expertise is no longer needed [10:57]

- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom:

My job is to make sure that their job is not stressful.

I always communicate with the team and ask them, 'Okay, this is what we have to do.

Where are you losing time? What's costing you time?

What's hard to do?' Then we create the tools to help them out. [05:30]

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:

1. Identify the tasks in your business that require your unique expertise and are time-consuming for your team [01:21]

2. Consider creating a tool or system that allows you to extract your knowledge and make it easily accessible to your team [02:32]

3. Focus on making your team's job easier and less stressful, as this will lead to increased loyalty and productivity [05:30]

4. Explore the power of automation in managing multiple tasks and social media networks while focusing on the one that matters most [09:29]

5. Set the end goal of creating a business that can run without you, allowing you to focus on growth and expansion [10:57]

References & Resources Mentioned:

- Koopy Ninja: Martin's tool for cloning himself and empowering his team [02:32]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? ⁠⁠⁠⁠ πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required): ⁠⁠⁠⁠

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms:

- Linkedin: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ - Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ - Telegram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ - Twitter X: ⁠⁠⁠⁠

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ - Spotify: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ - Youtube Podcast: ⁠⁠⁠⁠

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:πŸ‘‰

May 14, 202413:43
Episode 547 - Forbidden advice that could destroy your business

Episode 547 - Forbidden advice that could destroy your business

πŸŽ™οΈShow Notes: Unlock the Secret to Overcoming Analysis Paralysis and Taking Massive Action in Your Business!

Are you tired of being stuck in the planning phase, never taking action on your business ideas?

Do you find yourself constantly analyzing every possible scenario, trying to create the perfect plan, only to end up overwhelmed and paralyzed?

In this eye-opening podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© reveals the key to breaking free from this vicious cycle and finally making progress in your entrepreneurial journey.

Discover how to shift your mindset from seeking certainty to embracing hypothesis-driven action, allowing you to move forward with confidence and adaptability.

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- The crucial role of having a plan, but why falling in love with it can be detrimental to your success [01:15]

- How real-life examples, like boxing matches and board games, demonstrate the importance of being flexible and adaptable in the face of unexpected challenges [02:39]

- The dangers of getting stuck in the planning phase and how it prevents you from taking action and gathering valuable data [05:28]

- Why action matters more than talks, promises, and elaborate plans, and how to start executing your ideas quickly and cost-effectively [06:49]

- The power of adopting an hypothesis mindset, allowing you to test your assumptions and pivot when necessary, without feeling discouraged or demoralized [09:31]

- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom:
The truth and the actual data are actually on the field.

It's not on the paper.

You do need a plan because otherwise you're going nowhere.

But do not think that whatever you have on that paper, on the board or on a diagram or something, that this is set in stone and this is going to happen because most of the time it is not. [05:28]

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:
1. Simplify your plan to avoid getting overwhelmed and stuck in the planning phase [01:15]

2. Embrace the mindset that your plan is a hypothesis, not a certainty, and be willing to adapt as you gather new information [09:31]

3. Take action quickly and cost-effectively, focusing on gathering data and validating or invalidating your assumptions [06:49]

By implementing these strategies, you'll be well on your way to overcoming analysis paralysis and making significant progress in your business.

Remember, success lies in taking action, not in crafting the perfect plan.

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: ⁠⁠ πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? ⁠⁠ πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: ⁠⁠ πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required): ⁠⁠

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: ⁠⁠ - Instagram: ⁠⁠ - Telegram: ⁠⁠ - Twitter X: ⁠⁠

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: ⁠⁠ - Spotify: ⁠⁠ - Youtube Podcast: ⁠⁠

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:πŸ‘‰

May 13, 202412:36
Episode 546 - Simple hack to get more sales even if you suck at selling

Episode 546 - Simple hack to get more sales even if you suck at selling

Show Notes: Double Your Sales Without Becoming a Better Salesperson Introduction: In this podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© reveals a powerful technique that can help you double your sales without the need to improve your sales skills or change your pitches. By targeting the right audience, you can start seeing results today and overcome common objections that hinder your sales success. Discover how to identify the best type of clients who desperately need your product or service but have no idea how to make it happen on their own. Some Topics We Discuss Include: - Why selling to everybody means selling to nobody and how niching down can improve your results [01:45] - The limitations of selling an improvement to something people already have and the resistance you may face [04:57] - The two key elements that define the best type of clients for your business [06:57] - How targeting people who desperately need your service but have no clue how to get it done can eliminate objections and make sales easier [08:18] - Real-life examples of targeting the right audience, such as selling accounting software to morticians instead of accountants [09:20] - And much more... Word Of Wisdom:

If you're trying to sell to everybody, then you're selling to nobody. And it's going to be very hard for

you to convert.- Martin EbonguΓ© [01:45] Action Steps You Can Take Right Now: 1. Analyze your current targeting and identify if you're selling to a general audience or a niche market [11:45] 2. If you're targeting specialists, consider finding an alternative audience who desperately needs your service but has no idea how to get it done [11:21] 3. Simplify your product or service to make it easy for your target audience to use and understand [13:14] References & Resources Mentioned: - None Call to Action: Comments, share your thoughts or suggest future topics. Don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast to help spread the message of freedom and choice! A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:

May 10, 202413:46
Episode 545 - Forbidden desires that could ruin your life...

Episode 545 - Forbidden desires that could ruin your life...

πŸŽ™οΈShow notes :The Secret to Happiness - Desire Less, Live More 🌟

In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© explores the profound relationship between desire and happiness.

Drawing from his personal experiences and philosophical insights, Martin reveals a powerful truth that can transform your life: the fewer desires you have, the happier you'll be.

Some Topics We Discuss Include:
- The core element of desire and why it leads to unhappiness [01:25]
- How social media amplifies our desires and makes us feel inadequate [03:07]
- The importance of limiting the quantity and changing the nature of your desires [04:21]

- Martin's deepest desire for peace and how it simplifies his life [05:51]

- The pitfalls of following fashion trends and trying to fit in [07:15]
- How changing the nature of your desires automatically limits their number [08:22]
- The joy of waking up content and living a life tailor-made for you [09:51]
- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom: Β  The fewer desires you have, the fewer opportunities there are for the external world to make you miserable. - Martin EbonguΓ© [03:07]

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:
1. Reflect on your current desires and assess whether they are materialistic or value-based. [05:51]
2. Identify one desire that you can transform from a material object to a concept or philosophical value. [08:22]
3. Simplify your life by focusing on what truly matters to you and letting go of unnecessary desires. [09:51]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:

πŸ”₯ Join My Entrepreneur Skool community With Direct Access To Me & My Tribe: ⁠⁠⁠

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: ⁠⁠ πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? ⁠⁠ πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: ⁠⁠ πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required): ⁠⁠

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: ⁠⁠ - Instagram: ⁠⁠ - Telegram: ⁠⁠ - Twitter X: ⁠⁠

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: ⁠⁠ - Spotify: ⁠⁠ - Youtube Podcast: ⁠ ⁠

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here: πŸ‘‰

May 09, 202412:32
Episode 544 - Forbidden posting secret revealed...

