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A Cup of Growth

A Cup of Growth

By A Cup of Growth Podcast

Welcome to A Cup of Growth, your very own adulting survival drink. Get ready to tune in and navigate all the juicy bits of your twenties with us. So sit back, relax, and let's ride the struggle together!
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Welcome to A Cup of Growth

A Cup of GrowthMar 05, 2023

Episode 20 - SOCIALISATION AND HUMAN INTERACTIONS: alexa, play we’re all in this together by the cast of high school musical

Episode 20 - SOCIALISATION AND HUMAN INTERACTIONS: alexa, play we’re all in this together by the cast of high school musical

In this episode, Mags and Cass welcome Justin McSweeny to discuss what it means to live in a society and how we find meaning through interacting with others.

Justin McSweeny is a host of an interview series on YouTube that engages guests in inquiries into matters that explore the means of sense and meaning making, as well as purpose recognition. Justin is on a journey of inquiry into the nature of relations, the expression of mindedness and the multi-modal values that arise in humanity's experiences. Justin's aspiration is to be a helpful person in whatever capacity he can express. He runs a web page called Illumine Life that seeks to realize that expression of helpfulness.

Check out Justin's YouTube channel:

Dec 06, 202302:08:49
Episode 19 - HAVING A SUPPORT SYSTEM: help me!!!

Episode 19 - HAVING A SUPPORT SYSTEM: help me!!!

In this episode, Mags and Cass discuss what it means to have a support system, how to build one and ways in which to nurture and maintain your relationships.

Dec 05, 202301:00:18
Episode 18 - GROUNDING YOURSELF: let's get our sh*t together!

Episode 18 - GROUNDING YOURSELF: let's get our sh*t together!

In this episode, Mags and Cass discuss what it means to be present and grounded in a distracted world, how to re-connect with oneself and debate being delusional vs keeping a realistic mindset.

Dec 05, 202343:24
Episode 17 - ROUTINES: waking up at 5am challenge!

Episode 17 - ROUTINES: waking up at 5am challenge!

In this episode, Mags and Cass challenged themselves to follow the routine of a famous person for a day and reflect on what they learnt and discuss the importance of routines in creating stability and consistency.

Dec 05, 202356:59
Episode 16 - MOTIVATION AND DISCIPLINE: ya girl has been productive today!

Episode 16 - MOTIVATION AND DISCIPLINE: ya girl has been productive today!

In this episode, Cass and Mags discuss why motivation and discipline are important, how they keep themselves motivated and how to get out of a motivational slump and re-build self-discipline.

Dec 05, 202338:60
Episode 15 - NOSTALGIA: mate, i want to be 16 again

Episode 15 - NOSTALGIA: mate, i want to be 16 again

In this episode, Cass and Mags discuss reminiscing about the past, how romanticising the past can affect our well-being, and deep dive into why we have feelings of nostalgia, especially when life gets hard.

Dec 05, 202344:50
Episode 14 - EXPECTATIONS: nvm, re-thinking my whole existence

Episode 14 - EXPECTATIONS: nvm, re-thinking my whole existence

In this episode, Mags and Cass discuss the differences between realistic and unrealistic expectations, how these have changed overtime and why we feel so much pressure to achieve certain things by a certain time in our society.

Dec 05, 202346:06
Episode 13 - COMING OUT OF A RUT: look cass, i ate one vegetable today!

Episode 13 - COMING OUT OF A RUT: look cass, i ate one vegetable today!

Now you know how to recognise the signs of burnout and identify your bad habits, Cass and Mags share experiences, advice and tips on how to recover from a hard time/burnout episode to reclaim your life and get back on track.

Aug 23, 202339:40
Episode 12 - BAD HABITS: mags, where's my vape?

Episode 12 - BAD HABITS: mags, where's my vape?

Whether you’re like Cass and vape quite a bit or like Mags have a dysregulated sleeping pattern that leaves you feeling low energy and groggy, we’ve all succumbed to bad habits in our lifetime. In this episode, Mags and Cass share their most significant bad habits, how they came about and how to swap out these bad habits for good ones.

Aug 09, 202351:31
Episode 11 - BURNOUT: going for a nap to forget i have feelings lol

Episode 11 - BURNOUT: going for a nap to forget i have feelings lol

Feeling unusually tired both mentally and physically? Feeling irritable and impatient with everything and everyone? Do you lack overall energy to be productive? You might be burnt out. In this episode, Cass and Mags share their experiences with burnout, how they learn to recognise early signs of burnout and how to cope and get better.

