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Biohacking Your Best Life

Biohacking Your Best Life

By Ameya Nagarkar

This podcast is for all Biohackers passionate about creating a new paradigm of Total Health & Wellbeing through Consciousness & Technology, one that leads to Total Human Optimization! We will rapidly bio hack our internal & external environment to simply achieve Peak Performance & Live Our Best Lives, without years of research & experimentation! We will be hosting global subject matter experts who will offer practical wisdom to bio hack 10 fundamental pillars of health: Light, EMF, Sleep, Exercise, Nutrition, Hydration, Relationships, Purpose, Mental & Emotional Health.
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Biohacking 101 & The Ten Fundamentals with Zabis Phatlip!

Biohacking Your Best LifeAug 18, 2021

Exploring 360° Wellness with Holistic Health Enthusiast Cris Nieves

Exploring 360° Wellness with Holistic Health Enthusiast Cris Nieves

In this 90 minutes episode, we share many exploratory insights and experiences that both Chris & I had with regards to our own well-being journey.

So come with us on this journey and get curious about the various pillars of health & well-being that we discussed, from Fermentation to Fasting, Nutrition & Hydration to Breathing and Meditation, Conscious Parenting to Community & Relationships.

Topic discussed include: Nutrition, Hydration, Sleep, Movement/ Exercise, Breathwork & Meditation, Relationships, Mindfulness & Conscious Parenting & more...Enjoy and then implement strategies in your own life to upgrade your total well-being of the Body, Mind & Soul!

Oct 26, 202101:30:59
Master Your Breath to Master Your Life!

Master Your Breath to Master Your Life!

Your breathing matters!
Change your breathing  …  Change your life.

Breathing is the first thing we do in life and the last. It affects the function of all body systems. Yet many people get it wrong around 20,000 times a day. In fact less than 30% of people have physiologically normal breathing. They rarely know this because checking a person’s baseline (awake) breathing pattern is not part of standard medical diagnosis. Therefore a core cause of many symptoms and illnesses is overlooked and remains untreated.

Reduce anxiety, asthma and snoring, and improve sleep, health and performance through getting your breathing right.

NOTE:  Better Breathing is NOT Deep Breathing! Through breathing retraining you CAN change the way you breathe. Benefits are often felt immediately. Learn more at

Physiotherapist ¦ Buteyko Breathing Educator ¦ Researcher ¦ Speaker ¦ Author

*** Above text is taken with heartfelt thanks from  

Remember, Breath Mastery Equals Life Mastery!

Sep 20, 202111:21
Water is Life is Water. Yes, Read That Again!

Water is Life is Water. Yes, Read That Again!

“The quality of water we drink and use has the greatest impact on our health, performance, creativity and the environment than any other substance, yet it is often the last to be addressed... if at all”

- Maat Thor

I am deeply honored & profoundly humbled to have such a fascinating discussion on the science, art & mystery of water - what a fantastic journey into the wonderful world of water! So, grab a glass of yes, water (lol), relax and sit down to go on this magical journey with us in this 54 mins episode with Maat Thor, our guest speaker today.

About Maat:

Matt begun his professional life as a fighter pilot culminated in operational test pilot of next generation (gen5) fighter aero planes. Having spent over 3 decades gracing the skies as an aviator he has traversed some of the greatest bodies of water and rivers from above watching the dynamics of natural flow and infinite expressions of waters meander and movement … what he refers as water gazing  … (of note he has  even dedicated an entire year of his life to being wholly immersed in a cloud of some form, watching their formation and structures build around him). 

This has hugely influenced Matt - He is now a water sommelier, water researcher, trained by the late, great Dr Masaru Emoto as a Hado (Water & Consciousness) instructor and heads up the Emoto Peace Project, U.K., the mission of which is to teach all children on earth the true nature of water. 

He’s also a water technologist, water architect and entrepreneur and architects water solutions for domestic, commercial and communities that emulate nature’s principles of harmony, rhythm and dynamic flow in all designs. 

