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Purpose Guy Podcast

Purpose Guy Podcast

By Joseph Iregbu

Welcome to Purpose Guy Podcast, where you get inspired to live the God-intended life and be intentional, for Christ's ultimate glory and your eternal joy. For more content, please visit Credit: Podcast theme music by & Coma-Media
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EP38: Greatness Series - Don't Settle for Mediocrity

Purpose Guy PodcastAug 22, 2021

EP72: Sometimes, It's OK To Be Vulnerable

EP72: Sometimes, It's OK To Be Vulnerable

The desire to ‘appear perfect’ robs us of the opportunity to see ourselves through the prism of our imperfections, to learn from our mistakes and give others a chance to add value to our life’s journey.

Jan 14, 202403:50
EP71: Unlock 2024 With A Mindset Shift

EP71: Unlock 2024 With A Mindset Shift

Growth starts with a mindset shift. Nothing changes until you change how you think.
Dec 30, 202303:50
EP70: How Did I Get Here?

EP70: How Did I Get Here?

The tapestry of our lives is laced with difficult experiences that are meant to build and infuse resilience into us, not break or damage us.
Aug 30, 202304:07
EP69: 6 Tips on Becoming Single Minded

EP69: 6 Tips on Becoming Single Minded

Life demands of us a single-mindedness to purpose that we must be willing to lose everything else to keep what truly matters – Matthew 13:44.
Apr 12, 202306:10
EP68: When Pastors Lose Perspective of Their WHY

EP68: When Pastors Lose Perspective of Their WHY

The pursuit of the elevation of personal image in ministry is dangerous. And it often begins when we take our eyes off Jesus and start to focus more on perceived success in ministry.
Apr 04, 202306:10
EP67: How ‘Personal' Is Your
Personal Conviction?

EP67: How ‘Personal' Is Your Personal Conviction?

Congregational affirmation is NOT personal conviction. Call it anything else but not 'personal' by default… until you are personally convicted and persuaded by the Word and the Holy Spirit
Mar 31, 202306:10
EP66: How Compelling Is Your Vision?

EP66: How Compelling Is Your Vision?

When you become vision-minded, your life becomes attractive to others — Proverbs 22:29. In the end, your life can only be as compelling as the vision you own, embrace, articulate and live.
Mar 27, 202304:10
EP65: Everyone Has An Opinion About You

EP65: Everyone Has An Opinion About You

Life is about the opportunities you take. And sometimes, you have to go against the voices of many to achieve your goals.
Mar 13, 202303:40
EP64: The Story of Zack

EP64: The Story of Zack

There is no greater gift than the gift of grace. There is no greater love than the Father’s warm embrace. Merry Christmas!
Dec 24, 202205:21
EP63: 5 Ways To Grow In Personal Discipline

EP63: 5 Ways To Grow In Personal Discipline

However lofty your aspirations, the cultivation of personal discipline is inevitable. In this episode, I share 5 tried and tested ways we can commit to growing in personal discipline.
Dec 20, 202205:42
EP62: WIYH 2 - We Don’t Own Anything

EP62: WIYH 2 - We Don’t Own Anything

What’s In Your Hands Series - Part 2

In life, we don’t OWN anything. We are entrusted with gifts, talents, people and resources for a purpose greater than us.
Dec 10, 202202:30
EP61: WIYH 1 - We Are Servants, Not Masters

EP61: WIYH 1 - We Are Servants, Not Masters

What’s In Your Hands (WIYH) Series, Part 1

The first fundamental life lesson of stewardship is the reality that none of us is THE MASTER. We are all servants.
Dec 02, 202205:07
EP60: Biblical Unity Is NOT Uniformity

EP60: Biblical Unity Is NOT Uniformity

The focus of biblical unity is to make Christ known among men. Our message must be single. We serve under one banner and that's Jesus Christ alone.
Nov 28, 202205:07
EP59: We Are Called For This Purpose

EP59: We Are Called For This Purpose

Ultimately, let your life glorify God in all ramifications as you help others see and embrace their purpose, and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by your words and deeds.

We are called for this purpose. All other commendable influence we wield is secondary.
Nov 19, 202204:47
EP58: How Will You Be Remembered?

EP58: How Will You Be Remembered?

Legacy is not a fancy word or mere ideology; it’s a reality we must weave into the fabric of our lives on earth.
Nov 12, 202204:01
EP57: How To Approach Life In Your Waiting Season

EP57: How To Approach Life In Your Waiting Season

Celebrate the wins of others today and when it’s your turn tomorrow, we will cheer you on. That way, we all win together.
Nov 01, 202204:11
EP56: Christian Constipation | Is Your Faith Relevant Where You Are?

