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eCom Tips Podcasts

By Roger Keyserling COACHING - WEBSITES & ECOM ADULT EROTIC STORIES LGBT NOTE: Please Be Adult Age! Sexual Content and Language. Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Hot Dinner Date? What To Do? ❤️

eCom Tips PodcastsSep 15, 2021



Apr 26, 202300:22
Encounter with unusual dynamics
Jan 02, 202302:49:42
Roger's 💋 Relationship Checklist. 

Roger's 💋 Relationship Checklist. 

Roger's Relationship Thoughts

I must be honest with everyone. Out of all the couples that I meet within 5 to 10 minutes, I can quickly tell a few things.

1st. Most couples get together for 1 or 2 reasons. That is good for a play buddy. Not near enough to seriously date someone, let alone trust and be with them as a couple.

2nd. Most people think they know what they want. To some level, they do. But often, it changes quickly.

3rd. People lie to themselves almost constantly. They often wish things the way they are not.

I have done very well in my relationships. I have been happy and so have my lovers too. I seldom have the standard difficulties couples have, like excessively arguing.

My first ex-lover and I are still great friends. One day he was bitching about his new lover, and flat-out asked me why when we were together did we get along so well as a couple? He admitted he could not seem to get a new partner to work out.

I hesitated to tell him the real reasons. Most people do not accept the truth.

I thought about how am I going to say the reason is people are stupid and never take time to think. Always grab and jump in with no thought of the reality of their actions.

The most common behavior I have seen is people get caught up with the feelings before the really know the other person.

I formulated the things you need to consider to improve chances of developing a real and successful relationship.

Some questions to ask yourself:

What is my preferred relationship structure? What is my relationship orientation?

What level of commitment, time, and energy can I bring into this dynamic?

What are my current priorities?

Do my goals and dreams involve another person or other people? To what extent or degree am I willing to work toward that right now?

Here are some prompts that may help you figure out your negotiables and nonnegotiables:

Close your eyes and visualize where you see your life in 5 years. What do you see?

Make a list of your firm values

If you could abracadabra your dream partner(s) into being, what would they be like?

No two people are exactly alike. So even if you have a specific ‘type,’ you can still be intentional about seeking a variety of different characteristics in people with those similar core features

Are you dealing with general dating anxiety? Or is your anxiety caused by feeling unsafe about dating right now?

If it’s the latter, remember that it’s okay to wait until you feel comfortable.

What is my preferred relationship structure? What is my relationship orientation?

What level of commitment, time, and energy can I bring into this dynamic?

What are my current priorities?

Do my goals and dreams involve another person or other people? To what extent or degree am I willing to work toward that right now?

Here are some prompts that may help you figure out your negotiables and nonnegotiables:

Close your eyes and visualize where you see your life in 5 years. What do you see?

What Is A Healthy Relationship?

Every relationship is unique, and people come together for many different reasons. However, there are also some characteristics that most healthy relationships have in common, such as mutual respect, trust, and honesty. In a robust and healthy relationship, you also:

Maintain a meaningful emotional connection with each other. You each make the different feel loved and emotionally fulfilled.

Are able respectfully to disagree. It would help if you felt safe to express things that bother you without fear of retaliation and resolve conflict without humiliation, degradation, or insisting on being right.

Keep outside relationships and interests alive. To stimulate and enrich your romantic relationship, it’s essential to sustain your identity outside the relationship, preserve connections with family and friends, and maintain your hobbies and interests.

