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Plant-Based Superpower Mom Podcast

Plant-Based Superpower Mom Podcast

By Emily Wood

This podcast is for providing guidance for moms making the transition to a more plant-based lifestyle for themselves and their families.

Moms on any level of plant-based living are invited to listen to the podcast. No judgement here : )

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Episode #16 What's Your Impact with Emily Wood, RD

Plant-Based Superpower Mom PodcastOct 09, 2019

The Science of Eating Raw with Sharon Cryan
Nov 27, 201951:41
Episode #17 How To Raise Kids That Love To Eat Healthy with Dr. Yami Cazorla-Lancaster, MD

Episode #17 How To Raise Kids That Love To Eat Healthy with Dr. Yami Cazorla-Lancaster, MD

About Dr. Yami:

Dr. Yami is a board-certified pediatrician, national board-certified health and wellness coach, author and professional speaker. She is a passionate promoter of healthy lifestyles, especially the power of plant-based diets for the prevention of chronic disease. She founded where she provides information on plant-based diets for children, and hosts the podcast Veggie Doctor Radio. She obtained a certificate in plant-based nutrition in 2013, is a certified Food for Life Instructor, and a Jack Canfield Success Principles Certified Trainer. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Dr. Yami owns Nourish Wellness, a pediatric micro-practice in Yakima, WA where she lives with her husband and two active sons. Her book, A Parent’s Guide to Intuitive Eating: How to Raise Kids Who Love to Eat Healthy will be released fall 2019. You can find out more about Dr. Yami at

Oct 24, 201943:39
Episode #16 What's Your Impact with Emily Wood, RD
Oct 09, 201911:09
Episode #15 Starting Your Plant-Based Baby on Solids With Karin Gibson

Episode #15 Starting Your Plant-Based Baby on Solids With Karin Gibson

About Karin:

My name is Karin Gibson and I am a registered dietitian in Sweden currently living in New York City working as a Plant-Based Nutrition Coach. I earned my Bachelor of Science in Dietetics from the University of Gothenburg, and I am also certified in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. After working for a few years as a dietitian in Sweden, clinically and privately, I found my passion: using the power of plants to help people develop a lifestyle that optimizes health and prevents disease.

Since I became a mother my interest naturally grew further into focusing in women’s health and helping women to thrive on a plant-based diet during precious life stages such as pregnancy and breastfeeding. As a natural step after that, I started specializing in plant-based diets for children. Now my main focus is helping parents with nutritional guidance and practical tips on how to raise happy healthy well nourished plant-based children.

I currently coach private clients in New York City where I live with my husband and one year old daughter.

You can learn more about Karin at or on IG @grazinggreens

Sep 25, 201949:27
Episode #14 Raising Vegan Kids with Laura Poole
Sep 11, 201937:37
Episode #13 The Plant-Based Superpower Mom - Here To Stay!

Episode #13 The Plant-Based Superpower Mom - Here To Stay!

After doing a lot of reflection on where my true passion lies, I have decided to continue the Plant-Based Superpower Mom Podcast. Check out this weeks episode to get the full story.

Thank you for being a continued supporter of the Plant-Based Superpower Mom Podcast!

Sep 04, 201904:32
Episode #12: A Simple Green Smoothie A Day With Jen Hansard
Jun 17, 201938:45
Episode #11 Changing Your Life and Carving Your Path with Sarah Goodenough, RN
Jun 04, 201956:27
Episode #10: Do You Have Time to Pay Attention with Katherine Conte, MA, C-IAYT

Episode #10: Do You Have Time to Pay Attention with Katherine Conte, MA, C-IAYT

About Katherine:


For over 20 years I have been committed to natural health and personal development. My focus, whether teaching individuals or working with groups, is helping people regain health and discover and fulfill their innate purpose in life. I integrate the rich tools of lifestyle medicine, including breath training, mindfulness, yoga therapy, and a nutrient-dense diet into health care and research-based programs. Here are some of the ways I apply health and wellness coaching to varied populations and needs:

Stress Management for Heart Disease

As a trained Stress Management Specialist with the Dr. Dean Ornish Lifestyle Heart Reversal Program, I teach groups of medical patients about the impact of stress on heart health and how to use proven methods to break the damaging cycle of stress.

