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Running Commentary

Running Commentary

By Chayim Boruch Alevsky

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah / Parsha thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can do it too. To get new links (FB, YouTube and Audio) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.
RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. Now B"H, there are over 200.
Currently playing episode

Running Commentary [#78] Mishpatim: 1. Can't Touch This. Torah-Safe. 2. "IF" Optional or Mandatory?

Running CommentaryFeb 15, 2023

Running Commentary [#236] Pinchas. Our Natural, Miraculous Existence, and Division of the Holy Land. Nature seems natural, but it's as miraculous as miracles. Lots & Miracles. Special Mention: Women.

Running Commentary [#236] Pinchas. Our Natural, Miraculous Existence, and Division of the Holy Land. Nature seems natural, but it's as miraculous as miracles. Lots & Miracles. Special Mention: Women.

Running Commentary [#236] Pinchas
Our Natural, yet Miraculous Existence, and Division of the Holy Land.
Nature seems natural, but it's as miraculous as miracles.
Lots & Miracles. Special Mention to the Women of then & now.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.
RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #236. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jul 07, 202313:24
Running Commentary [#235] 12 Tamuz/Chukas-BalakChukas: Red Cow - Law of the Torah? Balak: Why does the Torah honor wicked Balak by naming a Parsha with his name? The Previous Rebbe: Days of Light.

Running Commentary [#235] 12 Tamuz/Chukas-BalakChukas: Red Cow - Law of the Torah? Balak: Why does the Torah honor wicked Balak by naming a Parsha with his name? The Previous Rebbe: Days of Light.

Running Commentary [#235] 12 Tamuz/Chukas-Balak (From this past Shabbos, upstate NY)
Chukas: What does the Red Cow have to do with the Law of the Torah?
Balak: Why does the Torah honor wicked Balak by naming a Parsha with his name?
The Previous Rebbe: Days of Light.
Would you send someone into real-life-danger for Jewish Education?
#My great grandparents on both sides.
Audio: The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.
RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #234. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jul 03, 202316:03
Running Commentary [#234] Chukas-Balak / 3 & 12 Tamuz Moshe and Og, the Giant. Afraid? Don't show it. A living Lesson from the Previous Rebbe in Communist Prison Fake it till you make it.

Running Commentary [#234] Chukas-Balak / 3 & 12 Tamuz Moshe and Og, the Giant. Afraid? Don't show it. A living Lesson from the Previous Rebbe in Communist Prison Fake it till you make it.

Running Commentary [#234] Chukas-Balak / 3 & 12 Tamuz

Moshe and Og, the Giant.

Afraid? Don't show it.

A living Lesson from the Previous Rebbe in Communist Prison

Fake it till you make it.

And, a moving story of an answer to a Rebbe letter never sent.




An important point I missed... the reason Moshe was afraid was spiritual - he feared that Og the giant may have had some merit, from the time when he informed Avraham about Lot's capture by the enemy kings etc.

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.
RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #234. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jun 28, 202316:26
Running Commentary [#231] Sefirah: Why we count. Lag BaOmer: Love Matters Love = One @13.  אהבה = אחד Do (can) you Rejoice in your Friend’s Success? (Live from Cleveland) FB:

Running Commentary [#231] Sefirah: Why we count. Lag BaOmer: Love Matters Love = One @13. אהבה = אחד Do (can) you Rejoice in your Friend’s Success? (Live from Cleveland) FB:

Running Commentary [#231] Sefirah: Why we count.
Lag BaOmer: Love Matters
Love = One @13.
אהבה = אחד
Do (can) you Rejoice in your Friend’s Success?
(Live from Cleveland)
YT: --

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.
RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #231. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

May 12, 202316:20
Running Commentary [#230] Emor: Omer & Pirkei Avot Unique Hospitality. "Teach me the Whole Torah on one foot." Really?! 3 Talmudic Stories of Converts, and a Fascinating Take on Hillel's Response.

Running Commentary [#230] Emor: Omer & Pirkei Avot Unique Hospitality. "Teach me the Whole Torah on one foot." Really?! 3 Talmudic Stories of Converts, and a Fascinating Take on Hillel's Response.

Running Commentary [#230] Emor: Omer & Pirkei Avot
[Yizkor Story Fix from last week!]
Unique Hospitality.
"Teach me the Whole Torah on one foot." Really?!
3 Talmudic Stories of Converts, and a Fascinating Take on Hillel's Response.
Do you really love me?


