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What If It's NOT Depression? Podcast

What If It's NOT Depression? Podcast

By Achina Stein

What if It's Not Depression is a channel dedicated to discussing how to resolve the symptoms of depression without unnecessary medications. Hosted by psychiatrist and certified functional medicine practitioner Dr. Achina Stein, we talk to industry experts about rethinking the way we understand and treat depression.
Subscribe to the What If It's Not Depression Vodcast with Dr. Achina Stein to stay up to date on ways you can improve your quality of life.
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Amino Acids and Mental Health: Your Pathway to Beating Depression | Laurie Hammer

What If It's NOT Depression? PodcastMay 17, 2024

How Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Combat Depression | Diana Lane
May 31, 202441:04
Amino Acids and Mental Health: Your Pathway to Beating Depression | Laurie Hammer

Amino Acids and Mental Health: Your Pathway to Beating Depression | Laurie Hammer

Often, people come to find me because they have been on the medication merry-go-round and haven’t gotten better or don’t tolerate medication side effects. From time to time, I do include amino acids in my treatment plans, but I don’t specifically call it that.
Amino acid therapy is not appropriate to use if you are taking psychotropics unless you are working with a trained professional. However if you have mild to moderate mood or anxiety symptoms, amino acids are very helpful to take in the interim to buy you time to find root causes of your symptoms especially if you have trouble digesting protein. 
I’ve asked Laurie Hammer to talk about these “nutrients” specifically as a form of therapy. 
Laurie is a Functional Nutritional Therapist and Neuro-Nutrient Specialist who has a passion for helping clients with brain toxicity, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and related auto-immune conditions.

She’s had her own health journey and discovered that one didn't have to live with "depression and anxiety.”

We discussed: 

  • The top five amino acids for your brain
  • Which amino acids most people are deficient
  • How to find out which amino acids you are deficient

When your brain is physically balanced, the emotional and spiritual aspects of life fall into place. Then you can live in a place of joy!

Here is how to find her:

May 17, 202423:58
Think Outside the Brain to Recover From Headaches | Amelia Scott Barrett, MD

Think Outside the Brain to Recover From Headaches | Amelia Scott Barrett, MD

Dr. Barrett is back for a second episode about Migraines!  She did an interview with me about two years ago AND NOW has new information to share!
Did you know that migraine is the #1 cause of disability in women under 50? New science and technology is allowing us to find and fix the hidden causes of headaches rather than simply masking the pain with headache pills.
Dr. Barrett’s work has been featured in publications like Womens World and Business Insider. She did a TEDx Talk in 2023 about the limitations of prescription medications and what we have learned about the hidden causes of headaches. She envisions a world where people actually recover from headaches, rather than just cover them up with a pill.
Dr. Barrett trained at Stanford, is a Board certified neurologist, a functional medicine practitioner, and a yoga and meditation teacher.
She is the founder of Migraine Relief Code, which offers online courses to teach headache sufferers how to use new tools like genetic testing and wearable health devices to help them relieve pain and get back to the lives they love. 
We discussed: 

  • What the turning point was for her to find other tools to resolve headaches
  • Wearable health devices can give you priceless information about what's going on in your body
  • How chronic illness causes chronic stress on the body, and that has to be treated along with the illness

She offers a FREE migraine class at and a FREE quiz at
You can find her at:

May 03, 202437:02
A Nutritional Genomics Approach to Treatment-Resistant Depression & Mood Disorders | Dr. Christy Williamson

A Nutritional Genomics Approach to Treatment-Resistant Depression & Mood Disorders | Dr. Christy Williamson

We haven't talked about genetics in quite sometime. The technology around genetics, nutrigenomics testing, and the knowledge base around epigenetics has sky-rocketed over the past 10 years. We no longer need to do the 23&me and filter the raw data through different programs for interpretation. 
Dr. Chrissie took her health and her children's health into her own hands when the medical system failed them. She almost lost both of her children in the span of a few weeks. Her health declined rapidly and was bedridden. She says it was functional medicine and nutrition that saved her - not the dozens of medications that were prescribed. They might work for some people but not everyone. 
Dr. Chrissie Williamson's Nutritional Genomics Institute (NGI) and its innovative OmicsDx Genome Panels are reshaping our approach to healthcare and nutrition, recognizing the absence of a one-size-fits-all solution. Through groundbreaking research and personalized genomic analysis, NGI empowers patients to understand how their unique genetics, biochemistry, mindset, and risks influence their health. With a focus on sustainable, personalized lifestyle changes, NGI is at the forefront of emerging technology and medicine, empowering patients to take control of their health destiny.
Dr. Chrissie, a nationally recognized Certified Nutritional Specialist (CNS) and Licensed Dietician/Nutritionist in Maryland, earned her DCN (summa cum laude) from MUIH and her master's degree (summa cum laude) in human nutrition from the University of Bridgeport. Based in Richmond, Virginia, she envisioned integrating a primary care physician's office with genomic, phenomic, and functional medicine specialists, seamlessly blending with laboratory data and appointments, and brought this vision to life at GenMedx.
We discussed:

  • The most common missed diagnoses of depression 
  • What cofactors are needed for the different types of depression
  • The biochemistry of depression and anxiety
  • What donors are and how are they related to stress

Let her know that you watched this video and she will provide a Free Genome Kit after the Initial Appointment. You can find her at:

She is brilliant and answered a question that I have been wondering about for years!

Apr 19, 202445:36
You Are Not Crazy! It’s Your Hormones | Dr. Jennifer Roelands

You Are Not Crazy! It’s Your Hormones | Dr. Jennifer Roelands

Being a woman can be tough sometimes. We are emotional beings, and because of this, our “complaints” can be dismissed as being emotional, overreacting, and even “PMSing.” However, some people have such severe symptoms, that they are given a diagnosis of a major mental health disorder and handed a prescription for an antidepressant. Yes, there is research that shows that Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder can be treated with an antidepressant. Some women benefit from this, but the medication is solely suppressing the symptoms and not actually correcting the problem. Medication is a great temporary fix, but one must take it long-term. Wouldn’t you want to just fix the problem in the meantime and taper off the medication?

I had several patients who’ve been on this merry-go-round of medication and even been admitted to the inpatient psychiatric unit because they were told it was “all in their head” – a new psychiatric disorder. These patients have gotten better with cleaning up their diet, detoxing their bodies, regulating their bodily rhythms, learning how to manage stress, and taking supplements to balance their hormones. Some people need to go the extra mile and take bio-identical hormones.

We can never have too many podcast episodes about hormones. Take from Dr. Jen who will tell you somethings about Skinny PCOS and infertility in today’s episode called 
You Are Not Crazy! It’s Your Hormones.
We discussed:

  • Post-partum sxs including depression
  • How do you know if you are in peri-menopause? What are the early signs?
  • Why you’re suddenly gaining weight though you are doing everything right?
  • An easy replacement for meditation if it’s not for you?
  • One modality to balance hormones other than supplements or BHRT

Jennifer Roelands, MD, is double-boarded in integrative medicine and OB/GYN. She completed her residency at Duke University and her integrative training through Andrew Weil Integrative Medicine Center. She is the founder and SHEO of Precision Health MD, which provides comprehensive health care by combining the best evidence-based therapies from conventional, naturopathic, and holistic medicine.

Her areas of expertise include women's health, including PCOS and menopause, gut health, and longevity medicine, focusing on metabolic health. She employs various therapeutic modalities such as nutrition, lifestyle modification, nutrient IV therapy, botanical medicine, and hormone replacement therapy.

