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By Alaya Rose Healing & Pleasure

Welcome to the F*ck It, Let’s Breathe! Each week help you to connect with your own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared belief that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!
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Connecting with the Power of Love

F*CK IT, LET'S BREATHEDec 30, 2022

The Pleasure Within - Season Finale

The Pleasure Within - Season Finale

As we reach the end of our first season of "F*ck It, Let's Breathe," we invite you to join us in celebrating the beauty, joy, and pleasure within.

In this episode, we delve deep into the realms of self-love and pleasure, exploring the power of embracing our bodies, our desires, and the infinite possibilities that await. Tune in for a guided meditation that ignites the light of pleasure within you, guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and celebration.

Thank you for being part of this first season of "F*ck It, Let's Breathe."

Stay tuned for more moments of connection, exploration, and growth.

I love you and am so grateful for you!

Aug 18, 202312:60
Celestial Slumber

Celestial Slumber

Welcome to this week's episode of "F*ck It, Let's Breathe," where we invite you to embark on a cosmic journey into restful slumber. In this guided meditation, we'll guide you through a celestial experience, embracing the soothing energy of the cosmos to help you find deep and rejuvenating sleep.

Allow yourself to come into this moment, finding comfort in lying down and releasing the stress and tensions of the day. As you immerse yourself in the gentle rise and fall of your breath, you'll be guided to visualize a soft, warm cosmic light enveloping your entire being. This cosmic light cradles you, creating a sense of safety and support, allowing you to surrender fully to this moment.

Imagine yourself surrounded by distant stars, with the night sky above adorned by galaxies. With every breath, envision the stars twinkling above you, their cosmic energy offering you calmness and peace. As you breathe, the soothing energy of the cosmos enters your body, bringing relaxation and tranquility. With each exhale, any stress or worries dissipate into the infinite expanse, leaving you in a state of cosmic serenity.

Picture yourself walking among the stars, allowing each step to take you deeper into the vastness of space. Feel the weight of the day lifting, as you're embraced by the cosmic energy that surrounds you. This energy grounds and connects you, inviting a sense of security and comfort. Your entire being becomes light, floating in the cosmos, ready to embrace deep and restful slumber.

As this meditation gently concludes, imagine a soft cosmic blanket wrapping around you, ensuring you are safe and supported as you drift off to sleep. Carry this sense of cosmic calmness with you, awakening refreshed and renewed. This podcast episode is dedicated to guiding you to a peaceful and rejuvenating night's sleep among the stars.

Aug 11, 202314:48
Radiate Love

Radiate Love

Welcome to this week's guided meditation, "Radiate Love: Guided Meditation for Embracing Self-Worth."

In this 10-minute meditation, you are invited to bask in the warmth of self-love and cultivate a deep sense of worthiness. As you tune into the gentle rhythm of your breath, you'll connect with the radiant energy of your heart, allowing it to expand and envelop your entire being.

This beautiful light of self-love will nurture and heal, releasing self-judgment, doubt, and imposter syndrome. You'll discover the truth that you are worthy, deserving, and oh-so deeply loved just as you are. Feel the gratitude for this experience as you embrace your unique strengths and gifts, and let this love radiate not only within yourself but also to all beings and life around you.

Return to this heart-centered space whenever you need to feel supported and cared for, knowing that the infinite supply of love resides within you.

Have a blessed and abundant day. I love you.

Aug 04, 202313:49
Invite the Flow

Invite the Flow

This week's episode of "F*ck It, Let's Breathe" creates a moment to observe and witness the flow our our breath.

Join us as we become curious about the rhythm of our breath, connecting with the energy that both fuels and relaxes our bodies. We move from the simple act of inhalation to experiencing the depths of the fullness and emptiness that breaths can bring. Through this exercise, we aim to unlock a space of infinite possibilities, offering an opportunity to invite more of what you desire into your life - be it love, connection, honesty, energy, or whatever else you desire.

As we invite in, so too we release and explore how every exhalation can serve as an act of release, letting go of fear, anxiety, resentment, anger, regret, and remorse. This meditation is not just about breathing but about being fully present in the inhale and exhale, leading to an awakening journey of healing and gratitude.

Ready to explore? Find a comfy place to get settled, and let's get started.

