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Life Is Love School

Life Is Love School

By Yumay Chang

Are you an adult survivor of childhood trauma? If so, you've come to the right place! We cover how to heal from trauma and Complex PTSD to build a life we love. I am glad you're going on this exciting journey with us!
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How To Break The Anxious-Avoidant Trap

Life Is Love SchoolSep 01, 2022

4 Reasons You Attract Narcissists & How To Repel Them

4 Reasons You Attract Narcissists & How To Repel Them

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Have you found that you keep attracting narcissists? Narcissists make awful partners, so why do some people get entangled with narcissists over and over again? 

In this video, I cover four reasons why this keeps happening and how to repel them for good. 

Dec 13, 202213:44
Can You Change Your Partner?

Can You Change Your Partner?

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Do you have someone in your life whom you love and care deeply for, but being with them makes you miserable? You can't help but wish you could make them change. 

If the answer is yes, today's episode is for you. 

Nov 28, 202209:32
Why Does Your Partner Put You Down or Devalue You?

Why Does Your Partner Put You Down or Devalue You?

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"My partner puts me down, and I don't know why."

Is this your reality? If so, you need to know what's behind your partner's belittling behavior and how to deal with it.

In this video, I explain the psychology behind why your partner belittles you and, more importantly, what you need to do to protect yourself.

Nov 09, 202212:24
How To Be "Lucky In Love"

How To Be "Lucky In Love"

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Being lucky in love isn’t like being struck by lightning — it’s a lot less random (and painful) than we think.

So what's the secret? In this episode, I cover the 5 mindsets that people who are lucky in love all hold so you can use them to supercharge your love life.

Oct 30, 202210:08
Crucial Dating Mindsets For The Anxiously Attached

Crucial Dating Mindsets For The Anxiously Attached

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If your attachment style is Anxiously Attached, dating is often far from fun. Waiting for text messages, confirming plans, and not knowing where the relationship is going could all trigger deep-seated fear of abandonment and not being good enough. 

Besides being stress-inducing, not knowing how to date well means that you can find yourself yet again in a relationship where your needs are not fulfilled. 

But it doesn't have to be like this; dating can be light, fun, and you can find someone to build a healthy, mutually supportive relationship with. 

In this episode, I cover 3 crucial mindsets to have if you want to date well as someone who is Anxiously Attached.

Sep 08, 202210:22
How To Break The Anxious-Avoidant Trap

How To Break The Anxious-Avoidant Trap

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Do you tend to choose partners that don't want as much intimacy as you or the reverse?

Are you tired of drama-filled, push-pull relationships?

I hear you. Relationships with insecure partners are difficult because of their unpredictability.

If you feel like you're always chasing a partner or being chased, you might be caught in the "anxious-avoidant trap."

If you want to learn how to break the chase-run cycle to have a more fulfilling relationship with your partner, this episode is for you.

I go through how the cycle starts and what you can do to direct the relationship to a healthy path.

Sep 01, 202217:15
6 Things To Stop Doing If You Want To Be More Confident

6 Things To Stop Doing If You Want To Be More Confident

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People often ask me what they can do to stop feeling insecure and improve their confidence.

But the curious thing is…

Self-confidence is more about what you should stop doing than what you need to do.

In this episode, I cover 6 things you want to avoid doing if you want to be confident.

Aug 02, 202211:26
6 Mindsets to Dramatically Speed Up Your Healing

6 Mindsets to Dramatically Speed Up Your Healing

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Emotional trauma, whether it's abuse or a painful event, can leave you struggling with difficult emotions, memories, and flashbacks that won't go away. 

If you suffered trauma, it is understandable that you wish to feel better as soon as possible? Luckily, some mindsets can help you speed up recovery, and I cover some of the key ones in this episode.

Stages of Change Poem:

Jul 04, 202210:60
Anxiously Attached Relationship Strategies That Do Not Work (And What Do To Instead)

Anxiously Attached Relationship Strategies That Do Not Work (And What Do To Instead)

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Because of deep-seated insecurity from their past, Anxiously Attached people often can behave in ways that seem desperate, insecure, demanding, possessive, jealous, or controlling toward their partner.  

They want their partner's love and approval more than anything, yet their behavior often pushes people away. In this episode, I cover the most common harmful behaviors that Anxiously Attached people do that hurt their relationships and what you can do instead.

Jun 14, 202212:07
8 Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder

8 Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder

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Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health disorder that affects roughly 1.5% of the population. It impacts the way people think and feel about themselves and those around them. Sufferers often exhibit extreme mood swings, fear of abandonment, self-image issues, and a pattern of unstable relationships.

