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Bad Dates with Ali

Bad Dates with Ali

By Alita Brydon

Dating expert Alita 'Ali' Brydon deep dives into swipe culture, love, dodgy dates and hilarious poop stories.
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Celebrities and Revenge Farts!

Bad Dates with AliJan 29, 2023

My Date Asked for a Refund

My Date Asked for a Refund

Buying someone dinner on a date doesn't mean you're entitled to their time, affection or another encounter. Let's air it out and discuss why asking for a "refund" after a date is no good, unacceptable and truly suss.

Apr 15, 202310:09
What did you do with your wedding ring when the relationship ended?

What did you do with your wedding ring when the relationship ended?

Let's find out what people do with their wedding and engagement rings once the relationship is done and dusted. Spoiler alert: the ocean waves hold many sparkling diamonds. I also share my views on man made diamonds and why I've never wanted the real thing.

Mar 19, 202312:36
Drive Thru Love (and a Pair of Dirty Socks)

Drive Thru Love (and a Pair of Dirty Socks)

Have you been on a date to Red Rooster? How about Kmart? This week's episode is on retail related dating locations and fast food pickups. I also reflect on my recent trip to Costco and the challenges I faced (and overcame) as a single person while bulk grocery shopping.

Feb 26, 202313:60
How to Say NO!

How to Say NO!

A submitter tells us about a very loud, history making fart. We also have a chat on flexing your NOs - and how to tell dodgy dates to take a hike into outer space. Smell ya later, mate!

Feb 19, 202309:39
Big Scams and Red Flags

Big Scams and Red Flags

Let's flashback to a very bad date from the 1970s, before we chat about scammers on the apps. Are you aware of these three big red flags? You might not have seen them - get your pencils out and take note!
Feb 12, 202314:29
Let's Talk Protection... And Watermelons

Let's Talk Protection... And Watermelons

Have you ever heard a dating story about watermelons? You will soon when you listen to this! Plus hear an anonymous tale from a submitter - and how this legend advocated for herself when a date tried to pressure her. Go Team!
Feb 08, 202313:01
"I'm Six Foot Apparently That Matters"... Does It?

"I'm Six Foot Apparently That Matters"... Does It?

We begin with an incredibly awkward hair removal tale; then move onto an honest appraisal of dating apps. Also, does being six foot really (apparently) matter? Are people telling the truth about their height on dating apps? Let's find out!

Feb 05, 202312:50
Obscene Introductions On Dating Apps Are Not Ok.

Obscene Introductions On Dating Apps Are Not Ok.

Hear from confident and assured submitter, Bj, on how she handles lewd messages on dating apps - and why gross comments on apps are not acceptable any time, any place, anywhere. I also say hello (hi!) and introduce myself, so we can get to know each other better.

Feb 02, 202310:52
The Shame of Chicken Nuggets

The Shame of Chicken Nuggets

Take a step back in time and hear the crummy tale of the woman who was busted eating a 24 pack of nugs in bed... That woman is me. I also talk about how shame plays into dating and provide you with a reminder that you are wonderful - just as you are.

Feb 01, 202306:44
Celebrities and Revenge Farts!
Jan 29, 202317:42