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.
RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #230. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

May 04, 202325:12
Running Commentary [#229] Acharei-Kedoshim "Be Holy" - the first command in this Parasha. What is holy? Can we really be holy today? 3 Great Stories about different kinds of 'Holiness'.

Running Commentary [#229] Acharei-Kedoshim "Be Holy" - the first command in this Parasha. What is holy? Can we really be holy today? 3 Great Stories about different kinds of 'Holiness'.

Running Commentary [#229] Acharei-Kedoshim
"Be Holy" - the first command in this Parasha.
What is holy?
Can we really be holy today?
3 Great Stories about different kinds of 'Holiness'.

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.
RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #229. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Apr 27, 202327:25
Running Commentary [#228] Tazria-Metzora: Why do Words have such Transformational Power? Q: Why Did They Let Bird #2 Go Free? Q. Is One Punished for Saying Nothing? A: The Zohar's Shocking Statement

Running Commentary [#228] Tazria-Metzora: Why do Words have such Transformational Power? Q: Why Did They Let Bird #2 Go Free? Q. Is One Punished for Saying Nothing? A: The Zohar's Shocking Statement

Running Commentary [#228] Tazria-Metzora:
Why do Words have such Transformational Power?
Q: Why Did They Let Bird #2 Go Free?
Q. Is One Punished for Saying Nothing?
A: The Zohar's Shocking Statement

(The video cut out at least 2x during the live-stream. Here's the missing info: 1. At 17:07, Tavi was asked to bring the most valubel thing from the market, and be brought a (cow's) tongue. Then, he was asked to bring the worst thing for the same price, and again brought a tongue, explaining that the tongue can do the greatest service and cause the most harm. 2. at 20:27, I was in the midst of this story - you can read it here: ---

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.
RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #227. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Apr 21, 202320:26
Running Commentary [#227] Pesach's Final Day Recap: Why the Constant Focus on Moshiach? 1. The Talmudic & Biblical Liars 2. When NASA needs the advice of the Jews, to reach the stars.

Running Commentary [#227] Pesach's Final Day Recap: Why the Constant Focus on Moshiach? 1. The Talmudic & Biblical Liars 2. When NASA needs the advice of the Jews, to reach the stars.

Running Commentary [#227] Pesach's Final Day Recap: Why the Constant Focus on Moshiach?
1. The Talmudic & Biblical Liars
2. When NASA needs the advice of the Jews, to reach the stars.
Audio: ---
The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.
RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #227. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Apr 17, 202311:53
Running Commentary [#226] Pesach / Tzav. Why 'Escape' from Egypt? Why Lie to Pharaoh, Why the Trickery: "Let us go for (just) 3 days...?" How We Exodus from our Personal Egypt.

Running Commentary [#226] Pesach / Tzav. Why 'Escape' from Egypt? Why Lie to Pharaoh, Why the Trickery: "Let us go for (just) 3 days...?" How We Exodus from our Personal Egypt.

Running Commentary [#226] Pesach / Tzav.
Why 'Escape' from Egypt?
Why Lie to Pharaoh, Why the Trickery:
"Let us go for (just) 3 days...?"
How We Exodus from our Personal Egypt.
The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.
RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #226. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Mar 28, 202315:28
Running Commentary [#144] Vayikra Are the Biblical Sacrifices really relevant to us today? Our Daily Commitment x4 and Small, Annual Investment. Sacrifice or Gain? Quality, first, passionately.

Running Commentary [#144] Vayikra Are the Biblical Sacrifices really relevant to us today? Our Daily Commitment x4 and Small, Annual Investment. Sacrifice or Gain? Quality, first, passionately.

Running Commentary [#144] Vayikra
Are the Biblical Sacrifices really relevant to us today? Are they actually sacrifices?
Our Daily Commitment x4 and Small, Annual Investment. Sacrifice or Gain?
Quality, first, passionately.
The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.
RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #144. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Mar 21, 202315:14
Running Commentary [#88] Vayikra / Tzav Nothing more Complete Than a Broken Heart Not a Play on Words. #BrokenHeart

Running Commentary [#88] Vayikra / Tzav Nothing more Complete Than a Broken Heart Not a Play on Words. #BrokenHeart

Running Commentary [#88] Vayikra / Tzav
Nothing more Complete Than a Broken Heart
Not a Play on Words. #BrokenHeart
The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.
RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #88. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Mar 21, 202309:36
Running Commentary [#85] VAYIKR"a" : Why is Vayikra spelled in the Torah with an undersized Aleph? ויקרא The Rebbe's Advice to Campers in 1957. We are all Yisrael!

