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Real, Raw, and Uncut With Ajahana Hall

Real, Raw, and Uncut With Ajahana Hall

By Ajahana

This podcasts is meant to act as a positive and uplifting resource for those dealing with the ups and downs of life. The conversations that will take place will range anywhere in topic from, family, work, finances, dating and relationships etc. it will be based off of a Christian perspective however it will touch on all points of views and perspectives allowing all to join in on the conversation. “As iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens [and influences] another [through discussion].”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭27:17
Currently playing episode

February 16, 2020

Real, Raw, and Uncut With Ajahana HallFeb 16, 2020

Infinite Love

Infinite Love

This episode is all about the unconditional love of GOD. Romans 8:38-39 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
May 15, 202009:54
Some Days Are Better Than Others

Some Days Are Better Than Others

In this episode I get real with you and share my mental and emotion struggles I battle with and how I try and process it and attend to it to change my thinking and remain in control of my emotions.
May 04, 202014:03
No Condemnation Here !

No Condemnation Here !

This episode I discuss the elephant in the room...Condemnation..a word used often in Christianity to explain the feeling after sinning. I felt this topic was needed due to it being something we all may struggle with.
May 03, 202015:32
Just Do It!✅

Just Do It!✅

This episode kept it short and sweet lol and just wanted to encourage all of my fellow procrastinators out there 🙋🏾‍♀️ who keep putting off their to do list and obligations from the Lordt ..yess hunny I said LORDT! Hallelujah anyhow
Apr 30, 202008:30
Reflecting, Reflected, Reflections

Reflecting, Reflected, Reflections

This episode is a short reflection response to everything that has been happening since Covid 19. I hope this episode reaches those who needed encouragement.
Apr 14, 202013:29


This episode is really about dealing with the aftermath of being rejected In any given situation in one’s life and how you can navigate that through God’s word and how God’s word really comforts you in times of rejection and this segment really breaks down what it truly means when you have feelings of rejection as well as a different perspective in outlook on how you can turn it around as a positive and a blessing
Mar 17, 202025:27
February 16, 2020

February 16, 2020

Feb 16, 202000:32
Got Faith?

Got Faith?

In this episode I go deeper with my thoughts on faith and what the Bible says about it and how it’s important in our walk with Christ to always have faith. As I’ve said in the beginning of my first podcast, that I would continue this topic because I am very passionate about keeping it in the flow of all the podcast as I think it is very important to discuss it. I think it is something that will always be attacked in our walk with God,..and so in knowing that I think it’s important to be open about it and see what the word says about it and how we can apply it deeper into our roots of our relationship with God and hopefully get to a point where it’s never wavered
Feb 16, 202026:59
Knowing God knowing yourself

Knowing God knowing yourself

In this episode you will get some perspective on how spending time with God will help you know your true identity and purpose in life. This episode my friend Roger comes on to share his insight on this topic, while also incorporating some great scripture.
Jan 08, 202001:01:07
You are NOT ALONE!

You are NOT ALONE!

This segment wraps up Rebecca’s testimony and it concludes with helpful scripture. As you can see Rebecca and I had lots to say on the subject and was cut short due to running out of time, however please let’s keep the conversation going, and email me any questions, comments.
Jan 05, 202045:50
Alone Not Lonely: Rebecca’s Testimony

Alone Not Lonely: Rebecca’s Testimony

In this episode I sit down with a very close friend of mine.. Rebecca. In this episode Rebecca shares her story and experience of feeling alone and lonely, and how those feelings lead her to a path of despair..however it was in that moment of despair that she shares how God revealed not only his love for her but also her true identity.
Jan 05, 202001:00:46
In this episode you can expect it to be real, real and UNCUT. I share a bit of testimony

In this episode you can expect it to be real, real and UNCUT. I share a bit of testimony

This episode is for anyone who has ever felt alone or lonely, and maybe even confused and hopeless. This episode is to unveil the (what I believe) taboo of mental and emotional and even spiritual struggles we as not only Christians face but as humans. This episode is a reflection of what I went through and what I have learned in the process in the times of alone/loneliness and how God revealed to me that I wasn’t alone or lonely but that he simply wanted my attention on him and the plans he had for me.
Dec 27, 201943:33
What about faith..?

What about faith..?

In episode 2 we talk about and explore in depth what faith is and why we need to have it. This episode goes in deeper to explain faith and how we are to have and obtain it. This episode will also touch on how influenced we are by our faith or the lack there of so to it’s influence on our thought life.
Dec 16, 201926:27
Step out on Faith

Step out on Faith

For my very first episode I will discuss the very thing that got me started in the first place..FAITH. This is a unrehearsed and totally improved episode that will slowly unravel what faith is according to myself, others and of course Gods word.
Nov 27, 201920:49