Not only is she practicing clinical medicine, but she also serves as a medical advisor/consultant to companies such as GSK, Pureance, and Pario Health. And is a speaker and podcast host of Ignite Your PowHer.
I know I said in the interview that she would share the Metabolic Health Guide, but thought this was even better! Check out the Perimenopause/Menopause Quiz here:

You can find her at her website: and on Instagram at

Apr 05, 202434:21
Depression, Stress and Adrenal Health | Dr. Tricia Pingel

Depression, Stress and Adrenal Health | Dr. Tricia Pingel

I am sure if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve heard me talking about cortisol and the stress response. As I’ve been doing this work with people we usually start with food, do some testing to address the gut, find those nutrients that are missing and replacing them, and removing toxins. However, if you are in fight-flight with surges of cortisol in your body, you won’t get well. This might be an area of focus if you find yourself spinning your wheels. Your body heals when you are in parasympathetic mode – the rest and digest mode. That’s where Dr. Pingel comes in… Dr. Pingel, a licensed naturopathic physician, is known as the Adrenal Whisperer. She has dedicated nearly 15 years of her career as an adrenal and stress expert. She helps women go from Wired and Tired to Calm and Connected so that they can truly enjoy their life with Energy & Authenticity. Dr. Pingel has appeared on nearly a dozen TV shows including: The Dr. Axe Show, Ask the Expert with JJ Virgin, and many others. She has contributed to many publications, most notably: Mind Body Green, Prevention Magazine, Yoga Journal, and more. She is the author of the Best-Selling Book, Total Health Turnaround, and the creator of many online health programs: The Total Energy Turnaround, 30-day Total Health Turnaround, 7-Day Ultimate Detox, and 30-day Walking for Weight Loss. Dr. Tricia Pingel, NMD We talked about: ✅ What adrenal stress is ✅ How adrenal stress causes depression and anxiety ✅ How we have adapted to stress ✅ How stress is connected to major health conditions in our society She is happy to share a free cookbook called THE TOTAL HEALTH FAMILY COOKBOOK filled with nutritious recipes that help replenish nutrients lost to stress. If you want to learn more about Dr. Pingel, check her out at her website, Instagram, and Facebook account: ✅ ✅ Instagram: @drpingel ✅ Facebook: Dr. Tricia Pingel

Mar 22, 202447:07
Beyond The Label: A Biopsychosocial & Spiritual Approach to Mental Health | Dr Christina Bjorndal

Beyond The Label: A Biopsychosocial & Spiritual Approach to Mental Health | Dr Christina Bjorndal

It’s nice to find a person in the integrative/holistic/functional medicine world who not only treats mental health issues but has literally lived the experience to tell it. She doesn’t just talk the talk; she has walked the walk. She helps others on their journey as well. 
Dr. Christina Bjorndal, ND brings her lived experience with depression (suicide survivor), anxiety, bulimia, and bipolar disorder type 1 (psychosis survivor) as well as her clinical training as a naturopathic doctor, along with her additional training in mind, body medicine when striving to address patients’ mental health concerns. 
Having overcome many mental health challenges, Dr. Chris is a gifted speaker and best-selling author who has shared her wellness philosophy with platforms such as Mariel Hemingway’s Out Comes the Sun show, the Jenny McCarthy show, the International Bipolar Foundation, and many health summits and docuseries. She is recognized as a top ND to be followed by two independent organizations. 
I love the title of her book “Beyond the Label” because so many people believe that having a diagnosis solves everything. The label gives some comfort that there is a name to it,  that it exists in others, that there are medications for it and research about it.  That’s about it. Her book is a comprehensive guide to naturopathic mental health to go beyond that label. It is excellent because she has been able to come from the depths of severe mental illness which many integrative or functional doctors don’t think is possible. She has written a total of four books on mental health as well as created two courses.  
We discussed:

  • Her story of regaining her mental health
  • The 4 foundations of health that are important to address in patients' overall health
  • How to support the physical level of health when addressing mental health
  • How to trust your intuition/heart

Here is the free guide for 
The 4R Tool for Working with Difficult Thoughts.
You can find her at her website -
She is a beacon of hope for many people. 

Mar 08, 202447:07
Concussion - An Invisible Injury: A Root Cause of Depression | Dr. Spencer Zimmerman

Concussion - An Invisible Injury: A Root Cause of Depression | Dr. Spencer Zimmerman

Sometimes it is tough to parse what came first when it comes to events that cause symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms manifest quickly, sometimes there is a delay, and sometimes it’s a culmination of multiple events, what we call “a perfect storm.”
A concussion is one of those events and today’s episode is about how to determine if one has had a concussion and still has symptoms from the concussion and how to distinguish between concussion and mental/emotional symptoms. 
Dr. Spencer Zimmerman is uniquely trained as both a Nurse Practitioner and Chiropractor who blends Functional Medicine and Functional Neurology. He works with patients battling concussion, depression, anxiety, PTSD, dizziness, vertigo, and other neurological-based conditions.
After he jumped into the brain injury world, he discovered that his wife had battled with brain injuries since being a teenager. This caused a variety of symptoms including brain fog, fatigue, sleep disorder, dizziness, and anxiety.
We discussed:

  • The difference between a concussion and brain injury       
  • Myths that prevent individuals from getting proper treatment and evaluation for a concussion
  • The link between concussion and depression
  • How functional neurology is different from neurologists who do functional medicine

Dr. Spencer wants to share this e-book with you:
If you want to learn more, you can find him at and @DrSpencerZimmerman on all social media. 
Let me how you like this episode. SUBSCRIBE NOW and please take a moment to give us 5 stars!

Feb 23, 202436:47
Beyond the Blues: The Game-Changing Role of Testosterone in Beating Depression | Dr. Deborah Matthew

Beyond the Blues: The Game-Changing Role of Testosterone in Beating Depression | Dr. Deborah Matthew

I had the pleasure of interviewing Deb Matthew MD again. The last time was over two years ago in July 2021. She is always a chock full of information!! As you may know, she suffered for many years because nothing in her medical training helped her understand why she didn't feel good.  She doesn't want anyone else to have to go through that! 
Dr. Deb, The Happy Hormones Doctor, is a best-selling author, international speaker, educator, wife, and mom of four boys. After suffering for years with fatigue and irritability due to hormone imbalances, her quest to resolve her personal health led her to change everything about her practice of medicine. She has been featured on national podcasts, radio, and broadcast shows, including NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX.
We discussed: 

  • Testosterone is important for women AND for men, and can be low at any age 
  • Apart from sexual health, it plays an important role in mood 
  • Improving testosterone (and mood!) should start by lab testing to confirm the problem, and identifying the CAUSES of the low testosterone 
  • There are natural treatments to normalize testosterone, and testosterone replacement is sometimes an option. 

She wants to share with you her E-book called "
This is NOT Normal!  A Busy Woman's Guide to Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance".
If you want to know more about her, visit her Website, Instagram and Facebook account: 

Let me know what you think.  
To your health and happiness

Feb 02, 202438:03
Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy: The Science of Brain Optimization | Dr. Mark & Joshua Slepkow

Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy: The Science of Brain Optimization | Dr. Mark & Joshua Slepkow

Rhode Island, unfortunately, is not known for innovation, so I’m always excited about different technologies that are available to us, whether it’s to assist with diagnosis or to treat specific conditions. What is new to the area is BrainWaves! BrainWaves is MeRT, which stands for Magnetic EEG/EKG -Guided Resonance Therapy. It is a highly customized use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), based on sophisticated diagnostics. It is a non-invasive, painless, and drug-free option for the treatment of a wide range of conditions. I invited Cofounder, Joshua Slepkow to tell us more about it. (His partner, Mark Turshen MD was not able to join us.) Joshua Slepkow had spent the better part of the last two decades as a partner at a local Rhode Island law firm. Several years ago, Josh’s son was diagnosed with an extremely rare genetic disorder. One of the components includes autism spectrum disorder. Josh and his wife discovered MeRT technology and their son received treatment at a Brain Treatment Center location for 10 weeks. With positive results, Josh decided he could better serve his community by transitioning careers and opening BrainWaves Neuro Restoration Center. Interestingly, Josh graduated from Gettysburg College with a major in Psychology. The founding of BrainWaves NRC allowed him to come full circle, back to his original interest in the mind.

Dr. Mark Turshen completed his medical residency at Brown University and has been practicing full-scope family medicine at his private practice in Rhode Island since 2015. In this practice, he has been able to work intimately with patients of all ages in an attempt to assist them in living their healthiest and most fulfilling lives. Through that lens, Dr. Turshen has seen some of the limitations of current treatment options for various mental health and neurologic conditions. Dr. Turshen has known the Co-Founder Joshua S. Slepkow for two decades. After researching the helpful therapy Joshua’s son underwent, Dr. Turshen felt that he could further treat patients with this newer, cutting-edge technology. BrainWaves NRC is the culmination of this goal. In this interview, he will answer these questions: ✅ What is neuromodulation? ✅ What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation? ✅ How does MeRT differ from TMS? ✅ How do TMS and MeRT work? For listeners, he is offering a generous 50% discount for one EEG. Normally $350.00, discounted price $175.00. Let them know you learned about them through this interview. If you’d like to learn more about them, find them at their website: ✅ Website: ✅ FB: Brainwaves Neuro Restoration Center ✅ IG: @Brainwavesnrc I hope you enjoy the episode!

Dec 29, 202340:43
Getting To The Heart Of Depression Through Hypnotherapy | Dr. Tara Perry

Getting To The Heart Of Depression Through Hypnotherapy | Dr. Tara Perry

Some of you are in psychotherapy presently and have had a nagging problem repeatedly come up again and again. You’re probably tired of talking about it. Yet, you recognize that there is something about it that is preventing you from moving forward in your life. Some of you have left psychotherapy because you’ve decided that talking in circles just doesn’t change it.

