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a fourth star map

a fourth star map

By Tyler La Salle

Tyler La Salle is an ultra-marathon runner, amateur fighter, and free thinker.
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#010 Mass Media & COVID-19

a fourth star mapJan 16, 2022



Cappadocia is an ancient region of Central Anatolia in Turkey that contains underground cities, rock-cut churches, and a phenomenon known in the area as “fairy chimneys.”

Nov 19, 202205:48


The Glastonbury Abbey is an incredibly important historical religious site as it was quite possibly built by Joseph of Arimathea in the first century. I read archeological findings from 2018 published by Roberta Gilchrist which moves the sites founding back almost 300 years from 700AD to 450AD.
Nov 14, 202220:01
#025 HOLY GRAIL SERIES III: Elizabethan Religious Settlement

#025 HOLY GRAIL SERIES III: Elizabethan Religious Settlement

  1. On Religion, 1559

The next document, also from 1559, is a reply to some English Bishops who wanted to continue Mary's pro-Catholic policies. They maintained that her father, Henry VIII had been influenced by heretics to quarrel with the Pope.


As to your entreaty for us to listen to you we waive it; yet do return you this our answer. Our realm and subjects have been long wanderers, walking astray, whilst they were under the tuition of Romish pastors, who advised them to own a wolf for their head (in lieu of a careful shepherd) whose inventions, heresies and schisms be so numerous, that the flock of Christ have fed on poisonous shrubs for want of wholesome pastures. And whereas you hit us and our subjects in the teeth that the Romish Church first planted the Catholic within our realm, the records and chronicles of our realm testify the contrary; and your own Romish idolatry maketh you liars; witness the ancient monument of Gildas unto which both foreign and domestic have gone in pilgrimage there to offer. This author testifieth Joseph of Arimathea to be the first preacher of the word of God within our realms. Long after that, when Austin came from Rome, this our realm had bishops and priests therein, as is well known to the learned of our realm by woeful experience, how your church entered therein by blood; they being martyrs for Christ and put to death because they denied Rome's usurped authority.

As for our father being withdrawn from the supremacy of Rome by schismatical and heretical counsels and advisers; who we pray advised him more or flattered him than you good Mr Heath, when you were Bishop of Rochester? And than you Mr Bonner when you were archdeacon? And you Mr Turberville? Nay further, who was more an adviser of our father than your great Stephen Gardiner, when he lived? Are ye not then those schismatics and heretics? If so, suspend your evil censures. Recollect, was it our sister's conscience made her so averse to our father and brother's actions as to undo what they had perfected? Or was it not you, or such like advisers that dissuaded her and stirred her up against us and other of the subjects?

Oct 11, 202227:43
#024 HOLY GRAIL SERIES II: Joseph of Arimathea

#024 HOLY GRAIL SERIES II: Joseph of Arimathea

John 19:38–42

38 After these things Joseph of Arimathea, who was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, asked Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus, and Pilate gave him permission. So he came and took away his body. 39 Nicodemus also, who earlier had come to Jesus by night, came bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds in weight. 40 So they took the body of Jesus and bound it in linen cloths with the spices, as is the burial custom of the Jews. 41 Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid. 42 So because of the Jewish day of Preparation, since the tomb was close at hand, they laid Jesus there.

Luke 23:50-53

50 Now there was a man named Joseph, a member of the Council, a good and upright man, 51 who had not consented to their decision and action. He came from the Judean town of Arimathea, and he himself was waiting for the kingdom of God.

Matthew 27:57-60

57 As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus. 58 Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body, and Pilate ordered that it be given to him. 59 Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, 60 and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away.

Mark 15:42-46

43 Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the Council, who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God, went boldly to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body.

Oct 06, 202222:29
#023 HOLY GRAIL SERIES: "and did those feet in ancient time"

#023 HOLY GRAIL SERIES: "and did those feet in ancient time"

And did those feet in ancient time,

Walk upon Englands mountains green:

And was the holy Lamb of God,

On Englands pleasant pastures seen!

