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Align Your Day: Schedule & Mindset

Align Your Day: Schedule & Mindset

By Jenna Thanopoulos

Get ready to tap into your mind body and soul & find your own flow.
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Enhance Your Feminine Energy | Quick Exercise

Align Your Day: Schedule & MindsetMay 12, 2024

Enhance Your Feminine Energy | Quick Exercise

Enhance Your Feminine Energy | Quick Exercise

Get comfy, tune in and connect with your inner feminine energy. You deserve to feel radiant - You deserve to feel magnetic.

May 12, 202406:30
Stop Self-Sabotage | Inner Child Exercise

Stop Self-Sabotage | Inner Child Exercise

An underused method to stop self-sabotage isn't about setting new goals or trying to convince yourself to do better. It actually comes when you send love to your inner child. Give this exercise a try and let me know how it resonates for you. If you try this consistently over a couple weeks - you will begin to notice shifts in how your approach your daily work, your goals and your weekly schedule! ;) This will lead to stopping those subconscious patterns of self-sabotage.

Apr 16, 202410:33
Enhance Your Ability to Receive | Feminine Energy Exercise

Enhance Your Ability to Receive | Feminine Energy Exercise

This would've saved some meltdowns years ago... Because I've had those moments sitting on the floow blasting the fray or eminiem and feeling SO overwhelmed. At the time, I was managing corporate growth, growing my coaching content, finishing my coaching certification. I was putting SO much pressure to gain more followers/get clients. The burden was making me lose my enjoyment and my WHY for my content creation/coaching. One gamechanger "as cliche as it sounds" was asking for help AND graciously recieving it. As go-getting people we feel that we need to accomplish all on our own but then we're drained. We're left wondering why the zest in life, the romance in relationships , or the connections with girlfriends has diminished.

So: Where can you lean into ASK and RECEIVE more help? This meditation will help you do just that :)

Apr 12, 202407:31
8 Min Exercise | Increase Self-Confidence & Reduce Self-Sabotage

8 Min Exercise | Increase Self-Confidence & Reduce Self-Sabotage

Tune into this powerful exercise at the beginning, middle or end of your workday!

This will leave you feeling like a baddie and ready to re-commit to your goals.

Mar 30, 202409:11
Increase Your Earnings Potential | Activate Your Voice

Increase Your Earnings Potential | Activate Your Voice

Babe, It's important to self-advocate EVEN if it "rocks the boat." This could be hard for many of us women who in the past felt our thoughts weren't valid or we had to keep the peace in the fam. But bringing this past behavior in the workplace only hinders success. For a past work scenario, i'd think "how come I'm not in xyz position to showcase my skills?" -But did I advocate for myself and challenge when I didn't agree with certain performance evals? -Speak up for my ideas and my interests? -Clearly communicate expectations? & as mentioned, this becomes a lot easier when we remind our younger self that its safe to activate our voice now. We don't need to neglect ourselves and our thoughts anymore. Let's increase our voices and bank accounts, baby!

Mar 18, 202407:49
Protect Your Peace in 3 Steps

Protect Your Peace in 3 Steps

The ABILITY to BE with thoughts, views, perspectives that are different is healthy. Necessary. Just like, at times, you have those family members you who ove to death but are a bit draining. You could be left feeling like your own opinion isn’t valid. You need to: -Remind yourself that your perspective is VALID -Ground in your energy and have a mini practice you can do to stay grounded -Be a neutral soundboard to hear other opinions without letting them diminish your perspective. This is all that we work on in this exercise. Hope this is helpful, babe!

Mar 05, 202407:50
When comparison hits...try this!

When comparison hits...try this!

Use this meditation whenever:

-Work/Fam life is pulling you in a million directions

-Social Media has you feeling down/comparison mode

-Dating is draining your energyHope this helps babe! :)

Feb 21, 202408:09
Stop Self-Sabotage | Inner Child Healing

Stop Self-Sabotage | Inner Child Healing

What if it wasn't a battle... with your older self. What if it was an HONORING... of all she had to go thorugh to be where you're at now. Sure, there may be behaviors or thoughts that you wish weren't there from your past...but your body is always acting on BIOLOGICALLY corrent behaviors to keep you safe. In other words, she did what she had to do to keep you safe in the moment. Can you build on that recognition? Can you build on that compassion? Just like any relationship once you infuse more respect and trust, the avenues for growth are endless. In order to conitnue to move forward in your baddie self...honor the lil baddie and all she did. ;) Looking for a tangible way to do so? This exercise is just the trick!

