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Almighty Ohm.

Almighty Ohm.

By Al Ohm

Search for meaning.
Talks about healing inflammation and auto immune, trauma and dyslexia, actualization, Buddhism, philosophy, meditation and mindfulness, the self, life, reality, authenticity....

Al Ohm.
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Have you danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?

Almighty Ohm.May 07, 2024

A poet warrior on truth and history.

A poet warrior on truth and history.

The Ma-Deuce and philosophy. Neil postman meets a Celtic, poet warrior. What does mass errors in narrative and our source of knowledge mean for our understanding. We need to be more aware of bias and ignorance in history as much as news.
May 29, 202403:31
Archetypes and context.

Archetypes and context.

How archetypes are denatured by ignorance and cowardice.
From March 2nd 2024.
May 29, 202403:39
A Secular Life, or?

A Secular Life, or?

Three mornings with Charles Taylor 's A Secular Life. **
I discuss the magnum opus of Charles Taylor. A secular life. And the famous, and oft misquoted, Carl Jung. All his patients in the later life (over 35 yrs) none of their malaise was left once they adopted a religious view of life. Not religion but to see meaning and value in all life, universe, existence...
May 26, 202417:56
Am I righteous or a heretic?

Am I righteous or a heretic?

So I asked myself a question that I asked about a fellow Buddhist practitioner who goes around, claims to be you know partially or fully enlightened. So I asked myself: am I holy or am I a heretic? I believe that all religions are true if they're practiced with devotion commitment and confidence but I also believe that no institutional religion in this day and age has the complete hegemony on a path to the divine. So who's right here? Can you be holy without the hierarchy or are you a heretic?
May 24, 202420:00
Thoughts are missing?

Thoughts are missing?

What holds us back from understanding? Wilful Ignorance? **Correction: West Asia?!
Not sure where my dyslexic brain comes up with these things... East Asia*
May 21, 202459:59
Monday morning faith

Monday morning faith

I discuss the toolkit we use to not only rebuild after Tragedy but also grow from suffering... What is Faith, faith in what, in who, why? Resilience. Persistence. Trust.
May 20, 202440:52
Doesn't have have to be true, but cannot be a lie...

Doesn't have have to be true, but cannot be a lie...

Our path. Our belief. Our trust. What happens to hope and faith when we believe a lie? We can believe in a maybe, but a lie leaves us wanting? Everything worth believing seems to be these ideas that may not be true, but are not lies... Truth, beauty ... Good triumphs over evil, love lives forever... What you believe is the tool kit that helps you rebuild after a tragedy. Without a source in tradition or potential we may not see the future? How we think and sort the world is how we endure. Or erase our humanity?
May 18, 202409:43
Meaning and value in life.

Meaning and value in life.

I discuss a recent podcast here on Spotify the Nietzsche podcast and talk about Carl Jung's perspective on Frederick Nietzsche's zarathustra: meaning in life. I try to clarify Jung's quote which so many people seem to get wrong. Jung said he found his patients in later life solve their malaise(sadness/ennui) by having a religious view in life not by finding religion but finding meaning and value in their life.
May 14, 202409:23
Change habits, heal trauma, actualize your true self...

Change habits, heal trauma, actualize your true self...

What do these have in common well simply the path to healing the path to understanding the path to being is all through storytelling telling your story not living someone else's so I share how a book on habit resonates with the civil Rights movement with philosophy theology theosophy religion philology language meaning matter being self-identity individuation.

*Correction: For Karl Jaspers, the term Dasein meant existence in its most minimal sense, the realm of objectivity and science, in opposition to what Jaspers called "Existenz", the realm of authentic being. Due to the drastically different use of the term Dasein between the two philosophers, there is often some confusion in students who begin with either Heidegger or Jaspers and subsequently study the other.

Beginning with modern science and empiricism, Jaspers points out that as people question reality, they confront borders that an empirical (or scientific) method can simply not transcend. At this point, the individual faces a choice: sink into despair and resignation, or take a leap of faith toward what Jaspers calls "Transcendence". In making this leap, individuals confront their own limitless freedom, which Jaspers calls Existenz, and can finally experience authentic existence.
May 10, 202450:36
Have you danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?

Have you danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?

Will you dance again? The dance of individuation. I discuss healing trauma, PTSD, and the interview with Jordan Peterson and Shawn Ryan... What is identity: it is the story you did not write, but guides your journey. We need to craft our own myth from our experience and our uniqueness to find our own authentic path through.... Nietzsche, Virgil, and Jung would be proud.
May 07, 202419:34
Everything informs our journey. Healing and identity.

Everything informs our journey. Healing and identity.

I share a few philosophy ideas and psychology ideas theology ideas theosophy ideas I just point out how we have a perennial truth within so many of our systems.. our memes...
May 06, 202440:12
Living in a Matrix, the hyperreal made manifest...

Living in a Matrix, the hyperreal made manifest...

Are we simply living in a simulation because we are not authentic beings? Without honest interactions with ourselves and others... Are we even human?
May 02, 202443:27
The freedom found in Jungian philosophy.

The freedom found in Jungian philosophy.

