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Financial Freedom with Alexlouise

Financial Freedom with Alexlouise

By Alexlouise Thomas

Alexlouise (money success coach and author, and guests discuss various topics. I am the possibility of financial freedom and happiness for anyone who wants it. After becoming financially free at 32 and realising money is such a small part of a rich life, the sooner you realise this the easier the money will be to obtain. With my guests I explore what money is, how to do it right, what success means to different people, why happiness is so important along side the money journey.
It's not what happens to us, it's how we deal with it that counts.
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#022 Charlotte Lewis - Asking for the life you want loud & clear

Financial Freedom with Alexlouise Jan 31, 2023

Meditation for Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs around Money - Meditation for Chapter 11

Meditation for Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs around Money - Meditation for Chapter 11

In this Meditation you will continue to let go of limiting beliefs and concerns around money, and especially debt.

The Visualisation will take you on a journey on a magic carpet to the edge of the Universe where you’ll release all the thoughts and worries into a black hole.

This Meditation can make you feel lighter and more optimistic, and inspire and motivate you to take on your money.

This Meditation is designed to accompany Chpater 11 of the Financial Freedom with Alexlouise Book.

May 01, 202420:25
Meditations for Beliefs around Money - Chapter 10 Meditation

Meditations for Beliefs around Money - Chapter 10 Meditation

In this Meditation you’ll become aware of what beliefs you have around money. In the Visualisation you will wave off your limiting beliefs, worries, concerns and stresses floating away into the big nothingness of the sky. You gently release all these things that hold you back, can feel numbing and stop you from taking action.

This Meditation is designed to accompany Chapter 10 of the Financial Freedom with Alexlouise Book.

May 01, 202422:20
Meditation for Reflection - Chapter 9 Meditation

Meditation for Reflection - Chapter 9 Meditation

This Meditation is a Reflection on the first 8 weeks of the course. As you’re officially halfway through, and the second half of the course is focused around money, this can feel like a scary step.

In this Meditation you’ll sit with all the things you have learned in the first part, celebrate all the little changes that you can see in your life, and you will also notice things that you wish had gone differently.

You will realise that every moment is a new opportunity to begin again, which can take the pressure off that you might feel. 

This Meditation is designed to accompany Chapter 9 of the Financial Freedom with Alexlouise Book.

May 01, 202421:47
Meditation for Focussing on Milestones - Chapter 8 Meditation

Meditation for Focussing on Milestones - Chapter 8 Meditation

This Meditation will connect you with the one Milestone you’re choosing to work on over the next 12 to 36 months. We will explore what life will feel like when you have achieved this Milestone, and what difference it will make to your life.

By allowing your mind to be with this Milestone without any pressure or agenda, this Meditation will help you distinguish what you need to do to get to this Milestone, what little things you can do daily to work towards it, and what inspirations and curiosities there are for you to follow.

Trust that sitting and being with it will bring up insights your logical brain may not have thought of just yet.

This meditation is designed to accompany Chapter 8 of the Financial Freedom with Alexlouise Book.

May 01, 202422:42
Meditation for allowing trust and taking on new ways of being - Chapter 7 Meditation

Meditation for allowing trust and taking on new ways of being - Chapter 7 Meditation

In this Meditation your Future Self will help you distinguish what new ways of being you will need to take on, what ways of being you will give up because they don’t serve you anymore, and what leaps of faith you will have to take to get to where you want to be. In this Meditation you will also connect with your heart center and allow in a sense of trust that things will work out for you. Don’t forget that as always there is no right or wrong and this work can be hard in the beginning. Trusting is a practice just like Meditation, and the more you use the recording the easier it will get. The power is in doing the exercise.

This meditation is designed to accompany Chapter 7 of the Financial Freedom with Alexlouise Book.

