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Anchor Church IL

Anchor Church IL

By Anchor Church IL

Anchor Church is a new church in Champaign-Urbana, IL.

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Strategies for Slowing Down (Courtney)

Anchor Church ILMay 12, 2024

Save More Money

Save More Money

Imagine your income increasing from $3640 per month to $200,000 per month. That happened to John Wesley, and he did nothing to change his standard of living! This week, we explore the opportunities and obstacles of saving.  

May 26, 202424:33
Make More Money

Make More Money

“Make as much money as you can.” That sounds more like the words of some get-rich-quick scheme than Jesus. 

May 19, 202423:20
Strategies for Slowing Down (Courtney)

Strategies for Slowing Down (Courtney)

Life seems to move at the speed of light. But, focusing on fast, your life might fly by. In this sermon, discover five tips to a slowed-down life. 

May 12, 202432:57


Need a vacation? Does lying on the beach, sipping an ice cold lemonade sound right? What about room service and breakfast in bed? This kind of luxury is not only possible, but God actually requires it from you. This week’s message, we explore the one spiritual discipline that made it in God’s Top Ten List (10 Commandments): Sabbath.

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May 05, 202428:20
Simplify Your Finances (Hannah)

Simplify Your Finances (Hannah)

There are two gospels competing for your devotion: the Gospel of America, which says the more you get (new purse, bigger house, nicer car), the happier you will be; and the Gospel of the Kingdom, which tells you that the life you’ve always wanted is fully available to you through Jesus. 

Apr 28, 202434:18
Silence and Solitude

Silence and Solitude

CS Lewis called the devil’s realm The Kingdom of Noise. If we are to escape hurry, become our true selves and receive God’s joy, we must learn the first and most important practice: silence and solitude.  

Apr 21, 202429:35
The Secret of the Easy Yoke

The Secret of the Easy Yoke

Did you know, most people can read 200 books in one year with just 417 hours? Most people also spend 705 hours on social media and 2,737.5 on TV a year. Jesus’ invitation to an easy yoke might take time, but it’s time you might already have! 

Apr 14, 202427:01
What's the Big Hurry?

What's the Big Hurry?

Could hurry be the one enemy stealing the life out of you? In the sermon today, we survey the history of speed and discover what hurry is doing to our souls. 

Apr 07, 202427:17
Easter 2024

Easter 2024

We live in a world full of injustices. People endure disadvantages and attacks for their race or gender. All too often, the bad guy gets away unscathed. This Easter Sunday, we explore Jesus’ solution to evil and injustice that no one was expecting.

Mar 31, 202422:10
As I Break the Law (Eben)

As I Break the Law (Eben)

Does loving people ever mean rejecting the Bible? When Jesus was presented with the puzzle (obey the Bible or show mercy), he broke the rules. If that’s what Jesus does, why should we even care about the Bible? This week, special guest preacher, Eben, shows how the Bible is a builder of love, not a barrier to it. 

Mar 24, 202430:47
As I Heal

As I Heal

If Jesus’ ministry was dominated by miraculous acts of healing, what does that mean for you?  How might God be calling you to transform lives as Jesus did? 

Mar 17, 202431:24
As I Pray

As I Pray

Discover an overlooked act of love! Join us this week as we delve into the depths of prayer through the longest prayer recorded in the New Testament.

Mar 10, 202439:56
As I Obey

As I Obey

Obey. The word itself might make you cringe. It might conjure up images of corrupt politicians, legalistic churches or abusive parents. So, what do we do with Jesus who said to his disciples: “If you love me, you will obey me.” Explore with us a text where Jesus raises the bar while revealing mysteries of the divine.

Mar 03, 202438:00
As I Feed People (Hannah)

As I Feed People (Hannah)

Imagine this. A national leader killed your former teacher while doing a party stunt. Now, full of grief, you and tens of thousands of others are looking for someone to retaliate. The question is: Will Jesus be that person? This week, we tell the next story of Jesus surprising everyone, this time with miraculous resourcefulness.

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Feb 25, 202425:21
As I Break Barriers

As I Break Barriers

Who is someone unlike you? Who would you consider “other” or “them”? Who has hurt you? Who doesn’t want your good? In this sermon, we will address one of Jesus’ most difficult challenges yet. Loving like Jesus loves means praying for persecutors, embracing enemies and breaking barriers.

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Feb 18, 202429:32
As I Believe

As I Believe

Alan McGinnis once said that believing in someone is like giving them a platform on which to stand. From there, they can reach heights they never imagined. This week, we will discover four ways Jesus was a platform provider.

