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A Creator-based® Life

A Creator-based® Life

By A Creator-based® Life

Join us on the journey of a lifetime- literally! A Creator-based® Life is an entirely new way of being alive, healthy, and happy.

Join Beth and the Creator-based® Coaches as we discuss challenges and solutions in creating a life that you love. What will you do with the gift of your one awesome, amazing, creator-based® life? Check us out at, or through our any of our social media homes.
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Episode 46 Threshold Guardians

A Creator-based® LifeAug 19, 2023

Episode 78 Compassionate Listening

Episode 78 Compassionate Listening

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Jun 01, 202431:39
Episode 79 Sleep and Signatures

Episode 79 Sleep and Signatures

I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day yesterday.  

Women are so important to the world! 

When I was a little girl, my Mom made my school lunches.  I had an Archie Comic Book lunch box- Veronica was my favorite.  All the little kids carried lunch boxes. Then, the day came when I grew up enough to have a brown paper bag for lunch instead of a lunchbox.  That was a special day.  All the big kids at school had brown paper bag lunches.  I coveted the crisply folded brown paper and its neatly creased and pointed corners. 

I wanted to ‘brown bag’ it. I remember the pride I felt carrying my “bag lunch” to school.  My Mom wrote my name on the lunch in her strong, determined (probably incredibly busy and stressed) cursive handwriting.  I loved her handwriting and was proud of her beautiful style. Mom had a perfect signature, and I sought to emulate it.  I would recognize it anywhere. It looked just like my Grandmother’s.  Still today, my heart smiles when I see it.

Our signature tells the world who we are.  It represents us.

 It is much like that with our Creator.   As we move through our days, we recognize our Creator’s signature?  Does your heart smile as you see it? Do you recognize your Creator’s signature as well as you know your own Mom’s handwriting?

Coach n Clear Registration is open!   Click here to watch the Free Coach n Clear Workshop

Our signature tells the world who we are.  It represents us. Recognizing is an important part of listening.

Listen by noticing and hearing our Creator’s signature in the world.

Listen by getting quiet.

Listen by staying mindful.

Listen by embracing compassion with and from others.

Listen and create hope. 

I will never forget my Mom’s handwriting; it led me to my Creator.  Her love, her signature led me to His signature, listening to his voice. It succors me with compassion, mindfulness, and hope. What about you?

All my love,


May 25, 202430:39
Listening and Creating a Life You Love Episode 80

Listening and Creating a Life You Love Episode 80

Today is a brand new day and I can do anything I want with it!

Today is a new day- right? It’s the fresh beginning of a new week.  A Gift.  But do I really get to do anything I want with it? There a a nagging objection there.  I mean, I have appointments and commitments and promises to keep.

Is what’s on my list what I want?

If you are feeling heavy in life, maybe it’s time to look again at what you want.  Your fundamental desires.  Allow me to share a few of mine; maybe it will activate thoughts on some of yours.

I want to feel loved, confident, and of value.

I want to feel in flow with my creator and those I love.

I want to actively contribute to my community.

What do you want?

This month is listening month, and I’m sure, my friend that there is a small voice inside you actively trying to let you know what they want.  Quite often hat voice communicates through anxiety, fatigue, or pain.  If she feels afraid or uncertain, the fear may manifest in anxiety and fatigue.  If she feels sad or ashamed, we may feel anger and frustrated from that inner self.  

What is your inner self communicating?

You can talk with your Creator and ask for help understanding.  Watch for hints as you go through your day.  They are there. Take some time and write down what you feel after you have asked for help and watched each day.  Soon, you will understand what that small voice inside you is actively saying.  Soon, you will have inklings of what you want.

Write it down.

Review it often.

Like a small, persistent, and hopeful plant in the spring, it will grow and come to fruition this summer as you continue to listen and explore. 

It’s a new day, and I get to do anything I want with it.

Do what you want with the life that you have.

Today I want to know my Creator and the way he communicates with me better.

Today I want to listen.

Listen.  Focus. Love. Create. 

You’ve got this, my friend!

All my love, 


May 18, 202430:14
Episode 77 The Creation of The Creator-based® Way

Episode 77 The Creation of The Creator-based® Way

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Hey friend,

Let’s talk Creation.  Paul taught the Philippians, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.”  That’s a bold declaration of the faith that Paul had in his omnipotent Creator.  Faith is the power that creates and moves  all things.  Now, don’t abandon ship here- this is not a Sunday School lesson.  Faith is what you used to turn on your lights this morning, remember?  Faith is what you used to start your car too.  You believed the light would turn on if you flicked the switch you wouldn’t have taken the action to do it.  I know you have faith. You’ve got this.  


Let’s go back to the first step of that formula for creating your one, amazing life.  If you could feel something you really wanted to feel, what would that feeling be? I wanted to feel happy.

 I thought I had put together my one, perfect, happy life.  However; some time ago, that life had gotten so out of control, I had forgotten what happy felt like.  I walked around frustrated, angry and feeling like I was always behind.  It was the complete opposite of happy. I was miserable. 

Out of that misery, my best and finest gift began to falter. My best friend of 40 some years, this amazing physical body of mine, got sick.  She let me know she simply couldn’t go on pushing, frustrated and unhappy.  She collapsed, taking me down with her.  

Man, we really don’t know how much we take our bodies for granted until they stop working for us.  Mine had nearly stopped.  I had major alarm bells going off; adrenal surges, crazy headaches, couldn’t eat or sleep, too weak to get out of bed- you name it.  My body let me know she was not going to continue on the path of frustrated, angry, and feeling behind that I had chosen.  I had created this situation.

 In total desperation, I reached our to my trusted Creator to guide me.  I rekindled the faith I had  in Him and in myself and went back to my drawing board.  I took out my trusty journal, and began to listen, write, review and listen some more.  There’s nothing like a serious illness to give you  time to reevaluate.  It was a gift.

Do you know what I found? I was trying to live someone else’s life.  I had created a life based on a story I had seen and admired in the media. I had set off on the wrong road.  Thank goodness for the impositions of my loving Creator who took the time to derail me from that path. Through that experience, I signed up for a completely different job description and began again.

Before I could begin, I had one last very important lesson to learn.  That was the lesson of rest.  For a year, my body insisted on rest.  My mind struggled with that.  She took off all over the place, filled with reasons I should not, could not, would not, rest.  Yet, my body insisted, and ultimately I learned to embrace rest, to trust in it and to allow rest in my life.  

Rest friend.  A reset and restart is a true gift.  The beginners mind- fresh and open, expecting new ideas and joys around every corner, is a beautiful thing.  We become humble, teachable, submissive, as a child.  You know, because I’m sure you’ve been knocked down too.  I embraced the learning that came from the gift of being knocked out and started again. 

I flexed the faith I had in myself.  I figuratively flipped on the light switch.  I knew that I was capable and competent.  I felt I was designed for more.  I wanted to be and help in a bigger way. So I dug in, and from the mud and mess, I started to create a better life.

Creator-based Coaching was born.

Creation, faith, and coaching are inseparable. Creation is inherent in who we are. Coaching is recognizing, cultivating, and nurturing thoughts and actions- finding and living our inner truth.  A wise woman once said, “The meaning of life is to find our purpose.  The purpose of life is to share it.”   The more we use our faith muscle, the stronger it gets.  And just sayin’, remember that amazing cheesecake from the buffet? Yeah, that was the faith of your chef made manifest in creamy, sweet goodness,  right there.  Enjoy, my friend!

May 04, 202436:23
Episode 76 The DreadedDT

Episode 76 The DreadedDT

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To create our one awesome, amazing, perfect life, faith is the first principle of action.  In his book, TED, author David Emerald shares a delightful parable of a defeated man who is blessed to learn from Ted, his own personal, park bench sage.  

Through his parable the following formula is taught. Like the powerful sun to which this illustration alludes, this dynamic of personal choice brought light back into my life.  Harnessing my  power of  faith to create change, I learned to choose each day the role I would play in my life. You can choose your role as well.  Will you be a victim or a creator? a persecutor or a  challenger? a rescuer or a coach.?

 Let’s talk about each of these roles and their affect in our lives.

The Victim & The Creator

Who’s in charge here?

An argument with my partner, a stubbed toe, a stain on my favorite shirt before an important meeting;  circumstances can provoke a dive from the role of Creator to Victim in a heartbeat.  As a victim in my life, things are always happening to me.  (Do you hear the whine in my voice?) The traffic made me late, my partner made me mad, my boss made me feel bad.  As a victim, I am at the whim of every shift in the outside world.  

When I am in my Creator role, my viewpoint is completely different.  I was late because I chose to work out an inspiration I woke up with and left late for work.  I was angry because I felt attacked in the discussion with my partner.  I felt bad when I talked to my boss.  In hindsight, I recognize my own insecurity.  I headed down the road of self pity after He corrected me. In the role of Creator, you own your behavior.  It’s all about your reference point.

Victim or Creator, where are you at this moment?  Creators are in the driver’s seat.  They feel they can choose control of their lives even when life circumstances may appear differently.  Victims are driven much like a herd of cows. They feel they have no control over themselves, their lives or their future.  Circumstances dictate their lives. 

Remember, in every circumstance we really can choose.  It’s our right and our gift as human beings.  We are born choice makers & empowered thinkers. We are creators.  

The real beauty is, that we can shift from the Victim to the Creator role with lightning speed as we observe our current role.  The power of observation is immediate and profound.  Watching your thoughts and their shifts will immediately move you back into the driver’s seat of your life.  

Observation gives you the power to like shift from the unhappy, tantrum throwing child to the competent adult in your head.   Once you have noted and chosen to shift back to your creator role, your adult self can offer true comfort to the child within.

Allowing your “adult” self to comfort your “child” moves you back into the driver’s seat of life.   Your “driver” self has many different titles.  Some call it your inner, centered self, some your adult self. Other’s just call it ‘you’.  However you phrase it, staying in the role of the observer is a tremendous, albeit lifelong practice, with tremendous benefits.

Meditation in any of its forms can facilitate this observant awareness.  Maybe you practice with an app, a specific mantra or breathing pattern.  Maybe you train in meditation practices or take a class. But just sitting uninterrupted and quiet on a daily basis, observing your breath, your thoughts and surroundings can make an astounding change in your life. 

Awareness is a super power in the creation process.  Take time each day for quiet.  Practice meditation in some form daily, and that argument or stubbed toe will have significantly less power to move you from your creator role to the victim role day by day.

Apr 27, 202435:16
Episode 75 What eclipses your light?

Episode 75 What eclipses your light?