Jul 28, 202312:28
Grounding with Nature

Grounding with Nature

Welcome to this week's episode of "F*ck It, Let's Breathe" where we dive into our connection nature. You are invited to embark on a journey of grounding and renewal as we immerse ourselves in the healing embrace of nature.

Join us as we create space for you to connect with the natural world and experience a deep sense of grounding. Through gentle guidance and visualization, you will be transported to a serene natural setting, allowing the sights, sounds, and energy of nature to nourish and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.

This meditation is designed to help you release stress, find inner balance, and tap into the revitalizing energy of the earth. Open your mind, body and spirit to the healing power of nature as you connect with the elements, absorb their calming presence, and renew your spirit from within. You may experience a beautiful sense of grounding, tranquility, and renewal.

Subscribe to our podcast for more weekly guided meditations and join us on this journey of self-discovery and deeper understanding. Please leave a review and share your experience with others.

Let's breathe, let's connect, and let's find renewal in the beauty of nature.

Jul 21, 202311:22
Sacred Emotions: Guided Meditation for Healing and Release

Sacred Emotions: Guided Meditation for Healing and Release

Welcome to this week's episode of "F*ck It, Let's Breathe" where we embark on a beautiful journey of emotional healing and release. In this guided meditation, we create a safe space for you to connect deeply with your emotions, inviting them to be felt, acknowledged, and ultimately released. Through the power of breath and visualization, we invite you to embrace the alchemy of transformation, allowing each breath to carry you deeper into the realm of your emotions. As you surrender into this healing process, you mat experience a profound sense of release, renewal, and revitalization.

Join us in this sacred practice of honoring your emotional well-being and nurturing your spirit.

Jul 14, 202312:45
Breathe Through The Body

Breathe Through The Body

Welcome to this week's "F*ck It, Let's Breathe," a guided meditation that invites you to connect deeply with your breath and body. In this meditation we explore the simplicity of breath as it moves through your entire being.

Join us as we create space within, allowing the breath to nourish and energize every cell of your body. Through gentle inhalations and exhalations, you will experience a sense of expansion, relaxation, and inner harmony. Take this opportunity to tune into the innate wisdom of your breath, embracing its healing power and discovering the profound connection between your breath and your body. Allow yourself to be fully present, honoring this sacred time for self-care and self-discovery.

I hope you enjoy!

Jul 07, 202311:42
Tuning The Breath

Tuning The Breath

Welcome to this week's episode of "F*ck it, Let's Breathe." Join us as we create a sacred space to tune into your breath and discover the power within. Feel the gentle inhale and exhale, inviting your attention to the soothing sounds of your breath.

Give yourself permission to let your breath make a sound, allowing it to take up space in your being. Explore the tones and frequencies that resonate within you, activating your throat and embracing your unique expression. Drop deeper into grounding lower tones, feeling present within your body. Gradually rise to a neutral range, finding balance and openness. Connect to the heavens, embracing higher vibrations that align with your authentic self. Breathe deeply, honor your own rhythm, and allow your body to express truthfully.

I hope you enjoy!

Be sure to subscribe and leave a review!

Sending so much love to you wherever you may be on your journey!

Jun 30, 202313:28
Just Be Here

Just Be Here

Join us for this week's guided meditation on "F*ck it, Let's Breathe." This week, we invite you to be easy with yourself and give yourself permission to simply be. Open your heart and mind, knowing you are supported, and invite yourself to a deeper understanding of self.

We embrace gratitude for ourselves and honor our unique journey. Feel the warmth of self-acceptance as you let go of the need to prove or strive. Bask in the loving kindness within your heart, knowing you are worthy of love and care. Connect with the wisdom of your intuition and trust yourself.

I hope you enjoy!

Jun 23, 202310:49
Trusting in Abundance

Trusting in Abundance

Welcome to this week's guided meditation on "F*ck it, Let's Breathe." Join us as we explore the power of trusting in abundance and surrendering to the natural flow of life. In this journey, we allow ourselves to release the need to force outcomes and instead embrace the art of allowing and trusting. By opening ourselves to the abundance that already surrounds us, we can feel a profound sense of calm, peace, and trust in the universe.

Through soothing words and gentle breathwork, we create a sacred space for you to connect with your inner wisdom and embrace the beauty of allowing. Let go of resistance and welcome the abundance that life has in store for you.

