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Happy In The Hustle with

Happy In The Hustle with

By Michelle Brown

Happy In The Hustle was created by I Help Moms Founder, Small Business Owner and Mom of 3 Michelle. Unvarnished insight into the wild ride of being a mom, wife and entrepreneur: tune in, comment and share!
Stop Suffering Silently! I Help Moms connects parents On Demand through Live Video, Message and Audio call to TOP family experts! Parenting, Potty Training, Sleep School, Lactation Consultants, Doctors, Doulas, Midwives, Nutritionists, Family Therapists, Small Business Coaches and more! We want to help you do more than just survive parenting, we want to help you to create a life you LOVE!
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Watch Out For Who You Listen To

Happy In The Hustle with IHelpMoms.comMay 18, 2024

The Best Business People ARE Balanced
Jun 02, 202407:24
Watch Out For Who You Listen To

Watch Out For Who You Listen To

Too often we let the haters and skeptics take up WAY too much space in our mindset! I am SO glad I did not listen to the online reviews of Aspire Tour and that I went for it and bought the ticket. Honestly one of the best days of my year!!!! Today’s Happy In The Hustle Episode I touch on the things you may want to consider in the people you listen to- are they juggling a similar or BETTER life than you, are they more successful than you, are they a super user of your businesses, do they truly know your heart mission? I loved what Gary V said about staying neutral on mission- don’t let the bad or good reviews sway you. Stay the course knowing innately who and what matters to YOU. Cheers to living happy in the hustle let’s connect @ihelpmoms to make the world a happier, healthier place!
May 18, 202407:58
5 Things I Wish I Knew About Owning A Business (PRIOR to owning a business!)

5 Things I Wish I Knew About Owning A Business (PRIOR to owning a business!)

On today’s Happy In The Hustle Podcast we discuss 5 things we WISH someone had told us about entrepreneurship. A special thanks to for sponsoring this episode! If you are a leader that has a business in the parenting space let’s connect on IG @ihelpmoms! This entrepreneurship journey is so much more fun with great people around to keep the mindset on point!
Apr 30, 202416:27
3 Keys To Not Let The Haters Bring You Down

3 Keys To Not Let The Haters Bring You Down

My goal is to chart the true journey of being a mom of 3, wife, and creating a technology platform that will change the world The good, the hard, the exciting, the gut wrenching. I don’t have millions of dollars and I self funding so the pressure is extreme. Today I hit a bump in the road and knew these 3 resilient mindset tips would help me through! Reach out to me on my IG @michellebrownhappycoach if you have secrets to success not taking things personally!
Apr 04, 202407:21
The Cycles of Being A Mompreneur
Apr 02, 202412:04
I Just Wanted To Quit The Company I Founded

I Just Wanted To Quit The Company I Founded

In today’s show I share 3 keys that helped pull me through a really really rough week of tech hiccups. We all need a plan in place when the going gets tough to nurture our soul and keep us moving towards the North Star.
Mar 21, 202410:30
5 Keys To A Two CEO Household

5 Keys To A Two CEO Household

Having one entrepreneur in the family can bring more than enough risk, ego, work, focus but TWO in a family is a unique dynamic! In today’s Happy In The Hustle Podcast we discuss the top strategies to balancing the masculine and feminine energy that will stand the test of time, stress, and the roller coaster of entrepreneurship duos! Follow @michellebrownhappycoach and I would love to hear your strategies too!
Feb 08, 202411:36
3 Keys For Entrepreneurs Get To Where You Want To Go Faster

3 Keys For Entrepreneurs Get To Where You Want To Go Faster

It’s a juggle between parenting, businesses, marriage and I am ALWAYS looking for strategies to get where I want to be FASTER. Had a huge call today with a mentor worth $500 Million and it dawned on me how important these 3 tips are to save time and money to accelerate growth in life as a parent and visionary. Let’s face it, if you gain the world in revenue and lose your kids & family in the process you will probably have regrets so use these 3 hacks!
Jan 19, 202407:37
3 Tips To Keep Living The Dream

3 Tips To Keep Living The Dream

Starting out as two young entrepreneurs we were hungry, hustling to every business conference and motivated to bring our dreams to life. Fast forward 16 years later with 3 kids and 5 businesses life is BUSY and it’s often easy to let the relationship that started it all slide. BUT we said in 2024 we were going to recalibrate and embarked on these 3 tips!
Jan 18, 202408:17
Mom Stop Beating Yourself Up!

