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Love More Live Blessed Podcast

Love More Live Blessed Podcast

By Crystal Mendez

This podcast is dedicated to fostering positive mindsets and promoting self-love.

This is the show for you if you're someone who need a little more positivity in your day. Change is possible and we can do it together.

Listen in for a new episode every Tuesday, we'll chat about positivity, affirmations, and how to be the best versions of ourselves.

My hope is that you’ll find the kind of encouragement you need!
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151: 5 Things I'd do if I was just starting my positivity journey

Love More Live Blessed PodcastAug 02, 2023

169: Practical end of year thoughts and tips

169: Practical end of year thoughts and tips

Let's dive into how to conclude the year on a strong note and prepare for a fantastic New Year. We'll explore reflecting on the past year, celebrating successes, learning from challenges, setting meaningful intentions, and embracing the future with optimism.

Dec 26, 202318:04
168: Repetition Creates Habits, Habits Create Success

168: Repetition Creates Habits, Habits Create Success

Let's explore how small habits can lead to big transformations. T Remember, every giant leap begins with a small step. Are you ready to take yours?

Dec 19, 202316:01
167: 5 Self-limiting behaviors that are holding you back.

167: 5 Self-limiting behaviors that are holding you back.

It's time to ditch the baggage slowing you down – the overthinking, people-pleasing, constant comparison, dwelling on past mistakes, and the fear of change.

In this episode lets dive into the 5 self-limiting behaviors that can hold us back and how to let them go.

Dec 05, 202317:09
166: You are not everyone's cup of tea
Nov 15, 202314:23
165: The Power of Awareness Chapters 19-27

165: The Power of Awareness Chapters 19-27

A breakdown of the last few chapters of the book The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard. Today's episode is all about chapters 19-27.

The teachings in this book help you transform your life by using your imagination to create your own reality. Super powerful stuff in there!

Nov 07, 202325:46
164: The Power of Awareness Chapters 10-18
Oct 31, 202325:39
163: The Power of Awareness Chapters 1-9

163: The Power of Awareness Chapters 1-9

A breakdown of the many nuggets of wisdom from the book The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard. Today's epsiode breaks down Chapters 1-9.

Neville Goddard’s books and lectures give you everything you need from Neville Goddard’s teachings to transform your life by using your imagination to create your own reality!

Oct 24, 202330:55
162: How to Value Your Time Over Everything

162: How to Value Your Time Over Everything

Your time is your most precious asset.

Tune in for actionable insights that will change the way you approach your days and lead you towards a more fulfilling and purpose-driven existence. It's time to reclaim control of your most precious resource—time—and create a life that truly reflects your priorities.

Oct 17, 202314:48
161: 9 Ideas to Help You Rediscover Your Identity
Oct 11, 202313:13
160: 7 Ways to a Comeback
Oct 03, 202307:54
159: 5 Must Try Ways to Live A Meaningful Life
Sep 27, 202311:20
157: Things to Stop Doing to Live a Happier Life

157: Things to Stop Doing to Live a Happier Life

We always talk about things we can do to live a happier life, right? Well here are a few ideas of things to STOP doing so you can be happier!

You're not alone on this self-care journey. Let's walk through this together.

Sep 20, 202312:18
156: The Hard Truths About Self-care
Sep 05, 202317:11
155: 6 Things I wish I'd learned in my 20's (or earlier)

155: 6 Things I wish I'd learned in my 20's (or earlier)

Instead of learning these things I spent years putting everyone’s needs before my own. I wouldn’t speak my truth, I’d let people walk all over me, and self-care was last on my list. The years I’ve spent taking care of myself have been worth it. Listen in for quick tips today!

Aug 29, 202310:34
154: What You Should Know About The Four Agreements
Aug 22, 202316:31
153: Enthusiasm Makes The Difference (Flashback episode)

153: Enthusiasm Makes The Difference (Flashback episode)

Flashback episode from October 2020, the most popular episode of the podcast!

Excerpt and thoughts from the book Enthusiasm Makes The Difference by Norman Vincent Peale. 

What do you think the definition of a positive thinker is? 

How can we train our brains to be solution oriented vs. problem oriented? 

Find out the answers and more in today's episode. 

If you love the podcast please consider leaving a review on iTunes to help us grow! 

