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A Sacred Space with Katie

A Sacred Space with Katie

By Katie Smith

Heal your heart, change your life! Learn how to heal your stuck emotions after a breakup, loss, divorce or trauma. I discuss all things mindset, emotional healing, relationships, body image and more!
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What is Intentional Living?

A Sacred Space with KatieDec 03, 2018

Self Deprivation

Self Deprivation

Do you deprive yourself of love, connection or feeling good? I do! In this episode I discuss how starving myself of the things I wanted or even needed has affected my life and led me to make choices I wouldn't have ordinarily made.

Learn how:

* Self Deprivation affects every area of your life including your relationships

* What to do when you become aware of how you're depriving yourself

* How self deprivation shows up

* How self deprivation effects our body image, self worth and ability to have real, true connection with ourselves and others

Questions? Email me at

Oct 28, 201922:42
Manifest Love! Chakra Edition
Oct 21, 201946:39
Heal Your Core Wounds - Heal Loneliness & Self Worth Issues

Heal Your Core Wounds - Heal Loneliness & Self Worth Issues

New Training on Healing Our Core Wounds! I've been going through this huge massive eruption of core wounds and being faced with emotions I've dismissed for years. In this episode I discuss the tools I am using and have used to become aware of my core wounds so I can heal them and move into new levels of self worth and as a result experience the life I want to live.

In this episode you will learn:

* Tools to help you heal your core wounds

* What the most common core wounds are (the ones we all seem to deal with and generate during childhood)

* Why we end up with these wounds and spend most of our lives unaware of them

* How core wounds control our lives, our choices and our relationships

And so much more!

Have questions? Email me at

Oct 14, 201945:04
Creating a Courageous Mindset with Regina McCarthy

Creating a Courageous Mindset with Regina McCarthy

In the face of trauma, a courageous mindset can be what moves us toward healing and connection.

In this episode I speak with Author and Holistic Psychotherapist, Regina McCarthy, about what it takes to create a courageous mindset and how to heal and move forward from trauma.

If you, or someone you know, has ever suffered from anxiety, panic attacks, bullying or trauma of any kind this is the episode you will want to listen to (and take notes)!

Find out:

  • The one breathing technique that instantly calms the nervous system (that you’ve probably never heard of!)
  • Why feeling and expressing your emotions authentically is actually an act of self-care
  • How to cultivate courage even in the face of trauma & anxiety
  • How to work with your children to help them move through trauma, bullying and more
  • The story of Courageous Gilbert the Groundhog and how his story can help you (and your children) in creating a courageous mindset
  • Plus several trauma sensitive tips and resources, and so much more!
Connect with Regina!

Regina E. McCarthy, LCSW, is a Holistic Psychotherapist with a private practice in Elgin, IL. She received her undergraduate degree from Boston College, Boston, MA, and her master’s in social work from Loyola University, Chicago, IL. She is a member of the National Association of Social Workers and the Wellness Institute, Issaquah, WA. She is an Advanced Heart-Centered Hypnotherapist®, and a Reiki Master. She is also a member of the SCBWI and the Independent Book Publishers Association.

She lives with her husband, has three adult children and a cat named Bob. Courageous Gilbert the Groundhog is her first book.

Get a signed copy of her book HERE! Connect with her on Facebook HERE!
Sep 30, 201939:04
Understanding Chronic Illness with Lauren Keller

Understanding Chronic Illness with Lauren Keller

So many people currently are suffering from chronic illness and getting little to no results when it comes to treating it with western medicine. Is there a way to integrate natural health alternatives with western medicine and achieve actual healing results?

What is chronic illness and how can we better understand it so we can move toward healing?

Join me as I discuss these topics with Lauren Keller, Nurse and Chronic Illness Coach.

Connect with Lauren:

Hello! My name is Lauren and I am a Nurse practitioner and certified nurse midwife turned chronic illness & nutrition coach. I am also a chronic illness warrior myself! I became ill with a mysterious illness at the age of 27, at the time in someone's life which should be a peak of health, satisfaction and joy. I went to doctor's appointments with a dizzying array of symptoms and a devastating loss of lifestyle. I was once an extremely active runner and yogi and overnight became so debilitated that I could barely stand up without fainting, let alone socialize, exercise or do fun things! I was often met with disbelief about the severity of my symptoms and was largely written off as "depressed" or "anxious," both of which I had never been before. I suffered for too long and with very little support within the medical establishment to make me well again. I was often dismissed and sent to "another specialist" as the buck was passed to the next provider.

