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Grit City Fitness and Performance Podcast

Grit City Fitness and Performance Podcast

By Jeff Jowers

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Practice DOESNT Make Perfect - Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

Grit City Fitness and Performance Podcast Feb 17, 2023

Practice DOESNT Make Perfect - Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

Practice DOESNT Make Perfect - Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

Latest episode of Grit City Fitness and Performance Podcast
Feb 17, 202306:05
Are You Burning The House Down Every Week?
Apr 09, 201904:53
Just DO Something - The Easy Way To Build Motivation and Momentum

Just DO Something - The Easy Way To Build Motivation and Momentum

Just do something and build momentum and confidence.

Jeff here from Grit city fitness and performance. 

Today we're talking about momentum, confidence, and how you're going to build it by following the one simple process that's called just do something. 

Now, what ends up happening for many people is life is that Something happens that throws a small monkey wrench in your plan.

 Maybe that's an injury. Maybe that's having an event you have to go to. Maybe it's not planning properly. Maybe it you are going on vacation.  Doesn’t matter,  We all have wrenches that get thrown into our plant, but let's use the idea of a injury.


Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https://


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Mar 29, 201910:08
ASK and Then DO? Or Ask, Ask, Ask? The difference between result getters and everyone else

ASK and Then DO? Or Ask, Ask, Ask? The difference between result getters and everyone else

How do I get to x, Y, z?

How do I achieve this goal?

Hey, can you help me?

Have you ever asked someone for directions? I'm sure you have because everybody needs help getting somewhere. However, one of two things happened. After you ask directions, you ask directions and then heeded the advice and follow those directions to your end destination or you didn't follow the instruction.

You asked the question to one person then turned around. Maybe it was 10 seconds later, 10 minutes later, 10 days later. It doesn't matter. But you turned around and asked the same question to someone else. Now that's second person gave you a little bit different directions. The reason why is twofold. They're in a different place and they have a different process, but the truth is it doesn't fucking matter.


Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https://


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Mar 29, 201904:28
Whats Holding You Back From Results - Familiarity

Whats Holding You Back From Results - Familiarity


The number one reason you are stuck and can't get unstuck and how you could solve that problem. 

Today we're talking about the simple, simple aspect of being stuck in your goals. We've all had goals that we want to achieve. We've all had things that are further away from where we're currently at that we want to move in the direction of, but the problem for all of us is one word and that one word…. 


Familiarity is the problem or the root problem for almost everything that's holding you back. Let me explain. First off, let me take a step back, trhe way to solve this single problem is through guidance, guidance, or as I like to call it, a Sherpa, a coach, a mentor, a teacher.

That's how you get out of this familiarity problem. Let me tell you why this is the main problem and why this is keeping you stuck. Imagine you've been working in your job for 10 years. Okay? Now you've lived, you've lived in the same place for 10 years as well. You've lived in the same place and worked in the same place for 10 years due to this, you've taken the exact same route to work every single day. Now you've done this for 10 years. Basically, I imagine you do this five times a week, 52 weeks, you know, that's 200 days, right? There types 10 years. That's 2000 experiences at minimum that you've driven to and from work on this exact same path. Now, probably after like 30 experiences of this, you became familiar with them. You started to know where the markers were, were cops might've been sitting where traffic jams might've started to take place.


Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https://


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Mar 22, 201910:13
The 80/20 Rule That Gives You MORE RESULTS IN LESS TIME

The 80/20 Rule That Gives You MORE RESULTS IN LESS TIME


The Pareto principle and why you should know it. 

Jeff here from Grit City Fitness and Performance. You may have heard about the Pareto principle or you may have heard of it as its often referenced "the 80/20 rule". 

 The Pareto principle or the 80/20 rule is very, very simple. It basically just states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your actions and 20% of your results come from 80% of your actions. This is very, very important because one of the topics that if you look back to a lot of our videos are series is our blog posts or content, all that stuff. We talk about choices and we talk about doing the right things at the right time and we talk about doing the big movers, not the little pieces, but when you have the full reference point you understand it a little bit more.

