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KidsView Devotional

KidsView Devotional

By Kids View Devotional

Looking for a new way to engage your children in Bible study? Join us for the KidsView Devotional podcast. Think of each episode as the chance for your kids to consider the Word in a practical, real-life application. Each episode includes a memory verse, a lesson and closes with a prayer. Even better, each episode encourages your kids to talk to you (parents) about specific topics. So, listen as a family or use each episode as a springboard for open dialog about faith. Be sure to check out episode notes for parent talking points and bonus content.
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Is your heart open to Jesus?

KidsView DevotionalMay 29, 2019

Serving God - Even From Quarantine!

Serving God - Even From Quarantine!

In this episode, kids learn that serving God does not have to be a huge act, rather there are important ways to serve God from home, within their families...even while staying safe at home.
Mar 29, 202004:27
Stress 101: Giving your worry to God in uncertain times
Mar 28, 202006:02
God Uses Ordinary People for Extraordinary Things
Dec 30, 201905:12
The Questions of Jesus - Answering the Who, What, Where, Why and How

The Questions of Jesus - Answering the Who, What, Where, Why and How

God gave us the answers to the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY and HOW of Jesus long before he was ever born. However, at the time, many people didn't understand. We have the gift of the Bible to answer our questions so for us, there is no doubt in Jesus!
Dec 14, 201905:05
The Real Reason for the Season - Why Did God Send His Son?

The Real Reason for the Season - Why Did God Send His Son?

Do you ever think about why we celebrate Christmas? Sure it is the birth of Jesus, but let's dig deeper. What was Jesus before that first Christmas? And, why did God send his son?
Dec 11, 201906:24
God's Plan for You (Yes, you!)
Oct 01, 201905:37
Making Time for God (Even At Your Busiest!)
Sep 12, 201906:31
Sticks and Stones - How Words Impact Others

Sticks and Stones - How Words Impact Others

You've heard the saying about sticks and stones -- and guess what. It's not true! Words can really hurt! Here's what is amazing. The Bible gives us many reminders about the importance of selecting kind words and how our words impact others. Today's episode challenges your kids to be thoughtful in choices and reflective in how God wants them to share His word.
Today's Verse:
Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Sep 10, 201905:52
It's the inside that counts: Lessons from God on looking inside

It's the inside that counts: Lessons from God on looking inside

We often say don't judge a book by it's cover. Or that beauty is only skin deep...but, did you know this lesson is actually in the Bible? Today's episode teaches kids that it is what is on the inside that really matters.
Today's verse is
1 Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Aug 30, 201906:35
Does God Always Answer My Prayers?
Aug 16, 201905:32
Recharging Your Spiritual Battery
Aug 06, 201906:01
Lessons on Kindness (The Good Samaritan)

Lessons on Kindness (The Good Samaritan)

Have you ever had a friend who wasn’t treated kindly at school? What did you do? It can feel hard to step away from the crowd and do the right thing, but Jesus gives us a great reminder of why we should do exactly that. With school starting, today’s episode looks at how our kindness impacts others, and what it really means to be a Good Samaritan. 

Parents: for more information or to support this podcast, go to   

To submit your child reading a verse to be spotlighted, or saying a prayer go to and click on voicemail.  

Memory verse: 

1 John 3:18

“My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.”

Episode talking points for parents: 

-Have you ever seen someone not treated kindly at school, what did you do?

-How do you think this idea of “Good Samaritan” applies to kids?

-What do you think you’ll do this year differently from what you did last year to show your kindness?

Aug 01, 201907:16
What happens if I turn away from God?
Jun 28, 201905:47
What is wrong with a little white lie?

What is wrong with a little white lie?

Have you ever told a fib? Know anyone who has? Even a “white lie”? Today we are talking about lying when it isn’t a perfectly black or white issue. Sometimes lying isn’t so much the words the say, but what we don’t say. The Bible tells us very clearly what God thinks about lying. We learn today about how to lean in to the truth.
Parents: for more information or to support this podcast, go to
To submit your child reading a verse to be spotlighted, or saying a prayer go to and click on voicemail.
Luke 16:10
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.
Episode talking points for parents:
-Have you ever been lied to? How did it make you feel?
-Let’s say you have a shirt that says “Hawaii” on it. You’ve never been there, but your friends see it and start talking about it. You don’t correct them. Is this lying?
Jun 26, 201906:03
What does the Bible teach us about dealing with anxiety?

