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15 Minutes

15 Minutes

By Cordaro

Welcome to "All I Got Is 15 Minutes," The creators of #InDaCut brings you their new short form podcast. The host, Cordaro shares his daily 15-minute insights on what's going on in today's society. So if you want to get a side hustle, want to start a business, or just want to hear some great content, this is the podcast for you! Dream. Believe. Create #CRU
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Ep. 42 Don't Wake Up If You Ain't Ready!

15 MinutesAug 06, 2020

EP. 45 'We Back!"

EP. 45 'We Back!"

It's been a long time coming......... But what happened to the cookout? Shit ain't the same no more.....

Aug 25, 202213:30
Ep. 44 "Respectfully"

Ep. 44 "Respectfully"

Happy New Year to you and yours! A change gone come! But it will only come through action, not words. Respectfully. Dream, Believe, Create #15min

Jan 04, 202115:23
Ep. 43 Show Up & Show Your Work

Ep. 43 Show Up & Show Your Work

Oh wow, that's dope! Where did you learn that from? Oh, you created it? The whole thing by yourself? Oh ok, show me your work. Dream. Believe. Create #CRU #2453

Oct 12, 202014:59
Ep. 42 Don't Wake Up If You Ain't Ready!

Ep. 42 Don't Wake Up If You Ain't Ready!

Don't start nothing, if you're not willing to follow through and finish! #15Minutes #2453 #CRU

Aug 06, 202015:23



Jul 13, 202016:52
Ep. 40 The Ball Is In Your Court

Ep. 40 The Ball Is In Your Court

I'll let the message speak for itself..... #15Minutes #CRU #DreamBelieveCreate 

Jun 10, 202018:00
Ep. 39 Welcome To The Desert Of The Real.....

Ep. 39 Welcome To The Desert Of The Real.....

Ain't S*** changed but the date! Rest in peace to the millions of brothers & sisters that we've lost to this racist system in America. #15Minutes #CRU

Jun 02, 202016:37
Ep. 38 Follow Up & Follow Thru

Ep. 38 Follow Up & Follow Thru

Whatever it is that you do, make sure to follow up & follow thru. #15Min #CRU #DreamBelieveCreate @Cordaro

May 24, 202014:35
Ep. 37 The New World!

Ep. 37 The New World!

Corona-Phobia! Welcome to the new world!

Apr 10, 202017:31
Ep. 36 The Lone Wolf (The Creative)

Ep. 36 The Lone Wolf (The Creative)

Sometimes it's a lonely road on the way to greatness! But don't let that stop you from doing what you need to do, and believing in what you believe to be your truth. You may not always be able to express your thoughts through words, but you can always express, and explain through your actions. It won't be easy, but in the end, it sure will be worth it. Dream. Believe. Create #CRU #15Minutes

Mar 12, 202015:07
Ep. 35 Pray IV The Gang!

Ep. 35 Pray IV The Gang!

This episode is dedicated to my good brother Malcolm "SoEZ" Edwards. Creative Curator, Artists, Entrepreneur & Director. March 1st 2020, was the release and premiere of his Documentary "Pray IV The Gang", streaming on IGTV (@iamsoez) and Youtube (Sangria 5). Trust me when I say that this work is a masterpiece! I encourage you to get together with your loved ones, watch this documentary, and share your thoughts and feelings about it. Feel free to comment, like, share and subscribe. #PrayIVTheGang #SangriaFive #OneDreamFilms  #Oscars2021 #CRU #DreamBelieveCreate

Malcolm "SoEZ" Edwards: @iamsoez @sangriafive

Mar 04, 202015:51
Ep. 34 Work It Out

Ep. 34 Work It Out

You can only run from something for so long before you face it again. So stop running from it and work it out! It's only one way to it, and that's through it!. Dream. Believe. Create #15Minutes #CRU

Feb 25, 202015:14
Ep. 33 Don't Miss This Train.....

Ep. 33 Don't Miss This Train.....