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I grew up feeling a lot of shame. Not belonging and not feeling like I fit in, I sensed that I was different.  I felt like I needed to hide and not be my true self.  

Always asking, “What is it that will make me lovable and valuable enough to feel like I belong?” I was always seeking for the next great thing so I could change myself. I was constantly looking and never finding the truth. Seeking and comparing have been my inner battle.

Does any of this ring true to you?

 It seems to be part of being human. Each individual has their own trials.  We are different by design.  We are not created to be the same- only to be unified in our differences.  Becoming one has to begin with me- building a relationship with my Creator and myself.

It’s a foundational responsibility to love myself.  I can’t love my neighbor until I can love myself.

And that, my friend, is what we are working on all month long- compassion.

Remembering that compassion is a friendly, merciful, kind and giving love, I ask- how are you doing with giving that kind of love to yourself?

You are infinitely powerful, and as delicate and seemingly impossible as it may seem to express self-love, you have within you light and truth, all the power you need to grow and create.  

You can do it! Here are a few tips:

Before you open your eyes in the morning upon waking, just as you come back into consciousness, give thanks to your Creator and love to yourself.  My friend Jenn begins each waking day by speaking aloud to herself, “Good morning, Jennifer, I love you.”

That being a little hard for me to believe first thing in the morning, I begin my day in thanks and with a smile.  Smiling as I wake makes all the difference.

Be all that you are designed to be- No more. No less.

Because that’s perfect.

Who you are is good enough.

Who you are is a beautiful, loving human being.

Uniquely You.  Nobody does it better.

Remind yourself of that daily.

All my love,


Apr 20, 202436:11
Episode 74 Perfection: Blessing or Curse?

Episode 74 Perfection: Blessing or Curse?

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In the tradition of the book Creator-based® Coaching: Creating Your One Awesome, Amazing, Perfect Life, this month’s theme is Perfect, as in whole and complete, I ask, 

“Are you a perfectionist?” Synonyms for perfectionist could be ‘purist, idealist, traditionalist, insistent person, precisionist, never satisfied with the average life, born to shine’. They can also be ‘quibbler, nitpicker, fanatic, picky, pushy, too big for her britches, she thinks she’s all that…’

I discovered an amazing book by Katherine Morgan Schafler entitled The Perfectionists Guide to Losing Control.  She mentions that being branded a perfectionist with a negative connotation seems to be uniquely feminine. Women often refer to themselves as ‘recovering perfectionists.’    Have you ever heard Steve Jobs, Gordon Ramsey, or other male leaders criticized for excellence or perfection? President Obama was lauded for his detail and precision in dress and in his work.  Why does that happen to us as women?  Are we praised for pickiness and drive to excel?  Can you think of women who are celebrated perfectionists? Have you ever felt pushback for your drive, power, and assertion of your precious gift?  Did you know that not everyone has that drive to pursue and create meaning?

  • You were born to shine.  Perfectionism is a powerful energy.  
  • Perfectionism is a gift from above. You do not have to stop being a perfectionist to be healthy.  Perfectionism does not have to be a struggle.  
  • What if it exists to help you?  You are not broken.
  • Perfectionism is a deep inner recognition of what you can and will be as you create your life.  There’s nothing wrong with you- you are whole and complete right now.  Remember your favorite person’s laugh.  Is it perfect? Why? Remember a newborn baby sleeping. Is it perfect? Why?  You are perfect. You are whole and complete right now.  
  • Try that thought on every day this week. If you feel really brave, look into your eyes in the mirror and tell yourself, You are perfect.  You are whole and complete right now.

Some gifts feel like a burden until you understand how they serve you.  All month long we will be talking about how to embrace and create with your inner gift of striving for perfection.  That perfectionist part of you may believe that she is wrong or in trouble for being who she is.  We will help you work with the truth and beauty of perfection.  Perfection is a super power- embrace it and let’s create something great together!

Apr 13, 202436:31
Episode 73 Grit, Grace and the Magic Ingredient

Episode 73 Grit, Grace and the Magic Ingredient

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This morning, I had the great fortune of an early phone call with two other women of faith. I sat in my garden just at sunrise, hearing the birds' morning song and almost seeing the leaves opening on our apple tree. A fluorescent cardinal was among the wrens on the branches, and somewhere in the distance, a woodpecker was digging out his breakfast.

I gazed out over the 10 acres that, yes, are ours and saw the pavilion where we have had so many lovely family dinners and joyful times with children and friends.   The sun was warm on my back, the air cool on my face, and I felt truly and abundantly blessed. This is joy.

Then the thought came.

Would my 20-year-old self even believe that my being here, right now, was even possible?  Would she believe I could be actively engaged in building a business, doing what I love, with people I love? That there was still time to sit quietly and write? 

If she were living in the Creator-based® Way, she might…but no, my 20-year-old self, living as a victim of her circumstance, would not!

Mired in the everyday demands of small children, saving for a house, and learning, learning, learning every day how to adult, she would never have considered that we would be where we are today, surrounded by women of wisdom and faith, watching the apple tree I always wanted in childhood begin to bear fruit, on acreage that is truly a gift.  

She couldn’t even conceive the level of peace and strength that had come from determination and good fortune, but it was there. 

We can create these beautiful things in our own lives.  It requires focus, faith and forever recalculating in the 50/50 of life.  As we stay in the role of an active creator, and choose to opt out of victimhood, we gain strength and perspective.  Graced by Grit and Guts, we will create the life we long for.  

You may not be 20 years old, but you are, at this moment, the youngest you will ever be. 

As the youngest you that will ever be, 

What is there for you that you are not seeing?

What would your future self, be she 40, 50, 60, or 90, want you to know today?

If I could reach back and tell my younger self one thing (funny, but it’s the same thing my Creator still tells me regularly,) it would be,

 “It all works out.  Simply do what is right, slow down, and stop judging yourself.  Enjoy!”

Take time to smell the flowers. Take pictures, write about it, savor the ice cream—it’s there to love because you are infinitely loved.  Create the life you always dreamed of.

This week, tap into your future self and see what wisdom she has for you.  Listen and Do it!

Apr 06, 202434:55
Episode 73 Grit & Grace with Jaycine

Episode 73 Grit & Grace with Jaycine

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The basic characteristics of grit are determination, persistence, resilience, excellence instead of perfection, and compassion. We’ve talked a little about determination  Remember, standing up to that thing in your life that is so hard that it feels like it might crush you?  And you have it.  I know you have faced up to hard things in the past.

This week let's talk about persistence and its role in your life.  Persistence is pretty simple.  It’s just ‘keeping on keeping on,’ right?  But what makes us persist as wise, modern women? Why not just pop some popcorn and watch Netflix or scroll reels on Insta or TikTok?

Remember, the wise, modern woman has been around long enough to know stuff.  She has had life experiences that have taught her an element of wisdom.  She may even have been gifted to discover and hold her ‘why’.  In short- she has perspective.

Persistence is born of perspective and understanding. 

Think of the great inventors, creators, world leaders, and great teachers.  

They didn’t have anything more than you do.  That is, as long as you have your ‘why.’  

What’s your why in life? Why do you persist in the face of adversity?  What keeps you off the couch and getting up to work?

Often, it's someone you love.  

It can also be something you love so much that you feel called to do it.  

It can be a principle you feel you must defend. 

Your why is your core motivator.   Your Why = Persistence. 

Here are a few questions to help you consider your why this week.  Write your answers down and put them somewhere you will see them.  I like to use my phone background for this, but dry-erase marker on a mirror works too, or a post-it..

  • Think back to the last time you felt deeply content and happy. What was it that made your heart sing? 
  • What would you do with your days if you had the certainty that you would have financial security? 
  • Have you had a past trauma that you feel you would like to help others resolve in their own lives? Do you have a cause? 
  • What gets you out of bed in the morning?
  • What really makes you mad?

Your answers to these questions will help you define what really matters to you. 

 Your ‘why’ will propel you to greater life confidence and contentment.  

Your ‘why’ may also be part of some of your worst days.  

That’s as it should be. Life is a 50/50 proposition.  

When you persist through adversity, it’s like weight lifting- you build muscle. 

With strong persistence muscles and 50/50 understanding, 

you will accomplish your dream.

Seriously! You will.

I can and I will.

You can too!

All my love,


Wise, modern women simply go to work.  Don’t you do that every day? See- I told you, you are great. 

Mar 23, 202419:39
Episode 71 A Gritty Perspective

Episode 71 A Gritty Perspective

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It has been said that where God closes a door, he opens a window.  However, I prefer the bigger, better imagery of “Where God closes a window, He opens a door.”  That door opening is sometimes 3-4 times larger than the window, and goodness, with the door open, the light just floods in.  We only need to be present to see and accept it. (And choose to open the door.)

That thing you were looking for that didn’t happen? It’s just small potatoes compared to what is coming for you next.  In the minutia of days, we can lose sight of the grand orchestrations of Heaven.  When you struggle, my friend, take a deep breath and then, take the long view.

Use your eternal eyeglasses.  When I used to teach high schoolers, I would place my middle and ring fingers on the hinge of my jaw with palms up towards the ceiling.  Then, I would bring my palms forward against my cheeks as my upside-down hands folded upward to support the ‘glasses’ created by my circled thumb and index finger.  It never failed to get their attention and open the discussion for eternal eyeglasses.  You can’t help but notice when someone is wearing the lenses of perspective.

Eternal eyeglasses allow us to see past the present moment, past this decade, and way off into the distant future.  They focus us on the great things coming as we walk the mucky path of the present.  Seeing that distant view creates hope and new energy in our souls.  Try it- what will the lesson of today do for you 20 years from now?  Put the glasses on!

Trust by remembering the help you received in the past- the way you have been comforted and looked after.  You are so loved!

Let the energy of perspective and trust propel you into your grandly orchestrated future.

Just keep swimming and don’t give up-

You’ve got this.

All my love,


Mar 16, 202441:45
Episode 70 Got Goals- really? The Gift of Forgetting

Episode 70 Got Goals- really? The Gift of Forgetting

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Last month, we talked about ‘Inspired Goals,’ or goals that feel immediate, narrow, strong, precise, inspired, experienced, and declared.  This month, we continue by talking about self-care in that same inspired way.  Have you forgotten your goals?  That’s okay- I have hope- it is, after all, hope month.

 “For it is only by forgetting that we ever really drop the thread of time and approach the experience of living in the present moment, so elusive in ordinary hours.” 

― Michael Pollan, The Botany of Desire : A Plant'S-Eye View of the World

Michael Pollan introduces the gift of forgetting.  He assuages that by forgetting, we keep ourselves from overwhelm, thereby being more effective at our actual life purpose and mission.  Too much forgetting is simply too much, but a little is a built-in perk for beating overwhelm and stress if we will let it. 