Yoga & Mental Health Research

I am honored to contribute to evidence-based research testing the efficacy of yoga as therapy for mental health. I serve as an expert consultant for two NCCHI funded research studies: lead yoga investigator for Treatments for Improving Mood Disorders in Teens and a consultant for Yoga for Chronic Pain in MAT Patients. Both studies are with Brown University and Butler Hospital, RI.  The outcomes of these trials could have valuable and far-reaching promise for the future of mental health.

Health Coaching & Yoga Therapy

Working with adults and adolescents I provide Stress Management, Yoga Therapy, and Lifestyle Training using evidence-based models that honor the integrity and strength of individuals and their readiness for change.  While mentoring private clients my focus is to guide with clarity and care that inspires self awareness and meaningful change along the health spectrum.

Lifestyle Program Development

From 2006-2015 I founded & directed Focus Yoga (East Greenwich, RI) where

I developed and led a wealth of lifestyle trainings including: The Science & Practice of Breath; Stress Management: a Natural Approach; and, Eat Life! Plant-Based Nutrition Made Easy. I provide professional training programs for corporate groups, healthcare workers and yoga teachers. 

My education and professional trainings include:

• MA, Art Therapy, Cal State LA

• MA, Religious Studies, Providence College

• Dean Ornish Lifestyle Medicine Facilitator

• International Association of Yoga Therapist,  Certified Yoga Therapist

• Trauma Informed Yoga Therapist (APA Approved)

• Unified Mindfulness Facilitator

• Natural Healers Counseling Program, with Tom Monte

• Certified Macrobiotics Counselor

• Overcome Anxiety Clinic Facilitator

• Hanna Somatic Yoga Instructor 

For more info on the Embracing Plant-Based Mastermind Group click HERE: 

May 20, 201947:21
Episode #9 Tackling Inflammation and Endometriosis with Jennifer Zee

Episode #9 Tackling Inflammation and Endometriosis with Jennifer Zee


Jennifer has worked as a fitness model, fitness competitor and stylist. She has obtained numerous health, wellness and fitness certificates including CrossFit Coaching, Olympic Weightlifting, Movement & Mobility, Muscle Activation Techniques and a certification in Plant Based Nutrition and Nutrition and Healthy Living from Cornell University. In addition to these courses, Jennifer has completed the Women’s Health certification through Dr. Pam Popper’s Wellness Forum Health.

After years of suffering from intense ‘stomach’ pain, Jennifer was diagnosed with endometriosis and was able to take complete control of her health, get strong, and achieve a state of well-being that she didn’t think was attainable.

Jennifer specializes in helping individuals with inflammatory conditions thrive through three powerful elements: Food + Fitness + Wellness. She knows first-hand how being dedicated to plant powered food, fitness and self-care can improve everything from inflammation, unbalanced moods, poor performance in the gym, low energy levels, and various skin conditions.  

Jennifer is the creator of an online summit with 20 world-renowned plant-based experts, from a 4 time championship basketball player and plant-based advocate to the world’s top cardiologists, all sharing their journey and insights on plant-based living with Jennifer Zee.

Jennifer leads by example and has created a sustainable, fun and happy lifestyle full of energy, passion and dedication.

Featured In:

The Vegan Ambition Podcast

Vegan Magazine

Social Media Links:





Apr 22, 201936:40
Episode #8 Finding Your Why with Emily Wood, RD
Apr 08, 201918:34
Episode #7 Reversing Diabetes and Ditching the Meds with Melissa O'Grady

Episode #7 Reversing Diabetes and Ditching the Meds with Melissa O'Grady

Melissa's story: 

I have always struggled with my weight.  I can remember being slightly chubby from around the age of 5, but everything got worse when at the age of 8 we moved from the city to another local suburb.  I struggled to make new friends, and began to be picked on.  Like so many others, I found comfort in food.  This lead to my highest weight of about 225 pounds by the time I was 20.  On my small 5’1″ frame it looked worse.

