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The Agile Daily Standup - AgileDad

The Agile Daily Standup - AgileDad

By AgileDad ~ V. Lee Henson

Rise and shine, Agile enthusiasts! Kickstart your day with 'The Agile Daily Standup' podcast. In a crisp 15 minutes or less, AgileDad brings you a refreshing burst of Agile insights, blended seamlessly with humor and authenticity. Celebrated around the world for our distinct human-centered and psychology-driven approach, we're on a mission to ignite your path to business agility. Immerse yourself in curated articles, invaluable tips, captivating stories, and conversations with the best in the business. Set your aspirations high and let's redefine agility, one episode at a time with AgileDad!
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3 Keys To Help You Get Things Done

The Agile Daily Standup - AgileDadMay 17, 2024

The Top 5 Undeserved Reasons Scrum Gets a Black Eye
Jun 03, 202409:36
What Was I Made For?
May 31, 202406:31
Managers Are Overworked and I'm Worried - Mike Cohn

Managers Are Overworked and I'm Worried - Mike Cohn

Managers Are Overworked and I'm Worried - Mike Cohn

I’m scared, folks—not of zombies, spiders, or flying.
I’m afraid of managers. Maybe I should say I’m afraid for managers.
I just read a new Harvard Business review article called
 Four Reasons Why Managers Fail. It said managers have nearly three times as many direct reports as they did just six years ago.
Managers also reported an average of 51% more responsibilities than they can handle.
The same research found that 44% of managers are struggling to fully support their direct reports.
I get that it’s fashionable to bash managers and to think of them as all living in a Dilbert cartoon. But managers perform important functions in organizations:

  • They help convey organizational strategy.
  • They look out for the careers and development of their employees.
  • Managers resolve conflict.
  • They help put the right people together to form great teams.
  • They shelter teams from the potentially swirling whirlwind of change that often exists outside the team.
  • Managers facilitate decisions.
  • They have resources and can get more when it’s justified.
  • Managers help create—or change—the culture of an organization.
  • And when you want someone to remove an impediment? There’s no one better than a manager with both budget and people responsibilities.

So when some serious research reveals 48% of managers are at risk of failure, I’m worried.
I can literally remember becoming a manager. The responsibilities I had felt huge. The company was planning for a public offering and if the teams I managed were to fail, the public offering wouldn’t happen. Some nights I was sleepless with excitement over what my teams were accomplishing and how well they were working together.
Some nights I was sleepless with worry. (Other nights I was sleepless from too much pizza.)
But according to the research in this article, I had it easy as a manager back then compared to the stress and responsibilities managers feel today.
If you’re a manager with too many responsibilities, or three times the direct reports you had a few years ago, or you’re worried you’re at risk of failure, please understand you’re not alone; what you’re feeling is the norm now.
Next, take a look at my website. I’ve got hundreds of blog posts there, in addition to the videos on YouTube. It’s very likely you’ll find something there to help.
Or try asking GoatBot, our AI answer engine. It’s been trained on everything I’ve written or taught.
Finally, just click reply to this email—even if you only want some sympathy for the challenges of being a manager today. My team and I want to help.
So many managers at risk of failing scares me. That’s a lot of value that could be created in the world that may not be. Let’s fix that together,

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May 30, 202404:34
Everybody Hates the Product Manager
May 29, 202410:04
Product Manager vs Project Manager - The Importance in the Difference
May 28, 202413:15
Remembering Memorial Day - Reflection
May 27, 202415:02
An Act of Service - What Have you Done For Me Lately?
May 24, 202407:05
How To Learn From a Disagreement About Agile - Mike Cohn