May 01, 202423:00
Meditation for distinguishing your dreams and wishes - Chapter 6 Meditation

Meditation for distinguishing your dreams and wishes - Chapter 6 Meditation

In this Meditation you will spend time contemplating one area of your wheel of life in more detail. Every time you do this Meditation you can choose a different area, depending on what you would like more clarity and insights for. Once again, we’re working on further distinguishing your dreams and wishes. This is essential to find out what you really want to do with your life, what will have your life be fulfilled when you become your old, wise Future self.

Meditation designed to accompany Chapter 6 of the Financial Freedom with Alexlouise Book.

May 01, 202422:01
Meditation for discovering what you want from life - Chapter 5 Meditation

Meditation for discovering what you want from life - Chapter 5 Meditation

In this Meditation your Future Self will take you on a Hot Air Balloon journey through time and space. You will visit yourself at different points in your life and see what your life looks like in the Future. This will help you to further distinguish what you want from life and try different ideas on. If you have written down some things you think you want and then figure out in the Meditation that it doesn't work for you this way, or doesn’t feel right, remember that’s a good thing. There is never anything right or wrong and any insight is helpful to get clarity.

Meditation designed to accompany Chapter 5 of the Financial Freedom with Alexlouise Book.

May 01, 202425:00
Meditation for Connecting with your Future Self - Chapter 4 Meditation

Meditation for Connecting with your Future Self - Chapter 4 Meditation

In this powerful Meditation you will meet and spend time with your Future Self. This is the version of you that has experienced everything that still lies ahead, the version of you that has done everything they wanted to do and said everything they wanted to say. This version of yourself is at peace and you will connect and take in this calm energy, exploring the experience of simply being.

Designed to go with Chapter 4 of the Financial Freedom with Alexlouise book.

May 01, 202420:00
Meditation for Clarity and Empowerment - Chapter 3 Meditation

Meditation for Clarity and Empowerment - Chapter 3 Meditation

With this Meditation you will bring balance to your wheel. You will practice kindness, and giving up judging yourself or the areas in your life that aren’t as bright as they could be. You’ll learn to accept that everything is okay the way it is right now, and practice only comparing with yourself.

To do this, we will use a technique that is called Contemplation where you ask yourself a question and let your body and mind answer these. Any thoughts or emotions that come up as a response to your question are welcome - and you will observe them to become aware what is there. Then to not overthink, in the Contemplation you ask yourself ‘What else is there?’, and move on to the next insight. This way you get clarity without getting lost in a rabbit hole and overthink one emotion or thought.

Through this technique, this Meditation can also help you explore and bring clarity to your values and help you find empowering context for areas in your life that don’t come as naturally to you.

Designed to go with Chapter 3 of the Financial Freedom with Alexlouise book.

May 01, 202420:00
Meditation for Creating your Dream Life - Chapter 2 Meditation

Meditation for Creating your Dream Life - Chapter 2 Meditation

This meditation is designed to go alongside Chapter 2 of the Financial Freedom with Alexlouise Book. In this Meditation, you will explore and strengthen your wanter. This can be unusual at first, but will become easier with every time you meditate: The power is in doing the exercise. You will explore what your deepest wishes are that might have been hidden or ignored for a long time. You’ll explore every area of your wheel of life and get an idea of what it is that you want from life.

It covers Creating & allows you to connect to each area of the wheel of life:






Personal Development

Physical Health

Mental Health


Business/Work Life


Apr 30, 202425:54
Meditation for Success, Confidence, Ease & Connection - Chapter 1 Meditation

Meditation for Success, Confidence, Ease & Connection - Chapter 1 Meditation

This meditation is designed to go alongside Chapter 1 of the Financial Freedom with Alexlouise Book.

It covers themes of Success, Confidence, Ease & Connection.

To take this Chapter not just with your logical brain, but with your body, mind and soul, in this first Meditation you will explore what life feels with all these new standards in place: dressed for your success, being prepared and on time, and surrounded by people that are interesting, having inspiring conversations and building connections, saying no to things you don’t want and yes to things you do want. You will notice what it’s like to go through life with a sense of curiosity and excitement when you realise what is possible now.