Running Commentary [#85] VAYIKR"a" : Why is Vayikra spelled in the Torah with an undersized Aleph? ויקרא The Rebbe's Advice to Campers in 1957. We are all Yisrael!

Running Commentary [#85] VAYIKR"a"
Why is Vayikra spelled in the Torah with an undersized Aleph? ויקרא
The Rebbe's Advice to Campers in 1957. We are all Yisrael!

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.
RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #85. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Mar 21, 202312:22
Running Commentary [#225] (Live from Cleveland) Vayikra (and Last Week's Vayakhel-Pikudei) One of Israel's most famous songs explored in the lens of these Parshas. A Carpenter's Eternal Yearning.

Running Commentary [#225] (Live from Cleveland) Vayikra (and Last Week's Vayakhel-Pikudei) One of Israel's most famous songs explored in the lens of these Parshas. A Carpenter's Eternal Yearning.

Running Commentary [#225] (Live from Cleveland) Vayikra (and Last Week's Vayakhel-Pikudei)
One of Israel's most famous songs, explained and explored, in the lens of these Parshas.
על כפיו יביא
A Carpenter's Eternal Yearning.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #225. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Mar 21, 202314:15
Running Commentary [#187] Ki Tisa Precious, Holy Mirrors of Temptation. The Temple's No-Dirt Policy. Then and Now. #SuperiorWomenPower

Running Commentary [#187] Ki Tisa Precious, Holy Mirrors of Temptation. The Temple's No-Dirt Policy. Then and Now. #SuperiorWomenPower

Running Commentary [#187] Ki Tisa
Precious, Holy Mirrors of Temptation.
The Temple's No-Dirt Policy. Then and Now.

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #187. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Mar 09, 202312:33
Running Commentary [#186] Tetzaveh / 7 Adar: The Mystery of the Missing Moshe. #EraseMeFromYourBook... Beware: Words Create. Hidden Messages in Holy Numerology. כתית - 410\420. תצוה - 501 \ אשר - 501.

Running Commentary [#186] Tetzaveh / 7 Adar: The Mystery of the Missing Moshe. #EraseMeFromYourBook... Beware: Words Create. Hidden Messages in Holy Numerology. כתית - 410\420. תצוה - 501 \ אשר - 501.

Running Commentary [#186] Tetzaveh / 7 Adar:
The Mystery of the Missing Moshe.
#EraseMeFromYourBook... Beware: Words Create.
Hidden Messages in Holy Numerology.
A Chassidic Revelation, Illuminating this Darkness.
Numerical Hints in this talk:
כתית - 410\420. תצוה - 501 \ אשר - 501.  מספרך - מספר-ך
Rebbe: אתה - Essential Connection.
We Are Moshe.

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #186. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 27, 202322:09
Running Commentary [#82] Tetzaveh: Olive vs Oil. Ibn Ezra vs Rashi. Journey vs Destination. P'shat / Halacha / Chassidus. Amazing. 9/1227 -

Running Commentary [#82] Tetzaveh: Olive vs Oil. Ibn Ezra vs Rashi. Journey vs Destination. P'shat / Halacha / Chassidus. Amazing. 9/1227 -

Running Commentary [#82] Tetzaveh [From 2020]
Olive vs Oil. Ibn Ezra vs Rashi. Journey vs Destination.
P'shat / Halacha / Chassidus. Amazing.
9/1227 -
The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #82. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 27, 202316:09
Running [Car] Commentary [#185] Parashat Teruma: The Gift of Giving. The Rusty Penny's Story. המעשה הוא העיקר - Action Trumps All vs I'm a Jew@Heart. Personal Mishkan Parallels

Running [Car] Commentary [#185] Parashat Teruma: The Gift of Giving. The Rusty Penny's Story. המעשה הוא העיקר - Action Trumps All vs I'm a Jew@Heart. Personal Mishkan Parallels

Running [Car] Commentary [#185] Parashat Teruma: The Gift of Giving. The Rusty Penny's Story.
המעשה הוא העיקר - Action (The Story) Trumps All
HaMa'ase Hu HaIkar vs I'm a Jew@Heart.
Personal Mishkan Parallels.

