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Women Rising Together

Women Rising Together

By Addie Scharff Helbling

This podcast is about inspiring women to dream big, grow, set impossible goals and become the best version of themselves... regardless of background, ethnicity, or level of education.
Not to settle for dullness, or anything less than what they truly desire in life!
Our dreams ARE possible, if we but set our mind to it. We just have to desire and decide.
Life is too short, so let's get after the life of your dreams!
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Women Rising TogetherMay 07, 2024



If someone offered to trade lives with you, who would that be, and would you do it?

My guess is that there is no one you know personally (there isn’t for me) that you would trade your ENTIRE life with!

Because even when we whine and complain about life, deep down we love our life so much, but sometimes we just think we don’t!

The easier and greatest journey would be to LOVE the MOST of what we have, while continuing to pursue an even better life.

Not because we hate our current life, but because we just want more. It’s ok to want more.

We can want more for us, for those we love, and for the world.

From this perspective… what an amazing journey this life can be!!

What is AMAZING in your life right now? Something you would be devastated if you lost it??

When we look at life that way, it will become more and more that way… it’s the LAW of the universe.

So, the trade-off is: instead of focusing on why life is not as grand as you wish it was, trade your POV… turn AWAY from that ‘not so happy’ reality and create a new one just by refocusing on what you love NOW, because that will inspire and drive you to create more of it. 

There is no limit to what you can manifest, and you can start right now.

Make a list: What are the things you’d be devastated if you lost them… and start to love and celebrate having them.




If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

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INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together


PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

⁠Women Rising Together | Facebook⁠

May 28, 202419:36
May 21, 202419:13


When the brain says “I can’t afford” it right now… Is it really true?

Or would it be better to say, I rather spend my money on something else, or I don’t value that right now?

“I don’t have time”… that’s a lie, how others do so much more “I don’t know how”… how about if you just start you’ll find out along the way & grow as you find out “What will “they” think?”… A better choice would be to inspire them instead… if someone is going to judge you, they ALREADY do!

If we’re constantly saying (and our subconscious is listening and manifesting) that we can’t do something we actually wish we “could” do, we are digging a bigger whole for ourselves in that direction!

(Think of Oprah vs a whining person you know, who blames everything and everyone… what’s the difference the two? Their thoughts)

Instead let’s focus on how (for example) if the real reason I can’t “afford” something (self-development comes to mind), doing it would cure the problem, by improving our skills, our ability to be able to “afford” it!

Is that TRUE or do I value something else more, maybe having that money in the bank not doing anything!

It’s best to be truthful with ourselves… like “I don’t trust that I will utilize that knowledge”, is better than “I can’t afford it”. 

Don’t plant that poisonous seed in your mind!

Next time you find yourself stopping yourself from doing something you want to do, try to really examine the truth of the matter, the real “why not” and not believing the excuse your brain if offering.



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

⁠Learn more⁠


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together


PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

⁠Women Rising Together | Facebook

May 14, 202424:03


Dream the undreamnt... Why don’t we dare to even just dream a fantastical dream?

__ Reach for the seemingly unreachable: (You don’t have to do it all alone, or all yourself… just start)

__ Do it for more than just yourself: (Those watching you, especially those who are like you, will be inspired)

__ Do it for more than just the “getting: (Who we become in the process is better than what we achieve)

__ So, is there something in your life that no one you know, or in your family has ever done before, but that you wish you could do? Go for it!


Things to Pioneer in: they don’t have to be monumental things…they can just be something meaningful to YOU, it can be anything that will make your life better, happier, calmer, more enjoyable.

__ Not doing things you don’t want to do, just because you’re expected to do them.

__ Not doing things that make me feel uncomfortable, for whatever reason, such as “respect your elders”, attend the funeral of a family member you hated, no matter who doesn’t like it.

__ Honoring your feelings: after a certain age you don’t want to be part of your childhood religion

__ When we keep quiet, and hide our true dreams or emotions, we have no idea who we’re not helping or what hurtful secrets we’re keeping. Be a Pioneer in any way that suits you, that highlights your talents, your dreams, your abilities, and most importantly your ambition for HOW you want to live YOUR life!


If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service


OR text START to 88788

⁠Learn more⁠


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together


PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

⁠Women Rising Together | Facebook⁠

May 07, 202427:44


You've heard of the phrase “Pros & Cons”, right?

Mostly everything in life has pros & cons, including us!

Up has down, high has low, happy has sad, day has night, light has dark… all most in balance, but too much of even a good thing can become a con.

Where do our CONs live? Our bodies, our minds, our memories?

They became part of us, based on our upbringing, and our surroudings growing up.

What are they? They are our bad habits, fears, laziness, insecurities, doubt, not feeling worthy, and they keep us down in the dumps, where don’t want to be!

Side note: Laziness does not need to be a con! Examples:

__Someone robs a bank… that’s stupid lazy! Don’t be that.

__Someone who never does their yard work, weeds will take over, even becoming a hazard. Be smart lazy and hire that out, find a way to make that is not send you to prison!

 How do we minimize them? (it’s not possible to banish them forever!) (Make friends with them (but not BFFs!)… it can be a guest, a passenger, a distant friend/relative),


AND by Nurturing/Focusing our PROs and strengths (because what we think, we become):

(example: Clean kitchen, organized closet, beautiful garden, etc.)


CATEGORIZE and tackle things individually (at home or work).  

This is HARD work! Try a cleaning schedule, I do this (since everything starts at home (what happens inside our homes shapes our lives).


Book mentioned. Sacred Space by Denise Linn

Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of Your Home: Linn, Denise: 9780345397690: Books



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 

800-799-7233 OR text START to 88788

⁠Learn more⁠


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together


PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

⁠Women Rising Together | Facebook⁠

Apr 30, 202421:07


The day you took your first breath was the beginning of the shaping of the life you have now.


The people who raised you shaped you… (rich, poor, famous, kind, mean, educated…)


Your life experiences shaped you… (we’re like a recipe!)


It has not been a straight road… all the bends and turns left an imprint in you, in how you see yourself.

It’s the same for me.  

But your future (and mine) is yet to be written.


From here on out, you hold in your hand, or better yet in your mind, the paintbrush that can paint and bring to reality a future you envision.


So, overcoming brings about a new result, a result we want to bring about, on purpose.


95% of the population wants this… why are we not where we want to be, what’s holding us back?


Our resistance to overcoming our current self, that’s what!


What steps can you take right now, where you are, to overcome your current self, your current life?


Start now, right where you are.




If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 

800-799-7233 OR text START to 88788

⁠Learn more⁠


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together


PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

⁠Women Rising Together | Facebook⁠

Apr 23, 202420:09


As you start to believe in limitlessness, things will start to show up in your life, to LINE UP with you!


__ 1 We’re all limitless beyond measure… know that, get it in your heart & soul, research it, study it, practice it, TEST it.

__ 2 Don’t be afraid to experiment/to fail… go after things you really want, start with simple “attainable” things that will boost your confidence… Example #3

__ 3 I have tested this, our house, our gate, are both pure proof… I too am doing this work… let’s do it together!

__ 4 Don’t look up to those whose life you would not want to live.

__ 5 Don’t look to your (preprogrammed) past, look to doing something new to get new results.

__ 6 Get out of comfortness.  Comfort is a killer of dreams… do the uncomfortable, unless you want to stay the same.


Open your mind to see how limitless you truly are (look for evidence if you must), research it, read books on it, hire a coach, etc.


