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Casual Podcast with Jenn Hepton

Casual Podcast with Jenn Hepton

By Jennifer Hepton

I'm kinda happy that you are here + I hope you join our community. As a Trauma-Informed, Certified Life + Success Coach, published writer and international speaker, I have seen an epic transformation in womxn who have once hidden their true powerful self full of self-doubt to living their lives from a place of limitless potential and governing strength. I use neuroscience and consciousness to support womxn to recode + heal to create deep core empowerment. I talk about infertility, pregnancy loss, parenting after loss, conscious parenting, emotional trauma, sexuality, and finding joy.
Currently playing episode

Different types of Losses | Part 1

Casual Podcast with Jenn Hepton May 16, 2018




So it's been a HOT SEC

Here is a very short episode to say HELLO and to let you know that I am back. 

As a Trauma-Informed, Certified Life + Success Coach, published writer and international speaker, I have seen an epic transformation in womxn who have once hidden their true powerful self full of self-doubt to living their lives from a place of limitless potential and governing strength. I use neuroscience and consciousness to support womxn to recode + heal to create deep core empowerment. 

In this PODCAST, I will talk about infertility, pregnancy loss, parenting after loss, conscious parenting, emotional trauma, sexuality, and finding joy again.

A bit of wisdom, journal prompts, downloads, inspiration and always opinions.

I'm also looking for others to share their stories. Interested? Let me know

MY INTENTION is to build a community so that we can consciously heal together as we travel this journey into and in MOTHERHOOD and beyond. 

Looking forward to sharing + getting to know you more

with love

Jenn xo 

Jan 31, 202002:44
Talking about grief and Father’s Day

Talking about grief and Father’s Day

In this episode I have a casual chat with my husband and his thoughts around grief and loss and how he feels about father’s day. He shares his journey after losing our daughter at 39weeks and how is he processing Father’s Day.
Jun 16, 201826:23
Different types of Losses | Part 2

Different types of Losses | Part 2

Here is part two of understanding different types of losses in our lives. I share my thoughts as I grieved one career to move into the next, and how recognising these emotions helped me understand what I was feeling and allowed me to move forward.
May 16, 201803:03
Grief & Depression

Grief & Depression

It is Mental Health Awareness Week and I wanted to share my experience around grief and depression, and how important it is to seek help when you need it.
May 16, 201802:58
Different types of Losses | Part 1

Different types of Losses | Part 1

We think loss and the feeling of grief only comes to us when someone passes away, but loss can come in many forms. Here I share my story of loss of identity when I got married. It is short and sweet. If this resonates - let’s talk. Click onto my website to connect. Thank you for listening Jenn xo
May 16, 201802:49
A blog about how I made it through Mother’s Day

A blog about how I made it through Mother’s Day

Here is a little reading of my published blog on my website about looking back and reflecting on Mother’s Day after loss. With love Jenn xo
May 14, 201802:35
Who am I ?

Who am I ?

Here is a little intro of who I am and what I do. My intention is to hold space for you, support you and try to make sense of our lives after deep emotional loss and grief. I see you.
May 14, 201802:51
The day after Mother’s Day

The day after Mother’s Day

My thoughts and ideas around it being the day after Mother’s Day and how I am feeling exhausted- you know that grief exhaustion.
May 14, 201802:26