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The Genuinely Interested Podcast

The Genuinely Interested Podcast

By Roy Ben-Tzvi

Become a Paid Subscriber: This podcast is an open platform where I can connect with people that I'm genuinely interested in - to hear their stories, their successes, and even their failures.
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Ep 131 Austin Cohen - Flexit CEO

The Genuinely Interested PodcastJun 13, 2022

Ep 143 Martin Gregus - My Wild Live

Ep 143 Martin Gregus - My Wild Live

Martin Gregus moved from Slovakia to Canada back in 2004, little did he imagine what the future might hold for him. Martin recently won the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year award from the Natural History Museum for his now-viral photo series chronicling the summer lives of polar bears on the western coast of Hudson Bay. The first time I saw those images on Instagram, I had a hard time believing they were real, I've just never seen polar bears shot in such a way or in such a setting before. His photos really show the bears in an intimate way, as if giving you a peek into their personal lives & personality. Martin has won multiple awards and has had his images published in many publications including the coveted National Geographic. In order to get these amazing photos Martin had to spend 33 days in the Canadian Arctic, getting close to the bears and making sure they are comfortable with his presence so that he can document their incredible lives.

Martin and I discussed:

  • Where his love of photography stems from
  • How one prepares for such an adventure in the Canadian Arctic
  • The patience needed in order to be a wildlife photographer
  • The Canadian government’s lack of environmental accountability
  • How he got comfortable being so close to Polar Bears
  • Why he feels that the indigenous community has been misrepresented
  • Learning from Wildlife
  • His insane growth on social media
  • The logistical undertaking of a 33-day Arctic expedition

And much much more...

Martin Gregus

My Take: That old quote "find what you love and let it kill you" while extreme has kernels of truth in it. If you believe in what you're doing, all the sacrifices made in the name of achieving that goal are worth it, and all the hardships & hurdles are but the price you must pay before you arrive at your destination.

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Apr 24, 202352:51
Ep 142 Oren Schauble - The Product Guy

Ep 142 Oren Schauble - The Product Guy

Oren Schauble is a product & brand advisor to B2C brands, but also a content-creating machine!

He was the President of the public CPG company, Unrivaled Brands. Prior to that, he worked as a product development and marketing executive specializing in regulated and luxury products. In addition, he recently launched Hyper, he runs a newsletter and community for building physical products in our modern world and is part of the Builders Build Podcast. In addition to all that he regularly puts out video content breaking down trends, products, brands, and more in a fun, digestible fashion that is always entertaining to watch (and learn from).

To say he is a busy guy would be an understatement!

Oren and I discussed:

  • The importance of creating a personal brand
  • Why you don't need to reinvent the wheel in order to start a company
  • Content creation
  • Breaks down product development
  • The cannabis business
  • Lifestyle businesses
  • Finding your niche
  • How to find the right platform for your brand
  • How to "beat" the algorithm

And so much more...

Oren Schauble

My Take: If you intend to grow on the internet, regardless of whether it is your own brand or a company, it pays dividends to invest in promoting yourself in the space in which you reside. Being part of a community, regularly sharing information and insights, and helping, but also learning is a great way for you to grow and cultivate the niche that you are actively involved in. Remember, sprint, not marathon, don't be deflated if things don't "blow up" overnight, the long game is the right game to play.

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Mar 27, 202351:33
Ep 141 Karoliina Arm - Future UFC Superstar
Mar 13, 202301:09:58
Ep 140 Frankie Spontelli - Through The Lens
Feb 27, 202301:11:04
Ep 139 Tibo - Zero to Millions $$ in 18 Months!
Feb 06, 202301:03:08
Ep 138 Andrew Hamilton & Andrea Sansone - King and Queen of 14ers!
Jan 09, 202301:16:47
Ep 137 Neel Parekh - Growing A Remote Business

Ep 137 Neel Parekh - Growing A Remote Business

Neel Parekh is the founder and CEO of MaidThis® & MaidThis® Franchise, which helps homeowners and short-term rental hosts (Airbnb, VRBO, etc) with their cleaning needs. They are the first cleaning franchise that specializes in short-term rental cleaning. The exciting aspect of all of this is that Neel created and scaled this lucrative business all while being fully remote - both him, and his team. Neel has been living the "digital nomad" lifestyle for many years, meaning he travels the world, while still working on his business full-time. 

Recently Neel decided he wanted to help other entrepreneurs who want freedom, so he created MaidThis® Franchise allowing other entrepreneurs to copy the blueprint in their local area. 

Neel and I discussed:

  • What it means to be a digital nomad
  • Where he got the idea to start MaidThis®
  • Some of his favorite countries 
  • How many people he has on his team
  • His advice for entrepreneurs just starting out
  • The initial hurdles he ran into, and how he overcame them
  • Why you don't need passion to run a business
  • Mental health in the US vs other countries
  • The benefits of travel

And so much more...

Neel Parekh

My Take: Technology has changed not only the dynamics, but the whole notion of what it means to work. From the days of working out in the field to grow our food, to the mines to source our energy, and then to the office space.  The workplace has forever been an evolving 'idea' - that has changed and adapted to the tune of the times. Nowadays, and moving forward, our definition of what it means to have a full-time job and go to the "office" is forever changed - which is an exciting concept with varied potential.

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Aug 08, 202251:51
Ep 136 Dr. David Rabin - Are Psychedelics The Answer?

Ep 136 Dr. David Rabin - Are Psychedelics The Answer?

Dr. Dave Rabin, MD, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist, board-certified psychiatrist, health tech entrepreneur & inventor who has been studying the impact of chronic stress in humans for over 15 years. He is the co-founder & chief innovation officer at Apollo Neuroscience, which has developed the first scientifically-validated wearable technology that actively improves sleep, relaxation, focus, and calm, using a novel touch therapy that signals safety to the brain. 

Dr. Rabin is a staunch supporter of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Just like anything, these drugs in the right setting can be an extremely beneficial & powerful tool that can help people heal past trauma and potentially even improve our general mental health. 

David and I discussed:

  • Why Ketamine assisted therapy is the only current legal psychedelic 
  • The wrongful stigma psychedelic drugs have 
  • He explains what Apollo Neuro is
  • We cover the "right to try clarification act" and its potential benefits
  • Why mental health is in such a decline nationwide 
  • The importance of touch
  • The potential benefits of psychedelic drugs under the right guidelines 
  • The illusion of uniquenesses 
  • The mind-body connection with regard to mental health 

And so much more...

Dr. David Rabin 

Apollo Neuro

My Take: There's more we don't know than we do know. There are many plants, drugs, and natural ways that are deemed "bad" in a general sense but can heal people and have been found to be quite powerful under the right circumstances. Instead of demonizing drugs or plants (which are inherently not good or bad), we should be open to exploring and seeing if indeed there is a potential for good. 