Shortly after getting married to my ex-husband I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes!  I went to the doctor for a checkup after having a miscarriage, and I walked out of the office with 6 prescriptions for pills, meter, strips, and not really knowing what Diabetes even was.

While I realize now my low/no carb approach was unsustainable for me, I did lower my A1c, lose 50 pounds and get pregnant with my son! But after my first pregnancy I struggled.  I would yo-yo with both my weight, losing the same 20 pounds over and over again, but also with my diabetes.  My A1c was all over the place, anywhere from 11 to 5.1! I tried so many different diets, shakes, extreme workouts, pink drinks, pills, etc, and nothing worked longer that a few weeks or months.  

I went from Metformin, to insulin, to Victoza-until I got a lump in my neck from it. Around the same time I also experienced knee inflammation.  I have an old knee injury and some arthritis from it, but now my knee was the size of a grapefruit, for no reason! 

I couldn’t walk for a month.  I was stuck on the couch, peeing in a garbage can!  My husband was transitioning from his day job to a higher paying evening job, so he would get the kids on the bus, leave all day, come home for an hour, feed and bath our daughter, and then leave all night.  My butt went numb from sitting and laying.  I had tennis elbow from lifting myself, and then carpal tunnel in both wrists from switching to them.  I was at ROCK BOTTOM

This was when I knew I had to make a complete change.  This just wasn’t working.  Everyday I felt like I was slowly dying instead of living and thriving.  We had watched Forks Over Knives, Hungry For Change, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 1 & 2, Food Matters, and so many other documentaries before but just never did anything.  Now we were ready!  We tried one day, a Saturday, eating a 100% WFPB diet.  This was rebirth

 Immediately I noticed changes.  I had to start lowering my insulin because I was having lows and waking up in the 50’s.  I was sleeping better.  I had energy.  I was losing weight.  And my knee was straight and normal after just 2 weeks.  After 4 weeks I was completely OFF insulin! For the first time in my life I felt like I was living instead of dying.  This is why I don’t cheat or why I haven’t “fallen off the wagon” Because no junk food is better than how I feel everyday! I have since lost a total of 82 pounds since switching to a WFPB lifestyle (or 107 pounds if you go off my highest weight of 225)! 

 From the start I made videos on my YouTube Channel and created my Facebook page: Plant Based Melissa.  I’ve been reading book after book and just recently received my Certification in Holistic Nutrition.  Food is powerful and can truly help so many ailments and diseases.  It’s about embracing your “why,” educating yourself on this lifestyle and never looking back. 

Apr 01, 201942:01
Episode #6 Changing Your Life and Reclaiming Your Health with Heather Kaufman

Episode #6 Changing Your Life and Reclaiming Your Health with Heather Kaufman


Heather's Story:

My husband, Tim, started on his plant-based journey in 2011 for his health. He was very sick and desperate—and honestly I was worried he wouldn’t live another year. But now he is in incredible health, and I have seen firsthand the lifesaving results from his new way of eating and other healthy habits.

When Tim made the switch, I fully supported him. I ate more plant-based foods, but for some reason I never went completely plant-based.

In 2014 I was diagnosed with a uterine fibroid that was bigger than a grapefruit. The fibroid was putting pressure on the ureter to my right kidney, so it had to be removed. In 2015 I had a total hysterectomy. During the surgery and hospital stay I had flashbacks to my mother’s long days and nights at the hospital as she battled leukemia. My dear mother had lost her battle with cancer, and I vowed the day after my own surgery that I would never set foot in a hospital again if I had anything to do with it. While I couldn’t control everything that happens to me, I could control what I put in my body. I flipped the switch and went 100 percent plant-based and never looked back.

As a result of making my health a priority, I have lost 90 pounds over the past three years, and I have become a competitive runner. The running began when my husband asked me to run a 5k with him. Then we did a 10k. After my first half marathon I really fell in love with running and being outside. Running makes me feel free. I love the time away from all the distractions around us, listening to my music, and reflecting on everything I’m blessed with. I love setting goals to become better and I never would have dreamed I would become an ultramarathoner. The finish lines and medals are fun, but the best part is spending time with my husband and enjoying the running community.

