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Steps Care: The Talk

Steps Care: The Talk

By Steps Care: The Talk

Steps Care is inspiring Special Needs Ministry
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S2: E5: Disability Ministry Training that Is Inspiring

Steps Care: The TalkFeb 03, 2020

S2.E7: Ministry During Uncertain Times

S2.E7: Ministry During Uncertain Times

Good Morning and welcome to the podcast. This is Season 2, Episode 7 and today we are talking about ministry during uncertain times.  I have struggled this week to stay focused on everything. I am used to working from home. I home school my kids here too and have for the past nine years. I should be used to this right? Well I just feel so distracted. We will find our groove soon I'm sure.

I want to encourage you all to keep pushing in your ministries. Keep looking for ways to stay connected and make an impact. This is only a season. Things will get better. 

Parents you are facing new challenges and new circumstances that feel overwhelming right now, but you will get through this too.  I believe in you. I'm also here to help with brainstorming ways to help while you all are stuck at home.

I think as families that are impacted by disability we are uniquely prepared for this "new normal," maybe in ways we have not even thought of yet. I'd love to hear how you all are managing and learn how your dealing.

Check out today's episode about ministering during uncertain times and let us know if you need us.  Email us at Check out our website for other conversations and ministry resources that we offer free of charge. 

Have a fantastic week. I hope you have been inspired! 

Mar 23, 202016:36
S2.E6: Meet Miranda

S2.E6: Meet Miranda

Good Morning and welcome to episode six of Season 2 at Steps Talk. Today we sit down with a gifted ministry leader and teacher Miranda Wallace.
Miranda is new to the Steps Care board and has such a heart for this ministry. We are excited to see what she brings to the table.
Miranda has a heart for adoptive/foster families. We look forward to see what this passion leads to in forms of advocacy here at Steps Care.
Stay tuned! I think you'll be inspired!!
Feb 10, 202043:16
S2: E5: Disability Ministry Training that Is Inspiring

S2: E5: Disability Ministry Training that Is Inspiring

Hello Welcome back to the podcast this is Episode 5 of Season 2. Today we talk about the importance of providing disability ministry training that is inspiring! Often times I only hear and see the negative presented at ministry training's. Maybe I'm attending the wrong conferences? LOL  Today on the podcast we will be talking about the need to bring usable tools that will get teachers thinking out of the box and thinking more about inclusion that supports all abilities throughout the faith Community. 

  • Let's teach our staff and ministry leaders  how to differentiate a curriculum. 
  • Let's teach our staff and ministry leaders how to understand sensory needs and how to support students and people with these needs. 
  • Let's teach our staff and ministry leaders how to build amazing and successful teams. 
  • Let's share how incredible and impactful this ministry is to those that we serve. 

Let's make sure we all know 

This week I'll be heading to Little Rock for Partners for Inclusive Communities. I joined the board at the first of the year as a representative for inclusion in faith communities.  To find out more about this program check out for more information. 

To learn more about what we do here at Steps Care go over to our website at  If you have questions do hesitate to reach out. Our email is 

Come back next week as we talk with Miranda Wallace, our newest board member here at Steps Care. Thanks for joining us this week and we hope you have been inspired. 

Feb 03, 202028:55
S2.E4: Importance of Building a Team

S2.E4: Importance of Building a Team

Welcome to Season 2's Episode 4 as we talk about the importance of building a team.  I think the best teams are the diverse teams. Getting others involved no matter the age, or ability. We are seeing beautiful things in the special needs ministry that we have at our church in Rogers, AR. 

Student volunteer, Chariti was a huge support yesterday. The students love her. She is their favorite person. We have students that like to play pretend dress up with her. Some students like to steal her breakfast bars. She is just a gift to serve with on Sundays. I love that we can count on her and more importantly the students can too. 

We have older and wiser volunteers like Vicki who is my constant. She is always available to help out when needed. The student love her and look up to her.  Older volunteers tend to bring the peace to the storm when needed. I love that about them. 