In this episode, I cover 8 common symptoms of BPD. I respond to every comment, so drop a comment; I'm always interested to know what you find most helpful!

May 28, 202213:11
 Signs You Might Have the Fearful-Avoidant Attachment Style

Signs You Might Have the Fearful-Avoidant Attachment Style

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In relationships, do you oscillate between anxious behaviors like clinginess, jealousy, and keeping score and avoidant behaviors such as withdrawing and ghosting?  
People with a fearful-avoidant attachment style tend to have either tumultuous relationships filled with ups and downs or very tenuous, distant ones that lack real intimacy or commitment.   
If you feel like this might be you, this episode is for you. I  share 3 signs to help you ascertain if you might have the Fearful-Avoidant attachment style and, more importantly, how to move towards Secure.

May 03, 202209:40
Healing the Fearful-Avoidant Attachment Style

Healing the Fearful-Avoidant Attachment Style

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The Fearful-Avoidant attachment style is rare; only about 2% of people have this as their predominant attachment style.   

This style combines the worst features of the Anxious and Dismissive-Avoidant attachment styles and leads to confusing and contradictory behavior in relationships. 

You desperately want love, and yet you are also terrified of intimacy.  In relationships, you flip-flop, run hot and cold, and you never can relax because you never feel safe.  

If this is you, this episode is for you. The good news is, just like any other insecure attachment style, you can heal, and you can move towards Secure Attachment.

Mar 28, 202213:11
Understanding the Fearful-Avoidant Partner
Mar 15, 202210:37
How to Do Low Contact Like a Pro

How to Do Low Contact Like a Pro

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Is there someone in your life that drains your energy every time you spend time with them, but you have trouble letting them go?

Maybe it's a family member, a friend you've known for a long time, or an ex. 

No matter who they are, part of you resents them for not respecting you, your time, and your space, yet you are not ready to completely cut off contact for a variety of often very good reasons.

Many people who cannot go no contact with a toxic person choose low contact instead.

Doing low contact well is not easy. In fact, it is often harder than no contact because it requires you to still interface with this toxic person and be mentally strong against their onslaughts, whether it's passive-aggressive behaviors or their attempts to guilt-trip you. 

In this episode, I share three key strategies to help you manage low contact like a pro. 

This discussion initially came up in our women-only TRIBE membership group. In TRIBE, members bring up issues that trouble them, and we have in-depth discussions to help them think through options, see multiple perspectives, and pick the best path forward.

If you tend to feel stuck, unsure if you're making the right choice, I think you will benefit a lot from TRIBE membership.

You will be supported by not just me, but an entire community of smart, empowered, and compassionate women. 

See you on the inside!

Feb 08, 202214:35
3 Reasons Your Partner Give For Not Marrying That Are Just Excuses

3 Reasons Your Partner Give For Not Marrying That Are Just Excuses

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Have you been in a relationship for a while, but it doesn’t seem to be progressing toward marriage?   

In this episode, I cover some of the most common reasons people bring up for not marrying you: these reasons are almost always hiding something deeper and what you can do to get to the truth so you can make the right decision for yourself.

Jan 18, 202210:23
Is Cohabitating Before Marriage a Good Idea?

Is Cohabitating Before Marriage a Good Idea?

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If you've been dating for a while, the topic of whether to move in together will come up. Close to 70% of people cohabitate before marriage, and the number has been rising over the years because people are waiting to marry and rising housing prices.   

Some people see living together as a trial for marriage, while others see it as a matter of "why not" when living together confers conveniences and cost savings.   

What's interesting is that research shows that divorce rates are higher post the one-year mark for people who cohabitated prior to marriage, and marital quality is lower among those who started living together before engagement or marriage too.   

Why is this the case when intuitively, it would seem the opposite should be true?  

If you're interested in finding out, check out this episode. I also cover some of the oft-overlooked issues of living together that people forget to consider before calling the moving company.

