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Daily Grow with TODD Social

Daily Grow with TODD Social

By Todd Davis

The opportunity to discover your limits is the best way to discuss how to go beyond them. Whether it's work, or something you enjoy in your personal life, we will work together to tap into our limits and strive to become limitless
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Noise making or Quiet Impact

Daily Grow with TODD SocialJul 25, 2020

To AI or not AI That is the question

To AI or not AI That is the question

Welcome to Daily Grow, where each and every day, we take incremental steps to grow in a macro way. Today's topic and subject is discussing to AI or not to AI the raging question that's burning in people's minds and in their prompts, through their chat GPT, as well as in different aspects of the Internet. What is the dangers, the opportunity, and the ways that AI is changing our everyday society? Now, on the surface, we can look at some of the outliers or what may be preferred to discuss as issues. Obviously, data scientists, for anyone that's been paying attention, have been doing and creating AI artificial intelligence for decades, a very long time. So it's not like it hasn't been relevant in our lives. But we will discuss it.

May 05, 202320:07
 Daily Grow Lessons in Leadership

Daily Grow Lessons in Leadership

Leadership Lessons I’ve Learned

As CEO and founder of Grow Ventures, I am both an entrepreneur and a leader. Every day I am focused on helping business leaders solve critical problems as well as running my own company. Through management consulting, I have been exposed to a diverse range of organizations,  functional groups, and cultures. Collectively, these experiences and  people have contributed to the person and business leader I am today.  Occasionally, peers and up-and-comers alike will ask me for my  perspective on leadership. Today, I want to share a few of the greatest  leadership lessons I have learned throughout my career.

Quick Tips: 

Everyone can help you learn something

Managers and leaders are different

Leadership is hard.

Self-awareness is essential.

Get feedback from your network.


Be present.

For more tips and advice find me on Patreon.

Jan 30, 202318:04
Daily Grow The Start of Startups

Daily Grow The Start of Startups

How to launch a startup in turbulent times using new opportunities

Though it may seem that this time can not be beneficial for anything, every crisis clears up the slate for new achievements.

Turmoils create new challenges, which leaves people craving new solutions. Old-school brands like Jeep and Fanta emerged amidst war in reply to unexpected needs and limitations. Uber, Airbnb and WhatsApp are all babies of the recent economic recession and its challenges.

How can you look for the new opportunities these tough times bring?  The answer lies in your system

This episode is brought ot you by, The BNB Experts and rental revenue solutions for all things that can be rented. Check out the site and get a free evaluation.

Jan 11, 202318:29
Business Automation and What Steps You can take

Business Automation and What Steps You can take

This is the age of the creator and you may  or may not find that you have enough time or money and it is possibly the most frustrating thing ever but this is where embracing business automation  can be a superpower if you embrace the opportunity to use it towards your growth. 

Jan 09, 202311:39
Mindset Dysfunction

Mindset Dysfunction

The distinguishing factor between effective and dysfunctional leaders is the mindsets the leaders possess.

Mindsets are the mental lenses that shape how people see and interpret the world around them. Dysfunctional leaders’ mindsets attune them to mishandling situations and making subpar decisions, while simultaneously leading them to believe they’ve taken the best course of action.

This may happen in every aspect of life but ultimately you have to break down the walls of dysfunction...Let's grow!!

Aug 23, 202121:25
Grow, growth hacking, growth from visions

Grow, growth hacking, growth from visions

Growing businesses are interesting and really there are two main frameworks and I think most people are stuck in one without necessarily thinking about the other.

So most people are doing what I call incremental growth. This is where people are looking at it from the perspective of how do I get slightly more traffic this month? how do I get slightly more leads? slightly more customers? can I get more traffic from Facebook? can I get a lower cost from Facebook? So here it’s really about growing incrementally.

But if you use vision, mission, and purpose in your passion to grow through fueling yourself, you could over transform your growth because you had more of an impact over temporary influence. This is how you maximize your growth potential.

May 23, 202116:12
Intelligence vs Irrelevance

Intelligence vs Irrelevance

Does IQ correlate with intelligence?

Validity as a measure of intelligence

While IQ tests are generally considered to measure some forms of intelligence, they may fail to serve as an accurate measure of broader definitions of human intelligence inclusive of creativity and social intelligence.