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #185. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 20, 202316:08
Running Commentary [#139]: Parashat Teruma: Inside the Mishkan. We Are the Cherubs - Angel-Like Children. Beams: עצי שיטים - Shtus Up. שקר - קרש - קשר: Falsehood, Beams, Connection אמת - שקר:

Running Commentary [#139]: Parashat Teruma: Inside the Mishkan. We Are the Cherubs - Angel-Like Children. Beams: עצי שיטים - Shtus Up. שקר - קרש - קשר: Falsehood, Beams, Connection אמת - שקר:

Running Commentary [#139]: Teruma: Inside the Mishkan.
We Are the Cherubs (כרובים) - Angel-Like Children.
Beams: עצי שיטים - Shtus Up.
שקר - קרש - קשר: Falsehood, Beams, Connection
אמת - שקר: אין לא רגלים: Falsehood has no 'feet' / endurance.

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #139. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 20, 202312:56
Running Commentary [#80] Parashat Terumah. Two Unique Contributions. You Matter. 7&8/1227 -

Running Commentary [#80] Parashat Terumah. Two Unique Contributions. You Matter. 7&8/1227 -

Running Commentary [#80] Parashat Terumah 02
1. Two Unique Contributions.
2. 2. You Matter
3. 7&8/1227 -

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #80. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 20, 202303:22
Running Commentary: [#49] Parashat Teruma. Gold: A Golden Opportunity of a Higher Order.

Running Commentary: [#49] Parashat Teruma. Gold: A Golden Opportunity of a Higher Order.

Running Commentary: [#49] Parashat Teruma
Gold: A Golden Opportunity of a Higher Order.

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #49. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 20, 202307:48
Running Commentary [#184] Mishpatim Marriage Matters from Rabbeinu Gershom Meor HaGolah. Above & Below. In Heaven & Earth. #RebbeParallels.

Running Commentary [#184] Mishpatim Marriage Matters from Rabbeinu Gershom Meor HaGolah. Above & Below. In Heaven & Earth. #RebbeParallels.

Running Commentary [#184] Mishpatim
Marriage Matters from Rabbeinu Gershom Meor HaGolah.
Above & Below. In Heaven & Earth. #RebbeParallels.

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #184. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 15, 202314:23
Running Commentary [#138]: Mishpatim Daven to Eat, or Eat to Daven? Give to Get, or Get to Give? A Story & Lesson.

Running Commentary [#138]: Mishpatim Daven to Eat, or Eat to Daven? Give to Get, or Get to Give? A Story & Lesson.

Running Commentary [#138]: Mishpatim
Daven to Eat, or Eat to Daven? Give to Get, or Get to Give?
A Story & Lesson.

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #138. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 15, 202314:08
Running Commentary [#78] Mishpatim: 1. Can't Touch This. Torah-Safe. 2. "IF" Optional or Mandatory?

Running Commentary [#78] Mishpatim: 1. Can't Touch This. Torah-Safe. 2. "IF" Optional or Mandatory?

Running Commentary [#78] Mishpatim:
1. Can't Touch This. Torah-Safe.
2. "IF" Optional or Mandatory?
Chassidus from: 6/1227 -

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #78. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 15, 202314:03
Running Commentary [#77] Mishpatim: Workweek / Shabbat Slavery Paradigm.

Running Commentary [#77] Mishpatim: Workweek / Shabbat Slavery Paradigm.

Running Commentary [#77] Mishpatim:
Workweek / Shabbat Slavery Paradigm.
5/1227 -

The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #77. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 15, 202309:30
Running Commentary [#224] Yisro. First Mitzvot following Mt. Sinai Experience. "You Saw... Do not make "with Me" other gods "Build an Alter of Earth... "Sacrifice Your..." About 'Bittul' #TrueSelfless

Running Commentary [#224] Yisro. First Mitzvot following Mt. Sinai Experience. "You Saw... Do not make "with Me" other gods "Build an Alter of Earth... "Sacrifice Your..." About 'Bittul' #TrueSelfless

Running Commentary [#224] (On Last Week's) Yisro.
With RC Star ZalmanMosheSapo, and Surprise, special guest appearance during the run!
The Ramban, Abarbanel, and the Rebbe's Mystical perspective on:
"You Saw... Do not make "with Me" other gods..." (Did they really need that?)
"Build an Alter of Earth..." (Why earth?)
"Sacrifice Your..." (Accomplishments!)
About 'Bittul' (True Selflessness)


Learn about 'Bittul' (Selflessness) (lit. "self-nullification"); a commitment to G-d and divine service that transcends self-concern, here:


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #224. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 15, 202323:44
Running Commentary [#223] Tu B'shvat with Guest Celeb Yaniv Zarif. Running, Shmoozing & Singing (!) with Yaniv Zarif.

