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Allison Unplugged

Allison Unplugged

By Allison Unplugged

Insight about healthcare, Plant Magic, and other random topics
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Mindful Monday : Week 47

Allison Unplugged Dec 19, 2022

Let’s Normalize the Monsters

Let’s Normalize the Monsters

Everyone’s got monsters and skeletons, hiding in their own closets. Let’s chat about them, let’s let their story take a little space because all things happen for a reason… in the darkness is a message of awareness and boundaries.
Sep 27, 202325:28
Assisted Living Week

Assisted Living Week

It’s national assisted living week and you all know how I feel about our elders so get out there and figure out how you can help out and make a difference. You won’t, and just make a difference in a seniors life, it will bless you tenfold as well!
Sep 12, 202314:32
Jolo has Questions - Pt 1 - Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged

Jolo has Questions - Pt 1 - Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged

So my 17 yr old daughter recently started listening to my podcast 😳 😂 despite how close and awesome we are there were a few questions that she had for me. So here’s a live version of our relationship as we dive into a few interesting questions & perspectives, enjoy!!! Also, have a question for Joleigh? Ask away we will have her respond, fill out the questionnaire on the podcast!
Sep 05, 202333:16
Back to School - Virgo Season

Back to School - Virgo Season

Spilling the tea on my favorite childhood activity aaaaand it’s Virgo season so what better time than now to get organized and motivated. You day planner can be your best manifesting tool!!!!
Aug 29, 202308:11
I’m not busy I’m blessed

I’m not busy I’m blessed

I’m not sure why, but I really do not like the word busy. I used to be overwhelmed by the busyness of life. Now I realize most of the things that make me “busy” are things that I actually prayed for. Let’s change that word/mindset from busy to blessed!
Aug 22, 202315:26
Another Episode about our Elders

Another Episode about our Elders

You know me always trying add more tools to my toolbox to assist the greatest generation!!! Tooting my own horn over here about something I did in my Grandparents honor. 😊 👵 👴
Aug 15, 202311:28
Who said you have to do all the things?

Who said you have to do all the things?

This is a friendly reminder, mostly to self that you do not have to do it all. I don’t know about you all, but the summer season seems to get a little out of hand with mini projects, an overly abundant garden, vacations, and getting the kiddo ready for school. no one says you have to do all the things all the time. It’s OK to skip household chores and work on the garden. It’s OK to skip cooking a meal and order a pizza. It’s OK to go to the dry cleaner so you don’t half to iron all the shirts! And, for heaven sake, schedule some joy in your life immediately if you have not done so recently!
Aug 08, 202305:38
Let’s call him A - the Conclusion
Aug 01, 202312:55
Let’s Call Him A Part 2 (take 2)

Let’s Call Him A Part 2 (take 2)

So here we are for phase 2 of the story, and the ending really of it all regarding my first marriage. And I use that word loosely. I accidentally married a transgender person in my early 20s. Listen to last weeks episode for part one to hear the details of how my naïve young self stumbled down this journey
Jul 25, 202320:28
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged : Let’s call him A

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged : Let’s call him A

I finally spill the tea regarding my first marriage. A lot of people do not know the story & it’s not something that I share with most people. Please be open minded when listening, and stay tuned for the next parts of this mini series 😂
Jul 18, 202337:17
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: End of Life

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: End of Life

I know this isn’t the easiest subject and for many it’s a hard pill to swallow, but we do all end up dying. It does not always have to be a scary process, nor does it need to be feared. I hope this episode can help shed some light on how you can hold space For those around you.
Jul 11, 202321:35
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged

Y’all we are 1/2 way through 2023 what are you up to?!?
Jul 06, 202307:01
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: Thankful Thursday- but say it out loud!!!

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: Thankful Thursday- but say it out loud!!!

How many times do you go over your gratitude list a day? For years I have had a great gratitude practice and it’s often how I start and end my day. Recently, I had the realization that I don’t really share with others that they are on my gratitude list… Let’s change that. when was the last time you told your teenager you were grateful that they clean some thing? When was the last time you let your partner know you’re appreciated the way they kissed or held you? When was the last time you told your neighbor, thank you for growing those gorgeous flowers so I can admire them from my yard? Let’s start telling people how amazing they make our lives and how grateful we are for them!!!
Jun 28, 202310:11
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: Schedule the tough stuff

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: Schedule the tough stuff

I think we get busy with life and put too many things on the back burner. This is your friendly reminder to check back in with the pots you put on the back burner.
Jun 20, 202309:44
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: Set a Timer

