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Pastor’s Pad

Pastor’s Pad

By Paddy McCoy

A conversation around spiritual insights from the day-2-day, tools for walking with Jesus, and wisdom from Scripture and friends.
Currently playing episode

March 22, 2020

Pastor’s PadMar 22, 2020

Holy Spirit Wow, Part 4

Holy Spirit Wow, Part 4

We know the Spirit is always at work, but we can often only see how and where in hindsight. There are, however, a handful of moments where you can see that work and pinpoint it in the moment. Today we’ll share one of those times.
May 26, 202011:07
Holy Spirit Wow, Part 3

Holy Spirit Wow, Part 3

Today’s episode continues the journey of the work of the Holy Spirit, with tips of how to stay in tune with that work in your life even though like wind we can’t see the Spirit but we can feel his effects. May you be encouraged today.
May 25, 202012:57
Holy Spirit Wow, Part 2

Holy Spirit Wow, Part 2

I have seen and learned in my life that even in the darkest of times, God is still at work, even when it doesn’t feel like it. Today a story that is one of my favorites that I hope blesses you and helps you find courage and hope even if you’re in one of those tough seasons in life.
May 19, 202012:55
Holy Spirit Wow

Holy Spirit Wow

According to Jesus, we are not alone. We have been given the Holy Spirit as our guide, our teacher, our comforter, our helper. But so many times we can only see His work in hindsight. Sometimes in life we are blessed to see, in the moment, what He’s up too. Listen today as we reflect on both times in our lives with stories of hope that will encourage your walk.
May 18, 202015:13
Fear’s Lies

Fear’s Lies

We are living in a moment when fear seems to be consuming more and more people. Conspiracy theories, what will happen next, it seems to be all we can talk about. Scripture has loads of commands to not fear or not be afraid. As followers of Jesus, we need to be voices of hope in the storm, still while others scramble, living in quiet confidence in the Lord’s Presence.
May 15, 202013:60
Jesus. All.

Jesus. All.

My life changed when I remembered my first love, Jesus. In today’s episode I’ll share about how and when I discovered a taste of what the apostle Paul said when he reflected that he considered everything rubbish except for the knowledge of know Jesus Christ as Lord.
May 13, 202012:34
A Cup of Cool Water

A Cup of Cool Water

Are you craving anything during this time of sheltering in place and isolation? Maybe a hug from a friend or a sit down meal at your favorite restaurant? What if taking some time to comfort someone else with whatever their cup of cool water is, could bring you the same kind of comfort as these things? In today’s podcast we’ll jump from 2 Samuel to Mark 9 to find a cup of cool water.
May 12, 202011:40
Hopelessly Devoted to You

Hopelessly Devoted to You

If you want to see change in your life, you’ve got it be all in. If you want fruit of the Spirit, then seek to live a full life “worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:27). Let us be voices of hope in a broken and scared world; gospel livers in a world of self lovers.
May 11, 202012:24
Learning to Be

Learning to Be

Our lives are so full of noise that it’s hard to find a quiet moment to sit and just be, but that’s exactly what we need especially in our walk with Jesus. Today’s episode speaks to this important skill to learn, gives some tips, and invites us all to learn to be still and know He is God.
May 08, 202012:57
Our Moms and Our Faith

Our Moms and Our Faith

As Mother’s Day approaches we have the opportunity to thank and appreciate all of those who have spoken into our lives truth and wisdom, who have cared for us in ways that we probably can’t even measure, and people that have passed on their faith. Jesus had a mom too, and moms are critical into our faith journey. Let’s reflect on them today and appreciate them this week even more than normal.
May 06, 202013:12
One Anothering

One Anothering

There are days when life is just hard and you fee the weight of the world on your shoulders. Jesus taught us to do life with one another, and I think when we practice living that way, the weight gets lifted even if just a little.
May 05, 202010:32
Excuses, Excuses

Excuses, Excuses

So many times in life, when Jesus calls, the first thing we do is to look at ourselves and find all the reasons we can’t possibly do what He’s asking of us. We look at the external circumstances we can see and fail to see the bigger picture. We’ll talk today about a way to stop looking at ourselves and trust in the One who calls.
May 04, 202011:53
A Puppy & A Life Lesson

