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💞The Inspirational Motivator💞

💞The Inspirational Motivator💞

By The Inspirational Motivator

A moment with the Inspirational Motivator will enlighten your spirit and soul. Take a journey filled with positive affirmations, poems, spoken word, excepts from her books, Q&As and more. You will gain confidence in the ability to transform your mind where positive connections become infectious; and you'll live a life of enjoyment and expectancy. A changed mindset is the best mindset! ❤️
Currently playing episode

Never Ever Stop

💞The Inspirational Motivator💞Nov 25, 2022



Happy Holidays!

This is my last podcast for the year and I would like to sincerely thank you for allowing me into your heart and homes, Monday through Friday, for a moment of motivation. I could not do it without your support. From January 1, 2022 throughout the end to year, December 2022, I prayed for a platform to be a "Beacon of Light" and you have warmly granted me that opportunity. so for those, who took a micro moment and tuned in to my podcast this year, 2022, you are the BEST EVER! I know who you are and as you've supported me, I shall support you the same way. God knew why this was an assignment and I pray he is pleased that you were enlightened by words spoken, poems shared and my books presented. Thanks to  those who purchased my books and participated in Q&A's. I love you all for loving me. 


The Inspirational Motivator


Dec 30, 202201:37


Happy Holidays,

Believe it or not, you are far more wonderful than you can imagine. Keep shining wherever you go because they see and appreciate you.


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 29, 202201:17
That's On You

That's On You

Happy Holidays,

It's not what you say, rather, how you say it. Respectfully, do them a favor and allow them to know, "that's on you!" Grasping what is genuinely spoken from the heart; and all in love, is the key.


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 28, 202200:55
Promise Yourself....

Promise Yourself....

Happy Holidays,

You are better than attaching yourself to things that serve no purpose. Show yourself some love; not ordinary self-love, rather, authentic self-love. Know your self worth; honor it...honor YOU!


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 27, 202202:13
A Positive Affirmation

A Positive Affirmation

Happy Holidays!

It all starts with you. You can become the change that you wish to see and it only takes a positive thought and effort to make a difference; so affirm it today.


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 26, 202201:06
They Too Have Purpose

They Too Have Purpose

Believe it or not, everyone you encounter serve(s) a role in your life. Regardless of the outcome; it was part of the plan. Taking nothing for granted, appreciate each experience be it a lesson and/or blessing. 


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 23, 202201:16
Sometimes Its YOU!

Sometimes Its YOU!

You better check yourself, respectfully! It can't always be the other! Its about recognizing our faults, correction and growth, which we can all do. When you know better, you become better.


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 22, 202201:21
Take that leap

Take that leap

What are you waiting for? No more hesitation; nor procrastination! A faith-driven jump start is needed. Go for it!


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 21, 202201:13
Its Okay (Mental Health Check)

Its Okay (Mental Health Check)

A sincere and heartfelt plea to seek help if "life" becomes a bit challenging to handle. There are caring people in this world with a desire to assist. There is also a new 24-hour Crisis Hotline available, by dialing 988. Please reach out and know ITS OK NOT TO BE OKAY. Love and praying for you always.  


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 20, 202204:08
The Signs Will Show Up

The Signs Will Show Up

Relax, breath, trust and believe that everything will work out. Doubting and losing faith are not options. Find something positive to focus on; before you know it your reaping season will reveal its presence.


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 19, 202201:58
Friday Blessing 4 U!

Friday Blessing 4 U!

Always believe something wonderful will happen and never take anything nor anyone for granted. Be good to yourself and others.


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 16, 202201:02
Healing & Becoming A Better You

Healing & Becoming A Better You

Here are 5 signs to identity you are on the right track to healing and becoming a better you. Once you have these down packed, you can pat yourself on the back and affirm, "I GOT THIS!"


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 15, 202201:11
Elimination is Due

Elimination is Due

Elimination is a part of the process and your journey. It will definitely make you; never break you. Don't hold on when its meant to let go.


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 14, 202201:13
You've Changed

You've Changed

You've changed for the better! It's a good thing and it looks amazing on you. Congratulations! Rise and shine my friend :)


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 13, 202201:21
I Am Resilient

I Am Resilient

Your resilience is an amazing super-power. Its ability to withstand the unfavorable is like no other. Give credit where due. Boldly appreciate and recognize; had it not been for this gift, outcomes would differ. 


The Inspirational Motivator  

Dec 12, 202201:42
No Nourishment; No Need

No Nourishment; No Need

Respectfully, Let It Go!


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 09, 202200:53
Impact is Impactful

Impact is Impactful

Make a difference in any way that you can. Allow kindness and the heart to give back exhibit your character in more ways than one.


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 08, 202201:01
Life is Meaningful

Life is Meaningful

Evolving is a part of life and required to grow; so grasp, accept and go with the flow. It will all make sense after while because everything has a purpose.


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 07, 202202:01
The Truth Is...

The Truth Is...

What is meant for you will always be yours. It will come naturally; no stress, no drama. It will come in due season.


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 06, 202201:47
Be At Peace

Be At Peace

Your peace is essential. Extend yourself some "Grace" because you are worthy of it. When you invite peace into your aura, it will follow you throughout the days.


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 05, 202201:59
Appreciate Life

Appreciate Life

Enjoy It! Love It! Improve It!


The Inspirational Motivator

Dec 02, 202200:58
My Hope for You

My Hope for You

New Day! New Month! New Start! Make YOU a PRIORITY! Be the best version of self always 


Inspirational Motivator

Dec 01, 202201:08
Ask for It!