So to take a step back real quick and we can kind of look at it through the lens of a workout, right? If you try and inside of our programs here at Grit City Fitness and Performance you might notice a couple things. 

We have four key movements. Those key movements being a squat movement, a deadlift movement, a pulling movement, and a pressing movement. Now with those four movements, those four movements when done correctly at a high stimulus with a good challenge and properly  designed, does 80% of the outcome that you're looking for inside of your training because they're such big rocks. 


Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https://


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Mar 21, 201909:04
Gut Check: Fault or Ownership
Mar 14, 201906:15
Are You Negotiating With "The Enemy"?

Are You Negotiating With "The Enemy"?

Are you negotiating with the enemy or terrorist?? 

Jeff here with Grit City Fitness and Performance. 

Really Weird topic, right? Well, Are you negotiating with terrorists? This is a question that I want to ask you right up front and real specifically because if you were in any sort of situation where you were someone that was talking to them or in control, would you negotiate with terrorists? Most likely not. You'd have a very strong and forceful stance sayin, "NO", we're not going to do that. Or You'd be doing it with strategic leverage, meaning just like most negotiators, they have a plan and strategy to ensure that they get what they want, not the terrorist.

 Okay. Now, why did I use this subject? Because this subject is something that probably grabbed your attention. Now, why are we talking about negotiating with terrorists? Because I want you to change the way you think about something and that's the way you negotiate yourself.

Many of us are negotiating with ourselves, but we would never negotiate with terrorists, but the truth is the negotiations we're having with ourselves are more detrimental than terrorist. Just stay with me here for a second because what you're negotiating is your outcome, your control, your results, and your life. 

Now, when you're negotiating with yourself and allowing yourself to negotiate shit that doesn't align with what you want, you're giving into your own terrorists, the terrorists that are trying to break you down, destroy what you're trying to accomplish and take you back to where you came from. 

Whether that's gaining the 20 pounds that you've already lost, taking you back to your old environment or just making you feel like old places were more comfortable than what's moving forward. The truth is you should not be negotiating with yourself just like you wouldn't negotiate with terrorists because of the negotiations that you're having are giving you negative outcomes that you don't want.


Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https://


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Mar 12, 201906:15
Habits - Positive Habits or Negative? Adding + Subtracting Habits

Habits - Positive Habits or Negative? Adding + Subtracting Habits

Are Your habits breaking or building you and are you adding habits or subtracting habits or are you trying to add habits when you haven't been subtracting? 

Jeff here from Grit City Fitness and Performance. 

Today's topic is actually on two points and that's on the habit formation process as well as are the habits you're doing actually helping you or hindering you.

So here's something to consider guys.  We all have habits. Every day we are performing habits, we are performing a habit in the way we go to work. We're performing a habit and the way we do our morning routine or process where it habits of how we make excuses to go to the gym or you know, we have habits of getting our coffee every morning or eating that one donut, whatever it may be. Well, here's the truth. 

All of our habits are the building us to be the best versions of yourself or breaking us, tearing us down from the best version of ourselves. 


Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https://


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Mar 04, 201907:45
Follow The Guide Or Get Lost On Your Own

Follow The Guide Or Get Lost On Your Own


Are you following directions or wondering off on your own? Jeff here from Grit City Fitness and Performance. Today we're talking about one key topic and that's wandering off on your own or following directions. 

Right now I'm sweating. Okay? I just finished my workout and I'm sweating a lot, probably more than I have in a long time. The reason for this simple, I followed instructions. Okay, let me explain. I've been writing my own program for awhile and that program has been okay. I say, okay, because when you write your own thing, when you do your own stuff, you never do the hard stuff. You never do the stuff that's important. You never really, really do everything you can. Well, I've gotten a new program designed for me, um, and I'm following it because I'm following it.