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Aug 01, 202201:18:20
Ep 135 - Alex Heiden - The 21 Year Old CEO

Ep 135 - Alex Heiden - The 21 Year Old CEO

Alex Heiden is the founder and CEO of Closify His track record at such a young age only points to the fact that taking risks (calculated ones) is a worthwhile endeavor as the upside x the downsides. Alex's story should be an inspiration to any young person out there considering dabbling in entrepreneurship. Alex recently launched Trackify (a new endeavor), and in the future, he plans to launch more sister companies that will all complement and work in unison under the Closify eco-system/umbrella.

Alex and I discussed: 

  • Being a very young CEO & Founder
  • The importance of good mentors
  • Being a student-athlete
  • The trajectory that led to him starting Closify and what the company does
  • Why founders/CEOs should focus more on creating an online brand via social media
  • Alex explains what dropshipping is 
  • Starting multiple companies 
  • Why they’ve been bootstrapping the business 
  • Why colleges in their current format will become obsolete 
  • How to grow on Twitter

And much more...

Alex Heiden

My Take: Take risks, especially when you are young - it's the best time. Before the marriage, the kids, the mortgage. Use that cloak of invisibility that covers you when you are in your 20s. Use it to take risks and chase dreams - build and fail, or succeed. At least you dared to do it, a luxury you might not have later on in life. So ya, take risks - dare to be great!

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Jul 18, 202201:01:35
Ep 134 Yossi Ghinsberg - Surviving the Jungle

Ep 134 Yossi Ghinsberg - Surviving the Jungle

Yossi is an Israeli adventurer, author, entrepreneur, humanitarian, and motivational speaker - known for his survival story when he was stranded in an uncharted part of the Bolivian Amazon jungle for three weeks in 1981. 

Inspired by the book Papillon by Henri Charriere, in 1981 Yossi decided he wanted to find his own adventure. He worked several jobs to save enough money to travel to South America in the hopes of exploring the uninhabited heart of the Amazon Jungle

In Bolivia, Yossi met a mysterious Austrian who claimed to be a geologist. This man offered to take Yossi and his new friends deep into the jungle, with the promise to see the indigenous tribes who lived there undisturbed- an opportunity Yossi and his friends capitalized on. 

This quest deep in the Amazon led to the eventual death of 2 out of the 4 people involved. As for Yossi, he spent 3 weeks deep in the jungle, with no food, compass, proper clothing, or really any way of defending himself against the weather, the animals, and harshest of all - the solitude. 

His time in the jungle, his rescue, his life after, the book he wrote, and the subsequent movie adaption have all been part of his long journey which I was eager to talk to Yossi about.

Yossi and I discussed:

  • How he survived those weeks in the jungle, and how hallucinations saved him
  • The hardest thing for him while in the jungle, and why he thinks that survival is peak performance
  • A close encounter with a Jaguar, almost drowning, and eating monkeys 
  • The incredible story of how he was eventually saved/rescued
  • The movie adaptation of Yossi's story, "The Jungle", and seeing Daniel Radcliffe play him
  • His admiration for Daniel Radcliffe
  • Why he only sleeps in tents
  • Yossi's return back to the jungle, and living there for 3 years (close to where he almost died)
  • How he helps the local indigenous community through ecotourism 

And much more...

Yossi Ghinsberg

My Take: When everything is stripped from you and death is staring you in the face, you quickly realize a sobering fact, which is - all you have to rely on in this world - is yourself! While at the moment that can be frightening, in the long run, I imagine that feeling to be a liberating and empowering feeling. Speaking to Yossi and having had an experience myself, I tend to believe this truth more and more. 

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Jul 11, 202201:33:57
Ep 133 Jacob Pechenik - Grow Your Own Food

Ep 133 Jacob Pechenik - Grow Your Own Food

Jacob Pechenik is the founder & CEO of Lettuce Grow, which he co-founded with his now ex-wife Zooey Deschanel. When they learned what goes into their food (additives, processed foods, toxic agricultural chemicals, and food miles), they decided to create a system that allows everyone to grow 20% of their own fresh food at home with no pesticides and 95% less water than traditional agriculture. 

Jacob has had a very successful and somewhat unconventional career, as he has dabbled in a few different industries and successfully managed to build and sell companies. However, no company has given him the sense of purpose that he has as much as Lettuce Grow and the vision to change our current food system. 

Jacob and I discussed: 

  • Lettuce Grow's mission 
  • Trading stocks at 14 
  • Becoming a successful movie producer 
  • How the whole process of Lettuce Grows works
  • The future of growing food 
  • The importance of locally sourced food
  • What are weather derivatives?
  • What is distributed farming?
  • Being a CEO in his early 20's 

And much more...

Jacob Peckenik 

My Take: I believe that as technology advances growing your own food will become easier, more affordable, and accessible. I think that over the next few decades we will see a massive change in the way our food is produced and how we choose what we consume. marrying agriculture & technology will allow us all to grow our own food at home, from salads to steaks to oat milk.

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Jul 04, 202201:05:12
Ep 132 - Barefoot Ted McDonald - Running Barefoot

Ep 132 - Barefoot Ted McDonald - Running Barefoot

Ted McDonald, or Barefoot Ted, as he is more well known as, is the founder of Luna Sandals and has for the last 20 years been an advocate for mastering simple techniques for optimal personal fitness. His philosophy is simple - self-experimentation is key. Find your own path. Share what you discover. 

Many have come to know about Ted through the pages of Christopher McDougall's best-selling book "Born to Run" - which became a national bestseller! Ted has completely embodied the lifestyle he preaches and has enjoyed sharing his philosophy on life with audiences across the world. As "Barefoot Ted", he has played a major role in defining and popularizing the natural running movement, being an early adopter of the current trend.

Ted and I discussed:

  • The interesting correlation between surf culture and barefoot running
  • The many advantages of barefoot running
  • Western culture's growing interest in indigenous cultures
  • Where you should run barefoot 
  • Why so many sports emerged from California 
  • What's Ted's secret to longevity & staying youthful?
  • Why self-experimentation is crucial
  • His survival experience in the Utah desert (!)

And so much more...

Barefoot Ted

My Take: Try everything once! New ideas are abundant, some are good, some are bad, and some are world-changing. Don't be afraid to try new things that may seem out of the box. They may not work for you, but there's also a small chance they could be the best thing you've ever done. The only way to know - is if you try it. 

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Jun 27, 202201:35:18
Ep 131 Austin Cohen - Flexit CEO

Ep 131 Austin Cohen - Flexit CEO

Austin Cohen is the founder & CEO of Flexit. Flexit is an app that provides users with on-demand access to fitness brands around the country by offering both virtual personal training and entry into gyms. Before the pandemic started in 2020, FlexIt allowed users to pay by the minute to workout at gyms where they were not members, but in March 2020 they added new features and created the Virtual Personal Training platform - which has been a big hit with consumers. 

Prior to launching Flexit, Austin was a founding member and partner of Wheels Up, a private aviation company.

