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All Tee Some SHADE

All Tee Some SHADE

By All Tee some Shade

A look into the life of a 25 year old single mother Millennium, my dating life , life as a mother, life as a black woman and current events around the world. This is raw and uncut, I look to educate, advice, and speak on my experiences. This is a look at some part of my life and my mind. Join me in this journey, you’ll laugh , cry and sometime get angry but always feel the love. All I want to do is Edutain you all.

If no body told today I will I LOVE YOU And have a great day ❤️❤️💋
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My Daughter is tired of me being single and wants some siblings.

All Tee Some SHADE Sep 30, 2020

Will Smith and Chris Rock at The Oscar

Will Smith and Chris Rock at The Oscar

Finally a black man stand up for black women regarding these disrespectful black men. I stand with Will and Chris don’t be catch slipping next time
Mar 29, 202232:01
Hello I’m Back Baybee

Hello I’m Back Baybee

I know I keep coming hot or cold with my podcast but I’m trying. Princess pushed me to do today episode. I hope you enjoy it , I love you all
Feb 27, 202209:30
Tee’s Notebook Part 1

Tee’s Notebook Part 1

Here was my random thoughts for today. I went from Nicki Miami being on RHWOP ( Real housewives of Potomac) reunion to colourism ,to come being beautiful to building confidence to LGBTQ+. To life after death , to not really with organised religion and what would you do if Jesus came. Which lead to me bring up God and how it is to hard to God and why does suffering. To now me also talking about what does the perfect world look like and when will it happen to a whole lot more. I hope you all enjoy and have a great day , and blessed week. I love you all , make sure you show yourself love everyday.
Nov 15, 202121:16
Day 9 - Karen sue grooms family

Day 9 - Karen sue grooms family

Karen attend a wedding , slip on a puddle of spilt liquor breaks hip and sue groom family ( veneer owner ) for £32k. Win and family has to pay her £50k lawyer fees
Oct 01, 202104:39
Day 8 - Dad can’t pay for son hair cut but wants mum husband to take him to his barber

Day 8 - Dad can’t pay for son hair cut but wants mum husband to take him to his barber

Make it make sense please because this man is really trying it
Sep 30, 202118:39
Day 7 - marijuana and COVID vaccine

Day 7 - marijuana and COVID vaccine

Let’s talk because 2+2 doesn’t equal 7
Sep 29, 202126:53
Day 6 - Flu season

Day 6 - Flu season

Flu season is back in the UK
Sep 28, 202106:07
Day 5 - Happy now

Day 5 - Happy now

People are panic buying patrol In the UK 🙃
Sep 26, 202105:29
Day 4 - can guys and girls be friends ?

Day 4 - can guys and girls be friends ?

Let me know what you think
Sep 24, 202106:44
Day 3 - Mental health

Day 3 - Mental health

Sorry for the delay
Sep 24, 202111:56
Day 2 - My daughter found my Dildo

Day 2 - My daughter found my Dildo

I’m an actual mess , but I’ll get better 😂😂😩. Anyone else kid found any of your sex toys or is it just my child?
Sep 22, 202106:28
Day 1

Day 1

All Tee some SHADE BAYBEE - Day 1
Sep 21, 202113:07
Verphy Kudi - 9 years in jail

Verphy Kudi - 9 years in jail

So today 19 year old Youtube Verphy Kudi was sentenced to 9 years for the manslaughter of her 20 month old daughter Asiah. This whole situation really hurts my heart as a mother because of that poor baby. I couldn’t even imagine how she was feeling and what she went through her last days on earth. Alone with no one there to help her , not knowing what to do and just need/wanting her mum. It’s very heartbreaking. I just pray her soul is happy and is feeling love. I still will never understand why Verphy chose to do what she did. I hope that decision haunts her for life but also grow as well because I know this whole situation has got her mentally messed up. I hope she get the help she needs in jail and when she returns back to Society. Once again R.I.P Asiah ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 06, 202118:37
Light skin vs dark skin

Light skin vs dark skin

I’m seriously over this BS when are we going to stop valuing people based on their skin tone.
Apr 29, 202109:09
So I’m taking a break from social media

So I’m taking a break from social media

I just want to get my mind, spirit and body right. So I’m taking a break from social media, trying to get health and be more focused on me and princess. I’m even going bed early so that GREAT
Apr 22, 202105:30
Stop staying in the struggle