Jan 02, 202209:48
Anxiously Attached: Handling Abandonment Triggers in Relationships
Dec 26, 202110:48
What happens when you love someone with Low Self-Esteem
Dec 18, 202113:56
What Keeps People Stuck In Toxic Relationships

What Keeps People Stuck In Toxic Relationships

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Is there someone you care about that's stuck in a toxic relationship and can't seem to leave?  
Maybe they left then went back, and this back and forth happened repeatedly over the years.
You're doing your best to be supportive; you're there to listen to their complaints, to affirm their worth, and to validate that, yes, they are not overreacting.  
One day, they seemed to finally "get it." The two of you excitedly hatched a plan for them to leave and build a new life.  
You are relieved that their nightmare is finally over.
But your hope is short-lived.
Right before your eyes, in the not-so-distant future, they do a 180 and choose to stay.  
They now claim that the relationship isn't as bad as it sounds and that "maybe I should take some blame too."
They might even stop talking to you because you know too much.
You're left wondering what's going on — why are they so stuck when leaving is the obvious choice?
The psychology behind this baffling phenomenon is more complex than it looks.
Learning what it is can help you support this person you care about better and, at a minimum, alleviate some of your frustrations towards their behavior when they don't leave.  
This episode covers why people get "stuck" in toxic relationships and the key to getting free.  
If you know someone feeling stuck, please share the video with them so they know they are not alone in dealing with these feelings. It will also help them understand that they can feel these feelings and still choose to leave when they are ready.

Dec 13, 202111:37
Why Do I Miss My Toxic Ex (And How To Stay Strong Post Leaving)

Why Do I Miss My Toxic Ex (And How To Stay Strong Post Leaving)

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If you've just left a toxic relationship but are struggling emotionally, you are not alone. 

Many survivors of toxic relationships are baffled why they still miss their ex when the relationship brought them so much pain. "What is wrong with me?" is a common refrain, often said with much self-blame.

In this episode, I explain why euphoric recall, or the selective remembering of only the good, is a normal and expected part of detaching from a toxic relationship. 

I also give you several tips to help you stay calm and strong during this critical period. 

Dec 05, 202110:11
How to Connect with A Dismissive-Avoidant Partner

How to Connect with A Dismissive-Avoidant Partner

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If you want more intimacy, dating a partner who has the dismissive-avoidant attachment style can be quite painful.  Everything seems to be going well, but next thing you know, they are backtracking and pushing you away.  The relationship seems to take two steps forever, one step back.  

If you are in a relationship with a dismissive-avoidant partner and wish to build more intimacy with them, this video is for you.  

Remember: You can't control them, but there are things you can do to stay centered, own your power, and help steer the relationship towards healthy.

Nov 30, 202117:04
What To Do When Someone Guilt Trips You

What To Do When Someone Guilt Trips You

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For many people, breaking the people-pleasing pattern and setting boundaries poses a unique challenge during the holidays.
If you were taught that your value lies in how much you do for others, then setting limits or saying no can feel very uncomfortable, and you may find dealing with guilt trippers especially challenging.  
But weakness, uncertainty, or wavering signals are to guilt trippers what blood is to a shark.  
If you cave or seem frightened, they will become emboldened and bully and manipulate you even more.
If you find dealing with guilt trippers difficult, this episode is for you! I cover why people use guilt trips to coerce compliance and ninja moves to deal with this manipulation.

Nov 21, 202112:43
9 Dating Mindsets Mistakes (And What To Do Instead)

9 Dating Mindsets Mistakes (And What To Do Instead)

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The wild world of dating can be a tricky one to navigate. After all, "How to Date" is not a skill they teach you in school, but dating well is essential to your ability to find and keep a great partner.

You might have read books that focus on strategies, and many of these books advocate game playing. If you've tried their tactics, you might see some short-term results in the best case, but things will almost always end up badly in the long run.

In this video, I share 9 common dating mistakes almost everyone who has an insecure attachment style makes, and I cover the mindsets to hold instead if you want to win at the game of dating.

Nov 12, 202114:17
When To Leave A Relationship

When To Leave A Relationship

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It isn't always clear when to leave a relationship. How do you know if your partnership can be fixed, or is beyond repair?

Of course, emotional and physical abuse are always signs to leave a relationship. But outside of that, the decision isn't always as easy.

You can get stuck in the decision process because you don't want to make a hasty decision to leave if the relationship is workable. At the same time, you also don't want to waste more time if the situation is hopeless.

In this video, I share a simple framework you can use to help you make a clear decision, so you can march forward with clarity and conviction that you have made the right choice.