I am not ‘telling’ you what to do, even if it sounds like it…

This is also the work of my life, I’m walking this path along side with you, inviting you to come along. Let’s go, let’s get it ours… no one else will claim what’s yours.  It’s yours and yours alone.

Most of us don’t believe this truth…

“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”

– Carl Sagan, Astronomer and planetary scientist.




If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

⁠Learn more⁠


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together



⁠Women Rising Together | Facebook⁠

Apr 16, 202421:04


“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence” – Carl Sagan, Astronomer and planetary scientist


Things we want proof/knowledge of/how to know we don’t believe:

·       How much money a job pays (we don’t think to create our own) We stay even if we hate it

·       We put a CAP on what we can achieve (never trying to buy a home)

·       We have limited expectations of what we are capable of (so we remain stuck)

·       Age limitations (Martha biz at 50, some models are 70)

·       Education/lack of (lack of education doesn’t have to mean poverty… not ever, not today!)

·       We stop learning and growing (why?)


Why not just try?

·       If we don’t try something we’ll never know what we’re capableof (or if it’s not for us, cold calling)

·       Failing brings about experience (even benefits… my RE no mort)

·       Growth comes as result of failing over and over (like driving a car), if we’re not growing we’re dying.

·       Let’s adopt to what comes our way (not everyone was poor during the great depression/Covid19)

·       Seeing is not believing… seeing comes as a result of believing.

·       Lastly… picture the possibilities, don’t just draw from the past or just from what know now (what you don’t like in your life has an opposite… a solution!)




If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

⁠Learn more⁠


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together


PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

⁠Women Rising Together | Facebook

Apr 09, 202423:26


What if instead of thinking something was “too late” for us, we let the new wave of women of today, some in their 60s, 70s (like Joan, IG: Joan MacDonald @trainwithjoan) inspire us?


While it’s true that there may be things we can’t physically do after certain age, it’s also likely that we would not desire to do them, to put in the effort.


However, if you have a DEEP DESIRE to do something, it’s very likely that if you set out to do it, you will find a way to do it.

 Joan (mentioned before) was 70, and 70 lbs overweight when she started training with weights, and at 78 she’s still going strong.


What are most 70 yrs olds in your life doing??


What happens if we’ve “missed the boat”? 

RE-THINK things… look for evidence that it’s possible to course-correct… it will most likely not take much effort to do so!


The human body is an amazing miraculous machine…

it can (if not damaged beyond repair) repair itself… best news ever!!


Small effort produces amazing results…

(like working out)


In fact, often the less we do…

(eating less, but healthier) the better the results.


We often feel we’ll have “less freedom”…

 if we change (dieting, changing habits)


Truth is… we will have MORE freedom… (if we prioritize and re-focus our 20% effort), our 80% time will be more enjoyable than if you live life willy-nilly… (causing loss of sleep)…


Course-correcting can be done at any moment…

it just takes deciding.


Decide to start, and take your life in a direction of your choosing… (not like a leaf in the wind)


If you’re wondering but “HOW”??...

Your intuition will guide you, it’s your GPS!!...

When you truly desire something it’s an indication that you are capable of attaining it…

Someone could hand me the exact plans on how to go to Mars at 65, but without a desire is it likely that will do it?


Remember, go inward, the answer lies in your heart, follow you intuition!


Related Podcast episode:

Ep 120: GET M0RE WITH LESS EFFORT Women Rising Together: EP 120 – GET MORE WITH LESS EFFORT on Apple Podcasts



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

⁠Learn more⁠


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together


PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

⁠Women Rising Together | Facebook⁠

Apr 02, 202425:30
Mar 26, 202422:40


Here’s what we’re discussing in today’s episode…

·        Why do we vilify social media, yet we all flock to it?

·        Social media is amazing, and we can use to either our advantage or our detriment… both our choice.

·        Focus on the best version of you, for you.

·        Post for YOU, for your future memories, not for others.  Others will come and go, and all that remains is you.

         Each time you live a moment by enjoying or by posting about it, you’re creating memories of your life, for your future life and for your posterity. Choose wisely.

        Our memories affect our mental and physical health… focus on the best of your life, to create your best life.

·        I’m a lover of all things nature, coaching, family, and food…so I post  about that.

·        Post about what you love, and the more you do the more your life will become just that.


We don’t always have to put it “all” out there for the world to see.  We can pick and choose what memories we look back on as we age.  And the better we choose, the better our life will become.


See you next time!



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

⁠Learn more⁠


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together


PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

⁠Women Rising Together | Facebook⁠

Mar 19, 202423:01


Okay, this principle is going to blow your mind, and make things so much easier and fun in your life!


It means you/your effortless-ness is producing 80% of your "unwanted-ness."

** THIS IS GREAT NEWS, because too often we tell ourselves how overwhelmed we are, but that’s actually not true (it’s only our thoughts)…

But our idea of messy is only ours (even if we have to clean up, just for us)

 ** UP YOUR 20%/EFFORT : What to focus on?

Focus on what you enjoy doing, are good at, is more important, and of greatest value!

Focus on all the things that make you happy and that are good for you now and later, good for you and those you love.


** POUR OVER THINGS YOU LOVE, and they will GROW & overflow in your life


** FOR EXTRA INSPIRATION… Add the element of time constraint...

Add the what I Chopped & Project Runway time limit element… give yourself a time to complete a certain task and commit to it!!



  * working out * eating healthier * home life, everything start at home * giving more at work * watching your finances, etc.


** As we honor our intentions, we become more confident… and you will start to blow your mind!!


Podcast episode mentioned: How I lost 35 lbs.


Vilfredo Federico Damaso Pareto, discovered the 80/20 principle: 20% effort = 80% results…


The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Success by Achieving More with Less by Richard Koch and Nightingale-Conant


TV shows on crunching time:

Project Runway & Chopped




If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

⁠Learn more⁠


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together


PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

⁠Women Rising Together | Facebook⁠

Mar 12, 202420:11


The law of attraction is all-knowing: *Can’t be fooled, tricked *doesn’t know good from bad * right from wrong…


The law of attraction is us, and is IN all of us, and in EVERYthing:

*It works through us, for us * what I do can have an effect on others * what I desire is brought into being by others.


We are, collectively, the manifestors of our lives:

*we affect each other *rely on each other *support/provide for each other *share with each other * learn from each other.


This law works through our subconscious:

*it’s our subconscious * our subconscious does everything/it manifests… it takes orders from our conscious *while we are awake we have thoughts that are like seeds when we sleep * our subconscious is the soil.


*Start by focusing in all that you have now that you love, and are thankful for in your life right now.

Law of attraction books I love:

The Vortex by Esther and Jerry Hicks:

⁠The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships: Hicks, Esther, Hicks, Jerry: 9781401958787: Books⁠


Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard:

⁠Feeling is the Secret (Deluxe Hardcover Book): Neville Goddard: 9789389157208: Books⁠



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

⁠Learn more⁠


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together


PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

⁠Women Rising Together | Facebook⁠

Mar 05, 202422:11


Believing creates a FEELING, and when you truly feel that feeling, is when you set things (creation) in motion.


This means a clearly defined road to the realization of your dreams.

