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The Nauvoo Sentinel

The Nauvoo Sentinel

By Alexander Speed

This podcast features full readings and reviews of articles from The New American magazine. As this podcast evolves, reviews of books and topics relating to liberty and constitutional principles will also be discussed.
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Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin - It's not dead, it's good for energy, and here's why.

The Nauvoo SentinelJul 20, 2021

You can't do anything about Ukraine, fight for your freedoms at home

You can't do anything about Ukraine, fight for your freedoms at home

Sources referenced in the episode: 

-The High Wire Episode 263 (start listening at 1:09:23 for the portion on the need for COVID to accomplish total surveillance): The HighWire | Watch

-The SNL Skit waking up to stupidity of mask mandates etc: Even 'Saturday Night Live' has awakened to mask madness (

-The Epoch Times: MORE come out about the vaccine: the most vulnerable to the virus are the most vulnerable to the vaccine: The COVID Shots Are Killing People? (

-Joel Skousen's World Affair Brief (at least read the headlines he links to even if you don't subscribe to his newsletter): World Affairs Brief

-Robert Scott Bell: Robert Scott Bell - The Power to Heal is Yours

-The New American - That Freedom Shall Not Perish

-The Creature from Jekyll Island: (15 min interview on C-Span with the Author)

-On Putin: Possibly the richest man in the world: "Putin officially draws a salary of between $115,000 and $225,000 a year as Russia’s head of state. But, in reality, he has amassed incalculable wealth, ranging from $100 billion to $200 billion, making him one of the world’s richest leaders and possibly wealthier than Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates or Elon Musk. Bill Brody, an American financier who ran one of the biggest investment firms in Russia from 1996 to 2005, testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee in July 2017 that Putin had “accumulated $200 billion of ill-gotten gains.”

"The fortune of the Russian spymaster is stashed away, however, in offshore tax havens, invested in luxury properties inside and outside Russia, and spread out among the accounts of his family members and trusted friends who hold millions and billions of dollars for their boss. His most massive and lavish property lies on the Black Sea and cost more than $1 billion to build. “Putin’s Palace” includes a spa, a movie theater, a teahouse, a wine cellar, a casino, a hookah lounge, a pole-dancing disco, a helipad, a hockey rink, a church and even a gold-plated toilet." How Putin became ‘world’s richest man’: Lies, affairs, greed ( 

-In case anyone has forgotten: "“This is my last election," Obama said. "After my election I have more flexibility.” “I understand," Medvedev said. "I will transmit this information to Vladimir." FLASHBACK: Obama to Russian President: ‘After My Election, I’ll Have More Flexibility’ | CNSNews  

--and the video: (7321) Barack Obama in open microphone gaffe with Dmitry Medvedev - YouTube

Apr 19, 202233:25
Awakening the spirit of Freedom -- And how do you tell the liars from the true defenders of Freedom.
Feb 28, 202201:01:28
Why Dinesh D'Souza still supports vaccines, Canada truckers ignored why UK stops all mandates - what did Germany look like in the 1930's?

Why Dinesh D'Souza still supports vaccines, Canada truckers ignored why UK stops all mandates - what did Germany look like in the 1930's?

Why Dinesh D'Souza still supports vaccines, Canada truckers ignored why UK stops all mandates - what did Germany look like in the 1930's?

Milgrim's Obedience Experiments: Milgram's Experiments and the Perils of Obedience (

The Prison Experiment at Standford (1971): Standford's webiste on: Stanford Prison Experiment - Spotlight at Stanford

     30 min BBC documentary on the Prison Experiment:

     Commentary on the Prison Experiment: Power, Prison, and Punishment: The Stanford Experiment - Foundation for Economic Education (

The Robert Scott Bell Show: 24 Jan 2022 (He and his guest discuss among other things their realizations that they were wrong):

Mike Adams situation update 20 Jan 2022: (He discusses how he admits he was wrong at the start of COVID, Trump refuses to admit mistake). The Health Ranger Report: Stop making excuses for Trump's VACCINE FANATICISM Scottland Public Health reveals double illness rate in double "vaccinated" than unvaccinated: DATA REVEALS HIGHER COVID RATE IN THE VACCINATED - The HighWire Legal/medical resources for vaccinated with injuries: Report A COVID-19 Vaccine Injury - ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network (

Salt Lake Tribune calls for unvaxxed to be completely excluded from society: Utah's Largest Newspaper Calls For Unvaxxed To Endure Draconian Lockdowns Enforced By National Guard | ZeroHedge

Jan 31, 202237:59
We continue our baby steps to Tyranny
Jan 14, 202215:47
The Announcement Episode

The Announcement Episode

Announcing! - Premier of Aug 24th!  Check it out at Brighteon.TV

I will be attending "The Truth About Cancer Live" in Nashville Oct 22-24.  Would love to meet you. The Truth About Cancer LIVE 2021 –

Drop me a line at 

Aug 24, 202116:03
Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin - It's not dead, it's good for energy, and here's why.

Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin - It's not dead, it's good for energy, and here's why.

After a long hiatus, I come back to address a topic that I can't get off my mind until I share it with you: BITCOIN.  Elon Musk's pattern of coincidently affecting markets, why some will be forever support bitcoin, and why bitcoin, far from being an environmental hazard will lead to giant leaps and bounds in energy efficiency and energy technology.  

Referenced in episode: The Creature From Jekyll Island: A second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin available here: 

Jul 20, 202101:06:53
Fate of the Future

Fate of the Future

Will our Nation go the way of Cyprus, or will we stand up with renewed vigor to defend liberty? 