How To Learn From a Disagreement About Agile - Mike Cohn

How To Learn From a Disagreement About Agile - Mike Cohn

A reply I got recently to one of these weekly email tips began with, “Mike, you’re wrong.” The reply then went on to summarize that person’s experience and how it led to his conclusion that I’m wrong.
But I wasn’t wrong. 
And neither was he.
Whenever I disagree with someone, I try to begin from the perspective that we are both right. (Except in the case of whether 
Han shot first. He did.)
If you and I disagree and begin with the assumption that we are both right, we’re going to have a better conversation. Instead of each trying to persuade the other that we’re right, we instead try to figure out why we view something differently.
Putting this in an agile context, our different opinions have been formed by the projects and teams we’ve worked with. Since our experiences were different, the conclusions we draw and opinions we form can be different.
As an example, suppose two people are arguing about how much upfront design should be done on agile projects. Their different opinions could arise from one having experience building very simple websites and the other having experience developing large systems in highly regulated domains.
As another example, I have a different opinion than those advocating “No Estimates.” But rather than thinking they’re wrong, I want to understand how their and my experiences could have led us to different opinions.
Maybe we’ve worked on projects of different sizes. Or we worked with companies with different cultures and attitudes toward planning. Or we were required to make more or fewer commitments to customers, marketing, or external stakeholders such as public or private investors.
When people disagree, I don’t find it very useful to engage in a bare-knuckle brawl to determine who is right. That’s often fruitless, frustrating, and just leads to more entrenched thinking on both sides.
Figuring out why we may disagree is much more productive, and a surer way to succeed with agile.

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May 23, 202405:05
The Top 10 Keys To Being a Respected Product Manager
May 22, 202411:49
Should Product Roadmaps Have Dates?
May 21, 202408:06
What Is Waste Snake? Is It Agile?
May 20, 202409:04
3 Keys To Help You Get Things Done
May 17, 202406:13
What Happens to the Scrum Master if the Organization Decides NOT to do Scrum?
May 16, 202406:02
5 Ways to Improve Team Productivity
May 15, 202407:15
Our Definition of Productivity is Skewed...
May 14, 202410:14
7 Easy to Miss Signs You Are an ANNOYING Leader
May 13, 202409:17
Lead With Light & Love...
May 10, 202406:59
7 Things a Product Owner Should Stop Doing
May 09, 202406:02
Are User Stories The Same as Requirements? - Mike Cohn

Are User Stories The Same as Requirements? - Mike Cohn

Are User Stories The Same as Requirements? - Mike Cohn

Are user stories the same as requirements? Not quite, but they’re close.

Rather than thinking of a user story as a requirement, I find it more useful to think of each story as a pointer to a requirement.

Most commonly, every story is a placeholder for a future conversation between the team and its stakeholders. During that conversation, stakeholders will convey the details about what is needed. If more detail is needed than can be conveyed in a conversation, the story may point to a flow diagram, a sketch of the user interface, sample data, instructions on how to perform a calculation, or so on.

A user story itself is too vague to be considered a requirement. You’re better off thinking of a story as a pointer to a requirement.

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May 08, 202406:55
Top 5 Things We Do Incorrectly in Product Discovery
May 07, 202410:01
Agile Does NOT Mean ZERO Planning...

Agile Does NOT Mean ZERO Planning...

Agile Does NOT Mean ZERO Planning...

Before diving into how I managed planning for this project, it’s important to understand what a plan is and the role of agile planning.

A PLAN is a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something. It’s like a beacon, offering stakeholders a clear vision and placing realistic expectations. It can project a rough timeline for marketing activities, too. The book Agile Estimating and Planning, by Mike Cohn introduces plans as guidance to investment decisions, helping us know who needs to be available to work on a project during a given time and if a project is on track to deliver the functionalities that the user(s) may need and expect. In short, plans usually take the form of documents or figures. They are a big picture of how a project is supposed to unfold.

PLANNING, however, is a quest for value. It is an activity done continuously responding to the feedback from users. Planning helps the team adjust their original plan towards the final destination. To serve different purposes, product teams structure and frame different levels of planning. In a fast-paced world, Agile teams achieve this by planning at three horizons — the release, the iteration, and the current day.