Communicate openly and honestly. Good communication is a vital part of any relationship
Dec 29, 202202:49:29
Adult Tips Collection & Handbook Included
Dec 29, 202203:18:53
What Adult Things I Learned Narrated & includes Spanish Version 💋
Dec 21, 202212:22:22
Adult Handbook & Encounters Collection Narrated
Dec 20, 202210:47:17
Journal Story And Adult Handbook Narrated
Dec 19, 202206:27:10
Roger's Adult 🗝️ Handbook English Spanish Greek French Chinese Narrations

Roger's Adult 🗝️ Handbook English Spanish Greek French Chinese Narrations free site no sign up etc.. English Spanish Greek French Chinese Versions Included
Dec 10, 202216:24:21
Business Growth Kit FREE RESOURCES 👍
Jul 26, 202206:24
Ultimate website guide with helpful tips 🧑‍💻
Feb 15, 202249:29
Valentine’s Day ❤️
Feb 14, 202204:09
Blogging Helpful Tips
Feb 13, 202209:29
Websites DYI and Keywebco Added Information and Services

Websites DYI and Keywebco Added Information and Services Building your website is easy and fast, thanks to Strikingly and Keywebco Services. But like any project, your new site will work better and look better if you plan a bit before you jump in.
This means understanding and including the most critical elements of a good website: features that help people find it, use it, connect to you, and so on.
Feb 12, 202211:48
Barbie Dolls Helpful Tips
Feb 11, 202206:13
Lonely? Why Really? 🤔
Feb 05, 202204:58
Essential things to remember when you’re in a serious relationship
Jan 30, 202204:32
Tips and Thoughts for a Positive Attitude 😊
Jan 13, 202205:32
Key Thought Today ☀️ How does your day look today? #1
Jan 05, 202201:38
Business Understanding Realistically
Dec 21, 202101:40:32
Lonely On A Friday Night

Lonely On A Friday Night

You know your old and forgotten when Friday night has passed and the only thing you were looking forward to was a message. Then it’s 3:30am Saturday and not one message came in 🤪

If you are feeling lonely on a Friday night and you have friends or family members you could call, you might decide the best way to tackle the issue is to reach out to someone. You might find that talking on the phone helps. Or, you might invite someone to spend time with you.

If you reach out to people and no one responds, you might feel even lonelier. But, then you’ll know to tackle the problem from a different angle. Address how you feel about being lonely, rather than try to connect with someone.

Why am I feeling lonely and depressed?
People experience loneliness, leading to depression, for a number of different reasons.
When it comes to loneliness, a person will typically feel alone when the relationships in their life lack the intensity, intimacy and authenticity that they need to feel content. It’s not necessarily about being physically surrounded by people—because you might feel especially lonely in a crowd—but about your mentality. When you feel lonely, it’s usually because you aren’t quite satisfied with what you have, whether it’s in that moment or throughout your life.
Loneliness happens for a number of reasons, including:
Losing someone close to you
Getting a divorce or ending a relationship
Retiring, becoming unemployed or changing jobs
Entering higher education or changing your school, college or university
Relocating to an area away from family, friends and colleagues
Going through seasonal events such as Christmas, birthdays or anniversaries
Experiencing a traumatic life event, particularly if it remains unaddressed
Experiencing a mental health condition or addiction, particularly if it remains unaddressed
There are also many reasons as to why people experience depression, many of which overlap with what can cause loneliness. These can include the following:
Experiencing trauma, especially during childhood
Going through a distressing life event such as losing your job, getting a divorce or losing someone you love
Struggling with serious and/or chronic physical health problems
Having a family history of depression or other mental health problems
Having previous experiences with mental health problems
Having certain personality traits such as being very self-critical or having low self-esteem
When people feel lonely and depressed, they will typically have low self-esteem too.
If you find that you constantly berate yourself for feeling down, think about what you’d say to a friend going through something like this and what you’d do to help them feel better. Rather than being self-critical, remember that you deserve compassion too, so treat yourself kindly in any moment when you aren’t feeling so good.

If you're feeling lonely because you don't believe any of your relationships are substantive, now's your chance to do something about it. Yeah, you might get rejected, but eventually you'll find someone.