And did the Countenance Divine,

Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

And was Jerusalem builded here,

Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold:

Bring me my Arrows of desire:

Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold:

Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,

Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:

Till we have built Jerusalem,

In Englands green & pleasant Land.

Beneath the poem Blake inscribed a quotation from the Bible:

"I wish to God that all the Lords people were Prophets" - Moses

Numbers XI. Ch 29.v9

This poem by William Blake is based on an a handful of apocryphal texts and legends that Jesus may have once visited England when he was a child, also connected to the myth that Joseph of Arimathea was in possession of the holy grail and took it to England and started the Christian church there (which interestingly enough is backed by a letter from Queen Elizabeth I in 1559.)

So, who was Joseph of Arimathea? And is there anything to the story that Jesus was in England?

John 21:25

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

Sep 25, 202221:36
#022: The Boar Hunt AudioStory

#022: The Boar Hunt AudioStory

Growing up in Southern California didn't lend itself to many hunting opportunities. In fact, growing up in my family, with our interests in Raiders football,

Magnum P.I., music, endurance sports, Lost, and Utah Jazz basketball, there was actually zero talk about hunting, ever. It's not that we were ever against it;

we were just a suburban family who went to the grocery store and watched football on Sundays. Listen to the whole audiostory now. 

Sep 17, 202214:37
#021: 50K AudioStory

#021: 50K AudioStory

Step 1: Overcome Yourself

“Holy fuck, I can actually win this thing,” I thought as I was dusting the competition, sprinting downhill, above the clouds in Agoura Hills in Los Angeles County on that Saturday Morning in early December 2021. I found myself in 1st place about 8 miles into my first ultra-marathon, a 50k, about 31 miles. I was just taking my phone out to record a video of myself boasting when I looked behind me. Fucking fuck. The guy who was in first place about 3 miles through, who took a wrong turn for a while, was now right behind me, probably by about 800m at the top of the mountain. I felt stupid, put my phone away, and kept pushing downhill. Listen to the whole audiostory now. 

Jul 24, 202213:02
#020 Mirrors

#020 Mirrors

George W. Stocking, Jr. explained that to truly understand an object, which is multidimensional, we have to understand all of its characteristics. Not only do we need to understand height, width, and depth, but time (history), power, wealth, and aesthetics.

We have to wonder about our early hominid ancestors’ reactions when they first saw their reflection in a lake or another pool of water. What did this mean for them? It’s impossible to know, but we can conjecture for hours. Mother nature created water as the first true mirror. The idea must have remained in our collective consciousness all of these years to be able to want to mass-produce a “nature mirror” for our own daily use. According to religious historian Mircea Eliade, “If origin is equivalent to power, then "it is the first manifestation of a thing that is significant and valid.”

I believe the mirror represents our human aspirations for social desirability, as well as physical, emotional, and mental self-reflection and self-care. The mirror is how we distinguish ourselves as individuals, and maintain desirability to the collective. We can metaphorically “look at ourselves in the mirror” as a means of reflecting on our morality, and mortality. It’s as if our perception of our physical self is reflective of our inner well-being.

Jul 07, 202217:32
#019 Free Will as the Tool of Destiny

#019 Free Will as the Tool of Destiny

Human Free Will as the Tools of Destiny

-Individual psychological phenomena affect global sociopolitical/religious, etc. events. The latter is reflective of the former. -

Firstly, the idea that individual psychological phenomena directly create global socio-political events is grounded in an assumption claiming social events spring forth from the psyche of humankind. A fatalist counter-argument can be made about destiny controlling the actions of individual human beings, which then have a broad societal effect. It could also be argued, destiny controls the actions of society which then have a broad affect on individuals within a society. This would mean: society acts of its own accord, or as a tool of destiny, and controls individual human beings. My claim is, society cannot operate of its own accord without the acts of individuals. But, individuals can operate of their own accord without society. If destiny controls the actions of humans, are we subject to an uncontrollable & unchanging fate?