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May 06, 202408:52
How Can I Speak At A Conference? - AgileDadSpeaks.Com
May 03, 202406:24
The Top 10 AI Tools For Agile Project Managers
May 02, 202406:40
Avoid Overloading Your Sprints - Mike Cohn

Avoid Overloading Your Sprints - Mike Cohn

Avoid Overloading Your Sprints - Mike Cohn

Someone asked me the other day, “Is there a maximum size for a sprint backlog item?” The simple answer is yes. A team should not bring any item that is more than half of its average velocity into an iteration.
As an example, if a team’s average velocity is 30, and the team estimates using the Fibonacci series, the maximum size sprint backlog item would be 13.

In general, I’d like items much smaller than that. But half of the average velocity is the max.

To understand why large items create problems, consider a recent experience I had at a hotel. My room was on the 15th floor. That floor also had a handful of meeting rooms, each of which looked as if it held around 20 people.

One afternoon, I left my room and went to the bank of elevators. Unfortunately, this was seconds after the meetings let out, sending hoards of attendees surging out of the meeting rooms. I suddenly found myself waiting for the elevator with perhaps 70 other people.

Those elevators, each with a capacity of around 10 people, were not designed for a sudden need to transport 70 people. They were designed instead to transport individuals or small groups of 2, 3, 4 or 5.

Each sprint is like an elevator. It’s very effective when you load your sprints up with a set of small items. Put something large into a sprint, though, and work can back up just like passengers waiting for an elevator.

But what if the team needs to bring in something bigger in a certain sprint?

My first recommendation is to attempt to split the item into smaller items. (I wrote about 5 simple ways to split stories. Try those first.)

If you can’t split it, go ahead and bring the large item into the sprint but balance its largeness by bringing in some much smaller items. Doing so will smooth the flow of work from one skill to another, such as from programmers to testers.

Keeping things smaller will smooth the flow of work through an iteration, and will help you succeed with agile.

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May 01, 202405:03
The Top AI Tools For Product Managers
Apr 30, 202404:60
The Top 10 Ways To Be Respected As a Product Manager
Apr 29, 202407:07
People Don't Buy Your Product... They Buy YOU!
Apr 26, 202414:18
The Product Owner - Steering the Team to Success
Apr 25, 202404:39
Scrum Has Transformed Itself
Apr 24, 202413:37
It’s a Daily Scrum, Not a Daily Status Report - Mike Cohn

It’s a Daily Scrum, Not a Daily Status Report - Mike Cohn

Whether or not you are a fan of Star Trek, you’ve likely heard of the Captain of the U.S.S Enterprise asking some form of this question: “Engineering, status report?” or “Spock, status report?” (It’s such a common trope that Season 2, episode 9 of Star Trek: Brave New Worlds, “Subspace Rhapsody,” features an iconic scene where the crew has encountered something that is making them all sing their status reports.)
On a ship, even a spaceship, status reports are a quick and efficient way to check that all systems are running as expected or to report problems. On waterfall software projects, status reports often were an effective but often tedious way for a manager to update their Gantt chart to reflect the progress (or lack thereof) for each plan element.
Unfortunately the idea of status reports is so embedded in our psyches that many people on agile teams treat a daily scrum as a time to give a status report to the Scrum Master.
The daily scrum is meant to be a synchronization meeting for the whole team, not a status report solely for the benefit of the Scrum Master. So how did we end up here?
I suspect some people missed the message that a daily scrum is an inspect and adapt activity for the team. And I wonder if the three traditional questions of the daily scrum are to blame as well. The template, “What did you do yesterday? What will you do today? Any blockers?” just sounds like a robotic status report Spock would give.
Two Ways to Bring Sync Back to Daily Scrums
Want to break your team out of the status report mindset? Try these two tips.
First, eliminate the three questions and experiment with structures that work for your team. At your next retrospective, tell the team you want to dispose of the three questions (and why). Remind them of the purpose of daily scrums: to inspect and adapt the team’s progress. And that the goal is to make each daily scrum about synching their work, rather than reporting status, while staying inside the 15-minute timebox.
Then invite the team to come up with experiments to try (like going PBI by PBI instead of person by person).
Second, for one sprint try to avoid eye contact with anyone giving an update during a daily scrum, especially doing them in person. Making eye contact is human nature. When we speak, we make eye contact with someone. Many teams, especially those new to Scrum, will naturally look at the ScrumMaster when speaking rather than one another.
By not making eye contact with someone giving an update, ScrumMasters can signal that the speaker should be talking to the rest of the team, rather than directly to the Scrum Master.
If your daily scrums are so dull that the team is silently begging to be beamed up, you aren’t alone. Bringing a collaborative spirit back to your daily scrums is one way to help your team succeed with agile.