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Feb 04, 202433:33
As I Embarrass Myself (with Hannah)

As I Embarrass Myself (with Hannah)

What would you do if the one time you invited your boss over, she pulled out her own toilet brush and went around cleaning every bathroom in the house? Loving like Jesus loves demands we break social norms and sacrifice status.

In this episode, Hannah reveals what you didn’t know about Jesus’ washing his disciples’ feet.

Are you looking for a church in Champaign-Urbana, IL? To find out more about Anchor Church, go to

Jan 28, 202427:42
Third Birthday

Third Birthday

What can a toddler, a painting and an Egyptian slave woman tell you about Anchor Church? Find out this week, as we celebrate another birthday. 

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Jan 21, 202416:39
Trust is a Verb with Matt Lewis

Trust is a Verb with Matt Lewis

What if your doctor told you that you would not make it to your birthday in two weeks? This Sunday, Matt shares about his health journey and what kept him holding onto trust through one devastating trial after another.

If you are interested in finding out more about Anchor, go to

Jan 13, 202421:47
O Christmas Tree: The Tree of We (Sherena Small)

O Christmas Tree: The Tree of We (Sherena Small)

What does it mean to be human? Most anthropologists wouldn’t begin a discussion on the nature of humanity by comparing us with the Evergreen, but that is exactly what we find in the first page of the Bible. Like trees, people are meant to grow and multiply and create abundance and life for others. This week, Sherena will show how bearing fruit is what it means to be human.

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Dec 17, 202334:22
O Christmas Tree: The Tree of Life

O Christmas Tree: The Tree of Life

What is the good life? Would you know if you had it? How is it that with all the knowledge and technology, we don’t seem to be much happier? How do you explain why people living in global poverty still have joy? The Bible uses a tree to represent life. Life is within reach. It is available for consumption — except if we are exiled from the garden!

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Dec 10, 202333:47
O Christmas Tree: The Tree of Test

O Christmas Tree: The Tree of Test

Why do people join cults? Why do so many successful pastors end up being moral failures? Why is it that there are so many people living paycheck to paycheck in the riches nation in history? How do we make sense of all the wars and violence and sex trafficking and murder today? 

Surprisingly, trees offer us some insight into human failure. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil looked good and tasted good. Its consequences weren’t immediate, but its fruit did indeed bring death.

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Dec 03, 202325:22
The Power of the Tongue with Williams Asamoah

The Power of the Tongue with Williams Asamoah

Imagine moving to a new country where no one spoke English. Even if you had the time and discipline to learn the local language, you would still miss hearing words in your native tongue. The tongue may be the most overlooked tool in our lives. And few people understand the power of words quite like Willie who is a literal expert in language! You won’t want to miss this week.

Nov 26, 202330:17
Love Lost: Life After the Break Up

Love Lost: Life After the Break Up

What do you do when the relationship is over? How do you rebuild your life? This week, Martha details the biggest challenges she faced after her divorce and how she emerged on the other side with a new path in life.

Interested in coming in person? Plan your visit here:

Nov 19, 202326:36
Love Lost: Infidelity
Nov 12, 202324:49
Loving Someone Through Conflict with Hannah Brzozowski
Nov 05, 202332:41
Love Lost: Parenting Difficulties
Oct 29, 202317:36
Love Lost: Financial Stress
Oct 22, 202334:28
Love Lost: Lack of Like

Love Lost: Lack of Like

We all know that love matters in relationships, but could we be downplaying the significance of liking your partner? This week, we will uncover the four areas of your relationship's Level of Like.

Want to know more about Anchor Church? Check out to plan your visit!

Oct 15, 202334:55
Love Lost: Love Hurts

Love Lost: Love Hurts

Some of the most iconic songs of recent history explore the powerful force of breakups.

In this episode, we will explore why breakups hurt so deeply and what we can discover from Jesus' response to divorce. Plus, Nick attempts to sing Whitney Houston and Beyonce! 

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Oct 08, 202324:55
The Big Three & Jesus' Encounter with Woman at the Well
Sep 10, 202329:37
Ugly Prayers with Sherena Small
Aug 15, 202340:03
The Genius of Jesus
Jul 09, 202332:52
Juneteenth with Rev. Lawrence Kirby
Jun 11, 202323:17
Therapy and Theology
May 14, 202329:43
Why The Resurrection of Jesus Matters
Apr 09, 202331:26
Money Matters
Mar 05, 202344:09
How To Be A Good Boyfriend

How To Be A Good Boyfriend

In this message, Nick shares about How To Be A Good Boyfriend. Instead of the typical 20 things you need to fix about yourself, he offers two tips that could help you be a better partner in your relationship. 