Austin and I discussed:

  • The original idea behind Flexit and how that changed when COVID hit
  • How they got their first customers 
  • How they choose the best personal trainers 
  • Future plans for Flexit
  • His time with Wheels Up
  • Expanding into international markets

And so much more...

Austin Cohen

My Take: Adapt or die. If you are not implementing new technologies and innovations in your company your days of success are likely numbered. You have to keep an open mind and realize when it is time to pivot in order to keep afloat and win. Everything from the food we eat to the items we buy (and the type of workouts we are doing) is being changed by technology. You have to harness the power of change in order for you to offer the best experience or product to your end consumer. 

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Jun 13, 202251:09
Ep 130 Andrew Carter - The Future of Mushrooms

Ep 130 Andrew Carter - The Future of Mushrooms

Andrew Carter is the co-founder and CEO of Smallhold

Andrew is a greenhouse and vertical farming specialist, he builds controlled environments and has been doing urban agriculture projects for years. Most of his background is in commercial greenhouse and vertical farm systems. together with his co-founder Adam DeMartino they built Smallhold. 

Smallhold is on a mission to dramatically shorten the distance between you and fresh, gourmet mushrooms. They have a network of organic indoor farms where they ship fresh mushrooms. They also have installations in supermarkets and restaurants where you can pick fresh mushrooms on the spot. They want to shift the definition of locally grown foods to represent foods grown locally, not 500 miles away. 

Andrew and I discussed: 

  • What Smallhold means
  • Could this model of growing food be the future of supermarkets 
  • Health benefits of mushrooms 
  • Their different revenue streams/verticals
  • The recent surge in interest in mushrooms
  • How they efficiently grow their mushrooms
  • Why COVID was a massive spike in business for them
  • The mechanics of indoor growing
  • Who leads the world in mushroom growing 

And So much more...

Andrew Carter

My Take: There is so much innovation that is occurring in the food space that it is hard to know what our food system will look like in 10 years. With so much focus on sustainability, organic products, less water usage, and reducing carbon emissions & plastic consumption, I am extremely interested and cautiously optimistic about what the future of food of our food is going to look like. 

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Jun 06, 202201:05:44
Ep 129 Erez Yoeli - Game Theory Explained

Ep 129 Erez Yoeli - Game Theory Explained

Erez Yoeli is a research scientist at MIT's Sloan School of Management where he directs the Applied Corporations Team. His research focuses on altruism: understanding how it works and how to promote it. He collaborates with governments, nonprofits, and companies to apply the lessons of this research towards addressing real-world challenges like increasing energy conservation, improving antibiotic adherence, reducing smoking in public places, and promoting philanthropy.

Erez also has a popular Ted Talk about how to motivate people to do good for others. His new book Hidden Games: The Surprising Power of Game Theory to Explain Irrational Human Behavior with co-author Moshe Hoffman is a fun, powerfully insightful book, but also, an eye-opening argument for using game theory to explain all the irrational things we think, feel, and do.

Erez and I discuss:

  • A brief introduction to Game Theory
  • His coauthor's remarkable story
  • Why we crave "saviors"
  • The importance of reputation in influencing good behavior
  • How we determine what good behavior is
  • How is game theory applicable in the political domain?
  • His TED talk

And so much more...

Erez Yoeli

My Take: We are not as rational as we think we are. It is important to take stock of this fact and question - why do we do certain things? Why do we act in ways that may go against our own self-interest? The path to knowledge is through questioning - and it is imperative to ask the most important question first - why?

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May 30, 202201:37:58
Ep 128 Jose Rosado - How To Create Online Income

Ep 128 Jose Rosado - How To Create Online Income

Jose Rosado is an online entrepreneur from the Dominican Republic who helps people achieve their full online potential. He teaches folks who want to learn how to make a full-time income online how to do precisely that. Jose has mastered the art of building a community and, most importantly, building trust with the people who follow him. In a few short years, he has amassed a massive following on Twitter by following a simple yet persistent pattern that has yielded incredible results. While some may think that creating online content is "easy" or "fast" the truth of the matter is - it's a process that makes time, energy, self-belief, and just a bit of luck. However, experts like Jose can speed up that process for people who are determined to succeed and are open to learning. 

Jose and I discussed: 

  • Why losing his job was a blessing in disguise 
  • How he got over his language issue
  • The importance of community building 
  • Why being a lone wolf is a recipe for failure 
  • Who were his inspirations early on
  • How to find growth on Twitter
  • Why "just being yourself" on social media is bad advice 
  • Why collecting emails really matters
  • The idea behind social proof
  • The "overnight success" fallacy 

And so much more...

Jose Rosado

My Take: Both from my own personal experience but also from talking to many creators and online entrepreneurs, I can say for a fact that making money online and creating a viable, lucrative business takes time and does not happen overnight. This should not deter you from starting but simply help you create a realistic framework for you to work with. This is why many people start & stop because they don't see the type of engagement they thought they would see. Creating realistic expectations allows you to treat this path the way it should be treated - as a marathon, not a sprint. 

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May 23, 202201:07:38
Ep 127 Ron Schneidermann - AllTrails CEO

Ep 127 Ron Schneidermann - AllTrails CEO

Ron is the CEO of AllTrails, the most used and trusted outdoors platform in the world. Before becoming the CEO of AllTrails, Ron was Head of Growth at Yelp Reservations, Co-Founder of Liftopia, and Head of Business Development at Hotwire. The mission of AllTrails is to help people explore the outdoors with hand-curated trail maps along with photos, reviews, and user recordings crowdsourced from an ever-growing community of millions. Initially, Ron was hesitant to accept the role of CEO that was offered to him, but after some soul searching he decided to accept - and ever since the growth of AllTrails has been undeniable. 

Ron and I discussed:

  • The origins of AllTrails
  • Why he was reluctant to accept the role of CEO
  • Understanding their end-user 
  • Why COVID was such a boom for their success
  • Why UGC is a critical component 
  • Potential future features
  • The importance of the outdoors for mental health
  • Why inclusivity in the outdoors is their top priority 
  • Hitting the 1 million subscribers goal
  • Why culture starts at the top 

And much more...

Ron Schneidermann

My Take: Even though we are getting more technologically advanced by the hour, the outdoors are and always will be an integral part of us. Finding a way to marry the two is the type of innovation necessary for this day & age. As someone who uses this app regularly, I can attest to how much easier and safer it makes my hikes - while allowing me to find trails I may not know of otherwise. 

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May 09, 202201:07:12
Ep 126 Michael Markesbery - Rethinking Insulation

Ep 126 Michael Markesbery - Rethinking Insulation

Michael is the Co-founder and CEO of Oros Apparel and has also been featured on the Forbes 30Under30. Oros is a performance outerwear company that uses the same stuff NASA uses to insulate spacecraft - and transformed it into max-warmth, zero-bulk apparel. While backpacking across Europe, Michael decided to climb one of the tallest mountains in the Swiss Alps,  but he looked like the Michelin Man (tons of bulk and layers of outerwear). He wanted to figure out a way to cut the bulk but keep the warmth, and that was the initial spark that started his quest for better insulation. 