How do you measure your Intelligence vs Your IQ

May 06, 202105:23
The Art of Impossible Innovation

The Art of Impossible Innovation

Lately, most of the articles that I read theorize how innovation methodologies and especially design thinking are either the absolute way to go or don’t work at all. Authors use pathos as the primary persuasion technique for the audience and end up with a simple conclusion — design thinking is either panacea or syphilis.

I started by asking myself a simple question — What value did we create and did we “produce innovation” at the end? To answer the question I reviewed my work as a facilitator from the last four years and I mapped out the types of companies and projects I have worked with and the results achieved. In reviewing the documentation I identified five things that were repeatedly identified as a benefit by the teams I worked with and their management.

I have mostly worked with organizations that do not have a track record in creating breakthrough innovations.

Because we were thinking the wrong way. We were thinking things are too impossible instead of making everything possible.

Connect with me online to have an open design discussion on what is possible:

Nov 09, 202019:04
How You Can Be Grateful and Thankful in Your Personal and Professional Life

How You Can Be Grateful and Thankful in Your Personal and Professional Life

In the famous words of Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

It can be easy to get swept away in the fast lane and forget to stop and show your appreciation for what you do have. A life well-lived is one of gratitude and thankfulness.

To help you with your gratitude journey here are 8 ways to have more gratitude in your daily life.

Don’t be picky: appreciate everything

Find gratitude in your challenges

Practice mindfulness

Keep a gratitude journal


Express yourself

Spend time with loved ones

Improve your happiness in other areas of your life

The Journey to gratitude is the lasting impression being thankful for everything has on you and how you ignite the light in you

Nov 02, 202017:03
The Art of War in Life, Business and Purpose

The Art of War in Life, Business and Purpose

The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Late Spring and Autumn Period (roughly 5th century BC). The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu ("Master Sun", also spelled Sunzi), is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is devoted to an aspect of warfare and how it applies to military strategy and tactics. For almost 1,500 years it was the lead text in an anthology that was formalized as the Seven Military Classics by Emperor Shenzong of Song in 1080. The Art of War remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare[1] and has influenced both Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy, lifestyles, and beyond.

Now ask yourself. What if I applied that to my life or my business? How could I tactically maneuver throughout the world during this time of pandemic?

Oct 26, 202020:37
Drama, deals and delivery

Drama, deals and delivery

Had you ever had a drama-free life?

That may be something we all want and also something hard to strive for.

But it is also something that could make a significant difference in the results of our day or week.

Some situations are avoidable, like war, but others are one that comes instigated with costs.

No matter the case don't lose sight of the purpose you were put in and how to strive for better drama-free culture.

Make Sure you like, share, and subscribe and tell a neighbor that we're here to help people grow in the right way.

Oct 19, 202021:39
Deepening Relationships, developing Resources that Rock!

Deepening Relationships, developing Resources that Rock!

Without your old or new customers, you wouldn’t have a business.

Let that sink in for a moment...I'll wait.

The relationships you build in today's marketplace of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are essential to you moving the needle.

Some have value beyond what you see or intend so it might be time to reevaluate those, reignite your vision, and recalibrate how you want to execute on them

Look out for the Revive Retail podcast and All Things Social podcast. for more details. 

Support this podcast by like, sharing, and subscribing  and that will unlock you to receive more information on the Patreon page:

Oct 15, 202020:42
How Can You Rise Up

How Can You Rise Up

When you Rise Up, it activates men, women, boys, and girls to transform their lives, families, and communities for a more just and equitable world through investment in local solutions, strengthening leadership, and building movements. It's doing the hard work to turn around the community as a whole and humbleness to navigate through all the entities to arrive at making a difference in a long term positive way in your community.

But your personal life and professional pursuits have a similar goal if you realize it and go after it. Be aware of the opportunity and don't lose sight of the goal because the mission is more than worth it.

For more details on the other podcast trailers mentioned.... search for Revive Retail or All Things Social with Todd Social in Itunes. 

Be on the lookout for the Dail Grow Live Stream coming this week live ...

Oct 06, 202028:53
A New Focus

A New Focus

I had often thought about what I would spend my time on if I stopped living up to expectations I had set for myself in the workplace and among my friends. I wanted to be at everything, be the best at everything and not let anyone down. But I had forgotten if I even enjoyed it anymore as it was so routine it wasn’t truly a choice in my mind but rather what I was supposed to do.

