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Java with Jen: Hearing God's Voice for Everyday Life | Christian Teachings, Prophetic, Spirituality

Java with Jen: Hearing God's Voice for Everyday Life | Christian Teachings, Prophetic, Spirituality

By Jenilee Samuel

Hi, I’m Jen! As a 4-boy mom, Pastor, Wardrobe Stylist & Podcast coach, I have a heart to help busy moms hear God's voice & have fun doing it! It's not complicated, but I find that most Christians don't believe they CAN hear His voice... however one word from Him can change EVERYTHING. I don't pretend to be perfect, but I hope to encourage you with authenticity and real-life advice. I love doing REAL LIFE with REAL PEOPLE who want to deepen their relationship with Jesus. With coffee in hand and real life in our faces let’s do this! Let's Connect: IG: @javawithjen •
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190 - When the Grace of God Seems Unfair in Your Favor, How God Empowers us to Get Free & Live an Overcoming Life w/Stephen Samuel

Java with Jen: Hearing God's Voice for Everyday Life | Christian Teachings, Prophetic, SpiritualityMay 07, 2024

193 | Four Steps to Overcome the Spiritual Side of Imposter Syndrome and Find Freedom w/Jenilee Samuel

193 | Four Steps to Overcome the Spiritual Side of Imposter Syndrome and Find Freedom w/Jenilee Samuel

Get the deets on Jen's 200th episode Giveaway, happening in mid-July 2024 by joining her email list here: ⁠




When imposter syndrome is persistent, and almost harrassing in your mind, it's possible that you may be dealing with a spiritual problem. When that's the case, there's a similar but specific approach needed. Here's the process I describe in the episode... let's jump in!

The four steps described in the episode:

1.  Set aside time to journal/write because this allows your brain to more easily break up with wrong thinking.

2. I then ask the lord what lie/lies I am believing that are causing me to feel like an imposter.

3. I also ask him if there is anyone I need to forgive, or words I've spoken that have created this reality for me. Write them down.

4. Then I ask the Lord "what is the truth that combats that lie?" And I write down the truths that I'm to replace the lies with.

After I've repented, I bind the spirit that has been harrassing me and loose the opposite spirit. (ex: bind spirit of fear and harrassment, loose a spirit of peace, love of God and a sound mind.)

Scriptures from today:

Matthew 6:22-23 :

"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"

2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV):

"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."

Ephesians 5:13-14 :  "But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said: 'Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.'"

Isaiah 26:3 (NIV):

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you."

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (NIV)

Philippians 4:13

Isaiah 41:10

Philippians 4:6-8
Ephesians 6:16



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Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen

May 29, 202454:53
192 | Hidden Triggers: 5 Surprising Sources of Imposter Syndrome & How to Stop It in It's Tracks w/Jenilee Samuel

192 | Hidden Triggers: 5 Surprising Sources of Imposter Syndrome & How to Stop It in It's Tracks w/Jenilee Samuel

Get the deets on Jen's 200th episode Giveaway, happening in mid-July 2024 by joining her email list here: ⁠




A friend messaged me the other day, asking if I ever deal with imposter syndrome and I said "BAHAHAH YESSSS all the time!". She asked how I handle it, so I wrote up some action steps I take to deal with it, and she said, "This was SO HELPFUL. Have you done an episode on it yet?" I said, "well, no, I haven't! Good idea!"

So here we are, in a series on IMPOSTER SYNDROME! This is something I really began to experience when I stepped into podcasting and business (aka: out of my comfort zone), but have come to realize EVERYONE deals with it. So, we are going to identify in today's episode, five hidden triggers of imposter syndrome to help you identify it before you spiral, as well as some solutions on how to heal those patterns. Stay tuned for the other episodes that follow, they'll be equally good with how to deal with it spiritually when there's a spiritual root and hearing from an expert on the topic. Let's goooooo.... (Also, you may want to share it with a mom friend!)


  • 1 John 3:20 (NIV):  "If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything."
  • Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"
  • Revelation 12:10 (New King James Version): "Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, 'Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down.'"
  • Colossians 2:15  (NIV): “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."
  • Romans 10:11 "As Scripture says, 'Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.'"



Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!  

  • Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or
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  • Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen
May 21, 202448:33
191 | Exposing Imposter Syndrome: 5 Ways you May Be Experiencing it & Don’t Know! w/Jenilee Samuel

191 | Exposing Imposter Syndrome: 5 Ways you May Be Experiencing it & Don’t Know! w/Jenilee Samuel

• Get the deets on Jen's 200th episode Giveaway, happening in mid-July 2024 by joining her email list here: • LEAVE JEN A RATING ⭐️ & REVIEW: ⁠⁠ —————————————————— ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: A friend messaged me the other day, asking if I ever deal with imposter syndrome and I said "BAHAHAH YESSSS all the time!". She asked how I handle it, so I wrote up some action steps I take to deal with it, and she said, "This was SO HELPFUL. Have you done an episode on it yet?" I said, "well, no, I haven't! Good idea!" So here we are, in a series on imposter syndrome! This is something I really began to experience when I stepped into podcasting and business (aka: out of my comfort zone), but have come to realize EVERYONE deals with it. So, we are going to identify in today's episode, five symptoms of imposter syndrome to help you identify if YOU'RE dealing with it, as well as some scriptural examples of Bible characters who did and how THEY dealt with it. Stay tuned for the other episodes that follow, they'll be equally good with tools for overcoming it and how to deal with it spiritually when there's a spiritual root. Let's goooooo.... (Also, you may want to share it with a mom friend!)

FOR YOUR JOURNALING, these are the five types of imposter syndrome:

1. **Persistent Self-Doubt**: Individuals with imposter syndrome doubt their skills, talents, and qualifications, even when objectively successful.

2. **Fear of Failure**: There is a heightened fear of making mistakes or failing, leading to perfectionistic tendencies and avoidance of new challenges.

3. **Attributing Success to External Factors**: People with imposter syndrome often attribute their achievements to luck, help from others, or being in the right place at the right time, discounting their own contributions.

4. **Difficulty Accepting Praise**: Individuals may feel uncomfortable or undeserving of praise and recognition, dismissing positive feedback as insincere or misguided.

5. **Constant Striving for Perfection**: There is a relentless pursuit of perfection and high standards, accompanied by a fear of being exposed as inadequate if these standards are not met.

—————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so: through Spotify or on  Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen

May 14, 202448:58
190 - When the Grace of God Seems Unfair in Your Favor, How God Empowers us to Get Free & Live an Overcoming Life w/Stephen Samuel

190 - When the Grace of God Seems Unfair in Your Favor, How God Empowers us to Get Free & Live an Overcoming Life w/Stephen Samuel

• Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free :




Most people think of Christianity as a book of rules you have to keep, judgemental people and an angry God and the legalism that keeps many miserable in their faith. However, that's where GRACE steps in.

If you've been a Christian for very long, you're familiar with the concept of Grace... but are you? We all know the song "amazing grace"... but many times these words can sound and feel like just... well, words!

Grace is a concept not often taught or explained well, and when my husband, Stephen Samuel, taught this message at church a few weeks ago, I said "Yep, that's the best message I've EVER heard on Grace and it makes sense why the gospel is GOOD NEWS when you put it this way!" That's when I decided this needed to be an episode on my show. So, sit back, and enjoy listening to the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel of Jesus in a way you've never heard it. A way that makes sin problems seem small, and the grace of God seem unfair in your favor.


Stephen Samuel is husband of yours Truly, Jen, the host of this podcast, and he is known as one of the best teachers around. He has a knack for making scripture come alive and concepts more easily understood. He carries a Doctorate in Theology, has been in ministry as a Pastor's kid since childhood, and preaching since he was 16 after a radical encounter with the Lord. He is passionate about training people to have intimate relationships with the Lord and making disciples that do the same (make more disciples!). He and Jen have four boys together and run Free Life missions, their non-profit for missions!




Get his Book "A Reason for Hope":

Check out his podcast:



Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!  

  • Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or
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  • Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen
May 07, 202401:00:56
189 | But, God Can! How to Stop Striving and Live Purposefully and Abundantly w/Author Becky Kiser

189 | But, God Can! How to Stop Striving and Live Purposefully and Abundantly w/Author Becky Kiser



There's so much talk in today's culture of "girl you got this!" "girl, you CAN" and other messaging of empowerment and motivation, and on the one hand, it's wonderful, it's good and we all need a pep talk from time to time. But there's also. a culture of "self love" which has evolved into self worship. In today's episode Author Becky Kiser shares how the premise of her book is meant to empower women, yet also teach them that their weaknesses are indeed their super power, and that when they can't GOD CAN. The whole reason we need Jesus is because WE CAN'T in so many ways... and that's ok. We also address:

  • Self love/Self worship vs. Loving yourself
  • What to do when we know God Can, but God Doesn't?
  • How surrender is something more readily embraced after we have moved through the pain of when we can't, and realize, God can, but if he doesn't, we still know we're going to be ok.
  • And so much more!


Becky is a Speaker, Podcast Host, Ministry Leader, Life Coach, and Cheerleader of Women. She is committed to helping women know, love, and follow God and His Word so they can live freer and fuller lives. Becky teaches at Christian women’s events and prisons, and authors books and Bible Studies.




Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!  

  • Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or
  • Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and
  • Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Apr 30, 202453:42
188 • PT2 | How to Identify & Deal with Spiritual Anxiety, Religious Trauma & Spiritual Abuse w/Tiffany Yecke Brooks PhD.