Running Commentary [#223] Tu B'shvat with Guest Celeb Yaniv Zarif. Running, Shmoozing & Singing (!) with Yaniv Zarif.

Running Commentary [#223] Tu B'shvat with Guest Celeb Yaniv Zarif
Running, Shmoozing & Singing (!) with Yaniv Zarif.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #223. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 06, 202318:09
Running Commentary [#137]: Yisro 22 Shvat, Stories about Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka & Tzedakah Opp. in her Memory. Conquer Amalek Without a Doubt: If you can't beat 'em, ignore 'em.

Running Commentary [#137]: Yisro 22 Shvat, Stories about Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka & Tzedakah Opp. in her Memory. Conquer Amalek Without a Doubt: If you can't beat 'em, ignore 'em.

Running Commentary [#137]: Yisro
22 Shvat, Rebbetzin's Yohrtzeit
A few stories about Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka & Tzedakah Opp. in her Memory.
Conquer Amalek /Without a Doubt: If you can't beat 'em, ignore 'em.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #137. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 05, 202318:33
Running Commentary [#136]: Yisro: The 'א' Aleph / First Lesson, First Letter of the 10 Commandments. The Alter Rebbe Teaches his Son's Teacher the First, Most Important Lesson.

Running Commentary [#136]: Yisro: The 'א' Aleph / First Lesson, First Letter of the 10 Commandments. The Alter Rebbe Teaches his Son's Teacher the First, Most Important Lesson.

Running Commentary [#136]: Yisro:
The 'א' Aleph / First Lesson, First Letter of the 10 Commandments.
The Alter Rebbe Teaches his Son's Teacher the First, Most Important Lesson.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #136. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 05, 202308:48
Running Commentary [#114] Yisro/Vaeschanan: A Beautiful Story of One in Prayer. Internal Lesson from the Big 10. זכור ושמור - בדיבור / בדבר - אחד

Running Commentary [#114] Yisro/Vaeschanan: A Beautiful Story of One in Prayer. Internal Lesson from the Big 10. זכור ושמור - בדיבור / בדבר - אחד

Running Commentary [#114] Vaeschanan/Yisro:
A Beautiful Story of One in Prayer.
Internal Lesson from the Big 10.
זכור ושמור - בדיבור / בדבר - אחד


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #114. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 05, 202310:15
Running Commentary [76] Yisro: The Aleph of Our Service – Humility through Torah Study 1. The Aleph of Our Service. 2. How Do YOU Shabbat? 3 Options.

Running Commentary [76] Yisro: The Aleph of Our Service – Humility through Torah Study 1. The Aleph of Our Service. 2. How Do YOU Shabbat? 3 Options.

Running Commentary [76] Yisro: The Aleph of Our Service – Humility through Torah Study
1. The Aleph of Our Service.
2. How Do YOU Shabbat? 3 Options.
[One correction to the Aleph note: (I re-listened and see that I misunderstood this point:)
To enable OUR access to the 'Yud' / "dot" Above, we must be a "yud" / "dot" below, meaning we must be truly humble, which comes through Yir'at Shamayim / Torah study.]
* Source of the sicha (Rebbe’s talk) 4/1227 -


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #76. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 05, 202311:06
Running Commentary [#75] Tu B'shvat / Yisro: No Torah w/o World Expert Yisro's "B"H!" / 3 Steps of Daily Prep for Torah

Running Commentary [#75] Tu B'shvat / Yisro: No Torah w/o World Expert Yisro's "B"H!" / 3 Steps of Daily Prep for Torah

Running Commentary [#75] Tu B'shvat / Yisro: No Torah w/o World Expert Yisro's "B"H!"  / 3 Steps of Prep for Torah
3/1227 -


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #75. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 05, 202311:33
Running Commentary [#135] Yud [10] Shvat: Basi Legani – G-d 'Returned' to His Garden. The Rebbe's Mission Statement. The Purpose of Existence, and How to Achieve it.

Running Commentary [#135] Yud [10] Shvat: Basi Legani – G-d 'Returned' to His Garden. The Rebbe's Mission Statement. The Purpose of Existence, and How to Achieve it.

Running Commentary [#135] Yud [10] Shvat: Basi Legani – G-d 'Returned' to His Garden.
The Rebbe's Mission Statement.
The Purpose of Existence, and How to Achieve it.
Kindness to the undeserved. Yes or No? To Do or Not To Do?