EP56: Christian Constipation | Is Your Faith Relevant Where You Are?

Refuse to be constipated with head knowledge or stagnant in your walk with God. Reject ‘convenience-laden’ and ‘risk-free’ Christianity. Be willing to be uncomfortable.
Oct 20, 202204:01
EP55: 3 Ways We Often But Unintentionally Limit God

EP55: 3 Ways We Often But Unintentionally Limit God

Our calling is not to make sense of God to the extent that we can explain Him. Ours is to believe, embrace and proclaim His Person, His Sovereignty and Reality in our lives and in the world.
Oct 11, 202206:01
EP54: 3 Things Vision Will Do For You

EP54: 3 Things Vision Will Do For You

Anyone passionate about leading on purpose understands the importance of vision. Do you?
Sep 27, 202204:32
EP53: Why We Need A Radical Shift On Compassion

EP53: Why We Need A Radical Shift On Compassion

Our perspective on compassion needs a radical shift. Compassion is not merely a feeling of pity or sympathy for others’ plight. No, it’s more than that. Way more!
Sep 14, 202206:31
EP52: God Save The Queen

EP52: God Save The Queen

Whatever be your personal feelings and sentiment about The Royal Family and it’s history, it’s fitting we pay our respects to the person of the Queen for her dutiful and relentless service to the United Kingdom, the commonwealth of nations and the world at large.
Sep 09, 202204:01
EP51: What If You Succeed?

EP51: What If You Succeed?

Whenever you feel like quitting, remember you always have at least one other option. Rather than focus on all that can go wrong, what if you shifted your attention, focus and energy into all the possibilities before you?
May 23, 202203:41
EP50: Who Are You Becoming?

EP50: Who Are You Becoming?

You cannot ‘become’ what you already are. You become what you’re presently not. Judas didn’t begin as a traitor. He became.

‘Becoming‘ (in the negative sense) is a process that begins with the gradual compromise of your core moral values.
Apr 08, 202206:01
EP49: Stay Authentic To Your Story

EP49: Stay Authentic To Your Story

So stop comparing your story with others; your destination isn’t the same with everyone else.

In the end, you must stay true and authentic to who you are.
Feb 20, 202203:21
EP48: Surround Yourself With Vision Encouragers

EP48: Surround Yourself With Vision Encouragers

Be intentional about who you surround yourself with.
Find your Joshua.
Find your Moses.
Find your Aaron.
Find your Hur.
You need your vision encouragers.
Feb 09, 202205:37
EP47: How to Win BIG in 2022

EP47: How to Win BIG in 2022

In the final episode of 2021, I sign off with a few words on how to unlock your capacity and position yourself for success in 2022.
Dec 30, 202103:41
EP46: The Forgotten Guiding Principle on Giving

EP46: The Forgotten Guiding Principle on Giving

In this episode, I reflect on the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:1-4 about the forgotten guiding principle on giving.
Dec 27, 202105:40
EP45: Inexplicable Peace When Life Happens

EP45: Inexplicable Peace When Life Happens

There is a peace we cannot explain.
It’s the peace that acknowledges the presence of our problems and still CHOOSE to rejoice.
It is the peace whose anchor and hope is Christ, not man.
Dec 20, 202106:26
EP44: Show Up for the Good Fight

EP44: Show Up for the Good Fight

You cannot claim victory unless you’re present in the fight of your life — the fight to trust God for the present regardless of the raging winds, to live for a cause greater than life itself, to honour God with your life and to fulfil purpose.
Nov 18, 202104:51
EP43: Can We Stop Demonising Ambition?

EP43: Can We Stop Demonising Ambition?

Can ambition become sinful and a snare to you? Absolutely! But it doesn’t have to be. We need to stop demonising ambition in Christian circles and rather teach the power of life priorities.
Nov 02, 202108:31
EP42: A Case Against Spiritual Fatherism

EP42: A Case Against Spiritual Fatherism

God loves leadership, order, clear roles and responsibilities. But He has no second-tier sons and daughters. This episode is crucial.
Oct 18, 202111:41
EP41: Greatness Series - Never Without Personal Sacrifice

EP41: Greatness Series - Never Without Personal Sacrifice

Beyond knowing and cultivating your purpose and embracing excellence as a lifestyle, you must be willing to do something else.. and this one thing may just make all the difference in the type of legacy you leave behind after you’re gone.