For the first time since I can remember I have days, weeks, months with no deadlines, no competing meetings or dinner plans, absolutely nothing that I HAVE to do.

I am rediscovering my creative side - it's time that you do also with a New focus on what's important. impactful and influential.

Join the journey, support the cause so I can help you grow and you plant seeds in others to help them grow as well!!!

Oct 01, 202013:13
Lessons in Leadership

Lessons in Leadership

Leadership is a lifelong learning process. Every great leader always looks for ways to improve. No one ever wakes up and says, “I know everything there is to know about leadership. I’m a perfect leader.”

Leadership can be especially challenging for entrepreneurs. Balancing the need to run a business (i.e., products, investors, customers, etc.) and the need to lead company personnel is quite a task.

But overall, having a leadership philosophy will take you above and beyond just your business or brand but have an impact in your life

Join the journey to help you grow...daily.

Sep 30, 202012:42
What would you do if...

What would you do if...

Why should you want to know some great what you would do if...?

…Because what if you had a list of questions to ask that could spark fascinating discussions virtually anytime, anywhere, and with anyone? Now you do. Or you should. These are the hard questions you should ask yourself.

What if questions are incredibly versatile. They give your conversational companion a specific subject to marinate on, from light and silly to deep and sometimes even disturbing. Now that’s a tasty banquet of food for thought.

But the value of answering them in your life can bring continuous fruit to your life and impact others.

Just like the Daily Grow. Like, Share, and Subscribe to grow in ways you never imagined.

Sep 29, 202012:55


If you’re stuck in a rut and your life is not going how you want it too then you need a personal breakthrough. A breakthrough is something that changes the course of your life going forward and ensures that things will never be the same for you again.

Most of what a breakthrough requires is for you to have the courage and the bravery to stops settling for second best.

Sep 27, 202006:17
Waiting For?

Waiting For?

Have you ever heard someone or even heard yourself saying something like…? “I am just waiting for the perfect moment to do this….”? Yes, know I am guilty too. We have been trained by society and cultural limitations that have to wait to get that job, buy that house, call that person that you want to date, wait for next year to start your diet, wait until 65 to retire…. Wait, wait, and wait more. No one with this mentality will ever accomplish much because THE PERFECT MOMENT DOES NOT EXIST.

Sep 24, 202006:60
Maneuvering Unchartered Waters

Maneuvering Unchartered Waters

Many people have talked about 2020 being a year of new beginnings. Not only are we into the Gregorian calendar, but we are also in the Hebrew year 5780. The number 8 symbolizes new beginnings. We are in for many new things in 2020. Even by no choice of our own. For some of you that may be a new career, family, or ministry direction. Whatever it is, some of you may be setting sail in uncharted waters.

But what does that mean for where you decide to set sail? Let's discuss

Sep 23, 202007:13
How to Stay On Mission

How to Stay On Mission

Mission drift is an irresistible force. You need to build in measures to help you avoid suffering from this crisis of identity. If you don't, you might end up living a life that is very different than the one you intended to build.

Entrepreneurship and business are about survival but in this current time, we should be about the revival of Mission, Recalculate your Vision, and Engage your Purpose.

RBG taught many like me in many ways to stay true to your vision which means you have to stay on the mission even when you don't see the end. 

The journey is the joy, the joy in the process and the process is the mission.

Sep 21, 202013:17
Daily Grow: Missed Opportunities

Daily Grow: Missed Opportunities

Running a company can be quite a gamble at times. Entrepreneurs need to decide what business opportunities to pursue or pass on, often without having any idea of how these opportunities will turn out. Chances are that each entrepreneur has made the mistake of passing on an opportunity that proved to be highly lucrative afterward.

But dwelling on these mistakes and obsessing over how you could have prevented them is both counterproductive and can negatively impact a leader's decision-making when future opportunities present themselves.

Basically you should Own it and learn from it...

Make sure you subscribe for Daily Grow Thoughts, share with your peers and  join the longer discussion on

Sep 16, 202005:45
Being Bold

Being Bold

Being bold means asking yourself, “what do you have to lose?” or, “what’s the worst thing that could happen?” before making a decision. Then you realize you don’t have that much to lose. If the worst happened, you’d live to tell the tale.

Being bold supports the development of an abundance mentality. If one opportunity slips through your fingers, having an abundance mentality will help you recover quickly. You know there’s more to come.