Mom Stop Beating Yourself Up!

Man oh man it has been a WEEK here at I Help Moms headquarters! My 6 year old has play auditions, the oldest has a giant math test, the middle wants to learn guitar, we have a huge marketing conference, grandmas birthday AND I messed up on a coding and programming investment which I am beating myself up about. So I am exploring ways to avoid mom overwhelm, focus on my mental well being in parenting and embrace a growth mindset as a mompreneur. Let me know how you shift your mindset from the blame game to self compassion.
Jan 10, 202408:01
Do you want happy, peaceful kids?

Do you want happy, peaceful kids?

I had an amazing coaching session with Coach Bonnie, mom of 10 that really helped me set a parenting intention so ALL OF OUR family can be nurtured. Find out what she told me!
Dec 04, 202306:49
Why The Best Things In Life Are Usually Not Easy

Why The Best Things In Life Are Usually Not Easy

Motherhood is a journey mentally, physically and emotionally. One thing I have found is that maintaining friendships, being a working mom of multiple business, being a mindful mom and serving others regulary is not always easy, but it brings true joy. On today's Happy in the Hustle Show I discuss 3 examples that were not easy but that brought so much joy I was able to prioritize them as core values in my life which has helped me to evolve into the mother, person, wife and philanthropist I want to be.

Dec 01, 202309:03
Seeking Success: Professionally, Personally and Parentally

Seeking Success: Professionally, Personally and Parentally

Our first born daughter had her 11th birthday today and it was a perfect time to reflect with my husband about parenting (more so surviving postpartum depression) then transitioning to thriving and taking a deep dive into facing fears and the mindset of creating a legacy and most of all intentionally choosing to grow together! Follow us @ihelpmoms and @drjustinbrown for living Happy In The Hustle
Nov 06, 202313:07
3 Keys We Discover As Parents To 3 Kids, Multiple Businesses and Both Chasing Our Dreams

3 Keys We Discover As Parents To 3 Kids, Multiple Businesses and Both Chasing Our Dreams

Yes social media shows this beautiful facade of all the highlights of entrepreneurship but the truth is THERE IS NO BALANCE! We found 3 keys to success in juggling all the things life has in store for us: 1. Prioritizing 2. Communication 3. Understanding Capacity & Seasons would love to hear your success strategies! Share them with me @michellebrownhappycoach!
Oct 18, 202323:19
#1 Tip To Handle Bumps In The Road

#1 Tip To Handle Bumps In The Road

Yesterday I found out some hard news regarding my youngest daughter. Thanks to this #1 tip I didn’t spiral into mom guilt, I didn’t feel like a failure, I didn’t panic. Those were old patterns I wanted to let go. And with this #1 tip I was able to stay calm and confident for my little one. Experience the I Help Moms Difference
Sep 28, 202307:22
There is No “Right” Time So Go For It

There is No “Right” Time So Go For It

Right now we left our three little kids with an army of sitters and very very busy multi business landscape to attend an Ultimate Achievers conference but it can be so important to step out of the daily grind to gain perspective on how to continue to grow. We find we feel refreshed, we feel invigorated and it enhances our relationship as we love growing together. What’s your favorite conference or seminar? Would love to connect with you on IG at @michellebrownhappycoach and share best practices to creating a life we love!
Aug 21, 202303:52
Juggling All The Balls This Summer

Juggling All The Balls This Summer

I want to be a present mom and a highly engaged business leader. I want to invest in personal growth and connecting with like minded business leaders. I want to prioritize my marriage and having fun as a family. I know I am not alone on working on how to juggle all the balls in the a busy mom life! On todays Happy In The Hustle podcast I discuss 3 keys managing a busy life load. Make sure to message me on IG at @michellebrownhappycoach with your keys to success!
Aug 02, 202307:03
My #1 Success Tip For A Focused Day

My #1 Success Tip For A Focused Day

It's really simple to have a focused day.

It just takes discipline.

Check out this podcast for my #1 tip!

May 02, 202302:11
Why Do Some Moms Seem More Balanced And Peaceful?

Why Do Some Moms Seem More Balanced And Peaceful?

Do these moms know something I don't know?

Why yes...yes they did!