Nov 03, 202110:23
Autumn's Story: How healing myself healed my children

Autumn's Story: How healing myself healed my children

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In today's episode, I interview Autumn, TRIBE founding member, mom of four sons, ICU nurse manager, and one of the most courageous, inspiring, and growth-minded people I know.   
Autumn and her siblings were forcibly removed from her biological parents when Autumn was just one year old. For the next two years, the system shuttled her to a  succession of twelve foster families; the rapid changes meant she could not attach to anyone, and she missed her siblings terribly.  
Later, after reuniting with her birth parents, she was molested by a babysitter. Though the adults around her knew what was going on, she was told to keep quiet, and the abuse continued for over a decade until she finally put a stop to it at age 16 by reporting the childcare agency to the authorities herself.  
Like many of us that suffered childhood trauma, Autumn later married an abusive man. She felt a lot of guilt towards her sons for not providing them a safe home, and she blamed herself for not being a better mom.  
If you suffered trauma in childhood, a toxic marriage, or guilt as a parent, I know Autumn's story will resonate with you.   In this episode, Autumn shares:  
— How she mustered the courage to leave her abusive ex-husband
— How she dealt with the guilt of letting her kids down
— How her renewed self-esteem empowered her to set boundaries at work
— How she overcame shame through sharing her story  
Since she started her healing journey a few years ago, Autumn's life has been transformed. She lost over 100 lbs, built a workout habit, started a new job, and got promoted into a supervisory role managing ICU nurses. But more importantly, her inner transformation inspired her family to evolve with her, and she inspires fellow TRIBE members to grow with her too.  
I am personally deeply inspired by Autumn, and I hope her story will give you hope that even though healing is hard work, the effort is absolutely worth it.   
One day, you will look back and be amazed at how far you've come and how much better your life has become. There's no shortcut to healing, but you will reap the rewards for all the effort you put in!​    
If you enjoy videos like this, LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to get notified of upcoming videos. By liking and subscribing, you also help us reach more survivors who need to hear our message of hope and healing.

Oct 07, 202135:29
5 Tips to Finding a Healthy Relationship If You Are Anxiously Attached

5 Tips to Finding a Healthy Relationship If You Are Anxiously Attached

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If you’re constantly worrying about your partners, feel like they don’t like you as much as you like them, want to see them 24/7, need constant reassurance from them, then you’re probably anxiously attached.   
Relationships can be rough for the anxiously attached. There are so many situations in intimate partnerships that can trigger the attachment trauma in an anxiously attached person that many are reluctant to date, and those in relationships are often miserable because of abandonment anxiety.  The good news is if you are anxiously attached, not only can you move towards becoming securely attached, but there are specific things you can do today to help yourself be in a healthy relationship.   
In this episode, I share 5 tips you need to know to help you find and keep a healthy relationship.  

Oct 03, 202112:44
How to Handle Gaslighting

How to Handle Gaslighting

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A form of emotional abuse common to many toxic family systems is gaslighting. Experiencing gaslighting in any relationship is damaging, but the effects can be even more devastating when coming from a parent and the gaslighting happened when you were little.   Small children unconditionally trust their parents' point of view, so if the parents invalidated how they feel or what they saw or blamed them for things they are not responsible for, the child learned not to trust her own reality and to over-apologize.  
Unfortunately, this type of conditioning sets up the child to grow up to become an adult who is vulnerable to similar abuses by others.  
Gaslighting is a pernicious form of abuse. Often, it comes on so subtly and slowly that you don't even realize it's happening until it's too late.  Getting educated on gaslighting is important so you can catch the early warning signs and stop it in its tracks before the damages are done.
If you suspect you've been a victim of gaslighting, I think you will find this video helpful!

Oct 03, 202112:29
How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

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Have you ever wanted to take a risk, whether that's in your love life, your career, or moving to a new place, but fear of failure holds you back from taking that first step?   

Children and adults who have experienced childhood trauma have a lower ability to tolerate stress than people who grew up with a normative childhood. Trauma sensitizes the amygdala to threat perception, and fear responses are triggered over time by less and less stress.  

Specifically, over 90% of trauma survivors suffer anxiety disorders, with the most prevalent anxiety disorders experienced by survivors being Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Panic Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Social Phobia (or Social Anxiety Disorder).  

The underlying feeling of anxiety is fear, and the most common types of fears people experience are: 

- Fear of failure 

- Fear of the unknown 

- Fear of rejection 

- Fear of what others think 

- Fear of being an embarrassment 

- Fear of losing control 

- Fear of being trapped  

It is not difficult to see how change and doing something new can trigger many of these fears!    

In this episode, I share a Q&A I had with a TRIBE member on her question, "How do I overcome the fear of failure?" TRIBE is Life Is Love School's women-only membership program. Besides asking questions in our Live Calls, members also have access to a TRIBE member-only FB group where they can ask the group and me questions anytime.   

This question was originally posted in the TRIBE member-only FB group, which I condensed and share in the video with the member's permission.  If you find yourself wanting to live to your full potential but struggling with the fear of change and fear of failure,  I think you'll find the discussion helpful!   