This week, I challenge you to do one thing that’s out of your comfort zone just to see what happens. What do you have to lose?

Sep 14, 202006:18
911 - Never Forget.... why I shouldn't even be here

911 - Never Forget.... why I shouldn't even be here

9/11 defines my life in a nutshell.

"On a sunny, cloudless Tuesday morning nineteen years ago, New York, the nation and the world were changed forever. We will never forget the nearly three thousand lives lost during the September 11th terrorist attacks."  Gov. Andrew Cuomo spoke this morning at the 9/11 ceremony,

Sept. 11, 2001

8:46 a.m. Hijackers crash American Airlines Flight 11 into the north tower. The 76 passengers and 11 crew members and hundreds inside the building are instantly killed.

9:03 a.m. Hijackers crash United Airlines Flight 175 into the south tower, killing 51 passengers, 9 crew members and an unknown number of people inside the building.

9:59 a.m. The south tower collapses in 10 seconds after burning for almost an hour. More than 800 civilians and first responders are killed.

10:28 a.m. The north tower collapses after burning for 102 minutes and more than 1,600 people are killed.

During this time, I would have been between the two towers. But that day I didn't make my usual trip.

the irony lives in my heartbeat every day.

I never forget. Not the day. not the time. Not the loss and certainly not how we all came together.

Sep 11, 202009:21
Where's Uncle Phil in the midst of a Pandemic

Where's Uncle Phil in the midst of a Pandemic

" You are my son, Will. End of story. "

― Philip Banks

Philip Banks is the Tritagonist on The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air. He is the father of Hilary Banks, Carlton Banks, Ashley Banks, and Nicky Banks, the uncle of Will Smith, and the husband of Vivian Banks. He is portrayed by James Avery.

Philip is a paternal, humble, instructive, level-headed, inspirational, protective, bold, aspiring, noble, kind-hearted, selfless, understanding, nice, caring, loving, educated, patient, honorable, independent, logical, zany, encouraging, knowledgeable and efficient man. Vivian is usually the only person that can make Phillip relax when he loses his cool. He is a very strict man, but a great father and husband.

"Will is not a coat that you hang in the closet then pick it up when you're ready to wear it. His life goes on! He's not supposed to be here for you, you're supposed to be here for him!"―Philip Banks on Lou's irresponsibility as a father.

Even though Phillip tends to lose his temper fairly quickly, he means well deep down, and he loves and cares deeply about his family

Philip has had a history with the Civil Rights movement.

Shortly after Will arrives, he calls Uncle Phil soft, and Philip calls Will out on having Malcolm X posters when the latter saw and heard the man himself speak, a notion that seemed to surprise and impress Will. When a fellow activist calls him a sellout for working with the system, he tears into her verbally that while he no longer fights in the street anymore, those times were never forgotten and that he faced dogs and fire hoses in Birmingham, as well as watching Harlem go up in flames. He instead during his time as a lawyer uses his position to fight for and win fair housing, affirmative action, and better health care.

The question is "Where is Uncle Phil" in today's pandemic

Sep 11, 202006:39
Where are the Heroes?

Where are the Heroes?

Where are all the heroes?

One of my readers recently asked me a pointed question: Why are there so few heroes? It’s a good question that deserves some thought, especially given how much our world is rife with poverty, famine, violence, natural disasters, and tragic accidents.

We need heroes more than ever. So where are they? Why do they seem to be in such short supply?

Find the Limitless Life with Todd Social Daily Grow on podcasts everywhere and Instagram daily.

Sep 08, 202016:49
Gone Too Soon

Gone Too Soon

Chadwick Boseman was an American actor known for his portrayals of Jackie Robinson in '42' and James Brown in 'Get on Up.' He also played the superhero Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Who Was Chadwick Boseman?

Chadwick Boseman had early success as a stage actor, writer, and director, before landing gigs on TV shows like Lincoln Heights. Boseman broke through with his big-screen portrayals of two African American icons: baseball player Jackie Robinson in 42, and soul singer James Brown in Get on Up. Boseman later took on the role of Black Panther for a series of Marvel superhero films, including the immensely successful Black Panther in early 2018.

Early Life and Career

Chadwick Aaron Boseman was born in 1976 in South Carolina and went on to attend Howard University in Washington, D.C., graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in directing. He then attended the British American Drama Academy in Oxford, England.