188 • PT2 | How to Identify & Deal with Spiritual Anxiety, Religious Trauma & Spiritual Abuse w/Tiffany Yecke Brooks PhD.

• Curious about starting your own podcast? Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free :

• Give Jen some love & show her your appreciation: LEAVE A RATING ⭐️ & REVIEW for the show: ⁠⁠

—————————————————— ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: Have you ever felt more conflicted and burdened in your Christianity than rested and at peace with the joy God promises? In today’s episode, part 2 of this mini-series, Tiffany Yecke Brooks offers a voice to those feeling isolated by spiritual anxiety. She is hoping you'll learn to trust your God-given intuition, seek truth fearlessly, and love God and neighbor without fear. We discuss trusting your intuition, not being afraid to evaluate scripture more intentionally, and embracing the questions you want to ask. God isn’t skeered of your questions… he loves them!

ABOUT TIFFANY: Tiffany Yecke Brookes holds a PhD from Florida State University, where her dissertation covered, in part, cultural adaptations of stories from the book of Genesis. A popular speaker for student groups, faith conferences, and academic lectureships, Brooks has taught literature and writing at Abilene Christian University, McMurry University, and the University of South Carolina Beaufort. CONNECT with TIFFANY: Website:  TiffanyBrooksPhD.comHoly Ghosted: Spiritual Anxiety, Religious Trauma, and the Language of Abuse  —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so: through Spotify or on  Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Apr 23, 202401:04:54
187 | "Playing Small with Your Gifts is a Sin, & Here's Why" with Judy Weber

187 | "Playing Small with Your Gifts is a Sin, & Here's Why" with Judy Weber



Have you ever experienced the fear and panic that surfaces when you're faced with the opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone to use your gifts, and you decide instead to back pedal and stay where things feel safe? Yeah. I have too. But the crazy thing is, God's word is full of challenges to us to take hear, have courage, don't shake of your confidence, don't bury your gifts, and do the dang thing... sometimes even if you do it scared.

In today's episode, my guest and boss-lady coach Judy Weber makes it her mission to encourage women into their gifts and destinies right past their fear. She believes that playing small with your gifts is a sin, and she explains why in today's episode. If you've ever felt like you keep shrinking back into the background, but are frustrated that you're not reaching your fullest potential, this episode was recorded with YOU in mind.

Judy Weber, Esq., a Business Coach, Mentor & Scaling Strategist, is on mission to normalize miraculous results for Christian women in business.  Her extensive corporate experience (winning trials in the courtroom as an attorney and leading senior level management in the boardroom as a c-suite executive) is unparalleled in the business coaching & advisory marketplace.  

Her proprietary business growth & scaling methodologies have helped 100s of service-based business owners build lucrative businesses, with simplicity & joy. Judy is committed to helping 1000 women make their 1st $100K and 100 women scale toward 7 figures by 2025.

Past clients' results include: quadrupling annual revenues, repeated 6-figure launches & achieving near 80% conversion on sales consults.  Her sophisticatedly simple business model paves the way for leveraging marketing efforts, optimizing operations and boosting profits. 

Judy is also the Founder & Host of the globally-ranked ‘Joyful Business’’ Podcast (dedicated to on all things life + business for Christian women) & is a sought-after Keynote Speaker, inspiring women across the U.S. & around the world to pursue the ‘impossible,’ boldly living their faith in their business (aka a faith-fueled business). Eph. 3:20 & Matt. 19:26






Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!  

  • Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or
  • Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and
  • Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Apr 16, 202429:13
186 • PT1 | How to Identify & Deal with Spiritual Anxiety, Religious Trauma & Spiritual Abuse w/Tiffany Yecke Brooks PhD.

186 • PT1 | How to Identify & Deal with Spiritual Anxiety, Religious Trauma & Spiritual Abuse w/Tiffany Yecke Brooks PhD.

• Curious about starting your own podcast? Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free : • Give Jen some love & show her your appreciation: LEAVE A RATING ⭐️ & REVIEW for the show: ⁠⁠ —————————————————— ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: Have you ever felt more conflicted and burdened in your Christianity than rested and at peace with the joy God promises? In today’s episode, Tiffany Yecke Brooks offers a voice to those feeling isolated by spiritual anxiety. She is hoping you'll learn to trust your God-given intuition, seek truth fearlessly, and love God and neighbor without fear. We discuss trusting your intuition, not being afraid to evaluate scripture more intentionally, and embracing the questions you want to ask. God isn’t skeered of your questions… he loves them! ABOUT GUEST: Tiffany Yecke Brookes holds a PhD from Florida State University, where her dissertation covered, in part, cultural adaptations of stories from the book of Genesis. A popular speaker for student groups, faith conferences, and academic lectureships, Brooks has taught literature and writing at Abilene Christian University, McMurry University, and the University of South Carolina Beaufort. CONNECT with GUEST: Website:  TiffanyBrooksPhD.comHoly Ghosted: Spiritual Anxiety, Religious Trauma, and the Language of Abuse  —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so: through Spotify or on  Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Apr 09, 202459:13
185 | Giving God your "Yes" Even When it's Scary & He Asks you to Trust w/Rachel Ngom

185 | Giving God your "Yes" Even When it's Scary & He Asks you to Trust w/Rachel Ngom

ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: Have you ever felt sure of a path you were on, or of a dream you were building, only to have the Lord say "Step back, lay it down, and trust me."? It can be jarring. And that's what Rachel Ngom experienced when the Lord asked her to shut down her million dollar business. What?! And she OBEYED. That's the part that really gives me chills! Not many are willing to obey the Lord when it costs something, but she was. And she shares her story about how she recognized it was the Lord's voice speaking to her, and knew that she needed to obey, and how the Lord was kind enough to confirm her decision in external ways. You won't want to miss this episode, because even if you're not in this season, when the day comes that you are, you'll be so glad you have Rachel's story to remind you to keep obeying, keep doing the hard thing. (And send it to your three besties before you hit play, because she probably needs it to!) ABOUT RACHEL: CONNECT with RACHEL: —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free : Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions: LEAVE JEN A RATING ⭐️ & REVIEW: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so: through Spotify or on  Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Apr 02, 202438:01
184 | The Power of Telling your Story to Impact Lives and Minister To Others w/Author Lori Wood

184 | The Power of Telling your Story to Impact Lives and Minister To Others w/Author Lori Wood

Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free : Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions: LEAVE JEN A RATING ⭐️ & REVIEW: ⁠⁠ —————————————————— ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: Did you know your STORY, your testimony, has the power to change people's lives? This is why Jesus shared stories more than sermons. Our brains are hardwired FOR stories, not facts. That's why movies are more memorable than history class. :) In today's episode, Lori Wood, author and return guest, is having a hair-down conversation with me about the power of sharing our stories and why YOU should too. And if you decide that podcasting is a platform in which your story is best shared, PLEASE, let me know! I'd love to help you create the platform for sharing your story with the world! ABOUT GUEST: After discovering a serious heart condition almost too late, Lori Ann Wood became an award-winning author and speaker who encourages deep faith questions along the detours of life. CONNECT with GUEST: You can learn more about Lori Ann’s book, Divine Detour: The Path You’d Never Choose Can Lead to the Faith You’ve Always Wanted, at ⁠⁠. —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so: through Spotify or on  Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Mar 26, 202441:56
183- "Should I Quit My Job to Stay Home with My Kids?" Navigating the Leap of Faith to Stay-At-Home-Mom-ing - w/Podcaster Kira St. Pierre

183- "Should I Quit My Job to Stay Home with My Kids?" Navigating the Leap of Faith to Stay-At-Home-Mom-ing - w/Podcaster Kira St. Pierre

  • Want to START A PODCAST of your own? I want to help you! Save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions:



So many of my mom-friends have crossed this bridge of choosing to quit their jobs and stay home with their babies after working and creating a career for themselves. This is no small leap, and can come with a lot of fear, concerns, insecurity, and uncertainty as to whether it's worth the leap or not. IN today's episode, we talk about how Kira St. Pierre, a return guest and podcast student of mine, navigated that leap with the Lord, and it will build your faith. She is full of wisdom and her story is worth hearing! Share this with another mom friend who may find her in this place of decision too...


Kira is an alumnus of my Podcast Mastermind and host of the Growing God's Gifts podcast. She use to work full time in the finance industry and co-homeschooled her kids with their full-time nanny. She has a passion in her heart to help moms learn how to steward and multiply what God has put inside of them through the messages of her podcast. Go check out her show and connect with her at the links below:


Podcast: Growing God's Gifts Podcast


Previous episode w/Jen:



Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!  

  • Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or
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  • Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Mar 19, 202435:47
182 | Find your Confidence: Choosing your God-given Command for Confidence for Mental Health, Everyday Success & Spiritual Growth w/Mimika Cooney

182 | Find your Confidence: Choosing your God-given Command for Confidence for Mental Health, Everyday Success & Spiritual Growth w/Mimika Cooney

ENROLLING PODCASTING STUDENTS Right now! Save $200 AND get your show up within two months: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions:⁠


Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free



Is confidence a struggle for you? Most people experience insecurity, shame, imposter syndrome and other emotional struggles that seem to ZAP their confidence, and sometimes it's a struggle to know how to get it back. In today's episode, my guests Mimika Cooney and I discuss how to get your confidence back through healthy mindset shifts and simple mental habits you can easily adopt into your lifestyle. Watch your confidence take off, and see how it impacts your spiritual health as well!