If destiny is a force similar to gravity, when & where is destiny in space & time? Perhaps, destiny is a force with a mass so great, it can guide the actions of the natural world. But, as a human, it certainly feels as if we have a capacity to alter outcome, called free will, and, how would destiny act if it wasn’t on our behalf? A question arises in my mind, assuming that destiny is akin to a gravitational pull: is human free will the tool of destiny?

Can destiny be found in the psyche of humans? Would it be located in the subconscious, or more precisely, the preconscious? It seems it can be brought to conscious attention. Since the future is unknown, our destiny cannot be made clear, but we can forage in our minds for clues. These clues may be found in dreams, ambitions, anxieties, & intuitions.

Can humans realize & control our destiny? If we can bring destiny to consciousness, and we can’t control it, it would bring nothing but despair. But, it seems we can bring our personal destinies to consciousness & change it by noticing our fantasies, habits, conscious aspirations, & past shortcomings. On second thought, perhaps we can’t bring our whole destinies into consciousness, but we can at least find where we are on our path. Logically, if we can do this personally, we can do it on a grand collective scale. What are our global, collective fantasies, habits, conscious aspirations, & past shortcomings?

Well, education is surely the means of achieving the goal of realizing our collective destiny. Because, we can find out where we are on the map of our human journey, and see where we’re going. If where we’re going is not where we wish to go, we can, hopefully, change our course. As destiny uses humanity as a tool, we should strive to be aware & helpful in its quest. Especially if we, as a species, are giving birth to a new, artificially intelligent, tool of destiny.

Is destiny like gravity? Can it be located in our collective unconscious? Can we realize & control it?

Apr 24, 202205:33
#018 Responsible Free Thought: CERN, D-WAVE, and Apple

#018 Responsible Free Thought: CERN, D-WAVE, and Apple

In this video, I discuss the symbolism of CERN and surrounding projects in Switzerland, what D-Wave Systems Founder Geordie Rose says about AI and Quantum Computing, and the symbolism of Apple & the Garden of Eden.

Apr 16, 202230:43
#017 The Connection of Psyche to Matter (Audio Essay)

#017 The Connection of Psyche to Matter (Audio Essay)

  • “The advancements of science & technology, combined with a rationalistic & materialistic view of the world, threaten the spiritual & psychic heritage of man with instant annihilation” -C.G. Jung “Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious

The connection of psyche to matter

A rationalistic & materialistic world view, when both views are held together in collaboration, is rife with contradiction & conflict. One one hand, there is more to life than what you see, in rationalism, and on the other hand, nothing exists outside of objects which have mass & take up space, in materialism. These seem to be mutually exclusive perspectives. Jung came to the conclusion that this is dangerous when combined with the advancements in science & technology.

From the materialist perspective, advancements in science & technology only result in more objects which have mass & take up space. From my understanding, this leaves some room for the functionality of the object, or device. For instance, a cell phone is invented, and its functions include communication across great distances, and the ability to use Wi-Fi for Internet Access. When we speak of wireless communication devices, it seems inherently obvious that there’s more to the device than its mass & the fact that it takes up physical space. Because the object also has its own internal storage capabilities that can’t be seen by the eye unless you expose the microchips. But even the microchips can’t only be explained away as “matter”. The physical object contains information which can’t always be attributed to its mass & volume. What would this be called? It’s spirit, or meaning?

Jung did add, moving forward with these views would “threaten the spiritual & psychic heritage of man with instant annihilation.” He meant that it would endanger the non-physical, unexplainable phenomena attributed to human beings which has been characteristic of the species for as long as we’ve been around with destruction of that phenomena. When science & technology are developing new forms of matter, we should know there is more than what meets the eye. However, our materialistic view of the world prevents us from fully realizing the mental & spiritual consequences of new forms of scientific technology.

The ability of humans to conjure their own meaning & not only project onto external stimuli, but to bind meaning with physical object or occurrence is the magical element of human life in the universe. We create stories, and must be able to continue to create stories. Jung implies we should do away with our naivete about the appearance of new physical technologies and accept their existence as being attributable to the human mind, ideas, and the everpresent non-physical, unexplainable phenomena that coincides with existing in the universe.

