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Humpday Vibes

Humpday Vibes

By Andrew Atakpo

Ever dread the middle of the week? Can't wait to get to Friday?
Need that extra motivation and encouragement to get there?
Then this is the podcast for you!

It's all about getting you through the week through inspiring, uplifting and beautiful reminders to LIVE, LAUGH and LOVE!

Tune in to get the right Vibe each and every week!
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Cleaning House!

Humpday VibesFeb 25, 2022

2023, your Best Year Yet!

2023, your Best Year Yet!

2023, we are here! New Year, New and best you? No matter how 2022 was for you, it's a brand new year and today we're talking about making it your best year yet! Tune in for 3 main actionable takeaways to keep you on track and locked in all year long to make this your best year yet!
Jan 20, 202313:59
It's all about Baby Steps!

It's all about Baby Steps!

Whether you remember it or not, you were once an infant and a toddler learning how to do practically everything! Especially how to walk! You had to take the smallest of steps forward, and practice putting one in front of the other. This same process is exactly what we as adults need to do sometimes with new, challenging, or daunting goals and tasks ahead of us. This episode dives deeper into what that looks like, why we must, and the results behind it! Tune in now!
Sep 16, 202212:42
Livin' ya' best life!

Livin' ya' best life!

What does your best life look like!? Have you ever seriously sat and thought about it? Like seriously, actually sat down and said what do I truly want in this life of mine? Well this episode dives deep into what a best life can and should look like, as well as how to squeeze the most out of life in all that you do! Tune in and enjoy!
Apr 28, 202215:07
Cleaning House!

Cleaning House!

Have you heard of "spring cleaning"? That dreaded time of year where you should clean and tidy up and get rid certain things in your house. Many people do this, and most likely many more do not. However, taking this concept of cleaning your house, can be so beneficial to apply to your personal life! Taking time to "spring clean" certain areas of your life that aren't serving you can truly impact and change your life! Tune in to this episode to see how we can apply these same principles to cleaning out things in our life that drag us down!
Feb 25, 202215:43
How will you create your future?

How will you create your future?

Have you ever looked back on something and had major regret? Doesn't feel good does it?! Well in life we have 2 options on how we move forward, with hindsight and regret, or with foresight and a plan and purpose! This episode is all about those 2 options and how to choose the right one as well as actually implement it into every area of your life! Tune in to change your future for the better!!
Nov 05, 202113:03
Avoid the Zombie life!

Avoid the Zombie life!

Do you feel lifeless sometimes? Do you feel like life is just passing you by like a blur? No excitement, fun, or passion in your life currently, or you know there can be so much more? Tune in to this episode to bring life back for you! This episode dives deep into what too many times too many people are like, and also how to go against the norm and squeeze the most out of life! We're talking about living your best life, we're talking about not being a zombie!
Sep 29, 202113:45
When's the right time?

When's the right time?

This episode dives into one of the most commonly asked and thought about questions out there! When is the right time? So I ask you, Is there the perfect time? Or is it something that we create all on it's own? Not quite sure, or need more clarity around this? Then tune in today and learn why timing is everything!
Jul 22, 202116:10
The Invisible Force

The Invisible Force

Is there something you feel that is holding you back in life? That just seems to be in your own way? Perhaps it is what I discuss today! This episode dives into one of the biggest invisible forces out there, that truly impacts each and every one of us! It can hold you back, or you can use it to propel you forward! The choice is yours! Listen in to hear how this R word affects us all, and how to actually overcome it!
Jul 02, 202116:57
Dominate where you are at!

Dominate where you are at!

In life there's numerous stages, levels, and spaces that we face. Some we enjoy, some we wish would never change, and others we absolutely despise and wish we could move away from as fast as possible. The one common denominator is that we must actively strive to dominate in each and every stage or level we are at! This episode is about why that's important and how it pays off for you and others in the future!
Jun 04, 202109:58
The Power in Yes!