Episode 544 - Forbidden posting secret revealed...

πŸŽ™οΈ Show Notes: The Ideal Posting Frequency For Your Business


Are you struggling to figure out the perfect posting frequency for your business?

With so much conflicting advice out there, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do.

In this podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© shares his insights on how to determine the ideal posting frequency that will help you achieve your business goals without sacrificing the quality of your content.

Discover the key to unlocking a posting schedule that works for you and your audience!

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- Why focusing on frequency alone can lead you astray [01:22]

- The crucial factor you should prioritize instead of frequency [02:39]

- How to reverse engineer your posting schedule based on your desired quality standard [04:25]

- Real-life examples of successful content creators with varying posting frequencies [05:47]

- Martin's personal approach to maintaining a daily posting schedule while ensuring quality [07:03]

- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom:

Do not go after the frequency. You need to go after a standard of quality. - Martin EbonguΓ© [03:12]

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:

1. Write down the quality standard you want to deliver to your audience [04:25]

2. Break down the steps required to achieve that level of quality [04:25]

3. Determine how much time each step takes [04:25]

4. Based on the time required, decide on a posting frequency that allows you to maintain your desired quality standard [04:25]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:


May 08, 202412:53
Episode 543 - Forbidden success secret revealed...

Episode 543 - Forbidden success secret revealed...

πŸŽ™οΈ Show Notes: The 3 Components of Success πŸ”₯ In this podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© shares his insights on the three essential components that, when combined, can lead you to success. While success is a vast subject with many factors at play, Martin breaks it down into a simple formula that can serve as your guiding principle. Get ready to unlock the secrets to achieving your goals and turning your dreams into reality! πŸ“ Some Topics We Discuss Include: - Discover the first crucial component you need to develop to reach success, and how to approach it strategically [01:23] - Find out why passion and drive are essential fuel for your journey towards mastery [04:30] - Learn how to overcome the inevitable obstacles and challenges that will test your dedication [08:30] - Uncover the common mistakes people make at each stage of the success journey, and how to avoid them [11:05] - Gain practical tips on how to stay resilient and motivated, even when the going gets tough [13:29] And much more... πŸ’‘ Word Of Wisdom: You want to be one of those people.

Now, if you want to be in that environment and you want to join a community where people like this and we can help you with this, there's going to be a link right under this video.[13:29] 🎯 Action Steps You Can Take Right Now: 1. Identify the key abilities you need to develop to achieve your goals, and create a plan to acquire them efficiently [01:23] 2. Reflect on your passions and what drives you, and align your pursuits with those areas [04:30] 3. Develop a mantra or catchphrase that you can repeat to yourself when facing difficulties, to help you stay resilient and motivated [13:29]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course:

πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan?

πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin:

- Instagram: - Telegram:

- Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:

May 07, 202414:15
Episode 542 - A shocking revelation that'll change everything...

Episode 542 - A shocking revelation that'll change everything...

πŸŽ™οΈ Show Notes: Hard Choices, Easy Life. Easy Choices, Hard Life.

In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© shares his insights on how the choices we make today can significantly impact our future.

He emphasizes the importance of making hard choices that may not be immediately gratifying but lead to a more fulfilling and successful life in the long run.

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- How the decisions you make today, no matter how small, can have a lasting impact on your life [01:18]

- The story of a friend who made an easy choice that limited their future opportunities [02:45]

- Why considering the long-term ramifications of your choices is crucial for success [04:04]

- Martin's personal experience of making hard choices, such as moving to new countries and pursuing his business dreams [08:09]

- The importance of delayed gratification and discipline in achieving your goals [11:21]

- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom:

There are a lot of people here that do not understand the impact of every decision that you make, every single one of them will have an impact for the rest of your life. [05:19]

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:

1. Reflect on the choices you're currently making and consider their long-term effects on your life [06:40]

2. Embrace the concept of delayed gratification and be willing to make hard choices that align with your goals [11:21]

3. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support and inspire you to pursue your dreams [12:36]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:
βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course:

πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan?

πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works:

πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):🀝

Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:


May 06, 202413:60
Episode 541 - A forbidden secret that could change everything...

Episode 541 - A forbidden secret that could change everything...

πŸŽ™οΈ Show Notes: The Power of Direction Over Speed in Business Success 🎯

In this insightful podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© shares his wisdom on how focusing on the right direction in your business matters more than the speed at which you're moving.

Drawing from a recent experience with a friend seeking advice, Martin emphasizes the importance of taking the time to think things through before diving into execution.

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- Why the direction you're heading matters more than your speed [01:17]

- How to avoid "going nowhere fast" by focusing on the right path [02:41]

- The importance of considering the long-term implications of your business decisions [04:12]

- How to choose a business model that aligns with your desired business lifespan [05:33]

- Strategies for niching down to create a profitable and sustainable business [07:06]

- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom:

The direction in which you're going matters a lot more than the speed at which you're traveling. - Martin EbonguΓ©

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:

1. Take the time to thoroughly think through your business direction before focusing on execution [04:12]

2. Consider the long-term implications and sustainability of your chosen business model [05:33]

3. Explore niching down to create a profitable business that doesn't threaten your data providers [07:06]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:
πŸ”₯ Join My Entrepreneur Skool community With Direct Access To Me & My Tribe:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:

Comments, share your thoughts or suggest future topics. Don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast to help spread the message of freedom and choice!

May 02, 202412:01
Episode 540 - A shocking discovery about you...

Episode 540 - A shocking discovery about you...

πŸŽ™οΈ Show Notes: Unlock Your True Potential

You Are Your Best Ally! πŸš€

In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© challenges the common belief that you are your worst enemy.

He argues that this notion is often used as a marketing tactic to make people feel miserable and desperate, leading them to seek solutions to problems they don't actually have.

Instead, Martin presents a compelling case for why you are, in fact, your best ally.

He emphasizes that your primary job is to stay alive, and you are doing a remarkable job at it.

By focusing on the tiny exceptions where you may fall short, you overlook the overwhelming majority of the time when you are succeeding in keeping yourself safe and thriving.

🌟 Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- Why the idea that "you are your worst enemy" is a marketing technique designed to make you feel bad and buy products [01:16]

- How focusing on the tiny exceptions where you don't meet expectations can plague your life and self-esteem [04:06]

- The importance of recognizing that the person inside you has been with you since birth and will be there until the end, always working to keep you alive [05:19]

- How being alive is the foundation for achieving more in life, and why it's crucial to stay in the game [06:32]

- The power of looking at what you are doing instead of what you're not doing, and how this shift in perspective can lead to a happier life [07:40]

- And much more...

πŸ’‘ Word Of Wisdom:

Please understand this now. You are your best ally.

When you woke up this morning, you woke up this morning. When you made one push-up yesterday, you did it.