Finally, 2 years later, I was diagnosed with chronic neurological Lyme disease, POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), breast implant toxicity (terrible decision when I was 18), immune system impairment, endometriosis, severe food allergies, candida, multiple gut infections, parasites, and chronic pain. My body was overwhelmed and I felt depressed, anxious and hopeless. I found my healing path with a mixture of both allopathic and alternative therapies and I am now here to guide you in your health journey. I wish I had a chronic illness coach when I first became ill. Now, I help you find your healing path while also saving you money at high cost functional medical doctor's offices!

Sep 23, 201933:28
What Self-Love REALLY Is
Sep 09, 201943:27
Food is NOT a Fight with Jais Curry

Food is NOT a Fight with Jais Curry

Do you struggle with food?

Do you feel like all you ever want is sweets and then you beat yourself up after you eat alll the cookies?

Well, my amazing guest today is a Food Freedom Coach, she knows the struggles of dieting, binge eating and all the things around food. Today she is going to give you the low-down on why we end up in a struggle with food and help you see once and for all that food is not a fight and it doesn’t have to be from today on!

As women most of us struggle with our body image and as a result we struggle with food. We often end up punishing ourselves for not looking like we think we should, or eating what we think we should and we end up in a terrible cycle that is imprisoning and quite frankly, just depressing.

The truth is, its not really about food, its not really about our body. There is always an underlying issue within ourselves that we aren’t looking at – a core wound. Once we address this core wound we find our freedom.

I’m super excited for you to listen in to today’s episode and find out the root cause of body dysmorphia, fighting with food and emotional eating.

So here is the low down on what we talk about in this episode:


Jais Curry is a Food Freedom Coach dedicated to helping women end their obsession with food and end yo-yo dieting for good. She became a Certified Life Coach in 2018 and started coaching women to reach their highest potential in career and life.

While on this journey, Jais quickly realized how important the food and body piece was and began training under Samantha Skelly at Hungry for Happiness in 2019. Today, she helps perfectionist, type A women overcome their fears around food and their bodies, using her custom Food is Not a Fight Program.

To learn more, connect with her on Instagram, @jaiscurry or email


Jul 06, 201929:48
Discover Your Inner Voice with Christina Gomes

Discover Your Inner Voice with Christina Gomes

 Many of us are aware on some level that we have a purpose, we have a song within our hearts, a unique creative expression. But life happens, heartbreak happens and often our wounds cloud the sunshine of our deep purpose and knowing that we are here for something more.

In this episode, I discuss with Christina how to discover our inner voice, the importance of play and childlike creativity and how to bring the flow of creativity back into our lives after heartache or trauma.

Christina has traveled to over 33 countries practicing yoga and singing. Today she discusses with me all that she’s learned about tapping into our inner artist and our creative flow.

This was such a beautiful episode that was very meaningful and healing for me because of my experience with a closed throat chakra that later led to Graves disease.

Christina walks us through how to creatively express ourselves using our voice, our chakras and our own God-given creative abilities as artists, healers and creatives.

In this episode you will learn:

  • What the chakras are and how to use the power of our chakras to create more flow and alignment in our lives
  • How to discover your shadows and bring them into the light
  • The power of the human voice and how to use it to release trauma and stagnant energy
  • How to discover your inner voice, your secret passion and your own unique creative expression
  • Tools you can use to heal and re-write your life story

Christina Gomes is a creativity consultant and a vocal empowerment coach helping conscious creatives unleash the power of their voice and free their creativity.

Using the ancient practices of vibrational therapy, & Yoga philosophy as well as modern psychology and creative writing, Christina can help you release any blocks to help you create the life of your dreams and live out your creative desires.

Through one-one coaching, online courses, transformational workshops and international retreats, Christina has helped 100’s of creatives untame their voice, rewrite their story, and free their creativity.

Connect with Christina!

Check out her website HERE

Connect on Instagram HERE

Connect on Facebook HERE

Jun 23, 201932:49
Overcoming Trauma with Stasea Buettner

Overcoming Trauma with Stasea Buettner


In today's episode I speak with Stasea Buettner about overcoming trauma - specifically childhood trauma.