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: Set a Timer

How can we navigate thrill negative and toxic times in our lives? How do we continue to hold space and support those that are caught up in that negative hamster wheel? I have a few ideas, let’s chat!
May 23, 202311:07
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged

What era has been your favorite so far? Did you live your 20s or 40s. Guess what a group of elderly ladies said their favorite years were? I was surprised & looooved the answer!
May 16, 202310:21
Spilling the Tea w/ Me, Allison Unplugged: Mother’s Day Edition

Spilling the Tea w/ Me, Allison Unplugged: Mother’s Day Edition

Just shining a little light on the awesome Mommas out there!!!! You got this and you are awesome! Let’s take some time to celebrate ourselves and your circle of gal pals!!! 💚💚
May 09, 202314:30
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged : Honored to be in your Circle

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged : Honored to be in your Circle

I recently received a thank you note from a dear friend and customer of mine. This note touched my heart in a way that I didn’t even know I needed. So honored and so grateful that you all share my plant magic medicine with your own sacred circles. I’m so blessed by my connections and I thank you for trusting my magic and yours!
May 02, 202319:22
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged : Talk less listen more

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged : Talk less listen more

Just a little bit about the current state I’m in right now. A random chat about how support groups aren’t always great, getting busy helps healing take place, and how I’m navigating through this next chapter of life.
Apr 25, 202309:44
Spilling the Tea with Allison Unplugged: Spring Reminders

Spilling the Tea with Allison Unplugged: Spring Reminders

I love all the reminders that spring bring us… I love all the old plant ally friends that return every year to say hello! However sometimes things pop up that we no longer need or want in the spring it’s a beautiful time to reflect on boundaries, change, and growth. How are you cultivating your garden this season?
Apr 04, 202314:49
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: Celebrate the Ladies

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: Celebrate the Ladies

When was the last time you took a fun road trip? When was the last time you celebrated your friends new promotion at work or a new lifestyle change?? Collectively I have felt very drawn to celebrate and connect on a deeper level with my small circle of queens! I invite you to do the same!
Mar 28, 202317:27
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged : Just Stop

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged : Just Stop

Get out of your own way and remember you are an adult in charge of your own world. Do you!!!!
Mar 21, 202311:36
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged : Customer Service

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged : Customer Service

Random I know but welcome to a little chitchat that I give to some fellow employees about once a month in regards to customer service. It really can relate to so many different aspects of your life and might give you a new approach and how you respond to some folks.
Mar 15, 202309:10
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: Being Okay with Stagnant Energy

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: Being Okay with Stagnant Energy

How said you have to keep leveling up all the time?!? Who says you have to keep pushing yourself to the max every day? It’s okay to be okay with the present moment and enjoy the current phase of your life.
Mar 07, 202312:07
Spilling the tea with Allison Unplugged: Community

Spilling the tea with Allison Unplugged: Community

Let’s chat about community! This can be your social circle, your workforce, social media, your household, and all the in between! Realize it or not we have the power to choose our a circle around us. Don’t sell yourself short by nines expanding or changing your shoe. As we are lol so those around that… Not all people are meant to serve us a lifetime. Some are here just for a season for a reason. Allow yourself to grow!
Feb 28, 202309:49
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: Grieving Girlfriends

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: Grieving Girlfriends

What are you do when you lose a friend? It’s so normal to grieve a break up or have a hard time when your relationship doesn’t work out but what about our friendships? We need to normalize breaking up with friends and that grieving process too… Just because we’ve had a childhood friend doesn’t mean we have to keep them in our lives forever! It’s OK to break up with your friends and form new friendships!
Feb 21, 202316:35
Spilling the Tea with Allison Unplugged : Self Love Rituals & Routines

Spilling the Tea with Allison Unplugged : Self Love Rituals & Routines

My personal top five favorite self-love rituals. These have been life-changing and part of my day today for years now. My life was so much more different before I started implementing the magic of self-care.
Feb 14, 202322:35
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: How’s your Love Life?!

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged: How’s your Love Life?!