To process this Chapter on a deeper level, you can listen to the Meditation right before going to sleep. Simply let the music guide you into the Practice. Do this daily until you get to the next Chapter.

Apr 30, 202421:52
Financial Freedom with Alexlouise - Meditation Introduction

Financial Freedom with Alexlouise - Meditation Introduction

A helpful introduction to the meditations that go with the Financial Freedom with Alexlouise Book.

It covers:

What to expect

How to listen

Enjoy and discover the other Meditations available in the series.

Apr 30, 202404:15
#032 - Floris Koot - Change Wizard, Play Expert & Founder

#032 - Floris Koot - Change Wizard, Play Expert & Founder

Floris Koot is an event & game designer, educational innovator and facilitator, and on LinkedIn he currently calls himself a Change Wizard. He co-founded two alternative schools for creative business, where personal development is key to creating your own model of income. He’s also a play expert, who makes content experiential. In this matter he worked for over 20 years for many different clients across Europe. He trained creativity, authentic leadership and offered management games. The focus was always on bringing them the human element, a wider perspective, seeing more possibilities, all the while getting more true to yourself. Two quotes about Floris: “Keep playing, imagining, challenging Floris Koot, the world needs more of your wizardry. You are unique Floris and we love you. Keep playing, imagining, challenging. The world needs more of it." ~ Laurence Mc Cahill "Some people are hard to market. But the world cannot live without them. Floris Koot is one of those. He will mostly be marketing to the "Problem Unaware"... but any investment of time he makes in meeting people where they are will be worth it - for them…" ~ Frances Khalastchi Links for Floris: Alexlouise's website:

Mar 25, 202403:13:43
#033 - Steve Evans - Farming, Fly Fishing and Family Business

#033 - Steve Evans - Farming, Fly Fishing and Family Business

Steve Evans, is a dairy farmer and owner of Spittal Cross Farm, Pembrokeshire in West Wales. Family business, 4th generation with the 5th following on behind him and they take great pride in what they do. Steve absolutely loves the countryside for work and pleasure, a fanatical fly fisherman and owner of a Stillwater trout fishery. Steve loves meeting people and hearing people’s life stories. He has suffered some health issues in his 45 years on this planet which he's happy to talk about. Steve's Socials: Instagram: @Steve.evans.dairyboy X: @Evsthetractor Alexlouise's Website:

Mar 05, 202402:26:50
#031 - Charles Davies - Clarity Practice - What to do when you don't know what to do

#031 - Charles Davies - Clarity Practice - What to do when you don't know what to do

Charles believes in simplicity - his business is called The Clarity Practice. He’s devoted his career to developing a simple, powerful practice that helps us listen for and do what's needed. Built on Buddhist principles - but refined through 15 years of professional coaching - his clarity practice is easy to learn and widely relied on. Charles and Alexlouise went for brunch and he asked Alexlouise the most apparently simple questions and she found herself crying uncontrollably for three hours (interspersed with lots of laughing and cake) and then went home and changed two really big things about how she works. And she was able to do that because they got down to the very root of what was getting in the way of Alexlouise doing what she actually wanted to do. The Clarity Practice is not about coming up with clever and different questions for each person, each situation, but just asking exactly the same questions every single time. Whoever Charles is working with and whatever they’re stuck on. And that’s The Clarity Practice. Charles's website: Alexlouise's website:

Feb 20, 202403:07:48
#030 - Laurence & Carlos - Creating community, happiness, purpose & off-grid gatherings

#030 - Laurence & Carlos - Creating community, happiness, purpose & off-grid gatherings

