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Ten Minute Marketing - Free Marketing Hints and Tips

Ten Minute Marketing - Free Marketing Hints and Tips

By Richard Eaton

Free Marketing hints and tips for small businesses.

Each podcast episode is typically published every Monday and is less than 1 minute long!
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A mistake I see all the time with social media videos

Ten Minute Marketing - Free Marketing Hints and TipsJun 17, 2019

Do people know what work you do?
Nov 30, 202001:06
Free should mean free!
Nov 23, 202000:56
Don't try and be everything to everyone
Nov 16, 202000:58
Stop making excuses, and start marketing

Stop making excuses, and start marketing

I need to get a top of the range camera first!

I'll do it next week when I have more time!

I haven't bought the right microphone yet!

I need to spend more time researching it!

These are all things I see and hear all the time when it comes to marketing and getting content out there. Typically, these are just excuses for not getting started though. Often this is driven by fear of the unknown and failure. It's much easier not to do it and find excuses, as that way you can't fail.

Well, actually you can, just in a different less obvious way. Without actively marketing yourself you won't make sales, and a lack of sales is a much more important failure than thinking some content could have been more polished or got more likes or views!

I do understand your worries but if you want to be successful with marketing, you need to be visible. Things don't have to be as amazingly produced as you think. What really matters is the content and value of the information you're providing. 

I'm obviously not saying to put out any old rubbish, but as long as the quality (be that writing, audio, or video) of what you're putting out is good enough to get your point across, it will work.

And one thing I can absolutely guarantee to you is this. You'll make more sales from a video recorded on your phone where you stumble on a couple of words, than a perfectly planned and scripted multi camera angled recording session in a studio using a £5,000 camera that never actually happens...

If you've got any other comments or questions, just head to the
Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and comment there or just reply to me here. 



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

P.S. If you don't have the time, knowledge, or inclination to do your marketing yourself, we can do it for you. Example packages with prices can be seen here

Nov 09, 202000:52
The lazy like social media challenge
Nov 02, 202000:51
Don't know what to post on social media? Try this...

Don't know what to post on social media? Try this...

Something that a lot of people find challenging is coming up with ideas of what to post on social media. The good news is that you may not have to come up with anything new after all :)

A great way to create short social media posts is to look at existing longer-form content such as blogs that you've already published. You then take individual points from that content as ideas to use for social media posts.

For example, if I take the blog I published last week 
"A Marketing Checklist – The 5 things you should always check!" (click here to see it) then here are just a few examples of social media posts that could be created from it:

  1. The obvious ones are to take each of the 5 points and create a post from each one.
  2. Another obvious one is a sentence about the blog and a link off to it.
  3. The blog mentions a couple of ideas for the process so posts could be created about those.
  4. Create a graphic including the 5 points.
  5. Make an Instagram post with multiple images, 1 for each of the 5 points.
  6. Create a video or animated GIF of the 5 images above.

That's over 10 different social media posts from just 1 (very short) previously posted blog! If you have longer blogs you'll be able to create even more posts, and of course the more existing content you have the better it is.

So next time you're struggling to come up with some ideas for your social media posts, give this method a try. 

As usual, if you've got any comments or questions, just head to the Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and comment there or just reply to me here. 



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

P.S. If you don't have the time, knowledge, or inclination to do your marketing yourself, we can do it for you. Example packages with prices can be seen here

Oct 26, 202000:57
A Marketing Checklist - The 5 things you should always check!

A Marketing Checklist - The 5 things you should always check!

Oct 19, 202000:57
Don’t try and do too much

Don’t try and do too much

It might sound counter-intuitive but stop trying to do everything in your marketing.

If you do a bit of research or ask a marketeer about marketing you'll typically get told you should be spending hours posting and engaging on social media, blogging, writing emails, publishing videos, recording podcasts, doing Facebook live's etc etc.

That's all well and good and a great approach to marketing if you have the time or someone dedicated to doing so. But the newer you are to marketing, and the smaller your company is, the less chance there is of this being achievable. Not only do you need to learn how to make each of these things work the best for you, but you also have to find the time to carry out all these tasks consistently week in week out. Most people can't commit to the amount of time needed to do so properly.

So what I suggest is to spend a bit of time researching what form of marketing you think will work best for you and focus purely on this. At least initially. Once you've been doing one form of marketing for a while, you'll find it becomes quicker and easier to do. At that point, you can add the next marketing activity into the mix and keep building it up in that way.

