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Piecing the Parsha Together

Piecing the Parsha Together

By Adam Shulman

A discussion about the structure of the weekly Torah portion
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Parshas Kedoshim - Different Levels of Elevation

Piecing the Parsha TogetherMay 10, 2024

Parshas Bamidbar - The Signficance of the Count

Parshas Bamidbar - The Signficance of the Count

These weeks episode looks at deeper lessons behind textual anomalies from the various censuses in the parsha.

Jun 10, 202410:43
Parshas Bechukosai - The Land

Parshas Bechukosai - The Land

This episode connects the blessings mentioned in this week's parsha with the blessings at the end Maseh Bereishis.

Jun 04, 202409:06
Parshas Behar - Shemitah at Har Sinai

Parshas Behar - Shemitah at Har Sinai

This week's episode looks at why the Torah makes its connection between shemitah and Har Sinai.

May 24, 202417:60
Parshas Emor - The Many Ways to Sanctify Hashem's Name

Parshas Emor - The Many Ways to Sanctify Hashem's Name

This week's episode looks at the different dimensions of sanctifying Hashem's name that appear in the parsha.

May 17, 202409:26
Parshas Kedoshim - Different Levels of Elevation

Parshas Kedoshim - Different Levels of Elevation

This week's episode looks different ways one can realize sanctity in their service of Hashem that are presented in Parshas Kedoshim.

May 10, 202413:48
Rosh Chodesh - Purity

Rosh Chodesh - Purity

This episode looks at the special way the Torah describe the sin offering on rosh chodesh.

May 07, 202407:55
Parshas Achrei Mos - Approaching Hashem

Parshas Achrei Mos - Approaching Hashem

This week's episode looks at the power of the Yom Kippur experience and connects it to Nadav and Avihu and the rest of the parsha.

May 05, 202416:01
Parshas Mishpatim - The Importance of Interpersonal Laws

Parshas Mishpatim - The Importance of Interpersonal Laws

This week's episode looks at how the civil laws of this week's parsha connect to the revelation at Har Sinai.

May 05, 202407:51
Pesach and Shir HaShirim

Pesach and Shir HaShirim

This episode looks at the connections between Shir HaShirim and the different parts of the holiday of Pesach.

Apr 28, 202410:06
Parshas Metzora - Rejoining the Community

Parshas Metzora - Rejoining the Community

This week's episode looks at similarities between the Passover offering and the purification process of the metzora.

Apr 19, 202410:02
Parshas Tazria - Focus

Parshas Tazria - Focus

This week's episode uses a few midrashim to help identify a key message from this week's parsha.

Apr 19, 202415:50
Parshas Shemini - Creation and the Mishkan

Parshas Shemini - Creation and the Mishkan

This week's episode looks at several connections between Parshas Bereishis and Parshas Shemini.

Apr 11, 202410:35
Parshas Tzav - Tzav and Korach

Parshas Tzav - Tzav and Korach

This week's episode looks at connections between Parshas Tzav and Korach.

Apr 01, 202408:49
Parshas Vayikra - The Symbolism of the Mishkan and the Korbanos

Parshas Vayikra - The Symbolism of the Mishkan and the Korbanos

This episode tries to connect Parshas Vayikra to the end of Sefer Shemos and the holiday of Purim

Mar 25, 202412:53
Parshas Pekudei - Rising Above the Evil Eye

Parshas Pekudei - Rising Above the Evil Eye

This episode discusses why Moshe provides an accounting of the mishkan at this point n the Torah.

Mar 15, 202410:03
Parshas Vayakhel - Our Relationship with Hashem

Parshas Vayakhel - Our Relationship with Hashem

This week's episode offers a reason why the Torah spends so much time discussing the mishkan.

Mar 08, 202407:08
Parshas Ki Sisa - Giving All You Got

Parshas Ki Sisa - Giving All You Got

The week's episode looks at the different types of giving demonstrated at the beginning of the parsha.