Small traumas show up as unresolved conflicts. We spend much of our time talking about things that have happened in a very cerebral fashion and possibly express a lot of reactive emotions. However, there are other emotions underneath those reactive emotions that are more difficult to get at because touching on them puts us in a vulnerable space, and that sometimes doesn’t feel safe.

As a result, we exhibit behavior to avoid or suppress these feelings. However, even if we know this and try as we might to lean in and breathe through them, try to unravel them, it still evades us. This is hard work!! What are we to do?

Enter hypnosis! Hypnosis helps us to get right to the emotion and rewrite or re-boot the program. I’ve met a number of hypnotherapists, but Dr. Tara Perry is different.

She knows how to dive in and follow that thread of emotion that is connected to that ever-repeating conflict that keeps poking its head up in the present every so often. This is a root cause of depression and anxiety.

Dr. Tara Perry is a Clinical Hypnotherapist & Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. She specializes in Core Trauma Transformation, helping people get to the root of their biggest block, connect to their authentic selves, and thrive in deep confident peace. For 25 years, Dr. Perry has successfully treated celebrities, Olympians, first responders, world record holders, doctors, scientists, teachers, parents, and children. She has been featured on Lifetime television, The Los Angeles Times, Fox Sports West, CosMed Magazine, and more. For 10 years, Dr. Perry taught at the #1 Acupuncture College in California.

In 2000, she was chosen to be the first acupuncture teacher at the famous Arthur Ashe Center at UCLA. Dr. Perry hosts her own podcast as well--available on all major platforms called Next Level Healing.

We discussed:

  • What is the root cause of depression from her perspective?
  • What is the connection between trauma and depression?
  • How can someone suffering overcome their biggest blocks and thrive in deep, confident peace?

You can get her FREE guided meditation:

You can find her at her:

  • Website:
  • Instagram:
  • Facebook:

Enjoy! Let me know what you think!

To your health and happiness!

Dec 15, 202347:08
Quantum Biology Explained | Dr. Catherine Clinton

Quantum Biology Explained | Dr. Catherine Clinton

When I see patients and make certain recommendations, most people are immediately excited about getting to the bottom of things and focus on the testing and ordering the supplements. Testing and taking pills have been ingrained into us. Many understand that diet and physical movement are important so they get motivated to dive right in and make shifts in habits to incorporate these changes.
The hardest part for my patients is stress reduction, settling their bodies into rest and relaxation - starting breathwork exercises throughout the day and using applications like Insight Timer for a 10-minute meditation is hard. (It takes 3 days of being on vacation for some people to finally feel relaxed.) It feels foreign or uncomfortable to get to “know” oneself on that level. Does this resonate with you?
These changes are just as important as testing and supplements, so when you wonder why you are not getting well, this is the answer. Stress to the body is a HUGE piece of it. The immune system is responsible for defense and repair. Repair doesn't happen until the danger is over, but if the body doesn't believe that, its your brain's job at central control to let the body know that. This is when your brain sends signals to the body to let it know the "war" is over. Put away the shields and guns. This is where Quantum Biology comes in. People start shifting when you start implementing what Dr. Catherine discusses in this episode.
Dr. Catherine Clinton is a licensed naturopathic physician and has spent over 15 years helping people overcome their health issues. Diagnosed with two autoimmune conditions and Lyme disease while in medical school, she began the long and difficult journey of healing- a path that led to the commitment to help others to not only heal physically but to return to the relationships we evolved over millennia with for a deeper sense of health and belonging.
By healing herself and patients like her, she discovered that true health comes from our relationships. Dr. Catherine has learned how our quantum biological system is intimately and inseparably connected to the world around us. Our relationship with the dirt beneath our feet, the sun, the wind, the water, the plants, the seasons, each other- that is the real medicine.
Her mission is to empower as many people as she can with this knowledge to encourage the paradigm shift, we so desperately need.
She shares for your reading pleasure, the Quantum Fascia Guide
You can learn more about her at these places.

I hope you enjoy the episode. Let me know what you think.
To your health and happiness,

Nov 10, 202345:24
Early Biomarkers of a Brain on Fire | Dr. Tom OBryan

Early Biomarkers of a Brain on Fire | Dr. Tom OBryan

I was so excited to have Dr. Tom O'Bryan on my Vodcast that I got ahead of myself in asking him questions! He is one of my oldest mentors at the Institute of Functional Medicine. I'm glad he made time to talk about gluten and how it can be potentially toxic to the body, including the brain. There is so much research coming out about gluten nowadays that I wanted the foremost expert on gluten to tell it to you. 

Dr. Tom O’Bryan is a recognized world expert on gluten and its impact on health. He is an internationally recognized and sought-after speaker and workshop leader specializing in the complications of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease, and the development of Autoimmune Diseases, as they occur inside and outside of the intestines.

He is considered the 'Sherlock Holmes' for chronic disease and teaches that recognizing and addressing the underlying mechanisms that activate an immune response is the map to the highway toward better health. He holds teaching Faculty positions with the Institute for Functional Medicine and the National University of Health Sciences. He has trained and certified tens of thousands of practitioners around the world with an advanced understanding of the impact of wheat sensitivity and the development of individual autoimmune diseases.

He's written several books, hosted the Gluten Summit, and created the documentary series “Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You." If you are a practitioner, consider getting certified through The Certified Gluten-Free Practitioner Course.

Here is the link for the article he mentioned regarding houseplants:

If you want to know more about Dr. Tom and what inspired him to do this work, you may watch it HERE.

You may find him at his:

  • website -,
  • IG - and
  • FB -

I hope you enjoy this episode. Let me know your thoughts.

Oct 20, 202352:01
How to Upgrade the Vagus Nerve to Address Depression | Dr. Navaz Habib

How to Upgrade the Vagus Nerve to Address Depression | Dr. Navaz Habib

If you’ve been an active patient in the last year or so, you might recall that I have been emphasizing breathwork and meditation in my plans, especially if you are under stress and even more so if you have a high ACE score. ACE is Adverse Childhood Events. I often recommend doing vagal nerve stimulation in my plans, but it’s been difficult getting people to appreciate how necessary it is. Some people believe they are not under stress. Maybe they aren’t in their minds, but their bodies have something else to say about it, and those people aren’t listening. The body keeps the score. Stress comes in all forms. You will not heal unless you increase your vagal tone. As I always say, we need to SHIFT and address Stress, Hormones, Infections, Food, AND Toxins but not necessarily in that order. Sometimes Stress Reduction is on the Front Burner with vagal nerve stimulation. I have asked Dr. Navaz Habib to come on my Vodcast to explain the science behind it so you can hopefully appreciate better WHY it is so important to begin and maintain a practice, especially in this stressful environment. You won’t be surprised with his suggestions. Please know that this applies to all symptoms related to fight/flight and sympathetic drive, like digestion and sleep. Not just depression or anxiety. Dr. Habib is the author of ‘Activate Your Vagus Nerve’ and host of ‘The Health Upgrade Podcast’. Dr. Habib graduated as class valedictorian from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in 2010 and went on to practice traditional chiropractic for years, until he utilized the power of functional medicine to transform his own health. He is the founder of ‘Health Upgraded’ an online functional health consulting clinic, supporting optimal health by elevating the awareness and function of the Vagus Nerve. We discussed: ✅ Why the Vagus Nerve? ✅ The Gut-Brain Axis and Vagus Nerve ✅ The role of inflammation in depression ✅ The role of the Vagus Nerve in controlling inflammation ✅ Vagus Nerve stimulation as a treatment for depression Dr. Habib mentioned VNS devices that can be ordered to help stimulate the vagus nerve. They are and he has provided some discount codes if you are interested: ✅ Truvaga - (coupon code "healthupgraded" will get $10 off) ✅ Pulsetto - (coupon code "upgraded" gets 10% off) Here is the video of organs moving with diaphragmatic breathing (Researchers: Dr. Kevin Tracey at the Feinstein Institute): His contact information: ✅ ✅ ✅

Sep 29, 202356:48
Ear Seeding for Anxiety & Depression Relief: Everything You Need to Know | Robin Green

Ear Seeding for Anxiety & Depression Relief: Everything You Need to Know | Robin Green

Today’s episode is about ear seeds! This is an excellent option for those whose nervous system needs settling and bringing some balance or homeostasis when meditation is not an option. It’s also an excellent option for those who have young children who have issues with texture or swallowing pills. Robin Ray Green, L.Ac, MTCM is a pediatric acupuncture expert. She’s also an accomplished author, speaker, educator, and business coach. Through the Center for Acupuncture Pediatrics, she has trained thousands of acupuncturists and licensed healthcare professionals to make a difference in the lives of children. Robin is also the best-selling author of Heal Your Child From The Inside Out: The 5-Element Way to Nurturing Healthy, Happy Kids, published by Hay House. Her book offers practical tips for parents seeking long-term solutions to their children's health issues. In addition, Robin is the co-founder of Thrive Ear Seeds and provides ongoing education in auriculotherapy and business coaching through the Ear Seeds Ambassadors Club and the Ear Seeds Mastery Certification program. With her dedication, expertise, and contagious enthusiasm, Robin inspires anyone seeking to make a meaningful difference in the world of pediatrics, health, and wellness. We discussed: ✅ What ear seeds are ✅ What they can treat ✅ How they regulate the nervous system ✅ How they help with anxiety and depression ✅ How someone would get started with ear seeds Robin is sharing a FREE e-book called Unleash the Power of Shen Men: Her Website, Instagram, and Facebook account: ✅ ✅ ✅ Let me know how you liked this episode! To your health and happiness