If you've got any comments or questions, just head to the
Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and comment there or just reply to me here. 



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

P.S. If you don't have the time, knowledge, or inclination to do your marketing yourself, we can do it for you. Example packages with prices can be seen here

Oct 12, 202000:57
Using your personal brand to win business
Oct 05, 202001:04
Don't leave your marketing to chance...
Sep 28, 202001:05
Don't do this in your marketing!
Sep 21, 202000:44
How to remember your great ideas

How to remember your great ideas

You never know when inspiration for your marketing will strike, but you need a way of capturing it as otherwise it can be forgotten just as quickly as it arrived!

If you're like me then you have great ideas for blog posts and marketing campaigns when you're not working or sitting in front of your computer. It could be when you're out and about, if you wake up in the middle of the night, or any other inconvenient time, lol! Because of this, it's very easy to forget these ideas so I recommend you capture them while they are still fresh.

Whenever I have an idea I quickly make a note of it using an App called Evernote in a specific "marketing ideas" note I have there. This is typically just one sentence about the idea that is really quick to write down but is enough of a prompt for my whole train of thought about the subject later on. The beauty of doing this is that whenever I do need to write a blog post (like these 1 Minute Marketing Monday tips!) I have a whole list of ideas to write about. It's far better for you to have an existing list than to try and force creativity when you're under pressure at the time.

Of course, there are other ways to capture your ideas and you don't have to use Evernote. You could have a Google Doc, use your phone's notes App, even write them down in a good old fashioned notebook and pen. Use whatever works for you. Just make sure than you have access to whatever method you use at all times which is why I think a phone App works so well for this.

The important thing is to just get it written down so it's not forgotten. By doing this in the same note/doc/notepad, you'll always know where to find it too.

If you've got any comments or questions, just head to the
Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and comment there or just reply to me here. 



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

P.S. Did you know we have various online marketing courses that cost just £10+VAT? More info at

Sep 14, 202001:15
How to view your real Google search results
Sep 07, 202000:43
A challenge. Business networking

A challenge. Business networking

This week I want to set you a challenge…

For around 10 years I’ve used business networking as one of my marketing channels. It’s also been one of my most successful leading to multiple £100k’s worth of business over this time. As well as making lots of sales, I’ve also had fun and made lots of friends and hundreds of connections. And in my opinion, business and marketing is ALL about connections.

Here are 3 other blogs I’ve written about networking over the years too:

Does networking work? (January 2015)

Networking. Stop Rushing to Tell People Everything That You Do (September 2017)

A big mistake in business networking and how to avoid it! (July 2019)

But when I left the UK I wasn’t able to continue business networking as it was face to face. And the networking organisation I was a member of (4Networking) was back in the UK. That was until earlier this year when it went online! I jumped back into it and despite my reservations of networking online it has continued to be really successful for me.

So back to my challenge for you…  If you’ve never tried online business networking I’d like you to do so and go to a meeting this week. To make it even easier for you I’ve got 10 FREE visitor passes to attend any 4Networking meeting over the next week. So you have nothing to lose by trying one! There are multiple meetings a day so you should be able to find a day and time to suit your diary too. You can see all the different meetings here Just choose one and drop me a message and I’ll sort it out for you.

A usual, if you’ve got any comments or questions, just head to the Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and comment there or just reply to me here.



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

P.S. We now offer a “done for” marketing service. So if you don’t have the time or inclination for marketing but know you should be doing it, we can do it for you! Prices start at just £99+VAT per month. More info at

Aug 31, 202000:58
A vital element of marketing that's often overlooked

A vital element of marketing that's often overlooked

So what is often overlooked, or at least underused in most people's marketing? Distribution.

Lots of people spend an awful lot of time putting together content, especially with things like blogs. They spend hours researching and carefully crafting everything, publish the new blog on their website, and then consider that the job is done and move onto the next thing on their task list.

But publishing content is only part of what's needed. There's no point having all this great content if nobody sees it. That's where distribution comes in. Yes, you need to be telling people about it as soon as it's published, but you also need to continue trying to tell people about it.

What typically works well is using social media to post about any new content at least daily for at least a week after it's first published. Remember, just because you're posting doesn't mean that people are actually seeing it. Because of the way most social media algorithms work, only a very small proportion of your connections will actually see it. By posting it multiple times, you then increase the chances of them seeing it.

But even after that first flurry of activity, you should still continue to post about it regularly. Not as much as when it's new, but do keep reminding people about it as well as letting any new connections know it exists.