And it’s the law of the universe, of how things work… and it’s handled by our consciousness!


In order to operate this law, we need to understand the conscious (male) & the subconscious (female)


The conscious generates ideas and impresses those ideas into the subconscious, while the subconscious RECEIVES these ideas and gives FORM & EXPRESSESS (good or bad) these ideas into our reality.

In other words, it MANISTESTS them!

Ideas are conveyed to the subconscious through our TRUE FEELINGS.  

This doesn’t mean suppression or restraint of one’s feeling, but rather consciously controlling our feelings, or disciplining of self, to imagine and entertain feelings that contribute to your happiness.


Indulging, dwelling, or entertaining feelings of wrong, unhappiness or imperfection, will be impressed upon the subconscious and it will work to manifest these things in our lives.

So… BEWARE that the DOMINANT of two feelings is the one that will be EXPRESSED… (it’s LAW), to become a reality.


Lastly, effort is counterproductive. Yay, I don’t need to move heaven and earth myself in order to make my dreams come true… thank you!


Practice, practice, practice… feeling and believing (act as if) your desired is here, because in fact, it IS.

In some alternate universe the reality you seek already exists, but you must PICTURE, FEEL, and BELIEVE your way to it. 

Your imagination and your subconscious will lead you.  Allow yourself to be lead to your desired life and future.

Books featured: 

The Vortex by Esther and Jerry Hicks:

The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships: Hicks, Esther, Hicks, Jerry: 9781401958787: Books


Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard:

Feeling is the Secret (Deluxe Hardcover Book): Neville Goddard: 9789389157208: Books



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Feb 27, 202426:38
Feb 19, 202418:44


The After-the-Super-Bowl-58 Episode!!

 As we watched this amazing game, eating and drinking all the delicious things that would most likely kill us, quickly, if we ate them daily and in the same quantities, we most likely did not reflect on what it takes to get to be in the championship of our division or niche, to then get to have the opportunity to be the “best of the best”… that year!


As you most likely know, the top 20 of the population MAKES/controls 80% of the wealth, while the remaining 80% SHARES the remaining 20%!

WHY is that?

Keeping also in mind that being at “the top” changes (WHATEVER the best is you’re going for), and there are so MANY fields… and that nothing is a zero-sum game.


There are endless CATEGORIES and CONSUMERS for everything, that we can’t ever run out of possibilities in which to excel at.


Can we take notes from these players and keep showing up for ourselves no matter what?

Even when someone else (even our competition) wins, and we have to go back and start over?

Do we have the BELIEF in what we’re marching towards, in OUR dream, to keep going?


My wish is that your dream will keep you marching toward it UNTIL you reach it.




If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Feb 13, 202419:06


Are you doing too much of the things you don’t want to do, and not enough of what you do want?


Here’s the thing…

* There will never be a shortage of people thinking you didn’t do enough OR that you do too much of something! But we all do that at times, and the thing is it’s no big deal because eventually all we truly care about is about the things that matter to us.


* So, you might as well do what is enough for YOU, and less of what it’s not!

* We’re all different, so what’s too much or not enough for each one of us is going to vary… BUT it doesn’t mean we’re not going to judge each other for it, and who cares anyway.  Do YOU, what makes you a better and happier person.

* Doing what’s best for YOU serves EVERYONE in the long run because you’re showing up as the BEST version of you!


Thank you, Shonda Rhimes for this advice!!
In her book Year of YES (affiliate link below), Shonda Rhimes (creator of Grey’s Anatomy,

Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder), and yes I quoted her on Ep 114 also, she makes a clear point on doing things YOU want to do, how you want to do them, and not let yourself guilt yourself for not doing what others want you to do how they want you to do them! AMEN to that!!


So focus more on what you want and you and all those you love will be the better for it because you’ll be showing up as the best version of YOU.





If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Feb 07, 202420:15


As a life coach you don’t just wake up one day and decide to be a life coach…

it’s a journey of self-discovery and self-healing that brings us to a knowing that we can help others discover how amazing life truly is/can be, that propels us forth.


Part of my journey has been reading endless books on self-improvement, and today I want to share three of those books with you.

At least that’s been my journey… and today the books I what to share a couple of takeaways from are:


*Sacred Space by Denise Linn


“You are not separate from your home.”

Everything starts at home… which we know because too many of us are traumatized by things happened to us at home as children.

When you have peace at home, the rest starts to fall into place.

Create (now!) a home YOU love to be in/at, not for “others”.


*Year of YES by Shonda Rhimes (creator of Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder)


Don’t let comparison (you to them) ruin your life…

Do what you want, how you want to do it.

To really see how what “we think about most becomes our reality”, for better or for worse.


*Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck


Who are “they” anyway? The people we are afraid will judges and therefore we stay small.

Who cares about what “they” think?  Only your ‘social self’ cares, but our essential self can leads us to where we truly want to be. Follow your intuition, what makes you truly happy.

*The above links are affiliate links.



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Jan 30, 202422:15


Alright, so it’s a given we are born with the capacity to do anything we truly want to do in life.

Ability is what we must acquire in order to reach different levels of our capacity.


That’s such a simple concept, but too many of let fear get in our way.

Let’s talk about the difference between the two and how to take action to improve our abilities.

See you inside!


Often we are held back in life because believe we are not capable reaching our dreams, but that’s flawed thinking.


In the movie A Million Milles Away (on Amazon Prime Video now), Jose Hernandez keeps getting rejected by NASA year after and year, and they his wife asks him “What they have that you don’t?”

She’s referring to other applicants that have been accepted into the space program.  He then starts to think about what he needs to improve on in order to learn new skills, develop his ABILITIES in order to stand a better change.


He always had the capacity... He needed to work in his abilities.


The same is true for you and for me… what abilities/skills do we need to work on in order to reach a higher capacity?


I’ve seen people struggle in some of these, just as an example:

If you’re tech challenged… take up computer science, google things, read books

Struggling with a language? Learning a second language that will help you get a better easier job, or help you learn new things faster is a great step to take.

Acquiring a new skill associated with your dream of… painting, making jewelry, making toys (toy by polina)

Developing new habits that move you towards your goals… health, fitness, etc.


Lastly, and most importantly…

Having a DESIRE is KEY… without desire we stay as we are and we will ither away.




If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Jan 23, 202417:35
Jan 16, 202418:52
Jan 09, 202422:44
Jan 03, 202428:55


Happy Holidays 2023, friends.

I want to close out this year with one of my favorite episodes, "What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger."

What a great message to take with us into the New Year…

We’re here and we’re stronger than ever!

Enjoy, I think you’re going to love it, and I look forward to seeing you in 2024!

Happy New Year!!

Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

Dec 27, 202317:07


If people who achieve great success, great fortunes lost it all today, they are the kind of person that can start over again from scratch and rebuild.


How’s that possible? 

Because they have been through what it takes to achieve what they want.


If you set out to go from making 100k a year, to making 500k a year, you will become a different person in the process, even if you fall short! 

Even if you only make 400k, you are no longer a person who can only make 100k a year.

It’s not what you got or didn’t get, it’s who you BECAME in the process!


The biggest thing that happens is that each time we try something new we become the kind of person that is less afraid of taking chances, of failing, of looking ridiculous, like fools, even as failures to other people.


People who dare care more (even if it’s just a little more) about what they want than of what other people think of them.