Aug 04, 202338:30
Integrative Strategies for Improving Your Odds with Cancer and Reducing Depression | Carol Lourie

Integrative Strategies for Improving Your Odds with Cancer and Reducing Depression | Carol Lourie

There are many ways to look at breast cancer – the metabolic – taking into consideration the pathways that promote cancer; the environmental – how increased exposure to toxins is becoming a greater influence; the emotional – how trauma, either recent or many years prior, contributes. But simply put, a cancer diagnosis is a very loud message that there is a loss of harmony – usually in more than one area of the woman’s life. So, the task at hand becomes how to restore harmony – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Carol Lourie is a Naturopath, Acupuncturist, Homeopath, and Holistic Breast Health Expert with more than 35 years of experience understanding complex, chronic diseases. She believes healing is always possible and her mission is to empower women with the tools needed to deeply recover their health and restore their life.

We discussed:

  • What is the first (most overlooked) step you need to take once you receive a diagnosis
  • How you can prepare your body and your mind for chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery
  • How integrative medicine can benefit women going through breast cancer treatment
  • How mindset plays a part in the success of treatment
  • What is the one element that people can easily control to reduce their risk of recurrence

Here is a FREE smoothie recipe to drink during treatments -

If you are looking for a functional medicine doctor who specializes in oncology, locate a provider here: http://www.intergrativeonc.rog

Carol’s contact information is:

Another person to follow with regards to healing from cancer is Nalini Chilkov L.Ac., O.M.D. - Dr. Chilkov trains physicians at the Institute for Functional Medicine and was a key speaker at the IFM Annual International Conference which I attended in early June 2023.

To be clear, these resources are complementary to conventional cancer treatments, not to take the place of them.

I hope you find them helpful. Let me know what you think.

To your health and happiness,

Jul 14, 202343:41
Leptin Resistance, Metabolic Flexibility and Depression | Dr. Bindiya Gandhi

Leptin Resistance, Metabolic Flexibility and Depression | Dr. Bindiya Gandhi

Have you ever wondered why you are not losing despite following a diet and exercising? Well, you probably never heard of leptin and creating metabolic flexibility.

I interviewed Dr. Bindiya Gandhi who calls herself the Leptin Resistance Expert about this very topic.  She is a double board-certified Integrative & Functional Medicine Doctor, who helps thousands transform their overall health. She is the medical director at Atlanta Functional and Integrative Medicine - Revive ATL MD a comprehensive clinic focused on total body healing, including decreasing inflammation, improving hormonal imbalance, helping women get pregnant, weight loss resistance, chronic stress, gut health, and more.

After dealing with her own medical crisis and eventually improving her overall health to rebalance her hormones and conceive naturally, she has been focused on finding the CAUSE of issues instead of treating the symptoms and holds a special passion for female hormonal cases.

She has worked with A-listers including professional singers and athletes to reclaim their health. Her newest podcast Reset Renew Revive has gained tons of traction since its launch in April 2020. Bindiya regularly engages with her community of 43.1K followers via Instagram, where she produces compelling content and educational material to continue to inspire people to live healthier lifestyles. Check her out at the links below.

We discussed:

  • Her own health journey
  • What is leptin anyway?
  • What is metabolic flexibility and how to achieve that?
  • And how foods you eat impact gut health, hormones, mental health & your weight

She offers a free jumpstart metabolism guide called 5 Ways to Revive Your Metabolism at: ⁠⁠.

And as mentioned in the interview, she has a link to a quiz on her website to determine whether you might have a high leptin level or leptin resistance ⁠here⁠.

You can find Dr. Gandhi at:

Hope you’ll learn something new!

Jun 16, 202343:08
Steps to Conquer Your Physical & Mental Clutter | Kitti Andrews
Jun 02, 202349:46
Trusting Your Gut: How To Make Deeper Social Connections | Coach Lee Hopkins

Trusting Your Gut: How To Make Deeper Social Connections | Coach Lee Hopkins

In today's society, loneliness has become an epidemic, a silent struggle that many of us face. Research shows that 20-40% of adults and half of our beloved older adults grapple with this heavy burden. But here's the truth: social connections hold the key to healing and belonging. They are the lifeblood that nourishes our spirits and fuels our sense of purpose.
However, let's acknowledge the obstacles we encounter in forging these connections. Our fast-paced, technology-driven world leaves us with little time for meaningful interactions. The virtual realm, while offering a semblance of connection, can leave us yearning for true human contact. Moreover, the shifts in our society have made us transient, constantly on the move, making it harder to cultivate lasting relationships. Our fears and vulnerabilities can wrap us in a suffocating embrace, keeping us from reaching out and exposing our true selves. Language and cultural differences add another layer of complexity, often creating barriers that hinder understanding and connection.
But let's not lose hope, my friends. We must summon the courage to step into the arena of vulnerability, to be seen and heard. It requires effort, empathy, and a willingness to embrace discomfort. We must carve out time to prioritize authentic connections and nurture relationships that matter. We can challenge our fears and insecurities, knowing that vulnerability is the birthplace of genuine connection. Let us create spaces where our uniqueness is celebrated, where diversity is valued, and where empathy is the currency of our interactions.
In this journey, we can transcend the grip of loneliness and build bridges that span across hearts and souls. Together, we can forge a tapestry of connections that light up our lives and infuse our existence with meaning. It starts with each one of us, daring to show up, be seen, and extend a hand of compassion. Let us embrace the power of vulnerability, for it is through vulnerability that we discover the transformative magic of genuine connection.

Coach Lee Hopkins helps people take their social connections to the next level. Whether you want to feel more included at work, meet an activity buddy, or make a close friend to share your deepest thoughts with, he can help. He owns a social connections coaching company called Patterns of Possibility where he helps his clients find fulfilling social connections and meaningful relationships with a simple 3-step process.
He is passionate about helping adults find authentic platonic connections. As a transgender man, he knows firsthand the difficulties that come with trying to make meaningful connections in today's world.
However, he doesn't attribute his struggle to connect solely to his gender identity. He believes he trapped and isolated himself by people pleasing and searching for the perfect friends. It was fear of rejection that kept him repeating a pattern of behavior that kept him isolated and unable to forge lasting connections.
It wasn't until he discovered the power of vulnerability that he began to break through the barriers that had held him back for so long. He learned that by speaking from the heart and being true to himself, he could have meaningful conversations that lead to lasting friendships and more fulfilling relationships with others.
Now, he is passionate about helping others do the same. Whether you're looking to expand your social circle or build deeper connections with those around you, he believes that authenticity is the key to success. By embracing ones true self and learning to communicate from a place of honesty and vulnerability, you can form the kind of connections that will enrich your life and bring you joy.
Learn more by watching this episode. Here is the link to the episode: 

Coach Lee offers this free ebook:
You can find Coach Lee here:

May 19, 202356:03
Could Mercury Fillings Be A Root Cause of Depression? | Dr. Candida Castillo

Could Mercury Fillings Be A Root Cause of Depression? | Dr. Candida Castillo

It's been a while since we revisited how dental problems can impact your immune system and overall health. It's something that most people don't think about especially if they have no acute symptoms or pain. Some of you have learned over the years how much mercury from fillings or hidden bacterial infections from abscesses or cavitations can affect you. It's all about timing and connecting the dots.
While volunteering at a homeless shelter in 2014 in Providence, she met Dr. Jeanne Arthur the only biological dentist in RI.  Dr. Arthur inspired her to look at dentistry differently, connecting the dots and finding the root cause of the problem. Now, as a dedicated biological dentist with 25+ years of experience, Dr. Castillo certainly knows a thing or two about transforming patients’ lives for the better!  She loves being able to work closely with individuals on their dental health, their OVERALL health, and the critical connection between mouth and body that influences both. She works with other holistic specialists in the area to get to the root cause.
We discussed:

  • What biological/holistic dentistry is
  • Mercury Fillings and their effects on Human Health
  • The September 2020 article that hit the news - FDA advise against Mercury Fillings
  • Technology in Dentistry (CBCT, Digital Xray, Digital Scan, Pain Relief, Red Light Therapy)

Dr. Castillo received her dental doctorate at Boston University. Since then, she has completed several Fellowships with the Academy of General Dentistry and the International Dental Implant Association. She completed The Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS) post-master program at Boston University. She additionally has her Biological Certification through the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine and her SMART Certification through the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. To this day, she continues to pursue new educational opportunities through prestigious organizations like the Dawson Academy and Spear Education.
If you would like to work with Dr. Castillo, her website is, and find her on Facebook: The Aesthetic Dental Studio of RI and Instagram: @aestheticdentalstudiori
Enjoy this episode!