By shifting our perspective and taking inspired action instead of forcing outcomes, we align ourselves with the natural rhythm of the universe. As we release the need for struggle and resistance, we cultivate a deep sense of trust in ourselves and the abundant possibilities that await us.

Join us in this week's practice, and leave feeling calm, peaceful, and deeply trusting in the abundant flow of life. Embrace the power of allowing, and let the universe guide you towards your desires with grace and ease.

I hope you enjoy!!

Jun 16, 202311:39
The Rhythm of Life

The Rhythm of Life

In this week's episode of "F*ck it, Let's Breathe," we dive into the profound interplay between the simplicity and complexity of breath, guiding you to tune into your natural rhythm. Explore the power and wisdom of breath as a source of grounding, healing, and self-discovery.

Discover the beauty in the simplicity of each inhale and exhale, and embark on a journey of mindful breathing practices. Through conscious breathwork, tap into calm, clarity, and presence. I hope you enjoy!!

Jun 09, 202311:47
Claim Your Space

Claim Your Space

In this week's episode you are invited to claim your space and allow your breath to fill you completely. Join us on this journey within as we explore the profound connection between breath and the embodiment of your true essence.

Find a quiet and comfortable space as you are guided through this meditation. Invite this breathe to flow freely through every cell of your being.

Let go of self-doubt, societal expectations, and external judgments. Allow the breath to be your guiding force, illuminating a deeper sense of compassion for yourself and your journey. Discover the freedom that comes from honoring your unique presence in the world. By claiming your space, you give yourself permission to shine brightly and authentically just as you are.

It's time to let go, breathe deeply, and claim the space that is yours!

I hope you enjoy!

Jun 02, 202313:44
Radiate Your Inner Beauty

Radiate Your Inner Beauty

Take a deep breath and immerse yourself in this week's episode of "F*ck It, Let's Breathe." Join us as we create a sacred space to release, breathe, and connect with the beauty that resides within. In this meditation, we invite you to embrace the power of your breath, allowing it to permeate your entire being and renew your energy.

Find a quiet moment for yourself, and let yoursself be fully present and experience this beautiful dance with your breath. As you breathe in, feel the air fill your body, expanding your belly, and bringing life and energy to every cell of your being. Allow the outside world to quiet, giving yourself time and space to settle into the depths of your body and soul.

With each breath, feel the muscles in your body relax, tension and stress melting away. As you surrender into the present moment, know that you are fully supported and cared for by the Earth beneath you. Embrace the opportunity to release what no longer serves you, creating room for clarity, truth, and vulnerability.

Sense and feel the breath's energy as it moves through your body, perhaps visualizing it with a vibrant color and a resonating vibration. This breath carries the essence of renewal, cleansing, and restoration. With each exhale, you release what holds you back, allowing yourself to be renewed from within.

Visualize the most beautiful expression of yourself, radiating with clarity, openness, and trust. See yourself standing before you, glowing and illuminating from within. Embrace the beauty that emanates from your soul and the connection you have with life itself.

Give yourself permission to shine your light brightly, allowing your beauty to fill your entire body and radiate into the world. Know that when you embrace your own unique beauty, you inspire others to do the same. Take care of your soul, tend to your energy, and align with your purpose and path.

As the meditation comes to a close, express gratitude for the renewal, the beauty, and the abundance that you have received in this moment. Carry this radiance with you throughout your life, sharing your beautiful soul with the world.

Wishing you a week filled with love, abundance, and blessings. You are deeply loved and cherished.

May 26, 202313:27
Raise the Vibration

Raise the Vibration

Join us for a journey to raise our vibration. This week as we connect with our breath, we invite in beautiful healing light to fill our entire body and being. As we invite this light within, we open to the possibility of raising our vibration and frequency to our highest good and deepest healing.

Find a nice cozy spot and get ready to raise those vibrations!

May 19, 202313:14
Cut Those Cords

Cut Those Cords

This week as we come into a place of full embodiment, we allow ourselves to cut the cords of connections that no longer serve us. These relationships, jobs, and connections that once served our life are now outdated and ready to be released. We make space for the new by releasing that which no longer serves us.

Join us this week as we give ourselves permission to cut the cords that no longer serve us so that we can move into life with clarity, openness and presence. I hope you enjoy!!