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Apr 23, 202407:25
Generative AI is Revolutionizing Product Development!

Generative AI is Revolutionizing Product Development!

Generative AI is Revolutionizing Product Development!

Imagine a world where your product ideas are not just yours but are informed by the collective intelligence of countless consumer interactions, market trends, and technological possibilities. Welcome to the realm of generative AI — a world where product managers can transcend traditional boundaries of innovation and efficiency. As a product manager, you are the maestro of this orchestra, wielding tools that can harmonize market data into symphonies of opportunity. This article invites you to explore the revolution generative AI is bringing to product development, offering you a lens into a future where the only limit is not your resources, but the breadth of your imagination.

Generative AI can fuel the ideation process by synthesizing market trends and customer feedback to suggest improvements and new product ideas.

Example: By analyzing social media data, AI can generate ideas for eco-friendly packaging that appeals to sustainability-conscious consumers.

Tip: Use AI to regularly scan customer reviews and forums to capture emerging needs and preferences for product updates or new developments.

AI tools can analyze large datasets to uncover market patterns, generate user interview guides, and synthesize feedback into actionable insights.

Example: AI can create detailed customer journey maps by integrating data from various touchpoints, providing a holistic view of the customer experience.

Tip: Employ AI to conduct competitive analysis, ensuring you’re aware of the market landscape and can strategically position your product.

In this phase, AI assists in creating design concepts, simulating user interactions, and generating personas for hypothesis testing.

Example: AI can simulate the user experience of a banking app for different personas, identifying potential usability issues before development.

Tip: Use generative AI to validate design concepts by generating visual prototypes and testing them with target user groups.

Generative AI can draft requirements, optimize code, and automate repetitive coding tasks, enhancing efficiency.

Example: AI can suggest optimizations for a food delivery app’s routing algorithm, reducing delivery times.

Tip: Incorporate AI-driven code reviews to maintain high-quality standards and identify potential efficiencies.

AI generates test cases and identifies edge cases, simulating user behavior to ensure robustness and quality.

Example: AI can generate synthetic data to test a new payment processing feature under various conditions.

Tip: Use AI to conduct pre-mortems, anticipating potential risks and addressing them proactively.

AI can create marketing materials, suggest A/B test scenarios, and help in crafting targeted outreach.

Example: AI can draft a press release for a new tech gadget, optimizing it for key SEO terms.

Tip: Leverage AI for real-time analysis of campaign performance, allowing for quick adjustments to improve outreach efforts.

Post-launch, AI analyzes customer feedback for product iteration and helps in setting OKRs for future development.

Example: AI can propose feature enhancements for a project management tool based on user suggestions and usage data.

AI models can help in exploring new strategic directions and simulating business scenarios.

Example: Use AI to model the impact of adding a subscription tier to a productivity app, forecasting revenue and user engagement changes.

Generative AI is not just a tool but a game-changer in product development. By integrating AI into each phase, product managers can ensure that their strategies are data-driven, customer-centric, and innovative.

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Apr 22, 202408:49
How To Stay Consistent - Mahika Joshi

How To Stay Consistent - Mahika Joshi

How To Stay Consistent- Mahika Joshi

I am the most inconsistent person you will ever meet. And that is why you should listen when I say — I know what helps maintain consistency.

Other than immediate deadlines, what else pushes a person to complete their task? If you do complete that task today, how to make sure you do it long enough to see the desired results?