Yes, you didn't make 20 push-up. So some people will tell you, Oh, you didn't make 20.

You're a worse ally. You made one.[07:40]

🎯 Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:

1. Take the time to analyze and think critically about the information you receive, rather than accepting it at face value. [05:19]

2. Focus on what you are doing and accomplishing, rather than dwelling on what you haven't done. [07:40]

3. Join Martin's free community for entrepreneurs, where you can access resources, automations, and case studies to help you build a business that runs without you. [11:35]

πŸ“š References & Resources Mentioned:

- Martin's free community for entrepreneurs, where you can access a free book that covers the topics discussed in this episode. [06:32]

πŸ”₯ Are You Ready To Take Action?
πŸ”₯ Join My Entrepreneur Skool community With Direct Access To Me & My Tribe:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:

So, what do you think? Do you believe you are your worst enemy, or are you ready to embrace the idea that you are your best ally? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Apr 30, 202413:07
Episode 539 - The productivity trap nobody talks about

Episode 539 - The productivity trap nobody talks about

πŸŽ™οΈ Show Notes: Unlock the Secret to Achieving More by Working Less in This Eye-Opening Podcast Episode! πŸ”“

Are you tired of constantly chasing productivity but still feeling like you're not making significant progress?

What if I told you that the key to success lies beyond productivity?

In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Martin EbonguΓ© reveals the game-changing concept that can revolutionize the way you approach your business and life. πŸš€

Discover how focusing on the wrong things can lead you astray and why productivity alone is not enough to achieve your goals.

Martin shares his personal journey and the valuable lessons he learned along the way, providing you with a fresh perspective on what truly matters. πŸ’‘

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- The surprising reason why chasing productivity might be holding you back [01:29]

- The crucial difference between productivity and efficiency that most people overlook [05:03]

- How to identify the 20% of activities that generate 80% of your revenue [08:07]

- The eye-opening basketball analogy that illustrates the power of efficiency [09:24]

- The step-by-step process to become efficient and productive in the right tasks [10:34]

- And much more...

Word Of Wisdom:

Efficiency is picking the right task that you need to do.- Martin EbonguΓ© [09:24]

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:

1. Evaluate your current business and identify the tasks you perform daily [09:24]

2. Determine which activities are the most impactful and generate the highest revenue [08:07]

3. Focus on becoming efficient in those key tasks before striving for productivity [10:34]

🌟 Join Martin's FREE community and gain access to exclusive content, daily insights, and powerful Automations that can transform your business!

Click the link in the description to become part of this game-changing community today. 🌟

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:
πŸ”₯ Join My Entrepreneur Skool community With Direct Access To Me & My Tribe:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:

πŸ‘‰ Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your approach to success. Tune in now and discover the secret to achieving more by working less! 🎧

Apr 29, 202413:25
Episode 538 - The Shocking Truth Millionaires Use To Hack Life's 3 Stages For Success

Episode 538 - The Shocking Truth Millionaires Use To Hack Life's 3 Stages For Success

Show Notes: Unlock the Secret to a Spectacular Life: Growth Hacking the 3 Stages of Life πŸš€

Are you ready to flip your life on its head and achieve the seemingly impossible trinity of health, wealth, and time?

In this eye-opening episode, Martin EbonguΓ© reveals the secret to growth hacking life and unlocking a spectacular existence.

Discover how to navigate the three stages of life and master the art of achieving what 99% of people believe to be unattainable.

Some Topics We Discuss Include:

- The three stages of life and the unique challenges and opportunities each presents [00:24]

- How creativity and growth hacking can help you overcome financial limitations in your youth [02:44]

- The trade-off between money and time in adulthood and how to break free from the 9-to-5 grind [05:01]

- Strategies for building systems that give you back your time and freedom [06:05]

- The importance of pursuing your dreams now, rather than waiting until retirement [08:13]

- How to avoid the regrets that many seniors express at the end of their lives [09:06]

- The key to hacking the system and achieving the holy trinity of health, wealth, and time [10:24]

- And much more... [11:31]

Word Of Wisdom:

If you know what to do and how to set up your business, how to set up your life, you can have that time back. This is what I do for myself.

I've been doing this for the last 11 years, and this is what I do for people in my mastermind, for example, or people who buy my courses.

What I give you, I give you the time back, which is that element that you're missing in that trinity. - Martin EbonguΓ© [06:05]

Action Steps You Can Take Right Now:

1. Identify which stage of life you are currently in and determine which element of the trinity (health, wealth, or time) you are lacking. [11:31]

2. Start exploring ways to build systems that can automate tasks and free up your time. [06:05]

3. Reflect on your dreams and goals, and consider how you can start pursuing them now, rather than waiting for retirement. [08:13]

References & Resources Mentioned:

- Examples of successful growth hacking strategies used by companies like Hotmail, Dropbox, and iPhone. [02:44]

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready

πŸ”₯ Join My Entrepreneur Skool community With Direct Access To Me & My Tribe: ⁠

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on Youtube here:


Apr 27, 202412:50
Episode 537 - The SHOCKING Truth Millionaires Know About Luck (But Never Tell You)

Episode 537 - The SHOCKING Truth Millionaires Know About Luck (But Never Tell You)

πŸŽ™οΈ Show Notes: The Truth About Luck - How to Create Your Own Luck and Attract Opportunities Are you tired of hearing people say that successful entrepreneurs just got "lucky"? In this eye-opening episode, Martin EbonguΓ© debunks the myth of luck and reveals the truth behind creating your own opportunities. Discover the four types of luck and how you can progress from relying on sheer luck to attracting endless opportunities through hard work and dedication. Some Topics We Discuss Include: - Why there's no such thing as luck, and how preparation meets opportunity [01:25] - The importance of having a profitable business before selling, using Mark Cuban as an example [02:39] - How your skills and expertise, not luck, help you seize opportunities [03:51] - The dangers of relying on sheer luck, like in drop shipping or cryptocurrency investing [05:27] - Creating your own luck through hard work, systems, and predictable processes [08:00] - Spotting opportunities before others by understanding market trends and patterns [10:38] - Becoming a magnet for opportunities by building a strong reputation and track record [14:24] - And much more... Word Of Wisdom: You want to be so good, so respected, and have a trusted, and have a track record on your market that will basically attract luck.

You'll be a magnet for, quote, unquote, luck. There's nothing lucky about it.

The reason why everything comes to you is what?

It's because you've done the work and you've demonstrated that you can do it."* - Martin EbonguΓ© [15:39] Action Steps You Can Take Right Now: 1. Identify which type of luck you're currently relying on in your business or life [05:27] 2. Start building systems and processes that create predictable results [08:00] 3. Study market trends and patterns to spot opportunities before others [10:38] 4. Focus on building a strong reputation and track record in your field [14:24] A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready: πŸ”₯ Join My Entrepreneur Skool community With Direct Access To Me & My Tribe: ⁠

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required):

🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: - Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:

πŸ‘‰ ⁠ Comments, share your thoughts or suggest future topics. Don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast to help spread the message of freedom and choice!