Mimika Cooney is a leading faith-based Christian Mindset Author and Speaker known as the “Personal Trainer for your Mind”. She empowers ambitious Christians to rewire their brain by combining neuroscience, positive psychology, and a faith-based approach.

Mimika will teach you how to unstick your mind, develop emotional resilience, and unlock high performance by becoming the boss of your brain!


8 Tips to Supercharge your Mindset:



Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!  

  • Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or
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  • Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Mar 12, 202445:20
Ep181- Every Believer CAN learn to hear God’s voice When you Discern Between your Soul & Spirit

Ep181- Every Believer CAN learn to hear God’s voice When you Discern Between your Soul & Spirit

Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free : Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions: LEAVE JEN A RATING ⭐️ & REVIEW: ⁠⁠ —————————————————— ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so: through Spotify or on  Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Mar 05, 202454:25
180- 3 Simple Ways You Can Play a Part in Reigniting America's Spiritual Flame w/ Bunni Pounds /Jesus & Politics

180- 3 Simple Ways You Can Play a Part in Reigniting America's Spiritual Flame w/ Bunni Pounds /Jesus & Politics

  • Desperate to get YOUR voice into the world? Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions:

Many times though, that passion can be met with immediate feelings of overwhelm and powerlessness in how to impact change. If that's you, then you don't want to miss today's episode.

In fact, you need to share it with EVERY mama bear you know who is passionate about doing her part. Bunni Pounds was a Christian house-wife and missionary who ended up somewhat accidentally in a civil service role because she was determined to see some change happen, and the Lord has elevated her faithfulness to being an influential figure in political circles, and running a company that serves Christians in staying educated and involved (thus impactful!) in their local, state and national governments! She is fun, down to earth and determined to make it clearer and more doable for believers to know exactly what their place is and how to take it up fully in this time. Listen folks, wickedness prevails when good men do nothing. Do not let "nothing" be how you showed up in this space. The primaries are coming up very soon in March for many states, as soon as next week, and we want this episode to get around and help people, so please share, and enjoy the show, and then TAKE ACTION. PRAYER is the first and most crucial starting point, Voting is essential, and then getting involved however you can! Check out her resources below that will help you in staying up to speed on candidates for when you vote.

ABOUT BUNNI: Bunni Pounds is the President of Christians Engaged. This statewide non-partisan ministry awakens, motivates,

educates, and empowers believers in Jesus Christ: to pray for their nation and elected officials regularly, to vote in

every election to impact their culture, and to engage their hearts in some form of civic education or engagement for

the wellbeing of America.

Married for 27 years to Tim Pounds, they have 2 young adult sons, Israel and Ben, and two daughters-in-law as well as

a new grandbaby, Grayson Lee Pounds.

Bunni loves to motivate people to pray, vote, and engage their hearts to impact America and the world. She believes

that people are called to walk in intimacy with Jesus and be salt and light to a dying world. CONNECT with BUNNI:

Read more about Bunni's Story here.

Get Bunni's book: ⁠Jesus & Politics⁠

Get Bunni's Biblical Roadmap to Comparing Political Candidates as a free Download: ⁠ —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so: through Spotify or on  Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Feb 27, 202440:23
179- What God says About Women Isn't What You Think... It's Better! w/Author Hannah Conway

179- What God says About Women Isn't What You Think... It's Better! w/Author Hannah Conway

FREE SPIRITUAL GIFTS QUIZ & CHEAT SHEET for learning how to discover and grow your own spiritual gifts!

Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions:


Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free :



When I learned what God truly says about women, I felt freed, empowered and validated in many of the ways I had handled myself (including in my marriage) that I always wondered "Is this what a submitted wife looks like?" I also experienced various prejudices in the church world due to my gender, and given these different gender roles assumptions and misunderstandings throughout church history, women have been misunderstood, disempowered at times, and perhaps a. bit confused on exactly how to settle into the power they're meant to embody in this life. So, buckle up, this is a great episode that will make you, or the woman in your life, feel empowered in who she is and what she is meant to be.

Spoiler: God has a special name for woman that he doesn't use for anyone else, except himself. ;)


Hannah Conway is a Social Media Marketing & Communications Coordinator and Women’s Ministry Director. She’s a best-selling author, podcast co-host on “What’s Your Story? With Hannah & Stephani”, and speaker. Hannah is also a military wife, momma, former teacher, dog lover and roots for the Kentucky Wildcats. Most days she can be caught with a coffee cup in hand. She and her family live near Nashville, Tennessee.



HER Website: 



Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!  

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Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Feb 20, 202453:29
178- Improve your Relationships with 3 Simple Ways to Love Better w/Sarah Ho

178- Improve your Relationships with 3 Simple Ways to Love Better w/Sarah Ho

  • Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions:



In honor of Valentine's day and the month of love, Pastor and Clinical Therapist, Sarah Jane Ho, joins me for another great episode on love and relationship. In this episode we dive into three ways we can love in our relationships in a way that is transformative and impactful. Make sure you share this with a friend and happy Valentine's Day!


"As a wife and mother of five children, I am always on the go. I spend my time as a freelance writer, pastor, and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. Looking back, it is clear that I have always been a writer of some sort or another, I can even recall keeping diaries as a child and even writing poems as an adult but the realization of it was obscured from my view until I began homeschooling my children years ago. My writing is a way for me to express the emotions and reactions I have about how God views relationships and how women were designed as co-heirs, just like their counter parts. As a writer it is my desire to use my writing style to glorify Him through truth in love and with a little bit of humorous anecdotes on the side." For more, visit:




Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!  

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Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Feb 13, 202425:53
177 - It's Impossible to Hate Anyone You Pray For - How Producer Karen Covell Uses Prayer to Change The Relationship Between The Church & Hollywood

177 - It's Impossible to Hate Anyone You Pray For - How Producer Karen Covell Uses Prayer to Change The Relationship Between The Church & Hollywood

  • Want to Coach with me to get your own show started? As a listener, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions:



Hollywood Prayer Network (HPN) is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization seeking to build a bridge of love and respect between Christians in the Church and professionals in Hollywood, through prayer. We are committed to mobilizing Christians around the world to pray for the people, the projects and the issues in the entertainment industry, with an attitude of love. It is our passion to challenge global Christians to engage in culture, pray for the media, and help transform the spiritual climate of Hollywood with hearts of love and compassion. Whether you’re an industry professional who wants prayer and support or a Christian with a heart for prayer, we want to build bridges, light the way, and bring a message of love, hope and healing to an industry that dramatically shapes our world.


Her previous episode on Java with Jen:

Karen Covell– Founding Director

Karen Covell is a film producer, author, speaker, and Founding Director of the international non-profit, Hollywood Prayer Network. Karen speaks and teaches around the country, challenging Christians to embrace the creative and business professionals in Hollywood with the love and compassion of Jesus. She is also a published co-author of two books: How to Talk About Jesus Without Freaking Out (The J Bomb) and The Day I Met God, as well as the devotional Hollywood, Jesus, and You. Karen is a film producer and member of the Producer’s Guild of America. and is the Co-Founder of JC Productions; an independent films and music production company. She has had extensive experience producing TV specials, documentaries and children’s programming, and is currently in development of several projects, including a feature film and children’s competitive TV show. Karen is a graduate of USC and is married to her best pal, Jim, a composer, and they have two sons: Christopher, Head of Development at an LA production company, and Cameron, a filmmaker on a production team at Disney in New York City.


Hollywood Prayer Network
1760 N. Gower St., Hollywood, CA  90028

Visit us:

For info about Karen’s producing: ⁠⁠.

For a link to her books: ⁠⁠

Instagram | Facebook | Youtube



Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!  

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  • Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Feb 06, 202439:21
176 • PT3-How to Activate Angels & Put Them to Work in Your Life According to Scripture w/Dr Phil Rich

176 • PT3-How to Activate Angels & Put Them to Work in Your Life According to Scripture w/Dr Phil Rich

  • Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions:



Today we go into part THREE of Prophet Phil’s series on activating angels, and we get into the ways that you can intentionally activate the activity of angels in your life, to help and assist you. This episode will make you SO EXCITED to spend more time in prayer, and to get angels working on your behalf as they should be! :-) Share it with a friend! ABOUT Dr. Phil Rich:

Dr Phil Rich answered the call of God from the age of 15 and has been preaching and teaching the gospel ever since. With over 40 years in the ministry, Dr. Phil Rich is a seasoned Apostle and Prophet of God and is used extensively in the gifts of the Spirit. God has gifted Dr. Phil with a very unique style of ministry that blends the revelated teaching aspect along with powerful prophetic preaching!


Get his full book on Activating Angels for a deeper study:

Website: Email:



Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!  

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Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Jan 30, 202401:08:02
175- Pt2- What Kinds of Things Angels Do For Us - Activating Angels Series w/Dr. Phil Rich

175- Pt2- What Kinds of Things Angels Do For Us - Activating Angels Series w/Dr. Phil Rich

  • FREE NEW YEARS GIFT: Ditch Resolutions & Plan Your Year God’s Way!  Free New Years Planner/Devotional/Guide!

  • Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free :

  • Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions:

  • Magic Mind Coffee Alternative: Save 50% on a subscription or 20% on a one-time purchase with code JWJ20 at: ⁠⁠

  • LEAVE JEN A RATING ⭐️ & REVIEW: ⁠⁠ —————————————————— ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: Today we go into part two of Prophet Phil’s series on activating angels, and we get into the different kinds of angels that there are and the roles they can possibly fill within your life. It may cause you to have a bunch of “aha!” moments and even make some unusual circumstances in your life make more sense. You’re not gonna want to miss this one :-) share it with a friend! ABOUT Dr. Phil Rich: Dr Phil Rich answered the call of God from the age of 15 and has been preaching and teaching the gospel ever since. With over 40 years in the ministry, Dr. Phil Rich is a seasoned Apostle and Prophet of God and is used extensively in the gifts of the Spirit. God has gifted Dr. Phil with a very unique style of ministry that blends the revelated teaching aspect along with powerful prophetic preaching! CONNECT with GUEST: Email: —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so: through Spotify or on  Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Jan 23, 202401:02:17
174-Pt.1- What can Angels DO in your Life- Activating Angels Series w/Dr. Phil Rich

174-Pt.1- What can Angels DO in your Life- Activating Angels Series w/Dr. Phil Rich

  1. What angels can DO in your life
  2. The kinds of angels that there are (and the jobs they have)
  3. How to activate angels on PURPOSE in your life

In this episode, we're covering what angels can DO in your life. It's a good one!

    ABOUT Dr. Phil Rich:

    Dr Phil Rich answered the call of God from the age of 15 and has been preaching and teaching the gospel ever since. With over 40 years in the ministry, Dr. Phil Rich is a seasoned Apostle and Prophet of God and is used extensively in the gifts of the Spirit. God has gifted Dr. Phil with a very unique style of ministry that blends the revelated teaching aspect along with powerful prophetic preaching!


    Get His book on Activating Angels: ⁠⁠Website: ⁠⁠

    Email: ⁠⁠



    Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!  

    • Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or
    • Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and
    • Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

    Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

    • through Spotify or on 
    • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
    • Venmo: @JavawithJen
    • Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Jan 16, 202442:04
173- 8 Traits of Fear-Based Leadership and How to Avoid it w/Author Allen Chapin

173- 8 Traits of Fear-Based Leadership and How to Avoid it w/Author Allen Chapin

• FREE NEW YEARS GIFT: Ditch Resolutions & Plan Your Year God’s Way!  🎉Free New Years Planner/Devotional/Guide!:

• Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions:

• Magic Mind Coffee Alternative: Save 50% on a subscription or 20% on a one-time purchase with code JWJ20 at: ⁠⁠ •. LEAVE JEN A RATING ⭐️ & REVIEW: ⁠⁠ •. Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free : —————————————————— ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: We have all had leaders that were miserable to follow, but we can't always put our finger on WHY they were so difficult. In today's episode, Author Allen Chapin shares about the 8 Traits of Fear Based Leadership and how to Avoid it... both in others and in ourselves! All difficult behavior comes down to the fear that drives it, but it's not always easy to identify that that's what's happening because we aren't in that person's head. However, there are some common traits that we see both in the word, and in real-life scenarios that can illuminate when fear-based leadership is what you're being exposed to... or possibly what you're demonstrating. Whichever way it is, learn how to do better with today's episode. Don't forget to share it with a friend! ABOUT ALLEN: Allen is a speaker and author whose life purpose is to love and encourage people, offering them grace and hope.  He has traveled across the nation and around the world in ministry and leadership.Over the past two decades, Allen has invested his life in helping people through local churches, youth camps, conferences, leadership training, and missions efforts.You can hear his previous episode on Java with Jen, #111, here. CONNECT with ALLEN: IG: —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!   • Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or • Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and • Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so: •through Spotify or on  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  •  • Venmo: @JavawithJen • Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Jan 09, 202449:03
172 - Unveiling the New Year Word for 2024 & 10 Anchors for Abundant Seasons w/Jenilee Samuel

172 - Unveiling the New Year Word for 2024 & 10 Anchors for Abundant Seasons w/Jenilee Samuel


  • FREE NEW YEARS GIFT: Ditch Resolutions & Plan Your Year God’s Way!  Free New Years Planner/Devotional/Guide!
  • Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions:
  • Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free :





Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!  

  • Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or
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  • Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Jan 02, 202454:43
171- BONUS-6th Life Lesson from 2023 I'm taking into 2024 & MILESTONES Java with Jen Hit this Year!

171- BONUS-6th Life Lesson from 2023 I'm taking into 2024 & MILESTONES Java with Jen Hit this Year!

  • FREE NEW YEARS PLANNER/: Ditch Resolutions & Plan Your Year God’s Way!  Free New Years Planner/Devotional/Guide!
  • Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions:
  • Magic Mind Coffee Alternative: Save 50% on a subscription or 20% on a one-time purchase with code JWJ20 at: ⁠⁠
  • Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free : JERRY LONCON EPISODE #126 Cast and Crew Interviews on youtube, Inside Look —————————————————— ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: Getting a word for the year is such an important practice in my life, and equally important is taking the time to reflect on what the Lord has done, which surfaces all the great milestones we hit and encourages me at how the Lord is working in and through the show. I like to do this in every area of my life, podcasting included. My listeners are the lifeblood of my show so I love to share with you the milestones that we hit as well. Thanks for listening and I hope this encourages you in what the Lord can do. —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so: through Spotify or on  Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Dec 27, 202332:39
170- 5 Life-Changing Lessons I Learned in 2023 That I’m Bringing into 2024 w/Jenilee Samuel

170- 5 Life-Changing Lessons I Learned in 2023 That I’m Bringing into 2024 w/Jenilee Samuel

FREE NEW YEARS GIFT: Ditch Resolutions & Plan Your Year God’s Way!  Free New Years Planner/Devotional/Guide! Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions: Magic Mind Coffee Alternative: Save 50% on a subscription or 20% on a one-time purchase with code JWJ20 at: ⁠⁠ LEAVE JEN A RATING ⭐️ & REVIEW: ⁠⁠ Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free : —————————————————— ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: It’s the final two episodes of 2023 and I thought it appropriate to reflect on the five most significant lessons. I learned this year that I will definitely be bringing with me into 2024. Eavesdropping on other peoples lessons learned is like getting a free pass to the wisdom without the heartache. I hope this episode encourages you as you look forward to the next year. —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so: through Spotify or on  Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Dec 26, 202345:20
169- Discover your Spiritual Gifts (& help your kids find theirs too!) with Author Christen Clark

169- Discover your Spiritual Gifts (& help your kids find theirs too!) with Author Christen Clark



• LEAVE JEN A RATING ⭐️ & REVIEW:⁠Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free : —————————————————— ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: Everyone has been given spiritual gifts, but we don't all realize how to discover them, develop them, or steward them. And in today's episode we also dive into how to help your kids discover theirs! As a free gift, I've created a cheatsheet for you that includes a link to a spiritual gifts test and practical ways to develop the ones you have. This episode very well may change your life... and your kids! With Guest Christen Clark, who specializes in helping children grow their gifts, we dive into the importance of this topic and the impact it has on families. Enjoy and share with three friends! ABOUT CHRISTEN: Christen Clark has been working in children’s ministry for over 16 years which is what inspired her to start a podcast for kids. She is also a worship leader, speaker, and student, pursuing her masters degree at Dallas Theological Seminary.  She lives just north of Atlanta, Georgia with her wonderful husband and 2 kids. From board games to baking to sporting events, her priority is spending time with family.  She loves working out, collecting sparkly shoes, walking on the beach, and late night bowls of cereal. Christen is passionate is for the next generation to know that God loves them and that they can be used by God in both the ordinary and amazing moments of life.  CONNECT with CHRISTEN:⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠@collidekidspod⁠ Instagram: @collidekidspod and @christenclark The Collide Kids Podcast is available wherever you get your podcasts. Spiritual Gift assessment Tool:

Spiritual Gifts Test to take as a Family: —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!   • Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or • Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

• Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions: ⁠ •Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so: through Spotify or on:  www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Dec 19, 202353:14
168- 5 Tips for Intentional Parenting that Can Change Your Family Life & Free Gift w/Greg & Jacqueline Francis of The High Performance Parenting PodcastPt 1

168- 5 Tips for Intentional Parenting that Can Change Your Family Life & Free Gift w/Greg & Jacqueline Francis of The High Performance Parenting PodcastPt 1

FREE NEW YEARS GIFT: Ditch Resolutions & Plan Your Year God’s Way!  Free New Years Planner/Devotional/Guide!

Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program: Book a no-obligation call to ask your questions:

Magic Mind Coffee Alternative: Save 50% on a subscription or 20% on a one-time purchase with code JWJ20 at:


Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free :



It's been said, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." The same can be said about parenting to some degree, because raising good humans takes intentionality. Some end up accidentally awesome, but what a prime opportunity in the 18 years you're shaping their minds, to do so intentionally. You'll see so much more fruit from your efforts when you lead your children with a vision. In today's episode my guests share how they pulled the success they saw in business and creating teams into their parenting process, and have seen tremendous fruitfulness in their children's lives as a result. This episode is loaded with parenting tips and golden truths, so make sure you listen to the entire thing and share it with a few friends!


Greg and Jacquie Francis own several successful businesses and are experts at developing high producing teams and cultures.  Their main mission is helping high achievers attain purposeful wealth creation and strategic family success.  They are dynamic communicators, speaking on large stages both domestically and internationally and their podcast “High Performance Parenting” is a top 5 global podcast.


Get their free Place Mat they use for their own family to keep their kids focused and encouraged here:



Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this podcast!  

  • Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or
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  • Share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Dec 12, 202342:40
167- Make Peace with Disappointments and Love Your Life Again w/Author Cyndi Galley

167- Make Peace with Disappointments and Love Your Life Again w/Author Cyndi Galley

FREE NEW YEARS GIFT: Ditch Resolutions & Plan Your Year God’s Way!  Free New Years Planner/Devotional/Guide! Get Cyndi’s book! Only $10.99 until Dec 6, it goes up to $18.99! Right now, save $200 on my Podcast coaching program if you book a discovery call with Jen before January 10th!  Head to: Magic Mind Coffee Alternative: Save 50% on a subscription or 20% on a one-time purchase with code JWJ20 at: —————————————————— ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: Have you ever felt “stuck” and frustrated in your life? We all have expectations about how our lives will play out, but when life doesn’t play by our script it can be suuuuuper disorienting. We often don’t realize we have these subconscious scripts we live by until they’re challenged. In todays show, author of “Don’t be this girl”, Cyndi Galley, shares how we can embrace God’s principles and approach those moments in life differently, identifying where these scripts came from and rewrite them on purpose. She shares her own personal story about ending up pregnant when she was young and what it was like growing up with a dad who grew pot in their backyard… and yet now she is a powerhouse woman impacting lives around the globe, because she let God rewrite her scripts. This is a great episode… share it with a friend and let’s goooooo! ABOUT Cyndi Galley: A dynamic communicator with a zeal to strengthen people to being their best version of themselves, Cyndi's energetic style is one that brings hope, strength and vision to the human heart and soul, through her contagious joy, passion for life and people! Desiring to see people empowered, healed, whole, and walking in true freedom, she is a proponent of the power of media combined with ministry and is the Editor-in- Chief of Teen Fashioned Magazine, and author who hosts a YouTube video podcast, A New Thing LIVE! Passionate about storytelling, Cyndi is in post-production with her first full feature documentary film, She is Single. She is Strong. An advocate for higher education, she has also received her Master of Divinity from Oral Roberts University, and is an ordained minister with the Foursquare Denomination. CONNECT with Cyndi: Personal IG: @Cyndi616  Talk Show IG: @anewthinglive  Single Gal's Ministry IG:  @sheissinglesheisstrong or visit Teen Fashioned Mag IG: @teenfashioned or visit Fashioned Magazine IG: @fashionedmag or visit —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Financially Contribute to the Show at:  Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Dec 05, 202340:21
166- Replacing Disney: Family-Friendly, Values Based, Quality Entertainment for our Kids with Valor Heritage Foundation & Chris Langlois

166- Replacing Disney: Family-Friendly, Values Based, Quality Entertainment for our Kids with Valor Heritage Foundation & Chris Langlois



Have you struggled with "I just want my kids to be able to entertain themselves for an hour, but I don't want the stress of wondering what they're coming across on the TV... where's the wholesome content??" My guest today, Chris Langlois, had the same frustrating experience of allowing his kids to watch something that they later realized wasn't a great option, and the Lord has used that moment to compel him to be a part of the solution to the problem. We parents can all agree that we want more wholesome, QUALITY content that will BUILD our kids' spirits, character and wisdom, but it's just not out there. Chris is determined to change that. And, he shares a really fun story where he earned his "super hero cape" in my opinion, so jump in and enjoy! (PS- you're really going to want to connect with him and his project, so don't miss the links below!)


Valor Heritage is bringing kingdom-based content to children and teens in ways they can understand. They leverage tax deductible donations and invest them into projects creating high-quality animation and games for our children to consume without the hidden agenda. Revenues from these projects go back to the foundation where they can be used again and compounded to continuously invest into and produce content for youth.






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Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so:

  • through Spotify or on 
  • Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 
  • Venmo: @JavawithJen
  • Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Dec 04, 202332:34
Ep165- 5 Ways to Know if God is Speaking To You (& it’s Not Just Your Own Thoughts) w/Jenilee Samuel

Ep165- 5 Ways to Know if God is Speaking To You (& it’s Not Just Your Own Thoughts) w/Jenilee Samuel

Want to Start Your Own Podcast with Jen as your Coach? Book a Call to Ask your Questions, & mention code BLACKFRIDAY for a $300 discount if you sign up!


Get Jen's Notes from this Episode



We all want to hear God's voice, especially when situations in life leave us unsure which direction we need to walk. The MOST common question I get from people in learning to hear God's voice is: "How do I know it's God's voice I'm hearing, and not my own... or worse, the enemy's?" Well, that's a great question and is a fundamental part of the process of learning to hear AND discern God's voice from the many "voices" that play a part in our lives.

In this episode I give you 5 filters, or guardrails you can apply when you're developing your hearing of God's voice, to help ensure that you're hearing accurately, as well as an exercise at the end to grow you in recognizing WHEN you're hearing from Him. It's a super practical episode, so share it with three friends and pop a screenshot of you listening on Social media and tag me @javawithjen on Instagram! Feel free to download the show notes above too if you want to look over the steps more carefully. Enjoy!

Took book a call with Jen about coaching with her to get YOUR podcast started:

Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free



Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!  

Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on 

Venmo: @JavawithJen

Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Nov 21, 202342:05
Ep164- Stop Waiting for Permission to Live an Impactful Life with Hannah Conway

Ep164- Stop Waiting for Permission to Live an Impactful Life with Hannah Conway

• Took book a call with Jen about coaching with her to get YOUR podcast started:

• Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free : —————————————————— Sponsor the show: www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 

ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: Did you know that statistically, women are 90% more inclined than men to sit back and wait for permission or an invitation to take action, get involved, create a business, or be impactful, aside from the natural instinct to raise our families. Why is this? Why do we feel the need to wait for permission? There are no unwritten rules that say we have to, and in this episode, author Hannah Conway describes how she chose to get around theological barriers to her fulfilling the call of God on her life... without waiting for permission! Her story is inspiring! Share it with a female friend you believe in and let's take up some space, shall we? ABOUT HANNAH: Hannah Conway is a Social Media Marketing & Communications Coordinator and Women’s Ministry Director. She’s a best-selling author, podcast co-host on “What’s Your Story? With Hannah & Stephani”, and speaker. Hannah is also a military wife, momma, former teacher, dog lover and roots for the Kentucky Wildcats. Most days she can be caught with a coffee cup in hand. She and her family live near Nashville, Tennessee.

CONNECT with HANNAH: —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Nov 14, 202346:56
Ep163- Bring Comfort in Hard Times using "NEAR" - A Revolutionary Tool for Easing Grief and Providing Practical Support in Loss, Sickness, and Death with Jane Butler"

Ep163- Bring Comfort in Hard Times using "NEAR" - A Revolutionary Tool for Easing Grief and Providing Practical Support in Loss, Sickness, and Death with Jane Butler"

Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Took book a call with Jen about coaching with her to get YOUR podcast started: Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free : —————————————————— ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE: You know that struggle you feel when someone you love or even someone you don't know, is going through the loss of a loved one, sickness or the like, and you WANT desperately to help them, but you have no idea what to do... and end up doing nothing? Yeah, we're all guilty. But now we don't have to be! My guest Jane experienced that struggle when their own family went through a painful diagnosis and scare with her husband's health, and she realized that many people WANT to help but don't know how in the world to do that, so she dreamed up the platform called "Near". NEAR" is Compassion-in-Action: A Revolutionary Tool for Practical Help During Times of Loss, Sickness & Death. It's as if Meal-Train, a personalized Registry and Pinterest Ideas had a baby to help you show up for those you love going through hardship. When I heard about this revolutionary platform for helping people in often the darkest and hardest seasons of their lives, I knew I needed to have Jane share with my listeners! So enjoy listening to this, but even more than that, SHARE THIS EPISODE and go check out her side! If you're part of a church that has a care team, or simply a pastoral team, share this episode with them so they can utilize this tool for their congregation! It's so amazing, and Jane does such a great job sharing her story and how this beautiful thing came about. ABOUT (GUEST): After a devastating health crisis threatened to take Jane's husband's life, she saw how many people wanted to help but didn't know how to, and she also felt the pressure of having to guide people in how to help her. Both scenarios are not real pleasant when you have the stress of grief, loss or sickness. She took this difficult experience and turned it into a platform that will allow you to serve those you know who are suffering and LITERALLY become the hands and feet of Jesus to them.... with some guidance from NEAR. Check out her site below! CONNECT with GUEST: We connect and empower your village of loved ones to offer tangible care and support at each step. —————————————————— CONNECT WITH JEN: Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  
Nov 07, 202335:37
EP162- Take Action on your Dreams NOW, Embrace Your Gifts, Take up Space w/Cyndi Galley

EP162- Take Action on your Dreams NOW, Embrace Your Gifts, Take up Space w/Cyndi Galley

• Took book a call with Jen about coaching with her to get YOUR podcast started:

• Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free :
STOP SLEEPING ON YOUR DREAMS. I know, sorry for shouting. But this is how passionate we are to see YOU take your gifts, your dreams, seriously! This is YOUR time, and your time to take action, which Cyndi - the poster child for action taking - discusses with me. We share how you can get moving to activate your dreams and gifts, as well as a misapplied scripture that has left lots of christians action-less and untrusting of their own hearts to their detriment. If you have dreams that have been swimming in your heart and you need a hype girl, motivational pep talk as well as some guidance on how to get moving, you need this episode. While you're at it, share with a talented girlfriend who needs to know you believe in her too. Let's do this!!