Sep 27, 202106:47
EP40: Greatness Series - It Always Begins With Knowing and Cultivating Your WHY

EP40: Greatness Series - It Always Begins With Knowing and Cultivating Your WHY

If all we did was live for what to eat and drink, we haven’t discovered our calling. That’s because there’s more to your life than that. Never mistake enablers for your WHY!
Sep 05, 202104:30
EP39: Faith Grows in Unexpected Places

EP39: Faith Grows in Unexpected Places

We grow our faith when we step out into the ‘messiness’ of life, doing the ‘present’ while we trust and wait for God’s next move in our lives.
Aug 27, 202104:32
EP38: Greatness Series - Don't Settle for Mediocrity

EP38: Greatness Series - Don't Settle for Mediocrity

When you are intentional, you must equally embrace excellence and do away with an average mentality and attitude to life. Never settle… never settle for mediocrity.

Aug 22, 202106:12
EP37: Live to Die Without Regrets

EP37: Live to Die Without Regrets

Life is short, eternity is forever, so I urge you live to die without regrets. Listen up and be blessed.
Jul 29, 202104:45
EP36: Grace Meets Works - Contending Against Two Extremes

EP36: Grace Meets Works - Contending Against Two Extremes

Christians are not justified before God because of our good deeds — rather, our good deeds are evidence of our justification by grace through faith. Grace and faith come before works. But neither can stand without the other.
Jul 26, 202108:31
EP35: Our Identity and Radical Purpose

EP35: Our Identity and Radical Purpose

“As a Christian you cannot talk about your identity without talking about the action of God on you, the relationship of God with you, and the purpose of God for you.”
John Piper
Jul 15, 202106:20
EP34: Remember Lot’s Wife

EP34: Remember Lot’s Wife

My first encounter with the story of Lot’s wife left a deep impression on me; a resolve to spiritual urgency in obedience to God. How about you?
Jul 08, 202107:27
EP33: What do you bring to the table?

EP33: What do you bring to the table?

The world doesn’t need more Christians with massive bibles but who aren’t committed to Christ’s mission to be the change agents God desires to use to shine His light into hearts and and bring eternal hope to many.
Jul 01, 202105:00
EP32: Dear Pastors Series - Forgiving One Another

EP32: Dear Pastors Series - Forgiving One Another

When you either refuse to forgive the offences of others against you or won’t apologise for your own offences against others, we have a problem.
Jun 24, 202104:31
EP31: Dare to Believe Again

EP31: Dare to Believe Again

What do you do when you’re waiting for your BIG break and opportunity but you seem to be losing hope? If that’s you, listen up and be encouraged by my personal testimony in this episode.
Jun 13, 202105:17
EP30: No Ifs, No Buts... Make Your Life Count

EP30: No Ifs, No Buts... Make Your Life Count

Quit your fears; take God-centred risks. Live in possibilities. Don’t limit yourself. No ifs, no buts.
Jun 04, 202105:31
EP29: In The End, Nothing Else Matters

EP29: In The End, Nothing Else Matters

On a recent morning school run, I was reminded that nothing else REALLY matters in the end apart from GOD, as we listened to Nothing Else by Cody Carnes. Listen up and be blessed by this episode.

May 28, 202104:20
EP28: How a young graduate found MUCH MORE than work

EP28: How a young graduate found MUCH MORE than work

Life is not about what we have, the wealth we accumulate or the knowledge we acquire. Who we are or becoming is more important than what we have.
May 24, 202106:01
EP27: Lessons from death and comfort to the grieving

EP27: Lessons from death and comfort to the grieving

Death is an uncomfortable topic for many. But there are tons of lessons we can learn from it so we can live well to die without regret when our time comes.
May 17, 202107:01
EP26: Risk and my love story that was never meant to be

EP26: Risk and my love story that was never meant to be

Learn about my high school love story that was never meant to be and embrace the call to take God-centred risks as you fulfil purpose.
May 14, 202105:40
EP25: Dear Pastors Series - Loyalty

EP25: Dear Pastors Series - Loyalty

When you demand personal and/or denominational loyalty to build your ministry at the expense of Christ and the integrity of the gospel, we have a problem.
May 05, 202105:21
EP24: Brothers, Pray For Us

EP24: Brothers, Pray For Us

Spiritual leadership is delicate. The expectation on the leader is huge. That’s why Paul pleaded — Brothers, pray for us — 1 Thessalonians 5:25. How we ought to heed the counsel with more seriousness.
Apr 30, 202107:21
EP23: What is the Gospel?

EP23: What is the Gospel?

We are surrounded by expressions of the Christian faith that is not consistent with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let’s go back to the basics. What is the gospel? Listen to find out.
Apr 25, 202111:21