If you've got any comments or questions, just head to the
Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and comment there or just reply to me here. 



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

P.S. We now offer a "done for" marketing service. So if you don't have the time or inclination for marketing but know you should be doing it, we can do it for you! Prices start at just £99+VAT per month. More info at

Aug 24, 202000:56
The best marketing has nothing to do with marketing
Aug 17, 202000:51
Just doing a little beats doing nothing

Just doing a little beats doing nothing

The reason most small businesses give for not doing any marketing is a lack of time. Lots of people are also put off when they read the hundreds of things that other people say they should be doing in their marketing which would obviously take lots of time. So what they actually end up doing is nothing.

I get it. We all only have so many hours in the day and as most small businesses owners are doing so many things in their businesses, marketing often never gets done. But it doesn't have to be an all or nothing approach. Doing just one thing a day in your marketing is way better than doing nothing and it's what I advise people to do as a minimum.

So here are a couple of things you can do while boiling the kettle for your morning cuppa!

  • Post on social media. This could be sharing something from your website, a client testimonial, a new product/service, or even just industry news.
  • Contact someone. This could be an email to a previous customer or anyone who already have a relationship with. It could even be a LinkedIn request to someone who you'd like to get to know. Please don't just spam them with a sales message though! Follow up on a previous conversation, or just ask to see what they're working on at the moment.

It only takes a tiny amount of time and may just be small but over time it adds up. Over a year that's 365 people you've connected with or 365 pieces of content you've put out there. That sounds way more impressive! More importantly, just doing this every day will help keep you visible and still in peoples thoughts.

If you've got any questions, just head to the
Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and ask me there or just reply here. 



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

P.S. We now offer a "done for" marketing service. So if you don't have the time or inclination for marketing but know you should be doing it, we can do it for you! Prices start at just £99+VAT per month. More info at

Aug 10, 202000:60
Are you open for business?

Are you open for business?

Are you open for business? It seems a simple question but do your potential customers know the answer? In the current situation with Covid, there’s LOTS of confusion around which businesses are allowed to be open and then if they actually are, and when. Make it easy for your customers by telling them.

As a minimum I’d suggest the following:

  • Have a Covid specific note on your website telling people if you’re open or not and any impact this will have on them (social distancing measures, reduced hours etc).
  • Make sure you’re using social media to keep people updated. On Facebook and Twitter you can pin a post to the top of your account so do so with your current status.
  • If you have an email list then use it to keep people updated whenever anything changes (re-opening etc).
  • If you have a business listing on Google Maps update the Covid specific information there.

There are some industries where this is even more important than others at this time. Restaurants are a great example of this and where all the above is essential. In the last few days I’ve discovered so many that aren’t doing any of the above so I’ve moved straight on to somewhere else. Make it easy for people to buy from you.

If you’ve got any questions, just head to the Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and ask me there or just reply here.



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

P.S. We now offer a “done for” marketing service. So if you don’t have the time or inclination for marketing but know you should be doing it, we can do it for you! Prices start at just £99+VAT per month. More info at

Aug 03, 202001:17
The importance of stories...

The importance of stories...

This week I want to remind you about the importance of storytelling in your marketing. You can massively increase the value of your products and services by telling the stories behind them.

For example, it was my son's birthday last week and he received a lovely present from a friend. His friend knew exactly what they wanted to get him but when they went to the shop they'd seen it in, it had sadly closed down. But undeterred, they used their contacts in town and managed to find the shop owner and got in touch with them. They explained the situation and how much they wanted to buy this present for a friend's birthday. The owner then agreed to hand-make one especially for my son. Once we heard the story behind the present it instantly became so much more valuable and significant to us.

Are you telling people the stories behind your products and services? It's really worthwhile doing so. It's a great way to not just build more value and a connection with people, but to come up with more content ideas for what you're putting out there.

If you've got any questions, just head to the
Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and ask me there or just reply here. 



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

P.S. We now offer a "done for" marketing service. So if you don't have the time or inclination for marketing but know you should be doing it, we can do it for you! Prices start at just £99+VAT per month. More info at

Jul 27, 202001:04
Check it!

Check it!

We all write content and the longer that content is the more chance we have of making mistakes! Although it's not the end of the world, I'm sure we all want things to be the best they can be. We also all want to do things efficiently and save time where we can too.