Laurence McCahill and Carlos Saba are the founders of The Happy Startup School, an alternative business school and thriving community of entrepreneurs and changemakers. They have been friends for 40 years, business partners for 20 and on a mission for the last 10. Since 2013 they have been pioneering a new model of entrepreneurship that puts happiness and purpose before profits. Through their flagship Vision 20/20 program, and their legendary off-grid gatherings like Summercamp and Alptitude, they provide inspiration, support and accountability for those that want to make money, do good and be happy. In this episode they’ll be sharing more of their journey as well exploring one of the key pillars of their unique approach – the concept of happy money. The founders they work with don’t start their businesses solely to make money, but to make an impact, and to do what makes them come alive. The Happy Startup School supports those who want to find the sweet spot where money, impact and happiness meet. It sounds so simple, right? Yet whilst money can be easy to measure, happiness is personal, and can’t be captured in a simple metric. It starts with what success looks like for us individually. They believe that when we are clear on what we want for our lives we can build our business around it. Most entrepreneurs do the opposite – they fall into the trap of fitting their happiness into the margins of life, which often get squeezed. The business becomes a priority over their well-being. Many just swap the rat race of the corporate world for the hustle of entrepreneurship. They get caught on another hamster wheel working all the hours and not seeing the rewards or putting everyone before yourself – whether that’s clients, employees or investors. Thankfully there is another way. One where the way you make money aligns with your vision, values and needs. Laurence & Carlos Links: Website: Instagram: LinkedIn (Carlos): LinkedIn (Laurence): Alexlouise's website:

Feb 07, 202402:50:13
#029 - Frances and Simon from Better, Bolder, Braver - Ethical marketing and helping people helpers

#029 - Frances and Simon from Better, Bolder, Braver - Ethical marketing and helping people helpers

Founders of Better, Bolder, Braver @betterbolderbraver Frances and Simon help the people helpers to change the way coaches think and feel about marketing from striving for conversions to starting meaningful conversations. They share their knowledge and ensure clients get the results they deserve, but more importantly a feeling of satisfaction, from their marketing. Frances has 20 years’ experience in Corporate, Third Sector, Startup and Government communications. She's created brand partnerships, launched products, designed websites and trained several lovely people along the way. Now, she helps coaches improve their relationship with marketing. Simon has run an online marketing agency for 20 years, and in that time he transformed the marketing of over 400 small businesses. He is the author of Reframing Marketing: A 3-step plan for effective and ethical marketing for solopreneurs, freelancers, coaches, consultants, mentors, and thought leaders. His vision is to change the way people think about and do marketing and inspire them to use ethical marketing to talk more confidently about their impact and the powerful work that they do. Frances and Simon's website: Alexlouise's website: #betterbolderbraver #francesfogalstorystratergist


Jan 30, 202401:35:07
#028 - Steve Selengut - Retirement Money Secrets: A Financial Insider's Guide to Income Independence

#028 - Steve Selengut - Retirement Money Secrets: A Financial Insider's Guide to Income Independence

Steve has been a private investment portfolio manager for 50+ years, managing as many as 300 individual investment portfolios around the USA and some overseas. When he sold his business in 2023, he had more than 110 million under management for around 140 clients. Of the top-selling investment book authors on Amazon, only two were professional investors and NONE ever directly managed other people's money. In fact, there aren't a whole lot of private portfolio managers out there, and fewer that can claim they will treat you differently from what they are doing for everyone else in terms of content, trading, selection criteria, income production, etc. We are in a model portfolio management, one size fits all, low-income production environment. But you don't have to stay there. He wrote "Retirement Money Secrets" to show you how he routinely generated more potential spending money for his clients than they needed, year after year, for decades. He was able to reinvest nearly half of that income to constantly grow the next year's production. There are samples in the book, and links to people you can chat with about the process and its potential. You can achieve income independence while still owning all the all dividend stars and market heroes that you hear so much about. But you will be using packages of securities, stocks and bonds, that in 2023, were paying nearly 10% of in-your-pocket income. Steve can teach you the process and lead you step by step down a six principle road leading to financial independence. How does 9% tax free from your ROTH IRA sound to you? Steve's websites: and

Alexlouise's website:

Jan 17, 202402:51:49
#027 - Lene Hops - Relocating countries, rediscovering yourself and finding your tribe
Dec 19, 202301:47:11
#026 Paul Ribbons - Building resilience from adversity
Mar 07, 202302:16:52
#025 - JR Board - an optometrist, a data analyst, a well-being coach & a landlord walk into a bar...