If you enjoy this episode, don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE, so you are notified when a new episode is released!

Sep 08, 202125:15
How To Deal With My Sister's Criticism

How To Deal With My Sister's Criticism

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We often think that our friends and family should have our back, but sometimes they are the ones that pour a bucket of cold water down our heads. In this episode, I answer a question about how to handle the criticism of other people, including those closest to you.

Aug 20, 202109:60
Understanding The Dismissive-Avoidant Partner

Understanding The Dismissive-Avoidant Partner

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The dismissive-avoidant is one of the most misunderstood attachment styles. A dismissive-avoidant often show up in relationships as someone who:

  • Prefers keeping the connection on the surface-level
  • Focuses on sexual intimacy but avoids emotional closeness
  • Runs "hot and cold" with their affection
  • Pulls away when someone starts getting close
  • Resists vulnerability — comes off as ultra independent and emotionally invincible
  • May actively sabotage the relationships when things are going well

Many people believe that dismissive-avoidants cannot connect, do not want intimacy, and do not feel pain when a relationship ends. Some even go as far as calling dismissive-avoidants insensitive jerks or equate them with being a narcissist.

However, these characterizations could not be further from the truth.

In this episode, I will dispel the misunderstandings by taking you into the world of the dismissive-avoidant — their childhood, what shaped their relationship view, and their inner voices — so you can get to know them on a deeper level.

Understanding them helps you not only avoid unnecessary relationship pain but dramatically increases your odds of connecting with them in a meaningful way that brings them closer.

If you have a dismissive-avoidant in your life that you would like to connect with, this is an episode you do not want to miss.

Aug 17, 202120:21
Revictimization Why Bad Things Keep Happening To You?

Revictimization Why Bad Things Keep Happening To You?

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Freud coined the term “repetition compulsion” to describe the puzzling phenomenon where an abuse victim repeatedly puts themselves in situations that replicate the distress they experienced in an earlier life.

This might look like:

  • You were physically abused as a child, and later your partners were also violent towards you.
  • You were abandoned or neglected as a child, and you date people who similar ignore and reject you.
  • You grew up as an invisible child, and you end up in adult relationships where you similarly feel unseen and unheard.

This strange compulsion to date abusers continues until the victim notices the patterns and consciously works on healing themselves.

In this episode, I provide 9 reasons to help you understand why childhood abuse survivors tend to get revictimized in adult relationships and provide insights on how you can heal yourself, so you do not get victimized again.

If you enjoy the episode, subscribe so you get notified when new episodes become available! 

Aug 14, 202116:56
How to Find a Great Partner After Experiencing Abuse (Part II)

How to Find a Great Partner After Experiencing Abuse (Part II)

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In this episode, I continue from the last episode (Listen to Part I) and cover additional tips for how to date smart so you find a great partner and prevent the common traps that suck survivors into abusive relationships.

Aug 02, 202116:30
How to Find a Great Partner After Experiencing Abuse (Part I)

How to Find a Great Partner After Experiencing Abuse (Part I)

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People who suffered childhood abuse tend to do one of two things as adults: isolate to avoid getting hurt again, or turn to toxic individuals who remind them of their abusive caretakers.   

Revictimization, the phenomenon where childhood abuse survivors tend to get abused again in adult relationships, is unfortunately common. However, it does not have to be this way.   

In this episode and next, I call out common pitfalls that trip many survivors in the dating phase and provide you specific tips you can follow to date smart.

Aug 02, 202112:51
How to Break the Trauma Bond

How to Break the Trauma Bond

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Have you ever been in a toxic or even outright abusive relationship but find it next to impossible to leave?  A part of you that knows the relationship is unhealthy and wreaking havoc on your mental health. Still, the idea of leaving is terrifying, maybe even feels impossible because you've tried many times and you went back every time.

Why is it so hard to leave when the relationship causes you so much pain? 

If this is ringing a bell, you may have experienced what's called a trauma bond. The biggest problem with trauma bonding is that the victim becomes trapped in a toxic relationship and will not leave. 

In this episode, I cover the behavior conditioning trick that animal trainers use to train animals to perform tricks, how the abuser users this same manipulation to control you, and how to break the spell so you can get out.

Jul 27, 202112:02
How to Stop Self-Blame After a Breakup

How to Stop Self-Blame After a Breakup

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When something bad happens, do you automatically think it's your fault? 

Many childhood trauma survivors tend to default to self-blame. When you were little, developmentally, you could not see beyond yourself and understand that your caregivers could not meet your needs. Because of this, when bad things happen, blaming it on yourself seems the most reasonable, especially since you saw your parents as all-knowing, all-powerful, and perfect beyond blame.