Boseman has performed in a number of stage productions, including Breathe, Romeo and Juliet, Bootleg Blues, Zooman, and Willie's Cut and Shine. He won an AUDELCO Award for his role as the teen E.J. in 2002's Urban Transitions: Loose Blossoms, a play by Ron Milner about a struggling African American family pulled in by the temptation of fast cash. He's also worked as part of the Hip Hop Theatre Festival and has written the plays Hieroglyphic Graffiti, Deep Azure, and Rhyme Deferred. Additionally, he has directed a number of stage productions, as well as the short film Blood Over a Broken Pawn.

More Importantly,  Chadwick was one of us who is happy to see he made it and makes a difference with it. We dream of these moments where we can cheer on our hero and feel good about the small progress we make. He embodied not only Black Panther but an entire culture that would help us and lead us into a new era. Let he who has been watered, be water. Let he who has given, be given unto.

Thank You, Chadwick and prayers up to you and on your wife, family, and friends...Gone Too Soon.

Sep 07, 202015:07
When It all Falls Down

When It all Falls Down

If things are falling apart in your life then THE most important thing that you can do to get your life back on track is to

ask: “How can I transform my life and achieve my dreams”

This question is coming from a place of pain and scarcity and I’ll be honest with you … I get it.

Life can be brutal at times and it can feel like there’s no hope.

But it’s in times like this where you must shift your focus from the sh*t storm happening around you and behind you and instead focus on the rainbow and pot of gold that you’re moving towards.

Things you can do to combat this:

Double down on your health and fitness

Express daily gratitude for what you already have

Commit to Kaizen

Laugh your butt off

Commit to a goal and follow the 5-step success formula

Reconnect with old friends and family members

Relax and take a page from Bob Marley...


Aug 20, 202005:39
The Impact of People, Places and Things

The Impact of People, Places and Things

Quote of the Day

If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery.

John Paul Jones

The people, places, and things you experience every day play a vital role in encouraging or discouraging negativity, no matter the day or time you are having in your life. If you want to remain negativity-free, you must make some changes to the people, places, and things with which you normally engage.

Listen to the pod to learn how!

Stay Humble, Stay Safe, and Stay Positive!

Aug 17, 202011:26
Married to your Methods - Find Your identity

Married to your Methods - Find Your identity

There are problems in your life that you have been conscious of for a very long time, but haven’t yet found the capacity to fix. You reflect on these old ways and old patterns, and you can clearly see the unnecessary pain and suffering they have caused you.

Yet you remain stuck in them.

Even while knowing they are wrong and ineffective, you keep doing them. Repeating them. Again and again. And each time the pain and suffering comes back. And you say to yourself, “Okay, that’s the last time. Fuck that. Never again. I’ve learned my lesson now.”

But, for some odd reason, you do it again. And again. you act as if you enjoy the pain, even though you know you really don’t. You act impulsively. Automatically. Like a programmed robot with no sense of choice.

These patterns in your life seem to be really sticky. They are deeply rooted. You’ve thought of countless ways you can try to correct them, but your efforts have so far remained fruitless. It is almost as if there is another part of you that you can’t change. And perhaps there is.

But you can change that today and start to live a limitless life by searching for your identity...Today

Aug 14, 202011:20
People, Politics and Progress

People, Politics and Progress

What political voice is and why and how it matters – and for whom – has emerged as a central area of interest and engagement in international development.

Understanding people and what they are looking at in anew normal and an emerging pandemic,  It's high time they look in the mirror about their views and look beyond themselves to embrace their community.

Progress is both a necessary and a dangerous idea. It is necessary if one tries to improve the way things are, and it is dangerous because the pursuit of progress has often given rise to experiences of paternalism, colonial domination, and narratives of civilizational superiority. In my research, I try to defend a critical account of progress by distinguishing between moral and political progress, and by exploring the relationship between political progress and justice. I believe that we make progress not when we approximate an idea of justice that is always known to us, but when the political institutions we construct reflect what we learn from the trials and failures of the past.

It's time to learn more about people, politics, and progress.

Aug 12, 202015:58
Victor and Victim

Victor and Victim

Victor vs. Victim

Only two letters separate the words victor and victim, yet vastly different outcomes result from living through one or the other. The language itself is intriguing. The basis of the word vict is Latin and means to conquer. The ending of the word…you get to choose. Victor or victim? One word ending means that you are the one doing the conquering. The other means you are the one who is conquered. How can two words so similar in origin, be so diametrically opposed in meaning?