What will it take to be the Presidential Nominee for liberty minded individuals in the next election and will Trump have what it takes? 

The Tuttle Twins books: If you have kids, or grandkids, or ever were a kid, YOU HAVE TO GET THESE!

Tucker Carlson jumps in the fray: "How many Americans have died after taking COVID vaccines?"

On Lincoln's Spiritual Awakening: The Lincoln Hypothesis by Timothy Ballard: 

Jonathan Cahn compares Trump to Jehu: 

May 16, 202157:37
Dropping the bomb on masks

Dropping the bomb on masks

Mask have become a symbol of conformity rather than a health measure, even among many that consistently wear masks.  This is why no matter the reason for mask wear, it's a bad idea:  It makes more people sick, and might make you sick.  If you want to lower COVID cases, take off your mask.  Below are references discussed in this episode: 

1. COVID Response Is All Cost, No Benefit • Children's Health Defense (  

This above article has 39 references at the bottom, of which I discuss about 6 in the episode, particularly references 2, 5, 11, 14, 15, and 17. 

2. Great visual on all the particles you are leaving behind you for others to breath in when you use a mask:

3. Swiss Policy research center with graphs of mask mandates vs COVID cases Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence. – Swiss Policy Research (

Apr 29, 202140:02
Salient points for the Gun Control bill going to the Senate
Apr 27, 202106:42
The Super Power of Truth
Apr 19, 202131:46
MISHMASH of Topics: Follow up on Geert...What is controlled opposition?...Nancy Pelosi teaches media how to lie...Prophecies from Isaiah...and does the 'extremist witch hunt' in the military hurt

MISHMASH of Topics: Follow up on Geert...What is controlled opposition?...Nancy Pelosi teaches media how to lie...Prophecies from Isaiah...and does the 'extremist witch hunt' in the military hurt

MISHMASH of Topics: Follow up on Geert reaction in health science community...What is controlled opposition?...Nancy Pelosi teaches media how to lie...Prophecies from Isaiah...and does the 'extremist witch hunt' in the military hurt recruitment and retainment?  

Important links discussed in this episode: 

The World Affairs Brief by Joel Skousen: World Affairs Brief Watch Snowden Online |

Nancy Pelosi teaches the media how to lie: min 26 Plandemic (

Trustworthy News: The New American - That Freedom Shall Not Perish

Watch The Chosen: The Chosen TV Series ( The Chosen TV Series (

Isaiah, chapter by chapter analysis podcast: Analytical Commentary of Isaiah - Isaiah Institute

Does the "witch hunt" in the military hurt recruitment and retainment? Pentagon Criticized for Wrong Priorities Amid China Threat (

Dallin H. Oaks - The U.S. Constitution inspired of God Sunday Afternoon Session (  (transcript not yet available.  Oaks begins speaking on video at min 10:42). 

Apr 06, 202101:00:45
Discussion on the MOAB Bomb interview by Vaccine Scientist Geert Vanden Bossche

Discussion on the MOAB Bomb interview by Vaccine Scientist Geert Vanden Bossche




This Podcast was cutoff at 30 min abruptly before I was finished, nevertheless, more important is to watch the video linked in these show notes.  Vaccine Scientist and promoter G. Vanden Bossche explains to Dr. Phillip McMillan why the COVID-19 "Vaccine" is going to create a Mass laboratory to help the virus gain function and be far worse than anything we have seen thus far.  

My discussion on where I think is right, and where I think he may potentially be wrong in this podcast. 

Mar 16, 202130:01
Texas Reopens, now what?

Texas Reopens, now what?

My thoughts on what the next step of brainwashing will be once of the negative consequences of the experimental biological agent injected by the millions under 'emergency use authorization'.  

Videos referenced: Dr. Simone Gold shares what I call the typical physician's awakening to what is going on with "Covid-19".

The New American interview with Dr. Lee Merritt

Mar 11, 202126:24
"The Inside Track" and "Quotable Quotes" from Feb 15, 2021

"The Inside Track" and "Quotable Quotes" from Feb 15, 2021

"The Inside Track" and "Quotable Quotes" from Feb 15, 2021 issue of the New American Magazine.  Currently free access to the online version of The New American magazine available on click on 'Magazine'. 

Feb 25, 202118:40
"Christianity Today - Surviving the 'Woke' Church"

"Christianity Today - Surviving the 'Woke' Church"

Reading and discussion of the article "Christianity Today - Surviving the Woke Church" written by Duke Pesta in the Dec 21, 2020 issue of The New American Magazine. 

Feb 23, 202137:59
"The Good of America" Feb 1st 2021 edition

"The Good of America" Feb 1st 2021 edition

"The Goodness of America" column from the February 1st, 2021 edition of The New American magazine.  Christmas Spirit was in full swing at a Minnesota Dairy Queen with a 900-car-pay-it-forward surprise.  A Lutheran congregation in Iowa cleared outstanding medical debt of all Iowans, and Secret Santas visiting Walmarts in America!  Listen for full details and visit to subscribe.   

Feb 06, 202106:29
Frank Hamer - The Legendary Texas Ranger

Frank Hamer - The Legendary Texas Ranger

Frank Hamer had numerous harrowing exploits that included hunting down Mexican bandits and the gangsters Bonnie and Clyde, and proving Lyndon Johnson won his U.S. Senate seat through vote fraud.  - This is the full reading of the article by R. Cort Kirkwood in the Feb 1, 2021 issue of The New American magazine pages 35-38. See to get a copy of the magazine.

Feb 05, 202119:50