The habit of blaming oneself is exacerbated if your parents also regularly put you down for things that are not your fault. If you internalized the blame to "I am not good enough," the feeling of less then can become part of your identity, and you start to blame yourself for things that are not your fault.

When an intimate relationship ends, the brain of a person who has a habit of self-blaming goes into overdrive. They cannot stop ruminating about what they could've or should've done, and some go as far as wishing there's a time machine so they can go back in time and "get it right." This excessive self-blame is not only incredibly painful but keeps them stuck in limbo, unable to move forward.

If self-blame keeps you from moving forward at the end of a relationship, this episode is for you. 

Jul 20, 202110:16
Why People Don't Recognize They Were Abused in Childhood (Part II)

Why People Don't Recognize They Were Abused in Childhood (Part II)

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This is a follow up to part I:

Jul 12, 202106:54
How to Trust Again After Experiencing Trauma

How to Trust Again After Experiencing Trauma

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Do you tell yourself:

  • I don't need anyone.
  • I can do everything myself.
  • If I let people in, they will hurt me.

If you suffered abuse at the hands of people you once trusted, feeling that you have your back to the wall and you cannot trust anyone again is a common coping mechanism.

You built this hard shell to shield your heart from further abuse, betrayal, and disappointment.

You not only find it difficult to trust others, but you also no longer trust in your ability to choose people.

But extreme-independence IS. A. TRUST. ISSUE. It is a preemptive strike against heartbreak.

By not trusting, you prevent hurt, but you also push away love because love cannot exist without trust.

If you want to learn how to trust again, this episode is for you. I also prescribe an exercise at the end that you can do at home to help you heal trust wounds.

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Jul 12, 202110:26
Why People Don't Recognize They Were Abused in Childhood (Part I)

Why People Don't Recognize They Were Abused in Childhood (Part I)

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It takes the average childhood abuse victim 24 years to reveal their trauma history, even though disclosure is often the key to recovery.   Some survivors choose to keep silent to avoid potential stigma, but others are not consciously aware that they suffered abuse.   

In this episode, I cover the first 5 of 10 reasons why survivors might not recognize that they were abused as children.     

You cannot change what you do not acknowledge. — Dr. Phil  

Not recognizing abuse is actually very common, but if we want to live a better life, the first step has to be understanding how our past shaped us today, including how it affects the way we think, feel, and behave. We have to face the past to heal it.  

For part II, see:

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Jul 11, 202107:60
5 reasons people don't recognize they're being abused

5 reasons people don't recognize they're being abused

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Have you ever counseled a friend who is obviously in an abusive relationship but they don't seem to recognize it? To an outsider, it can be baffling why someone chooses to stay in an abusive relationship when all the evidence is there that they should leave. You really care about this person, and you see the toll the abuse has on them, yet they seem to live in denial and may even come to defend their abuser. 

In this episode, I share 5 reasons why people may not recognize abuse in an intimate partner scenario. 

Remember that victims often believe they are stuck or help may not be available, so remind them that there is help and give them hope will go a long way in shoring up their courage to leave.

If you enjoy videos like this, please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to get notified of upcoming videos, and feel free to leave a comment if you come up with other reasons I might have missed. I always love hearing from you! 

Jul 08, 202106:41
How to Stop Over Apologizing — Say This Instead

How to Stop Over Apologizing — Say This Instead

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Over-apologizing is when you have the habit of saying "I'm sorry" when you don't need to. Here are some examples:  You approach the receptionists at your doctor's office by saying, "I'm sorry to bother you. I have a question." Your partner makes an inappropriate joke at a dinner party. "I'm sorry. They're not usually like this," you say to people. Your friend came to visit you, and it's raining. "I'm so sorry for the bad weather!" you tell your friend.  In each of these cases, it's clear that you haven't done anything wrong, and if you tend to apologize in these situations, it's time to check the habit. Over apologizing does not make you a more courteous person; it makes you sound like someone who lacks clear boundaries and is too willing to please, not good signals to send if you are working towards having a balanced relationship where your needs and feelings matter.  In this episode, I cover why people over apologize, what you do not need to apologize for, and most importantly if you're ready to kick this habit, how to go about it.