A Puppy & A Life Lesson

What can we learn from how a puppy takes a walk on a leash that can teach us about life, God, and Bis commandments? I’ll tell you.
Apr 30, 202011:53
Deflating Great Expectations

Deflating Great Expectations

Our personal expectations can be difficult to navigate when it comes to our relationships. We can either be greatly fulfilled or depleted based on expectations. In this podcast we’ll talk about how right sizing those expectations can help move our walk with Jesus from a consumer to a covenant relationship.
Apr 29, 202013:49
Lean In & Hold On

Lean In & Hold On

How do you weather a storm? We can learn a lesson from White Water Rafting as well as Mark 4 on the best way to survive a storm which involves learning to lean in and hold on to Jesus.
Apr 28, 202011:15
Let’s Party!

Let’s Party!

I’m afraid it’s true; Jesus loved to party. He surrounded Himself with people whether it was 2 or 3 or 500. And what about those early pictures of Jesus? The ones where He’s always serious? They don’t show a full picture. Jesus was full of life and joy, the life of the party. You and I need to party too; to enjoy life and grow with God and people.
Apr 27, 202003:23
Just One Word

Just One Word

One word can be so powerful, especially when the one word is spoken by the Word. Find out how One word spoken by Jesus changed everything.
Apr 24, 202009:31
Learning to Pray

Learning to Pray

How do you start your day? Snooze? Coffee? Cold shower? Jesus was often found out early in the morning, while it was still dark, praying. Today’s podcast shares why this may help yourself day go better as well as four prayers that I find meaningful to recite daily as a part of my prayer closet time.
Apr 22, 202017:07
Hide, Seek, and Find God

Hide, Seek, and Find God

Remember playing hide and go seek? Well, in much of life it can seem like God is hiding but then you find out He wants to be found. Listen and see how and where to look.
Apr 21, 202009:46
Our Anxiety & God’s Desire

Our Anxiety & God’s Desire

As our circumstances continue to keep us isolated and our future unclear, many are struggling with anxiety. Sometimes, anxiety can be fueled, or at least aggravated by, a wrong picture of God. Today’s podcast focuses on Gods desire, and how knowing that desire can give us peace.
Apr 20, 202015:53
The Psalms - Life & the Cross

The Psalms - Life & the Cross

The Psalms are a collection of prayer songs, and when you read through them like a journal, they reflect how life is like. They also reflect a way to live life with our eyes on God at all times. Psalm 22 is a perfect example and we’ll talk about how Jesus might have sung it from the cross.
Apr 17, 202009:41
The Power in Withness

The Power in Withness

When Jesus small group of followers received the Holy Spirit after His ascension, miracles began spilling out everywhere and the disciples spoke in the power of the Spirit. People took note that they had been WITH Jesus and no one could stop the spread of the good news that Jesus was alive!
Apr 16, 202012:39
Doubt and Calling

Doubt and Calling

Sometimes we think doubt and faith are opposites, but maybe they compliment each other and work together. Either way, Jesus still calls us to walk with Him and help others do the same even with our doubt. Reflect today on the Ascension of Jesus after His resurrection and how He speaks to all the above.
Apr 14, 202012:38
Resurrection Mystery & Proof

Resurrection Mystery & Proof

God and His work will always have mystery, if not then He’d be a human construct and not divine. However, concerning the mystery of the resurrection of Jesus Christ there are some evidences that can Ay least tell us it did, indeed, happen.
Apr 13, 202014:19
Good Friday, Really?

Good Friday, Really?