So today's tip is twofold. Firstly, when you write a piece of content do go back through and check it afterwards. If you can, then I recommend leaving it overnight before re-reading it. But even just a 30 minute break doing something else and coming back to it can give you a fresh pair of eyes and spot obvious errors you didn't notice earlier.

Secondly, always write the content on the platform you're publishing it with, and then check it in the format it will be viewed. For example, if you're writing a weekly email for Mailchimp write it within Mailchimp rather than elsewhere and copy/pasting it later. Otherwise, you can spend ages wasting time sorting out formatting issues. And when you do check it, send it as a test preview email rather than just reading it back off the page. You'll be amazed how many times you spot errors in the email version that you didn't notice earlier!

If you've got any questions, just head to the
Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and ask me there or just reply here. 



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

P.S. We now offer a "done for" marketing service. So if you don't have the time or inclination for marketing but know you should be doing it, we can do it for you! Prices start at just £99+VAT per month. More info at

Jul 20, 202001:12
Guest Marketing Tip From Stuart How The Celebrity Hypnotist

Guest Marketing Tip From Stuart How The Celebrity Hypnotist

I like to keep things fresh and interesting so this week we have a guest tip from someone who has been nailing their marketing for the last year and is now reaping the rewards. This guest is Stuart How the celebrity hypnotist who gave the following tip...

Always talk about your day. If you look at Stuart's social media, he constantly shares what he's doing throughout his day. So he'll post about how he's trained someone in hypnotherapy, how he's helped someone quit smoking, or how he helped someone with weight loss. He doesn't post sales messages all day long, he just shares the stories of people he's working with and how he's helping them. And by telling people what he does, people start to listen and start to understand his story and how he may be able to help them too. Once people are invested in him, they are far more likely to invest in his products and become his customers. So start telling your story, and start talking about your day in your marketing.

To see the kind of things Stuart posts, take a look at his social media over on
Facebook here.

If you've got any questions, just head to the Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and ask me there or reply to this message. 



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

P.S. We now offer a "done for" marketing service. So if you don't have the time or inclination for marketing but know you should be doing it, we can do it for you! Prices start at just £99+VAT per month. More info at

Jul 13, 202000:57
How to find the best blog titles

How to find the best blog titles

I can't stress how important good titles are for any content you put out there. A good title can honestly make the difference between success or failure of your content.

So what makes a good title? Firstly it should entice the reader to want to know more. It should REALLY make them want to click on that link. Secondly, if used in public (such as a blog, YouTube video title etc) it should be something that your target audience is actively looking for to help it get found by searches. It's this second point I'm going to help with this week.

If you've always wondered what people are searching for, Google itself will actually tell you. If you head to Google and enter a search, after all the search results at the bottom of the page is a section titled "Searches related to...". This shows lots of relevant searches that people are looking for.

For example, a search for "boil an egg" shows some useful related searches as follows:

"how to soft boil an egg"
"how long to boil an egg for hard boiled eggs"
"how to boil eggs step by step"

These would all make great titles for someone interested in boiling eggs.

TOP TIP - "How to" titles always perform REALLY well btw!

Another bonus of these related searches is to get ideas for other similar content you could create content about. In this example you may want to use the following as new content ideas:

"how to peel a boiled egg"
"soft boiled egg timer online"

So next time you create any content, take your current title, put it into Google, and check out the related searches. It may just help you write a better performing content title :)

If you've got any questions, just head to the
Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and ask me there. 



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

P.S. Did you know we have DIY marketing courses that start at just £10+VAT? Check them out here

Jul 06, 202001:03
How Do Customers Find You?

How Do Customers Find You?

As it's nearing the end of the month I thought it was a good time to remind you to review your marketing activities for the last month. The reason being is to see what is working and what could be improved or even ditched! This is something I advise people to do once a month and something I personally do on the first Monday of each new month. 

But it's not just the usual things people think of like the number of website hits and Facebook likes. The whole point of marketing is to get the right people to your door who have the intention to buy from you. So although stats can be useful, it's your actual sales that matter and the marketing activities that led up to these sales. Your marketing review can be as simple as looking at the sales you made over the last month and figuring out where they came from (Top tip: ask your customers if you're not sure!). Once you know that, you can then plan to do more of that good stuff!

Do be careful not to write off and stop something you've only just started though. This is especially important for content marketing (blogs, podcasts, video and other article/info based work you put out there) that usually takes a while to start having an effect. But once it does, it's massively worthwhile.

If you've got any questions, just head to the
Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and ask me there. 