But people will have opinions about you no matter what.  They will criticize you for sure, but you will not die!


So the journey for me, and I’m inviting you to come along, is to set out to do things we’ve never done before, things we perhaps thought “I’m not the kind of person that could do that”, or whatever it is for you.


Let’s BECOME that… let’s journey towards the unknown, the undreamnt, the extraordinary, the seemingly impossible… together!


One step at a time, no matter how tiny… and the path will reveal itself, and a new even more extraordinary version of you will begin to emerge.


LET’S GO!!! 







If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Dec 26, 202316:06


Why are we so afraid of “failing”?  Most of us fail by not trying… which is the worst thing!

The biggest failing we do, in my opinion is failing as a parent, yet that’s needed in order for us to continue to evolve.

2nd is at marriage… the two most important things we do in life we fail at the most, but we just keep on going any way, as we should.


And guess what else, most of us fail at this in some way, at some point. I don’t think I’ve ever met a perfect parent.

It’s interesting that the most important job we do as humans, we do without any training whatsoever!!

Yet other things in life that would bring us so much joy we are afraid to do because we’re afraid of failing at.


Remember that when we fail at something, if doesn’t mean WE are a failure… we just have more to learn on any given subject, but too often we forget that and see ourselves as “failures” in different areas of life, which is not helpful!


But what if we went into something knowing that we may not get it right at first, but that it doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing.

What if we saw it all as an evolution of sorts, and we took the time to see what we did right and the not so right and took notes on what we could improve on going forward?


And what if we OWNED our “failures” instead of being ashamed of them? Own them and then move one with life.

Especially if we feel we have failed others in our behavior?  It’s not an easy thing to do, but how liberating to own where we think we’ve fallen short and even make amends if need be, then march forward making use of the lessons we’ve learned?





If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Dec 12, 202320:07


What are some beliefs you have discovered that were limiting, wrong, unfair, or downright destructive to yourself, a segment of the population, or humanity as a whole?

Slave owners had certain beliefs, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) have certain beliefs, those who don’t believe in gender equality, in equal pay for men and women, interracial or same sex marriages… they have a set of beliefs.

Here are three ways to debunk beliefs that no longer serve you:


Where does a certain belief that doesn’t serve you come from?

First, a belief is simply a thought we keep thinking.  Nothing more.

Why would you want to get rid of a belief?

The first thing to do is understand how we came to believe something that is no longer serving us.

Who passed it down to us?

Who said that something was so… whatever it is?

For example, women should not ask men to marry them.

If you’re not married by a certain age you’re an old maid/spinster?

If it didn’t come from you, why should you keep it?


How long have you held on to, and practiced this belief? The longer it’s been, the longer it may take to get rid of, depending on what it is.

A belief we’ve been believing for a long time is like a tall thick tree.  No matter how much you push on it with your hands, you will not be able to topple it. But if you start chipping away at its trunk with an ax or a saw, little by little it will start to weaken its trunk. That’s all it takes… a sway in the wind, a wobble in its balance… it’s the same with debunking a long held belief… you can debunk it and topple it over!!


If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

THREE:  Debunking beliefs…

Dec 05, 202318:31


Busier people are generally happier than people who have too much free unfulfilled time to spare. Although it’s great to have free time, if we’re not using in a nurturing way, it can work against us! I’ve noticed that happily busy people don’t usually say things like… No one visits me I’m lonely If only I had a mate If only I had friends Come over anytime Unbussy/unhappy people tend to focus a lot more on the lack, and tend to blame external circumstances for their unhappiness, or hard life. They’re also more likely to reject suggestions on how to help themselves. I have observed that happier people seem to be more passionate about things that matter to them, like… Gardening, sports, hobbies, traveling, care about animals, and overall tend to see more beauty in the world, and create more beauty in their lives. They self-entertain… my husband is that way and I love it. If something is broken or not to your liking in your life, try to fix it as best you can… it’s worth it for your peace of mind. IMPORTANT: If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline! National Domestic Violence Hotline Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 800-799-7233 OR text START to 88788 Learn more Let’s connect on social media! INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below) Women Rising Together | Facebook
Nov 28, 202322:38


If you have ever looked back at how your life has evolved up until now, you may have asked yourself “what was I thinking?”   I know because I’ve done that!   And that was it for me… I was not thinking!!  Not on purpose, not long term, and not with any particular goal in mind.   If that’s you… now’s the time to pay attention and wake up to the current state of your life... if you feel there should be more to life… there can be!   Sometimes we let “good enough for now” drag us along for years, maybe decades… and life is too short for us to miss out on making life as amazing as possible!   And absolutely no judgment here if you’re happy staying the same forever.   But if you’re thinking to yourself “is this all there is?”  this is for you.   It’s time to awaken and become aware. Here are some tips: Google what you want Read books on what you want to change Trade Netflix for Audible if you can’t afford both Listen to podcasts Choose carefully who you follow/who is influencing you Set financial goals (buying a house, paying off a house, saving a certain amount of money, etc.) Learn a new skill           IMPORTANT: If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline! National Domestic Violence Hotline Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service  800-799-7233 OR text START to 88788 Learn more   Let’s connect on social media! INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below) Women Rising Together | Facebook
Nov 21, 202317:49


Learning to own when I am part of a “problem” I’m having has changed my life!


It’s still a work in progress, but if you really think about it and embrace this idea, it means that the solution is also within our control. 

So powerful!


Imagine living a life where you can fix all, or most, of the problems you now have?  Amazing… and it’s true!


How this works:

1.      Think of a problem you’re having, and that you believe someone else is causing it.

2.      Think of the way(s) in which you have contributed in creating said problem? (too often we leave this out)

3.      Examine in detail why you believe it’s “their” fault alone, and your thoughts about it (what are your thoughts telling you?)


When we assign blame for our problems to other people, we take ourselves out of the equation of having co-created the problem, and worse yet, we believe it’s not within out control to fix things… so disempowering!!


There two flawed thoughts:

“I’m not responsible/not my fault/not within my control.”

“This should not be happening.”


None of the two thoughts above serve us.

A better thought would be…

“Why should I be miserable because of the thoughts or how other people choose to live their lives”?


Thoughts to try on/choices to make:

Own your part in the “problem”.

Take control of what you can do/control.

Decide on thoughts to have/an action to take.

Take other people’s past experiences/hurts into account… have compassion for them.




If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Nov 14, 202322:08


The question really is, what is too much or not enough, for YOU?


Are you in too much or not enough-ness on purpose, or by default?


Am we too much into consumption of things that are not good for us (or our loved ones) long-term?


Is what you are DOING/BEING too much or not enough for the long-term OUTCOME you want?


Believe it or not, I used to not have these thoughts!

I was uneducated and felt not enough… I was more vain’ish, and lived in more of a needing to “prove myself” mentality.


I am grateful to have this forward-looking insight… I want to be healthy for my loved ones, for my future self, as it relates to me and how I want to live my life.


Too much can be: Netflix’ing, eating unhealthy, not working out, too much consumption of unhealthy things.


No enough could be: Not evolving, living a forward-looking life on purpose, being an example to those we influence, opting for what we want now instead of abstaining and holding for what we want in the long run.


Are you doing enough of the right things, or too much of the wrong things… keeping long-term results in mind?