#025 - JR Board - an optometrist, a data analyst, a well-being coach & a landlord walk into a bar...

JR Board were all friends of Alexlouise who joined forces in 2017 after being introduced with the premise of growing a property portfolio to achieve financial freedom outside of their day jobs.   

Derry – A marathon running, public speaking optometrist. Quiet and shrewd he is a force to be reckoned with. Always worth waiting for what he has to say.  

James – A data analyst by day, and a gym going, ice bath taking, samba band member outside of work. James keeps our systems in place and has a keen eye on the cash and a sharp line in wit.   

Ruth - A well-being coach, specialising in supporting parents who have a child with an eating disorder. Founder of Fresh Air Fridays. Currently studying a masters degree in Positive Psychology. She loves being outdoors, nature and trips in her ‘van’.  

Rob – Doting dad and husband. Rob is shy about acknowledging his many talents. Always practical, a guru on property legislation. You will find him tending his bees or sneaking off for a spot of fishing. The first of us to meet his financial freedom number and a master of dodgy dad jokes..some of them are that bad they should be illegal.  

Alexlouise's Website:

Mar 01, 202301:37:33
#024 - Ryan Evans - Coach, Counsellor, and all-round People’s Champion

#024 - Ryan Evans - Coach, Counsellor, and all-round People’s Champion

Personal Trainer, Coach, Counsellor, and all-round People’s Champion, Ryan Evans, is on a mission to empower others to achieve their physical and mental fitness potential with his unique 121 approach.   

Based on the gorgeous Penarth esplanade, Ryan’s community of 121 Motivation members, or the “121 family” as he likes to call them, meet throughout the week for group fitness and personal training sessions… With a 121 twist.   For Ryan, 121 Motivation is all about supporting and encouraging others to be the best they can be, and he does this by ensuring that regardless of whether a ‘121-er’ has joined a group class, or booked in for a personal training session, Ryan will always make them feel like they have got his undivided attention – CHAMPIONING them and CHEERING them on.   

This Penarth PT is also passionate about being outside and in touch with the seasons and nature, as he believes that it is food and energy for the soul. His holistic attitude doesn’t stop there either, as along with working towards everyone’s goals, Ry truly listens to every client’s wants, needs, obstacles, hopes and dreams, ensuring that he is a genuine, compassionate companion on their journey towards a happy soul, healthy body, positive mind, and blissed spirit.   

In 2023, the 121 family have an exciting community goal too! They are taking on the Welsh 3 Peaks Challenge, raising money for a number of fantastic organisations who have supported members facing health adversities, including cancer. Marie Curie, Velindre, and Maggie’s, among others, have changed the lives of so many, and the 121 community want to give back.   

Would you like to take part? Simply visit the website or contact Ry directly on any of the 121 Motivation social media pages! You can also support via the GoFundMe page: 

Social media links:  

Facebook: 121motivation 

Instagram: @121motivation 


Alexlouise's Website:

Feb 14, 202302:30:53
#023 Amy Nancollis - Michelin stars, food banks and being a chef
Feb 07, 202302:32:33
#022 Charlotte Lewis - Asking for the life you want loud & clear

#022 Charlotte Lewis - Asking for the life you want loud & clear

Charlotte Lewis is a public speaking consultant, helping clients to look, sound and feel more natural, when speaking challenges come their way.  From actors & tv presenters, senior leaders, and CEOs, to professionals desiring recognition at their place of work, Charlotte has helped clients from Wales to Australia, to elevate their speaking performance and ask for the life they want loud & clear.  Charlotte currently works with clients 1-2-1 or in groups, with courses and downloads coming to her platforms this 2023.  If the thought of public speaking makes your palms sweat, or you are wondering how to give a performance like your favourite actor, this conversation is for you!  

