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Alan's Psychedelic Fry Up

Alan's Psychedelic Fry Up

By progneeber

A massive portion of the best ingredients from around the musical world. Seasoned with a Scottish accent and made all the more tasty by you. What will you hear next?
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The first whiff of the Fry Up

Alan's Psychedelic Fry UpSep 25, 2020

The 33rd serving. The gigantic belly busting Kiwi fry up with a side of beer and pies

The 33rd serving. The gigantic belly busting Kiwi fry up with a side of beer and pies

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
It's time for another fry up and this time it's served from the other side of the world as we head to New Zealand. Landing in Auckland we head to some familiar spots in order to be reacquainted with some of the things which helped us fall in love with New Zealand first-time round. We then have a brilliant time in Wellington where I had so much beer, met some old friends who used to live in Edinburgh and was introduced to yet more interesting beer people. You get to hear us go on an old cable car to the top of the hill in the Botanic Gardens where Isla describes the view. You can listen to a couple of short recordings of cicadas as well. Later, back home you'll hear us tell the story of our Dunedin adventure and oh boy was it an adventure. Listen out for Isla telling the story of one of the best days she has ever had. Music from New Zealand and also japan, Finland, northwest Africa, southern Africa, germany and more will satisfy the psychedelic fry up urge we all have deep in our belly. Musical condiments as ever were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Apr 29, 202402:29:10
The 32nd Serving. The overloaded table

The 32nd Serving. The overloaded table

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
I'M BACK! Time for a monster helping of deep fried global sound. The musical journey starts by reminding us that cold old winter won't last for ever before some British prog really gets us going. Our global travels take us to Estonia, France, Georgia, Scandinavia, the US, Myanmar, Israel, Japan and plenty more. There's music from the early 20th century, Sami Joiking meets blues rock, Swedish folk meets West African sounds, totally off the wall Country music, Balkan jazz, dirty songs and even more weird and wonderful noises. I end with a huge epic of orchestral jazz to see us on our way with an epic. Musical condiments were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Jan 30, 202447:55
The 31st serving. Tasting tones of deep fried noise

The 31st serving. Tasting tones of deep fried noise

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
A mostly musical episode this time around as I begin with my new theme song created by friends in Canada. I opened the show with a 4 part psych dub epic which I have wanted to play for ages. Then comes a local artist to me who released a cool album somewhat recently before I take us to Italy for a really cool multicultural musical experience. Stopping off in England,Poland and Argentina before Isla tells us about her work with the Letterbox Study Group as I drink a beer in a small town near Edinburgh. A historic song written by a local man in 1745 leads us on our way as we then find 70s music from Brazil, traditional style Chinese music and some live 70s jazzy prog from Quebec. Crossing the border I play some pounding high energy sounds with a banger from San Francisco before being propelled Through Time and Space so that we get to hear some cool 70s west African sounds. I round off that segment with gamelan from Indonesia. The penultimate segment begins in France with a brilliant modern take on traditional choral music before we all stop and collectively think about the future of farts and finally we go to Vanuatu for something which sounds like nothing else I've ever heard. Lastly I play a 3 part epic my friend Barb found last year which I went totally crazy over while drinking a massive stout. . Musical condiments as ever were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Apr 25, 202337:53
The 30th serving. A fry up on a Viking longship

The 30th serving. A fry up on a Viking longship

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
In this third and final episode documenting our epic Rail journey across Europe we find ourselves in Copenhagen and Malmo. Before geting into all that, I start with a cool Irish and Ainu fusion song, an underrated British prog rock song and a class example of world beat music. We start the main course by telling the story of how we got from Hamburg to Copenhagen. You then here us discuss the excursion we took to Malmo Sweden and what we thought of it. Later you hear us in a bar with a couple I met using the beer app Untappd and they gave us a brilliant recommendation for a memorable day out. You hear Isla and I discuss that day out near the end of the episode as we tell you what we think of the Viking museum at Roskilde. All through the episode I play music from across the Nordic region because too many of my favourite Danish songs weren't available which is a shame but it did mean that I got to play some of my other true favourites. In the end like any journey we had to come home and I signify that by playing a piece dedicated to my home city of Edinburgh. Musical condiments were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Mar 10, 202301:17:12
The 29th Serving. The curry sausage extravaganza