Examine and enhance your current relationships
Which people in your life make you feel great? Make regular plans with them and try really hard to maintain these relationships. Even a regular phone or video chat can be a good way to connect.
Many people are ashamed to admit they feel lonely because they associate the experience with social isolation and otherness, he adds. But refusing to come to terms with your loneliness means putting off your chance to do something about it.
Doing something nice for other people can help you feel better. It may also help you feel more connected to the community.
Dec 11, 202103:57
About The Author ✍️ English - Spanish

About The Author ✍️ English - Spanish

About and Encounter & Seduction Secrets I have been around thousands of men. No, I have not slept with thousands of men. Well, maybe not, I don't think it was over a thousand. I was the owner of a large male performance company. I was young. Younger than many of the performers, so all of them opened up to me. In my personal life, I was not a person who had any trouble finding a man. I was handsome but, it takes much more than good looks to get the hottest or most successful men. If you want to have anybody you want and find your Mr. Right. Or if you want to find a Mr. Right now. With Almost 50 years of experience, with all types of men, I learned a lot. The 150 men I employed shared what they knew about men and their experiences with me too… to access the whole book get Members Access
Nov 30, 202140:18
Words Of Love ❤️

Words Of Love ❤️ transcript available messages of love ❤️
Nov 28, 202108:26
About the Author of Encounters & Seduction Secrets - Adult Content

About the Author of Encounters & Seduction Secrets - Adult Content

Encounter & Seduction Secrets I have been around thousands of men. No, I have not slept with thousands of men. Well, maybe not, I don't think it was over a thousand. I was the owner of a large male performance company. I was young. Younger than many of the performers, so all of them opened up to me. In my personal life, I was not a person who had any trouble finding a man. I was handsome but, it takes much more than good looks to get the hottest or most successful men. If you want to have anybody you want and find your Mr. Right. Or if you want to find a Mr. Right now. With Almost 50 years of experience, with all types of men, I learned a lot. The 150 men I employed shared what they knew about men and their experiences with me too… to access the whole book get Members Access
Nov 28, 202110:39
Hot Dinner Date? What To Do? ❤️
Sep 15, 202105:42
Getting Your Heart 💔 Broken
Sep 11, 202105:47
Safe Dating Online Tips ❤️
Sep 05, 202107:29
Gay Straight Encounters 🤔
Sep 04, 202105:29
Porn Good? Or Bad? 🤔
Sep 02, 202107:32
Seduction Tips ❤️
Sep 02, 202106:15
Things to do together 😍
Sep 02, 202111:31
How to tell if you have the right man 👨
Sep 01, 202106:18
Video Games Affects 🎮
Sep 01, 202104:02
Broken Heart 💔 What Now? Helpful Tips
Sep 01, 202107:15
Question To Ask A New Person
Aug 29, 202106:20
How to tell people you care for them
Aug 29, 202105:29
Romance Scams Hurt 😢 Helpful Tips
Aug 29, 202110:37
Earn Money Helpful Tips
Oct 28, 202019:26
Tips to be mindful

Tips to be mindful

Tips that help you
Sep 23, 202009:55
Coming Out?

Coming Out?

The Key 0:00
coming out and telling people about your sexual orientation or gender identity is called coming out. coming out is not necessarily a one off event, lesbian, gay, bi, and trans LGBT people may have to come out many times during their lives. It's also very individual and people may face different challenges when coming out. There is no one prescribed way to come out. You may feel comfortable being open about your sexual orientation and gender identity with some people, but not with others. Coming out may be difficult and takes courage. reactions to someone coming out can range from very positive to less welcoming. Once you have made the decision to tell people, you may want to think about how you tell them you may get to a point where you need to talk about it with someone to get support or simply get it off your chest. To hide who you are from other people often means lying and pretending You'll need to think about whether hiding is more or less stressful than being open about it. Don't feel under pressure to come out. Take your time. Only you will know when you feel comfortable and ready to do it. If you decide to come out but are unsure how others might react, you could consider making contact with the support group first. There are help lines, community groups and agencies across the country who are there to support and advise you. No matter what your situation is. Always remember you are just as worthy to be happy and free as anyone else. You can get more information at