How does it happen that we know which side of the conquering we want to be on, yet we are living completely opposite?

Aug 07, 202005:47
Are You Supportive or a spoiled sport

Are You Supportive or a spoiled sport

Are You Being Too Supportive? (Yes, There is Such a Thing)

Years ago, I had a dear friend who needed a lot of support for various reasons. She was working hard to find her way out of a dark period. She had suffered traumas and tragedies—things I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

Her life really did resemble a roller coaster ride. It was heartbreaking to watch her struggle, exciting when things would be on the upswing, and upsetting again when things would spiral downhill.

Because I had known her almost my whole life and because I loved her dearly, I tried my best to always be there when she needed me. I am someone who knows and appreciates how important it is to have supportive people around you, offering love and kindness, especially during times of struggle.

Sometimes being there for her simply meant picking up her call in the middle of the night and talking with her.

Sometimes it meant dropping what I was doing and driving to meet her to make sure she was okay.

There were talks, tears, and through that, hard truths were often revealed.

Of course, it wasn’t all dark and dreary. There were bright moments and memories too. There were movie marathons and game nights. There was laughter to the point of tears. Many a meal was shared and many a bowl of ice cream was devoured.

What I got in return wasn’t the same type of support. She was not the person I would turn to in a crisis, however minor or major. She just couldn’t handle it. But in turn, this friend showed me gratitude and genuine love.

Aug 05, 202005:41
What's the Actual Factual

What's the Actual Factual

What is the difference between actual and factual?

"Actual" is usually used in contradiction with what is believed. "He said he went to the store but he actually went to the party."

Factual is often used to refer to the facts behind the actual truth. "The case was supported with factual evidence and assumptions."

Right now we are struggling between the actual experiences of people in the versus the factual or perceived to be factual evidence of what's happening right now to many people all over the US. It's time to wake up!!!

Aug 03, 202012:36
Does anybody know what’s really going on?

Does anybody know what’s really going on?

Admit it. You have no clue whatsoever about the coronavirus. It’s the only logical conclusion I can come to after six-plus months of information, misinformation, intentional lies, and politics about this latest corona-type virus foisted upon the world by — yet AGAIN — China.

As a matter of fact, the last part of my opening statement is the only thing I’m 100 percent sure about. The rest of my thoughts are simply conjecture, looking back at history at other “outbreaks” and understanding the players in this muddled mess and how they choose to play it.
I don’t pretend to be some infectious disease expert — as are few, if any, of the folks who might comment on this column. But I’ve got almost 50 years on this orb, and this is as bad as I’ve ever seen things.

Aug 03, 202005:39
Reinvent and Reinvest in Yourself

Reinvent and Reinvest in Yourself

There will always be times in your life when you may need to learn how to reinvent yourself. This could come when you experience a big change, such as leaving your job, moving on from a relationship, transferring to a new home, or losing a loved one. If you are going through a major shift in your life, you may have to find new ways of thinking or doing things or risk failing to reach your full potential.

“When something bad happens, you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.”

Many people who dared to leave their old unhappy lives enabled themselves to pursue their passions and find a renewed zest for living. You can also achieve the same if you take a leap of faith and make things happen for yourself.

Time to reinvent @toddsocial

Jul 30, 202005:46
Small Business is Big Business to Corporations

Small Business is Big Business to Corporations

According to the SBA, some manufacturing companies can have up to 1,500 employees and still be determined to be small businesses. In mining, large businesses are those that have 500 or more employees. ... The highest annual receipt size allowed for some small businesses in the service industry is $35.5 million.

But is this really Small Business? It seems like Big Business is yet again getting in the way of innovation and creation which is what small business does well.

If you want to change the way you do business or your outlook, connect with me anywhere @toddsocial

Jul 30, 202006:07
Positive Thinking: What It REALLY Takes to Free Yourself from Negativity

Positive Thinking: What It REALLY Takes to Free Yourself from Negativity

We all have doubts and many times we tend to look at everything in life with a negative attitude. I love when motivational speakers say “get the negative people away from you and you will succeed”. That statement is such nonsense, yes you want positive people and supportive people to help you use positive momentum to help you succeed, but you cannot avoid negativity. It's all around you all the time, just when you are feeling good someone has to try and knock you down. It can be your parents, your friends, a colleague, a co-worker, a sibling, an internet troll, or whoever.