Stop staying in the struggle

I don’t know why they always want black women to accept the struggle when it come to relationship. They always want use to accept the bare minimum. I say FUCK THAT SHIT, no more
Apr 18, 202114:20
I LOVE BLACK MEN ... and the streets are OPEN

I LOVE BLACK MEN ... and the streets are OPEN

It’s official it’s May 12 and the streets of the UK are officially open. It’s crazy to think I start Lock 24 and I’m nearly 26 Crazy.
Apr 12, 202105:39
Transitional Dick and my daughter wants siblings

Transitional Dick and my daughter wants siblings

The dick you run to after a break up and during your single time. This dick needs to be one you can’t fall for. You need to create some rules and boundaries to help protect your heart. You also have to be clear and let him know that it’s just a sexual relationship periodt. DON’T treat the transitional dick like boyfriend dick because it will get MESSSY.
Apr 11, 202112:10
Why shoot your shot just to F*** up , what’s the point ?

Why shoot your shot just to F*** up , what’s the point ?

I want to k is why do guys do this stay in your dms for years shooting their shot to only finally have you to mess up. Like I honestly think they plan to mess up because they believe you wasted their time because you aired them so now they just want you to break your heart. I hope I’m wrong but honestly I don’t think I am and it actually very Mad because why ?. What’s the point , just leave her alone . You don’t know what she was dealing with , you don’t know why she didn’t have the time. Now she does and I’m sure she putting her best foot forward and is expecting the same from you. Like if you know you’re not going to try leave it. Also people need to leave the different from fantasy and reality because their very different. But that’s another topics for another day
Apr 11, 202112:14
No more phone checking

No more phone checking

In 2021 we will no longer going to looking for things in our relationships. No more text, Instagram or social media watching to do nothing. You are better off not looking at all because whenever you go look you will FIND. Me I just leave it to God to show me his unfaithful. Also in 2021 can we hold relationships at a higher standard because the bare minimum is not it Guy
Mar 26, 202109:43
Can we talk ? I just need to say this

Can we talk ? I just need to say this

Yeah I’m very confused honestly truly why are people so mad at people doing WHATEVER they want to do with their OWN BODY on the internet I don’t get it. Not everything I see on the social I agree with but it’s not my own , it soo funny that people really go out there way to make it their business and press their opinions on others. People they don’t even know it’s actually MAD
Feb 01, 202119:05
Let’s talk about Colourism

Let’s talk about Colourism

I find it very hard to believe that in this 2021 people are still doing the same ignorant things with all the knowledge that out there in books, internet,social media, YouTube etc... I truly believe people chose to be ignorant and I’ve had enough. It’s actually boring and lame at this point. I’m OVER it P.S can we stop uncancelling we’ve cancelled its defeats the purpose of cancel culture and that’s why these people are not learning their lessons
Jan 25, 202130:27
Should feedback from previous relationship be a norm

Should feedback from previous relationship be a norm

I think feedback from previous relationships should be the norm because only then are we able to highlight problem in relation our behaviour in relationships. The good, the bad and the ugly. So we don’t make the same mistake in every relationships and also we can improve the problems we have and make.
Jan 17, 202109:59
Hey Y’all we’re in 2021

Hey Y’all we’re in 2021

Hi everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR , I know I’ve been MIA but I’m back and I just wanted a chitchat. I hope everyone is great and safe x
Jan 12, 202116:58
Christmas is only 2 days AWAY!!

Christmas is only 2 days AWAY!!

If you don’t know Christmas is my second favourite holiday after my birthday. I just love that it’s a time for me and my family to all be together, eat , drink and enjoy each other’s company. Christmas has always been a big to do in my family my whole life, it’s Jesus birthday and also my baby sister birthday too. So it’s always lit and my mum always god HAM in the kitchen. Now I’ve got given the Baton and now I host Christmas and it’s soo exciting. Please my people don’t allow Boris to mess up your plans for Christmas. We hardly had any joy or real time with our family all year, and Christmas is this time for it. Bun tire 4 there’s only 8 days left of this year HENJOY 💋
Dec 23, 202006:30
Dear Diary : let’s talk about my triggers

Dear Diary : let’s talk about my triggers

I don’t know today I woke and thought let me talk about my triggers so y’all understand me a bit more and as how some of y’all are now a part of my life you need to know the things I don’t like.
Dec 19, 202010:19
Dear Diary: is Karen not tired