The steps are very basic and general. You must have heard of them here and there. But you don’t give any importance to those things, right? It’s not even your fault. Happened to me as well. We all like to think that we are better than others. Even though some of our habits are below average, we don’t admit that, do we?

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Apr 19, 202409:18
Is The Party Over For ScrumMasters and Agile Coaches?
Apr 18, 202410:26
Software Engineers Are DOOMED! - AI Has Come For Their Jobs..
Apr 17, 202406:23
We Can't Fix Every Problem - Mike Cohn

We Can't Fix Every Problem - Mike Cohn

We Can't Fix Every Problem - Mike Cohn

At almost every monthly Q&A session for my AMC members, someone asks me how to solve dysfunctional management challenges. I hear it all:

  • An impossible, imposed deadline
  • An incredibly junior team that needs to perform at an expert level to meet an impossible deadline
  • Management who assigns work to the team
  • Management who holds the team accountable for their sprint plan but then adds 50 percent more work during the sprint
  • Product owners who won’t tell the team what to work on next, but then yell during the sprint review when it’s the wrong thing

And more. Yes, more.

I feel compelled to point this out: We cannot fix every problem.

We owe it to our employers to try. But our employers owe us a culture in which we can succeed. 

When they don’t provide that culture, we have limited options.

  1. First, we should try to expose the problem (or the effects of the problem) to others who may be in a better position to address the issue.
  2. If that fails, we either need to accept the status quo or move on. 

If you are excited to build a strong agile team but the organization assigns your team a product owner who insists on telling the team what to do and has no willingness to change or improve, you probably aren’t going to be successful.

Yes. Try to educate the person. Try to persuade the person. Expose the bad behavior to stakeholders with the hope of garnering support there. 

But if none of that works, accept that you’re in a position you cannot change. 
Focus your energy on things you can affect. And accept or move on from the unfortunate things in our work environments you cannot. You can be successful. But not every company culture will let you fully succeed with agile

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Apr 16, 202408:17
The 'F' in Feelings.. Should This Be Part of Agile?
Apr 15, 202410:05
A Lesson On Gratitude
Apr 12, 202408:40
The Top 3 Questions To Unlock Your Team's Potential
Apr 11, 202407:13
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me... - Mike Cohn

Wait Wait Don't Tell Me... - Mike Cohn

Wait Wait Don't Tell Me... - Mike Cohn

In the US, National Public Radio runs a popular weekly news quiz show called, “Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me!” I was listening to the show the other day while driving back from the airport to my home, and it got me thinking (and laughing too. It’s a funny show.)
“Wait wait … don’t tell me,” might be a good mantra for Scrum teams to use with their product owners. Or perhaps better, “Wait wait . . . tell me later.” Agile teams need to be willing to start without having all the answers up front.
Some teams, though, expect the product owner to have every answer figured out before work can begin. This happens with new teams, and more frequently than you might think, also with teams that have been doing Scrum a while.
Teams that refuse to bring a backlog item into the sprint until they have all the details buttoned down are getting in the way of their own ability to be agile.
Most commonly, this shows up as the team demanding the product owner provide full acceptance criteria for each product backlog item before that item can be brought into a sprint.
This is a step back toward a waterfall or sequential approach. It essentially establishes a gate at the start of a sprint. No work is allowed through that gate until all open issues have been resolved.
To overcome this, team members need to become comfortable with uncertainty. And so do the product owner and business stakeholders. You don’t need to have all the answers to startYou only need all the answers to finish.
When open issues remain on backlog items are brought into a sprint, there will be times when those items are not finished in the sprint. That's okay. It’s OK (and expected) to not finish everything every single sprint. What’s not OK is slowing work down by trying to think of everything up front.
Just like in a quiz show, the answers will come eventually. And, just like in the show, sometimes those answers will fail to appear before the timer runs out [on the sprint]. As one of the contestants quipped, “I am prepared to fail spectacularly!”
But even if they sometimes fall short, teams will do a lot of learning while they search for those answers. They’ll learn about the product, yes, but they’ll also learn a lot about how to work together, how to communicate, and how to embrace uncertainty. And that learning is key to ultimately succeeding with agile.