An international speaker and storyteller on water related issues he has a trans-disciplinary, multidimensional, intergenerational & multi cultural approach weaving the ‘pioneering new sciences of water and consciousness, traditional ancestral water wisdoms, art and water guardianship into one story. 

He is dedicated to creating a New Water Conscious Generation one that pursues a critical need for a generation to completely ‘Rethink Water’ including ceremony and prayer to a return to reverence for all waters and hence all life. 

And is cofounder and global ambassador of the ‘Fellowship of the Spring’, a cadre of water guardians and protectors created to educate and inspire water guardianship and introduce ‘Wild Water Law’ and the ‘Rights of Nature’ to the UK and further afield.

Matt studied the internal arts and subtle energies of the human body as a qualified Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Chi Yoga Teacher, having been trained by Master Jason Chan for nearly 20 years.   

He has One Mission: …. To Create a Water Conscious Generation. 

His podcast Water Stories is ‘where all wisdom streams converge’… as Water is the Grand Unifier!

Website: &

His podcast link: 

Sep 06, 202154:04
Total Human Optimization through Holistic Health with Kristof Nieves

Total Human Optimization through Holistic Health with Kristof Nieves

Welcome to another episode on Total Human Optimization and Holistic Health with a Brother from another Mother ;)!

In this approx. 1 hour episode, I am again on the hot seat as a Guest Speaker & together with Kristof from Montreal Holistic Path, we decode what it means to upgrade our total well-being so that we can thrive, not just survive, in these interesting times!

Some topics covered include: Yogic wisdom, Power of Music in healing & wellbeing, Biohacking the 10 Fundamental Pillars of Health & grab your hot chocolate and sip in the nourishment you all :)

Aug 22, 202101:04:04
Biohacking 101 & The Ten Fundamentals with Zabis Phatlip!

Biohacking 101 & The Ten Fundamentals with Zabis Phatlip!

For a change, in this podcast episode, I am the guest speaker and not the host, so a role reversal!

Anyhow, this under 40 mins episode is perfect for anybody who is new to the concept of Natural Biohacking and wants to briefly understand the importance of the 10 Fundamental Pillars of Health & Wellbeing for Total Human Optimization!

So grab your seat & listen, coz it may just begin the spark of a total conscious lifestyle optimization process in your life!

Aug 18, 202136:47
Passion, Purpose, Peace & Well-being with Taale Laafi!

Passion, Purpose, Peace & Well-being with Taale Laafi!

In this fabulous episode, we have an interesting discussion on music, film making, meditation, nutrition, supplementation & more with a very wise elder Taale Laafi, Founder/ Director of the African Family Film Foundation.

The episode is filled with interesting stories and anecdotes from the life and times of Taale Laafi, make sure you listen till the end where he shares the interesting story of the road less travelled, leading to wonders you may have never imagined!

Also stay tuned for listening to his mothers 'secret sauce' for longevity and also his personal life experiences & almost miraculous health benefits from supplementation of AFA (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae - Latin for "The Invisible Flower of the Water") Blue-Green Algae, one of the most nutrient dense superfoods on the planet! Research shows consuming AFA supports the natural release of millions more of YOUR OWN adult stem cells. These stem cells then become billions of young, healthy cells that renew, repair and rejuvenate the tissues in your body.

For more information you may check out this link: 

Aug 01, 202101:20:47
Lifestyle & Functional Medicine with Dr. Amy Carmichael

Lifestyle & Functional Medicine with Dr. Amy Carmichael

Dr Amy is a medical doctor who helps visionaries go from burnout to purpose driven and highly productive. Dr Amy has worked throughout the world in internal general medicine. As an enthusiastic advocate for holistic health care, she has a passion for sharing with people preventive health measures through nutrition and lifestyle. Qualified in lifestyle medicine, functional medicine, integrative medicine, a nutritionist, personal trainer, yoga teacher and reiki master she leads with the heart. 

In this podcast, Dr Amy motivates us as much as she educates and blends eastern and western medicine to put you back in the driver's seat so you can live your life with purpose!