But Negativity is nonsense.  Find out why.  limitless life @toddsocial

Jul 29, 202005:60
Worrier or Warrior

Worrier or Warrior

Throughout human history, our population has included a mix of different genetic skillsets for the overall survival of the tribe. In the modern era, these skills manifest from the COMT gene, with those who perform at their highest level with pressure, deadlines, and thrills, and those who thrive in low-pressure, quiet environments to work longer on complex issues.

For warriors, having deadlines and steady pressure may prove to be advantageous for their genotype to continually produce and perform at a high level. Monotonous tasks and low-pressure environments could even prove detrimental to warriors, preventing the individual’s gifts to shine.

This hypothesis was tested with pilots put through intense flight simulations. As expected, the warriors outperformed the worriers in each test. However, with more experience, the worriers started outperforming the warriors as the worrier’s stress response went down and their cognitive advantages began to show.

For worriers,  your thought process is useful in complex environments that require maximal performance in terms of memory and attention for survival. Monotonous tasks and low-pressure environments could even prove successful to worriers, elevating the individual’s gifts to shine.

The question is, which one are you?

Jul 28, 202005:47
Fueling Your Flame

Fueling Your Flame

While most of us make certain to recharge our cell phones each evening to ensure we have enough power to last an entire day, we neglect to give ourselves this same type of attention. Too often we’re running through our lives on empty, which eventually leads to mood swings, exhaustion, and overall agitation. As we continue at this high intensity, we lose touch with what we really need to bring back the balance and feel good again. And when we’re no longer attuned to our own well-being, it’s time to refuel that soul.

Jul 27, 202006:14
Designing Your Day To Elevate Others

Designing Your Day To Elevate Others

When I look at the word “success,” it becomes incredibly problematic. For some, the notion of success is a Trumpian world where the gleaming opulent lifestyle should somehow bleed inward, resulting in a magnificent internal world gilded by good looks.

For me, success doesn’t flow from outside to inside; it moves from inside to out. It transcends money, celebrity, height, weight, race, sexual orientation. This success has a man glow with purpose and integrity.

My motto is to" leave this world better than how you found it and make an impact on someone who can impact others."

If you're designing your day for the balance of work, love, peace, hope inspire and change, you will get closer to impact and influence.

Jul 26, 202006:20
Noise making or Quiet Impact

Noise making or Quiet Impact

There are many things that you can do to make noise but the value of that noise versus the quiet impact you can make where you actually make a difference is what is important to know and remember.

Did you know that much of your character, behavior, and relationship to other people has to do with being more introvert or extrovert?

Most literature on business, communication, and success is focused on extroverts, who feel comfortable networking, talking, and being the center of attention. But at least 30% of the population are introverts, and they are now finding their voice.

Dr. Loehken, who wrote the book Quiet Impact,  identifies 10 strengths specific strengths that introverts often have (such as independence, perseverance, and writing), and also identifies ten specific hurdles they often have to overcome (such as hyperstimulation, intellectualism, and fear of conflict).

Don't worry if you're making a quiet impact. Smile and keep on keeping on...

Jul 25, 202010:30
Mental Wellness(Pray for Kanye)

Mental Wellness(Pray for Kanye)

Everyone wants to be happy. What most people mean when they say they want happiness is that they want to feel a positive sense of mental well-being. Mental wellness, however, requires some effort, in the same way, physical health does. If you want good physical health, you can’t sit on the couch drinking beer and eating donuts and fried chicken; you have to do things that result in better health, such as eating right, drinking enough water, exercising, taking vitamins, and getting enough rest. If you want to experience positive mental well-being, there are things you have to do on a regular basis that result in mental wellness.

Jul 23, 202011:04
Finding A Way To Shift Your Thinking

Finding A Way To Shift Your Thinking

Changing your mindset is no easy task, but having an open and positive mindset is a game-changer. Your personal growth is what propels the choices you make for your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Just something as simple as changing your thinking can change your life.