While in college, he received a scholarship created by the Mercury 7 Astronauts — The Astronaut Scholarship. Through that scholarship, he learned about aerogel — this material NASA used to insulate things in space - and the rest is history. 

Michael and I discussed:

  • What is Solarcore
  • What is Aerogel
  • What has been his biggest challenge as far as consumer education 
  • The advantage of being a young entrepreneur 
  • Who their key demographic is and why 
  • The capability of their technology 
  • Early-stage growth strategies
  • Opening a physical retail location
  • The importance of NASA
  • The early history of the company

And much more...

Michael Markesbery 

My Take: Taking something that has worked for many years or even decades and reimagining it, is the work of dreamers, sometimes visionaries. Without visionaries, we would not have many of the advancements we so frequently enjoy and so easily take for granted. 

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May 02, 202249:24
Ep 125 Mark Achler - The Perfect Exit

Ep 125 Mark Achler - The Perfect Exit

Mark Achler is a Managing Director of MATH Venture Partners. Prior to MATH, Mark was the Senior Vice President of New Business, Strategy, and Innovation for Redbox. He is a serial entrepreneur who has co-founded four companies as well as being a partner in an earlier venture fund called Kettle Partners. Additionally, Mark teaches Entrepreneurship at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Business and is a frequent speaker, resource, and ardent champion for the entrepreneurial community. Mark recently released the book - Exit Right: How to Sell Your Startup, Maximize Your Return and Build Your Legacy, in which he and his co-author Mert Iseri interviewed dozens of M&A leaders at the biggest  Silicon Valley acquirers—as well as attorneys, bankers, and founders who have been through the trenches.

Mark and I discussed:

  • How he met his coauthor
  • Examples of great exits
  • Why they decided to write the book 
  • Is raising capital harder than exiting?
  • How to prepare for a job interview 
  • Why Investing in relationships is crucial
  • Common mistakes first time entrepreneurs make

And so much more...

Mark Achler

Exit Right: How to Sell Your Startup, Maximize Your Return and Build Your Legacy

My Take: It's important to focus on long-term strategy and start learning early on what a good exit looks like - if you are interested in starting a company and raising $. It's a less-discussed aspect of startups, perhaps because many don't make it that far but it's a crucial aspect of building and selling a company. 

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Apr 25, 202201:06:31
Ep 124 Duncan French - The UFC PI
Apr 18, 202201:00:14
Ep 123 Jost Kobusch - Attempting the Impossible on Everest
Apr 04, 202201:13:41
Ep 122 Jimmy Soni - The PayPal Mafia

Ep 122 Jimmy Soni - The PayPal Mafia

Jimmy Soni is an author, speaker, and speechwriter. His new book The Founders: The Story of PayPal and the Entrepreneurs Who Shaped Silicon Valley is a gripping account of the visionaries who were involved in creating PayPal. Today, these same people are considered the technology industry’s most powerful players - and have created some of the most successful and well-known companies that we know and love today. Jimmy researched this story for over 5 years and in the process uncovered amazing stories, talented visionaries, and a people with a true desire to change the status quo. 

Jimmy and I discussed:

  • The process of writing a book, from idea to publishing
  • Where the term PayPal Mafia came from
  • Jimmy's meeting with Elon Musk
  • Who the main players were in creating PayPal 
  • Why they were so influential in Silicon Valley
  • Why did PayPal find success when other companies at the time failed
  • How Paypal tackled fraud
  • The merger that became PayPal 

And so much more...

Jimmy Soni

My Take: Starting a business is hard, starting one of the most well-known startups in modern history is next to impossible. By all accounts, if you want to achieve greatness you have to be obsessed, you have to be able to think, build, execute, and pivot faster and better than your competitors can and/or are willing to. Sprinkle some luck onto that equation, and you have the foundation of what could become a legacy company in a decade or two. 

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Mar 21, 202201:08:18
Ep 121 Nir Barzilai - The End of Aging?

Ep 121 Nir Barzilai - The End of Aging?

Nir Barzilai, M.D. is the director of the Institute for Aging Research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He is also the Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Human Aging Research and of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Nathan Shock Centers of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging. Dr. Barzilai’s research interests are in the biology and genetics of aging. He is currently leading an international effort to approve drugs that can target aging. Targeting Aging with METformin (TAME) is a specific study designed to prove the concept that multi-morbidities of aging can be delayed by metformin, working with the FDA to approve this approach which will serve as a template for future efforts to delay aging and its diseases in humans.

Nir and I Discussed:

  • What is Metformin and what was it previously used for?
  • What does he mean by "cure aging"?
  • Why do your chances of getting sick increase as you grow old
  • Why do women live longer
  • The longevity effects of intermittent fasting
  • How to decipher between good & bad information 
  • Can we really extend human life to 200 years or more?

And much more...

Nir Barzilai

My Take: Technology has allowed us all the luxuries that we currently enjoy. Our food, transportation, entertainment, clothes, medicine, communication - and everything else we can think of. Can technology extend human life? Well, it already has. 100 years ago the median age was half what it is now. It will be interesting to see what science will accomplish in the next few years, or decades, with age-related diseases and human longevity. 

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Mar 14, 202254:03
Ep 120 Gigi Levy Weiss - Israel's Most Prolific Investor
Mar 07, 202201:30:59
Ep 119 Brendan Fitzgerald - Commentating The Best Show on Earth
Feb 28, 202201:00:55
Ep 118 Ryder Carroll - How to Overcome ADD

Ep 118 Ryder Carroll - How to Overcome ADD

Feb 21, 202258:01
Ep 117 Arturo Elizondo - A New Vision Of Food

Ep 117 Arturo Elizondo - A New Vision Of Food

Arturo Elizondo is the co-founder & CEO of the biotech food company, The Every Company (formerly Clara Foods), and has also been featured on the Forbes 30 Under 30 list. Almost a decade ago Arturo decided to take a look at our broken food system and see what he could do to improve it. What he developed was a fermentation technology that uses yeast to convert sugar directly into egg proteins. The animal-free proteins are a cheaper and greener replacement for the vast quantities of eggs that go into everything from instant cakes, mayonnaise to dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals. Unlike most other alternative protein companies, The Every Company is (currently) strictly a B2B company - and with a recent $175 Million Series C round financing - they are well on their way to changing how we eat.

Arturo and I discussed:

  • Why animals are incredibly inefficient protein machines
  • His reason for starting the company
  • Why Arturo decided to change the company name
  • Why The Every Company decided to focus on B2B instead of B2C
  • Being an "overnight success"
  • Overcoming Self-doubt 
  • How our food choices affect the climate 
  • Their collaboration with Pressed Juicery
  • What it's like being a first-time founder 
  • Pausing to appreciate your personal achievements 

And much more...