Jul 23, 202138:26
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy with Dr. Masha Makeeva

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy with Dr. Masha Makeeva

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves increasing your exposure to pure oxygen in a pressurized room or tube. When you breath inside the hyperbaric chamber, your lungs are able to gather up to three times more oxygen than it would normally, allowing it to enter your blood and promote healing.

In this podcast, we discuss the multiple benefits and applications of Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) with Dr. Masha Makeeva.

Dr. Masha is a board-certified naturopathic doctor.  She has supported thousands of people to loose weight, decrease inflammation, balance their hormones and heal their relationship with food. She is a faculty member at International Hyperbaric Association, and a past Scientific Committee Member at the Spanish Association of Hyperbaric Medicine. She is known for her unique ability to inspire and teach clients how to take a proactive approach to their mental and physical health and lifestyle. In addition to her private practice, Dr. Masha regularly speaks on international venues, conferences and seminars and has recently launched a Hyperbaric Living podcast.

Jul 23, 202134:16
Fundamental Pillars of Health - MENTAL & EMOTIONAL WELLBEING

Fundamental Pillars of Health - MENTAL & EMOTIONAL WELLBEING

Mental & Emotional Wellbeing are core factors in terms of embodying our full potential as human beings.

In this mini episode, I share with you my experiences so far with optimizing mental & emotional wellbeing.

Again, simple practices such as meditation (sitting or active), singing, sound healing, ecstatic dancing, music, nature walks/ being in nature, emotional release through artistic expression, journaling, shaking and focusing on other fundamental pillars of health described in other mini episodes have helped me in my journey!

Jul 17, 202114:48
Fundamental Pillar of Health - PURPOSE

Fundamental Pillar of Health - PURPOSE

In this mini episode, I talk about the concepts of Ikigai, Follow Your Bliss and more...

Ikigai is a Japanese concept referring to having a direction or purpose in life, providing a sense of fulfillment and towards which the person may take actions, giving them satisfaction and a sense of meaning.

Follow your bliss: If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you!

To find your Purpose, Let me Ask You: If money was not an issue and you are going to live a long, happy & healthy life to a ripe age of 120 years, is there anything in your life that you could pretty much do full time everyday?

Jul 17, 202108:08
Fundamental Pillar of Health - RELATIONSHIP

Fundamental Pillar of Health - RELATIONSHIP

Your relationship with yourself is the most important one you will ever foster in your life.

I don’t mean to underscore other relationships, yet it all starts and ends with you. On that note, none of us exists in isolation. We are discovering that everything around us has an influence on our state of health. Our relationships are no different.

Unconditionally love your self, Compassion is the key.

Compassion – Total acceptance and allowing of what is; including unconditional love for self, and absolute honor for the paths and choices of others.

Jul 17, 202104:03
Fundamental Pillar of Health - EXERCISE

Fundamental Pillar of Health - EXERCISE

In this mini episode, we explore the importance of movement and exercise and dispel some common myths around the need to workout (gym sessions) daily. 

I have experimented with all kinds of fitness/ exercise regimens – from Cardio to Strength training, HIIT to Tabata and Zumba & more. Based on my current understanding, you don't need to spend endless hours in the gym to build your ideal body.

Even a weekly super slow strength workout and resting for the rest of the week is more than enough. Of course, on that note, make sure to get a daily walk in nature, if you can, ideally for 20 to 30 minutes. If you have a desk job, have an alarm or reminder every hour or 30 mins for you to stand up and walk around for a bit and then sit back on the chair. You could also try Sprinting as a workout routine. 

Some of my recent inspirations when it comes to proper workout are available on below links:

I like Body by Science: A Research Based Program for Strength Training, Body building, and Complete Fitness in 12 Minutes a Week. 


Also check out:

Jul 17, 202108:44
Fundamental Pillar of Health - HYDRATION

Fundamental Pillar of Health - HYDRATION

Water is Life! & Hydration is definitely important when it comes to our overall wellbeing.