Feb 19, 202408:34
Busy Day Reset | 8 Min REVAMP

Busy Day Reset | 8 Min REVAMP

You're having one of those days... -the work deliverable needs a complete redo because of client miscommunication.. -your hinge date plans fell through.. -you can't decide if you want a chill or go out weekend -your fam is trying to start drama agian. You can call it a bad dayand ride the wave - totally fine!!

but let's say you want to shift and sleep in a better mood, or just have your afternoon go differently. - You're going to need a re-route. - The easiest way to do so is to focus on what you CAN control: Your self-connection Doing a little exercise (literally less than time of a typical tiktok sroll) to shift you into a better mindset might just be the key. And from that mindframe, who knows whats possible :) It just takes you committing to that little shift. Listen NOW.

Feb 10, 202408:12
Easy Meditation for Beginners

Easy Meditation for Beginners

Let's bring those new years resolutions to life!

This is less that five minutes and you can listen before, during or after your busy workday.

Feb 04, 202405:01
Healing Your Relationship w/ Men | Live Exercise

Healing Your Relationship w/ Men | Live Exercise

I’m not: a) disqualifying anyone’s experience b) trying to minimize any of the trauma that has brought on to you by men in your life c) putting any blame at all on your for these harsh experiences But I am do welcome personal responsibility for our healing. Everyone wants to talk about being the confident boss girlie, being a manifesting queen or self care routines… Yet no one wants to talk about the shit we have to face ourselves in order to heal and evolve. Because the truth is…its easier to put the blame elsewhere - someone else, something else, a whole gender group, etc. That’s easier than carving out the time to: -work through your triggers -know why certain things that men do set you off and working to heal them -learning about the different communication styles between men & women -learning your own nervous system and regulating so you can ease an anxious attachment style -working through the anger or rage still there from your relationship with your dad And this doesn’t happen overnight - its a lifelong journey babe! But the more we can shift from constant blame to: “Yeah I’ve had some really shitting experiences with men. But im not going to let that define my whole perception of them - I am going to work through the pain so I can clear my lens of that gender and open up to better experiences with better men! Because you DESERVE it!!! Listen to this powerful exercise. Love these exercises and would love to book a free call with me?

Jan 30, 202410:37
Dating is Draining...Try This.

Dating is Draining...Try This.

Dating is sooo draining...

You’re in that mentality of 

-just getting to know people

-letting their actions prove more than words

-stopping yourself from wedding planning after the third date (ik you do this too girlll) 

You gotta invest just the *right* amount of energy so you're putting in effort while also not wasting your valuable time. 

It do be a process.

In the dating books I’ve read and in my certification learnings, the key to being magnetic when you're out and about (besides the obvious things like smiling, looking good) is that self-confidence.

& its hard to keep that cup full when you're dealing with all the above.

Soo this is an easy aid for you:

Pop your airbuds and play the latest stress-release exercise that's less than 10 minutes. 

You can when putting own you makeup before the date to  but its super helpful to bring your energy back to YOU, release externals validation and feel more excited about all that YOU bring to the table.

Take a listen to the latest Podcast Episode & let me know if this helps!

Jan 22, 202408:42
Enhance Your Feminine Energy | Work w/ Your Emotions

Enhance Your Feminine Energy | Work w/ Your Emotions

You’re feeling off, now what? School didn’t teach us what to do when we are navigating hard emotions like sadness, guilt or shame. OR How to savor and harness when we are feeling true joy & bliss. Getting in tune with your emotions is one of the KEY things you can do to feel more at peace, move to clarity and harness your feminine energy. This easy exercise will help you do just that and leave you with some journaling “takeaways” to do after. Disclaimer: This is not intended to be in substitute of seeking professional licensed help but merely as a resource. If emotions are feeling too difficult to navigate on your own, seek trusted, certified assistance and support.

Jan 16, 202412:03
Stop Chasing, Start Attracting | Easy Meditation for Beginners

Stop Chasing, Start Attracting | Easy Meditation for Beginners

“Stop Chasing, Start Attracting” 

That’s all you here these days lol.

And YES you want to have your best outfit on, sipping your iced espresso, and have opportunities and your dream man land on your path.

But what does it practically mean to “stop chasing?”

One path is simple, focus more on YOU.

Release the energy that is always spent thinking on others, on work pings, on that text back.

Pour into yourself, your creativity, your feelings, your ambitions. 


This exercise will guide you through a process. 

Let me know if you enjoyed!

Listen before, during or after your workday when you need that fire under your a** to focus on YOU.