Mar 01, 202409:45
Parshas Tetzaveh - The Power of Speech in the Mishkan

Parshas Tetzaveh - The Power of Speech in the Mishkan

This episode looks at several places in the parshas that highlight the importance of and power of our speech

Feb 22, 202414:25
Parshas Terumah - The Mishkan and Har Sinai

Parshas Terumah - The Mishkan and Har Sinai

This weeks episode shows the connection between the mishkan and Har Sinai.

Feb 16, 202412:58
Parshas Yisro - Rejoice in the Trembling

Parshas Yisro - Rejoice in the Trembling

This week's episode looks at the dual nature of the divine revelation at Har Sinai.

Feb 02, 202410:60
Parshas Beshalach - Yosef's Coffin

Parshas Beshalach - Yosef's Coffin

This episode discusses why the Torah mentions Moshe taking Yosef's coffin as the Jews leave Egypt and how this fits with the story of the Jews leaving Egypt.

Jan 29, 202406:48
Parshas Bo - The Last Three Makkos

Parshas Bo - The Last Three Makkos

This week's episode looks at the last three plagues as their own distinct unit.

Jan 19, 202412:25
Parshas Va'era - Of Jobs and Wild Animals

Parshas Va'era - Of Jobs and Wild Animals

The week's episode tries to find a lesson for one's livelihood in the plague of wild animals.

Jan 17, 202414:02
Parsahs Shemos - Moshe's Development as a Leader

Parsahs Shemos - Moshe's Development as a Leader

This week's episode looks as the long period of Moshe's development into the ultimate leader of the Jewish people.

Jan 15, 202414:00
Parshas Vayechi - Yakov's Blessing to Ephraim and Menashe

Parshas Vayechi - Yakov's Blessing to Ephraim and Menashe

This episode tries to understand the entire story of Yakov's blessing of Ephraim and Menashe and how it fits into the end of Yakov's life.

Dec 29, 202318:00
Parshas Vayigash - Famine and the Lure of Mitzryim

Parshas Vayigash - Famine and the Lure of Mitzryim

This week's episode looks at the pattern of the avos seeking to go down to Egypt during times of famine.

Dec 22, 202310:00
Parshas Mikeitz - Dreams

Parshas Mikeitz - Dreams

This episode looks at the dreams of this week's parsha and the haftorah.

Dec 22, 202310:00
Parshas Vayeishev - Who Can Hurt Us?

Parshas Vayeishev - Who Can Hurt Us?

This week's episode examine the brother's ability to hurt Yosef and what impact that has on the Jewish people as they live in exile.

Dec 08, 202314:28
Parshas Vayishlach - The Story of Dinah

Parshas Vayishlach - The Story of Dinah

This week's episode discusses the importance of Dinah to the story of the avos and the construction of the Jewish people.

Dec 01, 202308:11
Parshas Vayeitzei - Yaakov and the Future

Parshas Vayeitzei - Yaakov and the Future

This episode looks at Yaakov's encounters with angels and the significance of each.

Nov 24, 202311:51
Parshas Toldos - This World vs. the Next World part 4

Parshas Toldos - This World vs. the Next World part 4

This episode seeks to discover another iteration of a recurring theme in Sefer Bereishis.

Nov 17, 202306:02
The Bowing of Avraham and Eliezer

The Bowing of Avraham and Eliezer

This episode looks at the similarities between Avraham and Eliezer's bowing in this week's parsha.

Nov 17, 202308:21
Parshas Vayera - Avraham and Noach part 2

Parshas Vayera - Avraham and Noach part 2

This week's episode finds further parallels between the lives of Avraham and Noach

Nov 03, 202308:21
Parshas Lech Lecha - Noach and Avraham part 1

Parshas Lech Lecha - Noach and Avraham part 1

This episode compares the stories of Avraham and Noach

Nov 03, 202310:50
Parshas Noach - Trying to Recover from the Flood

Parshas Noach - Trying to Recover from the Flood

This episode looks at the idea of repentance in the parsha and how Noach tried to repair the world after the Flood.