We have mom volunteers who show up who have students in our ministry and they too have so much to offer. They often are the most comfortable around our students. The live everyday with special needs. They often worry about getting involved because they know that they need a break. But what they find in serving is just what they need. 

We also have volunteers that have little to no experience in serving in serving those with special needs. They too bring so much to the table. I think they tend to learn the most while serving. The experience and community is a unique and special gift. They are blessed by the excitement of the students when they see them. It's really incredible. 

There is so much going on in our ministry that goes beyond what I can say here on the podcast. It's so beautiful. The community and the sense of belonging that is felt by all (students included) is worth the leap to start this ministry in your own faith community.  

For question about this weeks podcast email us at or set up a time to talk with us over the phone. 

We can be heard on 9 different platforms: Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Google Podcast, Radio Public, and Stitcher

To donate or get involved with what we are doing here at Steps Care Please check out our website at

We look forward to hearing from you soon. Join us back here next Monday! We hope you have been inspired!

Jan 27, 202023:45


Welcome every one. Happy Martin Luther King Day. What an inspiring man Martin Luther King was. Here are a few of my Favorite quotes from Martin Luther for you in honor of today.
“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character that is the goal of education.”
“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.”
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
“I have a dream... that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question: What are you doing for others?”
“We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools”
These are great quotes to remind us of the great Dr Martin Luther King. I know that changing perception has been a challenge since the days on MLK. I see this in Special needs ministry. While I’m thankful that things are changing, perceptions are still not what we would hope they would be.

A story that I read this morning about a young boy with autism went to see Santa. The boy was enjoying the lights and the snow man as he waited to see Santa. He was excited and flapping his hands and vocalizing when people started noticing the young boy. As they progressed in the line, the young boy took a seat on a bench off to the side of the line.
A young girl who was curious about the young boy came and sat by the boy and said hello to him. The mother of the boy could feel the mother of the girl zoning in. The mother of the girl came and got her and told her not to sit there. The mother of the boy was heart broken.
It is wonderful to see children without special needs engaging with those that do. I have had students venture into my class where we serve students with special needs and parents have can in and told them that they had to leave. That this was not their class. Many of them the peer age of those that were in the class. As we have events throughout the year, my hope for our faith community is less of “us versus them” and more us supporting one another.

To learn more about what we do here at Steps Care Please check out our website at
We are a 501 c 3 nonprofit that runs on the financial support our listeners and those that we serve. If you are interested in getting involved with what we do or want to give financially feel free to shoot us an email at Donations can be made over at the website or you may send a check to PO BOX 1134 Bentonville, AR 72712. We look forward to hearing from you. See you next Monday.
Jan 20, 202021:51
Episode 2: Refrigerator What?!!

Episode 2: Refrigerator What?!!

Welcome to Steps Talk. This is our second podcast of the second season.  Today is my first day back to school for the second semester. The first week of one of my classes is covering the history of autism. I'm not sure why I didn't already know this. I guess I didn't feel the need to know the history. I have been living in the here and now since day one of my son and daughter's diagnosis. 

 In the 1950's they would call the mothers of children with autism "refrigerator moms." Because it had to be their fault that their children didn't make eye contact, or had speech delays because their moms didn't talk to them enough. They believed that these were mothers who were cold and not good mothers. 

It is interesting to me that there were people that treated me like they believed that this was me, a cold mother. It was weird to me that I was treated this way since I had always been involved with teaching and working with young students. Now that I had my own children I was all of a sudden a bad mother?? It didn't make sense to me until this past week. Maybe some of that ideology is floating around in the judgement being pushed off on families. The history surrounding disability is just not pretty and maybe it should be left in the history.  It has no place in special needs ministry. 

This week we talk about how we need to set aside our assumptions about what a mom or dad should do and just love them. Celebrate every accomplishment no matter how big or small. This is a ministry for celebrations and excitement. This should be a place to support and encourage and even elevate when possible. I'm including a link to a short clip of Temple Grandin talking about some of the history of autism.  Hopefully your ministry plans can include taking care of these sweet parents. Make life a little bit easier for them. 