May 05, 202355:41
The Scientifically-Established Mental Health Effects of EMF & 5G | R Blank

The Scientifically-Established Mental Health Effects of EMF & 5G | R Blank

We have another kind of pandemic that few people are talking about and that is EMFs and 5G. There are definite things you can do about this. 
We talked about:

  • R Blank's Story
  • The difference between EMF, PEMF, Radio Frequency & Microwave, Thermal Effect
  • What Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) is and that it's recognized as a medical disorder
  • Effects of EMF on Mental Health
  • The Frey Effect
  • and wat you can do about it.

R is an entrepreneur, technologist & author. He is the CEO of Shield Your Body, which creates products that make it easy and affordable for people to reduce their exposure to wireless radiation from devices like cell phones and laptops. And, along with his father, Dr. Martin Blank, he co-authored ‘Overpowered’-- widely regarded as one of the best books written on the science of the health effects of EMF radiation. 
This follows a 20-year career in software development for bluechip firms including Apple, NBC, Disney, Microsoft, the NFL, IKEA and Mattel. R also co-founded Wildform where he co-created the first video encoder for Flash (sold to Google). He has served on the affiliate faculty at the University of California, Santa Cruz in the Digital Arts and New Media (DANM) program, and previously on the faculty of the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering. 
Additionally, R has authored numerous articles, videos, courses, and books in technology and software development. R has an MBA in Entrepreneurship from UCLA Anderson School of Management and an undergraduate degree from Columbia University. 
Find him at his website and IG and FB: @ShieldYourBody 
Listen to his podcast Healthier Tech Podcast.
Hope you enjoy it!
To your health and happiness, 

Apr 21, 202347:57
How Your Heart Helps Heal Depression with HRV Biofeedback | Rohan Dixit

How Your Heart Helps Heal Depression with HRV Biofeedback | Rohan Dixit

I am always searching for new ways to help my patients, and I go to the source!!
One area where I often see my patients struggle is the area of implementing strategies of stress reduction, breathing, and meditation. Even when one thinks they have mastered it, they continue to struggle when they are faced with a stressor - whether it's day-to-day stress, an acute situation, or chronic conflict. It's about leaning into learning how to respond to these things once you have mastered a practice.
I've found that "wearables" are helpful in helping you to "tune into" your body in real-time. Apps on your phone and products like Heart Math help, but I haven't seen anything quite like Lief, a product you apply onto your chest much like an EKG lead.
Here is a link to learn more about Lief through my interview with Rohan.
Rohan Dixit is the founder and CEO of Lief Therapeutics (, a digital mental health company built around a breakthrough wearable device. Formerly a Harvard and Stanford neuroscientist, his work has been featured on The Today Show, CNBC, The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, NBC, CBS, and Forbes magazine.
We talked about:

  • HRV biofeedback being validated for depression and anxiety
  • What the connection is between meditation and HRV
  • How people can use HRV to improve their mental health

Find him at:  

Right now you can get a 20% off discount using the code: WHATIF which will run approx. $50/mo according to Rohan. He feels that a 6-8 month trial will help to train your mind to sync with your body. He states that some health insurance companies do have reimbursements for Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) with a prescription from your doctor/nurse practitioner.
Call your insurance company to see if they will pay for it as a treatment of anxiety/depression with a prescription from an out-of-network provider (ME!).

Apr 07, 202334:44
Intermittent Fasting: How When You Eat Affects Mental Health | Cynthia Thurlow, NP

Intermittent Fasting: How When You Eat Affects Mental Health | Cynthia Thurlow, NP

I’ve waited for months to finally talk to Cynthia Thurlow about intermittent fasting. It’s a method of eating that has so many benefits including treatment of anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. However, it’s not for everyone. Listen to this episode to learn all the details and whether its right for you. You might have to listen to it a couple of times, because it's fast-paced and full of juicy information!
Cynthia Thurlow is a nurse practitioner, author of the best-selling book Intermittent Fasting Transformation, a 2x TEDx speaker, with her second talk having more than 13 million views, and the host of Everyday Wellness podcast and co-host of the Intermittent Fasting podcast with Melanie Avalon, averaging more than 700,000 downloads per month combined. 
With over 20 years of experience in health and wellness, Cynthia is a globally recognized expert in intermittent fasting and women’s health, and has been featured on ABC, FOX5, KTLA, CW, Medium, Entrepreneur, and The Megyn Kelly Show. Now her mission is to continue educating people about the transformative power of functional nutrition and intermittent fasting! In particular, she focuses on supporting women to overcome issues related to lack of energy, weight gain, and food cravings.
You may join her Free Facebook group - Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle
If you want to connect, check her out at her: 
Website -

IG -

FB -

Mar 24, 202339:36
How NOT to Detox with Dr. Vivian Chen

How NOT to Detox with Dr. Vivian Chen

When we think about environmental toxins, we usually think about Flint, Michigan, and the recent train crash and spill in Ohio. The fact of the matter is that we are surrounded by toxins on a daily basis in our own homes, and there are steps that you can take to avoid, limit, and even detox from them. Some of you are on detox protocols; they can be onerous at times. It is important to take the right binders at the proper times from practitioners that know what they are doing. There are other approaches too which Dr. Chen will tell you about.

Dr. Chen is a medical doctor with 15 years of clinical experience. She is board certified in the UK in both internal medicine and family practice, and now lives in California with her family.

Her world turned upside down when her daughter was hospitalized soon after being born with symptoms no doctor could figure out. Through doing her own research, she was able to help her daughter recover. She also realized that the many years of chronic fatigue, acne, and brain fog she had was due to environmental toxicity. This opened the world of root causes she had never considered before as a conventional medical doctor.

When she moved to San Francisco, she decided not to get licensed as an MD in the US - instead, she now coaches clients back to health virtually by identifying and addressing root causes. She is also on a mission to help people reduce their toxin load because she believes environmental toxins to be one important root cause not enough doctors are talking about.

She invented the Lumebox, a portable photo-bio-modulation instrument that provides red light and near-infrared light therapy. I personally use it for eczema and recovery from playing ultimate.

In this interview, she is going to share:

✅ Her story and how she got into this field

✅ How NOT to detox

✅ Benefits of Lumebox

To assess your own toxic load, take this free quiz:, by getting on her email list, she will send you tips to learn about how not to detox.

If you are interested in learning more about Lumebox and would like to order one, here is the link to get a discount:

You can find her on Instagram

And her website is

Mar 10, 202347:49
How to Live a Quality Life until 100: Top Secrets to Reverse Aging | Rajka Milanovic-Galbraith MD

How to Live a Quality Life until 100: Top Secrets to Reverse Aging | Rajka Milanovic-Galbraith MD

I’m back in the USA and going to be staying put for a while. For those who didn’t know, I took a little sabbatical from social media and lived in France for 3 months. Upon my return, literally going through customs in mid-December, the hot water heater in our office burst! We lost pretty much everything; we salvaged what we could and put it into storage. We are presently renting a space temporarily in Barrington until we can get our bearings. Hopefully, we will be back in the office within the next 6-9 months.

That being said, I am restarting my podcast interviews on the topic of the root causes of mental health issues and what can be done to bring the body back into balance. Believe it or not, when one addresses their health issues, whether mental or physical, they feel AND look younger.

In this episode of What If It’s Not Depression? Vodcast, one of my closest friends and colleague, Dr. Rajka is going to talk about How to Live a Quality Life until 100: Top Secrets to Reverse Aging.

Yes, you can actually look younger, live longer and be healthier without spending thousands of dollars doing botox and plastic surgery.

Here is the link:

She is going to tell us about:

  • Her story of why she did a deep dive into this area.
  • All the signs of aging that everyone says happens that DOES NOT need to happen.
  • The three areas of testing needed to “qualitate” aging
  • What you can do to slow the rate of aging
  • The therapies that can help that few people talk about

Dr. Rajka is a leading Triple Board Certified Functional Medicine Doctor, International speaker, Mentor to physicians, and Peak Performance coach.  Having overcome 2 decades of debilitating fatigue, she is passionate about helping women leaders recover their edge so they can regain focus, and productivity, so they can have the highest impact in their lives. She helps them add quality years to their lives so that they live long well.