Dear Diary: is Karen not tired

So I saw this video on it of a news clip go to world of neighbours been angry at black family because they chose to have a black inflatable Santer on the yard as part as the Christmas decoration. I just want to know Karen are you not tired waiting a whole pandemic and you’re still on your Karen ish.What makes you think you have the right to call a black family races for having a black Santer have you forgotten Santa is not an actual real human being. It was the corporate companies that create a centre white if it’s not real a black family can have a black Santer Hispanic family I haven’t Hispanic sent off a Asian family can have a Asian Santer each to their own because he’s not an actual real person. So baby Karen the same way you had time today I have time today okay. You need to start worrying about your own family in your own life and stop worrying about these black families that have nothing to do with you period.
Dec 18, 202008:16
Dear Diary: why do black women always feel the need to fight for black men

Dear Diary: why do black women always feel the need to fight for black men

At this point I’m really tired of saying this because really and truly I think life has sound that a lot of black men are not really here for black women and a lot of them don’t care or feel the need to fight for us. So why are so many for us soo quick to run to their defence...? Why ...? We are always alone fight for our safe, our respect, our right. All alone , hardly any black men in our corner BUT as soon as something has to a black man or something negative is said about a black man we are ready to put on our capes and come to their defence. We need to STOP IT. Let them see how life is when we stop caring for them the same way they did us. Maybe then they’ll who really cared
Dec 17, 202008:34
Dear Diary: why don’t business owners talk about this .?

Dear Diary: why don’t business owners talk about this .?

As you guys know I have a nail business I started and I just thought I would come here and talk about the low points . I see a lot of people talk about running a business but don’t really talk about the anxiety , depression And the very very low points that come with running a business. So I thought I would shine some light and also talk about the friends that are so quick to say they support your business but want everything free or half price. Let me tell you THAT’S NOT YOUR FRIEND. Sorry not sorry but how can you see your friend go out and try and make it on their own but your trying to cheat them. No don’t do that. At some point in our life we really need to see people for who they are. There’s people that are really here for you and their some people that are here because there been here. Be able to see the difference.
Dec 16, 202012:27
Dear Diary: why is everyone worried about my ovaries

Dear Diary: why is everyone worried about my ovaries

I find it soo annoying and rude when people keep feeling the need to ask me when I’m going to “ have another sibling for me daughter “ like what , I don’t owe my house, I just started a new business , I don’t even have a car nor stable relationship. BUT you’re asking me when I’m going to have another child. Are you ok ... do you understand what you are saying ....? Please just stop it’s my OVARIES when I believe I’m in a place where it conducive for me to bring another life into this world I’ll do but until then DON’T WORRY about it
Dec 15, 202007:07
Dear Diary: why do people expose their life’s on social media

Dear Diary: why do people expose their life’s on social media

I don’t understand when people go on social media or YouTube or on a reality show and get upset when people share their opinions on their life. Like you can post something and not expect people to some some Ish to say. You have to know that it was coming, like I don’t have a problem with it because I’m here for the drama I won’t lie. It be boring out here but please also prepare yourself for the black lash, unwanted opinions and hate because we all know everyone different PERIODT.
Dec 14, 202007:04
Dear Diary, I no longer want to date black men

Dear Diary, I no longer want to date black men

I just feel like my my mental disorder want to take a 1 year break from dating black men and see if my outcome is the same.
Dec 13, 202013:33
Take the risk Baybee girl and let him know how you feel

Take the risk Baybee girl and let him know how you feel

Girl don’t wait for when it’s too late. It’s better for to tell him you like him and get reject than knowing he likes you but wait to long to say something and his found someone else.

It’s might be hard but that’s better trust me. I have let soo many good guys go just because I was too scared to be honest with my feelings. Now I’m not going to do that any more.

We also need to stop being pessimist because it always good to breath positive vibes into something because the universe is listening.

Like everything in life , it’s good to take risk because the biggest risk always have the biggest and best awards. So now let’s do it lets take those risk let’s stop hiding our feelings and be brave.

If no one has told you BAYBEE I LOVE YOU and I will ALWAYS LOVE YOU.