Oct 20, 202317:33
Parshas Bereishis - The Importance of the Oral Torah

Parshas Bereishis - The Importance of the Oral Torah

This weeks episode demonstrates how the Torah both begins and ends with an emphasis and the importance of the Torah Sheba'al Peh, the Oral Torah.

Oct 11, 202309:40
Parshas V'Zos HaBracha - The Torah's Final Lesson

Parshas V'Zos HaBracha - The Torah's Final Lesson

This weeks episode looks at a verse from the beginning of the parsha and the end of the parsha to identify a final lesson the Torah wishes to impart to its readers.

Oct 11, 202311:00
Parshas Korach - A Deeper Look at Korach's Agenda

Parshas Korach - A Deeper Look at Korach's Agenda

This week's episode looks at Moshe's seemingly odd response to Korach's complaints to discover a deeper meaning to Korach's agenda

Oct 11, 202310:09
Succos - The Introduction to the Holiday Torah Reading

Succos - The Introduction to the Holiday Torah Reading

This episode discusses the connection between the opening verses of the Torah reading and the Torah reading itself.

Sep 29, 202310:04
Yom Kippur - The Song of Teshuvah

Yom Kippur - The Song of Teshuvah

This episode attempts to find a connection between Parshas Ha'azinu and Yom Kippur.

Sep 24, 202305:25
Parshas Ha'azinu - The Arc of Jewish History

Parshas Ha'azinu - The Arc of Jewish History

This week's episode shows how the parsha contains echos of earlier events of the story of the Jewish people in the Torah.

Sep 24, 202309:23
Parshas Nitzavi-Vayelech - Reconnecting through the Final Mitzvos of the Torah

Parshas Nitzavi-Vayelech - Reconnecting through the Final Mitzvos of the Torah

This week's episode looks at the final two commandments in the Torah and shows how their are an appropriate way to end the Torah as well as the Jewish year.

Sep 18, 202306:38
Rosh Hashanah - The Themes of Musaf in the Rosh Hashanah Torah Reading

Rosh Hashanah - The Themes of Musaf in the Rosh Hashanah Torah Reading

The episode traces the themes of Malchios, Zichronos, and Shofros in the Torah reading of the first day of Rosh Hashanah.

Sep 18, 202312:55
Parshas Ki Savo

Parshas Ki Savo

This week's episode looks at the importance of all Jews being responsible for each other.

Sep 01, 202306:25
Parshas Ki Saytzei - Lesson from the Ordering of Mitzvos

Parshas Ki Saytzei - Lesson from the Ordering of Mitzvos

This episode tries to glean broader perspectives about some of the mitzvos in the parsha by looks at Rashi's comments about their sequencing.

Sep 01, 202312:38
Parshas Shoftim - The Torah's View on Leadership

Parshas Shoftim - The Torah's View on Leadership

This week's episode look at what the Torah has to say about all of the different leadership roles that appear in this week's parsha.

Aug 25, 202312:00
Parshas Re'eh - Jewish Eating

Parshas Re'eh - Jewish Eating

This episode tries to understand the repeated command about consuming blood that occurs in the beginning and end of the parsha.

Aug 13, 202314:10
Parshas Eikev - Ahron's Role in the Sin of Golden Calf

Parshas Eikev - Ahron's Role in the Sin of Golden Calf

This episode tries to explain the verses in this week's parsha which discuss Ahron's role in the Sin of the Golden Calf.

Aug 11, 202307:29
Tisha B'Av and Va'Eschanan - Rising Above to See the Good

Tisha B'Av and Va'Eschanan - Rising Above to See the Good

This week's episode looks at different words used to describe the account of the spies and sees a way to rise above their failing from this week's parsha.

Jul 28, 202315:00
Parshas Devarim - Do Not Fear

Parshas Devarim - Do Not Fear

This week's episode looks at the connection between the appointment of the judges and the story of the spies.

Jul 21, 202306:05