Instagram: @CharlotteLewisConsultant 

Linked In: Charlotte Lewis  

Alexlouise's Website:

Jan 31, 202302:11:43
#021 Gareth Wyn Jones - Farming, vegans and what it takes to produce real food

#021 Gareth Wyn Jones - Farming, vegans and what it takes to produce real food

Hill farmer Gareth Wyn Jones’ family has farmed the land in Llanfairfechan on the North Wales coast for over 370 years. 

He features regularly on mainstream television including BBC Countryfile, Come Dine with me, Snowdonia 1890, Bafta nominated The Hill Farm and recently on Netflix with Jack Whitehall - “Travels with my Father.”   

Gareth is also a best-selling author, a regularly contributor on social media and is known as the “tweeting famer”. He constantly seeks to educate the public about sustainable / seasonal food, farming, it’s heritage, time honoured traditions and its challenges.  Gareth has also strongly campaigned to protect the Carneddau Mountain Ponies; a rare native breed that have been roaming the Carneddau range since Celtic times.   

Gareth’s ambition is to bridge the gap between towns and the countryside in order that the public understands farming and food production so that they’re able to make a balanced and well-informed choices regarding food.  

Gareth's Socials: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok  - GarethWynJones1  

Alexlouise's Website: 

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Nov 15, 202246:33
#020 Deb Morgan - Relationships, sex, narcasim and co-dependants

#020 Deb Morgan - Relationships, sex, narcasim and co-dependants

Deb Morgan is The REAL Relationships Expert.

She is a professional coach, author, podcaster, and global speaker.   Her vision is to help liberate women to break-through the bondage of their past to remove the masks of fear and shame that keep them hidden, shackled, and often playing small. Her clients live a life of unconditional love, abundance, and happiness by creating strong, healthy and robust relationships. Her over-riding mission is to reduce the prevalence of domestic abuse globally.   

Deb comes from a place of knowing, through bravely overcoming personal experiences. Her toolkit of professional qualifications, 25+ years ethnographical research into domestic abuse and the sex industry, combined with her psychology and drama training, underpin her expert knowledge to transform lives.   Deb is both hugely motivating and inspiring.   She’s passionate about sharing her knowledge, training, and experiences with professional women who want their private life, to emulate their career or business life, by creating lasting happiness and relationship success.  

Deb knows what it feels like to ‘appear’ to have the perfect life. To hide behind the truth and behind a public mask. To avoid those inner emotions and not only hit rock bottom, but totally lose yourself in the process. To bouncing back and reclaiming your truth and personal power. Suffering business collapse, marriage failure, deep depression, and bankruptcy Deb always comes from a place of love, compassion and innate knowing what it takes to reclaim your life!  Deb is a Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) Coach Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and Time Line Therapist™ certified by the American Board of NLP, The American Board of Hypnotherapy and the American Time Line Association.  

FB Profile: 

FB Group: 

FB Page: 

LI Profile: Instagram: 




Alexlouise's Website: 

Join me on Telegram in my group:

Oct 25, 202201:59:39
#019 Katerina Pavlakis - Intuitive cooking, health and the good life

#019 Katerina Pavlakis - Intuitive cooking, health and the good life

Katerina is an intuitive cook and irreverent kitchen coach, proud shopkeeper in rural North Wales and a lover of real good food. She helps people find freedom and confidence in their kitchen by looking beyond rules and recipes, and reconnecting with a more intuitive approach to cooking and nourishment.   

Her common sense approach helps people of all walks of life find ease and joy in everyday cooking: simple and delicious without the effort. Her work has been featured in The Guardian and The Homeworker magazine.  

Alexlouise's Website: 

Join me on Telegram in my group:

Oct 11, 202202:26:07
#018 Lucy Pearce - Coaching, activism and world peace
Oct 04, 202202:35:50
#016 SSLGJ - Five years to financial freedom

#016 SSLGJ - Five years to financial freedom

A Powerlifter and Accountant A Tiler and founder of AP Tiling A Signprinter and Founder of 'Dawnstalkers' An Ultramarathon runner and Founder of 'Off the Tarmac'  This is the story of Alexlouise's first joint venture group who forged the way for the other groups behind them to become financially free in the next year - a conversation with SSLGJ and their journey so far.   