Apr 27, 202419:40
Episode 536 - The AI Advantage: How To 10X Your Business With Laser Focus (While Others Get Distracted)

Episode 536 - The AI Advantage: How To 10X Your Business With Laser Focus (While Others Get Distracted)

πŸŽ™οΈ Show Notes: Unlocking the Power of AI for Your Business Success πŸš€ Are you ready to harness the incredible potential of AI to skyrocket your business growth? In this game-changing episode, Martin EbonguΓ© reveals the secrets to leveraging AI effectively and efficiently, helping you achieve more while working less. Discover how you can build a thriving empire by focusing on the right AI tools and strategies, even with limited resources. Get ready to unlock a world of endless opportunities and take your business to new heights! 🌟 Some Topics We Discuss Include: - The unique opportunity AI presents for building a successful business with minimal time and cost investment [01:26] - How to avoid the pitfalls of "analysis paralysis" and stay focused on the AI tools that truly matter for your goals [04:05] - Martin's personal experience and the system he developed to stay focused and productive in the face of countless AI distractions [07:49] - A real-life example of how Martin created an "infinite leads system" using AI, ensuring he never runs out of leads again [10:30] - Action steps you can take right now to start implementing AI in your current business processes and save valuable time [12:55] - The importance of adopting AI to remain competitive in today's market and execute tasks faster and more efficiently [15:20] - And much more... Word Of Wisdom:"The key is going to be how much you can focus, and how you can build the right tech stack of AI tools, that are going to compress the time between idea and execution. if you're able to compress this, make it easier, faster, better for you, then you win." - Martin EbonguΓ© [16:47] Action Steps You Can Take Right Now: 1. Create a roadmap of your current business processes, listing the tasks you need to accomplish at each milestone [12:55] 2. Identify the AI tools that can help you complete each task more easily, quickly, or enjoyably [13:00] 3. Implement these AI tools one by one, focusing on the tasks you dislike or find energy-draining first [13:10] 4. As you save time and mental energy, use this newfound capacity to explore new opportunities and ideas [13:30] 5. Develop a system that allows you to go from idea to execution rapidly, leveraging the power of AI [13:40] A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:

πŸ”₯ Join My Entrepreneur Skool community With Direct Access To Me & My Tribe: βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required): 🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: Apple Podcast: Spotify: Youtube Podcast:

You can watch this episode in full on youtube here:


Apr 19, 202419:04
Episode 535 - It REALLY shocked me when I realized that people could do THAT...

Episode 535 - It REALLY shocked me when I realized that people could do THAT...

Get ready for a jaw-dropping conversation on the latest episode of our podcast titled "It REALLY shocked me when I realized that people could do THAT...". In this episode, we dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship, lifestyle design, success mindset, and happiness.

You'll be amazed to learn about some of the mind-boggling things people are doing to earn money online, from starting their own businesses to creating passive income streams. We'll also be sharing some practical tips and side hustle ideas that you can start implementing today to boost your income and achieve financial freedom.

But it's not just about making money. We'll also be discussing how to design a lifestyle that aligns with your values and goals, so that you can live a fulfilling and happy life. Success is not just about money, it's about creating a life that you love, and we'll show you how to do just that.

So whether you're looking to start a business, make money online, or just live a more fulfilling life, this episode is for you. Tune in now and get ready to be inspired!

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Business ideas
  • How to make money online
  • Passive income ideas
  • Side hustle ideas
  • Lifestyle design
  • Success mindset
  • Financial freedom

Martin E.

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:

πŸ† Join My FREE Automation Community For Entrepreneurs To Learn How To Work 80% Less:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required): 🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: Apple Podcast: Spotify: Youtube Podcast:

Dec 06, 202220:01
Episode 534 - How To Acquire money making skills fast

Episode 534 - How To Acquire money making skills fast

Are you looking for ways to acquire money-making skills fast? In today's episode, we delve into the world of entrepreneurship and lifestyle design to help you develop a success mindset that leads to financial independence.

We share practical tips and strategies on how to start a business and make money online. Our experts also provide insights on passive income ideas and the best side hustles to help you earn money from home.

With our easy-to-follow guide, you'll discover the various ways to make money online and work from home jobs that can help you achieve your financial goals. We also touch on lifestyle design and how it can lead to happiness and financial freedom.

Whether you're starting out on your entrepreneurial journey or looking to take your business to the next level, this episode is a must-listen. So grab a cup of coffee and join us for an inspiring conversation on how to acquire money-making skills fast.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • How to make money online
  • Side hustle ideas
  • Passive income ideas
  • Work from home jobs
  • Financial independence
  • Success mindset
  • Lifestyle design

Martin E.

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:

πŸ† Join My FREE Automation Community For Entrepreneurs To Learn How To Work 80% Less:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required): 🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: Apple Podcast: Spotify: Youtube Podcast:

Dec 02, 202216:16
Episode 533 - Quantity vs Quality - Who you got?

Episode 533 - Quantity vs Quality - Who you got?

Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs! Today's episode is all about the debate between Quantity vs Quality. We'll be discussing which is more important for success in entrepreneurship, lifestyle design, success mindset, and happiness.

We'll be sharing valuable insights into how to make money online and how to earn money using passive income ideas, side hustles, and work from home jobs. We'll also be discussing the best side hustles and ways to make money fast to help you achieve financial freedom and independence.

But that's not all, we'll also be delving into the importance of quality over quantity when it comes to your business ideas, and how having a success mindset can impact your business's success.

Our guest speakers will be sharing their personal experiences and expertise, providing practical tips and advice on how to start a business and become more successful in life.

So join us for this stimulating conversation around entrepreneurship, lifestyle design, success mindset, and happiness. Let's explore the Quantity vs Quality debate and discover who you got!

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Business ideas
  • How to make money online
  • Passive income ideas
  • Side hustle ideas
  • Financial freedom
  • Success mindset
  • Lifestyle design

Martin E.

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:

πŸ† Join My FREE Automation Community For Entrepreneurs To Learn How To Work 80% Less:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required): 🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: Apple Podcast: Spotify: Youtube Podcast:

Nov 30, 202220:22
Episode 533 - Quantity vs Quality - Which one you got?

Episode 533 - Quantity vs Quality - Which one you got?

Hey there, it's time to ask yourself a crucial question: "Quantity vs Quality - Which one you got?" In today's episode, we explore this age-old debate and how it affects entrepreneurship, lifestyle design, success mindset, and ultimately, happiness.

We all want to be successful and financially independent, but what if we're chasing the wrong thing? Is it more important to have a ton of business ideas or a few good ones? Should we focus on making money fast or building sustainable, passive income streams? Can we have both quantity and quality, or do we need to choose?

We'll share practical tips and insights on how to make the most of your time, energy, and resources to achieve your goals. Whether you're looking for side hustle ideas or ways to make money from home, this episode will give you a fresh perspective on what truly matters.