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Feb 05, 202332:14
Anchor's 2nd Birthday: Why We All Need To Belong
Jan 08, 202319:58
Good Cheer: 5 Gifts that Humor Brings You

Good Cheer: 5 Gifts that Humor Brings You

Welcome to Anchor Church’s podcast. Today, Nick talks about being of good cheer and 5 gifts that humor brings us. We had some technical difficulties at the beginning so we had to cut off the beginning story. Sorry about that!

To find out more about Anchor Church, please check out our website:

Dec 11, 202240:15
Modern Day Miracles

Modern Day Miracles

In this episode, Nick talks about Modern Day Miracles and how we can see miracles all around us, If we just learn to look for them.

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Nov 13, 202240:20
Faith in the Dark Featuring: Jaasiah Altman
Oct 09, 202241:24
Daddy Issues

Daddy Issues

Did you know that only 1% of sons describe only good relations with their fathers? Yes, you read that right - 1%.

No matter who you are, your relationship with your dad affects you - good or bad. During this message, Nick will be sharing his own story of finding out who his father was and how that has shaped him as a pastor.

Sep 11, 202238:57
Hell: Four Truths

Hell: Four Truths

Maybe you've heard the fire and brimstone preaching before or your Sunday School teacher terrified you into saying a prayer using the threat of eternal torment. If that's you, hell might not be your favorite topic.

What if we told you that hell had a lot more to do with compassion than fear and shame?

Check out this episode from our August 2022 service.

To find out more about Anchor Church, please go to

Aug 14, 202232:05
What are the Ethical Ramifications for Artificial Intelligence?

What are the Ethical Ramifications for Artificial Intelligence?

Today, we’re asking the question: what are the ethical ramifications for artificial intelligence? Nick talks about the Tower of Babel and the very first telegraph in this unique message.

Verses mentioned: Genesis 11, Genesis 12, and Proverbs 31:8-9

If you'd like to find out more about Anchor Church, please check out

Jul 10, 202238:37
Juneteenth Panel with LaShendria Wyatt, Toneka Fleming, Matt Lewis, and Jaasiah Altman

Juneteenth Panel with LaShendria Wyatt, Toneka Fleming, Matt Lewis, and Jaasiah Altman

During this episode, Nick interviews LaShendria, Toneka, Matt and Jaasiah. 

The questions asked are: 

1. Who is a Black person in your life that you admire? 

2. Who is a Black person in history who inspires you? 

3. How have you experienced racism in your life? 

4. What do you think should be done?

If you'd like to get involved at Anchor Church, please check out our website:

Jun 12, 202238:19
The Good Book

The Good Book

How can an ancient text that is so primitive and regressive and honestly, strange, continue to have such a massive influence in our world today? In this episode, we hope to convince you why you have already wanted to read the Bible by showing you what makes it the Good Book! If you've ever been interested in the most popular book in human history, then this is for you.

Want to get connected at Anchor Church? Check out our website: and let us know how we can help you.

May 08, 202234:34
Why Is God Mad At Me featuring Hannah Brzozowski

Why Is God Mad At Me featuring Hannah Brzozowski

In this episode, Hannah talks about three stories of God's anger that many of us heard as children. But, she takes them from a different viewpoint. We dive deep into the anger of God and the possible reasons behind it. She also speaks about how anger and love come together on the cross. This was given on Easter Sunday 2022. 

Note: We had some technical problems as the beginning so the first part of the episode had to be re-recorded. 

Apr 17, 202227:51
Loving God & Going Green

Loving God & Going Green

Scientists estimate that 3 species become extinct every single day. So then, why does it seem like Christians are more eager to protest than to recycle a can of soda? In this message, we are going to explore Christianity’s resistance to environmentalism and discover why loving God means going green.

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Mar 13, 202229:11
Thank God For Sex

Thank God For Sex

Maybe you’ve thanked God for your family. Maybe for your health. Maybe for your job. But, have you ever thanked God for sex? Face it: without sex, you wouldn’t be here!

You might remember growing up in Sunday School, where the only thing you learned about sex was “Don’t.” But, God created it as a gift. In this series, we are going to explore the purpose of sex along with its misuses and abuses.

Today, Nick talks about sex in a positive way and shares how we have believed 3 different myths about sex.

Feb 13, 202229:18