Mindset work is something that we will talk on the Pod, The Minority Report or The Independent on Be.TV

Jul 23, 202005:40
Welcome To Dysfunction
Jul 21, 202005:18
My Birthday Thoughts

My Birthday Thoughts

Today, July 20th, is my birthday. I normally don’t make a big fuss over it and I rarely go out of my way to let people know when my birthday comes around. I have nothing against celebrating birthdays and I actually tend to make quite a fuss over the birthdays of those who are close to me but I usually prefer to celebrate mine with just family or very close friends. However, I’m making an exception for today. No, I haven’t really changed my position or altered my preferences. However, today I did some thinking about birthdays and the many gifts I’ve been given on this day and how so many others can’t or won’t be able to enjoy a similar celebration.

Follow me here for my daily thoughts and on Instagram for my views, purpose, and of course the hustle.

Jul 20, 202010:18
March with John Lewis

March with John Lewis

If someone had told me in 1963 that one day I would be in Congress, I would have said, 'You're crazy. You don't know what you're talking about.' John Lewis
Rep. John R. Lewis, the civil rights icon whose fight for racial justice began in the Jim Crow south and ended in the halls of Congress, died Friday night.
The Georgia lawmaker had been suffering from Stage IV pancreatic cancer since December. He was 80.
The son of Alabama sharecroppers, Lewis served in Congress for more than three decades, pushing the causes he championed as an original Freedom Rider challenging segregation, discrimination and injustice in the Deep South – issues reverberating today in the Black Lives Matter movement.
Along with Martin Luther King Jr., he was an organizer of the March on Washington in 1963, a seminal moment in the Civil Rights Movement that led to the passage of voting rights for Blacks two years later.

He became a community activist and member of the Atlanta City Council before winning a seat in Congress in 1986. He would go on to become a best-selling author and in 2011 was awarded the nation's highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, by Barack Obama, the nation's first Black president. Lewis was elected to his 17th term in November 2018.

"Some people were heard to say by sitting down, these young people are standing up for the very best in American tradition," Lewis told USA TODAY in 2013.
"Martin Luther King Jr. was so pleased. He was gratified, He was deeply moved and touched to see this new militancy on the part of the students. He knew then that his message of non-violence and passive resistance would live, and it would be moving around the South, embedded in the very being of these young people."
Arrested, jailed and beaten for challenging Jim Crow laws, Lewis would become a national figure by his early 20s. He later became the youngest of the Big Six civil rights leaders and, at 23, helped organize the March on Washington. There, he provided a keynote speech at the landmark event for civil rights.
"As it stands now, the voting section of this bill will not help the thousands of black people who want to vote," Lewis said. "It will not help the citizens of Mississippi, of Alabama and Georgia who are qualified to vote but lack a sixth-grade education. One man, one vote is the African cry. It is ours, too. It must be ours."
Two years later, he helped organize the voting-rights march in Alabama that became known as "Bloody Sunday," when state troopers attacked demonstrators with tear gas and billy clubs, a nationally televised melee that hastened passage of the Voting Rights Act. Lewis' skull was fractured in the demonstration

Lewis remained the last surviving member of the Big Six, which included King, James Farmer, A. Phillip Randolph, Roy Wilkins, and Whitney Young.
Jul 18, 202012:42
Reshift Your Thinking

Reshift Your Thinking

The meaning of life is not a search—it is a choice. Meaning is not found in things; meaning is what you make of things. The world means nothing by itself. You give it all the meaning it has. Thus, the meaning of life is a choice you make, not just once, but every waking hour of your day. Life is like art—it is all about interpretation. The moment anything happens to you, you interpret a meaning for it. The meaning you vote for then governs your perception, your thinking, your faith, your choices, your feelings, your behaviors, everything! Whenever you elect a new meaning, this changes everything.

So it's time to reshift your thinking and find a way to engage ina new way of connection.
Jul 16, 202005:43


Are you asking yourself for permission for you to be your self? Time to look in the mirror and do a self-care check.
Jul 07, 202005:05


There are lots of people who get pulled over. But when does a DUI or DWI ever end in death? What is the actual justice in that? How do you explain death?
Jun 18, 202005:21
Self Isolation of self-inspired

Self Isolation of self-inspired

A person is a person through other persons; you can't be human in isolation; you are human only in relationships. There is a difference between solitude and isolation. Gig workers know this well. the late nights grinding and the early mornings with family. It all seems like it never ends. The challenges are endless but so are the opportunities. Let yourself step into your energy base and find your pathway to be inspired even in isolation.

Mar 17, 202013:44