Don’t forget to add me on my social media
Snapchat: tee-barbz
Personal Instagram: Sava7e
Nail business Instagram: Sava7en4ils
Food business Instagram: Sava7ee4ts
Oct 24, 202007:38
End Sars , Africa is bleeding

End Sars , Africa is bleeding

I’m so sad and heart broken is this really life
Oct 23, 202011:35
Verphy Kudi update

Verphy Kudi update

So this is a update on the Verphy Kudi story , like I said I’m my pervious podcast there was more to the story and I was right. It turns out Verphy didn’t leave in a flat but was actually staying in a mother and baby unit , and had a social worker. Now knowing this there is more questions because I’ve had friends who lived in mother and baby units , it’s very strict and there are many rules like Curfew, contacting the Police If you don’t return within 24hrs. Soo I want to know why nothing happened until day 6 when she returned. I want to know why no one said anything when they saw having leaving without her kid, I want to know why no one helped the baby because I’m very sure that baby was crying for her life. Why didn’t anyone report it or no well-fair check was mad. We need to find out more but I know we won’t and I need the mother and baby unit and social worker need to be held accountable for there actions because their much to blame as the mother herself.

My prayers go out to the little baby, her family and the mother as well because honestly we don’t know what she is going through right now. We need to help and protect our young black girls and women.

If no one has told you today I will I LOVE YOU and I’ll will ALWAYS LOVE YOU.

Don’t forget to follow me on social media

Snapchat: tee-barbz
Personal Instagram: Sava7e
Nail business Instagram: Sava7en4ils
Food business Instagram: Sava7ee4ts
Oct 22, 202009:41
Verphy Kudi & End Sars

Verphy Kudi & End Sars

This week so far has been a very crazy emotional rollercoaster from the situation with Verphy Kudi and update regarding the protesters and Sars. It’s crazy to think that In 2020 Nigerians don’t have the basic human rights. They’re getting killed for fighting for their rights to not be harass,kidnap,torture or killed.

Why as black peoples our we still dealing with these type of problems in 2020. Why is Africa still have soo much problems and always seeking western countries to come and help
them , why don’t you reach out to other African countries. Africa is the biggest continent in the world, you’ve already seen what life was like when these western countries came to “help” we tried hard and fights for independence why do you want to go back.

If no one has told you today I will I LOVE YOU and I will ALWAYS, stay strong we will get through it .

Add me on my socials
Personal Instagram: Sava7e
Nail business Instagram : Sava7en4ils
Food business Instagram: Sava7ee4ts
Oct 22, 202019:46
Update on my love life

Update on my love life

Hello hello hello guy , I’m back
Sorry I didn’t upload yesterday , my mind was all over the place but I’m back and I’m better. I’ve missed y’all soo much. I hope you’ve missed me too🌚🌚.

I just wanted to give you guys a quick update on what’s going on in my love life, baybee I’m still single as a dollar bill 😂😂😩But we move. It is what it is. We not going to stress I’ll find the guy that’s meant for me, I’m not going to rush into anything as I’ve done that in the past and it didn’t work out .

I’m enjoying getting to know new people but the dating scene can me a bit nerve racking and a whole lotta a whole lotta. But I’m making sure I keep to my standards and making sure I get what I deserve because Fuck what I bring to the table baybee I’m the entire table👅👅👅.

My baybee’s know you’re worth and don’t just jump into something quick. Take your time and show them how you want and how you deserve to be treated. As we show people how we want to treated and you should never ever lower your standards because that when they think say they can take you fi idiot NEVA.

Anyways if no one has told you I LOVE YOU and Tee will ALWAYS LOVE YOU , don’t ever forget that.❤️❤️❤️

Don’t forget to add and follow me on all my socials.

Snapchat: tee-barbz
Sava7e (personal )
Sava7en4ils ( nail business page) all sets £25 this month
Sava7ee4ts ( food business page )

Hit up black eyelashes tech in east London and Essex instagram: clasho_by_j

If you want some new wig or want a wig made or instal hit up a black east London hair stylist instagram: haironine__

Oct 15, 202020:51
What would you do ...?

What would you do ...?

So I came across this Scenario on Instagram involving a step dad and his family. His been with his wife for 22 years and has raised her 2 daughter as his own. Asked to adopt them as his own but his wife says her ex husband would allow it. The dad now wanted to build a relationship with his daughter after being MIA for 22 years. The daughter wants her biological father to give her away and do the father and daughter dance whilst the stepdad is paying for the wedding... crazy right but it get worst the wife is threatening to divorce him if he mess up the wedding. Wow this actually crazy to think this is how the family wants to repay this man for stepping up and being the father the 2 girl deserves and proving for them. Women like that pisses me off. But you guys let me know what you think. If no one has told you today , I will I LOVE YOU and have a blessed week. My socials Snapchat : tee-barbz. Instagram. Sava7e ( personal ). Sava7en4ils ( nail business ). Sava7ee4ts ( food business )
Oct 12, 202001:14:22
Don’t allow toxic people to abuse you because you want to help them heal

Don’t allow toxic people to abuse you because you want to help them heal

Today is a good day for the Hotties around the world , Mr Daystar Peterson AKA Troy Lanez has be charged for shooting at Megan. People still don’t believe Megan but we will see what happens once the trial begins.