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Apr 10, 202407:28
We Should NOT Fire All The ScrumMasters.. The Top 5 Things That A Scrum Master Does DAILY
Apr 09, 202412:32
It's The End Of The Roles As We Know Them, And I Feel Fine...
Apr 08, 202409:02
Make Meetings Matter
Apr 05, 202408:32
Team Disagree? Try a Lunch and Learn - Mike Cohn

Team Disagree? Try a Lunch and Learn - Mike Cohn

Team Disagree? Try a Lunch and Learn - Mike Cohn

If you’re like many of the Scrum teams I work with, your team members might have learned about Scrum in very different ways and at very different times. Some people might be self taught, others might have taken a CSM course 15 years ago, still others might have taken their first Scrum class last week.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Diversity of thought is an excellent quality for teams to have.
But it can become problematic when everyone believes their approach to some agile principle or Scrum practice is the “one true way”. Meanwhile agile leaders, HR, and others outside the team are still trying to figure out what Scrum even is.
Sound familiar? I’m betting it does.
Here’s something you can do right away to help. Host a lunch and learn on whatever topic has your team at odds.

Need to add a little authority to your discussion? Share the linked videos above as part of the lunch and learn. I regularly cover those topics (and more) out on my YouTube channel in short videos (typically 3-8 minutes).
My next few email tips are going to cover a few of the common ways teams get twisted when they can’t agree on what “being agile” or “doing scrum” means. If you’ve got a specific issue, reply to this email and let me know. I’ll do my best to cover it. Getting your teams on the same page is a fundamental way to succeed with agile.

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Apr 04, 202406:22
6 Hard to Swallow Leadership Pills That, if Applied, Will Make You a Better Boss
Apr 03, 202409:28
10 Lessons I Learned In My Journey as a Product Manager

10 Lessons I Learned In My Journey as a Product Manager

10 Lessons I Learned In My Journey as a Product Manager

  1. Understand your Product: Product managers, will lead the development of your product and not only that, you’ll be the one to define what success would look like for your product. Understanding your product’s goals, Business goals, Vision of the product, and extensively understanding what problem your product is solving is key. Understanding your WHY, WHAT and How of your product is essential.
  2. Build yourself like a Product: I started my product management journey with not so clear vision of what I wanted to become, but one of the things I took serious was building my brand and positioning myself in the PM and Tech Space; well not like I’ve gotten to where I want to yet. As time went by, my career vision, long term & short goals became clearer, I kept building on myself, actively learning and open to feedback. As Product Managers you have to build yourself like a Product.
  3. Have an innovative mindset: To become a better Product Manager, you have to have an innovative mindset and be a critical thinker. Products aren’t just built, it takes a lot ideation, critical thinking, research before it is being brought to life. As Tech evolves, you have to be actively thinking of ways to better improve your product and be innovative about your ideas.
  4. Product Management isn’t a Shortcut to Tech: A lot of people tend to believe that since they can’t code, the easiest Career path to delve into is Product Management. Product Management is hard, what other word can I use? It’s hard and it’s not easy. It takes a lot to be a Product Manager; Being a critical thinker, Decision Maker, Effective leader, People Manager, Empathetic Manager and many more. They seem easy but when you eventually have to start using these skills, you realize it’s more than that.
  5. Prioritize both your physical and mental health: Health is wealth like we all say. Sometimes people only focus on the physical health and neglecting the mental health, forgetting that a healthy mind results to a healthy productive lifestyle. Product management can be so demanding that sometimes, you struggle to care for your mental health. Having healthy routines or habits that can help you balance a healthy mental health is key.
  6. Learn everyday: When I say learn everyday you know I’m not saying every day, I meant be an ‘active Learner’. Product Management is a broad Career path, and even though you don’t have to be expert in all aspects, it’s important to be able to understand every other aspects of Product Management. Learning from experts, online learning, learning from experience are ways to learn. Learning is a continuous journey and Tech itself is a fast pace sector.
  7. Build rich connections: Building rich connections is key in Tech, and it has a lot of its advantages. Remember that; “Your Network is your net-worth”, this is really true. Having the right connections and people in your corner would help your journey a lot easier as a product Manager; From learning from their experience, guidance, to even opportunities.
  8. Product Managers wears many hats : So far in my career, I’ve realized that not only are we Product Managers but we’re superheroes. Product Managers are at the center of the Product, and we do more than managing the Product. Some Product Managers do responsibilities of Quality Assurance tester, Business analyst, marketing manager, Scrum Master, Project manager and many more. Kudos to all Product Managers!
  9. Documentation is a key aspect of Product Management: As product managers, ability to effectively document processes and tools, Product Documentations is key especially if you’re just starting in PM or in the junior level. Documentation plays a crucial role in Product Development and it serves as a guide for knowledge sharing.
  10. Product Managers embraces Feedback: Feedback could be positive or negative, what makes you a better Product Manager is your ability to embrace feedback both on your product and on your Career journey.
Apr 02, 202407:24
Announcing Agile For ALL Dads! (and Moms and Children...)
Apr 01, 202405:01
How to Know What You Want
Mar 29, 202413:50
Leadership Is the Big Gaping Hole In the Agile Manifesto