Stasea discusses a deep trauma she experienced as a child and how she reacted to this trauma by emotionally eating to protect herself and make herself feel safe. She also shared with me how she is healing this deep wound and all that she's learned about why we emotionally eat, and the different ways we learn to cope as children to trauma and fear.

This is a beautiful story about a very strong woman who is now living in her purpose and teaching other women how to heal their emotional traumas especially around food.

For those of you who have experienced deep wounds in your childhood this is the episode you will want to listen in on. Stasea is honest, vulnerable and shares amazing tools she uses to heal and help other women heal as well.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Why we turn to food (and other comforts) for safety and protection 
  • What we really need to heal 
  • Our favorite tools for overcoming trauma (especially childhood wounds)
  • How to face your shame and learn what it's trying to tell you
  • Why connection is key to our healing

About Stasea...

Hey, My name is Stasea Buettner and I am a Spiritual Life and Mindset coach helping women heal their emotional eating and feel empowered again through God and fitness. I am a military veteran and military spouse. We have 2 young daughters who are our world. I aim to help women feel confident in their bodies again and not compare themselves to others but to love themselves again. 

Find her on:


Her Facebook Group


Jun 10, 201925:48
Honoring Your Boundaries with Cathy McKinnon
May 20, 201932:38
Breaking Toxic Relationship Patterns with Kelee Love

Breaking Toxic Relationship Patterns with Kelee Love

 Do you attract men that treat you like you don’t matter? They are totally love bombing you one minute and the next they are cold as ice? Do you find yourself dating the same or similar men all the time and you feel like there are no good guys out there anymore?

I feel you sister! I was there my entire adult life and it sucked. My guest today is Kelee Love and we are so excited to bring you this episode where we help break down the exact steps we both took to start breaking our toxic relationship patterns and manifest our soulmates!

Kelee and I get real in this episode about what it takes to start breaking toxic relationship patterns and start dating consciously so you can manifest the man of your dreams. (Hint: what you value, you attract).

Both Kelee and I have had similar experiences in our own love lives that left us heartbroken and angry.

Kelee is an amazing Dating and Relationship Coach and because of our very similar path we literally have THE BEST conversations.

You are going to want to grab some popcorn (and maybe a notebook and pen) and get cozy for this amazing episode where we discuss:

  • How to date with discernment i.e. dating based on your values
  • How to break the toxic relationship cycles that are keeping you stuck in heartbreak and unfulfilling relationships
  • The exact steps to take in order to manifest your SOULMATE (This is HUGE – it’s the one secret Kelee and I both used to manifest our soulmates!)
  • How to alleviate your heartbreak starting today!

You will learn so many amazing tools you can start implementing in your life today and we are sooo excited to share them with you because, yea, this is like our life’s work…

 Kelee Love is a Dating & Relationship Coach, who specializes in helping successful women find the love within, so they can attract it into their life. She advocates self-love, and teaches her clients how to have healthy relationships, starting with the one with themselves, through diving into beliefs that keep them consistently dating the wrong type of people, so they can finally meet and commit to the guy of their dreams. Many of her clients have found results like getting married, engaged, or just finally attracting their soul mate and dream relationship.  


Connect with Kelee

On Instagram!

Join Kelee’s Facebook Group!

Visit her website for more info!

May 12, 201946:32
Being Body Confident with Kate Dwinell

Being Body Confident with Kate Dwinell

 What does it take to feel confident in your body? To actually love your body?

I am so excited to share this episode with you where Kate and I discuss what it takes to be body confident, to love our bodies and to change our mindset around eating, body image and past trauma that deeply affected how we see ourselves and live life in our bodies.

As someone that has always struggled with my own body image this episode was not only super fun but healing for me. Kate has a beautiful and light way of helping us see that the way we see our bodies is really our choice. We get to choose how we treat our bodies, how we experience them and this is such a freeing concept.

Kate has worked with tons of women helping them develop self love from within and she offers a practical yet fun way of relating these tools and shifts for helping us develop the confidence in ourselves that so many of us are craving.