Join us for a friendly conversation and let's explore the pros and cons of quantity and quality. It's time to level up your lifestyle design, success mindset, and financial freedom.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Business ideas
  • How to earn money online
  • Passive income ideas
  • Side hustle ideas
  • Financial independence

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

Nov 30, 202223:41
Episode 532 - My New Secret Against Procrastination... That Actually WORKS

Episode 532 - My New Secret Against Procrastination... That Actually WORKS

Hey there, do you struggle with procrastination? Do you find yourself putting off important tasks until the last minute, feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Don't worry, we've got you covered. In today's episode, we're sharing a new secret against procrastination that actually works!

We'll discuss practical tips and strategies to overcome procrastination and increase productivity. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a freelancer, or simply someone who wants to achieve more in life, this episode is for you.

Join us for a casual and friendly conversation, as we explore the psychology behind procrastination and share our personal experiences and insights. We'll also cover topics such as lifestyle design, success mindset, and financial freedom, to help you create the life you truly desire.

So grab a cup of coffee and let's dive in. It's time to overcome procrastination and achieve your goals!

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • How to start a business
  • Ways to make money online
  • Passive income ideas
  • Side hustle ideas
  • Success mindset
  • Financial freedom

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

Jul 30, 202229:33
Episode 531 - 3 Keys To Succeed In life No Matter What (Even When Things Get Tough) - With Jocelyn Toll

Episode 531 - 3 Keys To Succeed In life No Matter What (Even When Things Get Tough) - With Jocelyn Toll

Are you tired of feeling like you're just going through the motions in life? Do you want to achieve success no matter what challenges come your way? In this episode of our podcast, we sit down with entrepreneur and lifestyle designer Jocelyn Toll to discuss the three keys to success in life, even when things get tough.

Jocelyn shares her personal journey and how she overcame obstacles to achieve financial freedom and success. She provides actionable tips on how to develop a success mindset and design your ideal lifestyle. Jocelyn also talks about the importance of entrepreneurship, passive income ideas, and side hustles as ways to achieve financial independence and make money online.

Whether you're just starting your entrepreneurial journey or looking for ways to take your success to the next level, this episode is for you. Join us for an inspiring conversation that will leave you feeling motivated and empowered to achieve your dreams.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Success mindset
  • Financial freedom
  • Financial independence
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Passive income ideas
  • Side hustles
  • Lifestyle design

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

Jul 28, 202250:39
Episode 530 - How to become twice as good as everybody else in half the time and with half the efforts

Episode 530 - How to become twice as good as everybody else in half the time and with half the efforts

Do you want to know the secret to becoming twice as good as everyone else in half the time and with half the effort? In this episode of our podcast, we delve into the world of entrepreneurship, lifestyle design, success mindset, and happiness to bring you the ultimate guide to achieving more with less.

Our guest speaker, a successful entrepreneur and lifestyle designer, shares her personal journey of achieving financial freedom and success while also maintaining a happy and fulfilling life. She breaks down the key components of a success mindset and how you can develop it for yourself. She also talks about how to design your lifestyle to support your goals and achieve a healthy work-life balance.

But that's not all. Our guest also shares insider tips and tricks on how to start a successful online business, make money from home, and generate passive income through side hustles and other creative endeavors. You'll learn about the best side hustles, how to make money fast, and ways to earn money online that you never thought were possible.

So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and get ready to learn how you can become twice as good as everyone else in half the time and with half the effort. Whether you're just starting your entrepreneurial journey or looking for ways to take your success to the next level, this episode is for you.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Success mindset
  • Financial freedom
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Passive income ideas
  • Side hustles
  • Lifestyle design
  • Ways to make money

Martin E.

A Few Ways I Can Help You When You Are Ready:

πŸ† Join My FREE Automation Community For Entrepreneurs To Learn How To Work 80% Less:

βœ… Need Help With YOUR Business? Don't Know Where To Start? Take My #1 Course: πŸ‘‰ Want Martin to personally audit your business FOR FREE and give you a detailed action plan? πŸš€ Want to work with me 1-ON-1? Watch this short 12 min video on how it works: πŸ“™ Want a FREE COPY of my entrepreneur playbook? The 7 Secrets Of The Wealthiest 1% (no opt-in required): 🀝 Connect with me on other platforms: - Linkedin: - Instagram: - Telegram: - Twitter X:

πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to my podcast: Apple Podcast: Spotify: Youtube Podcast:

Jun 29, 202232:47
Episode 529 - My Money Management Tricks And Hacks (That worked well for me)

Episode 529 - My Money Management Tricks And Hacks (That worked well for me)

Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast where we dive into the world of entrepreneurship, lifestyle design, success mindset and happiness. In this episode, I'm sharing my personal money management tricks and hacks that have worked well for me. If you're someone who is looking for ways to improve your financial health or struggling to manage your money, then this is the episode for you.

I'll be discussing simple yet effective strategies that can help you take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals. From creating a budget to tracking your expenses, I'll be sharing my tried and tested methods that have helped me achieve financial freedom.

Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking for ways to level up your money management game, this episode has something for everyone. So grab a cup of coffee and tune in to learn my top money management tips and tricks.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Financial freedom
  • Financial independence
  • Ways to manage your money effectively
  • Creating a budget that works for you
  • Tracking your expenses
  • Building a savings habit
  • Tips for achieving your financial goals

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

Jun 27, 202233:18
Episode 528 - Successful people explain why college is a scam and a giant waste of time and money?

Episode 528 - Successful people explain why college is a scam and a giant waste of time and money?

In this episode, we dive into a controversial topic: Is college really worth the time and money? Our guests are successful entrepreneurs who believe that college is a scam and a giant waste of time and money. They share their personal experiences and insights on how they achieved success without a college degree.

We will explore the notion that there are alternative paths to success, such as starting a business or pursuing a trade, that can lead to financial independence and personal fulfillment. Our guests will share their stories of how they overcame challenges and found success outside of the traditional college path.

If you're someone who has ever questioned the value of a college education, or if you're looking for alternative ways to achieve success, then this episode is for you.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Success Mindset
  • Financial Independence
  • Lifestyle Design
  • Work from Home Jobs
  • Passive Income Ideas
  • Ways to Make Money Online

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

Jun 24, 202233:18
Episode 527 - Is money the root of all evil?

Episode 527 - Is money the root of all evil?

Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast, where we explore the age-old question: is money the root of all evil? Many of us have heard this phrase before, but have we ever taken the time to truly consider its meaning? In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of money and how it affects our lives, our happiness, and our success.

We talk to successful entrepreneurs who have built their fortunes from scratch and hear their thoughts on whether or not money is truly the root of all evil. We also discuss the importance of mindset when it comes to wealth and how having a positive attitude towards money can help you achieve financial freedom.

But it's not all serious talk - we also share some practical tips and strategies for making money in today's digital world. Whether you're looking for ways to earn passive income, start a side hustle, or build your own business, this episode has something for everyone.