Maintaining a steady balance… easy does it. No perfection is required… just steady progress (repetition)


Lastly: Be SELFish each day… This is all for YOU (you want to and choose to)… for your approval.  Not that you don’t think of others, but that you don’t DEPEND on their approval.


GIVEAWAY!!! 30 day offer (good for 30 days from publication of this episode), 4 1-hr free coaching calls.

Spots are limited are on a FCFS basis. DM me code “EP102” on FB or IG to claim your free session.



More to come… stay tuned!!



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Nov 13, 202322:13


Re-Invention Yourself After 50 Rules:   Eventually all the rules will be available in the Re-Inventing Yourself After 50 Workshop, but for now I wanted to share these with you. I think you will find them super useful! Let’s go!!   Rule #1: Know what kind of life you really want. Rule #3: Know what you no longer want in your life. Rule #5: Know that you are the creator of your life. Rule #7: If you don’t change, nothing in your life will either. Rule #16: Know that success requires failing. Rule #19: Pay attention to who is influencing you. Rule #25: Give YOURSELF permission to be who you want to be.   More to come… stay tuned!!   IMPORTANT: If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline! National Domestic Violence Hotline Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service  800-799-7233 OR text START to 88788 Learn more   Let’s connect on social media! INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below) Women Rising Together | Facebook
Oct 31, 202326:51


** It doesn’t matter on what side you are on, if you’re taking sides…  I am not taking sides, but I’m standing for peace.

** What matters is to speak up, say something, do something… donate, pray, fly a flag in support, anything… except staying quiet!!

** I can’t say I truly understand the history of these two nations and why things are how they are, but one thing I know is that this conflict belongs to generations gone by and not to the people of today, not the babies who are being killed by the acts of MEN who want war and revenge.

** The sins or transgressions of our forefathers are not ours to fight, to kill innocent pople over, or to die needlessly for, not unless we take them on.  And by doing so, we prolong the suffering of innocent generations to come.

** I would like to advocate for a new better generation who looks to a new and bright future for their children, and their children’s children.

** A generation known for being a peaceful and prosperous people.




If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Oct 24, 202313:57


Okay, if you’ve been trying to lose weight and have not had results, here’s how I lost 35 lbs, and counting!! 

It has taken me over a year, but I had hit a plateau, which I found a solution to, and now it’s all downhill from here.


I summarized these in the audio, but here are the books in case you want to order them. 

Here it goes… (affiliate links)

I first lost 25 lbs using the advice in Deep Nutrition by Catherine Shanahan M.D.

Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and by Robert H. Lustig After hitting a plateau I again started to lose more weight by using the advice from The Science of Being Well: Complete and Unabridged (Wallace D. Wattles) Best of luck and let me know how it goes for you! IMPORTANT:

If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and by Robert H. Lustig After I hit a plateau I again started to lose more weight by using the advice from The Science of Being Well: Complete and Unabridged (Wallace D. Wattles) Best of luck and let me know how it goes for you! Women Rising Together | Facebook

Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and by Robert H. Lustig After I hit a plateau I again started to lose more weight by using the advice from The Science of Being Well: Complete and Unabridged (Wallace D. Wattles) Best of luck and let me know how it goes for you!

Oct 17, 202316:16


I think it’s possible to be married and still feel like we’re living with our boyfriend of years gone by. 

Here are five ways that have helped me do just that, and I’m confident they’ll help you as well!


1. Remember the beginning:

Anticipation, butterflies, dreams of the future, how you felt, a dream come true… a dream come true, right?


2. Give up trying to change him:

Try changing yourself and see how hard that is… If you could change your bad habits, you’d most likely not care about his.

We only focus on others’ “faults” when WE are not busy enough improving ourselves.

How organized is your closet, your underwear drawer, do you need a pedicure, a haircut, to exercise, to enrich your mind, further your skills, strengthen relationships with family…


3. Focus on his virtues and remember his trials:

Too often we unfortunately forget that we’ve been through difficult times in life, the hurts that have shaped who we are now to a great extent.

When I remember my husband’s trials I love him so much more and have so much more compassion for him.


4. Appreciate him and his efforts:

What does your husband do, as a man, as a husband, as a provider, as a protector, that show you how much he loves you?

Too often after a while we neglect to notice and appreciate our husband’s efforts

Their contribution to our lives together

Their hard work and sacrifices


5. Allow him to be your hero, your protector:

Men want to be our heroes, our protectors, and to PROVIDE for us

When we allow them to be our protectors they thrive!

When we allow our husbands to just be men, we stress less!

When we become graceful receivers and allow them to give to us, we synchronize to each other’s natural innate energy! 



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Oct 10, 202327:28


Did you ever stop to think and appreciate that EVERY man-made thing on this earth now started with a vision?

A vision of something in someone’s mind?


My husband loves to watch the show The (foods, toys, etc) that built America… best example of people who had a vision, an idea and never gave up on it… and we now get to enjoy the fruits of their labor.


Our vision is THE key in making our dreams a reality

What are your biggest dreams?

Is there something in YOUR mind, that someone DECADES from now will be grateful you or I didn’t give up on?


What vision do you have in your mind that’s possible and that the future can benefit from?


That vision is the golden ticket to get you there… the map you need and it’s safely guarded in your imagination


Each time you try and fail, all you need to do is refer back to that vision… don’t take that for granted


You mind is the most magical idea-generating machine ever invented

Everything that has been built by man all over the world was first a vision in someone’s mind


What is in your mind right now that you have not believed was possible?

It’s time to start unraveling it, start manifesting it in your life


How do I do that? 

By trying something… starting at the beginning

Every time you take a step, the path will begin to open




If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Oct 03, 202320:56


First off, what is success?

Success is doing something you set out to do on purpose and you are happy doing it.


If you look around you, you’ll most likely notice that successful people become a certain type of person before becoming successful.


They do a specific thing that propels them to be successful… not 100 things all at once, not being particularly good at any one thing.  It would be ok to be a crafter and do different things, such as rings, earrings, bracelets, but it’s all jewel, and maybe even a specific type of jewelry such as metals or beads, for example.

They are goal-driven in a certain field or craft… such as a cattle rancher, a crops grower, a vineyard owner, a fashion designer, a home decluttering expert, you get the point.


But they focus on that one thing, in that one field… and then BECOME known for that.  Usually when someone becomes famously successful they’ve done a lot of work that most of us don’t know about.


It’s ok to pivot… it’s almost always by trial and error that people find the one thing they’re successful at.


Never give up trying… keep your eye on the prize of your success.  Relentless pursuit will get you there.


Quotes by Jim Rohn

“Work harder on YOURSELF than you do on your job.”

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”

“You don’t get paid for the hour.  You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.” 

“The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far greater value than what you get.”

Mentioned on this episode:

Ep 29 - FAIL FORWARD, FAST of the Women Rising Together podcast: Women Rising Together: Ep. 29 - Fail Forward, Fast on Apple Podcasts  


If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Sep 26, 202320:27


Can we just pause for a moment and try to grasp the reality of the world we live in is?

How everything around us was created?

Our homes, cars, airplanes, GPS, television, smart phones…


EVERYTHING started first in someone’s imagination… WHAT CAN YOU IMAGINE CREATING?


People did NOT KNOW “how” it was going to happen… but they had to rely on the PICTURE in their imagination in order to accomplish the thing!



We are part of the universe’s intelligence… but too often we just don’t think about it enough to grasp the powerful beings we are… our capabilities. 