Transcribed by
Sep 16, 202002:48
Money Saving Tips

Money Saving Tips

Saving Tips
Have a financial plan with savings and debt management goals.
Don't rely on financial windfalls from gambling or winning the lottery.
No payday loan, a car title loan, or other high-cost debt.
No credit card debt is debt increasing.
In addition, no credit card debt or unpaid monthly balances.
Affordable (or no) car and student loan debt payments.
Save a portion of your income.
In addition, save at least 5% of your income.
Have an emergency fund to cover $500 of unexpected expenses.
In addition, have enough in an emergency fund to cover three months of regular expenditures.
At work, contribute regularly to a retirement account.
Outside work, contribute regularly to an account for retirement.
Outside work, make these or other savings deposits automatically.
Own home with affordable (or no) mortgage payments.
Own home and expect to pay off the mortgage before retirement

Sep 15, 202007:14
How We Judge Looks
Sep 13, 202008:49
Invite to Adult 💋Keyhole 🌈
Sep 10, 202001:08
Cooking Healthy 🥘

Cooking Healthy 🥘

Tips to cook healthy
Sep 10, 202004:50
Blog Guide With Helpful Tips
Aug 07, 202011:14
100 Wellness Tips

100 Wellness Tips

Look at and hit the health tab in the menu for more. This narrative Source:
Jul 14, 202011:02
Is it safe to go out this summer?
Jul 14, 202006:32
Manic Monday Audio Keywebco Channel with Roger

Manic Monday Audio Keywebco Channel with Roger

Welcome! Helpful Tips Show Live Stream with Roger Keyserling  Showtime is at 7 pm CST Thurs. Daily Morning Live Streams Too! New Topics Each Show! Enjoy the show and I will answer the questions in groups through the show and my Daily Vlogs. and Please subscribe and help us reach our goal! Enjoy our eCom Tips Publication Podcast. Scroll through and enjoy 😊 Helpful Tips has a website for the show and you can see other shows too. Need a website?  This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. This Channel is not intended for children. No ”adult” type language or topics are generally discussed.

Jul 12, 202050:47
25 Gardening Tip From Online That Work

25 Gardening Tip From Online That Work

Find much more about gardening and more at Keywebco with our Blogs and Books all Free Too
Jul 03, 202005:60
Tips For July 4th

Tips For July 4th

According to the Red Cross these are some tips for this holiday
Jul 03, 202004:51
Top Ten Story Ideas

Top Ten Story Ideas

10 Best General Short Story Ideas
Our first batch of story ideas are for any kind of story, whether a spy thriller or a memoir of your personal life. According to
Here are the best story ideas:
Tell the story of a scar, whether a physical scar or emotional one. To be a writer, said Stephen King, “The only requirement is the ability to remember every scar.”
A group of children discover a dead body. Good writers don’t turn away from death, which is, after all, the universal human experience. Instead, they look it directly into its dark face and describe what they see on the page.
A young prodigy becomes orphaned. Orphans are uniquely vulnerable, and as such, they have the most potential for growth.
A middle-aged woman discovers a ghost. What do Edgar Allen Poe, Ron Weasley, King Saul from the Bible, Odysseus, and Ebenezer Scrooge have in common? They all encountered ghosts!
A woman who is deeply in love is crushed when her fiancé breaks up with her. “In life every ending is just a new beginning,” says Dakota Fanning’s character in Uptown Girls.
A talented young man’s deepest fear is holding his life back. Your character’s biggest fear is your story’s secret weapon. Don’t run from it, write about it.
A poor young boy or girl comes into an unexpected fortune. Not all fortunes are good. Sometimes discovering a fortune will destroy your life.
A shy, young woman unexpectedly bumps into her soulmate (literally bumps into him). In film, this is called the “meet cute,” when the hero bumps into the heroine in the hallway, knocking her books to the floor, and forcing them into conversation.
A long journey is interrupted by a disaster. Who hasn’t been longing to get to a destination only to be delayed by something unexpected? This is the plot of Gravity, The Odyssey, and even Lord of the Rings.
A young couple run into the path of a psychopath. Monsters, whether people who do monstrous things or scaly beasts or a monster of a natural disaster, reveal what’s really inside a person. Let your character fall into the path of a monster and see how they handle themselves.
Jun 30, 202003:59