To find more information about all that we do at Steps Care Please go to and to talk to someone about getting involved in what we do around here please shoot us an email at  

Thank you for joining us this week. We hope you've been inspired! 

Jan 13, 202021:07
Season 2, Episode 1: Happy New Year

Season 2, Episode 1: Happy New Year

Thank you for joining us for our first episode in 2020. This is our second season of Steps Talk. We look forward to the great conversations we will have during this season. 

Today we catch up with our listeners. We have added new board members to our team at Steps Care. We can't wait for you all to meet John and CarolAnne Farr and Miranda Wallace. We hope to have them on the show soon. Life is so busy during the holiday season. Scheduling them to be on the show has been a bit challenging. We will catch them soon I'm sure of it. 

I shared the words of a song that spoke to my soul this past week. We have some sweet friends that are going through some major illnesses and they have been on my heart and I've felt the heaviness of their stories and even our own family challenges over the holidays. I just wanted to share with you all because I know that you go through this tough stuff too. Maybe this song will speak to you like it did me. 

Link to the song by Chris Brown.

Check out Team Thatcher D on Facebook and to support this family go to 

Thatcher is a 4 -year-old superhero, who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma. 

Also Check out Amarissa story and feel free to share support at 

These were the families we shared in the podcast today. We are sending them love and prayers. Love you all! 

To send us your ministry goals for 2020 email us at 

To find out more about Steps Care and to get involved in this ministry check out 

Let's Inspire Disability Ministry Together!!

Jan 06, 202028:01
Episode 30: Urshan with Professor Nancy Norris

Episode 30: Urshan with Professor Nancy Norris

Professor Nancy Norris is someone everyone should meet. Her laughter lights up the room. This year she approached the President of Urshan Bible College about starting a class that she has titled, "Ministering to Children with Special Needs." She created the curriculum for the course from scratch. Professor Norris has invited ministry leaders to come speak to her class and last week Steps Care was invited to talk to her class. We were eager to speak with these future ministry leaders. We asked about their perspectives concerning disability ministry. Episode 30 is a peak into the conversation we had with this incredible class of future ministry leaders.
Stay Tuned! I think you'll be inspired!
Dec 02, 201932:08
Episode 29: Eva Quigley
Aug 27, 201935:18
Episode 28: Audra Uzzell Insights for Gifted Learners, Part 2
Aug 18, 201932:28
Episode 27: Audra Uzzell Insights for Gifted Learners Part 1
Aug 18, 201941:43
Episode 26: Leaders Eat Last, But...

Episode 26: Leaders Eat Last, But...

Welcome to episode 26. Today we are talking about self care. Our title for this episode was inspired by a book called, Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek click here to get your copy.  It's a great read and I hope that you will check it out. When you are in a ministry that is a high need or you are someone serving a high need group or job, you will understand the heart behind todays conversation. Leaders and those that serve sacrificially will feel this conversation the hardest. 

I hate disappointing people. I would rather "eat last". I'd rather suffer while those around me are blessed beyond measure. But when do I get to eat??? As responsible, giving people if we don' t eat we will crumble. We take on the strong image. I never talk about what struggles I'm facing, what challenges me, and shakes me to my chore. For example; my doctor called me this week to tell me that they found a growth that she wanted to biopsy. It was the hardest week of my life and when I mentioned it on social media I said, "It has been a booger of a week." lol This is how I roll. It is impossible for me to even think about how incredible complicated it would be if I got sick let alone the possibility of cancer (there I said it).  I found out a week ago and I'm waiting for the appointment and the test to be ran before I can even make this real. Because I haven't said anything about people are still looking to me for all the stuff that I normally love and I'm so over the top excited about doing. This new information is a game changer. It means that I am going to have to take a breath for myself. I need to be fed. My husband had to do the same thing on his job this week as well. We are so good at what we do. We like that we both are so low priority for those around us, but when we need help, it is hard to say it out loud. So we put it off until our bodies explode. We spout off when its not our nature. Well it's not my nature, my husband is the king of snarky. He has a quick wit that throws people off if they don' t know him. It is part of his charm. I love him sometimes for it. 