She is offering a FREE Infinite Energy Guide here[hyperlink]

You can find her through her website - and on Instagram @drrajka

I hope you enjoy it!

Feb 24, 202357:41
Hidden Root Causes of Disease Hiding in your Mouth | Michelle Jorgensen, DDS and Dr. Achina Stein, DO

Hidden Root Causes of Disease Hiding in your Mouth | Michelle Jorgensen, DDS and Dr. Achina Stein, DO

Things seem to come in threes. Lately, I’ve had a streak of patients having dental issues as a root cause of their chronic diseases. I felt that it was time to talk about how the mouth can be a reflection of overall health and that chronic disease can begin in the mouth.

Dr. Michelle Jorgensen, DDS is an author, speaker, and health-based dentist. She calls herself a “functional integrative dentist.” She has written five books and runs an education center for Living Well.

After practicing traditional dentistry for 10 years, she became ill from drilling out mercury fillings. Her own healing journey led to her creating the Total Care Way, an answer to chronic disease.  Patients from around the world seek out her care.

She has received certifications as a Therapeutic Nutritional Counselor and is a Traditional Naturopath.  A busy mom of four, she loves to spend time with her family.  She is happiest when teaching and helping people!

Here is the link to this episode: Hidden Root Causes of Disease Hiding in your Mouth

We discussed:

  • Her own health journey
  • What a functional Integrative dentist is
  • Why does dentistry and dental problems lead to chronic health problems
  • When do you need to see a practitioner and when can you treat things at home

Here is her free download: Healthy Mouth, Healthy YOU Diet Sheet

If you’re interested in finding a biological dentist in your area go to these websites:

If you want to learn more about her and/or how to connect with her, go to,, You may also find her on Facebook and Instagram at totalcaredentalutah, livingwellwithdrmichelle respectively.

Sep 22, 202245:52
Conversation with the Sleep Whisperer | Deepa Kannan and Dr. Achina Stein, DO

Conversation with the Sleep Whisperer | Deepa Kannan and Dr. Achina Stein, DO

Who couldn’t learn more about what affects sleep and how to improve it? I found someone who could give us another angle to approach sleep improvement other than just practicing “good sleep hygiene”; someone who could speak about factors that are rarely discussed anywhere else. That someone is Deepa Kannan.

Deepa is an Allied Functional Medicine Practitioner, Author, and Yogini in her practice, Phytothrive in Bangalore, India. Recognized by Mark Hyman, MD, she combines therapeutic & transformational yoga with nutrition based on the principles of functional medicine. She merges the science of the functional world with the deep symbolism of the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine. The rare genetic disorder known as salt-wasting congenital adrenal hyperplasia of her son gave her insight into the workings of the adrenals and the stress response as it relates to all health and sleep. Her book, titled undecided, will be released by HarperCollins in April 2023.

Here is the link: A Conversation with the Sleep Whisperer

We discussed:

  • Interweaving functional medicine and Ayurveda
  • Specific foods to eat depending on whether you are Vata, Pita, or Kapha types
  • A simple routine with oil bathing and which type to use
  • The bi-directional bio-individuality of sleep
  • When the best time of day is to take Vitamin D if you are supplementing

She shares a free guided meditation for you to try:

If you want to learn more about Deepa, check her out at:

Sep 08, 202248:10
Natural Strategies to Support Children with ADHD, Anxiety, Depression with Dana Kay

Natural Strategies to Support Children with ADHD, Anxiety, Depression with Dana Kay

I’ve had a lull in my interview schedule on my Vodcast as it seems everyone wants the summer off! It’s “catch-up time” for everyone since so much went to the wayside with the pandemic. So I went with the flow.

I plan to have two interviews a month. We will see how that goes! My mission continues to bring to you through various experts, the root causes of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues and tips on what to do about it.

I was really happy to have Dana Kay on the Vodcast because she specializes in helping families with children who have ADHD and other symptoms. She had so much to offer. I hope you enjoy it.

Here is the link to the episode:
Natural Strategies to Support Children with ADHD, Anxiety, Depression with Dana Kay

We discussed:

  • A Food First Approach (and FANTASTIC tips to implement it)

Dana Kay is a Board-Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Practitioner, two times international best-selling author and the CEO and founder of the ADHD Thrive Institute, and the creator of the ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids program.

As a mother of a child with ADHD, she knows firsthand the struggles that come with parenting a neurodiverse child, but she also knows the freedom that is possible once parents learn to reduce ADHD symptoms. Dana has been featured in Forbes, Authority Magazine, Medium,  Influencive, Thrive Global, and various others. She has also been a guest on multiple parenting and ADHD summits and podcasts. Her mission is to help families reduce ADHD symptoms naturally so that children with ADHD can thrive at home, at school, and in life. Gut-Brain Connection – gut restoration and food sensitivities
The most common root causes (and what to do about them)
Some natural strategies

You can download her FREE breakfast guide:

Connect with her in these places:

Get her book too:

Aug 18, 202253:27
Breathwork for Depression and Anxiety | Stacy Simons and Dr. Achina Stein, DO

Breathwork for Depression and Anxiety | Stacy Simons and Dr. Achina Stein, DO

Stacy and I met learning how to be Azarias Energy Healers with Cheryl Stelte (whom I’ve interviewed twice for my Vodcast) through the Star of Divine Light Institute (

Stacy is not only a certified Azarias Energy Healer; she is also a Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator.  This work is her life’s purpose. She helps clients move towards their purpose and fulfillment by empowering them to heal themselves and transform their lives, one breath at a time.  

“Incorporating breathwork into my practice allowed me to create the major shifts and transformation that I had been seeking in my life by helping me to connect with my soul on a deeper level.  This journey has brought me so much self-love, embodiment, and presence and has allowed me to let go of so much rigidity and doubt.  It has changed my life for the better in so many ways, and so I have to share it with the world!” 

➡️➡️➡️Here is the link:

We discussed: 
✅What breathwork is and how it works 
✅Her background and experiences with breathwork 
✅Benefits of breathwork 
✅Type of breathwork she offers and answers frequently asked questions 

She has been kind enough to offer FREE monthly group sessions for my patients, so stay tuned!  

She has been giving FREE initial Azarias energy healing sessions for my patients. After that, you may buy a package of 5 sessions for a very low price. Call the office or send Carol a message letting her know you are interested in getting a package. This price won’t last for long.  

The best way to get in touch with Stacy is via email:

Check it out!

Jun 30, 202239:23
The Functional Roadmap to Attention and Regulation in Kids | Dr. Vaish Sarathy PhD and Dr. Achina Stein, DO

The Functional Roadmap to Attention and Regulation in Kids | Dr. Vaish Sarathy PhD and Dr. Achina Stein, DO

This is an episode focusing on Autism and Down’s Syndrome. I wanted to interview Dr. Sarathy because she shows that functional medicine has a place with this population as well, but there are other specific things that also need to be addressed. Listen in!

Dr. Vaish Sarathy is a Functional Nutrition Practitioner and Science and Math Teacher in multiple settings. She comes to Functional Nutrition and Education with a mission to reframe health, cognition, and optimal function for children with disabilities. Vaish believes that Sound Nutrition and an Equal Education are the birthrights of every child. Her perspective is shaped by her autistic, non-speaking 14-year-old son, with Down Syndrome who is a published poet and author.

We discussed:

✅Making Functional Nutrition easy and accessible to kids
✅Fundamentals of Supporting Attention/Hyperactivity
✅Gaps in Fx Med approach when working with kids with Autism / other disabilities
✅What does it mean to Assume Intelligence
✅How Traditional Foods fit in a Regulation / Attention paradigm

Her 2019 TEDx talk "
Who Decides How Smart You Are'' about the value of Assuming Intelligence in all kids has been hailed as "mind-blowing", "powerful, and eye-opening" by parents and practitioners alike. Vaish also hosts a podcast, Functional Nutrition and Learning for Kids, where she interviews thought leaders from Education, Learning, Functional Medicine, and Disabled people with different communication.

Get involved and enroll in her Dosa Challenge (traditional foods) or download the Roadmap To Attention and Regulation
Here ->

You can work with her too! Find her at and on Instagram at @drvaishsarathy.

Jun 23, 202252:04
Your Biological Downloads that Impact Your Mood | Anna Marie Frank, ND and Dr. Achina Stein, DO

Your Biological Downloads that Impact Your Mood | Anna Marie Frank, ND and Dr. Achina Stein, DO

Anna Marie Frank healed her own brain after years of depression and challenges with dyslexia and ADD, and turned her life around. She looked at her brain as not being much different from a computer and talks about “biological” downloads to your brain.