What does the Bible teach us about dealing with anxiety?

Do you ever anxious, worried or stress? We all do! But, did you know that we can learn to give away that anxiety by following the rules in the Bible? God gives us the tools to find peace, but we need to work at it. Worry is easy, faith is harder. But, once we lean in to what God has told us, we can have the courage to do anything!
Parents: for more information or to support this podcast, go to
To submit your child reading a verse to be spotlighted, or a saying a prayer go to and click on voicemail.
Today's verse:
Matthew 6:34
“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”
Episode talking points for parents:
-What things make you feel anxious (worried or stressed?)
-Share some of the things that make you feel that way.
-What do you think Jesus was telling us in Matthew about anxiety?
-How are you going focus when you feel that pit in your stomach?
Jun 15, 201905:09
How do you grow?

How do you grow?

We know that we grow. We see it when we outgrow our clothes, our shoes fit too tight and we see the comparison from the beginning of the school year to the end. But, you know who else started as a little boy and grew -- just like us? Jesus! But, Jesus grew not only physically, but spiritually as well. Today's episode is all about understanding how we work on ourselves to grow upward and Godward. 

Parents: for more information or to support this podcast, go to  

To submit your child reading a verse to be spotlighted, or a saying a prayer go to and click on voicemail. 

Today's verse:

Our verse today is Luke 2:40

"And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him."

Episode talking points for parents:

-What do you think life was like for Jesus as a boy? 

-What does it mean to grow in a balanced way?

-What is an easy way to remember "GROW"

Jun 07, 201904:25
Who needs rules? We all do!

Who needs rules? We all do!

Sometimes it seems like we have way too may rules. At home, at church, at school. While we may think of these as negative things, if we shift our way of thinking we realize that being tied to rules actually gives us freedom. This is especially true when we consider the rules we follow as good Christians. The rules set forth in the bible tie us to God, and by following them we are eternally free. Isn't that amazing! 

Parents: for more information or to support this podcast, go to  

To submit a verse to be spotlighted, or a prayer go to and click on voicemail. 

Today's verse:

John 14:15

If you love me, keep my commands. 

Episode talking points for parents:

  • What would happen if you didn't have rules? (episode uses math, bike riding as examples. What would happen if there were no rules on the road? Or for banking? Or in sports?) 
  • What are some of the fundamental rules the Bible teaches us? 
  • What is the difference between the rules of man and the rules of God? 
  • How are you making sure you follow the rules?
Jun 03, 201904:48
Is your heart open to Jesus?

Is your heart open to Jesus?

Knock, Knock! Who's there? It's Jesus! That is a simplified way to help kids understand what it means to let Jesus into their lives, but today's episode is all about helping them understand that they need to open the door and invite Jesus in. Not just when it is convenient, or when they want to, but always.  

Parents: for more information or to support this podcast, go to  

To submit a verse to be spotlighted, or a prayer go to and click on voicemail. 

Today's verse:

Revelation 3:20

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

Episode talking points for parents:

  1. Tell me about the parable of the patched jeans. What happens -- are they new or old?
  2. Do you ever feel like you aren't ready to let Jesus in? If so, why? How can I help you better understand?
  3. What does Revelation 3:20 mean to you? How does it apply to this lesson?
May 29, 201903:60
Spiritual Habits for Kids

Spiritual Habits for Kids

Today's episode is all about habits. More importantly, how the habits we start now stay with us as we grow up. Habits can be good or bad, but our focus today is on the good. 

Forming good habits free us from being distracted. And, with good spiritual habits, we position ourselves in the path of God’s grace. 

We learn today what habits are, get ideas of some habits we can start, and better understand why the habits we start today impact us as we grow spiritually.

Parents: for more information or to support this podcast, go to  

To submit a verse to be spotlighted, or a prayer go to and click on voicemail. 

Today's verse:

Psalm 119:44

I will always obey your law, for ever and ever.

Episode talking points for parents:

  • What are some habits we can work on today? (examples :learning a bible verse, committing to daily 1:1 reflection)
  • Why is it important to have good spiritual habits as a kid? Are habits easy to change?
May 29, 201906:09