This week we talk about all this. We think those doing disability ministry are the coolest people in skin. You eat last and because there is always a need, you often forget that you need to eat. We don' t want you to starve. You are so needed. Your worth is intense value. 

Stay tuned, I hope you'll be inspired!

For more about Steps Care go to our website at There you will find inspiring ministry resources and so much more. Catch you back here next Monday! Have a great week! Don't forget to eat!

Jul 29, 201933:47
Episode 25: With Elizabeth As we talk about being a sibling
Jul 15, 201948:59
Episode 24: with Dr Robert Jason Grant, Discussing the great Challenge of Faith and those impacted with Disability

Episode 24: with Dr Robert Jason Grant, Discussing the great Challenge of Faith and those impacted with Disability

Welcome to Episode 24. This is Monday, July 8th. Today I have a great conversation to share with you. I sat down with a good friend to talk about a challenge that has been a long time struggle between faith communities and those impacted with disability. 

Dr. Robert Jason Grant is the creator of AutPlay therapy and travels all over the world training and certifying other professionals in AutPlay. Dr. Grant has a private  practice in Springfield, MO where he has served families within the community for several years. Dr. Grant is an author, speaker, and licensed mental health professional owner of AutPlay Therapy Clinic. 

Dr. Grant and I discuss the great challenge of faith and those impacted by disability. Is faith really something to contend for in a community that so many impacted by disability have experienced rejection and hurt? 

Want to know more about AutPlay Check out this link: 

Interested in the training opportunities Steps Care offers? Steps Care Training opportunities 

Disability Ministry from our perspective is about being intentional about creating accessibility for all abilities within a faith community.  We want to inspire you to get involved. Don't let your lack of knowledge keep your faith community from building lasting relationships with those that are impacted by disability. 

Here at Steps Care we believe that most of the hurt and rejection that families are experiencing is cause by a general lack of knowledge and awareness and many times the rejection is not intentional. That has been my experience. However, it is not an excuse for lack of respect or an excuse not to try and do better. This is why we this is why organizations like Steps Care are so valuable as an asset to grow in understand and making accommodations within your faith community. Know that all of our training can be tailored to your specific needs. Not every church needs a disability "program" we like to say Disability ministry is not a program it is all about creating accessibility and inclusion in ways that are most meaningful to people of all abilities. 

If you have questions or comments about today's podcast email us at  

If your church is a safe place for people impacted by disability we want to hear about it. We want to share your church with those that are looking for a place to go. We serve families all over the world. So if you are not local, we still want your communities information.  Email us your information at To learn more about what we are doing at Steps Care go over to the website at 

Thank you for joining us today! We hope you have been inspired! 

Jul 08, 201944:38
Episode 23: Planning for the 4th of July

Episode 23: Planning for the 4th of July

Good Morning!! Welcome to Steps Talk, this is episode 23 and today we talk about some tips for preparing students for the holiday events taking place this week. Practice makes perfect will seem like the theme of this episode. Thinking about students with developmental and sensory disabilities. The 4th of July can add some anxiety and overwhelming feelings. We can help our students and families with tips shared on the show this week. 

We will have a link to the original article with these tip ideas over on our Steps Care Facebook page @Stepscareinc. 

Consider making a monthly donation to support the work of this organization. Monthly donations can be set up over at the website and maybe you are thinking about becoming a partner this year. We would love to talk to you about the details. Email us at and let us know that you are interested in sponsorship details. We will send them your way. 

Thank you for joining us this week. We hope you have been inspired!!! 