So, have you forgotten your goals? That’s to be expected.  It’s fine. 

Introducing: Self-care, Creator-based® style; ‘Do less and expect more.’

This is an approach in which you maintain your status as a creator- not a victim.  So often, I can feel like a victim in my self-care- I got interrupted and didn’t finish, needed more sleep and didn’t get up, got too busy and didn’t do it.  Life was too hard to take care of myself.

 The first step out of the victim role is to recognize that you are the creator of your life experience and that you have within you light and truth-  all the power you need to grow and progress.  Ask yourself, “What do I want? What do I want to feel?”

From this foundation of power, you are ready to talk about a few points in creating a tailor-made self-care program for yourself.  (And it will bless the lives of others)

Your program will need 

  1. enough challenge to help you grow
  2. enough comfort to keep from wearing you out 
  3. enough support to keep you going

Step One: 

What is something you keep trying to do for yourself but is challenging enough that it never seems to happen? 

Make a list of those things.  For me, it’s pretty long.  It sometimes includes meditation, vacation, exercise, reading, visiting with friends, pedicures, etc.;  write down all the self-care things you would like to do (include that Hawaii Trip) and have done in the past.  Permission to dream.

Step Two: Consider the items on your list and what you might do to build some comfort measures for yourself.  I don’t much like going to the dentist, so I’m great at putting it off.  One of the comfort measures I have built in is a Target trip immediately after my dental visit.  It’s a way for me to look forward to my self-care.  Other comfort measures could include a friend, an affirmation, or a little fun afterward. 

Step Three: create enough support to keep yourself going when these things get hard things.  Declare your intention to someone.  Of course, a coach is an incredible support.  I do personal sessions myself, and we also have our community at the 50/50 Girl Club, Group Coaching in Coach & Clear Sessions and in our Guided Mastermind Groups.  You might hire a professional coach, do something online, or enlist a partner or good friend to support you.  

So, for this week:

  1. Make a list of the self-care items you’ve been skipping- you know, the ones that are challenging to you: eating vegetables, meditating, exercising, going to bed on time, calling friends more often, dental visits, or whatnot. 
  2. Choose one to approach and implement in your life.
  3. What or who will make that next self-care step easier to start and continue? Choose your comfort measure.
  4. Share with someone who will support you.  The 50/50 Girl Club is a perfect place for this- check out a free 30-day trial here:

Here’s to creating hope, my friend!

All my love,


Mar 09, 202446:51
Episode 69 Beth's Scary Dream!

Episode 69 Beth's Scary Dream!

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What is the opposite of Hope? 

We all know what FOMO is, and even though it's no longer hip to call it that, we’re talking about it.  FOMO is a pressure-driven force that keeps us in scarcity, and we worry that we might miss something important.  It feels like fear.  That’s because it really is. FOMO is a universal and very real thing, especially when we seek to fit into society, our group of friends, and our workplace.  It’s ubiquitous in teens and young adults and breeds anxiety and pressure in young lives.

FOMO is a little different for adults raising children. We still want to be in the know, but there is an added dimension when we have parental stewardship to fulfill. Whether it’s toddlers or grandchildren, the 

Fear of Missing Opportunities can be paralyzing.  

Should my child do gymnastics or soccer? What about the value of music lessons and time with friends? There’s an after-school program in robotics…. And it continues all the way from preschool to retirement.  There’s a class I want to take; should I spend the time in the community? What about the friend I haven’t seen in a while? 

Choices, blessedly, abound.  

But sometimes, it is downright overwhelming.  

Fear of missing an opportunity can be incapacitating.

There is an important element missing in FOMO.  It’s trust.  

Trust that ‘What is for you will not pass you by.’ 

Trust that your Creator has orchestrated your life and the lives of others for good.

Trust that it all works out.  He is the Creator, after all. 

 We can’t frustrate his plans, only our own.

 There is a real element of trust there…can you trust enough to say no?

There are many, many faces of Fear of Missing Opportunities: fear of disappointing others… fear of overstepping…. fear of regret…fear of making the wrong choice…fear of ruining your own life,  fear of not living up to your potential- and that inner critic taunting you, “Too bad, you missed it.”

It’s all just plain fear of missing “it,”….. and what’s crazy is most often, 

the most important things are missed by being afraid, causing us to feel off base and distracted.

Our beautiful friend Jennifer Dereus often comforts us with the quote, 

“Fear and faith both ask me to believe in something I cannot see. 

 I choose faith.”

Anything fear-based does not come from our Creator.

What would a creator-based® belief be?

  • I trust the everything is working out for my highest good.
  • I am loved and cared for.
  • They are loved and cared for.
  • I trust.
  • I am safe.
  • I am loved.

And you are- so loved.

Let’s choose a week of trust!

:) All my love


Mar 02, 202440:47
Episode 69 Beth's Scary Dream!

Episode 69 Beth's Scary Dream!

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What is the opposite of Hope? 

We all know what FOMO is, and even though it's no longer hip to call it that, we’re talking about it.  FOMO is a pressure-driven force that keeps us in scarcity, and we worry that we might miss something important.  It feels like fear.  That’s because it really is. FOMO is a universal and very real thing, especially when we seek to fit into society, our group of friends, and our workplace.  It’s ubiquitous in teens and young adults and breeds anxiety and pressure in young lives.

FOMO is a little different for adults raising children. We still want to be in the know, but there is an added dimension when we have parental stewardship to fulfill. Whether it’s toddlers or grandchildren, the 

Fear of Missing Opportunities can be paralyzing.  

Should my child do gymnastics or soccer? What about the value of music lessons and time with friends? There’s an after-school program in robotics…. And it continues all the way from preschool to retirement.  There’s a class I want to take; should I spend the time in the community? What about the friend I haven’t seen in a while? 

Choices, blessedly, abound.  

But sometimes, it is downright overwhelming.  

Fear of missing an opportunity can be incapacitating.

There is an important element missing in FOMO.  It’s trust.  

Trust that ‘What is for you will not pass you by.’ 

Trust that your Creator has orchestrated your life and the lives of others for good.

Trust that it all works out.  He is the Creator, after all. 

 We can’t frustrate his plans, only our own.

 There is a real element of trust there…can you trust enough to say no?

There are many, many faces of Fear of Missing Opportunities: fear of disappointing others… fear of overstepping…. fear of regret…fear of making the wrong choice…fear of ruining your own life,  fear of not living up to your potential- and that inner critic taunting you, “Too bad, you missed it.”

It’s all just plain fear of missing “it,”….. and what’s crazy is most often, 

the most important things are missed by being afraid, causing us to feel off base and distracted.

Our beautiful friend Jennifer Dereus often comforts us with the quote, 

“Fear and faith both ask me to believe in something I cannot see. 

 I choose faith.”

Anything fear-based does not come from our Creator.

What would a creator-based® belief be?

  • I trust the everything is working out for my highest good.
  • I am loved and cared for.
  • They are loved and cared for.
  • I trust.
  • I am safe.
  • I am loved.

And you are- so loved.

Let’s choose a week of trust!

:) All my love


Feb 27, 202440:47
Episode 68 Choosing Hope

Episode 68 Choosing Hope

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We'd love to meet you! Here's the story....

Two friends are walking down the stony path.

One has had a painful experience.  

As she shares her struggle, her sympathetic and wise ally walks beside her.  

Over the course of the conversation, she feels heard.

Her emotions begin to shift from anger and poor me to acceptance.  

From acceptance grows understanding.

Finally, hope begins to dawn.  

With hope, new ideas and opportunity thoughts appear.

She, who was once despondent and isolated, is ready to reach out and create.

Such is the power of a great friend.

Our Creator is a friend like that.

When we walk together, even when we’re struggling, things begin to shift.  

Our sympathetic and wise ally invites us to be with them when we are low.  

Then, as we walk, our thoughts shift from poor me to acceptance.  

It may come ever so slowly, but it is sure.  

From acceptance, we move to understand and see a bit further off into the horizon. 

With that longer perspective, hope dawns.

Our Creator invites us:

Trust me.

Walk with me.

Love with me.

What will it look like for you to love with your Creator this week? 

One thing at a time. Take care of yourself.

Will you love yourself and be a bit kinder inwardly? 

Will hope begin to dawn and bring a new perspective?  

What good will come to the world from you 

simply choosing to open to the idea of your own power and change?

You are a powerful influence for good.

Lean into your hurt and walk with your Creator.


See if it doesn’t bring a glimmer- or maybe a full blast - of hope.

Happy Hope Month!

You’ve got this, my friend!

All my love, 


P.S. This is not another thing to add to your to-do list.

This is hope.

Feb 27, 202442:27
Episode 66 Namaste & Hope

Episode 66 Namaste & Hope

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At the beginning of each day, I choose to spend time with my Creator, meditating and studying, talking and listening, and writing what I learn. 

This morning, an unexpected thing occurred.  

As I finished my time with my Creator, I felt/heard, “Namaste.” 

It came in pure love.

Namaste has not been a word I associate with quiet morning time in the past.  I have always associated it with yoga practice.  But recently, in a Creator-based® Mastermind Group, Sue Pine from Serenities Now was our guest speaker.  She ended her instruction and time with us with the same words and love I felt this morning.  Namaste.

Then she shared this with us:

“In India, "Namaste" means I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the place in you of Love, of Light, of Truth, of Peace.  I honor the place within you where if you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us.

Aligning with my personal beliefs, this is what it means when I say Namaste:

This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine!

The light inside of me honors the light inside of you.

We use our light to honor our Creator and to honor each other. 

When you and I are in that light, we are one, and we shine brighter together.”

Friend, our Creator loves all of us in all of our faiths and seeks to bring all of us back home.  When we honor our differences in love and align ourselves in the Creator’s Way, we are one.  And that feels really good!

Namaste fuels hope.

Namaste fuels action.

Namaste fuels love.

Namaste fuels unity.

Namaste is a path to a Creator-based® Life.

This week, as you move through your days, see if you can deliberately let your light shine and honor the light you see in others.  It will be an amazing start to Hope Month and all the beauties that await us as we honor and cultivate the light within each living being.


Learn more about Sue and her amazing work here:


Tues: Coach n Clear 1:30 CST

Weds: Bookclub 1:30 CST

Thurs: Creator-based® Coach Training Office hours- and applications for new coaches.  We begin again in June for the 18-month program. email for more info.

March 3: Turn your worries into something wonderful. Jumpstart Your Life Workshop.

Anxiety Masterclass Kick off March 7! Register on Eventbrite.