May 12, 202314:33
Nurtured By Earth & Beyond

Nurtured By Earth & Beyond

Join us this week as we allow ourselves to be fully supported and fulfilled by the nurturing energy of Earth. We invite this energy to fill our body, offering grounding and presence. We connect this with the divine light and connect into the ethers of the heart to offer ourselves deep connection and alignment with ourselves in this moment. There is no judgement, just simply opening ourselves to the possibility of peace, ease, and the infinite wisdom of the present.

I hope you enjoy!

May 05, 202311:26
Heaven on Earth

Heaven on Earth

This week's guided meditation takes us on a journey from the heavens to deep within the Earth so that we may come into divine balance with all that is. You will be guided to welcome this healing energy into your body and being and to allow this to be your guide throughout the session. You are the manifestation of the divine and we welcome balance and harmony with the infinite flow of life.

I hope you enjoy!

Apr 28, 202311:29
Manifesting From The Heart

Manifesting From The Heart

This week, in honor of our Spring Fling Love & Relationship Manifestation series, join us on a journey to the power of manifesting our hearts greatest desires.

Explore the beauty of our relationships and connections and the power of love to support our personal growth and journey. It is through our relationships that we develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and how we relate to the world around us. Sending so much love on your journey. I hope you enjoy!!

Apr 14, 202314:14
The Simplicity of Breath

The Simplicity of Breath

Join us this week as we dive into the simplicity of our breath. Each inhale is an invitation to welcome more life, love and abundance. Every exhale a moment to release that which no longer serves us. While life can feel complicated and overwhelming, here we explore the simplicity of the essence of life and the profound practice of coming into a deeper union and connection with our breath. I hope you enjoy!!

Apr 07, 202312:37
Seeds of Love

Seeds of Love

As we honor the Spring Equinox and the arrival of Spring, join us as we sow our seeds of Love. This guided meditation will surround you with love and lead you to plant the seeds of your desires so that they may nourish and grow into their greatest expression of life and abundance. I hope you enjoy!

Mar 31, 202309:43
Vessel of Light

Vessel of Light

Join us this week for a moment to breath and fill our entire body and being with divine healing light and energy. As we move through this guided meditation, we invite in this beautiful light and allow it to fill ourselves completely. When we are in the presence of light, there can be no darkness. We can invite in peace, ease and infinite love. Sending so much love to you on your journey and hope you enjoy this meditation!

Mar 24, 202310:32
Reiki Shower for Harmony & Balance

Reiki Shower for Harmony & Balance

This week we open and invite Universal energy to support our lives and bodies by creating relaxation, harmony and balance. As a reiki practitioner and teacher, I absolutely love sharing this practice with others. Reiki is a healing practice the supports the health of the mind and body, as well as supporting spiritual development. This guided meditation invites us to connect with the vibration of the Universe for harmony and healing. I hope you enjoy!  

Mar 17, 202313:42
Boundaries of Care

Boundaries of Care

This week we breathe life into our bodies and our boundaries. Through this practice you will be invited to honor your body with loving and caring boundaries that offer protection and clear communication for our needs, wants and desires. You will feel into and strengthen you personal boundaries - physically, emotionally and spiritually. I hope you enjoy! 

Mar 10, 202313:47
Breathe in Love

Breathe in Love

This week's guided meditation takes us into the simplicity of the breath and invites us to breathe in Love. Through this journey you will feel grounded and surrounded by the energy and vibration of Love. We invite this energy within the body to heal, connect and inspire our healing and connection to ourselves and each other. I hope you enjoy! 

Mar 03, 202313:25
Recover Our Self

Recover Our Self

This week we settle into our bodies and follow the path deep within. As we explore within ourselves there are parts of us that we keep hidden from the rest of the world. Through this journey we will explore ourselves and recover and reclaim a part of ourselves that we thought we had lost or kept away forever. We do this with ease, compassion and understanding. I hope you enjoy! 

Feb 24, 202314:33
Let Life Move Though
Feb 17, 202313:32
The Child Within

The Child Within

Join us in this guided meditation where we connect with the child within and offer our presence, care and love. So many of us are walking around with wounded inner-children, and today we take time to honor them and the beautiful connection we share. I hope you enjoy! 

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Feb 10, 202313:57
Feeling That Feeling

Feeling That Feeling

This week we explore and connect with an emotion that is ready to be seen, acknowledged and honored. Join us as we take a journey to connect with the wisdom within our emotion. We give ourselves ourselves grace and compassion as we do the beautiful work of serving witness to our own experience. I hope you enjoy!