I'm following the guidance that's given to me and that means that I'm going to get the results that I want. Now, the reason this is important is because many times people are hollering at you, they're yelling at you, they're giving you cues, they're telling you, hey, come over here, you're way over there, and you might be saying, okay, well I see you over there, but I also see this path. Let me stay here. Right? Well, the problem with that mindset is that you're on the wrong path. Okay? So imagine you were climbing a hiking trail, right? You and your buddies are climbing this hiking trail and you decided to go to the bathroom and when you go to the bathroom, kind of veer off the trail a little bit and as you veer off the trail, you find another trail. Well after you go to the bathroom, you just said, hey, I'm on this trail.


Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https://


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Feb 06, 201909:20
Change The Game? Learn The Rules. 5 Rules Of Fat Loss

Change The Game? Learn The Rules. 5 Rules Of Fat Loss

Change the rules or change the game, or learn the rules and play the game.

Basically Board Games, right? 

There are games that we play to win. Okay? Now the reason I'm using these is because we are playing a game. Okay? And that game is the game of life. 

Now that life or that game of life has rules those rules to accomplish the outcome must be followed or learn to play with them so you can beat it. So let's take it back real quick. If I'm playing UNO, no one wants to stop playing uno when they're winning, do they. 

They only want to stop playing uno when they're losing their typically losing because they don't know the rules of this game. 

Now because they don't know the rules of this game, they tend to lose.


Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https://


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Jan 23, 201914:30
70% And Doing Pretty Good

70% And Doing Pretty Good

Seventy percent. Where in your life are you currently giving 70 percent. 

Today it's all about 70 percent. What do I mean here guys? I talk to clients about nutrition often. The 70 percent rule falls inside of nutrition, so we have seven days a week, right? 

Oftentimes people follow their nutrition Monday through Friday, but guess what? Saturday, Sunday happens.

 They fall off the wagon. They go completely off track. They don't follow their nutrition, they don't track it, they don't do anything or maybe they do just a little bit, but guess what? Out of seven days, if you mess up those days, how much of an impact is that? 

Well, most of us think that we're doing good. We're doing pretty good, but the truth is you're giving 70 percent or you're achieving 70 percent of the outcome or desired outcome.

Guess why? Because if we take seven days and divided by 100, 100 percent, right? If we divide seven days by a hundred, each

day represents about 15 percent of our overall outcome per week.

 Guess what? If I fuck up twice, meaning Saturday and Sunday, don't pay attention. Don't track, don't care. I'm getting 70 percent. That means no matter how good you were all fucking week long. If we were in high school and college in any class, we would have a C.. We would barely be passing


Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https://


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Jan 22, 201906:17
Its Not What You Know Its What You Do (DAILY)

Its Not What You Know Its What You Do (DAILY)

🔥It’s not what you know, it’s what you do.🔥

👍To achieve any sort of goal that you set for yourself, you must take action on what you know. 

🤷‍♂️It doesn’t matter how much knowledge you have if all the experience you have is just knowing you must have an implementation. 

💥Today I want to talk to you about the importance of implementation on the information that you know and taking action right away to start moving your self forward in the direction of your goals by making small daily wins and turning them into a snowball effect of success.

👉Take the next steps to achieving your goals, saving time and once and for all having the success you deserve...

✅ Click here ---> 👈

✅ Click here ---> 👈


Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https://


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Jan 09, 201906:01
Do You Know Your Direction? Stop Running In The Wrong Direction

Do You Know Your Direction? Stop Running In The Wrong Direction

Do you know which direction is north, south, east, and West? 

The reason I'm asking this question is that it's very important to know which way you're going or know how to navigate yourself to be able to get where you want to go.

Today we're going to be talking about the key importance of actually knowing where you're going or how to navigate. 

It's a very, very basic thing that all people should know how to do because at some point in time you've had to find your own way. 

You've had to figure something out. You've had to get from point a to point B and do that. You needed to know how to navigate your current being to where you want to be at sea. The problem though is that we have relied on technology. 

Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https://


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Jan 04, 201910:33
Keep Reaching For Coins - The Internal Game To Achieve Your Goals

Keep Reaching For Coins - The Internal Game To Achieve Your Goals

reaching for the coins! I want to talk to you by a little message and a little mental process that I've been putting in my head the last couple of weeks and has helped me endure and push and keep making strides forward, achieving more, striving for more, working for more, and just doing more as a whole and it's simply this.