Feb 17, 202442:16
Episode 67 Tools to Keep Momentum Going

Episode 67 Tools to Keep Momentum Going

Hey friend! Can you believe January is almost over?  All the excitement about What’s Your Word and Your INSPIRED Goals may be beginning to fade.  But don’t worry- the month of self-love is fast approaching.

As we finish this first month in 2024, let's visit for a minute on hope for the future.  As holiday excitement and New Year resolutions fade, hope may fade, too.  But here are a few tips and tricks to keep the hope going-

  1. Remember something you are grateful for.  I always feel more hopeful when remembering the good things in my life.  Indoor plumbing, central heat, and air, and clean, clear water straight from the tap top my list.  What’s on yours?
  2. Change is a gift.  Whatever is happening in my life right now will soon pass.  Change is a constant in life.  If I’m in a good season, remembering change is coming helps me be more present and drink in all that goodness.  If things are rough, I know it won’t last.  Change is coming.  Such a gift!
  3. Combat your negative thoughts.  Last week, we talked on the podcast about measuring our thoughts using three questions- Is this thought kind? Is it true? Is it helpful?  If your thought can’t pass all three tests, discard it like you would an old chewed piece of gum.  Get yourself a fresh one! The flavor is better, and choose a thought to make you smile.  I like all things minty fresh!

If you chose a word for the year, this is a good time to practice doodling it.  Did you know we have a Combatting Stress workshop coming up next Saturday morning? It’s actually using the power of doodling, among other things, to feel better and let go of the stress that can shadow your hope.

Join us! it’s free, but filling fast with limited seating.  Get your seat here:

While you’re there, check out our other free online events we share as we seek to flood the world with Compassion, Mindfulness, and Hope! 

Have a great week y’all!

:) Beth


Feb 10, 202435:52
episode 65 I am Good Enough

episode 65 I am Good Enough

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In your heart of hearts, do you feel like you’re a good person? For me, that has changed through life seasons, but I have learned a way to get an accurate picture of my present circumstances.

To begin with, you are whole and valuable just as you are.  Never forget your innate value.  The fact that you are here means we need you.  Our Creator is abundant but smart.  Nothing is wasted- and that includes the energy needed to create you.  You are worth every effort ever exerted on your behalf.  You, my friend, are a treasure indeed.

Now, that has not always rung true to me in my life, so I want to share with you a way to get a more accurate picture than you may see in your present circumstance.  Maybe you’re in a great place.  In that case, read no further.  You know your worth, and you know how much we need you.  Kudos.  But, on doubtful days, this might help.  It helped me.  You’ll need paper and a pen.

Five steps for clarity, the Creator-based® Way.

  1. Pray.  Check-in with your Creator and let them know what you’re doing.  Ask for guidance as you proceed.  Then, notice your breath and mindfully enter your present environment- are you too cold or hot? Get comfy.  Breathe again.  Shift in your seat until it feels good.  Enjoy a deep breath one more time and settle in.  Finally, repeat aloud or to yourself three times, “I am calm.  I am safe.  I choose to be here.”  3 times- I mean it! Don’t skimp here.
  2. In this calm state, consider your past.  See with your imagination, your mind’s eye, and look at the life experience directly behind you.  What’s happened this week? Conversations you’ve had, work and life experiences, worries, self-talk in your mind and heart- what comes up?  Jot it down.  What is immediately behind you?
  3. Next, do the same thing with what you see immediately ahead of you.  Write down your worries, your compliments, your concerns, and your joys immediately forthcoming.  Does it have a common theme? Could you name it with a chapter summary or a title? What would it be?
  4. Finally, do the same thing with your life.  A quick scan of the experiences that jump out brings up what common theme?
  5. Meld all three entries together and shine the light of love on them.  What do you learn from your Creator and your own heart?  Is it something about your innate goodness? I thought it would be.

You see friend, we are all loved in one way or another.  We are all good in some way and not so good in others.  That’s what a 50/50 life is all about.  Life is not all of nothing.  It’s an amalgamation of experiences that ultimately add up to good.   And you are good.  For real.  Your Creator will assure you of that when you ask.

You are good!

You are valuable!

You are a brilliant contribution to this world.

Remember that.

All my love, 


Feb 03, 202445:03
The Stories I Tell Myself in my Head Episode 64

The Stories I Tell Myself in my Head Episode 64

Have you ever been lonesome while in a group of people?  Remember that middle school fear of not having someone to sit with at lunch, or being picked last for kickball?  It can be quite daunting, feeling alone and different in a group.

The thing is, we are different.  We are different by divine design and those differences are what give our lives delightful purpose and energy.  

Why then, do we feel lonesome in those differences sometimes?

The Stories I Tell Myself in My Head.

I listened to a coaching call this morning.  When the gal who came for help had finished explaining herself- and it took awhile -her wise coach said, “I’m going to ask you to do something very difficult. Will you do it for me?  “Yes”, came the hesitant yet determined reply.  Then the coach used three words that made all the difference, “Stop the Stories.”

Stop the Stories.

What would your life look like without the stories?

Would you feel more connected?

Would you embrace more of your unique gifts and talents, your differences?

I challenge you this week to take some time and let yourself stop the story in your head, turn the channel if you must to some good music or a blog that makes you feel good.  Stop the story and see yourself for who you really are- an amazing, unique gift to this world, different by design.

Sameness is to be found most among the most “natural” men, not among those who surrender to Christ.  How monotonously alike all the great tyrants and conquerors have been; how gloriously different are the Saints.  C.S. Lewis

Jan 27, 202448:49
Episode 63 Feeling More Love

Episode 63 Feeling More Love

 It's the season of fresh starts and the flu…

How has your inaugural week of the New Year unfolded? Ah, the season of fresh beginnings, where hope and optimism intertwine with the sniffles and flu, bills to pay, and blessings to savor. It's a 50/50 blend of life's tapestry; remarkably, it's all good.

Life is woven with threads of hardship and ease, good and evil. The beauty lies in our ability to navigate these intricacies and craft a rich, fulfilling existence.

Henry Nouwen wisely said, "The question is not 'How am I to love God?' but 'How am I to let myself be loved by God?'" Love is the answer.

As you walk through your days, are you open to feeling the love that your Creator has for you?

Here are three ideas to try to enjoy more love in your life this week, whether your life is hope, optimism, flu, or overdue bills…

1. Choose not to play the role of judge.

Of all of the ways I feel more love in my life, this is number one. When I choose to opt out of judgment (this is so hard for me!), life is always better. Choosing not to criticize, hypothesize why, or explain away someone’s offensive behavior (I was offended because I judged…) leaves so much room for light and hope that sometimes I don’t even know what to think about all the possibilities. Try it. For one day or one hour, choose to suspend all judgment. Love shows up, the world opens, and light pours in.

2. Choose not to worry. (A form of judgment)

Imagination and the ability to reason are gifts given to us by our Creator. So is our brain. Since our brain is always on the alert for ways to protect us, reason, on high alert, can misread a situation and begin to worry. As that worry increases, imagination engages, and if we are not cognizant of our thoughts, a whopper of a scary story can be created. Our worries can create incredible physical reactions in our bodies, generating emotions of fear, anxiety, anger, and betrayal- even when nothing has happened at all. 

Fortunately, we can always choose our thoughts. If you struggle with this, join us for group coaching: coach n clear or a mastermind group.

 Learn to self-coach. The power of self-coaching is profound.

3. Create more love:  If things can be horrible and end badly, couldn’t something wonderful happen just as easily? It’s only a thought, friend, and a thought can be changed.  Choose a thought that helps you feel better. With that change in thought comes a change in emotion. If you sustain that emotion for a while, you can even change your mood. Hang around with that positive mood, and it will become a habit, a character trait, and ultimately a gift to your posterity through your DNA. The thoughts you choose to create are powerful!

There are endless possibilities in this world. 

Choose the ones that help you feel loved and secure. 

You are a creator by heritage.

Use that divine gift and create a life you love. 

You’ll be glad you did.

Jan 20, 202438:17
Episode 60 ECHOes

Episode 60 ECHOes

Check us out on!

Happy Holidays!

Working with the Echo of Christmas Past

This month, we are reading ‘Marley’ in Book Club, the story of Ebenezer Scrooge’s guide through the “Echo” of his Christmases Past.

 Navigating the echoes of past holidays can be a profound journey, and understanding the ECHO framework — Event, Context, Homeostatic shift, and Outcomes — provides a valuable map for this exploration. Just like Ebenezer Scrooge confronted his Christmas Past with the help of Marley's ghost, we too can delve into our own echoes and transform them.

E - the Event

C -the Context

H -The Homeostatic shift 

O - The Outcomes in our lives

Thomas McConkie's insight into the Homeostatic shift (H) is particularly enlightening. When intense emotions overwhelm us during an event (E), our bodies generate a surge of chemicals. This overflow, or overwhelm, necessitates redirection to prevent an adverse impact on our well-being. The stored emotions may resurface during an ECHO, triggering a powerful re-experience of those feelings. Recognizing these echoes is the first step in addressing them.

Have you had experience reliving the echoes of Christmas past?

To navigate the echoes of Holidays Past, consider these Creator-based® Coaching tools:

  1. Regular Mindfulness practice is an incredible tool for moving through strong memories and emotions, especially in the midst of an echo experience. Being present in the moment can help dissipate the intensity of past echoes.
  2. Connect with your Creator regularly.  Build a relationship with Him and learn how he communicates with you. When you’re in the practice of visiting regularly, He feels more accessible to you in an activated or triggered situation.
  3. Releasing the old energies, beliefs, and emotions
  4. Guided Meditation or Hypno-Coaching.  Jenn’s new Wednesday Night Hypno-Coaching class begins in 2024!
  5. Breath Practice- Be where your feet are. :). Whether it’s washing dishes, shopping for holiday gifts, or enjoying a warm shower, remember- Be where your feet are.  Don’t let your brain run off with your body.

6. A 50/50 Holiday and Expectations: Expect a balanced experience and let that 50/50 plan change your holidays for the better.  

7. Compassion and self-love/self-care create a holiday spirit; rehearse & remember the good echoes from your life daily.

Dec 23, 202334:32
Episode 62 Holiday Patterns and Reframing

Episode 62 Holiday Patterns and Reframing

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Creator-based® Christmas: Embracing Your Creator Role with Grace

As we dive into the festive season, the whirlwind of holiday activities can sometimes sweep us off our feet. Personally, I revel in the magic of Christmas and discovering the beauty in Hanukkah and other winter celebrations. The diversity, the lessons, and the shared joy in each holiday contribute to the magic of this special time of year. Yet, my absolute favorite is Christmas – a time for me to center myself and celebrate my Creator.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, there are moments when I unintentionally slip out of my creator role and find myself being influenced by the holidays rather than actively shaping how I engage with them. I feel like a victim to my to-do list. Sound familiar?