We discussed:

  • Mindset
  • Re-wiring your biology through your downloads
  • Multiple modalities of holistic healing (naturopathy) – red light therapy, theta therapy, CES therapy, etc.
  • How to reset your circadian rhythm
  • How to move the energy in the body using energy medicine techniques

She is a doctor of Traditional Naturopathy, brain health professional, International Coaching Federation certified coach, and lover of life! She is also an author, speaker, employee wellness consultant, and mindset life-guide coach. Her mission is to end mental health stigmas and help all people upgrade their brains and biology through lifestyle choices while rewiring their neural pathways using holistic modalities.

She is the creator and owner of Happy Whole You. A brain health-focused wellness center located in Bakersfield, California, and Raleigh, North Carolina. Anna Marie is also the formulator of her own brain nutraceutical line which includes, "Happy You, Calm You, & Bright You." And she is the author of the self-improvement book, "Stop Bullying Yourself!" a guide to greater health, wealth, happiness, and success.

She offers a FREE copy of her book with any online orders and/or a free printable 52-week add-in method calendar.

Want to know more? Find her at or @HappyWholeYou on Instagram

Jun 16, 202238:38
An Empowered Approach to Navigating Breast Cancer | Carol Lourie, L.Ac, ND and Dr. Achina Stein, DO

An Empowered Approach to Navigating Breast Cancer | Carol Lourie, L.Ac, ND and Dr. Achina Stein, DO

It’s well known that breast cancer starts before the symptoms appear. Treating the symptoms of a disease is not going to help you recover your health. You need to get to the bottom of what caused your illness to begin your healing journey. Women are flooded with a host of emotions and depression is only one of them. Sometimes these emotions are never discussed. Unpacking the causes of both the cancer and the depression can bring you to recovery faster.

Dr. Carol Lourie is a dedicated practitioner with over three decades of clinical experience as a Naturopath, Acupuncturist, and Homeopath. She’s helped thousands of women recover their health and restore their life through her integrative and complementary protocols involving focused nutrition, targeted supplementation, lifestyle changes, and an empowered mindset.

Carol specializes in complex and chronic disease management, specifically focusing on the emotional aspect and metabolic factors of breast cancer. In addition to her clinical practice, she developed an online program where she’s able to bring her knowledge and caring to women throughout the world.

Her mission is to help women recover their health to restore their life. When the body and mind work together, healing is always possible.

We discussed:

  • What the first (most overlooked) step to take once a diagnosis is received
  • How to prepare your body and your mind for chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery
  • What the Oncotype score is and why it’s important
  • How you can use mindset to ensure the success of treatment
  • What one element women can easily control to reduce their risk of recurrence

She wants you to have her FREE eBook to share with family and friends because we all know someone with breast cancer or a family history of breast cancer. It’s never too late to get started!

You can get in touch with Dr. Lourie through her website and Instagram @carollouriehealth.

Jun 09, 202245:50
PANDAS & PANS: Returning Lost Children | Scott Antoine DO and Dr. Achina Stein

PANDAS & PANS: Returning Lost Children | Scott Antoine DO and Dr. Achina Stein

My biggest peeve with the medical system is that patients with mental health symptoms are not given a complete medical work-up nor are their physical symptoms even discussed. Some people suffer for years before a curious provider takes the time to ask more questions to get to the root causes of what the person is experiencing. Some people are inappropriately given psychiatric medication as the sole solution for a very real whole-body experience. The DSM-5 clearly states that a psychiatric diagnosis should not be given if the symptoms can be explained by a medical cause, but that is dependent on the individual practitioner’s knowledge base!

I’m here to give you that knowledge to empower you to be your own advocate.

I interviewed Dr. Scott Antoine about Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) and Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS).

His own daughter developed PANS in 2013. He and his wife Ellen, also a Functional and Integrative Medicine physician, were met with a lot of resistance to evaluate their daughter’s symptoms beyond the psychiatric realm. They hit the books and learned how to shut off her immune response, treat the infections and toxins responsible for her PANS presentation and bring her to full recovery. After his daughter recovered from PANS, Dr. Antoine knew his specialty had found him.

Since then, they refined their process and have helped hundreds of children recover from PANS and PANDAS. In 2019, Dr. Antoine successfully lobbied the Indiana legislature and helped pass a law which prohibits insurance companies in Indiana from denying coverage for medical care (including IVIG) for children with PANS and PANDAS.

Learn:  What PANS/PANDAS is - autoimmune disease, immune dysregulation or immune deficient?  How to diagnose and treat PANS and PANDAS  Which supplements can ease some of the symptoms  ONE major contributor in the patient’s history in almost 100% of cases

Dr. Scott Antoine obtained his medical degree at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed an Emergency Medicine Residency and Fellowship at Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. Then he served seven years of active duty with the United States Army as an Emergency Physician. Moving to Indianapolis in 2005, he worked as an Emergency Physician at St. Francis Hospital until 2019. He received his board certification in Integrative Medicine through the newly formed American Board of Integrative Medicine in 2016. He also holds certifications in Functional Medicine through the Institute for Functional Medicine and the A4M.

You can find him and Ellen at their private practice in Carmel, Indiana.  The website is and Ellen are also on Facebook:

Jun 02, 202255:23
Post Betrayal Syndrome and Depression | Dr. Debi Silber and Dr. Achina Stein

Post Betrayal Syndrome and Depression | Dr. Debi Silber and Dr. Achina Stein

There are certain emotions that take longer to recover from than other emotions. Fear and anger are well known and easily accessible. I’ve talked about shame and guilt as subconscious or even unconscious drivers of behaviors that interfere with attaining one’s goals. One emotion that Dr. Silber discusses in this interview is the feeling of Betrayal.

Dr. Debi Silber is the founder of the PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute and is a holistic psychologist, a health, mindset and personal development expert, the author of Trust Again, and is a 2-time #1 International bestselling author of: The Unshakable Woman AND From Hardened to Healed.

Her podcast, From Betrayal to Breakthrough is also globally ranked within the top 1.5% of podcasts. Her recent PhD study on how we experience betrayal made 3 groundbreaking discoveries that changes how long it takes to heal. In addition to being on FOX, CBS, The Dr. Oz Show, TEDx (twice) and more, she’s an award-winning speaker and coach dedicated to helping people move past their betrayals as well as any other blocks preventing them from the health, work, relationships, confidence, and happiness they want most.

We discussed: • The definition of Betrayal • Why Betrayal is a different type of crisis that requires a different way to heal as compared to how Post Traumatic Growth. • The collection of symptoms (physical/mental/emotional) that are so common to betrayal that it has its name - Post Betrayal Syndrome • The 5 stages we go through to fully heal from betrayal

If you think you might be experiencing Post Betrayal Syndrome, Take her Quiz:

Get in touch with her -  Facebook:  Instagram:

May 31, 202229:02
Tips for Mental Health in Kids | Ana-Maria Temple MD and Dr. Achina Stein

Tips for Mental Health in Kids | Ana-Maria Temple MD and Dr. Achina Stein

I am continuing my series of interviews with a focus on children and interviewed a holistic pediatrician.

Dr. Ana-Maria Temple’s own children were plagued by chronic disease in 2007 and was tired of all the medications they were on.  She opened her mind to nutrition and the rest is history.

Dr. Temple is an MD and is a board-certified pediatrician. She has been treating kids for 18+ years, practicing in a traditional model for 10 years until transitioning to a holistic approach where she has changed thousands of children's lives. She is known for her extensive experience in the treatment of eczema and other childhood autoimmune diseases.  She is the best-selling author of Healthy Kids in An Unhealthy World and is a social media influencer that has appeared on hundreds of podcasts, news stations, stage presentations, and online programs.

We discussed a lot, but the main topics are:
• How to help your picky eater
• Consequences of screen time and what to do
• How to get your kid to bed and actually sleep

DOWNLOAD a free chapter of her breakfast ebook

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May 13, 202240:40
Tools for Recovery from Stress and Depression | Doni Wilson ND and Dr. Achina Stein

Tools for Recovery from Stress and Depression | Doni Wilson ND and Dr. Achina Stein

Mental health issues have skyrocketed in the last couple of years - affecting all ages and all groups of people. Recently, pediatricians and primary care doctors asked Rhode Island legislators to declare a state of emergency to address a mental health crisis of our children due to the fall out of the pandemic.

As a nation, we have been faced with a lot of stress, but believe it or not, there are some things you can do about it.

Dr. Doni Wilson is a Naturopathic Doctor, natural health expert, certified professional midwife, certified nutrition specialist, and author of Master Your Stress, Reset Your Health. She graduated from Bastyr University in 2000. Dr. Doni created her Stress Recovery Protocol to solve her migraines and health challenges.

For more than 22 years, she has helped thousands of patients overcome health challenges and achieve wellness by using specific strategies that address the whole body and ultimately resolve the underlying causes of distress.