Kate and I discuss:

  • How to overcome eating disorders
  • How to love your body when you’ve spent your whole life hating it
  • What it really takes to be confident in your own skin
  • The mindset behind emotional eating, eating disorders like binge eating and starving yourself
  • Overcoming trauma and past abuse


Kate Dwinell is a Mindset Coach and the founder of the Breaking Through Emotional Eating Group and the creator of the Love Yourself Selfishly Movement. She is a wife and a dog mom & specializes in coaching emotional eaters to find food freedom & break through their body struggles.

Connect with Kate!

Check out her Website HERE

Follow her on Instagram HERE

Join her Facebook Group HERE

May 05, 201936:27
Healing the Womb with Elaine Lopez-Bogard

Healing the Womb with Elaine Lopez-Bogard

 Our womb spaces are powerful creative spaces but so often we experience trauma and loss within our womb and that leaves us feeling disconnected from our bodies. As women this can leave us feeling guilty, ashamed, and can block us from actually being able to conceive – both in a literal and metaphysical sense.

In today’s episode I speak with Elaine Lopez-Bogard, Owner of “Healing the Womb”.

We discuss the role thoughts and emotions play in preventing and allowing conception. Especially the shame and guilt of loss from miscarriage, still birth, and abortion. Because many women don’t have a safe outlet to express their emotions these emotions become blocks in their creation—not just creating babies but actual blocks in creating happiness.

There is a definitive importance between creating a connection with your spirit baby before you conceive.

How to shift from the finite into infinite possibilities with quantum energy healing.

Tune in and listen as we discuss all things womb healing!



Elaine Lopez-Bogard is a Multidimensional Healer and Wholistic Kinesiologist that helps women create a conscious conception. Elaine got so good at this her clients jokingly call her the ‘Oprah Of Conception’ as in “you get a baby! And you get a baby! And you!”

Elaine works in a holistic way by helping women release wounds from their womb and connecting to the actual babies that are in Spirit waiting to be born and establishing a soul connection between them and their mothers.

Elaine calls this process Quantum Fertility™ and she has consistently helped women release grief from pregnancy loss, increase odds of IVF and IUI, and most importantly brought beautiful newborn babies into the arms of their mothers.

Connect with Elaine!

On Instagram! CLICK HERE

In her Facebook Group HERE

Apr 28, 201921:20
Tapping Into Your Intuitive SuperPowers with Joanna Albrecht
Apr 21, 201943:02
Heal Your Broken Heart

Heal Your Broken Heart

 Grab your free workbook and meditation with extra tools, a daily spiritual practice and more by visiting this link: 

I know what its like to have a broken heart

To feel completely alone, unworthy of love, to constantly be repeating toxic and abusive relationship patterns over and over

It’s defeating. Its depressing and quite honestly NO ONE should have to live like that, EVER.

I created my business because I FINALLY found a way to heal my broken heart and stop all the patterns and cycles that kept me stuck in relationships that told me I was unworthy and undeserving of love.

So in today’s episode I am sharing with you my Masterclass in Heart Healing. This masterclass will give you tools you can use today that will help you start the healing process, that will guide you toward empowerment and will set you up to manifest REAL TRUE Sacred Union in your life.

I have always been a romantic, I have always believed in TRUE LOVE, in soulmates, in DEEP connection. But I could never find it. I always ended up in relationships where I felt defeated, where I felt even more lonely than when I was single. Where the other person verbally, emotionally or even physically abused me. I was sooo tired of living that way and experiencing that.

So 3 years ago I decided to heal. I decided to take responsibility for my love and find love inside myself.

I don’t believe any woman should have to suffer at the hands of another person. I don’t believe that we should lose ourselves and our identity within our relationships. I don’t believe we should feel unworthy of being truly loved just because the men we currently attract make us feel that way.

I believe and have always believed that there has to be a better way. AND I found it!

Listen in below as I discuss what it takes to heal your broken heart and manifest your soulmate!