There are two key indicators the role shift: thoughts and feelings.

Alert messages manifest in thoughts laden with 'have to,' 'must,' 'should,' and 'gotta' – clear signals that I've relinquished my creator power to external forces. Emotional indicators like resentment, frustration, and guilt serve as a compass as well.  If the feelings aren't positive, it's time to check my stance.

Conversely, words like 'get to,' 'excited,' 'can’t wait,' and 'delight' firmly place me in a creator stance. Recognizing this duality is part of the human experience, where we're expected to navigate both success and failure. 

If you find yourself ensnared in the 'should and have to' mindset, fret not. Life is a 50/50 blend, and if you mess up, it’s okay. Where you are right now is precisely where you're meant to be to grasp this life lesson.

Here's a gentle guide to reclaiming your creator role during the holidays or any time:

1. Pause and reflect on the suffering you’re feeling.  It’s okay.  Give yourself a hug and recognize you are not alone. We are all 50/50 Beings, and this is simply the other half.  Allow yourself to feel the feels and take care of yourself in it. Then…

2. Celebrate your Recognition: Pat yourself on the back for recognizing your thoughts and role as a victim and owning it – Recognition is  90% of the battle won!

3. Express Gratitude: Thank your Creator for opening your eyes to this realization. Gratitude is a super power!

4. Take a Mini-Minute and Extend Grace: Whether it's a deep breath or reflecting on a time of success and abundance, take a moment for you.  Be kind to yourself. Grace is a friendly, helpful force – an expression of Creator love. It's as powerful as, if not more than, gratitude.

5. Ask an Empowering Question: What thought would make me feel really good right now? Ponder that thought, then act on the next positive impulse. Remember, it's all about baby steps. Action brings Creation and more positive action.

Embracing your creator role with grace transforms the holiday hustle into a meaningful celebration. Wishing you a joyous and Creator-based® Christmas!

Dec 19, 202339:36
Episode 59: 50/50 Love- Tips for Dark Days.

Episode 59: 50/50 Love- Tips for Dark Days.

Creating light in the darkness.

Let’s talk about darkness. We are approaching winter solstice, and it’s dark when I wake in the morning. I miss the warmth and optimism of the summer sun, the birds singing, the world waking as I wake. I mean, it’s dark. And it’s cold and often gloomy.

Do you have darkness in your life right now? Is the emotional light of your days getting shorter, and you find your thoughts with less light and hope, feeling less love? That’s okay.

We have a 50/50 Life, and that dark side is part of it.  

The trick, my friend, is to remember that the light is just on the other side while it's dark. Choose to sit in gratitude for the contrast and learning that comes in the darkness. I can still hear my yoga teacher saying, as we held a difficult pose, “Don’t fight it.” As we allow the discomfort, it feels better.

Choose to allow.  

Choose to learn. 

Choose gratitude.

Things are easier when we choose to learn as we feel through the dark times.

So, as the days grow darker - quite literally - try these thoughts on.  

If you can’t say I’m grateful for the darkness, sadness, anger, frustration, grief, injustice etc. can you say… 

I am willing to feel and learn from this. 

Can you choose to tell yourself a different story about the dark? I heard this week that peace is the space we find between the stories we tell ourselves. I’m sure you have felt those moments of quiet peace- they’re lovely.  

What about remembering the good you have experienced when the tough experiences arrive?

Remember when your Creator has been there for you.  

Remember when the sun is warm on your skin and the times you have felt loved.  

Remember how strong and supported you are.  

Remembering the good will bring you light over the short, dark times.

This winter darkness is simply seasonal. Whatever the pain, it is neither permanent nor pervasive and will end. That’s what 50/50 is all about. The flip side of this coin is light and lovely, and light will return- it’s inevitable. Life is a 50/50 experience. 50% good and 50% not so good. 

Here’s to the light, my friend- and the learning in the darkness. 

It’s all good.

All my love,


Learn more about creating your best life, the Creator-based® Way, in a private session with Beth. Register at

Would you like to experience the peace, presence, and power-filled mindset that comes with Creator-based® Coaching? 

Click here to try these out and learn more:

Together, we can create great change!

Dec 09, 202333:55
Episode 58 The Holidays; Scary Music Optional

Episode 58 The Holidays; Scary Music Optional

Come see us at

There are many emotions and patterns associated with the holidays.  Yes, I said it- “The Holidays”.  The very words may conjure happy anticipation or dread and an adrenal surge.  It happens every year, just like clockwork.  There are so many feelings about “The Holidays.”

The Holidays can be a very soothing and happy time as we enter into them in the Creator-based® Way.  This tip from Alex Howard can propel you forward as you stop focusing on the upcoming problem situations and create the holiday and the life you really want. 

It’s a simple little acronym- STOP.  Like stop holiday stress, stop holiday dread, and stop holiday angst.  Instead, use this acronym to start creating the holidays you would like to have.

I just returned from 3 weeks at my daughter’s - a delightfully foreign place filled with children and all their attending happiness, screaming, joy, and chaos.  We waited and walked through those weeks for her fourth baby to be born.  In that time, I was able to practice STOP repeatedly.  When I came home, I kept going and wanted to share it with you because it works.  When you notice that you are activated in some way- irritated, worried, frustrated, lonely, etc. STOP.

S See the Pattern

T Take the pause

O Open to the feelings 

In your emotional and

Physical body.

  Praise yourself.

1. See the pattern: when has this happened before?

2. Take the pause: Come back into your body through a deep breath, finding your feet or noticing scent, sound, taste, and touch.

3. Open to the feelings in your emotional and physical body: What emotions are you feeling? Where in your body do you feel them? See into them and notice what they say to you.

4. Praise Yourself: You need to do nothing more than congratulate and tell yourself how great you are at this point. You remembered to take care of yourself- good job! You have reset your nervous system onto a new path and most likely feel differently. 

This little pattern, practiced regularly over time (through the holidays), will change the way you think and feel and promote an ongoing kinder, gentler approach to yourself and your life. It is incredibly simple and profound.

 Try it! You’ll be glad you did!

 I sure am.

Dec 02, 202338:41
Episode 58 Different by Design

Episode 58 Different by Design

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Come see us at Be all that you are designed to be. No more. No less. It has taken me a long time to recognize that I was constantly looking outside myself or comparing myself with peers to discover the person that I “should” be. I grew up feeling a lot of shame. Not belonging and not feeling like I fit in, I sensed that I was different. I felt like I needed to hide and not be my true self. Always asking, “What is it that will make me lovable and valuable enough to feel like I belong?” I was always seeking for the next great thing so I could change myself. I was constantly looking and never finding the truth. Seeking and comparing have been my inner battle. Does any of this ring true to you? It seems to be part of being human. Each individual has their own trials. We are different by design. We are not created to be the same- only to be unified in our differences. Becoming one has to begin with me- building a relationship with my Creator and myself. It’s a foundational responsibility to love myself. I can’t love my neighbor until I can love myself. And that, my friend, is what we are working on all month long- compassion. Remembering that compassion is a friendly, merciful, kind and giving love, I ask- how are you doing with giving that kind of love to yourself? You are infinitely powerful, and as delicate and seemingly impossible as it may seem to express self-love, you have within you light and truth, all the power you need to grow and create. You can do it! Here are a few tips: Before you open your eyes in the morning upon waking, just as you come back into consciousness, give thanks to your Creator and love to yourself. My friend Jenn begins each waking day by speaking aloud to herself, “Good morning, Jennifer, I love you.” That being a little hard for me to believe first thing in the morning, I begin my day in thanks and with a smile. Smiling as I wake makes all the difference. Be all that you are designed to be- No more. No less. Because that’s perfect. Who you are is good enough. Who you are is a beautiful, loving human being. Uniquely You. Nobody does it better. Remind yourself of that daily. All my love, Beth

Nov 25, 202339:03
Episode 57 The Seven Forbidden Phrases & Compassion

Episode 57 The Seven Forbidden Phrases & Compassion

Come see us at CMH

 The Blessings of Compassion

What is compassion really? 

Compassion is the C in CMH Coaching.  

It is vital to a happy, satisfying life. 

Compassion is treating someone with kindness and understanding.  

It is being a good friend.  

Compassion is nurturing


Seeking first to understand

Suspending judgment.

Are you as compassionate with yourself as you are with others?

Consider your Compassion: When you have done something you are not proud of, what would it look like to suspend judgment and seek first to understand?

Compassion is passion with a heart.

Jaycine reveals the Seven Forbidden Phrases:

1. No.

2. I don't know.

3.....listen and see- they're amazing!

Nov 18, 202347:15
Episode 56 Gratitude and Receiving

Episode 56 Gratitude and Receiving

Come see us!

Trick or Treat is just around the corner, a day filled with little ghosts and goblins eagerly awaiting their treats, their faces glowing with anticipation and adorned in bright costumes. The sight of these little ones on their parade can be truly delightful. Have you ever taken a moment to experience the joy of dropping candy into their pillowcase or bucket? Their gratitude and delight can inspire us to contemplate the future in a new light.

Generosity is a remarkable and expansive act that carries the promise of hope and momentum for all involved. When we give generously, we also open ourselves up to receiving. Sharing your time, spirit, and heart generously is a way to grow and welcome overwhelming blessings into your life. It's almost a paradox that by giving, you receive even more, but that's how these backward laws work. The truth is, when you give, it often comes back to you in abundance, even if that means finding sticky candy remnants around the house after Halloween.

Let's delve into the 3 steps of Creator-based® Receiving: Ask. Believe. Receive.

1. Ask: Start by knowing what you want, even if it's as simple as wanting to feel better. Take a moment to articulate your desires to yourself or a loved one. Clarity in your requests is key. Many of us wonder why we don't get what we want, but the first step is asking for it.

2. Believe: Do you truly believe that you can receive what you're asking for? For instance, if you seek respect from your peers, do you believe you deserve it? Belief plays a significant role in the receiving process. You need to work on believing that you are worthy of what you desire, whether it's a new dishwasher or a new partner.

3. Receive: Place yourself in an environment where you're most likely to receive what you've asked for. If you're craving a McDonald's hamburger, you won't find it at Wendy's. Understand what it takes to receive what you want and where to find it. Then, work your way toward it.

Ask. Believe. Receive. It might sound simple, and in its essence, it is. However, in each of these steps, you are the creator of your own destiny. Embrace the Creator-based® way and know that you have the power to shape your life according to your desires.  Unlock the power or receiving!