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

P.S. Did you know we have DIY marketing courses that start at just £10+VAT? Check them out here

Jun 29, 202001:01
Stop asking for feedback!
Jun 22, 202000:58
Who is your ideal customer?

Who is your ideal customer?

Do you know who your ideal customer is? If not then I suggest you find out! Without knowing this, your marketing will be very hit and miss as you won't know what message to put out there or where to put it. If your answer is "everyone" then again I think you need to work on that. If your marketing and message is trying to attract everyone, it will often attract no one.  

A good example could be an estate agent who when asked who they can help may say "anyone who wants to sell or buy a house". Nobody really connects with that message. But, once they think about it, they can actually be much more specific and give a much clearer message. If they look at their existing customer base they'll no doubt see some clear similarities especially around the type, size, and cost of properties they sell. So their messaging can change around that and be much more focused. When someone asks who they target, it could be a much clearer "we sell large family homes in the North Leeds area" or "we sell apartments to first time buyers in Manchester city centre". That makes it so much easier for people to know if it suits them (either buying or selling) or to think of anyone else suitable they could introduce. Knowing your ideal customer makes your marketing much more focused and so much easier to carry out.

Another quick tip is to sanity check any marketing you put out there by thinking if it would suit your ideal customer. Look at an actual existing ideal customer of yours, let's call him Bob. And then think how Bob would react if he saw it. Putting a real name and face to this really helps you decide if it's good content to be putting out there. If Bob would like it, so would other people similar to him :)

If you've got any questions, just head to the
Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and ask me there or reply to this email. 



Ten Minute Marketing: Training, consultancy, or we can do it for you!

Jun 15, 202000:54
The Most Important Word In Marketing!

The Most Important Word In Marketing!


This week I want to tell you the most important word in marketing. And that word is consistency.

For your marketing to be successful, you need to be consistent. Your branding should be consistent (people should recognise your materials from their look and colours alone), the message of what you do should be consistent (so it's crystal clear what you do), and your target market should be consistent (so people know if you can help them in particular, or people who they know).

All the content you put out there needs to be consistent too. Not just with the things mentioned above, but also how often and when you publish. There's little point in only marketing when you have nothing better to do. I see this all the time where suddenly someone is doings lots of marketing, but then gets busy and doesn't post anything for 6 months when they are quiet again. It's no surprise to me that the people and companies that are inconsistent with their marketing also seem to be the ones who's workload is in a feast or famine cycle. These things are linked...

As an example of consistency with your content; it's way better to publish a blog once a week, rather than publishing 2 articles a day for a week and then doing nothing for months. It really doesn't look great when you look at someone's website and it shows their last blog was from 2016 ;)

So how do you become consistent with your marketing? It's quite simple (but not always easy of course). You just need to have a plan of what you'll do each day/week/month and stick to it. This doesn't have to be complicated and could be as simple as having time scheduled (with a reminder) in your diary to carry out your marketing activities. Quite often, the simpler your system is, the better.

If you've got any questions, just head to the
Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and ask me there or reply to this email. 



Ten Minute Marketing - Successfully market your small business. In just 10 minutes a day!

Jun 08, 202000:46
Sales isn’t a dirty word!

Sales isn’t a dirty word!

As you know, I’m a big believer in the power of content marketing and giving away free content with hints and tips just like this weekly podcast I put out!

But one mistake I’ve made myself in the past, and see other people making, is to think that if they’re giving things away, they shouldn’t try and sell anything too. Sales is not a dirty word as without it, you’ll have no company left to be able to provide any free content.

I want to tell you that it’s ok to sell! As long as you do it openly and honestly. I think we’ve all seen the “free help” article that starts off well but ends up being a sales pitch. That’s definitely not what I’m talking about doing.

So today’s tip is simply a reminder to let people know what you sell and how that can help them.

Below is my sales pitch to you. If you want to stop reading now, that’s cool and just skip to the last paragraph. But I hope you won’t as I genuinely believe I can help people with their marketing even more by using my paid services.

I do this in three ways…

I can provide low cost training courses that teach you about an area of marketing (e.g. blogging, creating videos, starting a podcast etc). There are 20+ of these on the website at just £10+Vat each.

I also offer 1to1 advice and consultancy if people need help in a particular area of their marketing. So if you need help with something specific, just get in touch.

And finally, I’ve just launched a “done for” marketing service that came about because I’ve heard the same thing from so many small business owners over the past few months. They’ve said they know they should be marketing but don’t have the time or inclination to do it and just want someone to do it for them. If that’s you take a look here and drop me a message.