Jan 05, 202406:54
Post Workday | Listen to this for a rejuvenating night

Post Workday | Listen to this for a rejuvenating night

During your workday, you're on the go. You're planning meetings, outlining agendas, remembering 1000 little things, advocating for yourself, managing those above and below you. No wonder so many women feel out of touch with their creative, feminine sides. We need to carve out a little time to focus on OUR energy after the busyness of the workday., A mental/emotional version of "closing your laptop." This is an easy exercise that will do just that! Listen post your workday, even if its a few times a week and see how the rest of the night goes with your evening plans and relationships. You might just be surprised... Let me know in the comments if you've enjoyed!|

Dec 26, 202307:58
Body Scan | Activate Your Feminine Energy

Body Scan | Activate Your Feminine Energy

You always hear, "Focus your energy on you." Especially if you want to call in an ideal relationship or own your boundaries more in your current relationship. This is an easy exercise to bring the focus back to you and be more radiant and magnetic - Cheers! Let me know below if you enjoyed.' Perfect before, during or after your busy workday.

Dec 18, 202307:02
For my over-planning girlies: wake up w/ zest!

For my over-planning girlies: wake up w/ zest!

For my planning girlies…

You’re planning the next work event, girls night, grandparent’s visit and deciding if you should go to starbs or stay home for your coffee this morning.

…and what’s missing?

The gratitude for the fact that you have a NEW DAY.

The awknowledgement of the opportunity to keep building, connecting and experiencing.

Play this routine to start your day with that needed gratitude.

You just might re-discover the daily zest you were looking for. ;)

Dec 09, 202306:23
Feminine Energy - Morning Routine

Feminine Energy - Morning Routine

Your usual mornings: Thinking about the email to write, finishing brushing your teeth before the first ping of the day comes, having that running “to do” list in your mind.. These make it so hard to stay present, appreciate the new day or bring in zest/excitement. They are also quite more masculine energy tasks . And as the radiant feminie beings we are, we deserve a few extra minutes to get in touch with our body and our magnetism. I gotchu with that boo ;) Its less than 10 min. I know you can fit it in your schedule. Let me know if you enjoy!

Nov 25, 202308:01
Stop Obsessing Over Him & Do This Instead!

Stop Obsessing Over Him & Do This Instead!

When he's taking up too much rent-free space in your head -

tune back into your energy & stay magnetically YOU.

Cheers babe.

Nov 03, 202311:55
Ep 85: 6 Min Morning Routine for Success & Self-Confidence

Ep 85: 6 Min Morning Routine for Success & Self-Confidence

Busy Mornings? I gotchu, babe.Grab a comfy spot, take a look at the morning sunlight and have an amazing start to the day.

Want more morning routine ideas?

Download the free "master your morning" bootcamp:

Oct 17, 202306:20
Ep 81 COLLAB: Life Transitions, Side Hustles & Creating a NEW YOU w/ Marissa!

Ep 81 COLLAB: Life Transitions, Side Hustles & Creating a NEW YOU w/ Marissa!

This epic collaboration is with Marissa Hass, an incredible woman who moved here from Greece when she was 16!

Marissa is now the owner of her incredible all natural supplement and beauty line, TheraPlus Bee Essentials!

Marissa’s Business Website:

Gorgeous, Tune in for: 

-Marissa’s incredible story moving from Greece during high school & her key tips for building confidence

-Key Tips for navigation “transition periods” of your life

-Marissa’s story of how  working Covid Front Lines let her to create an epic business

-Marissa’s key tips to start your own side hustle 

& MORE!!

Jul 20, 202332:53
Ep. 84: 5 Atypical Tips to Stay Productive & Focused!
Jun 27, 202326:41
Ep 80: Tips to Curb Overthinking after a Busy Workday!
Jun 20, 202316:13
Ep 79 COLLAB: Creating Un-shakable Confidence, Working Out as Self-Love & More!
Jun 13, 202301:02:35
Ep 78: 10 Min Self-Worth Meditation | Release External Validation, Inner Child Healing & More!

Ep 78: 10 Min Self-Worth Meditation | Release External Validation, Inner Child Healing & More!


This easy 10 min exercise is perfect before your workday or as a workday break when things are getting hectic.

Sometimes you're really craving that validation and appreciation from those around you, its up to YOU as the queen of your life to fill your cup first.

This 10 minutes will allow you to shift to more self-appreciation, ease & self-love.


Your Next Listen:

Lucky Girl Syndrome Meditation:

Jun 09, 202310:22
Ep #77 Collab: How to Get Un-Stuck ft. The Hungry Yogi!