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #135. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Feb 02, 202313:49
Running Commentary [#182] Parashat Beshalach: Why is the Snake Always Depressed? What is the only 'Unanimously' Biblical Blessing? Why was the Torah 'Given' to the Manna Eaters?

Running Commentary [#182] Parashat Beshalach: Why is the Snake Always Depressed? What is the only 'Unanimously' Biblical Blessing? Why was the Torah 'Given' to the Manna Eaters?

Running Commentary [#182] Beshalach
[Feed the Birds! #Shabbat Shira]
Why is the Snake Always Depressed?
What is the only 'Unanimously' Biblical Blessing?
Why was the Torah 'Given' to the Manna Eaters?


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #182. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jan 29, 202314:17
Running Commentary [#74] Beshalach: The Protecting Wall, Right & Left. Feed the Birds! (2020) 8-year plan. Are You In? 2/1227 – Find the sichos at

Running Commentary [#74] Beshalach: The Protecting Wall, Right & Left. Feed the Birds! (2020) 8-year plan. Are You In? 2/1227 – Find the sichos at

Running Commentary [#74] Beshalach: The Protecting Wall, Right & Left. Feed the Birds! (2020)
8-year plan. Are You In? 2/1227 – Find the sichos at
Sicha 1: A Jew is a Prayer. You have been empowered to fulfil the purpose of creation.
Sicha 2: Prophecy Greater Than Moshe's.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought on the Parshat HaShavuah, the weekly Torah portion or current holiday, usually from the Rebbe [] which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #74. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jan 29, 202313:07
Running Commentary [#222] Parashat Bo: Takes 2 to Tango. 3 to Redeem. Kohein Takes 5. G-d Passed Over the Firstborn: Who's Mitzvah is it? To Redeem, or be Redeemed? Is it a Mitzvah or Celebration?

Running Commentary [#222] Parashat Bo: Takes 2 to Tango. 3 to Redeem. Kohein Takes 5. G-d Passed Over the Firstborn: Who's Mitzvah is it? To Redeem, or be Redeemed? Is it a Mitzvah or Celebration?

Running Commentary [#222] Parashat Bo: Takes 2 to Tango. 3 to Redeem. Kohein Takes 5.

G-d Passed Over the Firstborn: Who's Mitzvah is it?
To Redeem, or be Redeemed?
Is it a Mitzvah or Celebration?
A moving teaching from the Rebbe on its current relevance in our time & life.




Audio/Typo inside... 

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The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #222. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jan 26, 202321:32
Running (Parasha) Commentary [#73] Bo: Let ME go! Essential Personal Exodus. Exploring why & how the Exodus theme is essential in our daily Torah study and Mitzvot observance.

Running (Parasha) Commentary [#73] Bo: Let ME go! Essential Personal Exodus. Exploring why & how the Exodus theme is essential in our daily Torah study and Mitzvot observance.

Running Commentary [#73] Parashat Bo: Let ME go! Essential Personal Exodus.
Exploring why & how the Exodus theme is essential in our daily Torah study and Mitzvot observance.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #73. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jan 23, 202313:58
Running Commentary [#221] Va'era: "G-d 'set apart' the Jews…" only in one of the 10 plagues. Why? #Havdala / Law of Return

Running Commentary [#221] Va'era: "G-d 'set apart' the Jews…" only in one of the 10 plagues. Why? #Havdala / Law of Return

Running Commentary [#221] Va'era (Live in Cleveland)
"G-d 'set apart' the Jews…" only in one of the 10 plagues.
Are we meant to be united or separate from the Nations?
#Havdalah / The Law of Return.

NOTE: In the commentary, I mistakenly presented that the Torah only uses the word 'הפלא - set apart' in one of the 10 plagues, #4/10. The word 'הפלא - set apart' actually appears again later at plague #7. The Rebbe's Q & A here is what was the 'trigger/need' to use that term in plague #4, when it wasn't used in the prior 3 plagues.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #221. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jan 19, 202312:43
Running Commentary [#180] Parashat Va'era Pregnancy's & Birth, an Analogy for Galus & Geulah / Exile & Redemption. My Name Y-H-V-H - Was Not Known to Them.

Running Commentary [#180] Parashat Va'era Pregnancy's & Birth, an Analogy for Galus & Geulah / Exile & Redemption. My Name Y-H-V-H - Was Not Known to Them.