Jul 01, 201926:10
Episode 22: Classroom Management

Episode 22: Classroom Management

Good morning It's June 24th and today on Steps Talk we are talking about Classroom Management. There is so much more to say about this topic, but here is the start of a great conversation. How do your students shape the climate in your classroom? How does knowing each student play a role in how you manage your classroom? We want to hear from you this week. Email us at 

My birthday is in a couple of weeks!! Facebook gives us opportunities to create fundraisers for our birthdays. I am celebrating this year by raising money for my favorite charity, Steps Care. I would like to invite you to be apart of the impact here at Steps Care!! Click the link to make your donation. This fundraiser will last two weeks!! But you are always welcome to show you support by going to the Steps Care Website and clicking on the donate button which will take you to PayPal and make your donation there at anytime. We are close to our $200.00 goal I think we can move our goal up. Let's do this!! Join the impact and help us inspire disability ministry all over the world!! Your donations help us to keep moving the needle for change. Join me in celebrating my Birthday!!! 

See you next week back here on the podcast. We hope you have been inspired. 

Jun 24, 201922:32
Episode 21: A Weekend of SpEd Min Training

Episode 21: A Weekend of SpEd Min Training

Welcome to episode 21 here at Steps Talk. We had a wonderful Father's day weekend! So much going on around here at Steps Care. This week we Talk about our trip to Linn Creek, MO to Rock House Church. We provided a Leadership Sensitivity Training as well as a Forming Disability Ministry Training. What a great group of loving, caring, and kind people that we met on Saturday. You all were wonderful! Thank you Mary Vest for connecting with us and helping us get this training in motion. Mary is a reprehensive of Stars for Autism. So grateful for her help. On Friday we met up with our friends at Stars for Autism at their Autism Friendly Presenters training. We want to thank them for allowing us to share what we do at Steps Care. We love all that Stars for Autism does for the community. They are doing fabulous things. We also got the opportunity to visit with our good friend Elijah Winfrey who was visiting from Seattle, Washington. You can find him at and at his podcast The Elijah Winfrey Show on blog talk radio. 

I wanted to also add a link to the letter that I read today. Too many families tell us of similar stories, which breaks our hearts. This is our driving force behind why we do what we do at Steps Care. For information about how you can get involved please head over to our website at There you will find ministry resources, free downloads, past episodes from our podcast, as well as all the ways which you can get involved in what we are doing here at Steps Care. Donation can be made on our website or you may want to send a check. Make your check out to Steps Care and address your letter to Steps Care at PO BOX 1134, Bentonville, AR 72712. Feel free to email us at We would love to hear from you. 

Jun 17, 201923:34
Episode 20: Gearing up for Father's Day

Episode 20: Gearing up for Father's Day

Welcome to Episode 20! It is Monday, June 3rd and today we are gearing up for Father's Day!! We think Dad's are pretty incredible! Today I share some personal stories about how my husband connected with our children who have special needs. Sometimes Dad's get a bad rap. Being the ones that leave when things get hard. We want you to know that this is not always the case. There are Dads that stick it out and are truly making a difference for their families. We think they are inspiring and Incredible. Many Dad's, my husband included, really don't see themselves as being anything extraordinary. We want them to know their worth today and on June 16th; Father's Day. 

If you would like connect with us at Steps Care, shoot us an email at We are looking for sponsors. Let's talk details. Email us at

Thanks for joining us! We hope you've been inspired!!

Jun 03, 201920:56
Episode 19: We need your Feed Back! What would Church Camp, VBS', or other summer activities look like for your family?

Episode 19: We need your Feed Back! What would Church Camp, VBS', or other summer activities look like for your family?

So this week we ask you all, What would church camp, VBS, or other religious summer time events look like if your family could go. Some of our families impacted by disability have talked about how they feel left out when summer comes along. We want to know what accommodations would your family need in place to make camp or VBS something that you could participate in. Would your family be able to attend a typical designed camp or do you think you would need something tailored to your specific needs. Would attending special camps like Camp Barnabas be enough for your family. Would you think it was wonderful to be at camp put on by your faith's organization and have time with other parents like you and friends that were impacted by disability just like you at the same camp? 

I would love to hear your thoughts. We will be talking more in depth with our resident camping mom next week as we share our ideas and what we would like to see for our families. 