So grab your favorite beverage and tune in to this thought-provoking and inspiring conversation about the role of money in our lives.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Success mindset
  • Financial freedom
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Passive income ideas
  • Side hustle ideas
  • Ways to make money online

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

Jun 23, 202221:57
Episode 526 - If you need THIS then entrepreneurship is NOT for you

Episode 526 - If you need THIS then entrepreneurship is NOT for you

Welcome to our latest episode, "If you need THIS then entrepreneurship is NOT for you". In this episode, we explore the exciting world of entrepreneurship, the importance of lifestyle design, success mindset, and how they all come together to create financial freedom and independence.

Starting a business online can be an exhilarating experience. But it's not for everyone. If you're looking for a quick and easy way to earn money online or how to make money fast, then entrepreneurship is NOT for you. Success in this field requires passion, dedication, and hard work. In this episode, we dive deep into the qualities that make a successful entrepreneur and why they are critical to creating financial freedom and independence.

We will also discuss the importance of lifestyle design and how it can help you achieve your goals. Lifestyle design is about creating a life that you love, a life that is balanced and fulfilling. It's about creating a life that supports your passions and interests, a life that aligns with your values and beliefs.

Join us as we share some side hustle ideas and passive income ideas that can help you create financial independence. We will discuss ways to make money from home, work from home jobs, and best side hustles that you can start today. We will also share some business ideas and how to start a business online.

So, if you're ready to take control of your life, achieve financial freedom, and live a fulfilling life, then this episode is for you. Tune in and join the conversation!

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • How to start a business
  • Lifestyle design
  • Success mindset
  • Financial freedom
  • Financial independence
  • Side hustle ideas
  • Passive income ideas

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

Jun 22, 202231:56
Episode 525 - THIS one HACK will change your mental health, your happiness and your finances forever

Episode 525 - THIS one HACK will change your mental health, your happiness and your finances forever

Welcome to our latest episode, "THIS one HACK will change your mental health, your happiness and your finances forever". In this episode, we explore the powerful connection between entrepreneurship, lifestyle design, success mindset, and happiness.

Have you ever wondered how successful entrepreneurs stay focused and motivated? Have you ever wanted to improve your mental health, happiness, and finances? In this episode, we share a game-changing hack that can help you achieve all of these things and more.

Join us as we discuss how to start a business online and the importance of lifestyle design. We will share some passive income ideas and side hustle ideas that can help you create financial freedom and independence. We will also dive deep into the success mindset and the powerful impact it can have on your life.

But that's not all. Our game-changing hack is a simple yet effective tool that can help you stay focused, motivated, and on track. It's a tool that can help you overcome limiting beliefs, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your overall well-being. It's a tool that can change your life forever.

So, if you're ready to take control of your life, achieve financial freedom, and live a fulfilling life, then this episode is for you. Tune in and join the conversation!

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • How to start a business
  • Lifestyle design
  • Success mindset
  • Financial freedom
  • Passive income ideas
  • Side hustle ideas
  • Entrepreneurship

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

Jun 21, 202230:45
Episode 524 - The REAL reason why most people never reach their goals

Episode 524 - The REAL reason why most people never reach their goals

Do you ever feel like you're constantly setting goals but never quite reaching them? Do you wonder why some people seem to effortlessly achieve success while others struggle? In this episode, we delve into the REAL reason why most people never reach their goals and what you can do about it. We'll talk about the importance of mindset, self-discipline, and taking consistent action towards your goals. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or simply looking to live a more fulfilling life, this episode will provide you with valuable insights and actionable tips.

Some of the topics covered in today's episode include:

  • The role of mindset in achieving success
  • The importance of self-discipline and consistency
  • How to stay motivated and overcome setbacks
  • Strategies for setting and achieving goals
  • Practical tips for taking action towards your dreams

If you're tired of feeling stuck and want to finally start making progress towards your goals, then this episode is for you. Join us as we explore the real reason why most people never reach their goals and how you can avoid falling into the same trap.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Success mindset
  • Self-discipline
  • Goal-setting strategies
  • Overcoming setbacks
  • Taking action towards your dreams.

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

Jun 20, 202224:44
Episode 523 - Listen to THIS and you'll never procrastinate again in your life

Episode 523 - Listen to THIS and you'll never procrastinate again in your life

Are you tired of constantly putting things off and never reaching your goals? Do you want to learn how to stop procrastinating and achieve success in your life? In this episode, we discuss the keys to unlocking your potential and taking control of your future.

We delve into the world of entrepreneurship and explore the mindset and strategies needed to start and run a successful business. We also explore lifestyle design and the importance of creating a life that aligns with your values and goals.

But we don't stop there - we also provide practical tips and tricks on how to earn money online and create passive income streams. From side hustles to work from home jobs, we cover it all.

So, if you're ready to take charge of your life and never procrastinate again, tune in to this episode and join the conversation.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • How to start a business
  • Lifestyle design
  • Success mindset
  • Financial freedom
  • Passive income ideas
  • Ways to make money online
  • Best side hustles

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

Jun 18, 202233:12
Episode 522 – Turn your current job into a dream job you don’t need to run away from

Episode 522 – Turn your current job into a dream job you don’t need to run away from

Do you feel stuck in a job you don't enjoy? Do you dream of having a career that brings you happiness and fulfillment? In this episode, we explore how to turn your current job into a dream job you don't need to run away from.

We discuss the importance of entrepreneurship and creating a business that aligns with your passions and interests. We also dive into lifestyle design and the strategies you can use to create a life that is both successful and fulfilling.

But we don't stop there - we also provide practical tips and tricks on how to make money online and create passive income streams. From side hustles to work from home jobs, we cover it all.

Join us for an inspiring conversation that will help you take the first steps towards turning your current job into a dream job.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • How to start a business
  • Lifestyle design
  • Success mindset
  • Financial freedom
  • Passive income ideas
  • Ways to make money online
  • Best side hustles

Martin E.
Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software
Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!
Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):
πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)
πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page
πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)
πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire
πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)
P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?
βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots
P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

Jun 04, 202231:51
Episode 521 - The Best Way To Get Things Done - That Actually Works (90% of the time)

Episode 521 - The Best Way To Get Things Done - That Actually Works (90% of the time)

Are you tired of feeling unproductive and overwhelmed? Do you find yourself struggling to accomplish your goals? In this week's episode, we discuss "The Best Way To Get Things Done - That Actually Works (90% of the time)." Join us as we explore proven methods for increasing productivity, overcoming procrastination, and achieving success.

We dive into the importance of having a success mindset, tips for designing your ideal lifestyle, and ways to achieve financial freedom. Whether you're looking to start a business or simply want to improve your daily routine, this episode offers actionable strategies for success.

From side hustle ideas to passive income opportunities, we cover a range of topics that will help you achieve your goals and live the life you deserve. With a friendly and conversational tone, this episode is perfect for anyone looking to take their productivity and success to the next level.

So grab a cup of coffee and join us for an inspiring and motivating conversation about the best ways to get things done!