Arturo Elizondo

My Take: Our food system is inefficient at best and completely unsustainable at worst. We need to figure out ways to feed the world that are less water-intensive, less carbon-intensive, and most importantly, are less meat-heavy. We can make small choices every day to support companies that align with our vision for a better, more environmentally conscious world. 

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Feb 14, 202201:35:04
Ep 116 Anna Lembke - Dopamine Nation

Ep 116 Anna Lembke - Dopamine Nation

Anna Lembke is a professor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine and chief of the Stanford Addiction Medicine Dual Diagnosis Clinic. She sits on the board of several state and national addiction-focused organizations. 

She is the author of Drug Dealer, MD – How Doctors Were Duped, Patients Got Hooked, and Why It’s So Hard to Stop, and most recently she released her second book, Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence, which became an instant New York Times Bestseller!

Addiction is a serious problem in the US. From the obvious - like drugs & alcohol - to the less obvious, collective addiction we have to technology in the form of video games, social media, screen time, etc. We are on the fast track to total dependence. 

Anna and I discussed:

  • What a dopamine deficit state is
  • What is the clinical criteria or definition for addiction?
  • How kids will be impacted by screens in 10-20 years from now 
  • Her part on the Netflix documentary 'The Social Dilemma' 
  • Why porn addiction is less talked about than other addictions 
  • Can addiction be used in a positive way?
  • Why does pleasure diminish over time?
  • Social media addiction 
  • The social impact of being online too much

And much, much more...

Anna Lembke

My Take: We are all addicted to something, constantly looking for our next dopamine fix. We can't escape technology but we can control what we use, how we use it, and how often we use it. Everything in moderation - easy to say, hard to implement - I know. This is an important topic to discuss, as addictions are currently ravaging the nation and the world on multiple fronts. 

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Feb 07, 202257:46
Ep 115 Blake Flayton - The New Zionists

Ep 115 Blake Flayton - The New Zionists

Blake is a freelance writer, a columnist, and new media director for Jewish Journal. He is also the president and co-founder of The New Zionist Congress. They are a group of students, young professionals, professors, thinkers, and leaders from around the world, who believe in Zionism's mission and its continuity today. Blake was a lifelong progressive Democrat, but when he went to college he was met with antisemitism and anti-Israel rhetoric coming from the same groups which he previously championed. After finding himself in a bit of an identity crisis, Blake managed to find his calling and became a new fresh voice for a younger generation of Jews in America. Jews have a long history of being persecuted for nothing more than holding a different belief. With antisemitic attacks being at an all-time high, we need more brave voices like Blake. I'm happy he came on the podcast for us to discuss some extremely important and relevant topics. 

Blake and I discussed: 

  • What is the future of progressivism?
  • What the New Zionist Congress org is all about
  • The current political atmosphere on college campuses 
  • Why Jews are attacked by both sides of the political spectrum 
  • What is Pinkwashing?
  • Hiding your Jewish identity when traveling 
  • The profound impact summer camp in Oregon had on his understanding of his Jewish identity 
  • Populist messaging masquerading as truth 
  • The problem with Identity politics 
  • Filter bubbles & echo chambers of information on social media

And much, much more...

Blake Flayton 

My Take: The highly politicized climate we find ourselves in steals reason and agency from individuals and lumps us all into groups - it's the most tribal inclination humans possess. We need independent thinkers to steer people away from identity politics, political tribalism, and the mob mentality in which we currently find ourselves. 

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Jan 31, 202201:37:59
Ep 114 Stu Heinecke - How to Get a Meeting with Anyone

Ep 114 Stu Heinecke - How to Get a Meeting with Anyone

Stu Heinecke is a hall-of-fame nominated marketer, a Wall Street Journal cartoonist, best-selling business author, and founder of, a group of prominent cartoonists from around the world who donate their art to help charities raise funds. The American Marketing Association just recognized him as “the father of Contact Marketing,” a term coined in his highly successful book, “How to Get a Meeting with Anyone”

Stu and I discussed - 

  • His soon to be released, new book - "The Magic Of Weeds"
  • The premise of his book, "How to Get a Meeting with Anyone"
  • How he landed his most important meeting ever
  • What is contact marketing?
  • Why visuals are so effective in locking down meetings
  • How to stand out when reaching out to prominent business execs / VIPs
  • The negatives & positives of island living

And much more...

Stu Heinecke

My Take: Being able to sell is an important skill to hone. In life, we are always selling - whether consciously or unconsciously. We are either selling ourselves, ideas, or services. We use the skill at work when finding a spouse/dating. social media - the list goes on. If you want to level up, being able to market yourself or your ideas is a critical piece of the puzzle. 

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Jan 24, 202201:03:54
Ep 113 Phil Daru - Training MMA's Best

Ep 113 Phil Daru - Training MMA's Best

Phil is a world-renowned strength and conditioning coach and is the founder of Daru Strong, a brand dedicated to helping one’s performance, life, longevity, personal growth, and becoming the best versions of themselves. A former college football player, Phil transitioned into an MMA career. Later on he found that strength and conditioning was his greatest passion - and decided to go all-in as a career path. Phil works with some of the most elite athletes and fighters in the world like Dustin Poirier, Joanna Jedrzejczyk, Tecia Torres, and many more athletes, fighters, and celebrities. 

Phil has built an impressive brand and is constantly inspiring his followers to be healthier - both physically & mentally. 

This was a first for the podcast as while we were recording - Phil was getting a tattoo done (throughout this whole conversation) - and he managed to stay focused, not once flinching or complaining about the pain at all. 

Phil and I discussed: 

  • Why he made the switch from fighting to coaching 
  • What fight camp looks like for elite fighters
  • Training Dustin Poirier 
  • Weight cutting
  • Importance of rest days
  • Are there ceilings in personal ability?
  • Tips on how to grow an online community
  • Which fighter trait is the most important 
  • And much more...

Phil Daru

My Take: You are truly capable of greatness if you simply commit and persist. Growing financially, and mentally - becoming better, stronger, more capable - all stems from self-belief and the willingness to go out there and achieve. If plan a fails, try plan b. If that goes south, go to plan c - but never quit, and never accept failure. 

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Jan 17, 202201:18:40
Ep 112 Kenny Florian - Way Of The Warrior

Ep 112 Kenny Florian - Way Of The Warrior

Kenny Florian is a legendary MMA fighter. He is known for his cerebral approach to the sport- which is, as Kenny puts it on his bio - "somewhere between science & art". 

Kenny was on the first UFC TUF (The Ultimate Fighter). During his time, Kenny was an elite competitor in Mixed Martial Arts, and he fought some of the greatest to ever do it. Following his loss to Diego Sanchez on TUF1, Kenny was extremely motivated to improve his all-around game and he came back to win his next fight (with a vicious elbow). 