Apr 02, 202209:12
#016 Monterey MMA

#016 Monterey MMA

This episode features guests: Makhai, Fisher, Nunez, Gabe, Xander, & Hamilton. More info to come. 

Mar 12, 202201:49:28
#015 2001: An Anthropological Odyssey

#015 2001: An Anthropological Odyssey

2001: A Space Odyssey is a classic science fiction film directed by Stanley Kubrick. I discuss its aesthetics, the birth of material culture, Artificial Intelligence, evolutionary theory, and human values.

Mar 01, 202218:11
#014 Makhai Wrin Bamberg: A Brief History of Conquerors & Philosophy of MMA

#014 Makhai Wrin Bamberg: A Brief History of Conquerors & Philosophy of MMA

Makhai Wrin Bamberg is an aspiring MMA fighter, oddly versed in ancient history and on the quest to become a martial scholar (Miyamoto Musashi style). He also moonlights as a linguist, an amateur philosopher, and Tiktok thirst trap aficionado. 

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Follow me on Instagram: @thetylerlasalle

Feb 19, 202202:34:53
#013 Marcus Sharpe: Sharpe Sports

#013 Marcus Sharpe: Sharpe Sports

Marcus Sharpe is a 25 year old Youtuber based out of Dallas, TX. Marcus runs the YouTube Channel, Sharpe Sports, which focuses on spotlighting high school football recruits from across the country. Marcus is also a lifelong friend of mine. We first met playing youth flag football in the Coachella Valley.   

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Check out these series:  

Sundays and Scrolls: 


Visual Media Analysis: 

Short Discussion Starters: 

Responsible Free Thought: 

Follow me on Instagram: @thetylerlasalle  

Follow me on Spotify: A Fourth Star Map  

Sponsors:  TYLER20:   


#013 Marcus Sharpe: Sharpe Sports:

Feb 12, 202202:31:27
#012 Donald Whittle: Religion, NFT, and Gamifying the Real World

#012 Donald Whittle: Religion, NFT, and Gamifying the Real World

Donald Whittle grew up in Connecticut and received a Bachelor's Degree in Theology from Elms College while also studying Computer Science. He grew up playing Soccer, Basketball, and ran Track & Field. He's an avid chess player and an accomplished Fornite Streamer as well as currently being a Russian Linguist in the USAF. He is currently exploring NFT's and the Metaverse in his free time. He also sucks at golf.

Feb 04, 202240:52
#011 Sermon on the Mount

#011 Sermon on the Mount

In this video, I analyze structure, symbolism and literal meaning of the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount and how they relate to the 10 Commandments as fulfillment and completion of the Law, as well as concepts like linear narrative in scripture and free will versus destiny, and purpose.

Jan 23, 202245:51
#010 Mass Media & COVID-19

#010 Mass Media & COVID-19

Discussion of contemporary theories of the effects of Mass Media on Social behavior, for example: Social Learning Theory, Agenda Setting, Cultivation Effect, Spiral of Silence Theory, Third Person Effect Theory, Idea Pariahs, & New Media vs. Legacy Media.

Jan 16, 202216:50
#009 John the Forerunner & the First Disciples

#009 John the Forerunner & the First Disciples

Analysis of the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 3 & 4, 

Isaiah 40:3 

the Pharisees as Lawkeepers, 

the Sadducees as the Wealthy Class 

& the advice of John the Baptist/Forerunner:  

Repent: Be in touch w/conscience 

Produce the appropriate fruit: take the necessary actions to yield results considered appropriate by God 

Do not presume to tell yourselves, "We have Abraham for our father.": Do not rely on lineage/membership in a religious group.  

Temptations of Jesus in the Wilderness:  

1. Turn stones to loaves (Manipulate reality for what you need) 

2. Jump off a parapet & be saved by Angels (Mistrust of God) 

3. Worship the Devil (Disloyalty)  

Umayyad Mosque in Damascus & Church of San Silvestro in Capite in Rome.  