All that we can do

All that we are capable of doing of creating


There’s a reason we’re here right now… you, me, us!!

Our imagination is the portal through which we enter into our greatness, our potential

What you can become or do, comes from your mind… it’s that simple!


So what is possible for you to imagine and create?

Who can benefit from your creation? 

I know one thing… someone out there is now just waiting for you to come tell them you can help them!


No matter how small our contribution, even IF we can start by helping just one person at a time… it’ll make a world of difference to that ONE person… who can then go on to impact others, in their lives BECAUSE you showed up. That’s powerful!


How to begin… start with the simplest part, the easiest part of your mental picture… your mind will lead you.

Trust your intuition, your imagination, and move forward… the way will open up before you.


And before you know it, you’ll be creating something from a thought you had…

And the more you think the more you can create!



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Sep 19, 202318:21


One of the biggest problems/complaints a lot of people have is “other people’s” behavior, and how that creates problems in our lives…


* What they do

* What they don’t do

* How they do it

* They do too much,

* They don’t do enough

* They do it wrong

*They visit too much

* They don’t visit enough

* They spend too much

* They spend their money on the wrong things (

* They’re too stingy…


I used to not be aware of this… I was myself swimming in the deep end with others about OPPs (other people’s problems)… Oblivious as to the harm this was causing, not just other people, but myself, too.


If someone wanted to complain about someone I’d jump right in the pool with them... what a waste of time and energy.


If you listen /pay attention you’ll know that what I’m talking about is true.  I’m so glad for this knowledge now.


But just talking it about is one thing (still not a good thing though)… but letting what other people do AFFECT us and our lives is something totally different, and this is what I want you to pay attention to.


I’m talking about how deeply are you letting what other people do, how THEY live THEIR lives affect you, how you live your life?



Same thing as when we FEEL / THINK we fall short! Give yourself a break.

Stop thinking about this and just do you, make YOU happy! EP 59 – GIVE OTHERS THE GIFT OF YOUR HAPPINESS. 

Clue: How do you feel when everyone in your life is happy?  As supposed to them being miserable, always wanting and needing you to always do more for them?


So, here’s what I’ve learned… making ourselves happy is the best gift when can give ourselves and our loved ones, and allowing others to just that for themselves… be / live their lives the best they can.  That’s one of the best gifts, if not the best gift we can give each other.


Try it and let me know what you find out!!


Mentioned in this episode:





If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

Learn more


Let’s connect on social media!

INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Sep 12, 202322:06


These are just some of the ways in which coaching has forever changed my life, and I hope there’s something here for you as well.   1. It opened my eyes and mind to the idea that I alone can change anything in my life… Not without help (we are an interdependent society), but not to wait for someone else to do it for me. But by taking initiative and having the desire to change.   2.  That I’m not too late to start, no matter my age I became aware of the impact women of all ages and backgrounds are making today… and I can do the same!   3.  That I create my own reality and it’s not others’ fault that I’m stuck where I am.  Other people may contribute to how I experience life but it’s my responsibility to manage my own mind, thoughts, and action I can take. The KINDS of action I can take, as supposed to no action.  So POWERFUL   4.  That I have the capability to become (right now I’m a sum of my past and current environment) a new better version of myself – I used to think that I was stuck forever, no education, no “significant” skills to really dream big, but wrong was I!!  Likes artists who evolve and get better and better My mind, my life, my personality, and experiences make a unique person and uniquely qualified to help others   5.  That I can change how I see my past and how I tell my story to me – this is huge because I used to not know that too often I was using my story to go into VICTIM mode, a mode in which it’s hard to grow and evolve into a better version of us.  How can I use my “bad” experiences as building blocks for a better future, a better ME!   6. To start learning how to love unconditionally - as people are and this has been a challenge for me and I notice it’s a challenge for a lot of other people as well, but one of the most freeing and rewarding when we make progress. I experience pushback from people when I disagree that people “shouldn’t do” certain things   7. To not care (stress) so much about what others think/expect of me and to people-please less – this can be so hard but again so freeing once we start practicing it. This also teaches you not to expect your happiness and well-being to come from others (for other to please you).     IMPORTANT: If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline! National Domestic Violence Hotline Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service  800-799-7233 OR text START to 88788 Learn more   Let’s connect on social media! INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below) Women Rising Together | Facebook
Sep 05, 202331:09


Back on Ep 63 (not 61, sorry!) – WHEN THE STUDENT IS READY…

2nd correction: I have 7 grandchildren, not 8!! I was thinking how many kids my mom had... 8!

Ok, moving on!

I talked about being really ready to hear what we need to hear, that will move us forward in a desired direction.  Sometimes this is harder to do than we think.


After having listened to the below statements over 5 times, in the Audible book Start Here by Earl Nightingale, I finally got it!

It finally landed… it hit me right in my soul! Are you ready to hear them?


Here they are…

* Columbus cherished a vision of another world, and he DISCOVERED it.

* Copernicus fostered the vision and multiplicity of other worlds in a wider universe, and he REVEALED them.

* Buddha beheld a vision of a spiritual world of stainless beauty and perfect peace, and he ENTERED into it.


** Perhaps you’ll agree with me when I say that your actions (and mine) from your/our past have led you, me, us, to our current reality.


** There was a multitude of possibilities as to where our current reality could end up.


** But you are here, I am here, we are here.

From here on out the possibilities are endless, untold, and just waiting for you, for me, for us, to arrive and claim them.


** Do you understand what this means?  Do you understand the impact this can have on how your future turns out?


** These possibilities:

 Like Columbus’ another world,

Copernicus’ multiplicity of worlds in a wider universe

Buddha’s peaceful world of stainless beauty


Mean that you do not have to “create” them, they already exist in the universe (in your mind), and all you have to do is take intentional, aligned action in their direction and enter into them.


My last and main point is EXAMINE where you are… 

What’s important to you, what areas of your life do wish to change?


Whatever it is… think on it, and plan on marching towards the outcome of the future you desire.



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

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Aug 29, 202329:55


Thoughts not to have… because they do not serve us.

And in fact, they harm us!!


Thought: I never catch a break!

First of all NEVER is too long… and also not true, so why think this or say it? When we say things like this our subconscious takes us at our word.


A better statement or thought could be is “Life has ups and downs, it’s part of being human, things will soon change for the better, I know it!”


Thought: When it rains it pours!

This thought says you’re expecting more bad things, and life gives us what we expect.

A better thought would be “Sometimes it rains and it means flowers are coming” and if by any chance it pours, even more flowers are coming… and maybe even some honey too!!

Having better thoughts tells my subconscious I’m not doomed!


Thought: If it’s not one thing is another!

This sends your subconscious the message that ALL kinds of things keep going wrong, and it will work to confirm that for you in your life.

A better thought would be “Life has challenges sometimes, but I can handle it… I will grow from this, I can do hard things, I’ve got this”!


Notice yourself noticing these negative things… as supposed to the million other things that are going well, even amazing… Like your health, internet, clean running water, that can breathe, a car, a job, a healthy family, a loving partner…


Thought: Money is the root of all evil! Or Money corrupts people!

Remember the quote…

“Circumstances don’t make the man, they reveal him to himself.”

- Epictetus


Having negative thoughts about money will prevent us from becoming rich

Thinking money is hard to come by manifest true in our lives…

Thinking money is easy to come by is a much better though and feels better too.