The Power in Yes!

This episode explains how powerful this 3 letter word is! Saying yes to the right things can truly be life changing! One who never gives anything a chance or always says no cannot reach what life has for them! This episode talks about allowing the right opportunities to occur in your life by saying YES!
Mar 13, 202112:60
The power of Faith!

The power of Faith!

In this episode, Andrew goes over a recent story on what one small F word can truly do in your life! Believing in this and applying it daily is life changing! We'll never see the full picture in life, but using this word and rolling on will get you to where you're meant to be!
Mar 04, 202111:17
Health First!

Health First!

Is the food you eat adding to your life or taking from it?? Does what you eat give you energy or does it drain it? In life, our health is top priority! This episode is all about taking better care of our bodies and never taking them for granted!
Feb 12, 202115:02
Remembering a Legend

Remembering a Legend

This episode is all about remembering a legend, one of the greatest to ever do it! Reflecting on what he taught us, and my biggest takeaway from his masterful career!
Feb 03, 202110:34
What's your problem??

What's your problem??

Today's episode Andrew goes deep into what problems are all about and really mean! This is a must listen for everyone as we go into a New Year and overcome what was a year for the record books in 2020. Press play and have a whole new understanding of problems!
Jan 22, 202119:16
2020 is over, what now?

2020 is over, what now?

This episode jumps into what is important now that the infamous 2020 is officially over. It's a New Year, so now what? Tune in to hear what we should be taking away from last year and what we should be leaving behind! Happy New Year Everyone!
Jan 07, 202109:35
Ending on a high note!

Ending on a high note!

After such a year that we've all experienced and gone thorugh, it's important to end the year right! No matter what you've been through this year, you have the power and ability to make it end the way you want! Focus in and separate yourself as well as choose how it ends and how you look back at the year 2020! Finish strong and with intent! End on that high note!
Dec 18, 202011:29
Be Thankful!!

Be Thankful!!

What are you thankful for this year? Nothing? I find that extremely hard to believe, as a matter of fact, there are numerous things you and me can still be thankful for in a year like this one! Tune in to get some great insights on what you may be forgetting to give thanks for! As well as some great tips and actionable advice to help you keep your thankfulness high all year round!
Nov 26, 202011:03
Bring the Juice!

Bring the Juice!

In this episode Andrew dives into lessons from this year and what we choose to take away and become from it. What does pressure do to you? Who does it make you? Who do you become? Also, you'll find out what bringing the juice is all about!! This is a must listen to episode!
Sep 17, 202017:09


How do you spend your Time? What's your relationship with Time? Do you hope and wish for Time to come and go? Choose time, and choose it wisely! This episode is thought provoking on Time and what we do with it!
Sep 11, 202004:57
Putting Fear Aside (Part 2)

Putting Fear Aside (Part 2)

This episode is a continuation on the last episode of putting fear aside and going after the life you want for yourself and your future!
Aug 14, 202008:57
Putting Fear Aside!

Putting Fear Aside!

If you are going through a lot right now and the infamous fear is holding you back, then this is a must listen episode! If you are being hindered from achieving your goals and dreams because an "excuse" always comes up due to fear, then this is a most listen episode! If you need guidance on how to put the old lingering fear aside, then this episode is a must listen! Tune in to get motivated and inspired to go after all you are meant to be!
Jul 31, 202008:55
Where's your Focus?

Where's your Focus?

This episode explains the importance of watching our focus on everyday things! Wherever our focus is, that's where our life is! That's how important our focus, and in turn energy towards something is!
Jul 23, 202008:42
We are our Standards!

We are our Standards!