Coaching, Mental Well Being Support, A Village is the biggest differentiating factor I have seen in moms that are peaceful and seem to understand that juggling it all does not need to be solely on our shoulders. Motherhood is a BIG job combined with running businesses and homes and when we have a team to do life truly becomes Happy In The Hustle.

May 01, 202304:18
Choose Collaboration Over Competition To Live Free

Choose Collaboration Over Competition To Live Free

There was a time when I first began business that I saw other mom leaders as competition. I always want to be honest.

But it was a lonely, tiring, fraught filled existence.

When I grew up, when I matured, when I realized how competition was cutting my enjoyment in life short I embraced collaboration.

The #1 shift to my mindset was recognizing I AM THE UNIQUE part of my business. Nobody will ever have my brain and therefore I don't need to worry. I began to open my world up to other women business leaders, other entrepreneurs to grow to expand and rise with AND LIFE GOT REALLY FUN!

Collaboration is a huge key to living Happy In The Hustle!

May 01, 202303:42
Why I Stopped Dimming My Energy To Appease Others

Why I Stopped Dimming My Energy To Appease Others

Ughhhh! Trying to be who other people want us to be is EXHAUSTING.

Take control of life and discover what brings you energy. What lights you up? What makes your soul absolutely smile?

Life is Energy. When we become comfortable with our own energy and how to stay rejuvenated we can begin to attract the energy we need to live the life we love. It's a powerful, unstoppable, limitless way to live. Cheers to Happy In The Hustle Life!

May 01, 202304:57
Loving Yourself Unlocks Fulfillment In Life

Loving Yourself Unlocks Fulfillment In Life

Be love and watch love circulate in your life.

So many people struggle with a lack of self worth and tend to lash out at those around them because hurt people, hurt people.

If we can take a moment to really think about nurturing our minds and bodies to intentionally love ourselves more- it can unlock a beautiful way of life.

Ways I like to nurture myself: I take time to gratitude journey absolutely everyday with a good cup of coffee. I make sure to workout everyday to get my endorphins flowing and produce a positive body image. I work to be truly present with people as spending time with friends and family fills my souls with joy.

How do you like to nurture yourself?

May 01, 202304:10
2 Keys To Making Networking Fun

2 Keys To Making Networking Fun

Networking can be such a downtrodden word in the world of business. I have found after opening multiple businesses that transitioning the mindset from what's in it for me at this event to being curious and open to learning about other people can make it much easier to approach networking. Can it be awkward at the coffee bar wondering who to sit by that will be most beneficial or thinking about the litany of all the other things you could be doing instead of networking? Of course.

I recommend shifting to a mindset of possibility and envisioning who you want in your network.

It turns it into an exciting opportunity instead of a dreaded event. I also know the more confident I have become as a business owner, I no longer feel that poverty mentality of 'having' to get business at a networking event but instead looking at it as an opportunity to serve with community members.

You just never know that one person you could meet that could introduce you to exactly who you dreamed of meeting to uplevel the amount of positive impact you can make. Cheers to living Happy In The Hustle! Michelle

May 01, 202303:25
My Top Tools For Finding My Authentic Self After Having Kids

My Top Tools For Finding My Authentic Self After Having Kids

Becoming a mom after climbing the corporate ladder for 10 years was a shock for me.

How can taking a shower become my barometer of a successful day after a decade of working to break million dollar revenue goals?

What was this new body that seemed to not be recognizable to me?

My brain was living this exhausting duality of work and making sure the needs of a newborn were being met.

Everyone talked about a village, but my village was 3,000 miles away.

So I set off on a journey to rediscover who I am. On today's episode I discuss some of my top resources, podcasts and coaches such as Coach Marcy, Coach Jenn and Coach Valerie on who help me to grow through what I go through.

May 01, 202304:49
How To Catch Your Child Up In School

How To Catch Your Child Up In School

My third child was lagging behind after the pandemic. I felt so stressed as a working mom as I one did not have the extra time to help as much as I wanted and two I have my degree in sports business not child development! I am the worlds worst early education academic teacher! So I needed to have a chat to get a game plan in place so I could stop the mom guilt. On today's Happy In The Hustle episode we chat with amazing principal of North Broward Preparatory School Kathleen Malanowski. Principal, Former Teacher and Mom of 3 herself. Enjoy this episode if you want to hear from the experts on why we can stop stressing and how we can advocate to get our kids the help they need.