But I’m also totally cool with people subscribing to and implementing the free tips and never spending a penny with me if it helps them out.

If you’ve got any questions just head to the Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and ask me there.



Ten Minute Marketing – Successfully market your small business. In just 10 minutes a day!

Jun 01, 202001:23
Converting enquiries to sales. Is this the most important step?

Converting enquiries to sales. Is this the most important step?

We all spend a lot of time and energy creating opportunities and enquiries for our businesses. We then spend even more time and energy speaking to potential clients and putting quotes, estimates, and proposals together.

But are we forgetting one of the most important steps? Following up! I know I've been guilty of this myself in the past but once I realised how important following up is, it was a gamechanger. I previously felt like I was hassling people when following up but soon realised that it wasn't about me, it's about them. People are busy. Things get forgotten, and things drop off the radar. Some people even think that if you don't follow up then you're not actually that interested in doing the work. So make sure you ALWAYS follow up with people.

Here's a quick example of how powerful it is that prompted this week's tip. We needed to hire 2 scooters for 3 months recently so approached 3 local companies a couple of weeks ahead of when we needed them. We wanted to know what models they had and at what price for such a long term rental. They all pretty much had the same scooters at the same price after some negotiation. They all knew the date we wanted to hire from and that I'd be deciding who to use the week before that date. Only 1 of the 3 followed up with me (twice, plus did lots of other great stuff!) so of course they are the ones we've hired from.

If you want to convert enquiries into sales, make sure you follow up. If you haven't already, why not take a look at any quotes or estimates you've put out in the last 2 weeks and follow them up :)

If you've got any questions just head to the
Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and ask me there. 



Ten Minute Marketing - Successfully market your small business. In just 10 minutes a day!

May 25, 202000:58
How To Prove How Good You Are

How To Prove How Good You Are

It doesn't matter how good you are at what you do if potential customers don't know it too. Yes, you can tell people how great you are, but why should they believe you? People are far more likely to believe an existing customer singing your praises which is why testimonials are so important. Yes, this weeks tip is all about testimonials and reviews.

Firstly, make sure you get these and build your requests for them into your sales process. And talking of process, make this process as simple as possible for your customer. Don't just ask "Could I have a testimonial?". Make it easy for them, tell them where you'd like it (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tripadvisor etc) and how to do it. In most cases, you can send them a link that goes directly to the page for them to leave a review. If they can do it with one click they are far more likely to do it than if they need to seek you out on a platform and then figure out how to leave a review.

Once you do have a testimonial or review, brilliant, but it's also just the start of it. Make sure you actually use it! Most people do so once and then forget all about it. Again, build it into your ongoing marketing process. There's no point going to lots of effort getting a testimonial, creating nice graphics and images using it, and then posting it once on social media. Keep using all your testimonials constantly. For example, add them to your website, post them on social media, add them to your email signature etc.

Hopefully, this podcast has reminded you to use your testimonials and reviews, so even if you do nothing else with this info, why not share a previous testimonial on social media today :)

If you've got any questions just head to the
Ten Minute Marketing Facebook group here and ask me there. 



Ten Minute Marketing - Successfully market your small business. In just 10 minutes a day!

May 18, 202000:57
Are You Taking Your Own Advice?
May 11, 202000:59
How to record your computer screen. Quickly, easily, and for free!
May 04, 202001:04
How To Remove The Background Of A Photo In Seconds
Apr 27, 202000:59
You Can't Do Everything

You Can't Do Everything

This week's tip is all about not spreading yourself too thinly. As a small business, you're often trying to do lots of things yourself. But you can't do everything, not if you want to do those things well. This is really apparent in marketing where there are so many different avenues to explore, and always lots of new shiny things to use!

My advice is to concentrate on a couple of things, and do them really well rather than doing lots of things badly. For example, there are new social media platforms launching all the time that (self proclaimed) gurus say are "the next big thing" and that you "have to be on or risk missing out". Although it's good to keep an eye on them, I'd advise you to stick to more established ones where you already have relationships and know where your potential customers hang out.

Another example is Facebook Groups, where people decide to join hundreds and just drop their pitch into them all every so often and never post otherwise. This simply doesn't work and is a waste of time.  My advice with Facebook Groups is to only use 3 but get properly involved with them. Don’t just pitch! Be helpful and become a valuable member of that community over time. I'm not saying don't sell at all. I'm saying sell to people who know and trust you already and want to buy from you.