Thoughts that “other” people are the cause of your unpleasant circumstances.

This takes our power away and gives it to “them”, like we are at their whim.

A better thought would be “Other people have no power over me.  It’s only my thoughts that affect how I feel. I decide my own state of mental well-being, not others.”


Posting too much negativity on SM means you’re thinking about it too much already, and it will expand.

Negativity spreads like wild fire… contain it!!


Thought: I’m my own worst enemy!

This is actually a true statement, but it doesn’t have to be.

How are your relationships… what thoughts do you think, are they becoming true?

People become what of them… expect good of you, from you.  You are infinitely good. That’s the TRUTH

Let’s turn our thinking to the positive side… the silver lining. It’s there, look for it, try it on more often!!




If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

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Aug 22, 202322:50


It’s true that sometimes we are annoyed by what people do or say, how they say it, but not only is it normal, it’s also optional.


We can be annoyed, unhappy, even hurt, but for how long is up to us!


And it’s very important to remember that the ONLY reason we’re annoyed is because of what we are thinking about it, what are making it mean!  

No other reason!


We also forget that too often we misinterpret each other… one person says and means one thing, and we hear and making mean something completely different.


We must also take into account ours, as well as others’ CAPACITY to deal with life’s challenges. 

Almost always how someone acts or interprets things is based on our CAPACITY to cope with life.


When someone is “too controlling” it’s not a reflection of those they want to control, but only of their own capabilities.


Example: When I try to “show” you how to do the dishes or make the bed, it’s only based on MY own brain’s capacity… not of your inadequacy!


But too often we take people’s behavior as a sign that it means something about us… it DOES NOT!!

How others do life has to do with themselves not you.


When we live our life on our terms, and allow others (susan/alan) to do the same, we all win! We’re all better for it… what peace that brings.



Please, do yourself and those you love a favor… don’t DEMAND of THEM to change how they live their lives in or that YOU may be happier… or worse yet, UNHAPPY!


How many people do you know if your life?  10, 100, 200?

Imagine if you had to please everyone in order for them to be happy and if you didn’t they would all recent you for it?


Allow, and receive, what others can freely give of themselves to you… demand nothing, and appreciate what they do give… for it’s all they can do.


No more being miserable because of what others do or say.  All you need to make yourself happy it’s already within you right now.






If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

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Aug 15, 202321:33


Wimpy is defined as... weak, cowardly, feeble!

Feel you’ve been any of these things in your life, maybe in certain relationships or situations and you feel bad, or maybe even mad about it?


I truly do not believe we as women are any of these things, ever!!  There come times when we must make certain choices, which is very different.


So if this is you, stop feeling bad… you did your best with what you were dealing with at that time. We do our best, always.


Sometimes beating ourselves up is even worse than the actual event, and it does not serve us whatsoever to have those thought!


A better thought could be “it was a CHOICE I made”, and OWN it!

At times we may think we allowed ourselves to be abused or mistreated in some way, but is that really true?

Did you have other better choices and you just chose to take the “abuse” or where you being wise under you current circumstances?


When we tell ourselves we had no choice, we continue to feel we were powerless.

But we did have a choice, and we chose the best we could at that time… that is so much more empowering a thought!


Was there conflict in the family and you chose peace, but felt like you were cowardly? No, you chose peace, and maybe not just for you but for others too.


If we have the thought “I was wimpy”, your subconscious will believe that and you don’t want that going forward.  You can think instead “I was WISE”… “I am BEING wise”!


Let’s change it up, we are not wimpy women, we are wise women!!


In any situation you find yourself in now, know you’re doing your best given the situation. If there was a better choice you would take make it, but you are choosing the best you can and taking not just yourself but also others in to account.


Be proud of the choices you are making, you are a woman wise beyond words, my friend. Own it.



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

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Aug 08, 202312:33


What false beliefs do we have about our evolving and self-development?

Often we believe that in order to be successful you have to have a proper education and/or all our "ducks in a row".

Education is amazing, but if we for some reason missed the boat it doesn’t mean we’re out in the cold forever!

We believe that in order to be seen as successful you have to have a degree, experience, “proof” or credentials, testimonials, blah blah. We let that hold us back!!

 While all those things are good to have, they are not a must, not in all cases.

An artist, painter, crafter who crates beautiful art for example… that IS their “degree” their “proof” !!


Sometimes we believe that if you’re overweight or past a certain age that you can’t be a model. That’s not true!

What is a limiting belief you have right now?

I encourage you to question any and all beliefs that are holding you back from doing all the amazing things you could be doing right now, just by tapping into all that you have inside right now.


Be a product of what you believe in and you’ll be on your way!!



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

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Aug 01, 202314:52


These are just some of the ways in which our own words can hurt/harm those we love, if we don’t choose with care what we say about them.


When we complain or talk negatively to anyone about our family or friends, we are downright hurting them, their image, and their reputation at the very least.


When we say someone is bossy, messy, lazy, a bad mom or dad, a bad husband or wife (in whatever way), etc., we hurt them.  I’m not talking about having a serious discussion about a family member who may be in need of help, I’m talking about just plain gossiping about things about them you find they do “wrong”.


Here is how we may be hurting them:


1. We may cause the perceived “problem” to grow or manifest, and to spread… law of attraction.

2. We may cause others to have a negative opinion about them that may be hard to reverse once we say it

3. We may cause them to lose opportunities, who’d want to hire them after what you said about them?

4. We may cause them to lose the affection of loved ones… how do YOU treat those you have a negative opinion of?

5. We may cause them to be possibly hated by HURTLOVED ones… like saying bad things to a child about a parent, grandparent or other beloved relative for example.

6. They will feel our negativity, and that of others to whom we have said bad things about them.

7. Negativity will spread to others, so we need to stop talking negatively about them, if we love them enough.

8. Lastly, instead why not spread ALL and ONLY the good you SEE and KNOW in them… and THINK of it as well.


If you speak ill of your family (children, husband, siblings, in-laws, etc), to others, they will too … what else did you expect would happen? This is a tough realization to contend with, it was for me when I thought about it!!


If you truly need to discuss something about a loved one you’re having a hard time with, HIRE professional to help you...  Like a life coach or a therapist. Someone who is neutral and who will not tell everyone what you’re telling them.


Let’s do our best to see the good in others (especially loved ones), the way we wish they would see us.

Let’s turn over a new leaf, starting today!!


And by no means am I suggesting we go around hitting people over the head overly bragging either… use positive moderation, no one likes a constant over bragger!


P.S. Also, WE do not come out looking good when we speak negatively about our loved ones. Talking about a problem is one thing, but bad-mouthing various people regularly is a completely different thing all together. That’s a reflection of us, not them.




If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

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Jul 25, 202325:19


How about if WE practiced, tried on, the thought “if I loved YOU” I would allow you to BE who YOU are, and I would love you AS you are?

But honestly, this can be one of the HARDEST thing you (we’ll) ever do.

BUT would that not be such a liberating a concept for all of us to experience, and embrace when it comes to dealing with each other?

Like feeling really free to BE who we are, and DO what we really want to do, WHEN we want to do it, IF we want to do it?


And although WE EXPECT, and DESIRE these things, we conveniently forget that OTHERS want the same thing!


I’ve been studying Human Design lately and it is blowing my mind!