What are you lacking in your relationship (s) and how can address it?!?
Feb 07, 202318:49
Spilling the Tea with Allison Unplugged

Spilling the Tea with Allison Unplugged

Why does our world fall apart? Maybe it’s so hard to can rebuild the way we want to?!?
Jan 31, 202316:39
Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged

Spilling the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged

Just a little update from the healthcare professional. We haven’t chatted about what’s going on with “masks” recently so here’s a little update of your interested. Also, real talk it’s weird and vulnerable having my face on display now!?!? Anyone else dealing with this new phase of life?
Jan 23, 202315:08
Spill the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged

Spill the Tea w/ Allison Unplugged

An into to this year’s chats. What is your word or mantra of the year? The new moon is Jan 21st…perfect time to set your intentions for the new year. Let’s get this year started off the right way!
Jan 16, 202314:17
Mindful Monday: Week 49

Mindful Monday: Week 49

I’m not sure how we missed a few weeks but we did! 😂 let’s reflect on this last year and look into the next few. Let’s be mindful of the direction we are going and how we are gonna get there! You got this!
Dec 26, 202224:44
Mindful Monday : Week 47

Mindful Monday : Week 47

Let’s chat about receiving gifts and asking for what we want and need…
Dec 19, 202219:16
Mindful Monday: Week 46

Mindful Monday: Week 46

Everyone has gifts to share with the world. What are yours? Are you mindful or careful with how and whom you share them with?
Dec 12, 202230:52
Mindful Monday: Week 45

Mindful Monday: Week 45

How mindful are you about how you’re investing in yourself? When was the last time you did something for your future self in terms of an investment of time, energy or money?
Dec 05, 202228:24
Mindful Monday: Week 44

Mindful Monday: Week 44

How do you respond? How do you set boundaries and show up for yourself in your responses??
Nov 28, 202213:43
Mindful Monday: Week 43

Mindful Monday: Week 43

Let’s be mindful of the holiday season friends! For some this is a rough time of year due to grief and some simply exhaustion due to creating all the holiday magic! Let’s talk about how we can have a mindful holiday season.
Nov 21, 202225:46
Mindful Monday: Week 42

Mindful Monday: Week 42

This week let’s chat about gratitude! What’s on your gratitude list & when are you practicing thankfulness? I have used gratitude as a practice to help with anxiety & fear, it’s a game changer!!
Nov 14, 202223:09
Mindful Monday : Week 41

Mindful Monday : Week 41

How’s your “livelihood” treating you? How are you allowing your work to run your life? How are you showing up for yourself at work?
Nov 07, 202227:52
Mindful Monday: Week 40!!!

Mindful Monday: Week 40!!!

Let’s be mindful of the magic we are creating this season!!! For me Halloween always marks the beginning of the dark season and a time to honor our lineage. Let’s be mindful of the space that we are creating for ourselves as well as our loved ones that are present in those that have passed.
Oct 31, 202219:08
Mindful Monday: Week 39

Mindful Monday: Week 39

Let’s be mindful of the seasons!!! What is nature telling us to do? As the seasons change so do we. Go with the ebbs & flows & adjust your life to the new seasons of change.
Oct 24, 202217:09
Mindful Monday : Week 38

Mindful Monday : Week 38

Be mindful of what you’re calling in the season. Many people are conjuring up magic and seeking answers.
Oct 17, 202226:43
Mindful Monday : Week 37?

Mindful Monday : Week 37?

Let’s check in on home mindful we are With our time?
Oct 10, 202211:26
Mindful Monday: Week 36

Mindful Monday: Week 36

We have two more months of Mindful Monday’s! Let’s reflect a little on the last 10 months of mindful chats.
Oct 03, 202214:52
Mindful Monday : Week 35

Mindful Monday : Week 35

Are you mindfully listening to other peoples stories? Let’s chat about how we can become better listeners and show up for one another on another level. You might be surprised by the messages that come through for you.
Sep 26, 202224:23
Mindful Monday - Week 34

Mindful Monday - Week 34

What’s your story and how are you choosing to tell it?
Sep 19, 202211:40
Mindful Monday: Week 33

Mindful Monday: Week 33

Is there something you’ve been avoiding? Is your future self screaming at you to take care of some thing? Is there been some tasks or work you’ve been putting off?
Sep 12, 202214:54
Mindful Monday: Week 32

Mindful Monday: Week 32

Have you ever thought about being mindful of your dreams? Do you think you have the power to decide your dream like state? This weeks episode we will explore how to be more mindful and intentional up our dream power.
Aug 29, 202213:28
Mindful Monday-Week 31

Mindful Monday-Week 31

How much joy do you allow in your life? Do you set yourself up to find joy throughout your day or are you allowing life to rob you? Let’s figure out how to invite joy into our lives a little more. Let’s play and laugh a bit more instead of filling the moments with busyness.
Aug 22, 202212:54
Mindful Monday : Week 30

Mindful Monday : Week 30

What is inspiring you? Are you making time to sit with what inspires you? Are you struggling to be inspired?
Aug 15, 202206:12