Jul 08, 202107:24
Why People Don't Recognize They Were Abused in Childhood (Part II)

Why People Don't Recognize They Were Abused in Childhood (Part II)

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It takes the average childhood abuse victim 24 years to reveal their trauma history, even though disclosure is often the key to recovery.   Some survivors choose to keep silent to avoid potential stigma, but others are not consciously aware that they suffered abuse.   In this episode, I cover reasons 6-10 of why survivors might not recognize that they were abused as children.  
If you missed the first 5, you can find it here:  
You cannot change what you do not acknowledge. — Dr. Phil  
Not recognizing abuse is actually very common, but if we want to live a better life, the first step has to be understanding how our past shaped us today, including how it affects the way we think, feel, and behave. We have to face the past to heal it.  
If you enjoy videos like this, please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to get notified of upcoming videos, and leave a comment if you come up with reasons I might have missed. I always enjoy hearing from you, and thank you for watching!

Jul 06, 202106:54
7 Signs You're in a Healthy Relationship

7 Signs You're in a Healthy Relationship

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People often spend a lot of time talking about red flags and how to spot a toxic relationship, but there is a lot less discussion about what constitutes a healthy relationship.   In this episode, I share 7 signs that signal you are in a healthy relationship. Knowing what a healthy relationship looks like is especially for adult survivors of childhood trauma — to have healthy intimacy, you need to know what to look for and not just what to avoid.

Jul 05, 202109:04
Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Attachment Styles

Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Attachment Styles

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Do you ever wonder if there's a link between Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and attachment styles?

When people think about NPD, they think of someone like a Don Draper — A person with an inflated sense of self that comes off as arrogant, entitled, and envious. However, there's another type of NPD where the individual presents themselves as insecure, focusing on themselves but seeking reassurance from others.

In this episode, I cover the differences between the two types of narcissists and their typical attachment styles.

This episode is in response to a question I got from a viewer. I often get ideas from viewers on what topics to cover. Please feel free to comment below with suggestions; I always love hearing from you!

Jul 02, 202109:12
How to Heal the Anxious Preoccupied Attachment Style

How to Heal the Anxious Preoccupied Attachment Style

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  • Do you feel insecure in relationships?
  • Have you acted out because of your overwhelming insecurity?
  • Are you worried that your protest behavior (acting clinging, jealous, upset) is pushing your partner away?

If you answer YES to these questions, you may have a predominantly Anxious Attachment style.

Our attachment styles are formed in childhood, and a person with the Anxious Attachment style likely had unpredictable, emotionally immature, or unstable parents that only provided inconsistent care. This lack of stability leaves the child not knowing what to expect, and to gain a sense of control, the child becomes highly attuned to the parent’s mood, and many develop into people-pleaser adults with an Anxious Attachment style.

For those of us that are Anxiously Attached, we both crave relationships but we also suffer a lot in them. Relationships, especially an intimate relationship with a romantic partner, bring out our childhood wounds and limiting beliefs of not being worthy of love. We watch our partner’s words and actions closely for any signs that they may be pulling away, and we act out and do things we may later regret that drive people away. It’s a vicious cycle, but there is a way to break it.

In this episode, I detail how the attachment wound formed and walk you through a 6-step Dialectical Behavior Therapy process to help you bring your thoughts and emotions back into balance. I then talk about managing a relationship, starting from the dating phase, so you have the best chance possible to heal your attachment style and have the healthy, mutually supportive relationship you deserve.

This discussion topic came up in our women-only membership program.

Jun 29, 202119:39
6 Simple Ways to Stop Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

6 Simple Ways to Stop Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

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Do you know what kills the most dreams? It’s not lack of education, money, preparation, but our internal resistance.

The more we want something, the stronger the resistance inside of us fights back.

Sometimes it just feels better (and easier) to self-sabotage and control our failure than face the possibility of giving it all yet still failing.

We are afraid to be left with the possibility that our best is just not good enough.

We might also suffer from low self-worth. We’re so used to being overlooked, mistreated, exploited that we feel undeserving of success or happiness. The cognitive dissonance is so strong that we self-sabotage as soon as things are starting to go well.

These are only some of the reasons why we self-sabotage, and in this episode, I list more.
The net is, change is hard for everyone, and the resistance is real.

Despite how hard change is, it is necessary if we want better, whether that’s more financial freedom, a more fulfilling career, or a healthier body.

Change requires us to overcome resistance. We can’t allow our chattering brain to start producing excuses and a million reasons why we can’t/shouldn’t/won’t do what we know we need to do.

Life is too precious to settle for less.

We can’t afford to get stuck.

In this episode, I give you 6 essential, simple, and effective tips to overcome our internal resistance, so you can get things done and live the life you want.

You deserve nothing less.