Running Commentary [#180] Parashat Va'era
Pregnancy's & Birth, an Analogy for Galus & Geulah / Exile & Redemption.
My Name Y-H-V-H - Was Not Known to Them.
Levels of G-d's Name/Revelation to Avot, Forefathers, vs Moshe.
And Soon, to Us, with Moshiach.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #180. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jan 15, 202317:58
Running Commentary : [71] Parashat Va'era: Sticks & Snakes. 1. Face Your Fears. 2. Reveal the Hidden Truth.

Running Commentary : [71] Parashat Va'era: Sticks & Snakes. 1. Face Your Fears. 2. Reveal the Hidden Truth.

Running Commentary: [71] Parashat Va'era
Sticks & Snakes.
1. Face Your Fears.
2. Reveal the Hidden Truth.
See more at


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #71. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jan 15, 202313:39
Running Commentary [#220] Shemot: Drama in the Desert. 1. To see G-d in a bush, chase a baby sheep. – The Rebbe. A Story. / 2. The ‘heart’ of fire for G-d, can only be found in the thornbush.

Running Commentary [#220] Shemot: Drama in the Desert. 1. To see G-d in a bush, chase a baby sheep. – The Rebbe. A Story. / 2. The ‘heart’ of fire for G-d, can only be found in the thornbush.

Running Commentary [#220] Shemot

Baby Guest Again!

Drama in the Desert.

1. To see G-d in a bush, you need to chase a baby sheep. – The Rebbe

The Rebbe & the ‘Loan’ly Butcher. - A Story

2. The ‘heart’ of fire for G-d, can only be found in the thornbush. - The Baal Shem Tov

How G-d primed Moshe for his mission as Redeemer.

From the Alter Rebbe’s debate with the Misnagdim of Minsk & Vilna.






The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #220. The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jan 12, 202320:49
Running Commentary [#179] Shemot Avraham Saddled it. Moshe Transported his Family on it. Moshiach will be Revealed while Riding it. The Inside Story about the Donkey that Spans History.

Running Commentary [#179] Shemot Avraham Saddled it. Moshe Transported his Family on it. Moshiach will be Revealed while Riding it. The Inside Story about the Donkey that Spans History.

Running Commentary [#179] Shemot 

Avraham Saddled it.
Moshe Transported his Family on it.
Moshiach will be Revealed while Riding it.
The Inside Story about the Donkey that Spans History.
3 Levels of Holy Manifestation, in 3 Eras & Within.
חמור - חומר.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #179 The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jan 08, 202312:36
Running Commentary [70] Shemot. Save Kids from Drowning in Today's Nile. Pharaoh Lives On. Beware.

Running Commentary [70] Shemot. Save Kids from Drowning in Today's Nile. Pharaoh Lives On. Beware.

Running Commentary [70] Shemot.
Save Kids from Drowning in Today's Nile.
Pharaoh Lives On. Beware.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #70 The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jan 08, 202310:12
Running Commentary [#46] Shemot. Just the names go down. We remain above. An insight into 'Mazal Tov' and empowering lesson.

Running Commentary [#46] Shemot. Just the names go down. We remain above. An insight into 'Mazal Tov' and empowering lesson.

Running Commentary [#46] Shemot.
Just the names go down. We remain above.
An insight into 'Mazal Tov' and empowering lesson.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #46 The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jan 08, 202307:38
Running Commentary [#219] Vayechi: Yaakov Still Lives. Ma Zaroh BaChayim - As his children live. Why Zaroh rather than Yeladav/Talmidav? Unique qualities of exponential growth and quality.

Running Commentary [#219] Vayechi: Yaakov Still Lives. Ma Zaroh BaChayim - As his children live. Why Zaroh rather than Yeladav/Talmidav? Unique qualities of exponential growth and quality.

Running Commentary [#219] Vayechi
Yaakov Lives On.
Ma Zaroh BaChayim - As his children live.
Why Zaroh rather than Yeladav/Talmidav?
The unique qualities of exponential growth and quality.
Guest grandchild appearence: Zalman Moshe Sapo!


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #69 The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jan 04, 202313:47
Running Commentary: [69] Vayechi Buried. Alive?! Yaakov Did Not Die. But He Was Buried. (Talmud). The Inside Story.

Running Commentary: [69] Vayechi Buried. Alive?! Yaakov Did Not Die. But He Was Buried. (Talmud). The Inside Story.

Running Commentary: [69] Vayechi
Buried. Alive?!
Yaakov Did Not Die. But He Was Buried. (Talmud). The Inside Story.