This opportunity may not come back around, so it's now or never. #15Minutes #CRU Dream. Believe. Create

Feb 18, 202016:06
Ep. 32 Re-write & Re-work the PLAN!

Ep. 32 Re-write & Re-work the PLAN!

Sometimes we start something and don't finish. Maybe the plan wasn't all the way the solid or you just didn't want to stick it out. Don't throw the towel in just yet, everyday is a new beginning and a new shot to achieve that goal or finish what you started. This past year, I was the hawk a couple times, so I now I have to get back right, and get on the path. With that being said, I'm re-writing & re-work the plan! There's no plan B, only plan A in this story. Continue to Dream, Believe & Create. #15Minutes #CRU

Feb 04, 202015:14
Ep. 31 Happy New Year

Ep. 31 Happy New Year

It's 2020!

Jan 02, 202015:03
Ep. 30 Holiday Season!

Ep. 30 Holiday Season!

Happy Holidays to you and yours! Take this time to enjoy your loved ones. Recharge, reflect & redirect for the new year! Continue to Dream, Believe & Create #CRU #15Minutes

Nov 27, 201914:58
Ep. 29 Untitled: No Checked Bags Please!

Ep. 29 Untitled: No Checked Bags Please!

This week we are discussing the signs that your partner has a history of toxic relationships. Is your partner slow to open up or short tempered? Are they constantly seeking outside validation or have trust issues? If so, your partner has a history of toxic relationships, and may need time to heal. Now the choice is yours whether or not you want to be apart of that healing process. But know for sure, that you cannot help them heal, if they don't allow you to help or ask. No checked bags please! #15Minutes #CRU

Oct 21, 201915:07
Ep. 28 Are You An Option Or Priority?

Ep. 28 Are You An Option Or Priority?

In this is episode, we touch on being an option or priority in your relationships. What are the signs that your partner see you as an option, and not a priority? And how do you take control of your situation, and make yourself a priority? Dream. Believe. Create #CRU #15Minutes

Oct 15, 201915:05
Ep. 27 Free Yourself!

Ep. 27 Free Yourself!

Beware of those who thrice off of conflict! There comes a time in all of our lives that we have to cut the dead weight. And that time is now! Free yourself and cut off those who take and don't give, drain your energy, always complaining and bringing drama. No more drama, don't let the Hawk take you off your square. Move towards the peace, so that light may enter into your world. #FreeYourself #15Minutes #CRU

Oct 09, 201916:02
Ep. 26 Don't Compete, Complete!

Ep. 26 Don't Compete, Complete!

There are many behaviors that can slowly destroy a relationship, but competition is at the top of the list. Don't compete, complete! This episode we discuss the signs that show you and your partner are competing with each other, and how to avoid them. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work! Let's continue to love and respect other. Dream, Believe, Create. #CRU

Sep 27, 201915:02
Ep. 25 Right Your Wrongs!

Ep. 25 Right Your Wrongs!

We have to right our wrongs! Acknowledge, apologize, listen, move-forward and follow through. #15Minutes #CRU

Sep 17, 201915:07
Ep. 24 Where did we go wrong?

Ep. 24 Where did we go wrong?

I'm perplexed! Where did we go wrong? Are we striving for love or war? We're supposed to work together, not compete against each other. Let's get it together! 

Sep 11, 201915:32
Ep. 23 Write it down!

Ep. 23 Write it down!

On this episode we touch on the benefits of writing things down. Whether it's an journal entry, to-do list, notes, ideas, etc. Write it down! Writing promotes creativity, productivity, clarity, boost memory, comprehension, and healing. Embark on this writing journey, and see what it can do for you.  Dream. Believe. Create #15Minutes #CRU

Sep 05, 201915:13
Ep. 22 Fuck It! I'm All In....

Ep. 22 Fuck It! I'm All In....