Jun 10, 202120:45
How to Crush Stress at Work with Lolita Guarin

How to Crush Stress at Work with Lolita Guarin

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Do you work for an unreasonable boss?
Do you wish that you are better at saying no so you’re not always overwhelmed?
Do you want to feel more peace but struggle with the how?

If so, this episode is for you. Stress Management coach Lolita Guarin ( is one of my favorite people, and after you listen to this episode, you will know why.

As the only child raised by alcoholic, controlling parents, Lolita had difficulty saying no, even when she’s stretched to the brink at work. Eventually, she was working so hard that one day she suddenly collapsed. This rock bottom moment led to her awakening, and the rest is history.

Lolita is hands down one of the most inspiring people I know, and we clicked the first time we met. She is a walking ball of positive energy, joy, and love; it’s impossible not to feel uplifted after talking to her. Lolita is also ab active member of Life Is Love School’s women-only coaching group, where she generously shares her insights and tips with fellow ladies.

“Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”
-Eleanor Brown

If you are interested in learning skills like this that help you have better relationships, I invite you to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE, so you get notified of new episodes when they come up!

May 31, 202134:16
How To Redesign Your Life in Midlife

How To Redesign Your Life in Midlife

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Midlife is when many people start to wonder if they are on the right path. This question could feel unsettling, even scary. After all, by midlife, most of us have invested a few decades in our chosen line of work, and starting afresh seems daunting.

Statistically speaking, over 43% of women will live beyond their 90s, and close to 10% will live to 100, so doing a pivot at midlife is not too late! You should do work that brings you joy until you take your last breath. There's no reason you can't do what you're passionate about just because you've hit a certain age. And this idea that you have to be stuck in the same job forever with no hope of making a change—well, that's just false.

"It is never too late to be what you might have been." — George Eliot

This topic of making a midlife career transition came up in our women-only coaching group, and I was excited to see this question come up. If you are pondering this question, it means that you are likely further along in your healing journey. You want more out of life than barely surviving; you want to thrive in all areas of your life, and this means doing work that leverages your strength, fulfills you, and aligns with your values.

If you are interested in learning skills like this that help you have better relationships, I invite you to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE, so you get notified of new episodes when they come up. 

May 26, 202114:01
How to Talk To Your Partner When The Stakes Are High

How to Talk To Your Partner When The Stakes Are High

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The sign of a healthy relationship isn't that two people never fight. In fact, it's often a sign of problems. Either the couple suppresses their emotions, which leads to mounting resentment, or one or both partners are indifferent toward their relationship and don't care enough to even fight. The key to a long, happy relationship isn't that there's no conflict but whether disputes can be resolved constructively.   

In this episode, I cover the simple skills that will immediately uplevel your ability to work through issues successfully with your partners.   

If you are interested in learning skills like this that help you have better relationships, I invite you to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE, so you get notified of new episodes when they come up!

May 15, 202116:04
30 Signs You Suffered Childhood Trauma Part II

30 Signs You Suffered Childhood Trauma Part II

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As a follow-up to the previous episode, which covers signs 1 through 15, in this episode, I cover 16 through 30 of the common signs that you suffered childhood trauma. If you think you are uniquely broken from the abuse, I want you to know that you are not. Your brain and body did the best they can to cope with impossible situations, and as an adult, you can learn how to heal yourself and how to have successful relationships.

For the first 15 signs, check out “30 Signs You Suffered Childhood Trauma Part I.

May 06, 202118:36
30 Signs You're Dealing With Childhood Trauma Part I

30 Signs You're Dealing With Childhood Trauma Part I

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In the USA, nearly 700,000 children are abused in U.S each year. Unfortunately, trauma leaves a legacy; research by the CDC shows that trauma survivors are more likely to die by suicide, suffer chronic mental and physical illness, have a shortened life span, and fall prey to abuse in their adult relationships.

The reason? Trauma, especially in early childhood, where the brain is still fragile and in development, causes structural changes in the brain that impact how one senses and processes emotions.

Additionally, survivors often lack skills on how to regulate emotions, communicate effectively, set healthy boundaries, and build healthy relationships, and as a result, many survivors are revictimized in their adult relationships.

“An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior.” — Viktor Frankl

In this episode, I cover 15 of the 30 common signs that you suffered childhood trauma. If you think you are uniquely broken from the abuse, I want you to know that you are not. Your brain and body did the best they can to cope with impossible situations, and as an adult, you can learn how to heal yourself and how to have successful relationships.

For the following 15 signs, check out "30 Signs You Suffered Childhood Trauma Part II."

May 06, 202122:27