Remember, you only have so many hours in a day, and only some of that time is for marketing, so do use it wisely :)



P.S. I'm now offering a "Power Hour" 1to1 marketing service. In this hour I can help you with a particular marketing challenge, review and advise on your current strategy, or help you build a successful marketing plan. These cost just £99+VAT and I'm limiting these to just 3 sessions per week so if you'd like to know more, just drop me an email to

Ten Minute Marketing - Successfully market your small business. In just 10 minutes a day!

Apr 20, 202001:09
6 Zoom Tips In Less Than 1 Minute!

6 Zoom Tips In Less Than 1 Minute!

As everyone (well, most people!) now seems to be using Zoom for video meetings, I thought it was worth sharing 6 quick tips that will massively improve how to look, sound, and come across.

So let’s get straight into it!

1. Lighting
Being well lit so people can see you properly is massively important. The best way to improve this is with lots of light. Try and get lots of natural light shining on you from the front. The easiest way to do this is to sit facing a window. Do NOT have a window behind as you’ll end up as a silhouette!

If your room is dark and/or poorly lit, one thing that will help is to have a dark background behind you (e.g. dark curtains) rather than a blank light coloured wall. Your camera will automatically adjust and brighten you up against a dark background so is a big improvement.

2. Camera position
Try and make sure your camera is at eye level. Nobody wants to look up your nose! If it isn’t, you can raise your laptop by sitting it on books or boxes. This is even more important to address if you’re using a tablet or phone as they are smaller and sit lower on your desk. You can of course use a tripod with them though.

3. Eye Contact
Try and look directly at the camera rather than other people on screen when speaking. This is something that takes a while to get used to but makes a huge difference. If you don’t, to other people on the call it looks like you are looking into their lap!

4. Audio
Audio is probably the most important part of any Zoom call. If you can’t hear other people, and they can’t hear you, you may as well not bother having the call! It’s far better to use an external microphone and headphones rather than the built in speakers and microphone of your laptop (or phone/tablet). This helps you hear people better and blocks out other noise from around you. Others will also hear you much clearer and there’s less chance of feedback and echo. Most smartphone earphones also have a microphone built into them and these work great plugged into your laptop.

Also, make sure that you mute yourself when not speaking to minimise background noise for everyone. A top tip for unmuting quickly to speak is to press and hold the spacebar while you talk and then release the spacebar to go back to being muted.

5. Looking Your Best
You probably want to look your best on camera. So as well as good lighting and camera angles, do make the same effort that you would for a face to face meeting. Zoom also gives a couple of options in the settings to help you. Go into your settings, select video, and tick the “Enable HD” option as well as “Touch up my appearance”.

6. Backgrounds
If possible, try to have a non-cluttered background, and certainly not a huge mess behind you! One thing that can work well is the use of a roller banner as this can help get across your brand. There’s also a clever virtual background option that I previously
made a video about here.

Finally, I’ll just say that you should set all the above up, and test everything out for optimal results way before you have your live Zoom call. Once you have a setup you’re happy with, it will only take a minute to have it all setup and ready again before every call.



Ten Minute Marketing — Successfully market your small business. In just 10 minutes a day!

Apr 13, 202001:19
You Need To Stay Visible!

You Need To Stay Visible!

This week I've heard a few people say that their business can't operate online so there's no point doing any marketing at the moment as nobody can actually buy anything. Now is the time they (and everyone else) should be doing MORE marketing, not less, to ensure they stay visible! 

The same is true for you. If you don't continue marketing, it will be like you're starting again from scratch later on. Not a great situation to be in as there'll be a big lag between you starting to market, and then getting new work again.

Even if there's absolutely no way your business can do any paid work right now, you still need to be visible and be consistently seen out there. Once we come out of the other side of this situation, you don't want to have been forgotten. People will soon forget about you and your business unless they are regularly reminded that you exist.

Whether you can work or not, you've probably got a bit more time in your day than before so why not use it wisely. A couple of suggestions are to get helpful content out there (through social media, blogs, podcasts, videos etc) on a daily basis, and to try some online networking. Thanks to Zoom (and others),
online networking is now possible, and something I've jumped into myself. I've found it not only helps my business but also my sanity!

I totally get that everyone's situation is different of course. Lots of people now have children at home rather than at school, and we don't all have the ideal working environment. Some people actually have less time than before! Even if you don't get time to do much, please do keep your business visible though. I guarantee you that spending just an hour a day marketing your business will help you far more in the long run, than watching yet another episode of Tiger King on Netflix ;)



Ten Minute Marketing - Successfully market your small business. In just 10 minutes a day!