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Feb 03, 202313:58
Deep Within We Heal

Deep Within We Heal

This week we dive deep within the wisdom of our bodies to offer ourselves, healing, release and transformation. Through this journey we travel into the depths of our soul, uncovering some of our most private parts of ourselves and we open to the possibility of healing. You will travel into the darkness within with safety, care and support to do you profound healing work. I hope you enjoy!

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Jan 27, 202315:50
Primordial Urges of Life

Primordial Urges of Life

Join us as we return to our original source and connect with the primordial urges of Life. Listen in to this 10 minute meditation to ground you into your breath and into the depths of our origin and being. Allow yourself to deeply surrender and connect with the the origins of Life. I hope you enjoy! 

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Jan 20, 202312:17
How Good Can It Get?

How Good Can It Get?

Join us as we connect within and observe our external world. When we allow ourselves to land fully into the potent power of the present we can invite in and ask ourselves, "How good can it get?" I hope you enjoy!! 

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Jan 13, 202310:58
Resource Your Full Self

Resource Your Full Self

Join us as we connect with the power of the present moment and resource our fullest and most expressed self! I hope you enjoy!

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Jan 06, 202310:56
Connecting with the Power of Love

Connecting with the Power of Love

Join us as we connect with the healing and connecting vibration of love as we close out this year. Together we tune into the frequency of love and share in the beauty of this journey. I hope you enjoy!

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Dec 30, 202213:12
Moments of Pride

Moments of Pride

Join us as we open ourselves to reflect on moments of pride, joy and shame from this year. We honor our journey with love, presence and compassion through all the ebbs and loves of life. I hope you enjoy!

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Dec 23, 202208:13
Honor The Light Within

Honor The Light Within

Join us this week as we connect with our light and fire within. This meditation and guided journey leads us through a ritual of release, creating space for our heart's desire and leading us to the inspired action of our loving vision. I hope you enjoy! 

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Dec 16, 202214:26
A Moment for Healing Presence

A Moment for Healing Presence

Healing is our natural state in Life. We hold space together as we release pain and come into conscious connection with our divine ability to connect with our essence of healing, care and infinite love. I hope you enjoy! 

Welcome to the "F*ckt It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Dec 09, 202210:09
Receive the Wisdom of Your Desire

Receive the Wisdom of Your Desire

Join us as we give awareness and consciousness to our desires. It is through this path that we may see, know and receive the depths of our human experience. This rainy day meditation takes us on a journey within to uncover the latent desires of our heart while opening for our capacity to receive them in this physical world. I hope you enjoy.

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Dec 02, 202211:39
The Courageous Heart

The Courageous Heart

Join us as we tune into the wisdom and presence of the courageous heart. We will awaken the fire within and lead a life of grounded, open and courageous love. Allow your heart to soften, open and connect to the joy of life. I hope you enjoy.

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Nov 25, 202214:09
Release Through the Rain

Release Through the Rain

Join us in this journey as we dive into the depths of our soul and Self to release all that no longer serves us. We will release this to become the nourishment of the Earth. I hope you enjoy. 

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Nov 18, 202214:52
Reclaim Your Power

Reclaim Your Power

Join us on this magical journey to ground deeply into your body and reclaim your power. So often, whether we realize it or not, we give our power over to others. Reclaim your space and connect fully with the beautiful essence that is you. I hope you enjoy!

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Nov 11, 202212:13
Travel Through The Ethers and Connect with Your Pleasure Palace

Travel Through The Ethers and Connect with Your Pleasure Palace

Join us for our first episode as we connect through nature to our Pleasure Palace. Though this journey we will travel through the ethers and come into a deeper understanding of our own sense of pleasure and wellbeing. I hope you enjoy! 

Welcome to the "F*ck It, Let’s Breathe." Each week helps individuals to connect with their own innate healing, pleasure and somatic experiences. Our meditations are designed for transformation, growth and spiritual development in service of our highest good and collective healing. We come together with an open mind and the shared beliefs that our sexuality and sensuality are sacred expressions of Life, and are necessary as part of a holistic wellness practice.

If you are curious and respectful, you are welcome here!

Nov 10, 202212:40