Alexlouise's Website: 

Join me on Telegram in my group:

Sep 20, 202201:53:20
#015 David Gould - Letting agency, bankruptcy and the property world
Sep 13, 202202:51:21
#014 Stephanie Taylor, Successful Rent to rent, HMO's and a top 1.5% podcast

#014 Stephanie Taylor, Successful Rent to rent, HMO's and a top 1.5% podcast

Stephanie Taylor is a property investor, Co-Founder of award-winning property management and development company, HMO Heaven, and Co-Founder of Rent 2 Rent Success which has inspired thousands of non-traditional investors to get started in property. Along with sister and business partner Nicky, they grew their property management business, secured contracts worth over £2m in under three years and bought their own multi-millon pound portfolio of multi-unit blocks, commercial property and HMOs.  

Stephanie and Nicky are setting up an accommodation and education trust to help people who struggle to find beautiful affordable homes like she did as a teenage single mum on benefits.  Voted Inspirational Person of the Year 2021, Stephanie has been featured on the BBC, Entrepreneur, Business Insider and The Telegraph. She is author of the number 1 best-selling book Rent 2 Rent Success and Host of The top 1.5% Rent 2 Rent Success Podcast.  After decades of thinking that business and wealth were not for her, she is now a passionate advocate that ethical property investment is open to everyone, starting at any age.   

Get your free Rent 2 Rent Success book


Get your free Rent 2 Rent Success book





Website HMO Heaven 

Rent 2 Rent Success 

Blow Up Your Life  

Alexlouise's Website: 

Join me on Telegram in my group:

Jul 14, 202202:10:58
#013 Paul Fosh, Auctions and Adventures
Jul 05, 202202:03:05
#012 Kevin Burch, The boy crisis
Jun 28, 202202:37:11
#011 Steve Austins, Life as a BBC Wales Editor
Jun 28, 202202:06:37
#010 Alan Wick, The business of business and being an introverted entrepreneur
Jun 07, 202202:02:33
#009 Howard Bowes, Property finance, doing deals and life as a property expert
May 31, 202201:57:41
#008 Kevin Burch, Are Boys and Girls Really Different?
May 10, 202202:46:31
#007 Lucy Cohen, Innovating and disrupting in the finance industry
May 10, 202202:06:16
#006 Sabrina Moore, Breaking the accounting glass ceiling and setting up new businesses
May 10, 202201:53:50
#005 Chris Gibbons, Making business big and profitable

#005 Chris Gibbons, Making business big and profitable

Chris Gibbons, Founder & CEO of Inqbate; a Strategy Management Agency and Venture Studio that partners with SME entrepreneurs to grow businesses with 10x ambition. Through the flagship Strategy Foundations Programme clients create strategic roadmaps to 10X their current valuation over an intense 36 month business improvement project.   

Chris's Website:  

Alexlouise Website:  

Join me on Telegram in my group:

Apr 26, 202201:40:05
#004 Piotr Skoczylas, founder of Stol Coffee, community building and making the impossible possible
Mar 03, 202202:30:13
#003 Kevin Burch, Successful parenting, confidence and money mindset
Feb 16, 202201:52:51
#002 Grant Zehetmayr, cold water therapy, Dawnstalkers community building and being a pirate
Feb 08, 202202:25:07
#001 Igloo Property Ltd, Money Mastermind and the roller coaster that is getting financially free

#001 Igloo Property Ltd, Money Mastermind and the roller coaster that is getting financially free

Alexlouise and Co-host Tanya from Lynchpin Media talk to Sarah, Wayne and Hazel from Igloo Property who share their journey of working with Alexlouise. The ups, the downs, the good the bad and the ugly. What financial freedom really means to them and why it's possible for anyone who wants it. An inspiring episode of laughs, losses and the future possibilities. 

Feb 01, 202201:29:38