Talking points:

  • Trick or treat: Generosity as an expansive act of abundance: backward law: by giving, you receive more.
  • When did you get something you really, really wanted? Childhood receiving, Adult anticipation
  • When have you not gotten what you wanted?How did you work with that?
  • Applying the steps in Creator-based® Receiving 
  • Ask: Clarity
  • Believe: believing you deserve it, seeing yourself with it, knowing God wants it for you/feeling worthy
  • Receive: What does it look like for you to be in a receiving kind of place? Not going to Wendy’s if you want a Big Mac.

Nov 11, 202336:03
Episode 55 Cognitive, what?

Episode 55 Cognitive, what?

Come see us at! This month’s theme is Blessed, and we are considering how to receive the blessings that are out there in abundance for us already.  It’s harvest season, and one must go pick the garden produce in order to receive it.  What are your blocks and/or processes for receiving all the good that’s out there in the world just for you?

Do less, expect more- Hope opens the door to receiving- How do you receive the good when you’re grumpy?  Creator-based® Cognition

  • When you get in a funk, what helps you feel better? Music, media, scent, nutrition, movement- energy building or releasing, tai chi, going outside            

According to a study by HEC Liège Management School and Liège University Hospital, the brains of entrepreneurs are wired differently than people who work traditional jobs for a company. The study utilized resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI), which involves looking at the brain while it’s at rest. The test results suggest that serial entrepreneurs or those who launch multiple businesses have stronger connections between two essential parts of the brain: the right insula, which is correlated to flexible thinking, and the anterior prefrontal cortex, which is a vital area for new decision-making. This unique wiring in the brain helps serial entrepreneurs think with flexibility. They can effectively switch between making the most out of current opportunities and exploring new ideas. While this balance is difficult to achieve, it’s crucial for the success of a startup or new business.  Even if you don’t have the natural ability to think like an entrepreneur, you can train your mind to do so.   Expect change, recognize opportunities, set goals, accept risks, be creative, embrace failure, communicate and collaborate, stay calm.

  • Being willing to be flexible in your thoughts- how could you change the grumpy thought to something more helpful? The thoughts I choose meet at least 3 criteria:
  • Heartfelt - I need a good reason to want to believe it.
          • Believable- at least 10% believable, it may be more or less for you.
          • Mostly Possible- better than 30%, but I am a believer in miracles.
          • Quite often, humor or audacity help me, too. They disconnect the Johnny Raincloud part of me long enough for a sliver of sunshine to squeeze in.
  • What are your favorite go-to thoughts?
      • This is temporary- it is neither permanent nor pervasive.  (Martin Seligman’s teaching on learned optimism.  His test tested our belief on the permanence and pervasiveness of negativity in our lives.  Lower scores equaled higher happiness and optimism.)
      • I really don’t have the answer- YET
      • I’m really good at this.
      • People love me.
      • I’m not for everybody.
      • I’ll probably have it figured out by the end of the day.
      • It came to pass, not to stay.
      • This is gonna be fun!
      • I am in charge.  I get to decide.

Nov 04, 202339:29
Episode 55 Receiving in Relationships

Episode 55 Receiving in Relationships

Join us at

Receiving in Relationships, the Creator-based® Way

Building a great relationship in a creator-based® way means it is infused with compassion, mindfulness, and hope. Here are three principles to guide you on this journey:

  • You Are the Creator of Your Relationship

 In creator-based coaching, we understand that you are the creator of your life experience, and this includes your relationships.

1.  Take ownership of your role in the relationship. 

2. Be proactive in creating a positive and loving environment. 

3. Instead of waiting for the other person to change or make things better, 

4. focus on what you can do to contribute positively. 

5. Your actions, words, and intentions have a profound impact on the relationship's direction.

  • Practice Compassion and Understanding

  1. Compassion is the foundation of any healthy relationship. 

2. Understand that both you and your partner are unique individuals with your own light and truth.

3.  Embrace each other's differences and imperfections with kindness and empathy. 

4. When conflicts arise, approach them with a compassionate heart. 

5. Seek to understand your partner's perspective, and 

6. communicate your own thoughts and feelings in a loving and non-judgmental way. 

7. Compassion fosters trust and connection.

  • Embrace Mindfulness and Unity

1. Mindfulness is about being fully present in the moment. 

` 2. In your relationship, this means giving your partner your undivided attention and listening deeply when they speak. 

3. Put away distractions and be in the now. 

4. Additionally, recognize that "Together is Better."

5. Celebrate each other's successes and be a source of strength during challenges. 

6. When you approach your relationship with mindfulness and unity, it becomes a source of mutual inspiration and joy.

Building a great relationship requires effort, commitment, and a creator-based® approach. By taking responsibility for your role, practicing compassion and understanding, and embracing mindfulness and unity, you can create a loving and fulfilling connection with your partner. Relationships, like life itself, are a beautiful journey of co-creation where both individuals contribute to the shared experience. 

Oct 28, 202336:53
Episode 54 Joy-ercise!

Episode 54 Joy-ercise!

This week's blog is available on

This month’s theme is Blessed, and we are considering how to receive the blessings that are out there in abundance for us already.  It’s harvest season, and one must go pick the garden produce in order to receive it.  What are your blocks and/or tools for receiving all the good that’s out there in the world just for you?

Your being is whole whether you solve your problems or not.  They’re just problems, not you. (Mark Nepo) Let’s talk about focusing on you instead of your problems today.

  • How do you feel in the fall as you anticipate and celebrate harvest and all the good holidays to come? 
        • healing, deliverance, favor, provision, protection, guidance, peace, joy, family, spiritual gifts, talents

Joy opens the door to receiving:

  • Joy-ercises (like jazzercise in the 90’s)
    • Joy Journals & gratitude glasses
    • The Ta-Da list-  Happier episode134 A Way to See Real Accomplishment
      • If you are not working in a high-paced, publicly lauded job without pressure for immediate results, it can be hard to motivate yourself. You may feel like you’re not accomplishing anything.
        • Consider this: Every Friday, write down everything you have done that week and look back at your substantial progress, as in “Ta-da! Look what I’ve done!”
          • This has the added benefit of being a chronicle of things you’ve done. At the time of a  life or business performance review, this list would show your value, progress and accomplishments. 
          • It also works well at home- list the things you have done just as a part of daily life at the end of the week, Mom’s: how many diapers did you change, faces did you wipe, meals did you cook, laundry, kisses, books read etc.? 
          • You can look at it and say, I’ve obviously been very busy- life is filled with good things that I’ve accomplished.
          • Another take on this is the What went well? List or, as Jaycine calls this,  what are you most proud of that you’ve done this week?

The Ta-Da List flips the to-do list on its head.  It’s not a list of things you need to do.  It's a list of things you have done.  It can be energizing and powerful for us.

When you’re doing many different things and feel like you’re never getting anywhere on one thing (being pulled in many directions), this can show you that you really are accomplishing a lot.  You can see what you did on every project and have the feeling of accomplishment you crave.  It can also prevent burn out by showing you your progress and that you’re not just spinning your wheels- you really are getting things done.

  • Another way Ta-da’s help is the Monitoring Principle:  What gets measured, gets improved. 
      • When you know how much you’re doing something, you automatically start to do better.  If you monitor how much sleep you get every night, how much walking you do, or how often you are grateful, it’s natural, by observation, to be more aware and do better, nearly effortlessly.
      • You also may not realize just how you really are doing until you start monitoring.  If you put that on your ta-da list, it will help you see that.
      • Reframing technique- instead of stuff you have to do, it’s yay, look at all the stuff I’ve done.
      • Great for rebels- who resist what they are told to do.  Reminds of what you’ve done is look at what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it- it’s a celebration of all you have done. (Rebels, Questioners, Obligers & upholders) 
      • Experts will tell you what you should do, but choose what works for you.  If a to-do list is not working for you, go to the ta-da list and try that.

Have a great week y'all! Come see us at

Oct 21, 202330:17
Episode 53 Criticism, Judgement and Receiving

Episode 53 Criticism, Judgement and Receiving

Have you had a hard day? Well, you've come to the right place! Welcome to A Creator-based Life, the weekly podcast for CMH Coaching. We empower women of faith to create the lives they love- the lives they’ve always wanted. I’m here with Jaycine Bonnett, a business coach, Mom, Grandma, and avid runner, and Jennifer Dereus, a coach, a can-grow-anything gardener, and a hypnotherapist. And I’m Beth, a Master Life Coach, author, and creator of The Creator-based Way: Create Your One, Awesome, Amazing, Perfect Life.

This month’s theme is Blessed, and we are considering how to receive the blessings that are already out there in abundance for us already.  It’s harvest season, but one must go pick the garden produce in order to receive it.  Today, we are considering two of the blocks for receiving the good that’s out there in the world, judgment and conflict

In The Gifts of Imperfection, Brené Brown wrote, “Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgment to receiving help, we knowingly or unknowingly attach judgment to giving help.”

Did something go wrong for you today?  It’s a Monday…

1. When something goes wrong in your life, what happens to your day?

Persecuted Victim: Choosing to continue the story and escalate

Challenged Creator: Choosing to create a more authentic story:   clarity and focus 

Judgment is the root of conflict.  

2. Pretend that we’ve gone to Anthropology and are trying on clothes.

  • The sales clerk was adorable and helpful vs  not helpful and kinda snotty
  • Clothes in my size- clothes not in my size
  • Clothes on sale - clothes really pricey 

3. Let’s try on some Ideas the same way. What experiences have you had about conflict, and how did they work out?  

4. Does conflict impact receiving? 

5. Consider the use of Thought Alchemy* to convert conflict to open receiving:

6. This is alchemy in the form of a transformation process or algorithm, like the ancient process of trying to convert different chemicals to gold- no voodoo or black magic here!

7. ALCHEMY! A New thought to try on- and it’s a very flattering style and your favorite color!  Judge less, Love more.  The alchemy of loving thoughts on current conflict is powerful.

  • “What if who you are is exactly who you’re supposed to be? What if you’re just right right now?”
  • “Nothing has gone wrong here.  You are precisely where you are supposed to be.”

“Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgment to receiving help, we knowingly or unknowingly attach judgment to giving help.”

Judge less, Love more.  The alchemy of loving thoughts on current conflict is powerful.

Oct 14, 202329:18
Episode 52-1 Whatcha Thinkin'?

Episode 52-1 Whatcha Thinkin'?

Whatcha thinkin' my friend? Let's build Resilience through Working with our Thoughts.