She loves teaching patients to know what they need to move from stress to thriving, live well, and do what they love with ease. Dr. Doni brings awareness to the impact of stress on our health and to the strategies and solutions for stress recovery through the media and at public and professional events. You can find articles, other resources, her podcast, How Humans Heal, and her Self C.A.R.E.™ program at

Do the Stress Reset Quiz  - Let me know what your stress type is!

If you order her book from here:
you will receive bonuses from Dr. Doni.

You can find Dr. Doni at:
Website :
Instagram and Facebook : @drdoniwilson

May 13, 202241:10
Root Causes of Depression in Children | Robin Ray Green and Dr. Achina Stein

Root Causes of Depression in Children | Robin Ray Green and Dr. Achina Stein

Robin Ray Green is a master in the art of pediatric acupuncture and one of the world's leading experts in that field. She provides training for acupuncturists and licensed health professionals to be successful in helping children. As a Pediatric & Family Health Specialist at Detox Rejuvenation, she helps children address the root causes of their chronic illnesses when Western medicine isn’t enough.

Robin has shared the stage with notable speakers such as Dr. Elisa Song, Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge, JJ Virgin, Dr. Steve Cowan, Katie Wells of Wellness Mama, Dr. David Perlmutter, Jack Canfield, and Dr. Pedram Shojai and many more.

She is the best-selling author of Heal Your Child From The Inside Out: The 5-Element Way to Nurturing Healthy, Happy Kids. This Hay House published treasure offers practical tips for parents seeking lasting solutions to their child's health issues.

When she’s not working with kids, writing or speaking you’ll find her hanging out with her boys, her dogs, reading a good book, hiking, and enjoying all things magic, especially Harry Potter!

You can find Robin at:

May 13, 202233:13
Natural Strategies to Prevent Depression including Mushrooms | Dr. Bob Rakowski & Dr. Achina Stein

Natural Strategies to Prevent Depression including Mushrooms | Dr. Bob Rakowski & Dr. Achina Stein

Robert Rakowski, DC, CCN, DACBN, DIBAK is a Chiropractor, Board Certified Kinesiologist, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Certified Biological Terrain Instructor, and the clinic director of the Natural Medicine Center in Houston Texas.  In addition to running a busy practice, Dr. Rakowski has lectured internationally for over 30 years on various topics related to Natural and Lifestyle Medicine, Happiness and Success.

He has appeared on numerous television programs and international radio talk shows.   He is a recognized expert in functional endocrinology and in-office diagnostic procedures to assess nutrition status.  His clinical experience ranges from treating elite professional athletes to critically ill patients with a variety of cancers and autoimmune diseases.

He mentioned Paul Stamets a couple times, a famous mycologist, and a movie about the world of mushrooms called Fantastic Fungus if you want to learn more about mushrooms.

You can find Dr. Bob in Houston, Texas at:  

Instagram: @dr_bob_rakowski

May 13, 202241:26
Depression and Repressed Metabolic Syndrome | Stu Schaefer and Dr. Achina Stein

Depression and Repressed Metabolic Syndrome | Stu Schaefer and Dr. Achina Stein

There is so much information out there about diet, weight loss and metabolism. Believe or not, changes in your metabolism affect your mood too. Finding the right diet and the right method will help you lose weight and maintain your mood.

Stu Schaefer is a 20-year award-winning celebrity weight-loss coach. He specializes in helping people put their body into The Thermogenic State so they burn fat 24/7 and lose weight like they did in their 20s.

Stu struggled with anorexia in his teens.   When he overcame his eating disorder he realized he wanted to help people create their perfect body in a healthy, sustainable way.  Since then, Stu has helped thousands of people transform their body and empower themselves to create massive success in their life.

Stu is offering a Free Masterclass which can be found in the link below

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Instagram :

May 13, 202252:19
Helping Kids Become Resilient | Jess Sherman and Dr. Achina Stein

Helping Kids Become Resilient | Jess Sherman and Dr. Achina Stein

Jess Sherman is a family health educator specializing in helping busy parents feed their kids for better mood, learning and stress tolerance. Along with being a certified teacher, Jess is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner.

Board Certified in Practical Holistic Nutrition, speaker, educator and is the author of Raising Resilience: take the stress out of feeding your family and love your life. Her book and online resources have reached families all over the world, helping them improve the lives of children with learning differences, anxiety, ADHD, autism and mood disorders.

But first and foremost, She was a mom to three beautiful boys and a partner to an amazing artist. They are both purpose-driven entrepreneurs trying to simplify their lives, enjoy the process of raising their kids, and do their little bit to make a difference in the world.

As she learned about the impact of nutrients, stress, genes, food and gut health on the brain, mood and behavior her mind was blown wide open to new possibilities for helping kids.

Jess is offering a Book bonuses which can be found in the link below

Website   :

May 13, 202250:05
Depression, Childhood Trauma and the Ace Score | Dani Williamson and Dr. Achina Stein

Depression, Childhood Trauma and the Ace Score | Dani Williamson and Dr. Achina Stein

A graduate of Vanderbilt University School of Nursing Nurse Midwifery and Family Nurse Practitioner program. Dani incorporates the art of medicine by balancing traditional and integrative therapies. Dani encourages her patients to step out of the realm of “normal” and reach “optimal” health.

Dani owns Integrative Family Medicine in Franklin, TN. She focuses on gut, autoimmune thyroid (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is her passion), hormone and adrenal health with her patients. Her approach embodies a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual process to healing.  She believes that God designed our bodies to heal themselves. She completely reversed 24 years of chronic lifestyle diseases and Lupus by healing the gut and building her immune system.

She is a sought-after speaker at various conference and workshops where she leads discussions on gut, adrenal, thyroid, hormone and brain health.  Her first book Wild & Well Dani’s 6 Commonsense Steps to Radical Healing is a national bestseller since being released in 2021. She believes that your health is not rocket science, and healing shouldn’t be as well.   Please join her email list for her weekly newsletter and be the first to know when the book is released.

Dani is offering a Free swapping list which can be found on her website.

Facebook:  Inside Out~Healing From Within: private community
Facebook: Dani Williamson Wellness professional page: public
Instagram: @daniwilliamsonwellness
YouTube: Dani Williamson Wellness

May 13, 202246:28
Move Away from Depression Into Joy | Cheryl Stelte and Dr. Achina Stein

Move Away from Depression Into Joy | Cheryl Stelte and Dr. Achina Stein

First met Cheryl Stelte a couple years ago after we both published our first book back in February 2020. Since then, she has trained me as an Azarias Energy Healer which is yet one more tool in my tool box that I can offer my patients in my sessions. Typically, though, for deeper work, I refer patients to her or one of her graduates.

Some people consider her work a little too “woo woo” despite there being science to back up the benefits of breathwork, and that’s okay. That’s why we have lots of different tools; it’s because we work with all kinds of people. Although yoga has become mainstream, it still conflicts with some people’s religious beliefs. The spiritual nature of Cheryl’s work can potentially conflict with your beliefs, but it also can potentially make a break through spiritual blocks as well.

Cheryl has been a spiritual entrepreneur for over two decades, and is the bestselling author of two books, the latest being Client Magnet, The Coaches Guide to Attract Ideal Clients through Spiritual Awareness. The other is Heal Your Neck Issues and Let Your Throat Chakra Shine.

She is the founder and CEO of Star of Divine Light Institute and Azarias Energy Healing. Cheryl holds diplomas and certifications in multiple energy healing modalities, spiritual leadership, coaching, mentoring, retreat guiding, shamanism, acupressure, meditation, and instinctive Feng Shui.|

Cheryl is sought after for her ability to help others break through barriers where nothing else worked.

She offers a Free 20 min Chakra Reading  :

If you are interested in knowing more about Cheryl, find her at:  

Facebook :
Instagram :  
Linkedin   :  
Website    :

May 12, 202249:27
Wearable Neurofeedback Device and Psychedelics: Interviewing Dr. David Rabin
May 11, 202201:08:08
Is Your Thyroid Causing Depression-Like Symptoms: Interviewing Dr. Amie Hornaman

Is Your Thyroid Causing Depression-Like Symptoms: Interviewing Dr. Amie Hornaman

May 11, 202247:55
Depression, Osteoporosis and Yoga Therapy: Interviewing Debi Robinson
May 11, 202242:54
Depression and Believing in Yourself: Kerry Tepedino
May 11, 202233:12
Depression and Chronic Pain: Interviewing Jane Hogan
May 11, 202244:27
Depression and Hormones: Interviewing Dr. Deb Matthew
May 11, 202238:11
Depression Caused By Environmental Toxins: Interviewing Rajka Milanovic Galbraith
May 11, 202241:15
Depression and Fatigue: Interviewing Evan H. Hirsch, MD
May 11, 202244:11