Do you ever feel in life that you may not be getting where you want to go or be? That where you see yourself and strive to be are so far apart from where you feel you are? Well perhaps you need to raise your standards?! Many of us don't think about this aspect and how we are allowing ourselves to accept too many poor qualities or mediocre things in life that don't and aren't helping us get to where we strive to be! So let's reevaluate our standards in all areas of our lives!
Mar 26, 202017:55
Past = Present

Past = Present

In this episode we dive into a simple thought, but such a powerful and game changing idea. Tune in right now to listen and learn more on how your past=present, which then in turn can be your future! Enjoy the episode!
Mar 12, 202016:56
Health is truly wealth!

Health is truly wealth!

This episode touches on the simple reminder to count your blessings, and know that your good health is truly the definition of wealth in your life! We all need a reminder of this at times in our lives!
Mar 06, 202011:50
What's that you say? Accountability?

What's that you say? Accountability?

Accountability, we all know it, but sometimes act as if we never have heard the word in our lives! As funny as that may sound, there's some definite truth to it. This episode dives into why accountability is so important and how we can better understand it and the power behind it!
Feb 20, 202020:58
Do I react or do I respond?

Do I react or do I respond?

This episode is about 2 completely different actions but 2 extremely similar words! Listen in to understand the difference and to make sure you are choosing the right one!
Feb 13, 202012:54
Remembering Kobe Bryant

Remembering Kobe Bryant

This episode discusses the memory and legacy of Kobe Bryant, as well as his impact on those all around the world.
Jan 30, 202015:27
Don't settle!

Don't settle!

Ever have the feeling that you could have done more, or worked a bit harder, or put in more time to achieve something or get somewhere? Don't feel bad we all have! The good news is that we can learn from those moments and do our best to make sure that we don't have to feel that way again! We can strive to achieve and do our best and not settle for less than we want or deserve! Tune in to this episode to get encouraged not to give up, give in, or settle!
Jan 24, 202015:49
7 Great Resolutions you can make for 2020!

7 Great Resolutions you can make for 2020!

This episode dives into 7 Great Resolutions that can impact your 2020 in a large way! These are 7 simple, straightforward, yet powerful actions that can really make this year one of your best yet!
Jan 16, 202019:55
Your Holiday Best!

Your Holiday Best!

This episode explores how we are on the holidays, our feelings, thoughts, emotions and more, and how they tend to be our best! It dives into how we can understand why we feel this way, how we can take these best attributes and practice them continuously, and lastly make the time and effort to bring those things into a common occurrence that make you feel and be the best you!
Jan 03, 202012:39
Your attitude = Your direction

Your attitude = Your direction

This episode dives into how extremely important it is to keep your eyes on your attitude at all times! Tune into it and know where and what level it is at, because attitude truly plays a huge role in determining direction. So let's focus in on our 'tudes and watch where it takes us!
Dec 13, 201911:59
The Journey to...!

The Journey to...!

This episode shares a recent personal story and how it relates to life and the journey we all are on. We all are after something and have our own destinations and goals that we are set out to achieve. Keep pushing and persisting on to get there! The final destination and view is worth it!
Dec 05, 201916:10
Don't worry, don't stress!

Don't worry, don't stress!

This episode dives deep into 6 key things to remember on a daily basis that will allow us to eliminate stress! These 6 things will also keep stress at bay in our lives. Stress is the leading cause of numerous illnesses and diseases as well as doctor visits. If we all can practice more ways to reduce and eliminate stress, we WILL have better daily lives!
Nov 21, 201924:04
Get your Birds Eye view!

Get your Birds Eye view!

This episode dials in on understanding that not every moment is the end all be all. Many times we as humans get so caught up in life's day to day moments and situations that we think these small and sometimes meaningless things are so important. When in reality, in the bigger picture, they do not matter! This episode dives into having a different perspective on certain things which will free up time, energy, and stress from your life!
Nov 07, 201910:15
Spend time

Spend time

Happy Pre-Halloween everyone! This episode touches on taking time to spend time. Spending time with your family and friends, (loved ones) is what it's all about. So don't forget to take some time to spend some time this Halloween and weekend!
Oct 31, 201905:15
Persistence is Key!

Persistence is Key!