The 29th Serving. The curry sausage extravaganza

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
Here we go again with another huge helping of deep-fried sound. Our time in Germany is the centrepiece of this episode but it isn't all there is. We start with a cool song from Hungary before checking out some progressive Rock from the US, interesting West Indian fiddle music from the Cayman Islands and a Japanese English language jazzy disco thing. Then we check out an experimental psychedelic folk rock band before you hear me with Isla taking shelter from the rain in a farmers market in Hamburg. You hear us on a boat tour which is interrupted by a side of Norwegian Balkan jazz, the reason for which will become Clear soon enough. We end up going to a tunnel under the river which was actually much cooler than it sounds. A couple of German classic rock songs later and you hear us outside a craft beer bar talking about the day we just had together with friends who had showed us a cool time on a museum ship. Believe it or not, more German music happens before we talk about the good and weird things we discovered about the country during our admittedly very short visit. After finishing this section with a modern folk rock song I made a point to thank our airbnb host for going that extra mile to make our stay comfortable. I play 3 non German songs next just to get some more variety, music from the US and west Africa more specifically. Lastly I end on a predictable epic classic from Kraftwerk because of course I did. Musical condiments as ever were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Dec 28, 202201:21:43
The 28th serving. A deep fried sonic cornucopia below sea level

The 28th serving. A deep fried sonic cornucopia below sea level

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
I'm back with the first in a series covering our brilliant train journey across northwest Europe through the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark with one day in Sweden. This first episode is The Netherlands. However we begin with some prog from Turkmenistan of all places before listening to some standard 70s prog and a cool piece of Japanese based folk music. Then it's off to the Netherlands and the fun can begin. You'll hear me with Isla sitting outside a pub, standing in a museum and lastly in our hotel room recounting the excellence of the time we had. Thank you especially too Olav and Megan for making us feel very welcome in your home. You'll hear some obscure Dutch soulful pop, folk and the usual jazzy prog. I widen the sonic scope of the episode with a whistlestop musical tour taking in the Balkans, Estonia and North Africa before ending the show with one of my favourite pieces of all time. I couldn't leave an episode on the Netherlands without playing Focus. Next stop on our epic journey is Germany. Musical condiments as ever were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Oct 09, 202243:28
The 27th Serving. Ingredients from everywhere.

The 27th Serving. Ingredients from everywhere.

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
It's time for another fry up so it's appropriate that I start this episode in Scotland with a British band lead by a Scottish folk singer playing songs from both sides of the Firth of Forth. We move North to Iceland and a rare example of Icelandic progressive rock which I hope you'll enjoy as much as I did. Heading across to Georgia we find some Indian inspired jazz folk before once again globetrotting to find ourselves in Ethiopia for some pop music with outstanding vocals and brass then ending the segment with our first trip all the way over to Japan. The Ainu people of northern Japan play an instrument called the tonkori and this is where you'll hear that instrument but played along with dub. Yes, Japanese traditional dub. Germany is our next stop where the theremin meets modern production only to go back to Asia by playing traditional style music from Afghanistan. The ear frying audio doesn't end there though, 21 minutes of ultra trippy Psychedelic madness will totally fry them. As if this isn't enough, Colombian jazz harp playing might just do the trick and it's followed by a beautiful reggae song. Our penultimate segment sees Us begin in North Africa with futuristic beats meeting traditional folk music before a plane ride up to Czechia in order to listen to some bluegrass and ending gently with some lovely female folk harmonies in England. Lastly we take our second trip to Japan for what I reckon to be one of the most underrated albums ever. I play the entirety of side one of this epic. Musical condiments as ever were provided by epidemicsound.
Aug 16, 202236:58
The 26th serving. The Tasty Tasty Table Buckler

The 26th serving. The Tasty Tasty Table Buckler

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
NSFw! Maybe the most massive episode yet. I tell the story of our friends who came to visit us here in Edinburgh. I talk about my solo trip to London, Paris and Derby on a quest to meet people and drink amazing Craft Beer. I play music which represents all of those things from Canada, the UK and France as well as plenty of other good stuff from North Africa, central Asia, Hungary, The Czech Republic and more. I swear in this episode and sometimes so does the music but hopefully you're an adult. Condiments as usual were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Jun 24, 202201:01:17
The 25th serving. Deep-fried global sound with a psychedelic baguette