Keep reaching for the coins.

Now, as you climb this mountain and hills, you have a certain amount of gas in the gas tank and you continue to climb until you get a gas tank or you run out of gas. However, there is a secondary level to this and that's the stars. The stars actually add fuel to your gas tank as well, but what happens here in this game is that as you start to get lower in your tank, the bike starts to not have as much power. It starts going slower.

It starts to get dragged down, but it can continue to move through some of these sales, maybe even going up a small hill or getting some momentum going down a hill or even still gathering some momentum on the flats.

But what happens here inside of this game is that as you continue to play, as long as you don't stop, as soon as the gas tank is empty, you may be able to reach the next gas tank or the next star.

And when you get that next gas tank or that next star, maybe you were on empty as soon as you reached it. But you got it and it gave you another jolt of gasoline, another little jolt of fuel as you were to say, it's a game and that little jolt of fuel get you another little bit and sometimes that jolt of fuel will get you just enough to get to the next drill to fuel.


Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https://


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Dec 21, 201805:37
Callus Your Mind, Body, Capacity - Fastest Way To Unlock Your Potential and Reach New Goals

Callus Your Mind, Body, Capacity - Fastest Way To Unlock Your Potential and Reach New Goals

what is callusing, your mind, your body, and your capacity? We have them on our hands, our feet. We can call us any part of our body. Actually, if you've ever seen a Muay Thai fighter which some may or may not have, they train by kicking bamboo or by kicking & hitting still alive trees. What this does is it calluses their shins, building the strength and building the capacity inside their bodies to tolerate extreme amounts of pain. It's insane. It's crazy. If you look at some of the like the Brazilian boxers or Russian boxers that callus their hands by punching stone or by punching trees. Why? Because it toughens it up. Okay. Now you callus your body in other ways other than physical pain. You callus your mind, you can callus your body and you can callus your capacity. _____________________ Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https:// _____________________ Say Hi on social: Facebook: Instagram: Website: Anchor: Youtube: Spotify:
Dec 20, 201807:08
What Makes Us Sore - Grit City Fitness and Performance

What Makes Us Sore - Grit City Fitness and Performance

Have you ever wondered what makes you sore from your workout or do you base the success of your workout on if you are or are not sore?

Today I'm going to be talking about the question is what makes you sore? What makes you sore from working out and should you base the success of your training or workout on if you are or are not sore.

So let's jump right in.

The first thing you need to know when it comes to muscle soreness is when we are performing a movement.
. _____________________

Have you been thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer in the Tacoma/South Sound area to help you achieve your goals but don’t want to make the wrong decision? Let us be your guide and help you figure out the best plan, process and strategies to help you reach your goals quickly, effectively, safely and most of all have fun doing it! Https://
Sep 12, 201807:13
You Only See What You Aim At - The Importance Of Targets
Sep 04, 201806:55
Do Men Lose Weight Faster Than Woman?
Aug 28, 201814:39
The impact of a cookie or coffee
Aug 22, 201814:25
How to Identify and Overcome Your Barriers and Road Blocks

How to Identify and Overcome Your Barriers and Road Blocks

We all have barriers and road blocks.

You can let them stop you OR you can figure out what they are and then go around, over or through them.

Only when you are aware of what it is will you then be aware of how to get around it.

Todays episode we talk about identifying the barrriers and road blocks. How to identify them and how to overcome them.
Aug 21, 201816:47
Start and optimize Your Daily (morning) Routine - Grit City Fitness and Performance

Start and optimize Your Daily (morning) Routine - Grit City Fitness and Performance


On todays episode coach Jeff Jowers talks about the importance of starting a morning routine that helps you win the day and kick it off with positive actions.

Your morning will either initiate the positive momentum or the negative momentum and it all starts with which actions you utilize in your morning routine.
Aug 21, 201800:26
Grit City Fitness and Performance - 2 Types of Goals

Grit City Fitness and Performance - 2 Types of Goals

The very first episode of Jeff Jowers!
Aug 15, 201807:43