Apr 06, 202000:51
38 Things To Help You With Your Marketing!

38 Things To Help You With Your Marketing!

1 Minute Marketing Monday is back!

After taking a few months off for personal reasons (I've been travelling the world, see ) I've recently taken Ten Minute Marketing off the back burner which includes your weekly marketing tips email.

Firstly, I've put some new info together in the past couple of weeks to try and help people through the current Covid-19 situation.

1. Here's a guide I put together to help you work from home.
2. If you're using Zoom for video meetings, here's how to make and use a branded background
3. If you want to do some business networking online (you should!) check this out.

But this week I thought I'd point you to a load of free resources I previously put together to help you with your marketing. Check out the full article here which points to all the videos, podcasts, and blogs. It includes the following:

1. Zig When They Zag
2. How to get notified whenever anyone mentions you online
3. It’s easy to overlook something so obvious
4. Try new things, they might be better
5. It doesn’t have to be perfect
6. It’s not just about you!
7. How to improve communication with this 1 simple tip
8. What do you do?
9. A big mistake in business networking and how to avoid it!
10. The Best Way to Handle Social Media Leads
11. A mistake I see all the time with videos
12. Marketing isn’t just about finding new contacts

If you've got any questions, just ask!



Ten Minute Marketing - Successfully market your small business. In just 10 minutes a day!

Mar 30, 202000:50
Zig When They Zag

Zig When They Zag

Are you using all the same marketing methods as everyone else? Why not do things differently.

Listen to this 1 minute podcast for more information.

Please add your comments or feedback below, or over in the free Facebook group at

Aug 26, 201900:41
How to get notified whenever anyone mentions you online

How to get notified whenever anyone mentions you online

Wouldn't it be great if you could get notified whenever your company or products are mentioned online? You can!

Listen to this 1 minute podcast for more information.

Please add your comments or feedback below, or over in the free Facebook group at

Aug 19, 201900:43
It's easy to overlook something so obvious

It's easy to overlook something so obvious

Sometimes we spend lots of time and money on something new while neglecting something more obvious...

Listen to this 1 minute podcast for more information.

Please add your comments or feedback below, or over in the free Facebook group at

Aug 12, 201901:07
Try new things, they might be better

Try new things, they might be better

This week I talk about not getting stuck in your ways!

Listen to this 1 minute podcast for more information.

Please add your comments or feedback over in the free Facebook group at

Aug 05, 201901:10
It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect

It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect

Is perfection actually holding you back?

Listen to this 1 minute podcast for more information.

Please add your comments or feedback below, or over in the free Facebook group at

Jul 29, 201901:08
It's not just about you!

It's not just about you!

This week's tip is all about thinking about things from other peoples perspectives.

Listen to this 1 minute podcast for more information.

Please add your comments or feedback below, or over in the free Facebook group at

Jul 22, 201901:10
How to improve communication with this 1 simple tip

How to improve communication with this 1 simple tip

This week's tip is all about communication.

Listen to this 1 minute podcast for more information.

Please add your comments or feedback below, or over in the free Facebook group at

Jul 15, 201901:10
What Do You Do?

What Do You Do?

This week's tip is about being prepared to answer that common question "What do you do?".

Listen to this 1 minute podcast for more information.

Please add your comments or feedback below, or over in the free Facebook group at

Jul 08, 201901:00
A big mistake in business networking and how to avoid it!

A big mistake in business networking and how to avoid it!

This week's tip is about a big mistake people often make in business networking, and more importantly, how to avoid it.

Watch this 1 minute video for more information.

Please add your comments or feedback below, or over in the free Facebook group at

Jul 01, 201901:07
The Best Way to Handle Social Media Leads

The Best Way to Handle Social Media Leads

Hopefully you're seeing and getting leads from social media. Here's the best way to deal with them.

Listen to this 1 minute video for more information.

Please add your comments or feedback below, or over in the free Facebook group at

Jun 24, 201901:04
A mistake I see all the time with social media videos

A mistake I see all the time with social media videos

A mistake I see all the time with social media videos.

Listen to this 1 minute podcast for more information.

Please add your comments or feedback below, or over in the free Facebook group at

Jun 17, 201900:47
Marketing isn't just about finding new contacts
Jun 10, 201900:58