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Lifestyle design
  • Success mindset
  • Financial freedom
  • Side hustle ideas
  • Passive income opportunities

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

Jun 01, 202217:19
Episode 520 - The shocking truth about 21 day challenges

Episode 520 - The shocking truth about 21 day challenges

Are 21 day challenges really the key to success and happiness? In this week's episode, we reveal the shocking truth about these popular programs and explore how they can impact your life and your business.

Join us as we discuss the pros and cons of 21 day challenges, and the real reasons why they may or may not work for you. We dive into topics such as entrepreneurship, lifestyle design, success mindset, and financial freedom, offering valuable insights and advice for those looking to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

Whether you're interested in starting a business, earning money online, or simply improving your daily routine, this episode has something for everyone. With a casual and friendly tone, we aim to inspire and motivate our listeners to take action and create the life they truly want.

So grab a cup of coffee and join us as we uncover the truth about 21 day challenges, and explore the strategies and tools that can help you achieve success and happiness.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Lifestyle design
  • Success mindset
  • Financial freedom
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Personal growth
  • Mindset shifts

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

May 31, 202226:38
Episode 519 - The exact reason why athletes make millions and YOU DON'T...

Episode 519 - The exact reason why athletes make millions and YOU DON'T...

Are you tired of seeing professional athletes making millions while you struggle to make ends meet? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have all the success and financial freedom while others are left behind? In this episode, we're going to explore the exact reason why athletes make millions and YOU DON'T...

We'll delve into the mindset, habits, and strategies that top athletes use to achieve their goals and financial success. You'll learn how to apply these same principles to your own life and business to unlock your full potential and start achieving the results you deserve.

Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a small business owner, or simply looking to level up your success, this episode will give you the tools you need to succeed.

So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let's dive into the exact reason why athletes make millions and YOU DON'T...

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Success mindset
  • Habits of successful athletes
  • Strategies for financial success
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Financial freedom
  • Success principles

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

May 30, 202220:16
Episode 518 - How to succeed no matter what - with odds against you

Episode 518 - How to succeed no matter what - with odds against you

Are you feeling discouraged because the odds seem stacked against you? Do you find yourself wondering if success is really possible in the face of adversity? In this episode, we'll dive into the strategies that successful entrepreneurs use to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, no matter what challenges they face.

We'll explore how to develop a success mindset, set achievable goals, and maintain the motivation needed to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough. You'll learn about the importance of embracing failure as a necessary step on the path to success, and how to use setbacks to fuel your determination to succeed.

Whether you're just starting out on your entrepreneurial journey, or you're looking for new strategies to take your business to the next level, this episode is packed with actionable insights and real-world advice to help you succeed, no matter what.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Success mindset
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Overcoming adversity
  • Goal setting
  • Motivation
  • Embracing failure

So grab a cup of coffee and join us for this inspiring and motivating conversation on how to succeed no matter what. You won't want to miss it!

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

May 27, 202225:27
Episode 517 - The SIMPLE hack to be 40% Happier (GUARANTEED)

Episode 517 - The SIMPLE hack to be 40% Happier (GUARANTEED)

Welcome to this week's episode of the podcast, where we uncover the simple hack to be 40% happier, guaranteed. Are you feeling stuck in your business or personal life? Do you struggle with maintaining a positive mindset? Look no further, as this episode will provide you with the solution you need to change your life for the better.

In this episode, we discuss how a simple change in perspective can have a massive impact on your happiness and success. We explore the science behind this hack and how it can transform the way you approach challenges in life. You'll learn how to cultivate a success mindset and improve your overall well-being.

We also delve into the world of entrepreneurship and lifestyle design. You'll hear about the experiences of successful entrepreneurs and how they have implemented this hack to take their businesses and personal lives to the next level. We share actionable tips and strategies that you can apply to your own life and business to achieve the results you desire.

So, tune in to this week's episode and discover the simple hack to be 40% happier, guaranteed. You won't want to miss this opportunity to transform your life and become a happier, more successful version of yourself.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Success mindset
  • Happiness
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Lifestyle design
  • Positive thinking

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

May 26, 202233:18
Episode 516 - From being depressed to living your best life: "The art of escaping the rat race" - with Lindsay Sutherland

Episode 516 - From being depressed to living your best life: "The art of escaping the rat race" - with Lindsay Sutherland

Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a never-ending cycle of the daily grind, feeling unfulfilled and unhappy with your life? Our latest episode of the podcast "From being depressed to living your best life: The art of escaping the rat race" with special guest Lindsay Sutherland will provide you with the inspiration and tools to turn your life around.

Lindsay is an expert in entrepreneurship and lifestyle design who has dedicated her life to helping people break free from the chains of the rat race and achieve their dreams. In this episode, Lindsay shares her personal story of overcoming depression and finding happiness and success in her own life, and offers valuable insights on how you can do the same.

Whether you're looking to start your own business, find ways to earn money online, or simply design a life that brings you happiness and fulfillment, this episode is a must-listen. Join us as Lindsay shares her expert tips and strategies for living your best life, including how to develop a success mindset, create passive income streams, and escape the 9-5 grind.

So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and tune in to this inspiring conversation with Lindsay Sutherland. You won't want to miss it!

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Lifestyle design
  • Success mindset
  • Financial freedom
  • Passive income ideas
  • How to start a business
  • Work from home jobs

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

May 25, 202201:17:37
Episode 515 - The power of networking the RIGHT way

Episode 515 - The power of networking the RIGHT way

In today's episode, we dive into the power of networking the right way. Our guest speakers will share their insights on how to build meaningful relationships and create lasting connections in your personal and professional life. We will explore the different techniques to network effectively, from identifying your networking goals to following up with your connections.

Our guests will share their personal stories of how networking has helped them in their journey to success and how it can help you too. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, this episode will provide you with practical tips and advice on how to network the right way.

So grab your coffee and join us for an insightful conversation on the power of networking.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Success mindset
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Ways to make money
  • Financial freedom
  • How to start a business
  • Work from home jobs
  • Best side hustles

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

May 24, 202227:19
Episode 514 - The truth about passive income? Is it a big fat lie?

Episode 514 - The truth about passive income? Is it a big fat lie?

Are you tired of hearing about passive income? Does it seem like every "guru" out there is promising you an easy way to make money while you sleep? In today's episode, we're going to dive into the truth about passive income and whether or not it's really a big fat lie.

Join us as we talk about the misconceptions surrounding passive income and discuss the real work that goes into building a successful passive income stream. We'll share our own experiences and offer actionable tips for those who want to pursue passive income opportunities.

But that's not all - we'll also cover topics such as entrepreneurship, lifestyle design, success mindset, and happiness. We believe that building a fulfilling life and career is about more than just making money, and we're excited to share our insights with you.

So grab a cup of coffee and tune in to this candid conversation about the truth about passive income.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Passive income ideas
  • Ways to make money
  • Financial freedom
  • Financial independence
  • Success mindset

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

May 23, 202231:22
Episode 513 - THIS would happen if we all stopped working... SPOOKY stuff..