Want to know more? Check us out at

Show notes:

What is resilience? The ability to bounce back.  Talk about how our words and thoughts affect our resilience.

Napoleon Hill said, “All thought is creative! However, not all thought is constructive or positive.” 

Our words are like the electrical current that runs through our life- positive, negative, neutral.  They are tools for creating the life we have and will have.

Very negatively charged words,

 activating words- hate, positively charged, lifting words,  love- but equally important neutral words like intention.  (Wayne Dyer's The Power of Intention)

Experiment: drop a pen on the floor.

  1. Say an activating word or string of words- oh crap! Why am I so clumsy?!? And pick up the pen.
  2. Repeat and say a lifting word, “Man, I love that pen; so n so gave it to me, and she’s wonderful.”
  3. Drop it one more time, and as you lean over, say the word “abdominals.”- feel the difference? Words have power.
  4. How did you feel each time? That is the power of words.

(More than a Definition - Words are Energy book by Sharon Klinger) 

A word is more than its definition because it contains energy and power. We actually feel words:

“The language you use brings forth the life that you create. And the words that you use over and over are the language that teaches you - and teaches the world about you. Your words are reflections - images of yourself.”

James J. Kilpatrick: We learn that words have an independent life of their own, grown out of echoes and connotations and associations.”  Every word carries an energy that can be sensed, whether you’re reading, hearing or thinking it.

James again- “We see words that blow like leaves in the winds of autumn- golden words, born words, words that catch the light like opals.”

Einstein: “I never came upon any of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.”

Tips and tricks to capitalize on creating happiness, love, and joy in our hearts through working with our thoughts.

Did your mother ever take one good look at you and ask, “What were you thinking?” (Was your head with you all day?)

  • - STEER model- brief overview
  • - Remember a time when your thoughts created/really helped frame a good experience-
  • - Remember a time when your thoughts created/reinforced a negative experience.
  • - choosing thoughts to get you out of a funk
  • -the vibrational power of a word- Masuro Emoto’s work
  • - how to make this week better by choosing to create the vibration inside of you with your words/thoughts.

Oct 07, 202339:02
A Creator-based® Life Episode 51 Unity

A Creator-based® Life Episode 51 Unity

Today's podcast is a little shorter because of internet issues, but in a display of true Unity, Jenn and Jaycine took over and had a great teaching conversation while I got things back up and running. It's worth the listen! Settle in and get comfy. Grab a cup of tea. Join Beth, Jenn, and Jaycine to learn how to take great care of yourself and help others along the way. Create the life you love! You can. You will. Just keep going. Just FYI: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try the 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and our weekly ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ sessions  and increase your ability to create your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try itfree for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage?  A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly ❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations. ❤TreVega Book Club meets weekly on Wednesdays to learn and discuss together as they explore the latest self-help and other wonderful reading.  ❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.   All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Sep 30, 202324:25
Episode 51 'Right remembering'

Episode 51 'Right remembering'

On Patriot Day, a day of remembrance, we have the choice to remember in a way that helps us create a life we love. Join Jaycine, Beth, and Jenn as they share how they use compassion, mindfulness, and hope in their Creator-based coaching journey. They'll show you that being different isn't a deficiency but part of our design, and change is a gift. Today, choose to embrace these principles to create a life filled with light and truth. Settle in and get comfy. Grab a cup of tea. Join Beth, Jenn, and Jaycine to learn how to take great care of yourself and help others along the way. Create the life you love! You can. You will. Just keep going. Just FYI: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try the 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and our weekly ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ sessions  and increase your ability to create your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try itfree for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage?  A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly ❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations. ❤TreVega Book Club meets weekly on Wednesdays to learn and discuss together as they explore the latest self-help and other wonderful reading.  ❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.   All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Sep 23, 202338:05
Episode 50! The Anatomy of a Calling and Creating Resilience!

Episode 50! The Anatomy of a Calling and Creating Resilience!

Lissa Rankin's book, "Anatomy of a Calling," is an absolute game-changer! 🚀 This month, as we dived deep into the art of resilience and mastering the graceful dance of adapting to change, our discussion about Lissa's book was an absolute blast! Listen and learn the tools of graceful resilience. 📚🤩 YouWeek is coming September 11-15! Join us for 5 rollicking nights of encouragement, tools and wisdom to make your life feel easy again! Sign up here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. You'll be glad you did! Now, settle in and get comfy. Grab a cup of tea. Join Beth, Jenn, and Jaycine to learn how to take great care of yourself and help others along the way. Create the life you love! You can. You will. Just keep going. Just FYI: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try the 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and our weekly ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ sessions  and increase your ability to create your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try itfree for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage?  A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly ❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations. ❤TreVega Book Club meets weekly on Wednesdays to learn and discuss together as they explore the latest self-help and other wonderful reading.  ❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.   All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Sep 16, 202335:33
Episode 49 I'm Tired of Worrying About....and Wisdom from an 8 year old.

Episode 49 I'm Tired of Worrying About....and Wisdom from an 8 year old.

It's truly incredible how much wisdom can be gained from a simple moment of sitting on the curb at the bus stop. Are there worries that seem to cling to your thoughts relentlessly? Come, join me as I delve into the insights offered by 8-year-old Luke, shedding light on our genuine necessities. Absolutely brilliant!

YouWeek is coming September 11-15! Join us for 5 rollicking nights of encouragement, tools and wisdom to make your life feel easy again! Sign up here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠.

You'll be glad you did!

Now, settle in and get comfy. Grab a cup of tea. Join Beth, Jenn, and Jaycine to learn how to take great care of yourself and help others along the way. Create the life you love! You can. You will. Just keep going.

Just FYI:

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try the 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and our weekly ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ sessions  and increase your ability to create your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try itfree for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage? 

A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly

❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations.

❤TreVega Book Club meets weekly on Wednesdays to learn and discuss together as they explore the latest self-help and other wonderful reading. 

❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience. 

 All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Sep 09, 202338:38
Episode 48 FisBe: No, it's not a plastic disc you throw....

Episode 48 FisBe: No, it's not a plastic disc you throw....

This week we're talking about FisBe. Nope, it's not a plastic disc you throw. Listen in and see!

YouWeek is coming September 11-15! Join us for 5 rollicking nights of encouragement, tools and wisdom to make your life feel easy again! Sign up here:

You'll be glad you did!

Now, settle in and get comfy. Grab a cup of tea. Join Beth, Jenn, and Jaycine to learn how to take great care of yourself and help others along the way. Create the life you love! You can. You will. Just keep going.

Just FYI:

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try the 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and our weekly ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ sessions  and increase your ability to create your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage?

A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly

❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations.

❤TreVega Book Club meets weekly on Wednesdays to learn and discuss together as they explore the latest self-help and other wonderful reading.

❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.

 All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Sep 02, 202343:43
Episode 47 Difficult People
Aug 26, 202348:59
Episode 46 Threshold Guardians

Episode 46 Threshold Guardians

This week we're talking about threshold guardians, those life circumstances and events that prove us and help us along our hero's journey. All of this is preparatory for YouWeek coming September 11-15. Join us for 5 rollicking nights of encouragement, tools and wisdom to make your life feel easy again! Sign up here:

Now, settle in and get comfy. Grab a cup of tea. Join Beth, Jenn, and Jaycine to learn how to take great care of yourself and help others along the way. Create the life you love! You can. You will. Just keep going.

Today I choose to be the creator of my life experience. 

I have within me light and truth, all the power needed to grow and progress.

Given gifts and talents unique to my God-given purpose, I am different by design.

I embrace those differences and create according to the inspiration and guidance of the Master Creator.

I can trust and walk arm-in-arm with Him. 

As I listen, He will direct my path. 

Walking together, He is a dependable mentor and leader; my creative ability is amplified and expanded.

I see more clearly, understand more deeply, and am lifted to compassion and hope. 

I am centered and powerful, walking with my Creator. 

It’s a funny mix of humble, weak, and empowered that baffles me but feels great. 

Today I will stay in His God-flow and be the creator of my life experience. Together we will do great things.

I can and I will.  

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and our weekly ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ sessions  and increase your ability to create compassion in your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage? A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly

❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations.

❤TreVega Book Club meets weekly on Wednesdays to learn and discuss together as they explore the latest self-help and other wonderful reading. ❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.  All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Aug 19, 202342:27
Episode 45 The Creator-based® Manifesto

Episode 45 The Creator-based® Manifesto

Ready for more peace and happiness in your day? Join Beth, Jenn, and Jaycine to learn how to take great care of yourself and help others along the way. Create the life you love! You can. You will. Just keep going.

July is our 30-day challenge month, and this is the last week! Read the affirmation out loud every day this month and watch things change. Let us know what amazing things Life brings you as you embrace your role as the creator of your life! 

Today I choose to be the creator of my life experience. 

I have within me light and truth, all the power needed to grow and progress.

Given gifts and talents unique to my God-given purpose, I am different by design.

I embrace those differences and create according to the inspiration and guidance of the Master Creator.

I can trust and walk arm-in-arm with Him. 

As I listen, He will direct my path. 

Walking together, He is a dependable mentor and leader; my creative ability is amplified and expanded.

I see more clearly, understand more deeply, and am lifted to compassion and hope. 

I am centered and powerful, walking with my Creator. 

It’s a funny mix of humble, weak, and empowered that baffles me but feels great. 

Today I will stay in His God-flow and be the creator of my life experience. Together we will do great things.

I can and I will.  

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and our weekly ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ sessions  and increase your ability to create compassion in your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage? A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly

❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations.

❤TreVega Book Club meets weekly on Wednesdays to learn and discuss together as they explore the latest self-help and other wonderful reading. ❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.  All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Aug 12, 202348:33
A Creator-based® Life Episode 44 The "Responsible" Woman

A Creator-based® Life Episode 44 The "Responsible" Woman

Ready for more peace and happiness in your day? Join Beth, Jenn, and Jaycine to learn how to take great care of yourself and help others along the way. Create the life you love! You can. You will. Just keep going.

July is our 30-day challenge month. Wanna join us? Read the affirmation out loud every day this month and watch things change. Let us know what amazing things Life brings you as you embrace your role as the creator of your life! 

Today I choose to be the creator of my life experience. 

I have within me light and truth, all the power needed to grow and progress.

Given gifts and talents unique to my God-given purpose, I am different by design.

I embrace those differences and create according to the inspiration and guidance of the Master Creator.

I can trust and walk arm-in-arm with Him. 

As I listen, He will direct my path. 

Walking together, He is a dependable mentor and leader; my creative ability is amplified and expanded.

I see more clearly, understand more deeply, and am lifted to compassion and hope. 