The 25th serving. Deep-fried global sound with a psychedelic baguette

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
After ages away I'm finally back with a brand new episode. I can't wait for you to discover some of the things I have found as well as an old synthesiser classic. In this episode you'll find me opening with a band who come from all over the globe which are inspired by indigenous music from all over but this time they find themselves in Central and South America, I promise you'll be singing the song before too long. Then we get stuck into side one of the French synthesiser album oxygen by Jean Michel Jarre which is one of the all-time great albums of the genre. Canadian rock band The Tea Party were clearly listening to quite a lot of Indian music at one point so I've decided to show you one of the songs which show it. Recently I found a catchy Art Pop Song and only today did I find out that the musicians come from Ukraine so not only have I been singing it all day but it's good to show support for the Ukrainian people. After that cool detour to Ukraine we head back across the ocean for some modern psychedelia from the USA. Spanish progressive rock is up next and it's a song I'm surprised I haven't found before a friend of mine discovered it recently, then on to Norway where the leader of a group called Farmers Market has released one of the coolest albums I've heard in a while and here's one of the songs from it. Speaking of cool albums, the next section opens with something from the Portuguese musician Bruno Pernadas from another one worth checking out. A friend of mine discovered the next cool piece of music and I honestly don't know too much about it but it sounds great and Isla likes it so here you go. I end the section with a beautiful piece of Icelandic choral music. I know, anything could happen on the show. Even though we go absolutely everywhere on This podcast, the next song was recorded just up the road from where I currently live but it was recorded before I was born so I only dimly remember it. It's an almost forgotten piece of Christian folk rock which was kept Alive by some enthusiasts and I'm glad I found it to. Next is just a cool modern electronic sort of psychedelic dub piece with epic bass sounds and noises. I decided to review a beer from Fallen Acorn brewing here in the UK so keep your ears peeled to find out what I thought of that. Next is a band called Jack O' The Clock who do some quality modern prog. Finnish folk, an old recording from the Bahamas and a brilliant international Jazz piece round out the main body of this serving and then it's time for the epic finish. Side 2 of Oxygen ends this gigantic episode, containing the famous part 4, I've known this album since I was a wee boy being shown music by my Uncle. It holds a special place for me and I can only hope you love it too. Musical condiments as ever were provided by Epidemic Sound
Apr 28, 202201:16:27
The 24th serving. A fry up on a curved plate

The 24th serving. A fry up on a curved plate

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
Full songs are only available on Spotify Premium. I begin this week by playing a cool groovy jam band called perpetual groove before moving across to Germany where we encounter the Cinematic progressive sounds of frequency drift. I follow that by going to Latin America to here Thornato and Grupo Taribo then embarking on a psychedelic dub journey with Sun Monks. A quick update about my fitness challenge progress then I take it up a step and play Volare by the Gypsy Kings, you might know it already but it's highly entertaining. After that, I play my grandad's all-time favourite musician the late sir Jimmy Shand. Kitka are next with a wonderful piece of music from Macedonia and I follow that with a mediaeval poem set to music by the late John Fleagle, one of the authorities on music from this time. Matthew Halsall and his Gondwana Orchestra round out that segment with a live performance of a piece called salute to the sun. Next is vanishing twin who are an international group with famous musicians such as sun ra, Alice Coltrane and stereolab involved with them and I play the title track from the 2021 released by them. It doesn't matter where I put him but Ivor Cutler was going to have to follow something and it had to be that, he tells us what happens when people run to the edge of countries then stop. Lastly the epoch of the show, one of my favourite pieces of all time and some of you might know it but that's ok because it's a beauty. I finish with Terry Riley and a rainbow in curved air. Musical condiments as ever were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Feb 11, 202224:45
The 23rd serving. A belly busting buffet of filling fry up fusion.

The 23rd serving. A belly busting buffet of filling fry up fusion.