ABOUT Cyndi Galley:
Born in Hollywood, Cyndi Galley is a Golden State-native. Having started her educational journey as a Broadcast Journalism major and receiving her Bachelor’s Degree from Azusa Pacific University, along and her Master of Divinity Degree from Oral Roberts University, in Tulsa, OK, Cyndi joined her passions of media and ministry, becoming an ordained minister with the Foursquare Denomination and has been in ministry for over 24 years.

Fueled by a passion to empower women of all ages through stories, fashion, and mentoring, Cyndi launched her YouTube Talk Show, A New Thing LIVE, to strengthen viewers, giving them hope for victorious living through the stories and testimonies of others who share that "new thing" God is doing in their lives. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Fashioned™, and Teen Fashioned Magazines, publications to reach the young tweenaged girl between the ages of 11 and 16; Having captured videos and photos since very young at age, she is in post-production with her Documentary-Drama, She is Single, She is Strong™, which is also the name of her ministry, designed to strengthen single women to live their best life now. Seeing the need for relevant media for today's woman of faith, she recently founded New Gal Global, home to her production and publication companies, along with her many passion projects purposed to equip women of all ages, from all walks of life. In addition to celebrating that she is both, a Latina and Black female talk show host, an avid reader and writer who has never married, she humbly represents her cultures as both, a Latina and Black female author on being single. Her recently released children’s book, A Tale of a Praying Princess, available on Amazon. A New Thing LIVE, airs on YouTube on Monday nights at 7 PM and is a fun, inspiring and faith-building time where Cyndi keeps it real by interviewing influencers, leaders, business owners, and everyday people share about their journey to being who/where they are today, covering the highs and the lows, that ultimately lead to that triumphant win!

CONNECT with Cyndi:
Personal IG: @Cyndi616
Talk Show IG: @anewthinglive
Single Gal's Ministry IG: @sheissinglesheisstrong or visit
Teen Fashioned Mag IG: @teenfashioned or visit
Fashioned Magazine IG: @fashionedmag or visit
Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!
Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show! I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on
Venmo: @JavawithJen
Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Oct 31, 202350:24
Ep161- Lies Women Believe about CHURCH, Women in Ministry and Fulfilling her calling to Preach the Word of God, w/Pastor Sarah Jane Ho

Ep161- Lies Women Believe about CHURCH, Women in Ministry and Fulfilling her calling to Preach the Word of God, w/Pastor Sarah Jane Ho

Took book a call with Jen about coaching with her to get YOUR podcast started: www.JavawithJenPodcast.ORG

Get on my Email list: www.javawithjenpodcast.COM

Interested in starting a podcast? Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free :

If you have ever believed women should not preach, you need today's episode.
If you have ever believed MEN are the head over WOMEN, you need this episode.
If you have ever felt a call to preach, as a woman, or you know women who have, you need this episode.
In it, we take Sarah's weighty education background in Theology and Psychology, and put it to the test as she shares her story and addresses some common misperceptions around theology regarding women's role in the church. It is insightful, inspiring and freeing!
And below is the book list she references in the episode. Enjoy!


Thick-Skinned by Claude Hamilton
Fashioned to Reign by Kris Vallotton
No More Holding Back by Kat Armstrong
Every Woman a Theologian by Phylicia Masonheimer
When Women Lead by Carolyn Moore
Don’t Look Back by Christine Caine
Lioness Arising by Lisa Bevere

ABOUT Sarah Jane:
As a wife and mother of five children, I am always on the go. I spend my time as a freelance writer, pastor, and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. Looking back, it is clear that I have always been a writer of some sort or another, I can even recall keeping diaries as a child and even writing poems as an adult but the realization of it was obscured from my view until I began homeschooling my children years ago. My writing is a way for me to express the emotions and reactions I have about how God views relationships and how women were designed as co-heirs, just like their counter parts. As a writer it is my desire to use my writing style to glorify Him through truth in love and with a little bit of humorous anecdotes on the side.

Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!
Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on
Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show! I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on
Venmo: @JavawithJen
Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Oct 26, 202301:06:53
Ep160- Lies Women Believe about Relationships, The Role Misunderstood Scripture Plays & How to Improve Them w/Sarah Ho

Ep160- Lies Women Believe about Relationships, The Role Misunderstood Scripture Plays & How to Improve Them w/Sarah Ho

Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 

Took book a call with Jen about coaching with her to get YOUR podcast started:

Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free



Relationships are at the core of who we are as women, but when we begin to believe lies about our relationships, whether thats because of trauma or simply misunderstood scripture, maybe things they've been told growing up, or by an influential person in their life. Regardless how the lies come in, they impact our relationships and can detract from our ability to have healthy, enjoyable relationships. In this episode we dive into some of the lies women believe about their relationships, how that's influenced by past trauma and how to begin to move out of those lies. My guess Sarah Jane Ho is a Pastor and licensed counselor and brings so much wisdom in this topic as well as next week's episode!


S- Stuck out Scripture - scripture that pops when you read it.

O- Observation Orientation - Make observations about the facts surrounding your reading. The Who, What, Why, How, When, Where

I- Insightful Interpretation - The facts that I just discovered, what is God saying to me about these facts? How am I supposed to receive that? Hint: Follow peace! Peace is God's tool to show us we are in the right place.

L- Learn from it. - By choosing to listen to Him and learn from the reading, it impacts me which impacts others around me.

When considering context for scripture reading, keep in mind: CONTEXT, CULTURE & CONTENT

A RED FLAG that someone is living out of their trauma instead of from a healthy place, is that there are communication issues. Blaming, gaslighting, name calling, refusal to communicate, stonewalling, needing to have the last word, needing to be right, needing to point the other person back to their own faults, refusal to take responsibility.

PRESCHOOL VERSION of communication: Listening, responding with a summary of what was said (indicating understanding), and then problem solving.

What happened, how that made you feel, and what can we do moving forward to enact change.



As a wife and mother of five children, I am always on the go. I spend my time as a freelance writer, pastor, and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. Looking back, it is clear that I have always been a writer of some sort or another, I can even recall keeping diaries as a child and even writing poems as an adult but the realization of it was obscured from my view until I began homeschooling my children years ago. My writing is a way for me to express the emotions and reactions I have about how God views relationships and how women were designed as co-heirs, just like their counter parts. As a writer it is my desire to use my writing style to glorify Him through truth in love and with a little bit of humorous anecdotes on the side.



Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!  

Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on 

Venmo: @JavawithJen

Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Oct 17, 202301:00:38
Ep159- Becoming Wholehearted in a Heartbreaking World w/Joel Johnson - Mental Health Matters, Discovering Jesus' Nature in Scripture to Help Heal from Trauma and Grow in Emotional Healing

Ep159- Becoming Wholehearted in a Heartbreaking World w/Joel Johnson - Mental Health Matters, Discovering Jesus' Nature in Scripture to Help Heal from Trauma and Grow in Emotional Healing

Book a call with Jen about coaching with her to get YOUR podcast started: ——————————————————— Your mental health matters, to life, to God, and to those who love you! In this episode my guest Joel Johnson gives us a sneak peek at his new book called "The Wholehearted Journey: 7 Skills to Develop a Wholehearted Life in a Heartbreaking World". From having his own breakdown which disrupted his ability to communicate even as one of the nations' top communicators, he went on a quest to heal and learn how to help others. He is now a student of Harvard getting a degree in psychology, and in the process of writing this book has worked with a licensed psychologist as well as the wisdom of scripture to bring to you a life-transforming journey of becoming whole-hearted and enjoying the peace, joy and freedom Christ offers. This book is a rich one, and comes out next week on October 17th, so be sure to pre-order yours! --------------------------------- ABOUT JOEL: Joel Johnson is the President of Wholehearted & Joel Johnson Ministries. Joel Johnson has spoken before more than 2 million people in over 20 nations around the world. He was the keynote speaker at Acquire the Fire Conferences for over 15 years, a bestselling author, coach and co-host of Wholehearted Podcast. Joel was a professor at Belmont University, in Nashville, teaching master's-level courses in communication and leadership . Prior to this, Joel co-hosted Acquire the Fire (ATF) conferences for 12 years (nearly 200,000 people attend ATF events each year). Joel’s passion, communication prowess and sidesplitting humor make him one of the nation’s foremost speakers and authors. Joel started speaking when he was 14. Since then, he has spoken before more than 2 million people in over 20 nations around the world. Joel loves the local Church! He has served in his local church for almost 30 years. Some of his roles have included:  Campus Pastor, Global Executive Pastor of Student Ministries, College Pastor, Student Pastor and South Eastern University Site Director. Joel underwent two years of ministry training at Abundant Life School of Ministry, received a B.S. in Political Science from the University of Texas at Tyler, a Juris Doctorate from Texas A&M University School of Law* and is currently studying Psychology at Harvard University. He has authored three books: The Divine Matchmaker, Walking Like Zombies and Emerge: Cracking the Cocoon of Media Socialization. CONNECT WITH JOEL: & --------------------------------- Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free : Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Oct 10, 202338:43
Ep158- Unlock This One Simple Super-Principle for Boosting Joy, Relationships, Life & Health w/Jen

Ep158- Unlock This One Simple Super-Principle for Boosting Joy, Relationships, Life & Health w/Jen

Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 

Took book a call with Jen about coaching with her to get YOUR podcast started:

Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free



Don’t you wish there was an easy button in life? The one thing you could do that would knock out so many of life‘s problems and challenges? Well, today’s episode shares one principle that is basically life‘s easy button. No, it doesn’t get rid of Things outside of your control, but it puts control back in your hands for bringing joy, peace, relationship, breakthrough, energy, powerful answer to prayer, and so many other benefits, back in your life, and in your hands. It impacts your physical health, your mental well-being, and even your financial position. It’s a principle that God puts in his word that we often overlook and treat it like a filler word, rather than the essential superpower that it is. Grab your coffee, plug in your ear phones, and let’s do this thing! Don’t forget to share it with a friend!



Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!  

Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on 

Venmo: @JavawithJen

Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Oct 03, 202346:50
EP-157- Hearing God Speak in Unexpected Ways W/Guest Host Christa Spaeth

EP-157- Hearing God Speak in Unexpected Ways W/Guest Host Christa Spaeth

Don't Forget to rate and review this show if you liked today's episode! ABOUT TODAY'S SHOW: You're going to want to check out the Powerful Whispers podcast! I was a guest on one of my student's shows, called Powerful Whispers: Hearing God for the Body Soul and Spirit, where we talked about the unusual ways God can speak to you. She was generous enough to share this audio with me so I could share her show with you, so make sure you go subscribe to her! She was also a guest on MY show in Episode #136, so go listen to that one too, and give her a follow to support her new podcast! She has some amazing guests, super helpful Wellness Wednesday episodes with practical tips on nutrition and wellness, and Beautiful Body tips in each episode as well. She is amazing and has been hitting charts all over the world. Go check her out! ------------------------------- SHOW NOTES: Today’s podcast is jam packed full of powerful teachings from my guest Jenilee Samuel. You will discover how worship is an essential element, leading to the very heart of God's whispers. Prepare to be amazed as we explore the extraordinary ways God speaks through unusualcircumstances. Forget about tricks and formulas there's no one-size-fits-all approach to hearingGod’s voice. 🎯 • Even though there aren’t tricks to hearing God, there are principles. Learn 5 Principles that welcome the Lord's presence into our lives, creating anatmosphere where His voice becomes clear. ✨In this power packed episode we also learn about leaving no room for shame. Brené Brown’s Ted Talk link on Shame’s Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 Links to connect with Jenilee: ---------------------------------- MORE ABOUT CHRISTA JOY: Christa Joy would love to connect with you further. Please consider signing up for the newsletter on the main page ofthe website at ⁠⁠. You can purchase a copy of Powerful Whispers paperback onChrista's website or check out one of these two links: Amazon ⁠⁠ or Barnes and Noble ⁠⁠ Connect with Powerful Whispers Podcast on social media at: Instagram: ⁠⁠ Twitter: ⁠⁠ Connect with Christa Joy's ministry page on social media: Facebook:  ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠ Sign up for Jenilee’s Podcast Mastermind and make sure to tell her that Christa sent you. ⁠⁠ Facebook: Instagram: & Anchor: Blog:
Sep 26, 202339:21
Ep156- The #1 Thing That Keeps Women & Moms from Building Their Dreams w/ Tai Ann McClendon

Ep156- The #1 Thing That Keeps Women & Moms from Building Their Dreams w/ Tai Ann McClendon

Took book a call with Jen about coaching with her to get YOUR podcast started:
When Tai Ann encouraged the listeners to stop doing this ONE thing that we women, especially moms, are known for doing that inevitably will stand in her way of building her dreams, I said "YES! That's it!". This one thing she shares is buried within a series of golden wisdom nuggets straight out of the "I will make a difference" life mandate Tai Ann lives by. Tai Ann is not only an author, whose parenting book made a way for her to create a business coaching and consulting business people, but she is so good at drawing out principles and seeing strategy where others might be stumped. She is sharp, full of insight, and practical application, and you're going to love this episode! Be sure to share it with a mom friend who might need a friendly push to do the dang thing! Here is how you can connect with Tai Ann below:
Amazon for book:
Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free :

Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!
Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show! I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on
Venmo: @JavawithJen
Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Sep 19, 202345:55
Ep155- How a Working, Homeschooling Mom took the leap to Build her Dream of Podcasting w/Kira St. Pierre

Ep155- How a Working, Homeschooling Mom took the leap to Build her Dream of Podcasting w/Kira St. Pierre

Took book a call with Jen about coaching with her to get YOUR podcast started:
Building your dream as a mom can feel like it's not even an option at times. But the truth is... if you're not living out of what's inside of you, there's a part of you that will feel like it's not even alive. We all have responsibilities and priorities that MUST be taken care of, as they're also a part of our heart, like raising kids and tending to our homes. But as moms, we often have more in our hearts than simply those two priorities, and finding time to explore and build what's inside of us can be scary, daunting, uncertain, confusing, or frustrating. Sometimes we just need to see how someone else did it to be inspired that we CAN do it. (Spoiler: that's how your kids operate too.... they need to see you building your dreams so they know it's ok to build theirs.). Listen to Kira's story of how she decided to take action and put feet to what was in her heart... you may be inspired in ways you hadn't expected!
Kira is an alumnus of my Podcast Mastermind and host of the Growing God's Gifts podcast. She works full time in the finance industry and co-homeschools her kids with their full-time nanny. She has a passion in her heart to help moms learn how to steward and multiply what God has put inside of them through the messages of her podcast. Go check out her show and connect with her at the links below:
Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free :

Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!
Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show! I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on
Venmo: @JavawithJen
Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Sep 12, 202349:20
Ep.154 Pt.2- My Secrets of Building Dreams for Busy Moms: Your Essential Questions Answered w/ Jenilee Samuel

Ep.154 Pt.2- My Secrets of Building Dreams for Busy Moms: Your Essential Questions Answered w/ Jenilee Samuel

Start Building YOUR Dream with a Podcast & coach with Jen to get yours up in 5 hours a week, in 10 weeks, by Thanksgiving! BOOK A CALL: ————————————————— My Secrets to Building Your Dreams for Busy Moms: Your Essential Questions Answered - Part 2 in this Dreams Series. Are you a busy mom who sometimes feels like your talents and dreams are fading amidst diaper changes and nap schedules? You're not alone. It's easy to experience moments of invisibility, where the desires and giftings within you seem distant. In today's episode of 'Java with Jen,' we delve into this common struggle, marking the start of a series aimed at addressing and transforming this very challenge. Countless women have asked me how I managed to build thriving businesses, a successful podcast, a podcast network, and a coaching program while navigating the demanding journey of motherhood AND Ministry. In response, I recorded today's episode answering many of the specific questions you ladies asked me on Instagram. If you're seeking inspiration and real-world strategies to breathe life into your dreams while nurturing your family, this episode is a must-listen. Don't keep this wisdom to yourself – share it with fellow moms who might be wrestling with their own dreams. Let's navigate the seas of motherhood and aspirations together. Tune in now and reclaim the power to thrive! And, if Podcasting is a path that you could see yourself pursuing to begin building your dream, I would love to coach you! I'm currently enrolling students and the Mastermind begins Sept 17th. All you need is a smartphone, computer and wifi connection to participate! Book a call with me if you're even a little bit curious if it could be right for you: ————————————————-Get this 7-Essential Steps to Podcast Creation Checklist for free : Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJenSend in a voice message: this podcast:


Sep 05, 202301:01:37


BOOK A CALL: ————————————————— As a busy mom it can be easy to begin to feel invisible, or like all of your gifting‘s and dreams are wasting away in to the abyss of diaper changes and nap times. And while we know this is not true in our minds, our hearts can really struggle if we don’t feel like we have a way to build or work towards the dreams that are inside of us alongside of motherhood. Today’s episode is the first in a series meant to address this very topic. Many women have asked me how I managed to build businesses and a podcast and a podcast network and coaching program alongside of being a mother and raising children, so I decided to think back over what are some of the key principles that guided me as I moved towards my dreams. Those principles are what I share in today’s episode, and in next weeks episode, I tackle the direct questions you listeners have asked me in regard to this topic directly. I like to get super practical so jump in to this episode and be sure to share it with another mom friend, who might feel like her dreams are drowning.————————————————-
Aug 29, 202301:09:26
Ep152- The Magic Sauce behind Better Relationships Jenilee Samuel

Ep152- The Magic Sauce behind Better Relationships Jenilee Samuel

Have you experienced where some relationships in your life absolutely bring out the best in you, and then there are some where you feel like you can’t do anything right, no matter how hard you try?? Well, Jesus experienced that too and even taught his disciples how to navigate that. In this episode we breakdown the powerful role that honor plays in unlocking people’s greatness. If you have a relationship that you want to see do better, implement this principle and see what changes happen!
Aug 22, 202346:17
Ep151- Making Sense of Closed Doors w/Lori Woods

Ep151- Making Sense of Closed Doors w/Lori Woods

Treat Jen to Coffee www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  FREE DOWNLOAD: ——————————————————— What do you do when you've been building toward something, perhaps a career, or a relationship that's been moving toward marriage, or a dream in your heart, and something in life interrupts your plans and prevents it from happening? Those "closed doors" can be the most difficult moments to experience. But there's hope. In this episode we share how many times a closed door is the Lord's intervention and produces an open door we didn't expect and it takes our life in a new direction that is even better than our original plan! If you've experienced some disappointments and closed doors and need a little encouragement in that place, this episode is for YOU! Today's guest Lori Woods shares her wisdom and journey with us in a let-your-hair-down conversation style episode. Be sure to share it with a friend or two, you never know who may quietly be struggling through the same thing. Read more about Lori below. ——————————————————— MORE ABOUT LORI: After discovering a serious heart condition almost too late, Lori Ann Wood writes to encourage others to embrace deep faith questions along the detours of life. Her award-winning work has been published in several anthologies and dozens of print and online venues. Lori Ann’s first book, Divine Detour: The Path You’d Never Choose Can Lead to the Faith You’ve Always Wanted, was published earlier this year by CrossRiver Media, and is available at Learn more at Socials and website links:Connect with her on her website, on Instagram or on Facebook. FREE GIFT FROM LORI:If you are on a detour, and find it difficult to communicate with God, get her free gift, 5 Prayers & Promises When You Can’t Talk to God at ——————————————————— Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Aug 15, 202340:10
Ep150- Healing After Hurt w/Jenilee Samuel