Ask for It!

Ask and receive in due season; I challenge you.


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 30, 202200:57
Who Are You

Who Are You

Your are Victorious! You are Authentic! You are Resilient! Remain true to yourself always.


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 29, 202201:04
Command Your Day

Command Your Day

Your actions and mindset has the ability to make it or break it so be sure that your mood, motives and energy positively represent that which you expect to receive.


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 28, 202200:59
Never Ever Stop

Never Ever Stop

Keep Looking...Don't Stop! I promise, it will prove to be the best gift to yourself. Its all for YOU!


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 25, 202201:09
Stack Gratitude

Stack Gratitude

List at least 5 things you are grateful for and watch you find that your list grows and overflows. You have more than enough to be thankful for.  Count your blessings.

Happy Thanksgiving from My House to Yours!


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 24, 202201:30
Choose Wisely

Choose Wisely

Now that you know better; dare to rise up and break the cycle of allowing adversity to dictate your next move. You are better than that!


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 23, 202201:02


The connection of solitude and positive energy is such a great feeling. Anything that deviates from that should be dismissed. Channel what's needed to be at peace within your mind, body and soul 


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 22, 202201:38
Winners Circle

Winners Circle

Encounters within life are not meant to break you, its a mental preparation for elevation. The most you can do is: think positive, hold on, do right by others, have faith, trust the process and walk in the spirit of gratitude (as if its already done) because at this point; at any moment "it" is YOURS!


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 21, 202201:28
Choose Wisely

Choose Wisely

Life is good! Live, love, laugh and choose wisely.


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 18, 202200:55
A Moment to Remember

A Moment to Remember

Have you ever heard the saying, When you gratefully count your blessings, you open up doors for more to flow. Try it. Don't be greedy, be thankful for what you have and reap the benefits of your words sown.


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 17, 202200:35
Misery vs Meaning

Misery vs Meaning

In everything, find stillness, peace and happiness. It's a choice not an obligation.


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 16, 202201:23
Why Hide?!?

Why Hide?!?

Never hide who you truly are; accepting everything; with no regrets. Lessons are to grow from as you live out this journey called "life."


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 15, 202201:13
Time is Ticking

Time is Ticking

I encourage you to Rise, Shine and Change your life because TIME is TICKING!


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 14, 202201:52
Peace & Energy

Peace & Energy

Here are 10 healthy habits to protect your "peace' and "energy." When applied, you will find that both are essential and require protecting for longevity so do what you must to ensure that only positive vibes are flowing your way, everyday.


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 11, 202202:05
Be Grateful...Be Thankful

Be Grateful...Be Thankful

Never taking anything for granted; count all blessings. 


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 10, 202201:04


You do not have to "control" everything, it can be exhausting. Trust the process, it will all work out in due season.

Nov 09, 202201:09
YOU are first priority

YOU are first priority

Vow, " No longer will I place myself or my my needs last!" As you boldly put yourself first, so with the universe; respectively. 


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 08, 202201:36
New Beginning

New Beginning

Every "end" is a new "beginning;" grasp and celebrate it!


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 07, 202201:01
I got five on it!

I got five on it!

Five great tips to make your way great; today and always. 


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 04, 202201:05
Never too old

Never too old

The misconception of being too old is just that. Never old; but wise enough to know better and ready to jump into "it" should be your mission and goal. Don't let another day pass you by without tapping into your genuine potential to explore, grasp and take on opportunities that will let your light SHINE.


The Inspirational Motivator


Nov 03, 202201:05
Respect the small opportunities

Respect the small opportunities

You should think of the "small" opportunities encountered as insignificant; not important because they truly are. In some way, they add value and leverage to your next move. DO not count them out, rather build upon them. step-by-step, to reap the ultimate goal. Remember, as you are grateful for little, abundance follows.


The Inspirational Motivator

Nov 02, 202201:20
Self Sacrifice is Noble

Self Sacrifice is Noble

Here is a great New Month tip for you! 

Work on "self", for "self", by "yourself". 

You are your best gift so take care of YOU becuase no one else will. 

Remember, "YOU" matter.


The Inspirational Motivator 

Nov 01, 202201:07
Sign of the time

Sign of the time

Changes are happening right now! Don't you believe it? While all of this is unfolding, continue working on self because it will always prove beneficial in every way. You are in for a real treat. Trust the process.


The Inspirational Motivator

Oct 31, 202201:27
Your Freedom

Your Freedom

Freedom is in your hands. Do not give anyone that power. No way; now how! Free up yourself! When you are FREE, your serenity is on 100.


The Inspirational Motivator

Oct 28, 202201:07
I Am So Proud Of You!

I Am So Proud Of You!

You have come so far! Give credit where it is due! You owe it to yourself :)


The Inspirational Motivator

Oct 27, 202201:48
Know the Difference

Know the Difference

Your mistakes do not define you. They are unfavorable encounters that grant opportunities to acknowledge wrongdoings with the intent of learning the lesson and making corrections to prevent reoccurrences. Move past them. You can and will!


The Inspirational Motivator  

Oct 26, 202201:22
Appreciate Where You Are

Appreciate Where You Are

Being open and adapting to change will always work out at its best for you; in more ways than one. So do yourself a favor and welcome it in your life. You will love what it has to offer.


The Inspirational Motivator 

Oct 25, 202201:01
Its Time

Its Time

Its time to do your part towards making a better life for yourself starting today. Make a pledge today and move forward.


The Inspirational Motivator

Oct 24, 202201:33