Leadership Is the Big Gaping Hole In the Agile Manifesto

Leadership Is the Big Gaping Hole In the Agile Manifesto

From time to time, people will declare Agile dead. On December 1st, Cliff Berg declared Agile dead in a viral post on LinkedIn. Personally, I think declaring a tool like Agile dead because it doesn’t work is like declaring a pencil dead because it doesn’t turn us all into Michelangelos. A tool enhances human capabilities. A tool is only as powerful as the people using it. But declaring things dead can be a good way to see what is wrong with it, maybe redesign it. In his post, Cliff stated that “Agile is dead … but companies still need agility.” Agile is dead, long live agility.

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Mar 28, 202410:07
Hey Scrum Master... Are you my manager? - Mike Cohn

Hey Scrum Master... Are you my manager? - Mike Cohn

Hey Scrum Master... Are you my manager? - Mike Cohn

Back when my girls were small, I used to read Dr. Seuss books to them. Together, we giggled over the antics in the Cat in the Hat and shed a few tears over the destruction in The Lorax.
But a question I got asked in a class recently brought me back to another childhood classic from the Dr. Seuss brand, “
Are You My Mother?” It’s a simple story about a newly hatched baby bird that sets out on a quest to find their mother. (Don’t worry, the baby bird is eventually reunited with their actual mother.)
I think newly hatched Scrum teams (and sometimes the people forming those teams) can feel as lost as the baby bird in that story. Why? Because without fail, one of the first questions they ask of or about their Scrum Master is, “Are you my manager?”
In the words of the book, the correct answer is, “No. I am not your manager. I am a Scrum Master.”
The confusion is natural because good Scrum Masters do perform some of the same functions good managers do:

  • They motivate and encourage people to do their best work.
  • They look out for the team’s mental health by avoiding excessive deadline pressure.
  • They remove impediments to progress.
  • They improve a team's collaboration and teamwork and more.
  • Scrum Masters don't assign tasks or allocate people to projects
  • They don't pick due dates for tasks or projects
  • And, most importantly, Scrum Masters do not assume responsibility for a team's work. The responsibility for the team’s work resides with the team members.

But Scrum Masters are unlike managers, too:
If you find your teammates acting as though the Scrum Master is their manager, discuss it immediately rather than waiting for a retrospective. Quickly getting on the same page about how Scrum roles compare to traditional roles will help you and your team succeed with agile,

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Mar 27, 202406:30
Should Stories Carry Over From One Spring To the Next? - NO
Mar 26, 202411:11