You won't know, until you go.... It's ALL IN! or Nothing! #CRU #15Minutes #DreamBelieveCreate

Aug 22, 201918:39
Ep. 21 Reminisce

Ep. 21 Reminisce

At times, life will sit you down, and make you think and reminisce on the past and current events. It's a crazy world! Take time out for yourself and observe what's going on, call your loved ones, do whatever you've been yearning to do for last two years. Don't let nothing hold you back from you getting yours! Dream. Believe. Create #CRU #15Minutes

Aug 15, 201914:46
Ep. 20 Gratitude/Give Thanks

Ep. 20 Gratitude/Give Thanks

This episode is dedicated to each and everyone that called, texted, emailed, facetimed me, and came out to support the Nothing But Luv Crew at "A Brunch Of Fun Pt. 2" for my birthday this past Saturday, August 3rd. I can't thank y'all enough for all the love and support that we received this past weekend. It's always a pleasure to serve! There is no us, without you! Thank you for the continued love and support! #15Minutes #CRU #DreamBelieveCreate

Aug 06, 201916:27
Ep. 19 Tick, tick, BOOM!

Ep. 19 Tick, tick, BOOM!

How many of us have fell victim to being a walking time bomb? Keeping feelings and emotions bottled up, with no outlet to release them, and end up taking it out on the ones you love or those around you. We are now in the time where the negative effects of emotional and mental trauma is higher than ever. Damn near everyone is a ticking time bomb, on edge. But, In order to solve these problems, we have to first acknowledge and accept the fact that we ourselves are apart of the problem. Don't put the blame on someone else, when it's really all within. Dream. Believe. Create #15Minutes

Jul 23, 201916:12
Ep. 18 Is it too good to be true? That is the question....

Ep. 18 Is it too good to be true? That is the question....

What does it mean when you say a relationship or when you are courting someone is too good to be true? What are the signs? Is it the other person or is it just you self-sabotaging the situation, due to your past relationships? Lets talk it out! #CRU #DreamBelieveCreate

Jul 08, 201917:14
Ep. 17 They're Always Watching!

Ep. 17 They're Always Watching!

Understand that someone is always watching and paying attention to your behavior and actions. Whether it's children, relatives, employers and even your nosey ass neighbors, the Hawk eyes will always be on you, so act accordingly. Every time you step out of your home, you represent yourself and your family, so be the example, and lead by example. Ain't no days off! Most people don't listen to what you say, but they always see what you do! #CRU #Dream.Believe.Create.

Jun 27, 201915:23
Ep. 16 Home Sweet Home?

Ep. 16 Home Sweet Home?

In this episode we touch on the old saying "Home Sweet Home." The question is, is your home/town that you grew up in still your home? Have you out grown your surroundings? These are just a few questions that we touch on that we all ask ourselves as we make decisions in our lives. Leave or not to leave? That is the question. What keeps individuals like ourselves at home? Is it the comfortability? Fear? Or is there an established family business that you've inherited? There is no right or wrong answer, there is only what you believe is right for you. And to find out what's right for you, you have to make a decision and go through the process. 

Jun 10, 201915:02
Ep. 15 Stop Running!

Ep. 15 Stop Running!

In this episode, I want to give thanks to you all for following, subscribing, and listening to my podcast this season. This has been a fun ride, and l look forward to sharing more of myself and content with you in the seasons to come. Stop running pertains to the subject of facing your fears head on. I've been guilty of looking at fear in the face and running away. Running away from gifts, running away from my blessings, running away from my destiny, and running away from myself. Life is a full circle, and whatever you attempt to run from or go around, you are bound to face it again. So the only way to get pass that wall and overcome that fear, you have to B-line straight ahead and go through it. And this is my testimony! I love you all. Dream. Believe. Create #CRU

May 03, 201915:24
Ep. 14 What are you bringing to the table?

Ep. 14 What are you bringing to the table?