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
We start off this week with some British folk rock from the 70s before heading off on our global journey in South Korea for some modern psychedelia, Romania for some classic folk rock and Kazakhstan for some epic folk. A global fusion of an Iranian singer and American percussionist bring us some rather sultry sounds before we take a trip to Vietnam in the late 60s to hear something from what was a flourishing seen somewhat connected with the psychedelic sound of the region. Another global fusion band are next but they come from Germany and Austria and they have a very danceable sound so get ready to at least tap your feet. A lovely piece of modern jazz from Wales follows before we go to 1970s Ghana for a song which always gets stuck in my head. We then cross the Atlantic for 1 song as we hear music from the Amazon in South America in a language I don't know but I think sounds interesting. Back across to Portugal for a traditional sounding folk song I found on a Spotify playlist and our penultimate stop is in Japan for some funk with traditional instruments. Lastly we finally settle down in the USA for an epic 40 minute bluegrass experience played by some of the best musicians of the genre. Musical condiments were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Jan 05, 202228:29
The 22nd Serving. A belly full of beer and frequencies.

The 22nd Serving. A belly full of beer and frequencies.

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
NSFW. This week it's almost all about the music. Yes you do find out about my brand new beer delivery and I keep you up-to-date with my swimming but the music is paramount as always. We begin in Romania with some classic folk rock before visiting Mexico for a combination of traditional music and dance beats. Armenian rock, 70s British and Iranian jazz, Scottish folk, an NSFW American comedy song, traditional music from Kenya and Papua New Guinea and more before ending in London via West Africa. Musical condiments as ever were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Oct 22, 202124:59
The 21st Serving. A fry up with rice?

The 21st Serving. A fry up with rice?

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
Let's go round the world again with a psychedelic journey through music. Prog from England, folk from the Netherlands, Finland and Indonesia, psychedelic Cumbia from Peru, Welsh rappers, Americans performing a song from the Republic of Georgia and plenty more. We here a listener to This podcast set his pressure cooker to the correct setting in order to make some glutinous rice. Finally we end the show with the second and latest album in the Steamdome series by Ola Kvernberg. Musical condiments provided by Epidemic Sound.
Sep 15, 202127:10
The 20th serving. Smell it, taste it, savour it.

The 20th serving. Smell it, taste it, savour it.

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
I'm finally back after a long absence and in this episode you'll find out why. I'm glad to be back and showing you music from around the world. This week we go to Norway for some rock, Latvia for some folk inspired pop, Kazakhstan for a very beautiful traditional song, Germany for an Ambient Journey and plenty more. We find out about something your mum might have a problem with and why we should be mindful of the fact that we stand on the shoulders of freaks. Isla managed to get a recording of the Legendary train the Flying Scotsman as it went past so how could I not play that. Finally I end with a truly epic instrumental prog rock masterpiece from 1970s Czechoslovakia which I absolutely love with a passion. Musical condiments as ever were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Aug 17, 202126:09
The 19th serving. A hearty summer musical barbecue

The 19th serving. A hearty summer musical barbecue

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
After starting this one with an epic from Swedish prog Rock Giants The Flower Kings, we travel round the world with Jazz from London via Bahrain, North African rock from London via Morocco, folktronica from Chile and South Korea and plenty more. I give you an update on my swimming and let you know about my Covid vaccination. Musical condiments as ever were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Jun 18, 202125:51
The 18th serving. The international belly buster.

The 18th serving. The international belly buster.

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
This gigantic episode is all about the music. Classic rock from Hungary, retro inspired music from the UK and the USA, traditional music from Kyrgyzstan and Haiti, global cross-cultural musical experiences from France and India but also the Middle East via Brooklyn New York and more. Ending with an entire album from Norway. Musical condiments as ever were provided by Epidemic Sound.
May 20, 202124:53
The 17th serving. Drinking with your fry up.

The 17th serving. Drinking with your fry up.

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
It's a busy episode this week. Anyone can hear me playing a game of diceman with Isla in order to find out which beer I drink. Buxton have a series of IPAs where they brew exactly the same recipe but choose a different hop each time. I have three of them and we roll the dice to see which one I would have. I incorrectly attributed the beer to Thornbridge during the review but I correct myself later. Both are excellent breweries though. I also get back in the pool for the first time since before Christmas. how did I get on? Spotify premium subscribers get rock from the US, the UK and Romania, jazz from Algeria and Georgia, prog from Chile and plenty more. Musical condiments as ever were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Apr 27, 202129:53
The 16th serving. A psychedelic birthday cake.

The 16th serving. A psychedelic birthday cake.