"Better to be a servant in Heaven, than reign in Hell." - Milton Friedman, Paradise Lost

Jan 09, 202228:20
#008 Matthew and the Prophets

#008 Matthew and the Prophets

Welcome to the First Episode of Sundays & Scrolls. In this episode, I go over the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew and it's connection to the Prophetic Books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Micah. Happy New Year!

Jan 03, 202229:23
#007 Mass Formation Psychosis: What is it?

#007 Mass Formation Psychosis: What is it?

What is mass formation psychosis? Definition by Robert W. Malone, MD:   "The conditions to set up mass formation psychosis include lack of social connectedness and sensemaking as well as large amounts of latent anxiety and passive aggression. When people are inundated with a narrative that presents a plausible “object of anxiety” and strategy for coping with it, then many individuals group together to battle the object with a collective singlemindedness. This allows people to stop focusing on their own problems, avoiding personal mental anguish. Instead, they focus all their thought and energy on this new object.  As mass formation progresses, the group becomes increasingly bonded and connected. Their field of attention is narrowed and they become unable to consider alternative points of view.  Leaders of the movement are revered, unable to do no wrong."

Jan 02, 202220:09
#006 The Great Reset & CERN

#006 The Great Reset & CERN

In this episode, my brother, Hunter, and my dad, Chris, and I meet up in Hamilton Heights, NYC for Christmas and discuss the World Economic Forum's global "Great Reset" initiative which seeks to seize a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" to re-build the global economy post-pandemic. We also discuss CERN, the origin and invention of the World Wide Web, Gematria, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Fact-Checkers, the Diplomatic Olympic Boycott, American Culture, and like any good podcast worth it's SALT: UFO's, Aliens, and spiritual warfare. 

Dec 26, 202102:41:23
#005 Wait, What is Neuralink? or, Intro to the Matrix

#005 Wait, What is Neuralink? or, Intro to the Matrix

In this this episode, I give a presentation on brain-computer interface technologies, namely regarding Neuralink, a neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk which hopes to begin human trials in 2022 with the hopes of 'restoring full-body functionality to quadriplegics.' Follow me on Instagram @thetylerlasalle

Dec 19, 202111:45
#004 Overcoming Irrational Beliefs

#004 Overcoming Irrational Beliefs

In this episode, I talk about the work of Albert Ellis. Ellis was a Psychologist with a PhD from Columbia University who developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy as well as aiding in the development of Cognitive Behavior Therapy. His work included listing 12 irrational beliefs that many human beings hold in their thought processes throughout the day. In this podcast, I give opposite beliefs to these irrational beliefs in hoping that they serve as an aid in overcoming irrationality and anxiety. God Bless!

Jul 31, 202018:50
#003 China & Artificial Intelligence

#003 China & Artificial Intelligence

In this episode I talk about President Xi Jinping's 2017 plan to catch up to the United States in tech frontier areas & AI technologies by 2025 and to lead the world in these areas by 2030. I also talk about the new technological aspects of China's economy and the background of why this plan was unveiled in 2017. 

Jul 30, 202012:15
#002 The Symbolic Magical Realism of Gabriel García Márquez

#002 The Symbolic Magical Realism of Gabriel García Márquez

In this episode, I seek to pinpoint universal recurring motifs that appear in a short story called "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" by Gabriel García Márquez. 

Jul 28, 202014:38
#001 Hunter La Salle, the 21st Century Philosopher-Thespian

#001 Hunter La Salle, the 21st Century Philosopher-Thespian

In this first episode of the podcast, I speak with my brother, an aspiring actor, filmmaker, & musician about the philosophical aspects of acting & the emotional perspective of the Thespian personality. We also discuss our artistic opinions of new movies like Knives Out & JoJo Rabbit, and being creative in the post COVID-19 world. 

Jul 26, 202002:11:27