What the fuck are you bringing to the table? That is the question. Today is a new day, so we have to understand and embrace that we're in a new era, and they don't make them like they use to make them. Everybody wasn't raised like you, and we all don't have the same morals and values. So what you may be looking for in a partner might not exist because they may never have been taught it growing up. What are your expectations when you are dating someone? What questions are you asking? Most importantly, are you willing to learn and grow together with your partner? In this game you have to play your part and pull your own weight. #15Minutes #CRU 

Apr 23, 201915:30
Ep. 13 Make The Decision!

Ep. 13 Make The Decision!

At the end of the day, it's all on you! You have to make the decision, to be or not to be. You are the master of your fate, this is your life, your journey, your story. Go ahead and follow that gut feeling, embark on a new path, startup a new business with your significant other, it's never too late to make a change for the better. Dream. Believe. Create #CRU

Apr 16, 201916:40
Ep. 12 'Tis the season to get out the Streets!

Ep. 12 'Tis the season to get out the Streets!

Shoutout to everybody who out here jumping the broom and getting out the Streets!!!!! I'm trying to be like y'all when I grow up. This is my year, and I'm going to make it happen. Taking it one day at a time, "Out Da Streets 2019"

Mar 30, 201917:01
Ep. 11 "What I Need From You Is Understanding"

Ep. 11 "What I Need From You Is Understanding"

All we want and need is PEACE! That's It!

Mar 18, 201919:58
Ep. 10 Incorporate Yourself!

Ep. 10 Incorporate Yourself!

Business over bullshit! It's time to incorporate yourself and get into business! Don't hate the player or the game, we have to tag in and play the game. "We gotta change our ways" Let's Get It! #Dream. Believe. Create #CRU

Mar 12, 201915:17
Ep. 9 "A change gone come"

Ep. 9 "A change gone come"

Be the change that you want to see......

Mar 04, 201918:30
Ep. 8 Straight Off The Top!

Ep. 8 Straight Off The Top!

This episode is coming straight off the top! Discussing a couple hot topics and what's been going on in my life over the past week. Enjoy! All I Got Is 15 Minutes! Dream. Believe. Create #CRU

Feb 22, 201914:18
Ep. 7 "The Golden Ticket"

Ep. 7 "The Golden Ticket"

It's time that you realize that you are the most important person in your life. "Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are Gods?" (John 10:34). You have the Golden Ticket, and now it's time to claim your prize.

Feb 12, 201915:53
Ep. 6 Control, Alt, Delete!

Ep. 6 Control, Alt, Delete!

You have a feeling that something in your life must change, whether it's work or personal, and you're having difficulty trying to figure it out. An area in your life has gone completely off track, and you feel like you can't move forward. Well, sometimes you just have to give yourself an entirely new start, and push reset! Control, Alt, Delete! And start anew.

Feb 04, 201915:08
Ep. 5 Gratitude/Go Smack!

Ep. 5 Gratitude/Go Smack!

This episode touches on showing gratitude and love to those who love you, and going smack at whatever it is that you want to do. It's now or never! #CRU Dream. Believe. Create

Feb 01, 201915:01
Ep. 4 "Getting Out Streets Plan pt. 4"

Ep. 4 "Getting Out Streets Plan pt. 4"

How to get out of the streets plan steps 8-10.

Jan 30, 201914:56
Ep. 3 "Getting Out Streets Plan pt. 3"

Ep. 3 "Getting Out Streets Plan pt. 3"

How to get out the streets plan steps 6 & 7

Jan 30, 201914:43
Ep. 2 "Getting Out Streets Plan pt. 2"

Ep. 2 "Getting Out Streets Plan pt. 2"

How to get out of the streets steps 3-5.

Jan 30, 201914:29
Ep. 1 "Getting Out Streets Plan pt. 1"

Ep. 1 "Getting Out Streets Plan pt. 1"

In Da Cut is Back!!!!! 1/3 of the CRU holding it down, new short form podcasting, straight talk no chaser. All I Got Is 15 Minutes! So tune in! In this episode we will break down the first two steps of the "Getting Out The Streets Plan," #CRU Dream. Believe. Create

Jan 29, 201914:59