I have learnt a great deal about optimum Hydration (& much more) from the free Hydration Week Series, courtesy of Dr. Zach Bush. 

Website Link is:

Hydration is not just simply about drinking enough water it’s about getting water inside your cells. About two-thirds of your body is composed of water, and a majority of that water — about 66 to 70 percent — is within your cells and lymph system. If we could stay perfectly hydrated in the intracellular environment, our aging would slow down if not reverse.

Listen to this mini episode till the end to learn more about the top ways to stay hydrated at a cellular level!

Jul 17, 202105:37
Fundamental Pillar of Health - NUTRITION

Fundamental Pillar of Health - NUTRITION

“You are what you eat. What would YOU like to be?”

Nourishing our body mind spirit with healthy wholesome foods is important for total human optimization!

I have explored the topic of nutrition for several years and although there are different diets from vegetarian to vegan, keto to carnivore as well as diets can be unique based on individual requirements, my understanding is any diet which is LOCAL, SEASONAL, FRESH, includes FERMENTED FOODS & includes, if you are ok with consuming non-vegetarian, NUTRIENT DENSE TRADITIONAL FOODS FROM LAND & SEA (Including Raw Whole Dairy Products and Pasture Raised Wild Caught Meat, Poultry, Seafood) is ideal.

Ideally aim for Low Carb Moderate Protein and High Fat (Good Quality Animal Fats, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocadoes etc.,) Reduce or eliminate processed/ industrialized foods, all vegetable oils, starches, flours and sugar.

I personally like the Weston A Price Nutrition & Health information. Please check them out:

Please also check out

Jul 17, 202111:18
Fundamental Pillar of Health - SLEEP

Fundamental Pillar of Health - SLEEP

Sleep in indeed your Super Power! So prioritize your sleep and give it the attention it deserves!

In late 2020 and early 2021, I was personally having sleep issues and my quality of sleep was not that great, so I experimented with sleep supplements and teas, aromatherapy, hot and cold showers, massages, acupressure mats, yoga nidra, nutrition, blue light filters and glasses, aligning my circadian rhythms, sleep stories & apps, grounding/ earthing & more and in the past few months, I am proud to say that my sleep quality & quantity has been great! 

This is my personal exploration on this fundamental pillar of health and what really worked for me in terms of improving my sleep quality. Listen to this mini episode till the end as you might be surprised with some of the solutions offered! I hope this offers some benefit to the listeners!

Jul 17, 202114:56
Music is Medicine of the Mind with Dr. Jolanta Gallagher

Music is Medicine of the Mind with Dr. Jolanta Gallagher

Sometimes, music is the only medicine the heart & soul needs!

With that inspirational statement, this podcast is all about exploring the power of music and specifically music therapy to upgrade our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Topics covered include music therapy, applications of music therapy, importance of music in early childhood, music and dance, yoga, meditation & mindfulness, laughter & more! Dr. Jolanta also shares the importance of creating a sense of safety, community, connection, creativity and compassion to ensure Music therapy is positively impactful!

Jul 10, 202139:49
Fundamental Pillar of Health - EMF

Fundamental Pillar of Health - EMF

In this mini episode, we discuss the second fundamental pillar of health - EMF/ EMR (Electric and Magnetic Fields often referred to as Radiation).

We discuss the benefits of grounding/ earthing (earths natural EMF/ EMR) and also tips on reducing exposure to non natural (man made) EMF/ EMR.

Jul 06, 202104:45
Fundamental Pillar of Health - LIGHT

Fundamental Pillar of Health - LIGHT

In this 6 minutes mini episode (solo cast), I discuss the first fundamental pillar of health - Light.

I share with you important tips & hacks on exposure to sun light, reducing artificial light (blue light) at night and aligning our circadian rhythms.

Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes.

Jul 06, 202106:07
Exploring Total Human Optimization with Guido Neumann

Exploring Total Human Optimization with Guido Neumann

Hello Biohackers!

In this podcast, we have a casual conversation with Guido Neumann, an IT professional & Engineer who is deeply passionate about optimizing human performance and living to our full potential!