If you want to get the workbook & meditation which I highly recommend (its free) you can grab it HERE

Apr 14, 201901:00:17
Healing Addiction

Healing Addiction

When it comes to healing addiction there is a lot of controversy. However, more and more we are seeing the truth about what addiction is and how its a symptom not the actual disease.
Mar 25, 201917:42
How to create sacred space for heart healing

How to create sacred space for heart healing

In order to heal and release stuck emotions you have to feel safe. One of the places we should always feel safe (and comforted) is in our homes...but most of us feel anything but safe and secure in our homes and we may not even realize it...
Feb 25, 201919:11
You are NOT broken

You are NOT broken

No one on this earth is actually broken no matter how it might seem that way - we all just have a ton of crap weighing us down and that prevents us from seeing our wholeness!
Jan 28, 201919:20
What Your Home Says About You

What Your Home Says About You

We all want to stick around in a home that feels warm and cozy right? But what if you have no idea how your home feels to others? What do you do then?
Dec 17, 201813:39
Plan the Perfect Party!

Plan the Perfect Party!

Learn to plan the perfect party! How to get organized for guests and have fun while throwing the most epic party EVER!
Dec 10, 201813:20
What is Intentional Living?

What is Intentional Living?

You might have heard the phrase "intentional living" being thrown around quite a bit lately. Living with intention is a beautiful thing and its so amazing when you can consciously start to make choices for yourself that are in alignment with your deepest values.
Dec 03, 201812:32
Joy over Perfection (and a good dose of Self-Acceptance)

Joy over Perfection (and a good dose of Self-Acceptance)

I have always been a perfectionist and I thought I couldn't be happy until everything was perfect. But I realized that perfection is the killer of joy and that we have to CHOOSE joy over perfection every time if we want to live whole and full lives.
Nov 26, 201818:28
Health Consciousness - Health is not in the body

Health Consciousness - Health is not in the body

Have you ever heard the old cliche "without your health you have nothing." ?

This statement has been a driving force in my life for many years. I strongly believed that because I was sick all the time that meant I didn't have anything and essentially I was nothing.
Nov 19, 201825:17
The Real Reason Why Your Self-Confidence Is So Low

The Real Reason Why Your Self-Confidence Is So Low

In today's episode I discuss the one super simple thing we all do that lowers our self-esteem and ruins our self-confidence.
Nov 12, 201808:51
How to get Unstuck and start Receiving from life!

How to get Unstuck and start Receiving from life!

Ever notice how we seem to attract the same situations over and over? The same people, the same problems, etc. and then we start to feel stuck, we start to contract, and we isolate ourselves and want to escape our lives!
Nov 05, 201812:01
Why We Feel Worthless No Matter How Much We Accomplish

Why We Feel Worthless No Matter How Much We Accomplish

Do you ever look around at your life and on some level notice that you are KILLING IT but for some reason you STILL feel worthless?
Oct 29, 201814:32
Organize That Pantry! PLUS Gift Wrapping Stations!

Organize That Pantry! PLUS Gift Wrapping Stations!

Does your pantry drive you crazy! Would you rather go out to eat than try to dig for something to cook in your pantry?
Oct 22, 201812:32
Judging Your Neighbor and the Antidote to Separation

Judging Your Neighbor and the Antidote to Separation

Do you ever catch yourself judging your neighbor? I do (all the time) and to be honest I really don't like when I judge people but I've learned that I'm human and I will do it. So instead of beating myself up about it I use it to my advantage...
Oct 15, 201811:55
How to Start Living Your Truth Today!

How to Start Living Your Truth Today!

Are you trying to fix yourself?

Do you believe that if you could just change a few key things about yourself you would feel happier, more alive?
Oct 08, 201814:51
Life's Little Problems and "Adulting"

Life's Little Problems and "Adulting"

Do you get overwhelmed by life? All the things we have to do, places we have to go, school supplies we have to buy, groceries, car registrations, filling up the gas tank - you name it! These might all seem like trivial things (and obviously not life's biggest problems) but these things can really add up.
Oct 05, 201813:08
Eliminate Your Fear of Commitment

Eliminate Your Fear of Commitment

Have you ever noticed that when you make a commitment to something or someone life throws you a whole bunch of challenges around this commitment?
Oct 01, 201811:59
How to Make Fear Your Friend

How to Make Fear Your Friend

In this episode I discuss how we so often run from our fear not realizing that our fear can truly be our friend. It can show us where we have limiting beliefs come up and it can also give us really good advice if we are willing to listen! (Sounds crazy I know!) But I promise you this is one of my favorite episodes! FULLY realizing what fear can do to us if we don’t address it and connect with it is completely LIFE-CHANGING!
Sep 29, 201816:05