Ep #77 Collab: How to Get Un-Stuck ft. The Hungry Yogi!

Gorgeous, tune in for:

Collaboration with Nataly, certified life coach specializing in helping her clients live an aligned life.

-Hearing Nataly’s incredible story of going from an engineering route to being a fill-time yoga instructor and life coach

-Feeling feminine & intuitive even in typical corporate careers

-What it means to live an aligned life (key pillars and signs that you’re living in alignment with your purpose)

-When things falling apart to come together in a better way than our mind can conceive!

Nataly's instagram: @hungryyogi_

Jun 02, 202346:34
Ep #76: Scheduling Your Week for Success - Personally, Socially, Professionally (not typical)
May 23, 202338:27
Ep 75: 10 Minute Stress Release for Corporate Women!
May 16, 202310:31
Ep 74: 2 Steps to Be Feminine & Magnetic (even in busy corporate workday!)
May 09, 202317:14
Ep 73: 3 Steps to Stay Motivated & Be Your "Best Self"!
May 02, 202323:35
Ep 71: Aytpical Tips to stop your burnout!
Apr 25, 202328:08
Ep 71: How to Be the Boss of Your Day (even when you're not the manager!)

Ep 71: How to Be the Boss of Your Day (even when you're not the manager!)

Gorgeous, Tune in for: 

-How to be a self-advocate when you’re not the “boss”

-Key Questions to keep in your back pocket to own your career

-How to face the challenge of being the “go-to worker” vs honoring your needs in the workplace 

-Christen’s "power moves" to own your career even when you’re not in a “high” position 

-Christen’s digestible framework on setting boundaries 


“Real confidence is when you know facts” - > advice from one of Christen’s “power moves” to own your workday

About Christen & Her Resources:

Christen's IG: @moderndayasians

Christen's Podcast: Modern Day Asians

Christen Yuan is a Master Life Coach certified by the Elementum Coaching Institute. She is the host of the "Modern Day Asians" Podcast where she talks about the challenges she faces as an Asian-American and offers coaching on how to start overcoming those struggles.

Her passion is to help Millennial Asians heal from their cultural pain and help them find their fullest expression, self-acceptance and belonging within.

Her goal is to be a resource to help Asians who never found belonging feel fully confident in themselves and their identity in occupying the third space.

Jenna's Resources & Offers:

Free “5 Day” Email Guide: 

Is Coaching Right for You? 30 Min Free Discovery Coaching Call:

Free “Activate Your Best Self” E-Guide:

Apr 18, 202339:24
Ep 70: How to Make Your "Glow Up" Last!
Apr 11, 202316:03
Ep 69: Activate "Lucky Girl Syndrome" even in a busy workday!
Apr 04, 202319:58
Ep 68: Wake up w/ "Lucky Girl Syndrome!"
Mar 28, 202312:34
Ep 67: 5 Key Habits for an Epic 2023! (Not typical)
Mar 14, 202323:51
Ep #66: 3 Ways to Increase Your Feminine Energy in your Busy Workday!
Mar 07, 202326:25
Ep 65: Expand Your Money Mindset!! $$
Feb 28, 202311:46
Ep 64: Feel Loose w/ Out the Hangover!
Feb 21, 202322:25
Ep 63: How to Make Your Emotions Less Scary!
Feb 14, 202324:46
Ep 62: Done w/ Hustle Culture? Here’s How to approach your goals in a nourishing way!
Feb 07, 202330:44
Ep 61: 7 Minutes to Get Un-Stuck & Find New Possibilities!
Jan 31, 202308:39
Ep 60: How to Be Your Own Dream Woman in 2023! (Beat People-Pleasing & Work Stress)
Jan 24, 202331:01
Ep 59: How to Make Yourself a Priority w/ a Busy Workday
Jan 17, 202321:22
Ep 58: How to Live a “Soft Life” even w/ a busy corporate job!
Jan 05, 202328:58
Ep #57: 3 KEY Tips to save you time, money & stress in your personal growth!
Dec 15, 202225:19
Ep #56: Release Generational Guilt & Step into YOUR authentic life!
Dec 08, 202230:58
Ep 55: A Better Relationship w/ Your Job & Family! The Essential Steps..
Dec 01, 202230:52
Ep 54: How to Stop Being a People Pleaser (Especially if you grew up in ethic family!)
Nov 23, 202225:34
Ep 53: How to Shift Your People-Pleasing in a sustainable way!
Nov 09, 202231:46