Ep150- Healing After Hurt w/Jenilee Samuel

FREE DOWNLOAD: ————————————————- Have you ever struggled to get your groove back after going through something difficult? We all go through seasons that create stress or trauma, from getting burned out to losing a relationship, and many times that pain causes us to run from those environments or relationships in the future, even if they’re not altogether bad. In todays episode I share something the lord showed me in the Word about how to heal simply but effectively. We don’t want to walk with baggage or mislabel people and experiences that come after our pain, and healing is an essential part of that, but no one can do it for us! Dive into todays episode for a simple three step approach to getting healthy after pain again. ————————————————- Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!
Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show! I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on
Venmo: @JavawithJen
Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Aug 08, 202342:20
Ep149- How to Push Past Fear & Achieve your Dreams w/Author & Podcaster Kelley Tyan

Ep149- How to Push Past Fear & Achieve your Dreams w/Author & Podcaster Kelley Tyan

If you want to join Jen's Podcast coaching mastermind, send her a DM on Instagram, or email her at:
Listen to Kelley's previous episode #115!
Do you wonder if fear is actually a barrier to you experiencing more and doing more with your life, for your loved ones, and with the things God has called you to? In today's episode, Kelley Tyan from the Addicted to the Climb Podcast, comes to share about how she began to identify that fear was holding her back, what she did about it, and what YOU can do about it if you also find yourself in that position. Share this episode with a friend... this is a common life struggle but we want to push each other to reach our fullest potential, and identifying the lies of fear is part of that. We got you, girl.

Kelley Tyan is a faith fueled success coach empowering women to become intentional and purpose driven, without losing themselves in the process.
As an author of her book, Addicted To The Climb, and host of her podcast show also called Addicted To The Climb, her message is to keep on climbing in faith because with every climb you take, it will make you stronger for the next one.
Kelley is a breast cancer survivor and proud wife and mother of her 2 children.
Addicted To The Climb is a movement for women that are breaking free from fear and judgement, and finding freedom to live in faith and abundance.

Free Ebook: Instagram:
Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!
Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show! I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on
Venmo: @JavawithJen
Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Aug 01, 202338:13
EP148- Dream Bigger with God w/Author Allen Chapin

EP148- Dream Bigger with God w/Author Allen Chapin

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it seems like Christians are always a step behind the world in the business, entertainment and other industries because we're too busy playing "nice"? Now don't get me wrong, we should absolutely reflect the love of Jesus in every place we are, but is it possible that some of our Christian beliefs are being applied wrongly in our lives and causing us to play smaller ball than God intended? After all, if he is able to do "immeasurably more than all we ask, think or imagine", then clearly he is a big dreamer. And if he is the one empowering our lives, then there should be nothing "small ball" about us... it shouldn't be wicked men in the world with all the power and wealth and influence... Christians should be doing what we were commissioned to do from the beginning which is to have dominion! In today's episode, author Allen Chapin, also a guest in episode #111, shares about his big dream of writing 20 books in ten years and other ways he has been challenging himself to dream and build bigger in response to loving God and stewarding his life well. Share this episode with a friend... it's a good one!
Allen is a speaker and author whose life purpose is to love and encourage people, offering them grace and hope. He has traveled across the nation and around the world in ministry and leadership.Over the past two decades, Allen has invested his life in helping people through local churches, youth camps, conferences, leadership training, and missions efforts.
You can hear his previous episode on Java with Jen, #111, here.
Connect with Allen:
Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!
Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show! I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on
Venmo: @JavawithJen
Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Jul 25, 202301:01:32
Ep147- A NOW Word for the Women of today with Author Jamie-Lynn Wallnau

Ep147- A NOW Word for the Women of today with Author Jamie-Lynn Wallnau

Get a tax write off when you give a financial gift to Java with Jen! Go to: www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN
——————————————————— I think we can all agree with the Lord speaks. We need to set up and pay attention. In today’s episode, Jamie Lyn Wallnau comes to us with a word that the Lord has spoken to her for the women of today. We lay a lot of ground work in the front part of the episode so you can fully appreciate the word itself, so jump in buckle up, and let’s have a great time! ———————————————————- ABOUT JAMIE LYN: Jamie Lyn Wallnau and her husband Lance Wallnau Jr. live in the great state of Texas where they are highly involved in mentoring, serving and discipling others. Jamie Lyn is the founder of Set Apart Women podcast and ministry where they equip and empower women to live the great commission. She is also an author, children’s book illustrator and upcoming tv show host. Her desire is to disciple men and women to live the great commission boldly and experience the freedom Jesus has paid for them to have fully. You can connect with her by visiting or following her on social media accounts such as @jamielynwallnau or @setapartwomen ————— 🎤Catch Jamie Lyn on her previous visit to the show in episode #78: ————————————————————Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!
Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show! I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on
Venmo: @JavawithJen
Cashapp: $JavawithJen
Jul 18, 202347:33
EP146- What if Single Moms Could Find Help Getting Back on their Feet? Now They Can with Gail Showalter

EP146- What if Single Moms Could Find Help Getting Back on their Feet? Now They Can with Gail Showalter

Get a tax write off when you give a financial gift to Java with Jen! Go to: www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN  ——————————————————— Single moms are the biggest superheroes of today’s culture in my opinion. They work their tails off to provide and parent and hopefully raise good humans. These women (and men) who parent by themselves deserves their own holiday, but since I can’t give them that I decided to give them their own episode! In today’s show I interview Gail Showalter who has a ministry to single moms and helps them get through college, get back on their feet to provide for their family and also encourages them in so many practical and emotional ways. This episode is a new favorite so you don’t want to miss it! ——————————————————

MORE ABOUT GAIL: In southeast Texas I’m known as the “Old Bird with Feathers of Wisdom for Women and a Soft Spot for Single Moms.” That is because I’ve worked with single mothers since 2007. During my time working with individual moms I came to realize that the moms who had a skill or a degree managed much better than the ones who didn't. I am eager to share my knowledge acquired in the school of hard knocks as well as from years of study. As a professional I have worked in many areas in the business world and the world of education. I taught high school and later I taught Braille to children with visual impairments. I even taught on the college level for a few semesters. My formal education includes a B.A. in Speech, Art and Education, and a Master’s Degree from The University of Texas in Curriculum and Instruction. In 2007 I established a nonprofit called SMORE for Women especially for single mothers. SMORE is an acronym for Single Moms :: Overjoyed, Rejuvenated and Empowered. I am married to Sam, and we each have three grown children and fifteen grandchildren and two adorable miniature poodles. I use stories to illustrate the points I teach. I believe that we can learn life lessons when we look at the lives of others. My own stories have been published in books and national magazines. You may visit my web sites to learn more about my work. It is one of my greatest pleasures to share my knowledge with others.


——————————————- Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!   Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!   Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on  Venmo: @JavawithJen Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Jul 11, 202341:39
Ep145- PT 3- TOP TEN Symptoms of UNhealthy Spirituality w Jenilee Samuel

Ep145- PT 3- TOP TEN Symptoms of UNhealthy Spirituality w Jenilee Samuel

Y’all this one is the best one the bunch I think! These top four symptoms of emotionally unhealthy spirituality are actually really refreshing and life giving to unfold. We talk about: #7: not spiritualizing away conflict, #8: not covering over our own brokenness, failure and weakness, #9: not living without limits, #10: not judging each others spirituality. Y’all this one is gangbusters full of revelation and worth listening to. As you learned in each previous episode I am pulling this from chapter 1 in the book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK!!
Jul 04, 202347:53
Ep144- PT2- TEN symptoms of Emotionally UNhealthy Spirituality with Jenilee Samuel

Ep144- PT2- TEN symptoms of Emotionally UNhealthy Spirituality with Jenilee Samuel

Get a tax write off when you give a financial gift to Java with Jen! Go to: www.PATREON.COM/JAVAWITHJEN 


Are you tired of experiencing your own and other's Christianity that just feels broken? Maybe it's their unchecked anger, maybe its the constant tension in your relationships. Maybe it's the gossiping problem that keeps biting you in the butt.

Well, it's likely that you're experiencing emotionally UNhealthy spirituality within your life or the lives of others around you.

Your emotional health is directly connected to your spiritual health, and I'm sharing with you ten symptoms of emotionally unhealthy spirituality (pulled from the book "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality" by Peter Scazzero) and how to get healthier in those areas. In today's episode we will be covering #4, 5, & 6. Last week was #1-3, and next week will be the final four. It's a good one!

For more on this topic, you'll want to check out episode #133: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality


Thank you for rating, reviewing and sharing the show on social media, this makes such an enormous difference on the reach of this show!  

Follow and tag me on Instagram @javawithjen or on Facebook @javawithjenpodcast , and share when you’re listening to a show!   I love seeing your posts👏🏼😍!  

Also if you’d like to support the show, you can do so through Anchor or on 

Venmo: @JavawithJen

Cashapp: $JavawithJen

Jun 27, 202339:29