I am centered and powerful, walking with my Creator. 

It’s a funny mix of humble, weak, and empowered that baffles me but feels great. 

Today I will stay in His God-flow and be the creator of my life experience. Together we will do great things.

I can and I will.  

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and our weekly ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ sessions  and increase your ability to create compassion in your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage? A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly

❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations.

❤TreVega Book Club meets weekly on Wednesdays to learn and discuss together as they explore the latest self-help and other wonderful reading. ❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.  All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Aug 05, 202341:01
Episode 43 Creating Miracles in Real Life

Episode 43 Creating Miracles in Real Life

Ready for more peace and happiness in your day? Join Beth, Jenn, and Jaycine to learn how to take great care of yourself and help others along the way. Create the life you love! You can. You will. Just keep going.

July is our 30-day challenge month. Wanna join us? Read the affirmation out loud every day this month and watch things change. Let us know what amazing things Life brings you as you embrace your role as the creator of your life! 

Today I choose to be the creator of my life experience. 

I have within me light and truth, all the power needed to grow and progress.

Given gifts and talents unique to my God-given purpose, I am different by design.

I embrace those differences and create according to the inspiration and guidance of the Master Creator.

I can trust and walk arm-in-arm with Him. 

As I listen, He will direct my path. 

Walking together, He is a dependable mentor and leader; my creative ability is amplified and expanded.

I see more clearly, understand more deeply, and am lifted to compassion and hope. 

I am centered and powerful, walking with my Creator. 

It’s a funny mix of humble, weak, and empowered that baffles me but feels great. 

Today I will stay in His God-flow and be the creator of my life experience. Together we will do great things.

I can and I will.  

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and our weekly ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ sessions  and increase your ability to create compassion in your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage? A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly

❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations.

❤TreVega Book Club meets weekly on Wednesdays to learn and discuss together as they explore the latest self-help and other wonderful reading. ❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.  All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Jul 29, 202330:55
Episode 42 Self-care and the Summer Slide

Episode 42 Self-care and the Summer Slide

Ready for more peace and happiness in your day? Join Beth, Jenn and Jaycine to learn how to take great care of yourself and help others along the way. Create the life you love! You can. You will. Just keep going.

July is our 30-day challenge month. Wanna join us? Read the affirmation out loud every day this month and watch things change. Let us know what amazing things Life brings you as you embrace your role as the creator of your life! 

Today I choose to be the creator of my life experience. 

I have within me light and truth, all the power needed to grow and progress.

Given gifts and talents unique to my God-given purpose, I am different by design.

I embrace those differences and create according to the inspiration and guidance of the Master Creator.

I can trust and walk arm-in-arm with Him.

As I listen, He will direct my path.

Walking together, He is a dependable mentor and leader; my creative ability is amplified and expanded.

I see more clearly, understand more deeply, and am lifted to compassion and hope.

I am centered and powerful, walking with my Creator.

It’s a funny mix of humble, weak, and empowered that baffles me but feels great.

Today I will stay in His God-flow and be the creator of my life experience. Together we will do great things.

I can and I will.  

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and our weekly ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ sessions  and increase your ability to create compassion in your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage? A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly

❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations.

❤TreVega Book Club meets weekly on Wednesdays to learn and discuss together as they explore the latest self-help and other wonderful reading. ❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.  All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Jul 22, 202327:18
Episode 41 Where is Your Center?

Episode 41 Where is Your Center?

Ready for more peace and happiness in your day? Find your creator center and embrace it! Today's podcast will show you how.

July is our 30-day challenge month. Wanna join us? Read the affirmation out loud every day this month and watch things change. Let us know what amazing things Life brings you as you embrace your role as the creator of your life! Today I choose to be the creator of my life experience. I have within me light and truth, all the power needed to grow and progress. Given gifts and talents unique to my God-given purpose, I am different by design. I embrace those differences and create according to the inspiration and guidance of the Master Creator. I can trust and walk arm-in-arm with Him. As I listen, He will direct my path. Walking together, He is a dependable mentor and leader; my creative ability is amplified and expanded. I see more clearly, understand more deeply, and am lifted to compassion and hope. I am centered and powerful, walking with my Creator. It’s a funny mix of humble, weak, and empowered that baffles me but feels great. Today I will stay in His God-flow and be the creator of my life experience. Together we will do great things. I can and I will.  ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and our weekly ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ sessions  and increase your ability to create compassion in your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage? A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly ❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations. ❤TreVega Book Club meets weekly on Wednesdays to learn and discuss together as they explore the latest self-help and other wonderful reading. ❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.  All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Jul 15, 202317:32
Episode 39 Creating Courage, Triumph & Security through Compassion

Episode 39 Creating Courage, Triumph & Security through Compassion

Ready for more peace and happiness in your day? Join Jaycine and Jenn, with Beth, as they seek to bring compassion, mindfulness, and hope into your life. In Episode 39, we look at the ability to create courage, triumph and security through Compassion. Wanna join us for the 30-day Create Your Day Challenge? Here is the affirmation: Today I choose to be the creator of my life experience. I have within me light and truth, all the power needed to grow and progress. Given gifts and talents unique to my God-given purpose, I am different by design. I embrace those differences and create according to the inspiration and guidance of the Master Creator. I can trust and walk arm-in-arm with Him. As I listen, He will direct my path. Walking together, He is a dependable mentor and leader; my creative ability is amplified and expanded. I see more clearly, understand more deeply, and am lifted to compassion and hope. I am centered and powerful, walking with my Creator. It’s a funny mix of humble, weak, and empowered that baffles me but feels great. Today I will stay in His God-flow and be the creator of my life experience. Together we will do great things. I can and I will.  ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and our weekly ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ sessions  and increase your ability to create compassion in your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage? A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly ❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations. ❤TreVega Book Club meets weekly on Wednesdays to learn and discuss together as they explore the latest self-help and other wonderful reading. ❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.  All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Jul 08, 202332:42
A Creator-based® Life Episode 40 Compassion and Self-Care

A Creator-based® Life Episode 40 Compassion and Self-Care

Ready for more peace and happiness in your day? Join Jaycine and Jenn, with Beth, as they seek to bring compassion, mindfulness, and hope into your life. In Episode 40, we look at the relationship between self-care and compassion.

 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and our weekly ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ sessions  and increase your ability to create compassion in your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage? A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly ❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations. ❤TreVega Book Club meets weekly on Wednesdays to learn and discuss together as they explore the latest self-help and other wonderful reading. ❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.  All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Jul 08, 202337:33
What Compassion is Not. :) Episode 38

What Compassion is Not. :) Episode 38

Ready for more peace and happiness in your day? Join Jaycine and Jenn, with Beth, as they seek to bring compassion, mindfulness, and hope into your life. In Episode 38, Jaycine and Jenn join us to continue Compassion Month at Creator-based® Coaching. Listen and learn more about what it takes to treat yourself as well as you do your friends!  ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and increase your ability to create compassion in your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage? A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly ❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations. ❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience. Future workshops will help determine your best schedule and balance and make the best you-centered decisions for yourself and those you love. After all, if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!  All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Jun 24, 202330:07
Episode 37 Compassion Part 2

Episode 37 Compassion Part 2

Ready for more peace and happiness in your day? Join Jaycine and Jenn, with Beth, as they seek to bring compassion, mindfulness, and hope into your life. In Episode 37, Jaycine and Jenn join us to continue Compassion Month at Creator-based® Coaching. Listen and learn more about what it takes totreat yourself as well as you do your friends!  ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and increase your ability to create compassion in your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage? A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club? It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly ❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations. ❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience. Future workshops will help determine your best schedule and balance and make the best you-centered decisions for yourself and those you love. After all, if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!  All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope? Can't wait to see you on the page!

Jun 17, 202339:04
Compassion and the Creator-based® Coaches in Training- let's learn together! Episode 36

Compassion and the Creator-based® Coaches in Training- let's learn together! Episode 36

Ready for more peace and happiness in your day? Join the Creator-based® Coaches in training, Alicia and Jenn, with Beth, as they seek to bring compassion, mindfulness, and hope into your life.

In Episode 36, Alicia and Jenn join us to introduce Compassion Month at Creator-based® Coaching. Listen and learn more about what it takes to become a Creator-based® Coach!

 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and increase your ability to create compassion in your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage?

A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club?

It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly

❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations.

❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.

Future workshops will help determine your best schedule and balance and make the best you-centered decisions for yourself and those you love. After all, if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!  All this for $5.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope?

Can't wait to see you on the page!

Jun 10, 202332:56
Episode 35 Listening and Jean

Episode 35 Listening and Jean

Ready for more peace and happiness in your day? Join Jaycine, Jenn, and Beth as they seek to bring compassion, mindfulness, and hope into your life.

In Episode 35, Jean joins us for the last episode of Listening Month at Creator-based® Coaching. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and increase your ability to listen in your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage?

A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club?

It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly

❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations.

❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.

Future workshops will help determine your best schedule and balance and make the best you-centered decisions for yourself and those you love. After all, if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!  All this for $1.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope?

Can't wait to see you on the page!

Jun 03, 202348:54
Episode 34 Rock Paper Scissors...are you listening?

Episode 34 Rock Paper Scissors...are you listening?

Ready for more peace and happiness in your day? Join Jaycine, Jenn, and Beth as they seek to bring compassion, mindfulness, and hope into your life.

In Episode 33, we continue Listening Month at Creator-based® Coaching. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Try 50/50 Girl Club⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Coach n Clear⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and increase your ability to listen in your 'perfect life.  Come, friend, join us!  Try it free for 30 days.  What have you got to lose except for the old, painful, emotional baggage?

A Creator-based® Life is a joyous life.  Through the Creator-based® Way, you can create your one awesome, amazing, perfect life with us!  Do you know about the 50/50 Girl Club?

It includes all this and more right here: Creator-based® Weekly

❤ Weekly live training every Monday to help you live your best life. This month we are learning how to connect confidently with others during the holidays. I know those parties and company or family dinners can be uncomfortable, so we’re talking tools for comfort in uncomfortable situations.

❤Monthly Jumpstart Workshops Every month, a new way to jumpstart your life. We meet on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom- at 9 am Central time.  Come in your Pajamas- it's Saturday, after all.  All Jumpstart Workshops are recorded and posted on the 50/50 Girl Page for your convenience.

Future workshops will help determine your best schedule and balance and make the best you-centered decisions for yourself and those you love. After all, if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!  All this for $1.99 because we want to make the world a better place and make life coaching affordable. Won’t you help us flood the world with compassion, mindfulness, and hope?

Can't wait to see you on the page!

May 27, 202333:10