To Share your ideas at our email at We would love to hear from you. 

So come back next week! We hope you'll be inspired! 

May 20, 201913:44
Episode 18: Reflecting on Mother's Day

Episode 18: Reflecting on Mother's Day

Welcome to Episode 18. We are reflecting on Mother's Day.  Today, Shelli read the poem by Emily Perl Kingley called,

 "Welcome to Holland". Here is the external link: 

We would love to encourage you to read it for yourself. 

Also we talk about our Fun T-shirt fundraiser.  Please help support our mission by getting your t-shirt or if T-shirts aren't your thing then you can leave a donation.  CLICK HERE to get your shirt

If you have questions about this weeks podcast email us at 

Ministry leaders Thank you for being there for Mom's this weekend. Without you they may not have been able to attend services. Make sure you are also finding time to refresh. Mother's day is busy. 

Thanks for joining us this week! We hope you've been INSPIRED!!

May 13, 201915:59
Episode 17 Why to Volunteer at Steps Care
May 06, 201938:17
Episode 16 Meet Elise from DotCom Therapy

Episode 16 Meet Elise from DotCom Therapy

Welcome to Episode 16 as we talk with Elise at DotCom Therapy. Dot Com has partnered with us at Steps Care as a professional support for families and faith communities. If you are needing a consult or are looking for therapy services email them at to learn more about the services they provide go to their website at To comment about today’s episode or to contact us about getting involved with what we are doing here at Steps Care please email us at to learn more about what we do here at Steps Go to Thanks for joining us this week. We hope you’ve been inspired.
Apr 29, 201920:45
Episode 15 Awareness and Inclusion in Faith Communities

Episode 15 Awareness and Inclusion in Faith Communities

Apr 22, 201927:28
Episode 14 Childrens Author Jan Luck Teaching Kids about Disability
Apr 15, 201945:11
Episode 13: Understanding perspective a lens for Diagnosis or what some may refer to as "labels"
Apr 08, 201935:11
Episode 12 Autism Awareness with Dr. Linda Barboa

Episode 12 Autism Awareness with Dr. Linda Barboa

Welcome to Episode # 12 as we talk Autism with Dr. Linda Barboa. Dr. Linda is the co author to the book Steps: Forming Disability Ministry. She is the founder of Stars for Autism. She is a speech and language pathologist . Dr. Linda has taught in Universities in the States and in Europe. She is the author of several books and serves as alderman in Battlefield, MO. I could go on and on. She is an amazing lady and my dear friend. Today she is taking time out of her busy life to start off our month of April podcast revolving around autism. Stay tuned I think you'll be inspired.
Apr 01, 201935:48
Episode #11 Interview with Melanie Stinnett

Episode #11 Interview with Melanie Stinnett

This week we visited with Melanie Stinnett from Thera Care in Springfield, MO. Melanie shared information about the services she is providing there in Springfield, MO. We talked about faith communities utilizing professionals in the community to better serve students in their programs. Melanie told us about some parent training opportunities through Include Ozarks that you should check out.
We also talked about the success she seen through their Sensory Safe events that I think will inspire you.
If you have questions or comments about this weeks episode please email us at
To find out more about what we do or if you would consider becoming a sponsor at Steps Care please check out our website at
Come back next week as we kick off our busy month of April Autism Awareness Month. We will start the month off right with a conversation with Dr. Linda Barba. Award winning author and founder and executive director at Stars for Autism. Dr. Barboa and the team at Stars for Autism are doing amazing things with Autism Friendly Cities initiative. It will be an amazing conversation. You will not want to miss it.
THank you for your support and we hope you have been inspired.
Mar 25, 201934:27
Episode 10: Attendance challenges for ministry leaders
Mar 18, 201919:56
Episode 9: Spring Break Ministry Brain Storm
Mar 12, 201922:43
Advocating for support in your Faith Community