Episode 513 - THIS would happen if we all stopped working... SPOOKY stuff..

Have you ever wondered what would happen if we all stopped working? It might sound like a dream come true, but the reality is a bit spookier than you might expect. In this episode, we dive into the potential consequences of a world without work and explore the impact on entrepreneurship, lifestyle design, success mindset, and happiness.

We'll examine the different ways that people could make money without traditional jobs, from passive income ideas to side hustle opportunities. We'll also discuss the potential challenges and risks associated with these paths, as well as the benefits of financial freedom and independence.

As we explore the possibilities of a world without work, we'll also consider the importance of finding purpose and fulfillment outside of our careers. Whether you're looking to start a business online, pursue a passion project, or simply live a more fulfilling life, this episode has something for you.

So grab a cup of coffee and join us for a thought-provoking conversation about the future of work and what it means for all of us.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Passive income ideas
  • Side hustle opportunities
  • Financial freedom and independence
  • Lifestyle design
  • Success mindset
  • Happiness
  • Entrepreneurship

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

May 21, 202222:12
Episode 512 - Here is how YOU can change the world... WITHOUT special skills required

Episode 512 - Here is how YOU can change the world... WITHOUT special skills required

Do you feel like you need to have special skills or talents to make a difference in the world? Well, think again! In this episode, we'll show you how YOU can change the world without any special skills required. From simple actions to big impact ideas, we'll provide you with actionable steps to help you make a difference in your community and beyond.

We'll also discuss how entrepreneurship and a success mindset can play a big role in creating change. With the right mindset and approach, you can turn your business ideas into a force for good and achieve financial freedom while making a positive impact on the world.

Whether you're interested in starting a business, a side hustle, or just want to learn how to make a difference in your daily life, this episode is for you. So grab a cup of coffee and join us as we explore how to change the world without any special skills required.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Success mindset
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Financial freedom
  • Making a positive impact
  • Simple actions for big impact
  • Business ideas for creating change

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

May 20, 202233:14
Episode 511 - How To Turn $3,000 Into $50,000 Or Even $100,000

Episode 511 - How To Turn $3,000 Into $50,000 Or Even $100,000

Welcome to this week's episode of our podcast, where we discuss the secrets to turning a modest investment of $3,000 into a whopping $50,000 or even $100,000! This episode is for all aspiring entrepreneurs looking for ways to start a successful online business or take their current business to the next level.

In today's discussion, we dive into how to achieve financial independence through entrepreneurship, lifestyle design, and a success mindset. We explore passive income ideas and the best side hustles to help you earn money online, work from home jobs that offer financial freedom, and ways to make money fast.

We understand that starting a business or turning a side hustle into a lucrative venture can be daunting. That's why we're here to guide you on your journey to success. We share actionable steps and real-life examples to help you build a profitable online business, make money from home, and achieve the financial independence you deserve.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn from the best and start your journey towards financial freedom!

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • How to turn $3,000 into $50,000 or even $100,000
  • Business ideas for aspiring entrepreneurs
  • How to earn money online through passive income ideas and side hustles
  • Work from home jobs that offer financial freedom
  • Ways to make money fast
  • Lifestyle design for a successful entrepreneur
  • Success mindset to help you achieve your goals and live a happier life

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

May 20, 202223:20
Episode 510 - The Forgotten Hack To Make More Money WITHOUT Spending Any More Money

Episode 510 - The Forgotten Hack To Make More Money WITHOUT Spending Any More Money

Welcome to our latest episode of the podcast, where we reveal the forgotten hack to make more money without spending any more money! If you're an entrepreneur looking for ways to increase your income and achieve financial freedom, then this episode is for you.

In today's discussion, we share practical tips and strategies to help you make more money by leveraging your existing resources. You don't need to spend more money on advertising or hire a team of experts to increase your revenue. Instead, we show you how to use your current assets and talents to generate more income and grow your business.

We explore how to earn money online through passive income ideas and side hustles, make money from home, and work from home jobs that offer financial independence. We also discuss the importance of lifestyle design and having a success mindset to help you achieve your goals and live a happier life.

We understand that starting a business or growing your existing venture can be challenging, especially if you're on a tight budget. That's why we're here to share our forgotten hack to help you make more money without spending any more money.

So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and join us for this exciting episode!

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • The forgotten hack to make more money without spending any more money
  • Passive income ideas and side hustle ideas to earn money online
  • Work from home jobs that offer financial freedom
  • Ways to make money fast using your existing resources
  • Importance of lifestyle design and a success mindset in achieving financial independence

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

May 18, 202218:19
Episode 509 - This Unusual Method Turned A 15 Year Old Kid Into A Rockstar

Episode 509 - This Unusual Method Turned A 15 Year Old Kid Into A Rockstar

Are you ready to be inspired by the story of a 15-year-old who turned his life around and became a rockstar? In this episode, we'll explore how this young entrepreneur used an unusual method to overcome adversity and achieve success.

We'll delve into the importance of having a success mindset and how to develop it. You'll learn how to turn your passion into a business idea and take the first steps towards financial freedom.

The episode also covers the essential steps to building a business from scratch, including how to identify your target audience and the best ways to market your product or service. We'll share some side hustle ideas and passive income ideas that anyone can start to generate extra cash from home.

If you're looking for inspiration on how to live life on your own terms, this episode is for you. Join us as we explore the world of entrepreneurship, lifestyle design, and happiness.

Topics Covered In Today's Episode:

  • Success mindset
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business ideas
  • Passive income ideas
  • Side hustle ideas
  • Financial freedom
  • Ways to make money from home

Martin E.

Proud Owner Of
The 50K Emails A Day Done-For-You Software

Let's Growth Hack YOUR Way To Financial Freedom Together in 2023!


Here's How To Get Started As A Beginner (Our User's favorites):

πŸš€ Start A Money-Making Business: The #1 Beginner Friendly System That Allows You To Earn Upwards Of $7,954.55/mo On Autopilot (All Done-For-You)

πŸ‘‰ List Building Secrets: 10,000+ targeted emails per day, WITHOUT paying for ads and WITHOUT building a single funnel or landing page

πŸ’° Make $3,000/mo In Passive Income On Fiverr : How To Automate Fiverr & Turn It Into Your Own Personal Passive Income Generating Machine (Ideal For Beginners with NO SKILLS)

πŸ’‘ Make Money Online For Beginners: From $67k In Debt To Running An Automated 6-Figure Passive Income Empire

πŸ”₯ Passive Income At Its Best: How To Make $50,000 From Unsubscribers Without Lifting A Finger (FREE MONEY)


P.S: Want To Earn Passive Income & Travel Full-Time Using Automated Bots That Do EVERYTHING For You?

βœ… Make Money From Home With Automated Bots

P. P.S: Want ME to build YOUR automated passive income business FOR YOU... For FREE? Click Here To See How

May 17, 202233:19