I share a single quote from Jung that began a decade long contemplation of our situation, our potential, our healing....

"I have treated many hundreds of patients. Among those in the second half of life - that is to say, over 35 - there has not been one whose problem in the last resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life. It is safe to say that every one of them fell ill because he had lost that which the living religions of every age have given their followers, and none of them has really been healed who did not regain his religious outlook."

Carl Gustav Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul
Apr 30, 202418:06
Random thoughts on Religion-less Christianity.

Random thoughts on Religion-less Christianity.

Title says it all. What is it, how can it help those searching for meaning and Trust in their path?
A belief structured and rooted in value and benefit not dogma and adherence.
Apr 29, 202432:54
Literacy and fluency. Both not one.

Literacy and fluency. Both not one.

Are you literate, but not fluent, fluent but not literate? Learning is our way out/thru. Thinking, being, an agent. Not an automaton.
Apr 28, 202418:45
Reading is listening

Reading is listening

Simply we fail to understand how much we are losing, of ourselves... We must learn, challenge, read, and mythologize...
Apr 26, 202430:00
Thomas Merton on Contemplation.

Thomas Merton on Contemplation.

I talk about new insights, a great book and man, flawed: surely aren't we all, and saving worms... ...
Apr 25, 202421:46
What is the difference between imagination and the unconscious.

What is the difference between imagination and the unconscious.

Simply the imagination is the activity of the unconscious in the interplay of the conscious and unconscious self. *Interplay between themselves and their worlds*
Apr 17, 202401:14
A love that transcends all understanding.

A love that transcends all understanding.

Hesed, Metta, Maitri, Loving kindness... Words we use as place holders for concepts, for feelings. In this case: an idea of a feeling that is beyond our limited conception...
Apr 17, 202402:60
Meaning is missing, thus the modern malaise.

Meaning is missing, thus the modern malaise.

** Strong language. Curse word.** What are we missing, is it a meaning that matters? Worse enemy to truth, than lies, are convictions. That tells us that convictions are placeholders for truth in the pursuit. Meaning, truth, is a ceaseless path.
Apr 16, 202418:01
Infinite human dignity

Infinite human dignity

I discuss a recent statement from the Vatican. I am unsure if the document shares what they believe it should?
Apr 11, 202403:54
What is identity to Northrop Frye, and Nietzsche.

What is identity to Northrop Frye, and Nietzsche.

I discuss why we need myth, narrative, and story telling... We build ourselves and our society through these practices. We are born of the soil, nurtured by nature and nurturing the soil and the plants in synergy... We are an Us.
Apr 09, 202417:31
Reconstruction not deconstruction

Reconstruction not deconstruction

What do we need to do to tradition? Faith is an evolving truth based in trust, to fight uncertainty.
Apr 09, 202409:14
Orthodoxy versus progressive.

Orthodoxy versus progressive.

A balanced approach to all things. I manage to get a reference to nearly every tradition... To illustrate a simple point that we must work towards a goal, work together.
Apr 09, 202409:01
Song sustained our narratives until now?

Song sustained our narratives until now?

Simply the idea that mythos is at the heart of who we are. I used movies to narrate my story, as a dyslexic, my friend used song..... Have we lost our stories in our race to evolve and integrate with technology? **Songs and stories and so much more... At the polkadot door... Let's see through the polkadot door...
Apr 08, 202403:18
Authors reveal more of themselves than their ideas.

Authors reveal more of themselves than their ideas.

Book review or indictment of modern post secondary education?
Apr 08, 202410:34
Technology can only replace us if we stop being human.

Technology can only replace us if we stop being human.

I share thoughts about a Ben Shapiro and Dr Phil show: how ignorant even professionals can be. The Dun/Krug effect. Newbies think they know everything, but experts should remember what Bruce Lee said; from the IChing 'always remember that another may be your better'. That truism pushes us to be better than our previous self. The only honorable endeavor...
Apr 07, 202401:57
Three minutes to Freedom.

Three minutes to Freedom.

How three minutes of mediation can change your life. I share my favorite insight from a recent book that teaches three minutes a day of meditation for two weeks can change you... I share how short calmness mediation can bring peace to our daily lives.
Life long mediator, once a teacher of meditation, Buddhism, philosophy and history in a Temple/Museum. Healing trauma and serious illness with mind and wholeness. Gestalten and Hinterwelten.
Apr 03, 202402:53
What many get wrong about Carl Jung's philosophy.

What many get wrong about Carl Jung's philosophy.

I discuss a Q&A with Jordan Peterson about "what Jung got wrong"... In this we see how wrong JBP was(as many are), how AI can bring us forward and how technology has shown that self directed learning is infinitely better than spoon fed knowledge.
Mar 29, 202410:39
I am all that can be surveyed.

I am all that can be surveyed.

I discuss "I am that". Tat tvam asi. Power phrases, the name of God. Panentheism? Everything is suffused with the divine, providence?
Mar 27, 202402:40
God, Socrates, and Meaning are done?

God, Socrates, and Meaning are done?

Gott ist Tot? Socrates is dead? Do we believe in our values, our meaning, our being? We only cease to be when we cease to believe in our humanity entire.
Mar 26, 202405:20
Truth or Narrative?