In today’s episode I wanted to talk about not allowing yourself to be devalued by someone you want to help heal. You have a kind heart and want to help people that have experienced abuse, trauma and hardship in life. That’s a good thing but you shouldn’t allow that person to abuse you, devalue you or put you in a state of depression because of the problem they’ve face. It’s not fair to you, you are not the cause of their pain and you shouldn’t be a pouching bag dealing with their mental, emotional and physical abuse. They don’t have the right to abuse you to make themselves feel better.

You shouldn’t accept this behaviour just because you understand what their going through, you shouldn’t allow some to beat you down to help uplift themselves. That’s not healthy. That will only lead to you being put in a dark place and into depressed state, that the person won’t be able or maybe not even willing to help you get out of there.

You shouldn’t allow someone to devalue you to uplift or make themselves feel better. You don’t need to lose your self-worth to make someone else value themselves. It’s better to walk away.

When you see a relationship heading that way it’s better to just love that person for afar. As you should ALWAYS put your mental and physical well-being first no matter what because if you’re not good, you are not help to anyone.


And if no one has told you Today I LOVE YOU.


Snapchat: tee-barbz
Sava7e ( personal )
Sava7en4ils ( nail business page )
Sava7ee4ts ( food business page)

Have a blessed weekend, stay safe and I’ll see you back here again on Monday

Oct 09, 202009:20
Normalising black women in luxury lifestyle

Normalising black women in luxury lifestyle

So I’m getting sick and tired of this narrative that’s black women should happy settling for crumbs in a relationships. I believe it about time that we normalise black women in luxury, being spoiled and taken care of. Why is it ok for racially ambiguous women, white women or Middle Eastern women to be living luxurious life and enjoying their partners money but black women should suffer or work their hands to the bone to barely survive. If a black woman wants a guy with money and want to be exposed to the finer things in life she gets called every name under the sun but with other women it’s goals. Why do we have to continue to push this narrative that black women don’t deserve nice things. We need to talk about this and work on proving it wrong, we do deserve the nicer things in life and it’s ok for a Black woman to be spoilt. She’s not lazy, she’s not a gold digger , she just knows her worth and knows what she brings to the table. Me I want to be spoilt and I want my partner to invest in me soo I can live the life I deserve. Seriously women you need to be taxing the guys you’re dating because there’s no point being with someone that doesn’t add to your life that after you leave you have nothing to show for it. Let’s talk about this and let me hear what you have to say.

And if anyone has told you today I will, I LOVE YOU💋💋

Don’t forget to ad and follow me on my socials.

Snapchat: tee-barbz
Sava7e ( personal)
Sava7en4ils ( nails business page )
Sava7ee4ts ( food business page)
Oct 07, 202010:58
Let’s Protect our BLACK WOMEN

Let’s Protect our BLACK WOMEN

I’m so tired of people always villainizing black women like we don’t need protection. Yes we are very strong but also we need to be protected too. We our victim too, we are abused, we are hurt, we are beaten down and used. we need love, we need support , we need our voice to be hear, we need you to stand beside us in love and support. It’s always our own black community that would abuse these black women the most. In our community it’s a black woman that give born to black kids ,without that black woman you wouldn’t be here today PERIODT. Black girl stop abusing each other and support. Black men stop abusing Black women and love on us and protect us, the same way we do when we protest for your rights in the street. My socials: Snapchat: tee-barbz. Instagram Sava7e ( personal ). Sava7en4ils ( nail business ). Sava7ee4ts ( food business ). If no one has told you today , I will I LOVE YOU 💋💋
Oct 07, 202014:20
Love Doesn’t HURT

