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After death communication ADC

After death communication ADC

By Anthony Chipoletti

Why I believe we have an intangible awareness which exists forever and transcends all limits, even biological death. An actual event in my life showing me after death communication is real and unexplainable. Humans may actually be made of star stuff, as Carl Sagan said. Our awareness of life may have existed and will exist forever.
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EPISODE12 - After death communication

After death communication ADCJan 08, 2018

EPISODE 13 - The illusion of time

EPISODE 13 - The illusion of time

My real life experience showing me my brain needed weeks to construct the present moment. Inside the brain the so-called future may actually be the past.
Jan 10, 201800:00
EPISODE12 - After death communication

EPISODE12 - After death communication

 There have been several after death events in my life. The first one I can recall was about age 7 in 1945 a few years after my uncle was killed in the US Army as described in another blog post. The other events happened much more closely to the actual date of the death of a friend or family member and were just brief encounters such as a smell or an unexpected encounter with a bird. The first event that clearly changed my life is described below. The editor described below is Charles T. Tart, Ph.D. This article first appeared on his website, T.A.S.T.E., The Archives of Scientists' Transcendent Experiences.

Anthony Chipoletti (real name) graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 1980 with a BS degree that included training in Chemistry, Biology and Psychology. He was employed for a time in Pittsburgh in 1968 as a medical research technician in hematology and hemophilia research with Jessica Lewis, who discovered Factor VIII. Financial and family needs kept him from further graduate education and he was employed as a researcher in the media industry. 

Beyond the Light, by Anthony Chipoletti.
Early in 1995, about one year before my mother's death, December 14, 1995, I saw a copy of the book Beyond the Light, written by P. M. H. Atwater. I seemed to have many of the personal attributes of the people she described as near death survivors. I could not clearly recall any NDE event except for a brief childhood episode after tonsil surgery under ether;
I wrote to her, and she sent seminar details;

I also realized that the medical community and other folks around Pittsburgh PA were interested or involved in NDE research. For example, one of the local hospitals was cooling bodies of patients, and repairing their blood vessels near the brain stem. Patients who survived lost all awareness of who they were, and any other personal identity, including other skills such as reading and writing.

Dr. Atwater's research seemed to me to include reputable sources in the scientific and medical communities.

In May of 1996, six months after my mother's death on December 14, 1995, and very near my mother's birthday on May 9, I was preparing for a visit to the city of Pittsburgh by P. M. H. Atwater.

Atwater had given me three names and phone numbers to call for background information on her near death research, which she was scheduled to speak about in June 1996 at my invitation.

My first call was to a gentleman who hosted near death seminars in his home for many years. He was a dedicated skeptic and did not believe the experience was real.

The second person was the mother of a young son. She and her son experienced an unusual event, and had been featured on a television show. However, she felt that people would inflate their experiences to get attention, as she did.

The third call lasted about thirty minutes. I do not recall any of the conversation. The woman had experienced a profound near death event, however, she sought no publicity and received none.

As soon as I hung up the phone after the third call, my room, which is about nine feet high and twelve feet square, lit up with a wonderful, pale light. I had risen from my chair, just after the call, and immediately sat back down. The light lasted about twenty minutes, then went away.
About one year after my Light experience, I asked P. M. H. Atwater if she had informed her friend about it. She stated that the Light experience had happened to many others after speaking with her friend, so she had not mentioned mine!

The website of the third person, Nancy Clark  

Jan 08, 201809:52
EPISODES 10 and 11 - Free Thought the sense of humor

EPISODES 10 and 11 - Free Thought the sense of humor

My ideas about the human sense of humor and why half the people who hear a joke might be offended by it ??
Jun 25, 201204:57
EPISODE 6 - Free Thought tau neutrino

EPISODE 6 - Free Thought tau neutrino

The tau neutrino and the century of science, the 1900s
Jun 25, 201200:00
EPISODES 7 to 9 - Two and a half minutes of my ideas about time

EPISODES 7 to 9 - Two and a half minutes of my ideas about time

Time and distance are related to each other in a simple way, time is equal to the distance between two observers of the same event.
Jun 13, 201202:30
EPISODE 5 - My definition of science

EPISODE 5 - My definition of science

Can science define itself? Can the human mind define itself? From what point of view do we define our lives? How are we aware that we are tangible? What is the source of our awareness of anything?
Oct 02, 200800:00
EPISODE 4 - Sources of Free Thought

EPISODE 4 - Sources of Free Thought

My sources of Free Thought are Alan Watts and Michel Martin. I first learned about Free Thought in 1962, while serving in the US Army.
Oct 02, 200816:43
EPISODE 3 - The simplicity of spiritual life

EPISODE 3 - The simplicity of spiritual life

Awareness of one's self and of others is my idea of how the spirit exists. Spirit is an intangible awareness of all tangible stuff. Reality is both tangible and spirit.
Oct 02, 200815:48


Free Thought - it's not what you think :) I am not an atheist, nor a theist, nor an agnostic. Nor do I think that humans can physically touch every tangible thingy.
Oct 02, 200816:37
EPISODE 1 with Sue Grandys Uncomfortable Questions

EPISODE 1 with Sue Grandys Uncomfortable Questions

Uploaded interview with Sue Grandys, whose podcast is Uncomfortable Questions. She inspired me to create my own podcast.
Oct 01, 200800:00