When he decided to retire from his illustrious fighting career, mostly due to lingering back problems, he continued to have a super successful career. Kenny was sought after due to his high-level knowledge of the sport and his unique insights. He was a color commentator (expert commentator) for the UFC, started a popular podcast with Jon Anik, launched Jiu-Jitsu academies, and most recently he joined the PFL broadcast team. Kenny is a true martial artist through and through; he is a master of the sport, but also forever a student - which makes him one of the most beloved figures in the sport today. 

Kenny and I discussed - 

  • The evolution of MMA
  • His personal experience being on the first Ultimate Fighter
  • Whether he was ever tempted to return to competition 
  • MMA Twitter wars
  • Joining PFL as a commentator
  • Why fighters should focus more on the mental aspect of training 
  • Whether fighters should fight past their "prime"
  • His take on Conor Mcgregor
  • Leaving LA to start a new life in a new state 

And much more...

Kenny Florian

Kenny's Twitter 

My Take: Finding one's passion and dedicating your life to it, even when there is no clear monetary path outline for you, is a blessing. If you are able to correctly single out that one thing you love and give yourself to it, you owe it to yourself to pursue said effort with the fire of a thousand infernos. 

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Jan 10, 202201:00:27
Ep 111 Sal "The Hitman" Piacente - Casino Cheating Mastermind

Ep 111 Sal "The Hitman" Piacente - Casino Cheating Mastermind

Sal Piacente is a native of Brooklyn, New York, and the ultimate student of the game. He has been a world authority on Casino Game Protection since the late 1980s, although, his interest in con-games and scams began on the streets at a young age - when his father taught him to protect himself from 3 Card Monte hustlers. He started his casino career as a blackjack dealer in Atlantic City after an honorable discharge from the United States Marine Corps. Sal then worked his way up from dealer to shift manager to game protection specialist, a position created for him by an international casino corporation. Sal Piacente is also an instructor for the University of Nevada Reno's Gaming Management Certification Program. Piacente has parlayed his experience, skills, passion, and knowledge of the various ways to cheat all casino games into a successful casino consulting business.

Recently Sal appeared on a Vanity Fair video where he broke down cheating scenes from films including 'Rain Man', 'Rounders', 'Casino', 'Ocean's Thirteen', and more. His unique ability to explain (and show) sleight of hand tricks, that the human eye can't pick up, is both illuminating & fascinating 

During this podcast, Sal showed me many of the tricks and I did my best to explain them to you.

Sal & I discussed - 

  • What an expert on casino cheating does
  • His relationship with the original "Rain Man"
  • His legendary memory skills 
  • The creative ways people find to cheat in casinos
  • How he got his start in the business
  • Asymmetries of power
  • His pick for most realistic casino movie
  • Card tricks 

And much more...

Sal "The Hitman" Piacente

Universal Game Protection

My Take: Sal possesses what some might call superhero powers. His knowledge of human psychology, his ability to misdirect your attention, his phenomenal memory, and his sleight of hand makes Sal an incredibly unique person to listen to & learn from. Illusionists, magicians, and other performers who throughout history allowed us to suspend our beliefs and go on a journey to the unknown have always held a special place in society for good reason, they make us doubt what we see and question what we don't. 

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Jan 03, 202201:11:26
Ep 110 Chris Mirabile - Can We Slow Down Aging?
Oct 18, 202147:54
Ep 109 Nick Hunt - Walking Through Europe

Ep 109 Nick Hunt - Walking Through Europe

Nick Hunt is a freelance writer, storyteller, author - and, is also a TEDx speaker (you can listen to him speak here). He has written 4 books, the latest being Outlandish: Walking Europe’s Unlikely Landscapes (available Oct 26 in the US). In the book, Nick takes us across landscapes that should
not be there - wildernesses found in Europe yet seemingly belonging to far-off continents - a patch of Arctic tundra in Scotland; the continent’s largest surviving remnant of primeval forest in Poland and Belarus; Europe’s only true desert in Spain; and the fathomless grassland steppes of Hungary.

In one of his earlier books, Walking the Woods and the Water: In Patrick Leigh Fermor's footsteps from the Hook of Holland to the Golden Horn, Nick details his 7-month walk from Holland all the way to Turkey. On this journey, he encountered human kindness, hospitality, and gained a new perspective on "traveling slow". 

Nick and I discussed:

  • Why he decided to take on this adventure
  • Walking for 7 months 
  • How he was greeted everywhere he went
  • The universal kindness of people
  • What glacier funerals are
  • His new upcoming book
  • How he communicated with locals without knowing the language
  • His Ted Talk
  • The logistics of such an adventure
  • The mental adjustment needed to travel "slowly"

And much more...

Nick Hunt

Nick's Twitter

My Take: With everyone trying to do the fastest, the highest, the biggest, the boldest adventures, it is refreshing to hear of someone that is not in competition with anyone or trying to prove anything. Nick simply wants to experience the natural world, the people along the way, the culture, and the stories that have existed in these parts for centuries. 

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Oct 11, 202101:17:36
Ep 108 Inbal Arieli - Chutzpah

Ep 108 Inbal Arieli - Chutzpah

Inbal Arieli is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of Synthesis, a global leadership assessment firm. She has been featured as one of the 100 most influential people in Israeli tech, and is one of the top 100 tech business women speakers in the world. She is also the author of Chutzpah: Why Israel Is a Hub of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 

The book breaks down why Israel, a tiny country with one of the highest concentrations of start-ups per capita worldwide, is raising generations of entrepreneurs who are disrupting markets around the globe. 

In addition to this already impressive resume, Inbal was also an officer in the Israeli Defense Forces, Elite Unit 8200.

Inbal and I discussed:

  • Her inspiration behind writing the book
  • Some of the reasons behind Israel's startup success
  • Laying the groundwork from an early age
  • Giving kids autonomy 
  • Turning some common Hebrew words into concepts
  • Israeli innovation & startups over the last 2 decades
  • Why it's a great time to launch a startup in Israel now
  • Why the takeaways from the book are universal themes 

And much more...

Inbal Arieli

Buy The Book

My Take: Every country breeds talent or specializes in something that for geographical, cultural, or physical reasons they just excel at. Israel just happens to be a great place for entrepreneurship. The army is for sure one part of the equation but there are many more overlooked factors that play a major role in shaping the people and the country. 

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Oct 04, 202101:10:32
Ep 107 Ari Tolwin - The Future of Plant Based Milk
Sep 27, 202142:18
Ep 106 - Daniel Vassallo - Info Products, Amazon & Taking Risks

Ep 106 - Daniel Vassallo - Info Products, Amazon & Taking Risks

Sep 13, 202157:24
Ep 105 Jeff Gordinier - Stories Through Food

Ep 105 Jeff Gordinier - Stories Through Food

Jeff Gordinier is a talented writer, author & speaker whose work has been published by the New York Times, Esquire, GQ, The LA Times, Fortune, and many other well-known publications. His book Hungry: Eating, Road-Tripping, and Risking It All with the Greatest Chef in the World is a brilliant chronicle of Rene Redzepi, the genius mastermind behind Noma. Jeff and I had a very open conversation, and I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about him and his story. 