Love Doesn’t HURT

BLACK BUSINESS SHOUT OUT : Built not bought Insta: bnb_wear Website: October is Domestic Violence Awareness month and I wanted to use this episode to highlight this. I know Domestic violence is very taboo and not talked enough about . This is a big problem because people accept Domestic violence and abuse as a form of love, which is not ok. kids and adults need to be taught it is NEVER ok for someone to be Abusive verbally, mentally or physically. There this narrative that Love hurt and we should accept abuse because it will get better and that’s never the case as I learnt the hard way when I was 16. I accepted domestic abuse from my boyfriend for 3 years all alone. I did have anyone to talk to or have anyone to help me. It’s a sad fact that people do see domestic abuse as a form of love or glorified domestic abuse, I’ve heard a lot of people say “ if he/she doesn’t put their hands on me , they doesn’t love me “ and that’s not ok because we having soo many abuser get away with doing this because we was taught any better. Well it’s ends TODAY , LOVE DOESN’T HURT , degrade you , mentally abuse you, verbally abuse you or physically abuse you. It’s better to be alone than have this type of love. If anyone listening to this Podcast is in a currently abusive relationship, please be strong and walk away because it doesn’t get better it only get worst and you will only really continue to destroy yourself. I know you may believe your at you rock bottom and don’t deserve better. You’re WRONG you do and you will, when your at the bottoms there no where else to go but up. I know it’s hard but you’ll get there just believe in yourself, not what he or she is telling you, tell yourself I DESERVE BETTER, I AM LOVED, I’M SPECIAL, I CAN DO THIS and you’ll get there. You’ll look back at that lesson and be so proud of yourself , because it was you that put yourself up and brought you self into a better place . No one else but you and you’ll see that you was strong enough. I know it will be hard but I believe in you and it’s time for you to believe in yourself. I LOVE YOU , YOU’RE SMART, YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL, YOU’RE KIND , YOU HAVE VALUE, YOU’RE WORTHY, YOU’RE LOVE AND YOU DESERVE HAPPINESS .
Oct 02, 202027:28
Really Royal Mail that’s what we doing...?

Really Royal Mail that’s what we doing...?

So today I saw on social media that the Royal Mail painted 4 POSTBOXES black for BLACK HISTORY MONTH out of 115,000 in the UK that’s not even 0.01% of the boxes. Instead of that poor attempt to celebrate black history, you actually teach the correct history of the BLACK people instead of black only promoting Black history as only being slavery. How about your teach the history correct because black people was here before and after slavery. We have created soo much things in this world, how about let the kids know that the civil rights movement ensure the right for more than just BLACK peoples. How about you let the kids know that through the Civil right movement it opened the door for soo many people, race, sex and ability. Don’t worry I know my history and I encourage you all to do the same because knowledge is KEY. Don’t forget I LOVE YOU and have a great day💋💋💋❤️. My socials: Snapchat: tee-barbz. Insta: Sava7e (Personal). Sava7en4ils ( nail business ). Sava7ee4ts ( food business )
Sep 30, 202007:02
My Daughter is tired of me being single and wants some siblings.

My Daughter is tired of me being single and wants some siblings.

It’s crazy to think at 25 my younger self planned to be married but yet I’m still single. I have my biggest blessing and motivation my princess, my best friend and shadow Taeyah-Mae. Well she tired of being the only child and wants me to hurry up and get married, not knowing her mama isn’t soo lucky in the game of love but I’m trying. I have downloaded some dating apps and I’m really trying this dating thing which is a whole lot harder than people think. I’m trying to stay motivated but I think people are not really motivated. I know for certain I’m not going to settle because I do that a lot, I’m going to keep strong and sooner or later God is going to bring my partner. If nobody told you they Love you , I will I LOVE YOU and have a wonderful day ❤️❤️💋. My socials: Snapchat: tee-barbz. Insta Sava7e ( personal ). SAVA7EN4ILS ( Nail business ). Sava7ee4ts ( Food business)
Sep 30, 202049:21
Hell Hi I’m Tee and this is my Podcast

Hell Hi I’m Tee and this is my Podcast

I’ve always wanted to be a radio host since I was in Primary/Secondary school and at 25 I finally decided to start my own podcast. This is just about me, my life , my experience, my story and my views. Uncut and real , I welcome you all on this journey with me. Take a shot and enjoy the ride. Follow me on my socials Insta: Sava7e ( personal page) SAVA7EN4IL’S ( Nail business ) Sava7eE4t’s ( Food business). Snapchat: tee-barbz. I love you all and I’ll see you on Friday💋💋
Sep 30, 202002:50