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Krystalline Living

Krystalline Living

By Jerome Headley

From the island of Barbados, Jerome Headley is an energy worker and a clairvoyant who incorporates bio-energetic techniques to heal and empower people in reconnecting them with their divine soul blueprint. After working in the field for the last 8 years, he now focuses on teaching unity within self, crystalline living and anchoring the perfected self here on Earth... The Journey to the Krystalline Life.

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Krystalline Living Feb 28, 2020

Great change from within
May 11, 202309:21
The Allowing, tuning in to Being

The Allowing, tuning in to Being

What I have been feeling over the last few days has brought much more awareness in myself and the many ways the energy clearing and upgrading us changes the perception of what we experience now. Today feels far more clear than I was over the last month. The energy has changed so much and has been teaching me to just allow myself to BE more in the now, learning to appreciate more of where I am at and honor it. As higher energies continue to come in and our awareness expands we are asked to follow our hearts way more, bringing forth our fullest authenticity.
Feb 23, 202212:35
Always moving, solar alignments

Always moving, solar alignments

This was recorded on September but very resonant with the energy occuring right now from inside. If you are on telegram and would like to join my channel for current updates and activations
Jan 15, 202204:21
Points of awareness

Points of awareness

Focus in the now moment allows us to access the quantum
Sep 29, 202113:07
The holographic beam

The holographic beam

A new wave of energy approaches as we are presented with opportunity to merge with the higher dimensional counter part of our realm/world/whirl/vortex.
Dec 03, 202025:02
DNA strand assembly

DNA strand assembly

As we move through this process of the morphogenetic wave coming through our sun from the meta galactic sun we activate more and more. This reading was referenced from voyagers 2 the secrets of amenti by ashyana Deane
Dec 02, 202006:51
Taking back our power!

Taking back our power!

Humanity is soon coming to full awareness of the power they have given to these "elite" and observing what they have been doing with this "power" in sending it back out to harm the dimension, acting as vampiric forces or parasites in the matrix. Now is the time we take our power back for in that return of balance we experience full abundance on the dimension of our perceptions once again
Jul 14, 202019:45
The welcoming of the New Earth, the Unveiling

The welcoming of the New Earth, the Unveiling

I share an update on the energy shifts and my personal experience of what I have been experiencing during this Energetic uptick in frequencies from within.
Jul 11, 202007:40
Frames of reference to the past

Frames of reference to the past

If we rethink into our past experiences we live our past experiences in our present existence. This can create a loop interface of our past which projects into our present and sets up our future. On of the best ways to eliminate these looping cycle systems is to remove or untether from the past frame of reference and call back your energy.
Jun 16, 202018:14
The Heart Expanding

The Heart Expanding

Consciousness changes into a more connective process the more we tune into our hearts as the core reflective generator. More of the energies coming in remove much more of our lower form programs and bring the consciousness into balance, we move beyond the judgements for they have no place within the higher existence we move into now.
Jun 10, 202008:50
Quantum manifestation

Quantum manifestation

Our ability to go quantum, to go beyond our existing consciousness at this time comes through going within ourselves through meditation and stepping into the knowing of who we truely are. Quantum Manifestation is the pure expression of our ability to manifest this entire holographic structure through our mind grid cycle systems and co-create the reality we see before our eyes. Through our inner work of releasing certain old programs we may loop into which may cause unconscious and unwanted manifestations we move into more easily manifesting the reality we desire through balance and love ❤️ The energetic period in our now moment reality is providing the opportunity for us to more fully actualize our true existence and express as the all here on Earth , all we must do is intend and the journey begins.
May 22, 202010:07
Self-love flows

Self-love flows

Our core being and essence is love, awareness, light. Eternally existing in all things. Through our deprogramming we begin the process of bringing this pure awareness, this knowing from within self into the physical manifest reality. This begins the process of recoding the immediate physical reality in your perception view point, our reality then interacts with us in a completely different way. Tuning into the Krystalline fields of consciousness. We move from the thought into the knowing...the self-love flows, eternal consciousness
May 18, 202012:04
The MA-trix