Jeff and I discussed

  • Rene Redzepi & Noma 
  • His deep love for poetry 
  • What spurred him to write his book
  • His work on the renowned Netflix show 'Chef's Table'
  • His ability to convey a story about food
  • Growing up in California
  • Side effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic
  • The Blue Zones 

And much more...

Jeff Gordinier 

My Take: Everything we do revolves around the stories we tell each other and that which we believe in. The ability to convey a feeling or a scent or a unique taste or color is crucial in order for you, the storyteller, to get your audience immersed in the story. If you want people to get emotionally invested in something, you have to paint a picture for them - and take them on a journey they never want to return from. 

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Sep 06, 202101:40:49
Ep 104 Dane Jackson - Kayaking Dynasty

Ep 104 Dane Jackson - Kayaking Dynasty

Dane Jackson is arguably the best all-around whitewater kayaker in the world. You could say kayaking is in his blood - his father is a legendary kayaker, a world-champion freestyle kayaker, and is the owner of Jackson Kayaking (the biggest white water kayak manufacturer in the world). Dane was homeschooled and grew up with his family in an RV - and was already kayaking when he was 2 years old. His dad wanted to kayak as much as possible, so today, Dane continues that tradition, living in his RV and on the road year-round - trying to get 300 days of kayaking each year. 

Dane and I discussed:

  • Growing up in an RV
  • The 134-foot waterfall descent he did in Chile in 2020
  • The different disciplines of kayaking
  • The destruction damns cause to rivers (links below)
  • How to overcome fears 
  • The lost iPhone in the river story 
  • What are some hot spots for kayaking
  • His annual kayaking schedule 
  • How he sees rivers

And much, much more...

Dane Jackson 


Links About Rivers & Damns

Hayley Stuart Ted Talk

American Whitewater

Save The Zambezi

My Take: You only have one life, you should live it to the maximum - pursue your passion and let your imagination run wild. Talking to people like Dane always gets me extremely excited, as they seem to live with extreme purpose. Doing exactly what they love, all year round, to me is the deepest expression of one's self. To chase your passion with the tenacity of a lion chasing a gazelle. I hope he inspires you to pursue your passion as well. 

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Aug 02, 202101:26:45
Ep 103 Ognjen Topic - Muay Thai Royalty
Jul 26, 202101:09:38
Ep 102 Rhona Mitra - Everything Is Not As It Seems

Ep 102 Rhona Mitra - Everything Is Not As It Seems

Rhona Mitra is an actress, model, and singer. Rhona appeared as the live-action model for Lara Croft, the lead character in the Tomb Raider video game series. Born in London, England, her parents were pretty absent from her childhood - which led her to try and find other communities that would accept her like family - which is how she found acting. Rhona has acted in many shows and movies, but in recent years, has focused more of her time and attention on her animals, and farm, in Uruguay. A few years ago, she decided (for reasons that we discuss on the podcast) to move to Uruguay, buy land, and start living off the land as much as possible. To say her path was fraught with difficulties would be an understatement. On the podcast, Rhona was very transparent about her life, how she felt, and the things she’d gone through. 

Rhona and I discussed:

  • Her first audition
  • Her decision to move to Uruguay 
  • Why she wasn't allowed into the US
  • Her plan to open a rehabilitation center in Uruguay
  • Working with horses 
  • The positive and negative impact of social media
  • The Me Too movement
  • Finding one's true purpose
  • Why her utopia was not as it seemed
  • Her promise to a horse

And much, much more...

Rhona Mitra

My Take: Not everything is as it seems, not in Hollywood, not on Instagram, and not on the farm. Nothing is all good (or all bad) - life is nuanced, and humans have layers and complexities. The more we peel away, the more meaning we find - not by looking outwards at others, but inwards at ourselves. Not by judging how we stack up compared to the outside world, but what our inner world has to offer. 

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Jul 19, 202102:01:34
Ep 101 David Crow - The Pale Faced Lie

Ep 101 David Crow - The Pale Faced Lie

David Crow had an incredibly difficult upbringing and a personal story that will shock any reader. His new book, The Pale-Faced Lie: A True Story, is a raw account of David's childhood growing up on the Navajo Indian Reservation. His father was a violent criminal who groomed David to be his partner in crime - but that was not the life David wanted to live. David is a gifted storyteller; during this whole episode, he vividly articulates and relives all the true childhood stories that have haunted him for years. 

David and I discussed: 

  • Why he grew up on the Navajo Indian Reservation
  • His mentally ill mother
  • What made his father proud
  • His father's odd sense of justice 
  • The abuse he and his siblings received from his dad
  • What he said in his dad's eulogy
  • The angels that helped David along the way
  • What his dad taught him as a child
  • How his dad planned to murder his mother
  • His photographic memory

And much, much more...

David Crow

My Take: To not only survive what he survived but to do a complete 180 and live to tell about it, is both remarkable and admirable. If anyone is a true example of overcoming one's circumstances, it's David. He truly is the poster boy for overcoming adversity and not allowing his past to define him. Through the painful stories lies inspiration and hope that your circumstances don't determine your outcome. 

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Jul 12, 202102:33:15
Ep 100 Jim Richardson - Legendary Nat Geo Photographer

Ep 100 Jim Richardson - Legendary Nat Geo Photographer

Jim Richardson has built a photographic career around visual storytelling by creating groundbreaking work in documentary, environmental photography, and the critical issue of feeding our planet. Jim is a photographer for National Geographic Magazine and a contributing editor for its sister publication, Traveler Magazine. Over the years he has shot more than 50 stories for National Geographic. 

Originally from Kansas, in 2007 Jim was named Kansan of the year by Native Sons and Daughters of Kansas. In 2015 he was honored by his fellow National Geographic photographers as their “Photographer’s Photographer. Jim is an international speaker, storyteller, educator, and amazing photographer. He has covered everything from life on wee Scottish islands, the urgent need to save our night skies, small-town lessons of community survival, and much more...

We discussed:

  • His love of Scotland
  • His first camera and how he got into photography
  • What he looks for in a shot
  • His work with National Geographic
  • Growing up in a small rural town in Kansas
  • His favorite whiskey
  • Has technology surpassed the photographer?
  • Adjusting from film to digital photography 
  • Marrying the visual with the story 

And much more...

Jim Richardson 

My Take: A great photographer is not simply a shooter of images or someone who freezes a moment in time. It is someone who tells a visual tale through his images. He is someone that makes you stop and wonder, or feel deep emotion when you look into the soul of his image. Photography has always been, and will continue to be, a powerful tool to convey stories, to capture a moment in time, or to simply share a happy moment. 

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Jul 05, 202101:38:15
Ep 99 Colin Landforce - Cannabis CPG 101

Ep 99 Colin Landforce - Cannabis CPG 101

Colin Landforce is a relentless builder, a serial entrepreneur, and the COO of Unrivaled - a leading cannabis multi-state operator, and the parent company of multiple dominant cannabis lifestyle brands. He has spent the last 10 years working in regulated consumer product markets - and the last 5 years in recreational cannabis. 