Mar 30, 202305:50
Is It Possible To Give Kids Too Much Homework
Mar 30, 202305:60
How To Identify Your Child's Innate Gifts
Mar 30, 202308:41
Why Does Someone Adopt Hosted By An Adoptee Episode 1

Why Does Someone Adopt Hosted By An Adoptee Episode 1

On today's Happy In The Hustle Show, Michelle sits down to discuss adoption with dad of 5 Matt. We discuss the various perspectives from Michelle being the adoptee from India and Matt adopting 2 children from the Congo. Our first episode we discuss what propelled Matt to adopt after already having 3 kids of his own?

Mar 30, 202301:58
The Mom Mechanic

The Mom Mechanic

WOW! What an incredible opportunity to talk to Hina, TEDx Speaker and Pelvic Floor Specialist!

On today's episode we discuss why this is a very important part of postpartum care for women, signs you would benefit by getting checked by a pelvic floor specialist AND why this is key to getting your body back after having a baby. AKA who wants to leak pee all of the time after having kids??? NOBODY! That's wy we wanted to bring onto the show!

Oh did I mention bonus section? We discuss the often taboo topic of if it's normal to have pain during intercourse after having kids.

Enjoy the most imortant mom mechanic I have ever spoken with to helping us get body back after baby! Hint: It's more than the outside appearance! 

Check out her TEDx talk at!

Mar 14, 202319:50
3 Keys to Keep Going In Entrepreneurship

3 Keys to Keep Going In Entrepreneurship

What does life look like as a solo entrepreneur with a big dream and a boat load of work climbing the start-up mountain?

How do we keep going when the climb gets hard?

We always listen to the podcasts of everyone who has made it to the summit, but on today's episode I talk about 3 tips if you are in the trenches like me without a $95 million dollar VC. It's real tips, real life and knowing our WHY propels us to keep moving into making our dreams a reality.

Let's connect @ihelpmoms or @michellebrownhappycoach on Instagram or

Mar 02, 202307:16
The Fearless Entrepreneur
Feb 28, 202338:50
Do You Know How To Spot Your Child's Strengths?

Do You Know How To Spot Your Child's Strengths?

On today's episode we discuss Emotional Intelligent Parenting with Founder and Coach Sandhya of She provides incredible insight into the benefits of truly understanding our children's strength, the power of teaching self regulation at a young age and the important differentiation between Emotion Coaching and Coddling.  Make sure to head over to the to see if you (GASP) might have a blind spot in your parenting and how to uplevel your parenting skills to nurturesuccessful AND fullfilled kids!

Feb 23, 202316:29
The Different Hats Moms Wear

The Different Hats Moms Wear

It's absolutely okay to wear different hats different days different moments during different cycles as moms.

It's time for us to get comfortable that there is no one right way to be a mom. There is no one right way to balance all the balls we juggle. There is only the opportunity to grow, to evolve and become the most authentic version of who we are meant to become! On today's show we talk to the amazing Doula, and Founder of Birth of A Goddess to discuss her perspective as a mom of 3 young adults now. We love talking with veteran moms and birth workers to gain insight into the amazing worlds they have access to. is here to help you discover your path, your joy filled journey through motherhood. Talking to objective, experts to help carve our path can be one of the smartest things we do!

Feb 22, 202316:24
4 Mindset Disciplines I Follow Daily For Peak Performance

4 Mindset Disciplines I Follow Daily For Peak Performance

These are the 4 simple FREE things I do everyday to grow and protect my mindset. Our mind is our greatest asset we have AND we have 100% control over it! Check out the 4 must do daily habits I discuss and make sure to share your daily mindset strategies on IG with me @michellebrownhappycoach
Feb 19, 202307:08
Leaders Who Do This Will Change The World

Leaders Who Do This Will Change The World

I had an epiphany this week. With leadership comes a tremendous amount of pressure, expectation and responsibility. What does the world look like when leaders initiate with APPRECIATION instead of expectation. Do we think it will be reciprocated?
Feb 19, 202303:34
#1 Tip To Get It All Done Personally, Parentally & Professionally

#1 Tip To Get It All Done Personally, Parentally & Professionally

These 3 P’s can often be difficult to master with calm and wisdom in life. Thanks to our coaches we are able to learn strategies and skills to create the life we want for our families! Discover what Coach Sasha has to say about how to stop living in the grind and start living in the present!
Feb 16, 202309:57
4 Ways You Can Win