Now that Tim and I are both plant-based and active together, our marriage is thriving. We feel like teenagers, and we’re enjoying life to its fullest. We are passionate about showing others how to transition to a plant-based lifestyle through our classes, social media, and potlucks.

Check out Tim and Heather's new cookbook, Fat Man's Not So Fancy 40 Quick and Easy Plant-Based Food Recipes HERE.

Mar 25, 201919:08
Episode #5: Food Sensitivities and Thyroid Health with Emily Kyle, RD
Mar 18, 201925:02
Episode #4: What You Need to Know About Vegan Pregnancies with Dr. Reed Mangels, RD
Mar 11, 201940:10
Episode #3: Mom After More with Tatiana Amico

Episode #3: Mom After More with Tatiana Amico


Tatiana Amico is a mother who understands firsthand what life as a busy mom, who also has desires for more, looks like, is passionate about showing other mothers what is possible for them, and that they can create the lives they desire. She decided to leave corporate America and become a stay at home mom with her first son. Soon after, she realized she was meant to do more, and wanted to help her family financially. So, she decided to start a business from home, so she could contribute financially, while still being home with her son. 

She is a certified Health Coach, successful entrepreneur, influencer, speaker, podcaster, and business mentor. She specializes in helping women gain clarity on what it is they want in their lives, realize their potential, take action, and see massive results. 

Tatiana has been trained and mentored by some of the most incredible coaches in the world. She believes that creating a better world begins with individuals taking care of the health – body & mind, so she began business in 2014 by joining a health & fitness network marketing company. She built up a highly successful business quickly by helping hundreds of women with their health, and building a team of wellness entrepreneurs.  

Tatiana believes every woman is deserving and capable of going after more, and living a life they desire and deserve. She is excited to now take all her skills to not only continue to help women step up in their lives, go after their dreams, and make money building businesses they love!


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Mar 04, 201949:24
Episode #2: Transitioning Your Family to the Plant-Based Lifestyle with Dr. Pamela Fergusson, RD

Episode #2: Transitioning Your Family to the Plant-Based Lifestyle with Dr. Pamela Fergusson, RD


Dr. Pamela Fergusson is a Registered Dietitian with a PhD in nutrition, and over 15 years of experience with changing lives through better nutrition. She has worked as a lecturer in nutrition at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK and Ryerson University, Canada.

She has her own private practice in British Columbia, Canada.  Dr. Fergusson has been featured on the Food Heals Podcast, the Our Hen House Podcast and on the No Meat Athlete Podcast and Blog. She has also spoken at the Plant-Based Prevention of Disease conference, and the International Congress of Dietetics in Granada, Spain, and Dietitians of Canada 2018 conference in Vancouver. She is also a member of the Dietitians of Canada Leadership Team on Sustainable Food Systems Leadership Team, and the advisory boards of Balanced and Concious Eating Canada. She loves to spread the message of plant-based positivity.

Dr. Fergusson has worked as a Dietitian in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia for organizations such as Unicef and the World Food program. She has broad and diverse experience as she has worked in research and teaching as well as public health and clinical practice. She is fascinated by nutrition and loves bringing wellness and fitness into her own life. She eats a whole foods, plant-based diet and loves to cook and bake with her four children. Fitness brings joy to her life; she is a runner and speed walker and she has completed five half marathons, one marathon, two ultramarathons and one self-styled Ironman. She believes in the power of activity to help improve our mental and physical health. Dr. Fergusson brings all of this joy and experience to her practice.

Feb 25, 201935:33
Episode #1: Reaching the Next Level with Emily Wood, RD

Episode #1: Reaching the Next Level with Emily Wood, RD


An Intro to the Plant-Based Superpower Mom Podcast-a podcast for plant-based moms seeking to incorporate all components of living a plant based lifestyle, including food and far beyond.

As a mom, wife, and entrepreneur, I understand the challenges life can throw at you. That's why I believe so much in nourishing and energizing your body with whole plant-based foods. But the scope of living to your highest level of fulfillment goes way beyond what goes on your plate. That is what I would like to share with you through this podcast.

Join the free mom group at

Feb 19, 201925:57