We call today Good Friday today because we know how the story ends, but for those followers of Jesus going through it just over 2,000 years ago, it was far from good. Reflect today and all that He endured for you and for me.
Apr 10, 202011:58
The Garden Battle & Ours

The Garden Battle & Ours

On Thursday night of Holy Week, Jesus began the battle of a lifetime, no, of eternity. He began to suffer the feeling of being ripped apart from a relationship that has always existed, the relationship of the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They did that all for us. In His suffering we come even closer to Him. Listen, reflect, and fall in love with the Savior
Apr 10, 202014:14
Showing the FULL extent of LOVE

Showing the FULL extent of LOVE

On the Thursday of Holy Week we are told that Jesus did something to show the full extent of His, but that something might surprise you. Learn what it was and why it’s so amazing, and how it’s our call to receive that love and then share that love.
Apr 09, 202015:38
Just Jesus and Me-Wednesday of Holy Week

Just Jesus and Me-Wednesday of Holy Week

You know those moments in life you wished know one saw or knew about? What if some of life’s moments are meant to be shared with others but just enjoyed between you and Jesus?
Apr 08, 202009:08
Gaining Access to God_Matthew 21: 12-17

Gaining Access to God_Matthew 21: 12-17

Have you ever wanted to gain access to someone that was off limits? A hero? A celebrity? One of the things Jesus did during Holy Week was to remove the obstacles between us and God. Find out how in this episode.
Apr 07, 202012:31
It’s Good News, Right?_Matthew 5:6

It’s Good News, Right?_Matthew 5:6

We are always skeptical when someone tells us they have good news and bad news, which do you want first? As we begin Easter week, we’ll reflect each day on the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus and today, a guiding principle for life’s toughest moments - even in the worst of times, God is right here with us - and that’s really good news.
Apr 06, 202013:20
Committing to the One - Hosea 2:19-20

Committing to the One - Hosea 2:19-20

Some people talk about finding “the one” person that they were made for, but that’s a dangerous belief. This episode will explore why and how the right answer can help you grow in your walk with Jesus.
Apr 03, 202015:14
Who is greater, me or ...? John 3:30

Who is greater, me or ...? John 3:30

Humility is a quality that seems to be running scarce in our world. We go to war over posts we disagree with, party divides are even more divided, and people know Christianity more for what we’re against than what we’re for? Jesus lives differently and it’s time we let Him back as the lead in our lives.
Apr 02, 202010:29
What would God say?_Matthew 3:17

What would God say?_Matthew 3:17

If you could hear God just one time, what would you want Him to say? In this episode I’ll share about a time I heard God speak, and what He said, and how that just might be His most important message to us all.
Apr 01, 202011:19
What do you lack?_Psalm 23 Prayer

What do you lack?_Psalm 23 Prayer

What is it you lack? Some of us might think of external things - clothing, TP, money, others may think internal - peace, joy, security, but if the Lord is leading in our lives we can find that we lack nothing.
Mar 31, 202006:49
What’s Most Important? - Luke 10:38-42

What’s Most Important? - Luke 10:38-42

What would your closest friend say is the most important thing in your life? Today’s thought comes from Luke 10 and involves Jesus telling us what one thing matters most and how it can’t be taken away no matter what our circumstances bring.
Mar 30, 202011:13
Grief and Jesus - John 11:35

Grief and Jesus - John 11:35

We all grieve, especially now. We grief the loss of something or someone we looked forward to in our future. Jesus knows grief all too well and comes by our side in the midst of it all.
Mar 27, 202010:12
Anxiety and Jesus - Matthew 6

Anxiety and Jesus - Matthew 6

In these turbulent times, anxiety creeps in, seeking to steal away our joy, our time. Hear some insights from Jesus on anxiety from a person who struggles with anxiety.
Mar 26, 202009:24
Learning to be WITH - Mark 3:14

Learning to be WITH - Mark 3:14

When we love life WITH others we do thinks to help us grow in what it means to be WITH. Jesus calls us to be WITH Him before we do anything for Him. Practice living WITH.
Mar 25, 202010:14
An Invite to Rest - Mark 6:31

An Invite to Rest - Mark 6:31

Why is it so hard for us to rest? Jesus invites us to rest which is to trust that we aren’t the center of the world, He is.
Mar 24, 202010:02
An Intro and Isolation in Luke 4:1-14

An Intro and Isolation in Luke 4:1-14

How Jesus’ time in the wilderness compares to our times today, and how He navigated His journey to return in the power of the Spirit.
Mar 23, 202014:02
March 22, 2020

March 22, 2020

Mar 22, 202000:51