4 Ways You Can Win

On todays episode we discuss how to create a winning life! I provide 4 keys from awareness to celebrating that will help you perpetuate more wins along the journey of life!
Feb 15, 202306:11
Why Gratitude and Fear Cannot Co-Exist

Why Gratitude and Fear Cannot Co-Exist

On todays episode we talk about having JOY in the journey and 4 keys to living in a state of gratitude.
Feb 15, 202308:56
Overcoming Fear In Business

Overcoming Fear In Business

On todays episode I discuss 5 keys to overcoming fear and focusing on what IF everything works out! The mind is our most powerful asset and these tips can help launch you over fear into your greatest destiny!
Feb 15, 202308:18
5 Keys To Carving Out Your Path In Motherhood
Feb 15, 202307:53
5 Keys To Thrive In Love With Your Partner

5 Keys To Thrive In Love With Your Partner

As a mom of 3 and entrepreneur it is vital to keep my marriage at the top of my priority list or everything else seems to crumble. On todays episode I give 5 keys to keeping it fun and sexy!
Feb 07, 202308:07
I Had A Booming Career - Then I Became A Mom.

I Had A Booming Career - Then I Became A Mom.

On todays show I talk with I Help Moms Coach Samantha about Holistic Mental Health. Wow!!!! I spent 10 years working for the NBA, NHL, PGA and loving every minute. Then I had a baby and it was a complete shift from climbing the corporate ladder. Suddenly a little human mattered more than my success!It’s so empowering to delve in and talk to this amazing mental wellness professional to discuss how people can unlock life and find what truly fulfills them!
Jan 31, 202314:38
Get Out Of Your Rut!

Get Out Of Your Rut!

Many times in parenting, and entrepreneurship we find ourselves feeling STUCK and wondering will I move forward? Is this all there is for me? Or panicked- how did my life end up here?! On todays podcast we talk with I Help Moms Mental Well Being Coach Valerie on keys to move forward in life and to reinvigorate your self!
Jan 31, 202316:03
Why Are We Nicer To Other People Than We Are To Ourselves?!

Why Are We Nicer To Other People Than We Are To Ourselves?!

On todays episode I give 4 tips to self compassion. I think this is one of the most important yet under utilized skills we can develop as busy parents. Make sure you stay tuned to tip #4 as it is the key that can unlock being Happy In The Hustle!
Jan 31, 202303:28
How Do You Grow Your Capacity Professionally & Personally?
Jan 30, 202306:35
5 Keys To Entrepreneurship and Lasting, Loving Relationships

5 Keys To Entrepreneurship and Lasting, Loving Relationships

As an entrepreneur married to a serial entrepreneur we have 5 keys to a fulfilling relationship over the last 15 years. Make sure you stay tuned until the last one!! It’s the most important!
Dec 21, 202211:42
How Do We Identify The Type Of Parent We Want To Be?

How Do We Identify The Type Of Parent We Want To Be?

On todays podcast we chat with I Help Moms Coach Ashley on how parents can create the home environment they desire and how to understand their child’s connection needs more. Don’t live with regret in your parenting journey check out these amazing parenting tips to create an environment of consistent joy for your family!
Dec 16, 202228:41
My #1 Key For TRULY Productive Meetings

My #1 Key For TRULY Productive Meetings

Do you ever feel overwhelmed after meetings? Do you find a never ending to do list? This month I created a new system that helped me stop treading water and truly make progress after meetings! Would love to hear your feedback at @michellebrownhappycoach on IG!
Dec 13, 202203:24
5 Types Of Easy Self Care

5 Types Of Easy Self Care

When we are stressed out and burned out we are no good to ourselves or to those we love the most. Here are 5 easy ways to find more peace, ease and love for yourself. You deserve it. And bonus it provides the nurturing we need to be there for other people. Enjoy:) Michelle
Dec 12, 202207:60
Why I Stopped Keeping Up With The Joneses

Why I Stopped Keeping Up With The Joneses

We have been poor as we started our entrepreneurship journey, we have made our way to thriving businesses and about 5 years into motherhood, balancing multiple businesses I realized a startling TRUTH about climbing the comparison ladder. Take a listen as I discuss how I recalibrated what really matters to our family that has led to massive fulfillment. Would love to hear your thoughts on Instagram @michellebrownhappycoach or @ihelpmoms!
Nov 18, 202204:08