Aug 16, 202314:03
152: The Secret to Getting Out of A Slump/BLAH Day
Aug 09, 202310:40
151: 5 Things I'd do if I was just starting my positivity journey
Aug 02, 202314:56
150: Quick Fix for When You're Feeling Down
Jul 18, 202307:01
149: This is Your Sign to Set Boundaries
Jul 10, 202314:44
148: How to Let Go of What's No Longer Working For You
Jun 26, 202307:58
147: How to Really Make Changes in Your Life

147: How to Really Make Changes in Your Life

How to Really Make Changes in Your Life🚨
🤩 If you’re wondering where to start to introduce positive habits into your life, save this reel.
The firs step is to make taking care of yourself, putting yourself first - NORMAL. This is hard for us moms, I know! But, it’s necessary and possible.
Start small.
Are you sleeping enough?
Can you add more water into your day?
What kind of media are you consuming? Start unfollowing people/pages that don’t make you feel good. Be mindful of the stories you watch.
Who are you spending the most time with? How do you feel around them? Do your friendships and relationships have reciprocity? Are you always the giver? Who can you reach out to for help?
Move your body. You can keep it simple and just walk daily. Move your body to benefit your overall health not just for weight loss reasons. I ignored the high blood pressure readings for a year before I finally did anything about them (that’s a whole other story!)
Start a hobby just for fun.
It’s not easy to do self-care and put yourself first right away. Is it worth it? Yes. Is it life-changing? Yes. Can you do it? Yes, I believe in you. You got this!

Jun 19, 202310:47
146: The REBOOT EPISODE: 5 Things I Wish I learned Earlier

146: The REBOOT EPISODE: 5 Things I Wish I learned Earlier

This is the Reboot episode! I am so excited to be back on the Podcast for 2023. Please tune in as I share some life lessons and recent happenings!

Jun 12, 202311:27
145: How to break up with people pleasing
Aug 16, 202114:38
144: Self-care for Your Mental Health
Aug 02, 202115:43
143: What does burnout feel like? And how to recover from burnout.
Jul 26, 202127:22
142: Life is too short to spend it living how other people think you should be living
Jun 28, 202118:39
141: 3 Easy Ways to be a Positive Thinker
Jun 21, 202115:24
140: How would the best version of yourself show up today?

140: How would the best version of yourself show up today?

Do you know what’s been on my mental to do list all week? 🧐

Writing out a list of things my future self does. Thinking about how she shows up in the 🌍 and how she reacts to life.

My future self/ the greatest and grandest version of me (as Brandon from
@positive_head podcast would say 🥰) is:

✨ patient - slow to anger and slow to judge

✨ motivated - no more sleeping or hiding when feeling overloaded

✨ healthy - takes time for self-care daily, is spiritually connected, eats nutritional foods, takes care of her mental health.

✨ has a clutter free home - clutter is one of the biggest stressors in life 😱

✨ feels good in her body, wears clothing that fits well, takes time to get ready every day, laughs more, can relax easily, doesn’t feel like every moment has to be productive. 👏🏽

Take time to think about your future self today. How can you show up like her? Let's brainstorm together and get that next level you fleshed out!

Jun 14, 202115:08
139: 5 Summer Self-care Tips for Moms
May 17, 202113:50
138: Lessons from A Return to Love
May 03, 202112:51
137: Is it hard to let the little things go?
Apr 26, 202112:41
136: Setting boundaries when you're a people pleaser
Apr 19, 202111:14
135: Easy Mindful Practices to Start Today
Mar 29, 202114:52
134: Spring Self-care Ideas for Moms
Mar 22, 202112:54
133: Make your relationships better using the 5 Love Languages
Feb 08, 202115:39
132 - 5 Easy ways to communicate better in every day life
Feb 01, 202111:23
131: Stop playing small

131: Stop playing small

You playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightening about shrinking so others won’t feel insecure around you. As you let your own light shine, you indirectly give others permission to do the same.” ✨– Marianne Williamson
I promise you someone needs to hear your story. Your story will encourage and inspire! You are a light to the world, share that and be proud about it.
Jan 25, 202110:13
130: Super simple self-care ideas you can try today
Jan 06, 202112:33
129: How to End the Year Strong
Dec 14, 202014:11
128: Things to do When You Feel Sad During the Holidays
Nov 30, 202010:29
127: How do I Stop Being so Negative?
Nov 16, 202015:39
126: How to Keep the Holidays Simple
Nov 09, 202011:49
125: Enthusiasm Makes the Difference Part 4
Nov 06, 202013:44
124:Enthusiasm Makes The Difference Part 3
Oct 26, 202011:44
123: Enthusiasm Makes The Difference Part 2
Oct 19, 202015:08
122: Enthusiasm Makes The Difference Part 1
Oct 12, 202012:48
121: Fall Self-care Ideas
Oct 05, 202011:19
120: Is 2020 breaking moms? Making us stronger?
Sep 28, 202012:43
119: 4 Things I Learned From Having a Mom-Meltdown
Sep 25, 202011:32