We explore Biohacking and Frequency - Frequency is a basic system used by our Body to do pretty much everything, from moving a muscle to Thinking. Yet there is not much widespread awareness or understanding about it. 

Join us on an interesting journey of exploration into this subject!

Jul 06, 202149:58
Holistic Health To Thrive and Not Just Survive with Ram Chatterjee

Holistic Health To Thrive and Not Just Survive with Ram Chatterjee

In this podcast, we have a casual conversation with Ram Chatterjee, an established Hospitality Spa and Wellness Director and founder of Vrksha Wellness in India.

He believes, through wellness practice, our world can be a better place to live in harmony. Many internal conflicts, stress, anxiety could be eliminated/ reduced by developing consciousness through regular practice. Well-being is achieving a state of health, happiness and harmony (within and the world outside) such that an individual can live the best version of himself or herself.  

He kept close to his motto, 'Knowledge is power, which he followed rather closely and with that in mind, he pursued several certifications. He is a certified Yoga therapist, Yoga teacher, Black belt from Kyokushin Karate, Postgraduate diploma in Cidesco and Cibtac diploma holder. He is also trained in spa management from Raison d Etre.

Jul 06, 202149:47
Sleep is Your Super Power with Sleep Stylist Mel Azul

Sleep is Your Super Power with Sleep Stylist Mel Azul

In this episode, we take a deep dive into the art and science of quality sleep.

Our sleep expert is Mel Azul, also known as the Sleepstylist on Instagram. 

Mel is a certified sleep science coach, NLP and CBTI practitioner. Her mission is to help you sleep better so you can wake up healthier & happier to enjoy a vibrant & abundant life!

Topics covered include why we sleep, sleep science, hormones, circadian rhythms, sleep stages/ cycles, sleep and aromatherapy, sleep and chromotherapy, natural sleep solutions, evening unwinding rituals/ routines, gratitude journaling & more!

We discuss sleep from a holistic perspective and at the end give you the top 5 hacks from the sleepstylist to help you sleep faster, deeper and better starting from today! 

Jun 28, 202150:19
Why the 10 Fundamental Pillars of Health?

Why the 10 Fundamental Pillars of Health?

Hello Biohackers,

In this Solo cast, I just want to let you know the importance of why the focus on 10 Fundamental Pillars of Health.

If our aim is to create a new paradigm of total human optimization (one of Thriving & not just surviving), it's essential for us to look at health & wellbeing in a holistic way!

See you on the inside!

Jun 28, 202105:05
Could Yoga be the 'Mother' of all Biohacking with Manish Pole

Could Yoga be the 'Mother' of all Biohacking with Manish Pole

Could Yoga indeed be referred to as the ‘Mother of all Biohacking’?! 

In this 45 minutes heart talk with Manish Pole, one of India's leading voice on Yoga, modern day mystic and yogi, founder of Total Yoga and 21st Century Yoga, we discuss the art and science of Yoga covering subjects like The 8 limbs of Classical Yoga, Asana, Pranayama, Chakras, Yoga Nidra and Meditation. 

Buckle up as we decode the mystery of optimizing our lives through the lens of Yoga, which has stood the test of time for over 5000 years!

Jun 19, 202145:10
Welcome & Introductory Note

Welcome & Introductory Note

This is an introductory episode where I take you on my personal journey of how and why I came to launch this Podcast series on Biohacking Your Best Life. 

We explore the true meaning of biohacking, my life adventures, inspirations and discoveries in the quest towards towards total human optimization. 

We also mention the ten fundamental pillars of health which will be covered through this podcast series, all in an effort so that listeners can shave years off their learning curve and start living their best lives in as little as 90 days!

Jun 09, 202107:49
Biohacking Your Best Life Trailer

Biohacking Your Best Life Trailer

Join me on my quest towards total human optimization by hosting a conscious community of global subject matters and bio hackers to dive deep into the 10 fundamental pillars of health so that you can live your best life!
Jun 09, 202100:60