The MA-trix

The consciousness has been influenced by that which is in what we would perceive as our external existence. Many falsehoods in the false light systems have been created inorder to create layers or degrees of seperation for our inner reality, many call this the artificial womb. This is the time we move back into ourselves and live our truest nature in the inner/external realm.
May 18, 202007:57
The inner work and higherself

The inner work and higherself

As the consciousness energy availability increases we become much more resonant with our higher mind intelligence. Inorder for this higher intelligence to be grounded much more within this reality we must do our inner work, facing the shadow sides of our selves and bringing them into balance.
May 07, 202010:58
Inside out creation

Inside out creation

Our reality is created through our observation presence. It changes from within self and expands out into the external
Apr 21, 202008:10
Krystalline Activation meditations

Krystalline Activation meditations

These meditations are intended to assist in the alignment of the consciousness both individually and collectively as we move through these very turbulent but beautiful times of transformation. We are becoming the new Krystalline race of beings. Feel the shifts as they take place from within out, the heart is the portal to our perpetual energy.
Apr 12, 202014:18
Transition through time

Transition through time

We become the witness of our realities and move above the frequency
Apr 01, 202014:51
Opening portals

Opening portals

The gates are open for our trascendant path if we so allow despite what appears on the external... Hold faith
Feb 28, 202004:45
Consciousness Energy report 12:12 gateway.

Consciousness Energy report 12:12 gateway.

An energy report message shared from my heart to yours ❤️ As I observe more of what has been occuring within my consciousness experience we are moving into a high energy flux where we will be able to ride the waves to clear and manifest. Take full advantage of this energy
Dec 09, 201906:08
Quantum shift transmutation

Quantum shift transmutation

Our world shifts as our reality inside does. We have the ability within our consciousness to shift realities (memories) into other realities and stack them as our song, merging the timelines into prime.
Nov 17, 201908:20
Embracing the change +mediation technique

Embracing the change +mediation technique

Way more intense energies have been affecting the planet and therefore affecting our own Consciousness aswell. We as a collective are moving more steadily through the portals as we approach the year 2020. This is a very exciting time to be aware (depending upon your perspective). As we continually are asked to let go of what may not be serving our highest good or what brings hooks us into the external realities we begin to awaken more of our gifts, it's an exchanging of energy, a change to be reborn if we so choose.
Oct 16, 201916:56
The Reflected Self

The Reflected Self

We live in the projection of our own Consciousness. It is shown in the relative nature of our perceptions and how we all have very different perspectives but also a collective veiw in certain aspects. We each live in multiple realities simultaneously but all very similar to each other. These are the deeper keys to our manifestation abilities
Oct 11, 201902:57
Shifts into new corridor

Shifts into new corridor

As we enter the month of September a new more potent energy has also arrived and will be assisting us even further with the letting go and aligning process. In this segment I discuss a few affirmations that can be said to assist with alignment into the highest ascension timeline
Sep 03, 201907:59
Mind Body Spirit Complex activation through nutrition pt1

Mind Body Spirit Complex activation through nutrition pt1

This Episode was snipets from a voice note created where I was discussing the innerstanding activation of the mind body connect through mineral intake
Aug 27, 201906:58
The Timeline Convergence

The Timeline Convergence

We are experiencing rapid timeline collapsing as our choices both inside and out are being brought into our face for us to choose .... Fear and lack or love and abundance.
Aug 15, 201907:05
The Ascension Corridor

The Ascension Corridor

As we approach way more portals than we ever have before on this planet we are asked to allow the letting go of way more layers as we receive our gifts!
Aug 08, 201912:03
Creation from within

Creation from within

Our consciousness creates what we experience outwardly
Jul 29, 201904:33
Episode 1 Inner outer reflections

Episode 1 Inner outer reflections

This clip briefly dives into the innerstandings of the reflected reality as we journey through our inner verse both individually and as a collective
Jul 17, 201906:31