Advocating for support in your Faith Community

We advocate for every other need in our life, why not advocate for our needs in our faith communities. Today on the podcast, episode #8 we talk about why we think it is important to advocate for support within our faith communities. Advocate sounds like such an intimidating word, but really it is just a form of communication. It's communicating our needs. We talk about self advocacy, parent/caregiver advocacy, and educational advocacy today. Overall I feel like the disability community really does an incredible job supporting one another. We can use this example within our faith communities as well. When we look at models of inclusion between various ministries throughout the faith community. The fact is that we all can support one another, but if we don' t ask for the support we need we will never know exactly how much we truly need one another.
We have a new partner at Steps Care. We will talk about this more in a later episode. We will be partnering with ABLE Minis Tree. This is a nationally recognized special needs ministry within the UPCI. We have unofficially collaborated with them throughout the years and look forward to this partnership. We will have further details in a later episode. You may search for ABLE ministry on Facebook for support and community.
If you have questions or would like to sponsor Steps Talk or Steps Care email us at we would love to set up a time to visit with you about the possibilities. To learn more about what we do at Steps Care go to This weeks episode was sponsored by That Autism Mom is supporting mom's who are parenting children with Autism.
Join us next week as we talk about ideas and things to do over Spring Break! Hope to see you next week! Have a Fantastic Week!!
Mar 04, 201924:54
Supporting our student during the Winter Months
Feb 25, 201920:01
Marriages and parenting, how faith communities can support with Melinda Tibbits
Feb 18, 201925:55
Sensory as a Mode to Communicate
Feb 11, 201919:31
Patrick and Shelli talk about Parenting with Disability

Patrick and Shelli talk about Parenting with Disability

It’s Monday February 4th, Episode number 4. Shelli introduces us to her husband Patrick. They talk about Parenting children with disability and how the church can help. Shelli references an article by Bill Healey called, “ Helping Parents Deal with the Fact that their Child has a Disability.” Article was published in the Council for Exceptional Children in November of 1996. Shelli talks about the stages of adjustment as a reference for working with families. Every family will deal with their realities differently. There is no one size fits all. 

Feb 04, 201925:47
What does Disability Ministry look like?

What does Disability Ministry look like?

What is Disability Ministry look like? What is Disability Ministry? We believe it is a tool that helps faith communities to be intentional about including everyone in ways that are meaningful to the people we serve. Accommodations aren’t just about wheelchair ramps or larger stalls. These are accommodations, but there is so much more we can do to support those with disability. Starting a Disability Ministry is just an opportunity for the church to say, “Hey we want to be intentional here.” The thing is, the way churches and faith communities go about their intentions makes their disability ministry look different. We think this is a beautiful thing and we celebrate with you.
Jan 28, 201923:21
Interview with Sarah Doss.

Interview with Sarah Doss.

Today we share our interview with Mrs Sarah Doss at Wonderfully Made (Psalms 139:14) a First Baptist Church ministry. The address for First Baptist church is 202 Walnut St, West Plains, MO 65775. To call and set up a ride or to ask about this ministry contact Sarah at (417)256-3128. To learn more about what we do at Steps Care feel free to check out our website at or email us at If you are interested in supporting our organization through a tax exempt donation you may do so through our website or send a check through the mail. We receive mail at PO BOX 1134, Bentonville, AR 72712. If you have questions that you would like to see answered on the podcast email us at Thank you for joining us and we hope you were inspired.
Jan 21, 201926:51
Welcome to Episode 1 Introduction to Steps Care: Talk

Welcome to Episode 1 Introduction to Steps Care: Talk

Welcome to the podcast. Today we are starting off with an introduction from our executive director Shelli Allen. My voice is almost gone. I’ve been nursing a cold. 😁 For more information about the trainings we provide email us at Check out our website at If you have ideas for future podcast topics email us at The handbook mentioned is called Steps: Forming Disability Ministry by Dr. Linda Barboa and Shelli Allen. You can purchase a copy on Amazon. See you next Monday as we talk with Sarah Doss with Wonderfully Made. See you next week!
Jan 15, 201917:54