Truth or Narrative?

Lessons in propaganda, in knowledge vs wisdom. Disinformation and misinformation. If everything is perspective, then nothing is true.
Mar 18, 202410:01
'Identity' are the stories other people tell, that you believe.

'Identity' are the stories other people tell, that you believe.

Mythos is the story you tell, formed from your complex of identities, personas, experience, genetics.... Gestalten.
Mar 11, 202400:55
Learning to learn

Learning to learn

I discuss reading and thinking. Without it we are lost, literally and figuratively.
Mar 05, 202404:59
Greek Buddhism. Open minds and ears see history change.

Greek Buddhism. Open minds and ears see history change.

I discuss a new discovery that may change our history entirely. Stoicism, epicureans, Pyrrhonism. All influences from Alexander's campaign into India? Egypt? Swat Valley, Ghandara, Barikot.
Mar 01, 202408:12
Faith vs works. Bible and Vivekananda agree.

Faith vs works. Bible and Vivekananda agree.

I discuss the real issue of false faith, exposed by people and their true works, most often self serving and closer to theatre than charity.
Feb 29, 202408:10
How suffering leads to knowledge and growth of self. Trust sustains.

How suffering leads to knowledge and growth of self. Trust sustains.

I discuss how to read, with example, passages in our great books like the Gita, or the Bible, the IChing, the Dhammapada... Comparing Luke ch23 verses 28-31. The aridity of the soul: St John of the Cross *dark night of the soul/Accent of Mount Carmel. How we must have hope, trust that we can surmount any challenge, *that which does not kill us serves to make us stronger. Trauma dries out our will, but with sacrifice and acceptance we can find the spirit to prevail? The strength lies within, in this philosophy, but we doubt our potential and power.
Feb 29, 202413:58
Our side bias...

Our side bias...

I discuss why smart people believe stupid things. Stupid can be traced to the Latin for ignorance. Omnis cum in tenebris praesertim vita laboret. We understand these 'things' not when sought, but when practiced and found. So many scholars without experience. Nietzsche again. It is acceptance of uncertainty that is our way through, amor fati. He chose Latin, a little language, to share this intimately complicated truth of existence.
Feb 28, 202405:42
Philosopher fails and walking on water, or walk on your own?

Philosopher fails and walking on water, or walk on your own?

I discuss a well known philosopher, teaching logic with street epistemology, yet fails to understand basic allegory and prose?
Feb 27, 202411:52
What is to blame for our suffering? For evil?

What is to blame for our suffering? For evil?

I discuss the idea that evil is sourced in us, we are the majority cause of harms in our world, and that includes cancers and other suffering.
Feb 22, 202418:06
Meaning Manifest

Meaning Manifest

How do we move forward? Status quo to potential. Modern man. Healing the modern malaise.
Feb 21, 202402:36
Higher consciousness: Jordan Peterson vs Stephan Fry

Higher consciousness: Jordan Peterson vs Stephan Fry

I discuss what is "a higher consciousness" and what they both got wrong about Nietzsche, Jung, and morality and meaning....
Feb 17, 202413:58
Happiness is no place for humanity.

Happiness is no place for humanity.

I discuss amor fati: love your fate. How to navigate pain and suffering. How to embrace life, to live and be, rather than just do.
Feb 17, 202407:17
The way out is thru.

The way out is thru.

The way out is through, said Camus, and Nietzsche, and Jung... We find our path in the chaos of the potential. Our consciousness is our discernment to define the way through the void, as it were.
Feb 05, 202412:17
Your passion, your path, your purpose? Version 3

Your passion, your path, your purpose? Version 3

Value, meaning ... Vivekananda Nietzsche Jung Bible Vedanta Arendt... What is our purpose, who defines value? Hint: an educated, and compassionate we. **Re-upload with better audio.
Feb 04, 202417:31
Does not need be true, when it is not a lie...

Does not need be true, when it is not a lie...

I discuss Frye and the Bible, Nietzsche and Zarathustra. Meaning and purpose in suffering and chaos. Uncertainty is manageable with trust. Pistis. Sraddham.
Feb 02, 202416:56
Mystical experience is not what we think...

Mystical experience is not what we think...

What is "religion-less Christianity", how can this idea guide us all, as it was intended.
Jan 31, 202413:07
What is truth and lie?

What is truth and lie?

How do we differentiate between? Good and evil, certainty and uncertainty, harmful and beneficial... Hamavdil.
Jan 23, 202404:33
Set dressing. Actors and a phantasy.

Set dressing. Actors and a phantasy.

All the world is a scam,
And we are the marks upon it,
And The Lord wants his Vig...

Al ohm, jan2024. A walk in the snow. With a mess below, as is above. A pivot, strained and flayed. A balance leaves the universe in flux...
Jan 19, 202401:03
How to set a watchman?

How to set a watchman?

I discuss Niel Postman(how his lessons on watching the news can inform our journey today), how to see, feel, and interact with ourselves and our environment. How do we live within, so we can minimise the strife without?
Jan 16, 202404:21