Here are some things to keep in mind when dealing with loved ones, or even people you work with:

Each and every one of us (or at least 99% of us) are doing the best we can, while dealing with the cards we’ve been dealt in life. So giving each other grace as we do life would be the best thing we can do for each other, without EXPECTING others to do for us what WE want (not need) them to do, to PROVE they love us.  

Let’s stop the insanity.


We are ALL innately and naturally good at something, but too often we are unaware of what this is.  When we allow others (and ourselves) to do our thing, our way, we ALL win!


How do we know we are doing the right things?  It feels good, we feel joy!

So how about trying to allow others to do the same, the same thing we ourselves are seeking?



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

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Jul 18, 202322:52


If you've ever wondered why things in your life just keep going wrong… rest assured, nothing has gone wrong!


The FIRST problem, when everything (or things) seem to always be going wrong is… just us thinking that they are.


Let’s be clear though that I am not talking about when something like an accident happens (example) and you need to recover from injuries sustained, or something similar, something temporary.


I’m talking about when in general you just feel like things in your life always happen that  “should not be happening to you”, maybe for years or even decades.


First off, just know you’re not alone in this.  Tons of people from all walks of life, ages, sizes, financial statuses around the world have these thoughts too.


The interesting thing is that what is a problem for you, may not be a problem for someone else, in the least!

Why is that?  Because our thoughts about the SAME things are different..

Also, our approach to finding a solution is different… ONE of us may think there IS a solution while the other does not.


Let’s compare our “bad gone wrong” situation with someone having just been mistakenly diagnosed with a terminal illness, or maybe wrongfully sentenced to life in prison for a crime they did not commit. Either of these tow could probably tell you that they would give up all their possessions, including riches in order to regain their health or freedom.


It’s all about perspective.


Lastly, when we tend to focus on the “bad”, we’re going to have a miserable life, and if I may say so, make others miserable as well.


So, next time you find yourself thinking (feeling) your things in your life are horrible, take a deep breath and say to yourself  “nothing has gone wrong here, I am so abundantly blessed”. Try taking a look around

and notice everything in your life that is coming to you without you having to do anything…

your breath, your health, how your body functions, clean water, heat, daylight, nature, the beating of your heart, your bed at night…


IMMERSE yourself in all the good in your life as much and as often as possible.



Positivity overcomes mountains… Nothing has gone wrong, everything is for our benefit, for our evolving, part of being human.



Nothing has gone wrong… it’s all about perspective, really.





If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

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Women Rising Together | Facebook

Jul 11, 202317:03


Knowing that nothing has gone “wrong” with your life is a huge deal!

It was for me, when I became aware of this fact and started to understand my thoughts.


I used to think SO much had gone wrong in life

__ (and sometimes I still do if I let my guard down),

__ but it only kept me from owning MY choices,

__ my power, from using my gifts, from growing and deliberately evolving,

__ and from moving forward as if everything in my life was EXACTLY as it was supposed to be.

__ it kept me from thriving… by just trying to exist in the “sad” circumstances I thought were unfair


Your life is also right on schedule too…

__ so be ready for what’s coming next,

__ and for what what’s coming after that… keep going, all is well!!


When we think something’s gone wrong…

__ we’re in VICTIM mode, and this mode is not a thriving mode…

__ it’s a poor me, someone come save me mode.


So, whether you’re…

__still paying a mortgage at 65, back to renting in your 70s

__still fighting with your husband after 25 yrs of marriage

__you’ve never owned a home at 50

__Still owe on student loans at 55

__you’re right where you’re supposed be whether you’re in your 20s/30s or beyond

__not getting along with all your relatives… it’s all JOURNEY to navigate…. ALL in due time


Otherwise you’d be somewhere else.


But if you have a desire to change the trajectory of your life, NOW is the time


Decide what you want and CLAIM it for yourself, by yourselfe… because NO ONE is going to come hand it to you!

You’re NOT too anything to try to do what you truly DESIRE to do. DESIRE being the KEY word here.



Time collapse books:

Slipstream Time Hacking by Benjamin Hardy



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

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INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

PRIVATE & FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: WomenRisingTogether2021 (link below)

Women Rising Together | Facebook

Jul 04, 202320:00


The reason we’re talking about this is because:

When we look at our pain/hardships in this more “positive” way…

-- things are easier to overcome

-- life itself is better

-- we don’t pile all the “bad” up… “and my this, and my that… sigh”


Life is better because we’re thinking…

-- “even though this is so hard, it’s happening for me” instead of why is this happening “to” me??

-- living life in this more positive mindset produces a better life for us


** Can you look back at something in your life (that maybe you still struggle with)..

-- that you just thought “this hurts so much I think I’m going to die”?

-- and now looking back you know it was not all bad?

-- did some good did come out of it?


** I have been through tough times that I thought I’d NEVER get over…

-- but looking back, I became stronger for them,

-- AND in fact BECAUSE of them

-- I’m a better a person now

-- I have a better life because of them… my daughter, grandchildren, husband, I’m a life coach

-- I live where I life, which I love because of everything I’ve lived through

-- I get to work from home… HUGE thing for me


For you it may be:

** The dreaded boss/job who caused you to quit your job (or insert “bad” thing here)…

-- what if you had stayed in that job?  

-- what would you not have or be now had that not happened?


** If you’re going through something difficult now…

-- know that there’s something in it that will make you stronger

-- and your future life better for it…

-- even if it doesn’t feel that way now.





If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

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INSTAGRAM: @women.rising.together

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Women Rising Together | Facebook

Jun 27, 202317:10


We can be either happy or sad, without changing anything, except our thoughts.

Whether you think something is good or bad, there will be others who think the opposite, and you yourself may change your mind about it later, to the contrary.

 I love having the knowledge that just by my thinking I can improve my situation at any given moment!

“For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”  - William Shakespeare

 I will strive all the days of my life to embody/REMEMBER this truth, because life is so much better when I do.

Anytime you’re struggling with something or someone difficult, remember this – it will most certainly lighten your mood/life.

 We mostly struggle with things OTHERS do, but therein lies the problem… we (no one) likes to be told what to do, but we (most of us) expect others to do as we like them to do. 

That’s troublesome if we want peaceful relationships with others.

Examples (1) of REALITY/THOUGHTS: 

Grumpy or moody/Easily hurt



Always late/enjoys life to the fullest without rushing

Yells too much/feels out of control for some reason. Being understanding of others’ struggles is good for us all.

We forget that the behavior we find bad/wrong/unacceptable in others comes from someplace deep inside of them, perhaps because of something bad/sad/trauma they experienced, AND it bothers US because of something deep inside US that we’ve experienced.


Examples (2)

I’m too (insert negative thought)

My life is too (insert negative thought)… some people if they saw my life would think it’s too boring, BUT I think my life is so peaceful.  That’s TRUE FOR ME!

I’m too tall… vs I love being tall!

My life is too boring Vs my life is so peaceful and uncomplicated

My life too chaotic vs my life is so exciting!

My job is awful vs my jobs supports me and I chose it.


Some days we’ll have truly bad tragic days no matter our thoughts, and THAT’S OK, it’s life.


But whenever possible, see what happens when you flip your thoughts around.



If you are in an abusive relationship and you don’t feel safe,

call the National Domestic Violence Hotline!

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 


OR text START to 88788

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Jun 20, 202323:42