Jul 26, 202301:03:30
Episode 10 - FINDING YOUR DREAM CAREER (ft. Mabel Bachini): omg finally got a job!!
Jul 12, 202301:19:16
Episode 9 - STRUGGLES WITH UNEMPLOYMENT: bro i need a sugar daddy at this point

Episode 9 - STRUGGLES WITH UNEMPLOYMENT: bro i need a sugar daddy at this point

In the midst of a job crisis, Mags and Cass share experiences on how job searching and being unemployed has affected them since finishing uni. Mags, currently unemployed, is experiencing the full wrath of the stress and pressure that comes with looking for a job. Cass, as an employment advisor, gives tips and advice on how to better your job search and taking care of yourself during this perilous journey of job hunting.

Jun 28, 202301:12:20
Episode 8 - IMPOSTER SYNDROME: i’m done with this shit

Episode 8 - IMPOSTER SYNDROME: i’m done with this shit

Imposter Syndrome is a term that has resurfaced recently, and it describes this feeling of doubting your skills and abilities and feeling as though you do not deserve your achievements and success. In this episode, Mags and Cass discuss times they have experienced imposter syndrome, how this has impacted their work/overall life, and share tips on how to cope and manage your feelings of self-doubt. 

Jun 14, 202353:35
Episode 7 - IDENTITY & BELONGING: mags... i dyed my hair... again

Episode 7 - IDENTITY & BELONGING: mags... i dyed my hair... again

Please welcome Shaniece and Talya to the stage! In this episode, Cass and Mags discuss identity and belonging with guests Talya and Shaniece, as they share their personal experience with being bi-racial and/or having dual-nationality and what it means to belong in a society as complex and vast as ours.

May 31, 202301:15:21
Episode 6 - BODY IMAGE & CONFIDENCE: mate, i look like shit
May 17, 202352:35
Episode 5 - SELF CARE, SELF INDULGENCE AND SELFLESSNESS: brb, going to hermit

Episode 5 - SELF CARE, SELF INDULGENCE AND SELFLESSNESS: brb, going to hermit

Taking care and looking after yourself is vital to your well-being, but “how do I go about that?” you may ask. Don’t fret, Mags and Cass are here to guide you! In this episode, Cass and Mags discuss the differences between self-care, selflessness, and self-indulgence, what self-care means to them, and how self-care can come from enjoying the present moment, doing things for yourself, or giving others a helping hand. 

May 03, 202345:10
Episode 4 - RELATIONSHIPS: making my ideal boyfriend in the sims bc he doesn’t exist irl
Apr 19, 202301:04:52
Episode 3 - SOCIAL MEDIA: cass, tiktok outed me

Episode 3 - SOCIAL MEDIA: cass, tiktok outed me

Ahhh, the debate around social media: is it good, or is it evil? Should you keep it, or should you delete it? In this episode, Mags and Cass discuss the pros and cons of social media, debate important questions, such as ‘is social media addictive?’ or ‘is it destroying our creativity?’, re-learning how to establish a healthy relationship with your phone and give their advice on how to reap the benefits of using social media. 

Apr 05, 202344:33
Episode 2 - LIFE AFTER GRADUATING: do you want to come over and have an existential crisis together?

Episode 2 - LIFE AFTER GRADUATING: do you want to come over and have an existential crisis together?

Congratulations! You’ve finished your undergrad and graduated from university! But now the daunting questions weigh on you: should you do a masters? Job hop for a while? Go traveling for a year? Take a break? So many options are available to you (almost too many). In this episode, Cass and Mags discuss the ups and downs of life after graduating, share their personal experience, and give advice on how to deal with this uncertain transition period that is quintessentially part of your twenties.

Mar 22, 202338:17
Episode 1 - UNIVERSITY: shall we skip this lecture?

Episode 1 - UNIVERSITY: shall we skip this lecture?

Are you going to university soon? Anxious about moving into halls? Excited to meet new people? Already in university and having an existential crisis? Wondering if your course is right for you? In this episode, Mags and Cass share their own university experience, how they felt about it, and what they wish they could have done better. Cass and Mags also give you tips and advice on how to confidently start university and make the most of it!

Mar 08, 202337:12
Welcome to A Cup of Growth

Welcome to A Cup of Growth

Are you struggling to look for work after finishing your education? Or maybe you’re in a relationship you’re unsure about? Are you having a quarter-life existential crisis? Are you in your 20s and don’t know what the hell to do with your life? You’ve come to the right place! Hi, you’re listening to A Cup of Growth, the drink for the trying-to-be-adults. This podcast is brought to you by Mags and Cass, where the girls talk about how to confidently navigate your 20s. If this sounds like a bit of you, then stay tuned. Let’s ride the struggle together!

Mar 05, 202300:50