Colin and I discussed

  • The regulatory hurdles when starting a cannabis business
  • How he got into the cannabis industry
  • Indoor vs outdoor growing
  • Growing multiple CPG companies 
  • Engaging and growing on Twitter
  • Banking and payment issues due to federal restrictions 
  • How he manages a weed business in two different states 
  • What the most popular weed products are

And much more...

Colin Landforce

My Take: When Colin and I recorded this episode, Ned Lamont had just legalized recreational cannabis in Connecticut - making it the 19th state to do so. It is due time to make cannabis federally legal for many reasons, but here are just a few (in my opinion):

1. There are many medicinal advantages that we are not able to explore due to it being federally illegal 

2. People are getting incarcerated in certain states, for something that is perfectly legal in another (this doesn't make sense to me). 

3. It makes it extremely difficult for young entrepreneurs to develop this space, which could boost economic growth

4. 0 people have died from cannabis. Ze-ro. Unlike tobacco and alcohol. 

There are many more reasons, and I could go on. I hope that we can get it legal soon so that responsible adults can enjoy it and entrepreneurs can develop startups without the regulatory hurdles and social stigma associated with cannabis.

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Jun 28, 202153:43
Ep 98 Emily Schrader - Defending Israel

Ep 98 Emily Schrader - Defending Israel

Emily is the founder of Social Lite Creative - A digital marketing and strategic consulting firm offering services in Hebrew, Arabic, and English. She is also a columnist for the Jerusalem Post and is on the social media front lines when it comes to defending Israel - and debunking myths, lies, and misinformation that is rampant on all social media platforms. She is also a research fellow at the Tel Aviv Institute, where she researches online hate speech. Emily regularly teaches others the importance of social media in the digital age. Emily has also advised the Israeli parliament (Knesset) on the dangers of antisemitism and terrorist activity on social media.

Throughout this last flare-up in which Hamas attacked Israel, Emily was diligent in debunking widespread lies, putting out informative videos and explaining the situation in a truthful manner to the outside world.

Emily and I discussed:

  • The prevalence of misinformation on social media 
  • The truth about Sheikh Jarrah
  • Why Israel is vilified and ousted so unjustly
  • Where Gaza's foreign aid goes
  • How Emily got into the role she currently holds
  • Bella Hadid's propaganda 
  • Why Jews are indigenous to the region
  • The biased media coverage against Israel

And much, much more...

Emily Schrader

My Take: Many people already have their minds made up when it comes to this conflict. Try to keep an open mind when you listen to this conversation, and see if perhaps you can learn something new about a conflict, that, let's be honest most people know little about but already have their minds made up on. It is crucial that personalities like Emily step up and speak the truth without fear of retribution. 

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Jun 21, 202101:14:09
Ep 97 - Jim Davidson - Learning Resilience on Everest

Ep 97 - Jim Davidson - Learning Resilience on Everest

Jim Davidson is a resilience expert and motivational speaker. From his 36 years as a high-altitude climber and expedition leader, Jim distills compelling stories and uplifting lessons about resilience and reaching one's goals. Jim's new book "The Next Everest: Surviving the Mountain's Deadliest Day and Finding the Resilience to Climb Again" is a harrowing tale of Jim's time on Mount Everest when a 7.8-magnitude earthquake released avalanches all around him and his team.

Jim and I discussed:

  • The events of that day when the earthquake hit
  • Why being resilient is so important
  • Why Everest is so popular
  • How important self-awareness is on the mountains
  • His career as a geologist
  • Life lessons you learn on the mountain

And much more...

Jim Davidson

My Take: The mountains are an amazing place, they can teach us so much about ourselves, give us lessons that we can take into the real world, and change our perspective on life. They can also be extremely unforgiving, ruthless, and grim. We must tread with caution and respect, and if we are lucky, the mountain will let us summit it. 

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Jun 14, 202158:44
Ep 96 - Bill Ottman - Blockchain, Privacy, Censorship, Big Tech
Jun 07, 202101:07:06
Ep 95 - Paul Shapiro - The Future is Clean Meat

Ep 95 - Paul Shapiro - The Future is Clean Meat

Paul Shapiro is the author of the national bestseller Clean Meat: How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and the World. He's the CEO of The Better Meat Co.. A four-time TEDx speaker, the host of the Business for Good Podcast, and a long-time leader in food sustainability.

Paul is on the frontlines of the "clean meat" revolution. He is one of the staunchest advocates for this technology and he believes that in the future this will not only be readily available but a superior option to the meat we currently consume. 

Paul and I discussed - 

  • What "clean meat" is
  • Why it is currently so expensive to produce
  • What his company, The Better Meat Co., does 
  • The difference between plant-based meat and lab-grown meat 
  • How rapidly the technology in this sphere is advancing 
  • What fermented protein is
  • What are some hurdles "clean meat" faces with consumers
  • The atrocities we commit to the animals we eat
  • How to get better at public speaking, based on his own experience 

And much more...

Paul Shapiro

My Take: Our current way of producing food (mainly meat) is unsustainable and unethical. I believe future generations will look at us in disgust. As technology advances, lab-grown meat will become better and more financially viable for consumers. Humans will never give up meat, so this technology is a way to reduce emissions and reduce the unnecessary murder of sentient animals - while still giving consumers the food they want and crave. 

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May 31, 202101:08:17
Ep 94 - Niv Majar - On The Spectrum

Ep 94 - Niv Majar - On The Spectrum

Niv Majar is an actor, director, musician, artist - just a modern-day renaissance man with many creative gifts. Niv is one of the stars of the successful HBO show "On the Spectrum" - a show about 3 people, all on the spectrum, who share an apartment. It's a beautifully made show that depicts these characters in the most authentic way that I've ever seen people on the spectrum portrayed on screen. The show won the 2018 Grand Jury Prize at the French Séries Mania festival, making it the second Israeli series to claim the award. Niv also won for best actor at the Monte Carlo TV festival. The show was inspired by creator Dana Idisis’s brother, who is in fact on the spectrum. 

Niv and I discussed: 

  • How he studied for the role
  • How he incorporated facial ticks into the character
  • Why it is so liberating having no filter
  • Why streaming services have opened the market for International films and shows
  • Why Larry David is his "hero"
  • Why he felt his character was his alter ego
  • His commercial with the "soup nazi"

And much more...

Niv Majar

My Take: I love that we can get to see more International movies/shows/documentaries nowadays. It has completely opened up stories and voices we would have never been able to see before. Seeing a show like this where almost all the characters are on the spectrum would not have been possible 5 or 10 years ago. As someone who knows many people on the spectrum and also has a family member on the spectrum, I was happy to see them represented in this honest, funny, and dramatic depiction. 

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May 24, 202101:14:49