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
It's a special episode this week as Isla celebrated her birthday. After a year of being confined in our houses or restricted to walking around the local area, it felt so good to finally get out and do something so we went to the zoo to celebrate. You'll get to hear our visit to the penguin enclosure as well as an overall summary of a fantastic day out. Musically there's Hungarian funk rock, folk from the UK, Madagascar and Latvia, a prog celebration of springtime and more. Musical icing was provided by Epidemic Sound.
Apr 20, 202133:01
The 15th serving. The sated ear.
Apr 15, 202117:25
The 14th serving. The frying pan of joy.

The 14th serving. The frying pan of joy.

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
NSFW. It's back to being all about the music this time. Russian rock, English jazz, music from East Asia, Afghanistan, Estonia, Scotland and more. Oh and there's a dirty song in there. Lastly for Easter I play an epic which at the very least draws heavily from Christian themes. Tweet me @alan_podcast or message me wherever you find this if you'd like to get in touch. Musical condiments as ever were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Apr 07, 202119:45
The 13th serving. The sizzling Symphony
Mar 29, 202132:31
The 12th serving. Piping hot noise.

The 12th serving. Piping hot noise.

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
Timefor some piping hot noise including some US psych, traditional hungarian and Burmese music, Brazilian Jazz fusion, quality music from Mali, Christian prog rock and more. Get in touch on Twitter @Alan_podcast or wherever you find me. Musical condiments as usual were provided by epidemic sound.
Mar 17, 202121:29
The 11th serving. Deep fried sound.

The 11th serving. Deep fried sound.

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
Here we go again with some more sounds from around the world. Modern British art rock, US psych, Arab funk, traditional Latvian folk, a section of one of my all-time favourite progressive rock albums and more. If you want to get in touch with the show, @Alan_podcast on Twitter or fire off something elsewhere if you know how to find me. Musical condiments as usual were provided by Epidemic Sound.
Mar 10, 202120:13
The 10th serving. Git this doon ye

The 10th serving. Git this doon ye

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
I'm back with yet another music dominated episode. Nothing else has been happening due to the UK being in lockdown so I thought I'd share with you music from the middle east, Italy, the UK, Germany among others and I put right a Turkish mistake from last week. Sea shanties and dancing songs are probably the majority of this one so get your singing voice and dancing shoes at the ready but also be prepared for a Czechoslovakian epic prog rock song from the 70s. Musical condiments as usual were provided by the Artist's of epidemic sound
Mar 03, 202138:27
The 9th serving. The bountiful frequency harvest
Jan 27, 202122:37
The 8th serving. All you can hear.
Dec 08, 202023:40
The 7th Serving. Music with a side of chlorine.
Nov 26, 202019:15
The 6th serving. World wide jumbo sausage.
Nov 18, 202022:05
The 5th serving. The big bad buffet.
Nov 04, 202021:58
The 4th Serving. All Day Music
Oct 28, 202019:13
The 3rd serving. Music masala.
Oct 21, 202013:53
The 2nd serving. Music from around the global world.

The 2nd serving. Music from around the global world.

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
As Scotland enters a period of at least partial lockdown, I add the ingredient of chlorinated water to this episode as I attempt to go swimming. You'll be able to pair it beautifully with plenty of music from around the world including countries like Zambia, India and France. The musical condiments in the background which season my voice and provide interludes come from Ondolut, Franz Gordon, Gerhard Feng, Joseph Beg and Magnus Ringblom. Subscribe to Epidemicsound for excellent royalty free music. Enjoy the show, I certainly did.
Oct 14, 202011:52
The first serving. Music, nonsense and a game of Diceman.

The first serving. Music, nonsense and a game of Diceman.

Welcome and thank you for dropping by. Starting with a band from Norway we then get my first link as my fiancee and I stop our walk to record a tram slowing down to turn a corner. A musical journey round the world takes in Israel, Scotland, Iran and Brazil among others and in the middle of all that joy you get to hear Isla join me again to roll a dice in order to pick a song. Please send a voice clip if you wish to be featured in future or tweet @halfblindandcurious if you prefer. I had fun recording this, I hope you have just as much fun listening.
Sep 30, 202012:58
The first whiff of the Fry Up

The first whiff of the Fry Up

Welcome to Alan's Psychedelic Fry Up. I recorded this entirely from my phone. 6 different whisper tracks set to a Krautrock style piece (subscribe to Epidemic Sound for top class royalty free content) then I tell you about my show.
Sep 25, 202000:55