When we think back to our younger kid selves, many of us can remember a time where we REALLY wanted something. A toy, a game, etc. What did we do and how long did we persist until we got that thing we really wanted? As we are older now, I want you to ask yourself where that same level of persistence went? Has it diminished? Has it stayed the same? Has it increased? This episode dives into the power of that persistence and what we can accomplish if we just keep applying it!
Oct 24, 201912:05
Choose Happiness!

Choose Happiness!

This episode is a reminder that we GET to choose happiness everyday! We also get to define our own happiness and what that means to us as individuals. We must seek it out and practice it everyday!
Oct 17, 201907:36


This episode dives into the power, the Importance, and the significance of our decisions! And even on a daily basis! It also touches on helpful tips for streamlining certain decisions and becoming more efficient throughout each day!
Oct 10, 201922:06
No "Ragrets"!

No "Ragrets"!

This episode discusses the importance of continuing to strive forward and go after your dreams, goals, and things that you want in life! Don't sit and wish, but instead go after and achieve! No "Ragrets" in life!
Oct 03, 201911:39
What's the best advice you've ever received?

What's the best advice you've ever received?

This episode dives into some great pieces of advice given as well as some not so great pieces of advice given. It also discusses the all important factor of YOU the Individual deciding what advice you will apply and take and what you won't. The power and options are yours!
Sep 25, 201915:03
You and your thoughts!

You and your thoughts!

When was the last time you had some quiet time with just You and your thoughts? No other distractions, no interruptions, no loud noisy environments, just you in a quiet space with your thoughts. If you're still thinking about it, I think that's a problem! This episode is about the importance of taking some time for yourself to reflect and just think. Tune in to find out more!
Sep 12, 201906:16
The Emotional Power in your words!

The Emotional Power in your words!

This episode is all about understanding and being consciously aware of how our everyday phrases and vocabulary could be seriously impacting our emotions! Whether that be positively or negatively, that is up to you! Tune in to learn HOW this is the case and to find better alternatives for certain everyday words, phrases, and vocabulary.
Sep 06, 201912:52
What's the most pleasing 5 letter word??!

What's the most pleasing 5 letter word??!

This episode poses the question of what this 5 letter word is and how important it really is! If we don't forget to use it every week and every day it truly benefits us and so many others! So simple yet so pivotal! Listen in to find out what it is and remind yourself to use it!
Aug 29, 201905:04
Solutions solve problems!

Solutions solve problems!

In life when problems hit, we tend to get caught up on focusing on them versus finding the solutions to them! This episode is all about remembering to move past the problem and focus on the solutions!
Aug 22, 201906:54
Kindness...Pass it on!

Kindness...Pass it on!

We often times think that small gestures and acts of kindness don't mean much or do much. But, I beg to differ! We all hold the power to do small acts and gestures within us and they can truly change days, weeks and lives! It's called kindness! Let's not forget to pass it on or pay it forward! Th is episode is all about how we can do so and the impacts it can make!
Aug 15, 201909:42
Life's Championship Lessons

Life's Championship Lessons

Sports is always said to be able to transfer over to life. The lessons, the takeaways, the discipline and so on and so forth. What happens when we stop playing sports? Do we forget all about those lessons and teachings? Many times I feel that we do and forget to take those lessons with us. This episode is all about a refresher in sports life lessons and applying them to our daily lives!
Aug 01, 201921:11
The Bounce Back!

The Bounce Back!

This episode explains the importance of taking note of difficulties and challenges you have gone through and using them to your benefit and future success! These moments make you stronger and better!
Jul 25, 201905:57
The Power of No in our lives!

The Power of No in our lives!

This episode goes over the Importance of the word 'No' in our pursuit to be our best selves and get where we want to be in life.
Jul 18, 201908:38
Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

This short episode just reminds us to not forget our family traditions and routines that we share with each other on the 4th of July. It's always great to spend them with family and loved ones!
Jul 04, 201904:13