In today's lesson, the Rebbe explains the interesting paradox in the Gemara where Rabbi Yochanan says "יעקב אבינו לא מת - Yaakov our father did not die" and the Gemara asks: Didn't they embalm, eulogize and bury him? He answers ...Just as his children are alive, so too, he is alive. Many commentators struggle with this and the Rebbe sheds a beautiful light on this teaching - and applies it to the Previous Rebbe's passing.



The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #69 The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Jan 01, 202313:38
Running Commentary [#177] Vayigash Chanukah: Why are there 8 Candles on the First Night? Mindfulness, or an Eye on the Future? Yosef Is Alive! - We Are Yosef - We've Got What It Takes!

Running Commentary [#177] Vayigash Chanukah: Why are there 8 Candles on the First Night? Mindfulness, or an Eye on the Future? Yosef Is Alive! - We Are Yosef - We've Got What It Takes!

Running Commentary [#177] Vayigash
hanukah: Why are there 8 Candles on the First Night? Mindfulness, or an Eye on the Future?
Parasha: Yosef Is Alive! - We Are Yosef - We've Got What It Takes!
Original on FB:


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #177 The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Dec 28, 202217:48
Running Commentary: [68] Vayigash: Yosef in Egypt and You/We in Y/Our Exile: G-d Planted Us to Provide for the Hungry. The Rebbe's 1985 talk to children.

Running Commentary: [68] Vayigash: Yosef in Egypt and You/We in Y/Our Exile: G-d Planted Us to Provide for the Hungry. The Rebbe's 1985 talk to children.

Running Commentary: [68] Vayigash:
Yosef in Egypt and You/We in Y/Our Exile:
G-d Planted Us to Provide for the Hungry – (From Jan 2020)
The Rebbe's 1985 talk to children.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #68 The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Dec 28, 202209:33
Running Commentary: [#44] Vayigash: 5 Teves: Fact. Depth. Lesson. Vayigash: What Revived Yosef's Father?

Running Commentary: [#44] Vayigash: 5 Teves: Fact. Depth. Lesson. Vayigash: What Revived Yosef's Father?

Running Commentary: [#44] Vayigash:
5 Teves: Fact. Depth. Lesson.
Vayigash: What Revived Yosef's Father?


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #44 The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Dec 28, 202210:14
Running Commentary [#25] Vayigash: Joseph's Mission & Gifts: 5 Teves. Rubashkin. Split Peas & Vintage Wine

Running Commentary [#25] Vayigash: Joseph's Mission & Gifts: 5 Teves. Rubashkin. Split Peas & Vintage Wine

Running Commentary [#25] Vayigash:
Joseph's Mission & Gifts: 5 Teves. Rubashkin. Split Peas & Vintage Wine


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #25 The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Dec 28, 202208:22
Running Commentary [#218] Vayeitzei. Ufaratzta! Always Turn Right. Except in Extreme Circumstances. Ancient Psychology, Applied Today #DBT

Running Commentary [#218] Vayeitzei. Ufaratzta! Always Turn Right. Except in Extreme Circumstances. Ancient Psychology, Applied Today #DBT

Running Commentary [#218] Vayeitzei (Last week's Parsha)
Always Turn Right. Except in Extreme Circumstances.
Ancient Psychology, Applied Today #DBT etc.
A peek into the famous verse and song: UFARATZTA.
See the Rebbe@770 singing a lively Ufaratzta here:

(A point I missed: The Rebbe brought a few examples of 'going right' including our lighting the Chanukah Menorah and others.)

Also: We see the idea of 'going to the opposite extreme' in many areas, including health. When all is well, one can eat 'anything,' when there's (G-d forbid) a health issue, one needs to be extra careful in the diet and may need nutrition and medicines that would otherwise not be necessary.


The "Running Commentary" is a weekly, inspiring, relevant Torah thought, usually from the Rebbe which I share live on Facebook, while running. It began so: On my runs I listen to talks from the Rebbe so inspiring I want to share them. A little microphone and selfie stick - now, upgraded to a Gimble and the RC was born. I love that I'm exercising my mind, body, and soul, and sharing the light, simultaneously. You can too. To get new links (FB, YouTube, Audio and Podcast) sent to you weekly, via Whatsapp or email, please pm.

RC#1 'aired' on 08/2018. This is #218 The are all on my FB page and YouTube channel. I'm working on getting them all into the podcast universe. Slowly but surely.

Dec 05, 202217:59